View Full Version : WTB > Assassin's Creed DLC

02-27-2013, 04:28 PM
Want To Buy Assassin's Creed DLC
Platform: PC
Condition: New / Mint

I'm looking for any Assassin's Creed series DLC.
I am actually looking for the physical item/Card. I want new and mint condition.

PS: I'm wondering how many DLC exist for Assassins Creed? any list I can find?

DLC for PC only,


02-27-2013, 07:33 PM
Your other want-to-buy thread has been closed. http://collectorsedition.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10989

1 active thread at a time please.

Request a thread closure before starting a new one.

Do not have more than one active want-to-buy thread at a time. (To help Enforce this threads will automatically be closed after 30 days of inactivity)

Marketplace Rules, please read :

02-28-2013, 06:25 AM
Your other want-to-buy thread has been closed. http://collectorsedition.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10989

1 active thread at a time please.

Request a thread closure before starting a new one.

Do not have more than one active want-to-buy thread at a time. (To help Enforce this threads will automatically be closed after 30 days of inactivity)

Marketplace Rules, please read :

will do that next time.

WTB > Thanks for the offers and PM, but please keep in mind I only want PC format

03-02-2013, 09:03 AM
I would like to request Thread closure or you can delete this.

I want to make a new (Final) thread for my wanted items.

03-02-2013, 03:50 PM
I would like to request Thread closure or you can delete this.

I want to make a new (Final) thread for my wanted items.

I could be wrong but I am guessing you should PM him about it instead of thinking he visits your thread often.

03-02-2013, 06:10 PM
I would like to request Thread closure or you can delete this.

I want to make a new (Final) thread for my wanted items.

Please report a thread to be closed, using the red triangle report button (top right of every post). I could have mistakenly given you an infraction had you gone ahead and made another one.

Simply typing it, how will we know that's what you want to do? I just happened to read it this time.
