View Full Version : zyntex's Sale - Update --> 6th January <--

12-08-2012, 11:57 PM
For Sale

Title: Resident Evil 5 US Collector's Edition
Platform: Playstation 3
Region: US
Price: EUR 10 without Game and Steelbook /// EUR 25 complete
Condition: MINT
Detail conditions: MINT
Link to DB Entry: DB Entry (http://collectorsedition.org/game-db/resident-evil-5-collectors-edition-360-ntsc)

http://i.imagebanana.com/img/pm6oe6qx/thumb/re5.jpg (http://www.imagebanana.com/view/pm6oe6qx/re5.jpg)

Title: Resident Evil 6 Steelbook
Platform: Playstation 3 and XBOX 360
Region: GER
Price: EUR 10 each(!)
Condition: SEALED
Detail conditions: SEALED

http://i.imagebanana.com/img/5wgx9itf/thumb/re6sb.jpg (http://www.imagebanana.com/view/5wgx9itf/re6sb.jpg)

Title: R-Type Final pre-order Dogtag
Region: WORLD
Price: EUR 5
Condition: SEALED
Detail conditions: SEALED
Picture: Google Pictures to see what is inside (https://www.google.de/search?q=rtype+final+dogtag&rlz=1C1CHMO_deDE510DE510&sugexp=chrome,mod%3D8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=de&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=yMbDUJ2tCcfMswbt4oCwBw&biw=1920&bih=965&sei=ycbDUMTFNIzIswbH3YDABw#um=1&hl=de&tbo=d&rlz=1C1CHMO_deDE510DE510&tbm=isch&spell=1&q=r+type+final+dog+tag&sa=X&ei=ycbDUPDEOsb2sga-yoGYAw&ved=0CFEQBSgA&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=83813ad5babf61ea&bpcl=39650382&biw=1920&bih=965)

http://i.imagebanana.com/img/7w1ubz3x/thumb/rtpf.jpg (http://www.imagebanana.com/view/7w1ubz3x/rtpf.jpg)

Darksiders pre-order figurine from Australia - NEW/SEALED EUR 15

http://imageshack.us/a/img191/6526/drku.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/drku.jpg/)

Dante's Inferno pre-order figurine (in plastic bag) - NEW/SEALED EUR 10

God Of War III Ultimate Edition (Pandora's Box) UK Edition with Soundtracks of all Games on physical Disc (GoW I and II still sealed) - MINT EUR 55

The Darkness II Steelbook XBOX 360/PC size - NEW (but not sealed) EUR 15

Gradius III and IV US - MINT EUR 10

Devil May Cry PS2 Promo Disc in a Digipack (with lots of Art Work) - GOOD EUR 30

Devil May Cry 3 PS2 Promo Disc EUR 15

Final Fantasy XIII pre-order 2010 desk calendar - NEW EUR 10

Warhawk US Limited EDITON with Bluetooth Headset - MINT EUR 10

Duke Nukem Forever pre-order Sunglasses - NEW EUR 10


Duke Nukem Forever pre-order Basecap with bottle opener - NEW EUR 10


BRINK (really huge) pre-order Bandana - NEW EUR 12


Shipping Worldwide from Germany payment through Paypal.


Title: Darksiders Limited Edition
Status: Shipped and awaiting arrival.

Title: Alan Wake Flashlight/Torch from German Press Event
Status: Preparing shippment.

12-09-2012, 01:18 AM
just wondering, what would the shipping be one the resident evil 5 ce and darksiders ce to norway? might be interested in both

12-09-2012, 01:28 AM
just wondering, what would the shipping be one the resident evil 5 ce and darksiders ce to norway? might be interested in both

I think EUR 14 will do it since Norway is not in the EU (without tracking and insurance) but i made a mistake on that RE5 CE please check it again!

12-10-2012, 02:02 AM
Sent a PM about Darksiders LE, I see Evil was ahead of me but if he decides he doesn't want it I'll most likely buy it ;)

I have a seal 360 version of it but am dying to look at the cards (bit I don't want to unseal it), so this would be perfect. Plus I only own PS3 and wanted that version from the start.


12-10-2012, 02:22 AM
Sorry Evilhawk got the Darksiders LE.

12-16-2012, 05:11 PM
updated first post

01-03-2013, 07:49 PM
Added a lot of stuff in the first post, but not really sure how much I can take for it.
Since I'm in a hurry right now I will format it tomorrow to fit the rest.

Darksiders pre-order figurine from Australia - NEW/SEALED
Dante's Inferno pre-order figurine (in plastic bag) - NEW/SEALED
God Of War III Ultimate Edition (Pandora's Box) UK Edition with Soundtracks of all Games on physical Disc (GoW I and II still sealed) - MINT
GTA IV UK Collector's Edition PS3 - MINT
The Darkness II Steelbook XBOX 360/PC size - NEW (but not sealed)
Gradius III and IV US - MINT
Devil May Cry PS2 Promo Disc in a Digipack (with lots of Art Work) - GOOD (some damage but never saw one without)
Devil May Cry 3 PS2 Promo Disc
Final Fantasy XIII pre-order 2010 desk calendar - NEW
Alan Wake promo flashlight (from a german press event) - NEW
Warhawk US Limited EDITON with Bluetooth Headset - MINT

01-06-2013, 10:59 PM
Refreshed the first post.

01-08-2013, 07:15 PM
Removed some things and updated the prices!

01-08-2013, 07:34 PM
25 Euro for RE 5 CE? Complete wit steel and game?
Any chance to get if cheaper? maybe 20 Euro?

01-09-2013, 04:17 AM
How much would shipping cost to Scotland for the God of War III UE and the Darksiders figure together or separately if I decided against one?

01-09-2013, 11:27 PM
For the GoW 3 UE it would be EUR 15 to ship to Scotland (with transport insurance up to EUR 500).

The figurine alone would be something around EUR 8.

No prices I'm trying to make money with you can see them all on:

01-10-2013, 01:32 AM
I've sent you a pm lad.

01-10-2013, 02:16 AM
Thanks for the fast reply, I'll get back to you later today about it, I should be able to find that although I just found out I may need to unavoidably put out a 700GBP bill.

01-10-2013, 11:52 PM
Added pre-order stuff and pictures in the first post.

I got a lot PMs will go through them tomorrow.

01-11-2013, 11:42 AM
Thinking about it, I'd be able to take the God of War 3 UE off your hands for the asking price although I'll skip the Darksiders figure if that's okay with you.

If it is then just let me know how to send you payment and I'll get it done. :)