View Full Version : 18" Normandy SR-2 Ship Replica

02-12-2013, 09:30 PM
Thanks Treehouse_Ryan for the heads up


The final price of this item is $300, so you will have to pay a balance of $150 plus shipping when the item becomes available.

Pre-order ($150 deposit) (http://biowarestore.com/18-inch-normandy-sr-2-ship-replica-deposit.html)

02-12-2013, 09:37 PM
Looks nice

Might want to add that the price is 300 USD

A bit expensive for something like that as 1500 isn't super limited but will probably pick it up if it doesn't sell out before I can pay for it :P

Edit: Price Fixed

02-12-2013, 09:45 PM
Looks nice

Might want to add that the price is 300 USD

A bit expensive for something like that as 1500 isn't super limited but will probably pick it up if it doesn't sell out before I can pay for it :P

Fixed :D

Edit: 150 is the pre order deposit I added the info to the post.

02-12-2013, 09:48 PM
Fixed :D

Edit: 150 is the pre order deposit I added the info to the post.

Sorry about that.

Was never very good at reading comprehension :P

Now seems a bit expensive to me although I guess it is a good size at 18"

02-12-2013, 09:50 PM
Looks nice

Might want to add that the price is 300 USD

A bit expensive for something like that as 1500 isn't super limited but will probably pick it up if it doesn't sell out before I can pay for it :P

Edit: Price Fixed

I'm thinking the same :thumb:

02-12-2013, 10:20 PM
Do we have an ETA for this? This year is getting expensive for me with figures and statues! >.< Hoping for a September or later release...? *hint-hint* ;) :beg:

02-12-2013, 10:28 PM
The current estimated ship date is August/September 2013.

02-12-2013, 10:35 PM
Ah that's cool then! :D Doesn't seem to show that on the mobile version of the site! Lol

02-13-2013, 09:01 AM
Fucking treehouse and their expensive items that I can't affordI

A pox on you all :-)

02-13-2013, 09:03 AM
Forgot to say that 365 have a small version of this for about 20quid.

I think mine is on the way.

02-13-2013, 10:20 PM
I spotted this earlier, meant to post it.

Like others have said it's expensive and import duty will be a bitch.....I'll wait to see if forbidden planet get it in.

02-14-2013, 01:39 AM
I'm passing on this one. It's cool, I suppose. It's just not for me.

02-14-2013, 10:56 AM
Get the wee version from 365games. Its lovely.http://www.365games.co.uk/video-game-collectables/mass-effect-sx3-alliance-fighter-replica

They also do a small version of the dead space plasma cutter. Out of stock on that one sorry.

02-21-2013, 02:14 AM
Think most are taking a pass on this one, but I saw an ad today for a much better price if anyone is interested -- and payment is not taken until it ships. If you're still within 2 weeks of placing an order, this could save you a nice chunk of change. Still not sure about this, even at this price though...


02-21-2013, 07:16 PM
Think most are taking a pass on this one, but I saw an ad today for a much better price if anyone is interested -- and payment is not taken until it ships. If you're still within 2 weeks of placing an order, this could save you a nice chunk of change. Still not sure about this, even at this price though...


For the record, the 2 week cancellation is intended to be more bark than bite. We say that to encourage people to mean it when they order, but we're flexible about giving people their full amount back. I'm not saying we won't keep the 20% ever, but if you ask really nicely, or are a little past the 2 weeks, or have a good story we'll usually work with you about it....

02-21-2013, 07:20 PM
Hi Ryan. :D

Is this going to be exclusively available from Bioware store, or is there going to be any retailers selling this in the UK? Also, is it only going to be shipped from your US warehouse? Would be nice if it was being shipped from somewhere closer to home to hopefully avoid customs fees and expensive postage costs. lol

Thanks! :D

02-21-2013, 07:29 PM
Hi Ryan. :D

Is this going to be exclusively available from Bioware store, or is there going to be any retailers selling this in the UK? Also, is it only going to be shipped from your US warehouse? Would be nice if it was being shipped from somewhere closer to home to hopefully avoid customs fees and expensive postage costs. lol

Thanks! :D

Not exclusive. Dark Horse produced these on their own (so we have no control over pricing or design, etc). We work with them a lot, and we have the benefit of being the official store, so we get first crack usually, and they give us more of however many are produced than anywhere else is able to get, but they'll definitely be available outside of just us.

Will only be shipped from the US as it currently stands, but September is a while away yet, so that _could_ change. We're actually getting ready to close our UK distribution very soon and try to regroup, but I don't know where we'll be by the time these things ship, so while it's possible we could have something nicer in place I wouldn't count on it....

Forbidden Planet will probably have them, and I completely understand why you'd want to get it from them instead of us.

02-21-2013, 07:37 PM
Ah fair enough! :D The "Only at Bioware Store" threw me off a little. XD I ad a feeling that Dark Horse were doing these, like they did the smaller ones, but thought I would throw the question out there. :D

I'll keep an eye out for Forbidden Planet listing them. They also have the the Sovereign Reaper available which works out to be significantly cheaper than importing, so would be more beneficial for me to order from them. If not I might be able to order one through a local independent retailer from Diamond Distribution. :D

Anyway, thanks for your response and for keeping us all updated. :D

02-21-2013, 07:47 PM
Ah fair enough! :D The "Only at Bioware Store" threw me off a little. XD I ad a feeling that Dark Horse were doing these, like they did the smaller ones, but thought I would throw the question out there. :D

We've been re-using that little strip because I like the scripty font, but you're right, we probably shouldn't have put that on there. We had the exclusive for a little while, so the day it was posted it was true, but I can see now how it's a little misleading and doesn't hold up over time....

02-21-2013, 09:19 PM
Just for everyone's knowledge: is your pricing always final or is there a chance that you'll match a competitor on non-exclusive items?

02-21-2013, 09:21 PM
For the record, the 2 week cancellation is intended to be more bark than bite. We say that to encourage people to mean it when they order, but we're flexible about giving people their full amount back. I'm not saying we won't keep the 20% ever, but if you ask really nicely, or are a little past the 2 weeks, or have a good story we'll usually work with you about it....

I think that's very fair, particularly since the 2 week window is made crystal clear up-front. It can certainly help you to earn a little praise and recognition to go easy on us poor collectors from time to time :) .

02-21-2013, 10:50 PM
Just for everyone's knowledge: is your pricing always final or is there a chance that you'll match a competitor on non-exclusive items?
Nothing's absolute, but generally we only lower prices to clear out slow selling items. For one thing, as the official store, we can't be aggressive and undercut other sellers by going below the set retail prices. But if someone else is lower, it's probably due to some circumstances we can't really match anyway (maybe they're Amazon or Gamestop and they're operating at a level of scale that we can't touch without losing money on every sale, or maybe they're a tiny store that only has a few to sell and are just trying to make a splash, etc). That said, we certainly always try to be reasonable, so if we're the _only_ ones selling something at a higher price or something, we'll do our best to work it out.

It seems a little twisted, but the deals that we make to be the "Official" stores usually mean we're paying more to the game companies than competitors do, so we often have less wiggle room on price on the non-exclusive items....