View Full Version : bioshock infinite steelbook
02-27-2013, 10:53 PM
anyone know which retailers are gonna get one?
I have an order down on a songbird, but i do like me some steelbook action.
02-28-2013, 01:31 PM
You can get one from for pre-ordering the game for xbox360 or PS3.
It seems like there will be two different sizes an employee from gamestop germany told me something like that but I can't promise that this is correct but it looked like when he looked into their system that there two different sizes.
02-28-2013, 01:52 PM
futureshop canada will also get one
03-07-2013, 11:23 PM
Is there any news on a g2 version,is this confirmed?If so I'll order ps3 version from gamestop
03-14-2013, 04:23 PM
Anyone able to confirm theres only two versions of the Bioshock Infinite steelbook???I ask because i found a pic of third & if its real,me want.
03-14-2013, 05:02 PM
screenshot on the back, really?
03-14-2013, 05:02 PM
Lol This looks really awesome o.O
03-14-2013, 05:27 PM
screenshot on the back, really?
Yeh,i know its a screenshot but most gameshops only show screenshots of steelbooks. Question is wether its for real & from where.
Lol This looks really awesome o.O
Agreed,if this things real i think its better than the other two versions
03-14-2013, 06:47 PM
Where did you find this pic? maybe its a EBGames Steel???
03-14-2013, 09:59 PM
I bought one off ebay this morning, seller claims its from gamestop. Price was so cheap, thought it was worth the risk.
03-16-2013, 04:56 AM
that "3rd variant" looks like fan art made..i doubt it exists.
03-16-2013, 06:48 AM
These are taken directly from the FS forums. Looks cool to me. Sorry if this is a report.
03-18-2013, 07:25 PM
I bought one off ebay this morning, seller claims its from gamestop. Price was so cheap, thought it was worth the risk.
But you bought this new steel? Or the classic cloudy steel...
Can't find this anywhere...
03-21-2013, 02:07 PM
Guys theres also this steel book if you guys haven't realized, I ordered it online so I will get it soon, can't wait to get my hands on this steelbook
03-21-2013, 02:23 PM
hey darkness we all know that one. It is released in whole europe
03-21-2013, 06:55 PM
My bad then, I didn't realize, I like this one better, plus hopefully it's G2 size for my PS3 collection because ME3 and AC3 stand out so much -___-
03-21-2013, 09:23 PM
Anyone able to confirm theres only two versions of the Bioshock Infinite steelbook???I ask because i found a pic of third & if its real,me want.
People do mock ups all the time... this looks like one.
03-21-2013, 09:25 PM
Guys theres also this steel book if you guys haven't realized, I ordered it online so I will get it soon, can't wait to get my hands on this steelbook
Where did you get one and how much... I'm sure eBay will be gouging these like crazy. I'm not a steel book fan but I may make an exception for these.
03-21-2013, 09:27 PM
Where did you get one and how much... I'm sure eBay will be gouging these like crazy. I'm not a steel book fan but I may make an exception for these.
They're being sold all over Europe and Australia
I would recommend searching for them as french steelbook sellers are usually ok to deal with, Germany's ok as well
Maybe this one? dises&hash=item3f235604f6
Just be sure to ask for bubble wrap etc.
03-21-2013, 09:30 PM
What is a decent price, I don't want to get hosed for them....
Plus that seller only ships inside France...
03-21-2013, 09:33 PM
What is a decent price, I don't want to get hosed for them....
The one I linked to is a little expensive imo but not overly so
If you could get it for 20 Euro or less shipped then it's a good price
Really depends how long you want to look/wait for one
03-21-2013, 09:39 PM
I'll get trying to get an extra FS exclusive Bioshock steelbook so I can try to trade it for a Euro copy.
03-21-2013, 09:39 PM
The one I linked to is a little expensive imo but not overly so
If you could get it for 20 Euro or less shipped then it's a good price
Really depends how long you want to look/wait for one
I find these prices insane for how common they really are. Hell I sold my GoW Ascension Steel for almost $20 (shipped) and I was listing it much less then most (I don't like overly gouging the price on things for a couple reasons.... morality it eh biggest but also I would want the same done when i want something... plus i want it to sell fast which is more of a by product of listing it more one the fair side).
I may pass unless I find someone on the forum that would be willing to get me one and only make a few dollars of me for their trouble...
I'll get trying to get an extra FS exclusive Bioshock steelbook so I can try to trade it for a Euro copy.
If you get a spare and don't mind selling it for a fair price please let me know, I would be very grateful and would return the favor in the future when we get something exclusive.
I saw the cheapest FS one on eBay is like $54 OBO... that is insane to me.
03-21-2013, 09:53 PM
54 USD for a FS steel is insane
Steelbooks are a funny thing, prices fluctuate like mad and so much more
But i would say a fair price for a steelbook is 15 - 20 USD, shipping not included
Will always depend on the market of course but they ain't too cheap
I've been slowly getting FS steels for 15 USD shipped which I quite like
A lot easier with them all being sealed now. Means almost every copy is mint
03-21-2013, 10:10 PM
I'm with Swift on this one. I just wait out the initial mad rush for the steel and wait for the prices to die down around the $15-20 price range for an empty steel.
03-21-2013, 10:11 PM
I'm with Swift on this one. I just wait out the initial mad rush for the steel and wait for the prices to die down around the $15-20 price range for an empty steel.
Yep only reason a steel becomes worth more than that is because it's hard to get
Steels really aren't that limited compared to other things
Still love them like mad though :rotf:
03-23-2013, 12:14 AM
They've put the Fink steelbooks on display at my local EB, I got all excited thinking Bioshock had broken street date. I love the look of it except for the barcode and Take 2 information printing on the back, but I'm still going to try to track down a FS steel once they're cheap enough.
03-23-2013, 12:24 AM
I saw the FS steels the other day when I went to the store (not on display, just behind the cash register). Went to buy some but the cashier couldn't sell em to me because they were before the street date. A notification popped up on the machine. They weren't sealed though. Not sure why but I don't like it. Going to be hard to find good condition copies of that steel down the road.
03-29-2013, 05:39 AM
A few are left for the FINK Bioshock steels. 6asc%3D11%26meid%3D6562728943972967583%26pid%3D100 011%26prg%3D1005%26rk%3D3%26sd%3D350714624285%26
Just in case anyone wanted 1
I'm still looking for a fairly priced FS Bioshock steelbook
03-30-2013, 08:47 AM
These are taken directly from the FS forums. Looks cool to me. Sorry if this is a report.
Anyone got that steelbook?
Hottub Cowboy
03-30-2013, 12:44 PM
Anyone got that steelbook?
I was told by a guy at 2K Asia that this is not an authorized version.
They only seem to have endorsed the Fink version and that sells for $25ish US.
03-30-2013, 12:46 PM
Wtf Guys, its the Futureshop Steelbook:$T2eC16J,!yUE9s6NEHMMBRVcnZ21yQ~~60_57.JPG
03-30-2013, 12:59 PM
I want that steelbook. Anyone can get it? I prefer to trade, but if price will be low i will try to buy it...
03-30-2013, 03:51 PM
Not into steels but the FINK one is awesome. Don't like the clouds one that much.
03-30-2013, 07:38 PM
I was told by a guy at 2K Asia that this is not an authorized version.
They only seem to have endorsed the Fink version and that sells for $25ish US.
What they mean is they have no idea what the cloud Bioshock steelbook is and therefore assume its unauthorized
When in reality it's just not authorized for their region as it's exclusive to Futureshop in Canada
The Fink steel is dirt common though
Did any country not get it?
Oh wait the US......
03-30-2013, 07:49 PM
I hate to say it but most steels are common...
03-30-2013, 07:50 PM
I hate to say it but most steels are common...
Yes I have alluded to that in other posts
Hence my specifc post stating that the only steels that really go up in value are ones that are hard to get in the first place
03-30-2013, 08:11 PM
Yes but I would assert that a common steel for $30 is even far too much.
Clearly a standard brought on by over anxious collectors/buyers (this is just my opinion on it though).
03-30-2013, 09:10 PM
Yes but I would assert that a common steel for $30 is even far too much.
Clearly a standard brought on by over anxious collectors/buyers (this is just my opinion on it though).
Value is in the eye of the beholder
30 shipped for a steel seems ok to me
I consider 20 USD for a common steel to be an ok price
But I collect steels so I want the steel to begin with....
03-31-2013, 04:12 AM
What they mean is they have no idea what the cloud Bioshock steelbook is and therefore assume its unauthorized
When in reality it's just not authorized for their region as it's exclusive to Futureshop in Canada
The Fink steel is dirt common though
Did any country not get it?
Oh wait the US......
Since when do we get the good stuff?
Last exclusive epic thing that is coming our way is the LAST OF US post-pandemic statue..No one else is getting...
Oh wait..
03-31-2013, 04:43 AM
Since when do we get the good stuff?
Last exclusive epic thing that is coming our way is the LAST OF US post-pandemic statue..No one else is getting...
Oh wait..
lol kick a man when he's down why don't you? :rotf:
Actually the PPE is a little bit of a sore topic for me but I guess the whole experience will just help me grow as a collector
03-31-2013, 07:59 AM
Anyone could sell both bioshock infinite steels?
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03-31-2013, 08:09 AM
And is there a g2 version?
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03-31-2013, 08:33 AM
And is there a g2 version?
Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk
Only G1 versions as far as i have found. I have spare Fink MFG steelbooks
03-31-2013, 08:40 AM
Okay i need to ask, what is G1 and G2?
360 and PS3 size? If so which is which?
03-31-2013, 08:55 AM
Ps3 is g2
Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk
03-31-2013, 03:19 PM
Okay i need to ask, what is G1 and G2?
360 and PS3 size? If so which is which?
Its the size of the case G1 is DVD or xbox size and G2 is blu-ray case size
03-31-2013, 04:10 PM
lol kick a man when he's down why don't you? :rotf:
Actually the PPE is a little bit of a sore topic for me but I guess the whole experience will just help me grow as a collector
Actually that was just me hating on the topic.
Don't worry, the alcohol I poured on your cut, spilled on mine too.
I am too, but I guess we have no control over it.
04-06-2013, 09:40 PM
Just got lucky and found one on eBay that someone was willing to ship economy shipping, got it for $19 shipped. I don't know much about prices to these but I figured it wasn't a bad deal, I know this one is more common but I like the FINK one better then the clouds one.
I imagine it must be a G1... have we found that there are any G2s out there?
04-08-2013, 04:05 AM
Just got lucky and found one on eBay that someone was willing to ship economy shipping, got it for $19 shipped. I don't know much about prices to these but I figured it wasn't a bad deal, I know this one is more common but I like the FINK one better then the clouds one.
I imagine it must be a G1... have we found that there are any G2s out there?
No G2's have been spotted anywhere, not even in ole Mexico :rotf:
I feel pretty safe saying this is a G1 only release
04-10-2013, 09:52 PM
G1 for sure. But as common as this steel may be, it is selling out fast. Anything related to Bioshock now is selling like hot cake. -_-''
04-10-2013, 09:55 PM
G1 for sure. But as common as this steel may be, it is selling out fast. Anything related to Bioshock now is selling like hot cake. -_-''
Yes and no :shrug:
The Futureshop "cloud" design may become hard to get but the fink one will remain cheap simply because it was such a wide release
04-18-2013, 03:39 PM
Funny thing is the Fink one looks more interesting in my opinion. Even if I don't like the off set of the overall lettering.
I am not into the cloud one, it is very plain and expensive.
Honestly the FINK one is the only steel I have ever bought and I may sell it because I just have something against steels... not sure why.
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