View Full Version : Uncharted 3 steelbook Italian v Belgium sticker book
01-17-2013, 11:50 PM
Can anyone tell me what sort of numbers these two variants were produced in? We're they single outlet bonuses?
01-17-2013, 11:56 PM
Well the belguim was 550 and was saturn exclusive I think. The italian one is atleast 5000 as I think at the time that was scanavo's minimum order size. Be best to ask jugo about that as I think he did a group buy.
01-18-2013, 12:00 AM
Well the belguim was 550 and was saturn exclusive I think. The italian one is atleast 5000 as I think at the time that was scanavo's minimum order size. Be best to ask jugo about that as I think he did a group buy.
Impressive Mr Dog - thanks for help :)
01-18-2013, 12:01 AM
What i dont understand is, why the killzone/uncharted stickerbook are not more valueable (yet), its a really lower number!
01-18-2013, 12:02 AM
Impressive Mr Dog - thanks for help :)
Hehe thanks. I have an inpressive memory for stuff like this just not for muh else.PM me if you have any more ND related questions a I'll either know or be able to find out the answer.
01-18-2013, 12:05 AM
Hehe thanks. I have an inpressive memory for stuff like this just not for muh else.PM me if you have any more ND related questions a I'll either know or be able to find out the answer.
You should change your title to official forum expert for Naughty Dog... ;)
Do you have a dog called Naughty??
01-18-2013, 12:07 AM
You should change your title to official forum expert for Naughty Dog... ;)
Do you have a dog called Naughty??
I'll defiantly do that once I get round to upgrading to site supporter ;)
I'm allergic to fur, but if I wasn't I would :D
01-18-2013, 12:08 AM
What i dont understand is, why the killzone/uncharted stickerbook are not more valueable (yet), its a really lower number!
Completely agree.
01-18-2013, 12:08 AM
What i dont understand is, why the killzone/uncharted stickerbook are not more valueable (yet), its a really lower number!
Smoke and mirrors.... The crazy world of steelbook collecting.
I love this enigma - the value does not, on the whole reflect the scarcity - it reflects the perceived scarcity and the desirability built around myth..
Smoke and mirrors
A bit like women walking into a bar - if the 'leader' of a group of guys passes a comment that she is desirable the other guys follow the lead and she ranks up a few notches on the overall desirability scale - men frequently find attractive women that other men have declared attractive whether they are or not...
01-18-2013, 12:09 AM
I'll defiantly do that once I get round to upgrading to site supporter ;)
I'm allergic to fur, but if I wasn't I would :D
Get a chihuahua - Mexican exclusive...
01-18-2013, 12:10 AM
Smoke and mirrors.... The crazy world of steelbook collecting.
I love this enigma - the value does not, on the whole reflect the scarcity - it reflects the perceived scarcity and the desirability built around myth..
Smoke and mirrors
A bit like women walking into a bar - if the 'leader' of a group of guys passes a comment that she is desirable the other guys follow the lead and she ranks up a few notches on the overall desirability scale - men frequently find attractive women that other men have declared attractive whether they are or not...
Wise words especially compared to my 'Completely agree'. Like mirrors edge compared to NFS. So much more common.
01-18-2013, 12:11 AM
Get a chihuahua - Mexican exclusive...
We have lizards? Does that count?
01-18-2013, 12:16 AM
We have lizards? Does that count?
Are they called Nate and Chloe??
01-18-2013, 12:19 AM
Are they called Nate and Chloe??
Lol, no unfortunatly. No love for elena Red?
01-18-2013, 12:33 AM
Lol, no unfortunatly. No love for elena Red?
I prefer Elena over Chloe any day... Chloe's a trouble maker... It's the reason she's been given dark hair while Elena is all blond hair and blue eyes....
01-18-2013, 01:06 AM
Jugo's original group buy for the belgian stickerbooks
In it jugo claims that 550 copies were produced of each stickerbook
He also states that he has verified that the stickerbooks are real authentic steelbooks produced by Scanovo
Ipso Facto I believe whoever jugo contacted at scanovo gave away the number produced even though they're not really supposed to :D
For the Italian steelbook,
I believe the MOQ (Minimum order quantity) has been vastly reduced in the last couple of years
It used to be at bare minimum 4000 at one point but I do not remember where I saw that although it seemed like it was a legitimate source
However there was a steelbook produced exclusively to be sold at comic-con last year for the movie sucker punch
It was limited to 900 copies I believe but it is most certainly 1000 or less and this is most certainly not a stickerbook but a true steelbook
Hence the MOQ has most likely come down to around 1000 or so
Therefore I think steelie collecting might get interesting in the next couple years ;)
Also Elena is far hotter than chloe :banana:
01-18-2013, 01:15 AM
Thanks for the link back Swifty - got me right up to speed on this one now :) :thumb:
01-18-2013, 01:23 AM
Smoke and mirrors.... The crazy world of steelbook collecting.
I love this enigma - the value does not, on the whole reflect the scarcity - it reflects the perceived scarcity and the desirability built around myth..
Smoke and mirrors
A bit like women walking into a bar - if the 'leader' of a group of guys passes a comment that she is desirable the other guys follow the lead and she ranks up a few notches on the overall desirability scale - men frequently find attractive women that other men have declared attractive whether they are or not...
Yes I totally agree with this
I've gotten a couple extra copies of the belgian killzone stickerbook and while I've managed to sell two so far, I think they're worth far more than I'm asking considering what people pay for SSX and Ken's Rage etc. and how much rarer it is then those
Honestly I think the average steelbook collector doesn't know anything about these steelbooks and therefore doesn't consider them rare
I mean with the dead island stickerbook being so popular you would think people would understand that more stickerbooks have been produced sigh
01-18-2013, 01:29 AM
Yes I totally agree with this
I've gotten a couple extra copies of the belgian killzone stickerbook and while I've managed to sell two so far, I think they're worth far more than I'm asking considering what people pay for SSX and Ken's Rage etc. and how much rarer it is then those
Honestly I think the average steelbook collector doesn't know anything about these steelbooks and therefore doesn't consider them rare
I mean with the dead island stickerbook being so popular you would think people would understand that more stickerbooks have been produced sigh
One really good listing on eBay that goes high worldwide and all the collectors will be crying out for them...
When I was new to collecting steels a steelbook for black ops was listed on eBay uk that looked a little weird to me so didn't bid. Think it went for about 22 Gbp. I now know it was the mediamaarkt Nl exclusive..
I still see the listing in my mind in the stilly watches of the night.... :facepalm:
01-18-2013, 01:41 AM
mag i just missed out on brink steelbook that went for like 10gbp because u were not online to bid for me :(
01-18-2013, 01:44 AM
mag i just missed out on brink steelbook that went for like 10gbp because u were not online to bid for me :(
Maybe I know who got it... ;)
01-18-2013, 02:02 AM
Maybe I know who got it... ;)
Oh Mags I always wonder how many steelbooks go through your house on their way to their final destination :haha:
Of course I'm the same way......
01-18-2013, 02:07 AM
MOQ is the same as before. Stickerbooks have smaller MOQ. So in general stickerbooks are made in much smaller batches and are rarer.
For runs smaller than MOQ (ie. 1k) it is a special arrangement but for those they use the metal that did not pass QC :lmao:
As for price it is due to hype more than anything. The average steelbook collector just bases the rarity on what they read and have no idea on what is really rare. They wait for info so if there's no info then it doesn't register on their radar. Once the news gets out then you'll see prices shoot up.
01-18-2013, 02:16 AM
You serious about the metal not passing QC?
If it was anyone else I would assume it's a joke but you do have some pretty good scanovo connections :think:
01-18-2013, 02:20 AM
You serious about the metal not passing QC?
If it was anyone else I would assume it's a joke but you do have some pretty good scanovo connections :think:
Yeah not that the metal is defective but it just didn't pass the high QC standards.
01-18-2013, 02:21 AM
So then is the standard steelbook MOQ around 4000?
It's been a while since I've seen someone say it that seemed reputable
01-18-2013, 02:38 AM
4000 is G2. G1 is 8000. Those are MOQ for actual steelbooks. Stickerbooks have lower MOQ.
In the past the publishers/retailers weren't sure on steelbook popularity so orders were smaller. Now the runs are much bigger.
Sad to say I doubt any of the current/recent releases will ever be rare.
01-18-2013, 02:39 AM
I still think country exclusive steelbooks are printed in low numbers (battlefield norway steelbook?!)
01-18-2013, 02:52 AM
I still think country exclusive steelbooks are printed in low numbers (battlefield norway steelbook?!)
Lower but they still need to meet the MOQ. And you have to understand that information is only based on whether it is made available.
For example, Spain announce a stickerbook limited to 500 copies. That just means they get 500 copies. It does not mean there are 500 copies. You can see a classic example in dead island stickerbook. Spain announced 500 copies? Nobody from italy updated that they get it as well. Everyone assumes only 500 copies and the price skyrocketed at release.
Anyway I think a run of 10k is still considered small as most of them will be given to suckers who wreck the steelbook or don't want to sell. Ultimately not many get released to international collectors. Mint ones even less.
01-18-2013, 03:16 AM
4000 is G2. G1 is 8000. Those are MOQ for actual steelbooks. Stickerbooks have lower MOQ.
In the past the publishers/retailers weren't sure on steelbook popularity so orders were smaller. Now the runs are much bigger.
Sad to say I doubt any of the current/recent releases will ever be rare.
Ha so G2 steelbooks naturally have the ability to be rarer :D
Love me some G2's
So then lemur to your knowledge has any real printed videogame steelbook been made like the comic con sucker punch comic (i.e. less than the MOQ mark?)
01-18-2013, 03:39 AM
Ha so G2 steelbooks naturally have the ability to be rarer :D
Love me some G2's
So then lemur to your knowledge has any real printed videogame steelbook been made like the comic con sucker punch comic (i.e. less than the MOQ mark?)
Of course! G2 is way better anyway :thumb:
For video games nope. Those are all movie releases.
01-18-2013, 08:07 AM
Wow, this has turned into an interesting thread.
01-18-2013, 08:15 AM
Jugo's original group buy for the belgian stickerbooks
In it jugo claims that 550 copies were produced of each stickerbook
He also states that he has verified that the stickerbooks are real authentic steelbooks produced by Scanovo
Ipso Facto I believe whoever jugo contacted at scanovo gave away the number produced even though they're not really supposed to :D
For the Italian steelbook,
I believe the MOQ (Minimum order quantity) has been vastly reduced in the last couple of years
It used to be at bare minimum 4000 at one point but I do not remember where I saw that although it seemed like it was a legitimate source
However there was a steelbook produced exclusively to be sold at comic-con last year for the movie sucker punch
It was limited to 900 copies I believe but it is most certainly 1000 or less and this is most certainly not a stickerbook but a true steelbook
Hence the MOQ has most likely come down to around 1000 or so
Therefore I think steelie collecting might get interesting in the next couple years ;)
Also Elena is far hotter than chloe :banana:
I got info from Scanavo not too long ago.
MOQ for G2 steels is 4000, G1 is slightly higher if I remember correctly. Same goes for Jumbos of the steels, I assume.
MOQ for stickerbooks (regardless of G1/G2) is 2000.
They will do smaller runs if asked, but obviously for a run of only 500, the cost price per steelbook will be much higher than a run of 10000.
Also, in regards to the SDCC Sucker Punch Steelbook, that's limited to 1000, is G1 only, and yes, it is a real steelbook - I own one ;) xx
01-18-2013, 08:20 AM
Yeah 550 seems the most likely. Even if it's double still rare.
So swifty you go for the 'white bread, picket fence type'? ;)
she's defiantly far hotter.
01-18-2013, 06:06 PM
Yeah 550 seems the most likely. Even if it's double still rare.
So swifty you go for the 'white bread, picket fence type'? ;)
she's defiantly far hotter.
Ummm yes?
Not entirely sure how to quantify the 'white bread, picket fence type' in my mind but if it's elena then yes, I do "go" for that :P
And yes she is far hotter.....
But one of my new years resolutions should probably be to not think so much about attractive video game females as people keep telling me they're not real.....
01-18-2013, 06:30 PM
Ummm yes?
Not entirely sure how to quantify the 'white bread, picket fence type' in my mind but if it's elena then yes, I do "go" for that :P
And yes she is far hotter.....
But one of my new years resolutions should probably be to not think so much about attractive video game females as people keep telling me they're not real.....
'People keep telling me they're not real'... You mean your girlfriend keeps telling you you're lusting after pixels....
01-18-2013, 06:30 PM
Wow, this has turned into an interesting thread.
Thanks :D :rotf: :clap:
01-18-2013, 06:35 PM
Ummm yes?
Not entirely sure how to quantify the 'white bread, picket fence type' in my mind but if it's elena then yes, I do "go" for that :P
And yes she is far hotter.....
But one of my new years resolutions should probably be to not think so much about attractive video game females as people keep telling me they're not real.....
You clearly weren't paying enough attention in U2 (nepal where nate and chloe meet elena and jeff)...
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