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Want To Buy Assassin's Creed Steelbooks
I would like to start collecting steel books now solely for Assassin's Creed.
Could someone tell me how many of them exist? or a list of the AC steel books.
well, I'm sure some of them are rare and hard to find, but at least I want to know what are the steel books to collect.
If someone is selling affordable price of any assassin's creed steel books.
Please let me know.
02-16-2013, 02:04 PM
Here are the steelbooks from me
Steelbook / Steelbox
More Detail
Assassins Creed
Preorder Steelbox
Limited Edition Steelbox
Directors Cut Steelbook [UK]
Placeholder for Missing Steelbox:rotf:
Assassins Creed II
Master Assassin Edition [US]
Placeholder for Missing FNAC Spain Stickerbook:rotf:
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Placeholder for Missing Mediamarkt Neatherlands Stickerbook:rotf:
Assassins Creed Revelations
Micromania Steelbook [France]
Assassins Creed III
Preorder Steelbook [Germany with Slipcase UK without]
Preorder Alex Ross Steelbook [US]
Freedom Edition Steelbook
Futureshop Steelbook [CA]
Futureshop Libertation Jumbo G2 Steelbook
Collection Steelbooks
Ezio Triology Steelbook [DE]
Futureshop AC Collection [CA]
Anthology Steelbook [EU]
Now the other ones
Assassins Creed 1 Canada exclusiv (Limited to 15000)
Ebay (
Assassins Creed Brotherhood Asia collector edition
Assassins Creed Brotherhood Stickerbook(Mediamarkt Neatherlands)
cant find the pic Ingmar has one
Assassins Creed II Stickerbook (FNAC Spain) steelbook_full2.jpg
Ebay (
02-16-2013, 02:07 PM
Heya! if you want a list of all videogame steelbooks you should spent a few years on the web tracking all them.... just consider that each videogame now comes out with more than one steel, sometimes 5 or more. here is a list with most of them, but many are missing or incorrect
even assassin's creed are a lot and probably there are unknown ones from stores in some parts of the world. here I can give you a list of the ones which are known
-AC1 pre-order pack
numbered jumbo steel given to who preordered the game. was also given inside a korean edition and as case for a french press kit. you can easily get one on ebay for 40-50 euro. probably 50000 of this exist.
-AC1 Director's Cut Steelbook Edition
regular G1 steel given with game inside. was sold only in UK. this too is often sold on ebay for less than 20 euro. _full2.jpg
-AC1 pre-sell kit
rare steel a bit smaller than the pre-order pack. given only in Canada as preorder to who bought the game through EBGames. it's limited to 15000 pieces. there's one right now on ebay for 100 euro but you can get one for much less, got mine for 25 euro.
-AC2 Stickerbook Edition
spanish preorder bonus for buying game at Fnac. as most of the stickerbooks it's very rare and expensive, you can get one on ebay for about 200 euro. steelbook_full2.jpg
-AC Brotherhood asian CE
jumbo steel that was the only Collectors Edition of the game in Asia. it's very difficult to get one here but many are still for sale on asian marketplaces.
-Trilogy steelbook
G1 steelbook sold on or given as preorder bonus on JB Hi-Fi in Australia. you can get one on ebay for 50-100 euro or on for 75 euro.
-AC Brotherhood MediaMarkt stickerbook
rarest of AC steels, another preorder bonus for MediaMarkt stores in the Netherlands. it's almost impossible to find, two went for sale on ebay up to now and one more on this forum.
-AC Revelations preorder steelbook
bonus given on Micromania in France, you can get one on ebay for 20-50 euro.
-Collection Steelbook
canadian Futureshop store preorder bonus, easy to find everywhere and if you want I have one for sale
-AC3 steelbook
two versions of this exist, the first was given as preorder bonus almost everywhere in US and Canada, the second was bundled with the Freedom Edition of the game and as bonus on Walmart retail stores and it's a bit more rare. it's slightly different from the other one as cover art is higher quality with glossy painting. both can be easily found on ebay for 10-30 euro.
-AC3 Futureshop steelbook
preorder bonus given on Futureshop Canada, easy to get for 20-30 euro on ebay
-AC3 hmv steelbook
this was supposed to be exclusive to UK hmv stores but at the end was given also by Expert in Germany and bundled with a limited edition in Poland. ebay this time too, you can get it for 20-30 euro.
-Anthology Steelbook
G1/G2 steel only given inside the Anthology edition. it shouldn't be very rare so don't trust guys on ebay selling it for 150 euro.
-AC Liberation Futureshop steelbook
tiny steel give to who preordered the game in Canada through that website, it doesn't have space for discs inside but only fits the entire case of the game. ebay, 20-30 euro.
02-16-2013, 02:17 PM
Damn Martin you were faster :hammer:
could you pm me I can't find your email and I still have something to send you :sorry:
02-16-2013, 02:53 PM
Damn Martin you were faster :hammer:
could you pm me I can't find your email and I still have something to send you :sorry:
First i was asking me why did he post the same thing like me :D
02-16-2013, 05:31 PM
You all missed the freedom edition steelbook
And the ac3 ateelbook info given is wrong
There are 2 versions
Both where available in USA
02-16-2013, 05:35 PM
You all missed the freedom edition steelbook
And the ac3 ateelbook info given is wrong
There are 2 versions
Both where available in USA
I wrote that Lily :P
02-16-2013, 05:38 PM
You all missed the freedom edition steelbook
And the ac3 ateelbook info given is wrong
There are 2 versions
Both where available in USA
i have both in my list :D
02-16-2013, 08:19 PM
look my collection !
Thanks for the post and for all the offer,
If someone wants to sell Steel (Sealed, I prefer) feel free to send me a PM.
I'm aware of the 2 steel books for AC3. and they differ on the colour. which one is from the freedom edition again?
Edit: Does the steel book from Freedom Edition sealed??
02-18-2013, 06:52 AM
Thanks for the post and for all the offer,
If someone wants to sell Steel (Sealed, I prefer) feel free to send me a PM.
I'm aware of the 2 steel books for AC3. and they differ on the colour. which one is from the freedom edition again?
There are actually 4 steelbooks for AC3 and all 4 could be obtained sealed :D
The silver Alex ross steelbook (lower left) is from the freedom edition
And here are most of the other AC Steelbooks
I am missing the netherlands stickerbook, AC Liberation Jumbo and AC Anthology steelbook but have the AC 1 PC steelbook
The other :quote:steelbooks:quote: mentioned are in fact just metal tins and not actually steelbook branded steelbooks if that matters to you
There may also be an asian jumbo steelbook for AC brotherhood but have never had it verified as an actual steelbook
Hope this helps
02-18-2013, 10:17 AM
:) Funny i Post all Steelbooks with pictures , Name and Where from:D
Did you read and Look in my reply ?
Thanks for the post guys, it gives me idea of the steel books to collect.
But I only managed to get 3 at the moment (decent price).
anyone willing to sell theirs, please let me know.
I prefer sealed and affordable price.. THanks.
02-18-2013, 04:44 PM
:) Funny i Post all Steelbooks with pictures , Name and Where from:D
Did you read and Look in my reply ?
I saw your reply, jaks too
And while they both have really good information, I thought it was worth mentioning which ones were actually steelbooks as that's what op asked for :P
Course I'm a steel junkie so I'm prob just reading too much into it
02-19-2013, 01:34 AM
Damn get over it
5 people tried to help
We where all right and wrong in varying amounts
With varying amounts of accuracy
Some very detailed
Some simple
02-19-2013, 05:27 AM
Hahahaha :quote:
anyone selling Sealed of this ? _full2.jpg
Edit: I prefer G1 and sealed.
this liberation steel book,
just want to confirm, do they sell this Sealed?
because one seller told me that this never sold sealed.
Please confirm.
02-19-2013, 05:21 PM
this liberation steel book,
just want to confirm, do they sell this Sealed?
because one seller told me that this never sold sealed.
Please confirm.
My Libertation is sealed
look @ my pic you can see it a little bit in the corner ;)
And the Directors Cut Steelbook i think there only exsist G1
Or not? Anyone who know that?
A original sealed one is hard to find
Here is a used one
Ebay (
I'm quite confused, about the Liberation steelbook.
biscuitnoir told me that these were never sealed from the manufacturer.
His price is affordable, but I really want sealed.
Please advice.
02-26-2013, 03:22 PM
I'm quite confused, about the Liberation steelbook.
biscuitnoir told me that these were never sealed from the manufacturer.
His price is affordable, but I really want sealed.
Please advice.
Hey LEx
Liberation was NEVER sealed - was Futureshop only and unsealed on release so any sealed ones have been sealed by resellers :)
I have a sealed Freedom one - the Walmart one - which was the only sealed variant of the silvered one :)
Thanks marg for the info.
apparently, I already managed to bought those items you offered (mint/sealed).
as of now, I'm only looking for the Assassin's Creed Directors Cut Edition, preferably sealed/mint.
and other rare steel books but not my priority as of now.
02-26-2013, 03:40 PM
Thanks marg for the info.
apparently, I already managed to bought those items you offered (mint/sealed).
as of now, I'm only looking for the Assassin's Creed Directors Cut Edition, preferably sealed/mint.
and other rare steel books but not my priority as of now.
No problem :)
02-26-2013, 05:42 PM
Hey LEx
Liberation was NEVER sealed - was Futureshop only and unsealed on release so any sealed ones have been sealed by resellers :)
I have a sealed Freedom one - the Walmart one - which was the only sealed variant of the silvered one :)
Good to know
thanks mag
Celex i got mine sealed from here (
02-26-2013, 09:28 PM
Good to know
thanks mag
Celex i got mine sealed from here (
King Beardo is a massive steelbook seller on eBay Canada and would have got these from futureshop Canada so must have sealed post purchase...
There is another seller who is called bigtimesolutions or something like that who also seals which is no bad thing as it protects them better but can be confusing... I have a sealed Duke Nukem and Sleeping Dogs - these were never sealed by futureshop...
02-27-2013, 03:43 AM
King Beardo is a massive steelbook seller on eBay Canada and would have got these from futureshop Canada so must have sealed post purchase...
There is another seller who is called bigtimesolutions or something like that who also seals which is no bad thing as it protects them better but can be confusing... I have a sealed Duke Nukem and Sleeping Dogs - these were never sealed by futureshop...
Yes I wondered about Duke Nukem as I saw a couple :quote:sealed:quote: copies pop up here and there
Was FS Ghost Recon ever Sealed?
Too bad, I already bought liberation steel, Mint condition but wasn't sealed.
I will just cover it with steelbook protective sleeves.
Still Looking for:
Assassin's Creed Director's Cut SteelBook (Sealed or Mind Condition - as long as no visible scratch or dent)
02-27-2013, 11:47 AM
Yes I wondered about Duke Nukem as I saw a couple :quote:sealed:quote: copies pop up here and there
Was FS Ghost Recon ever Sealed?
Nope - nor the Aus CE version...
Scanovo were asking on FB the other day what people would like to see in steels... I said it was not so much 'in' as 'on' - should be encouraging all preorder bonus steels to be sealed from manufacture... :beg:
02-27-2013, 03:52 PM
Nope - nor the Aus CE version...
Scanovo were asking on FB the other day what people would like to see in steels... I said it was not so much 'in' as 'on' - should be encouraging all preorder bonus steels to be sealed from manufacture... :beg:
Good to know the collectors voice is being heard :D
I should really keep a better eye on their fb page
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