View Full Version : Hi from a new collector!

02-10-2013, 05:07 PM

My name is Clusks. So after years of being a poor student and 6 months spend in Canada, I decided it was a good time to start my own games collection; something I've been wanting to do for years! So with my first full-time job I'm having to restrain myself from buying all the games I want! I'm from the UK and stumbled on this website by accident when trying to search for special editions of consoles.

I'm just starting out at the moment, but I've managed to get quite a few things I'm very happy with! I managed to get a copy of Hyrule Historia for ?16 and I'm almost worried about reading it, as it's so good (and will skyrocket in value, hopefully!)

I also bought Ni No Kuni White Wizard edition recently, yet don't have a PS3 to play on, but I feel that with all the hype around the game I may need to invest. It'd also be nice to play a lot of the PS3 games I've always wanted to play, but never had a chance to experience.

Here in the UK there is a blue/red 500gb PS3 coming out with two controllers soon, but there's also a God of War special edition. I was wondering if anyone could advise me, from a collector's point of view, which would be the better option? I've linked them both at the bottom! It's a little bit annoying getting one so close to the new consoles, which is why I wouldn't mind it being something that can be part of a collection!

So, I'm sure this forum will be a great place to help build my collection and I look forward to joining in a lot more! :bunny:



02-10-2013, 06:32 PM
I would take the GoW if you want to get that game anyway, and if you fan of the game.. But it is only the controller that is GoW skin on.. The ps3 is just white..

While the blue 1 you get 2 controller... So it depend if you want a extra controlller, or pay 10 poud more and get the game and that the controller is with GoW skin.. :)

Dont really think any different as collector view on it :p As the console is just blue or white.. And I think you can buy that GoW controller by it self too :p

02-10-2013, 06:38 PM
Generally these have gone up in value so you're safe with all of them. The GOW would be my preference.