01-20-2013, 06:23 PM
HELLO to everybody on CE.ORG!!! I am badabing0811, and I just joined CE.ORG to get help in finding Steelbooks for my Xbox 360 game collection. I live in Baltimore, Maryland in the United States as you can see in my profile page. I have a PERFECT record on EBAY with a Positive Feedback rating of 100% with a score of 430 so far!!! I have been on EBAY since November 28, 2007, and I buy quite a bit of collectibles for my Xbox and Xbox 360 games. I got my first Steelbook a long time ago, and it was PERFECT DARK ZERO for my Xbox 360. I currently have 12 Steelbooks, but NONE of them are PERFECT, which is one reason why I joined CE.ORG. I am trying to find PERFECT Steelbooks for my Xbox 360 game collection, so I hope to get help in finding them here as soon as I get verified on CE.ORG. I hope to have fun here on CE.ORG, and I hope to make many Friends here on CE.ORG, and I am also on HI-DEF NINJA under my same name here on CE.ORG. I see some of my Friends from HI-DEF NINJA here on CE.ORG, and that should make it easier for me to get verified. My EBAY FEEDBACK page link will help in showing proof that I am who I say I am, and that I can be trusted. THANK YOU to everybody who will take their time in helping me locate my Steelbooks that I will be looking for.