View Full Version : Official Limited Skyrim Dragonborn Statues Annoucement
03-12-2013, 03:19 PM
The Dragonborn statue is available in two versions ? a Standard Edition and the Exclusive Edition. The Standard Edition ($299.99, limited to 1,000 pieces worldwide) is perfect for any two-handed combat expert. Mages that want to show off their destruction skills will want to check out the Exclusive Edition ($329.99, limited to 500 pieces worldwide), as it adds an alternate arm that holds a fireball spell that illuminates and pulses like real fire. The collector can exchange the fireball for the short sword depending on preference.
Order From Here:
03-12-2013, 05:16 PM
Exclusive pre-ordered as soon as Gamingheads newsletter came through. :D Gordon Freeman cancelled. :P
Looks so sick. ^o^
03-12-2013, 06:17 PM
Looks awesome. $400 w/ shipping though...hmmm
03-12-2013, 06:18 PM
Also pre-ordered as soon as the news letter came through today :beer:
03-12-2013, 06:21 PM
It was only $370 for me including the shipping... o.0
Looks so cool though. Cannot wait for that! XD Was trying to refrain from branching out to more statues. Was gonna try and keep it strictly Zelda, but that's looking to fail now with such awesome statues coming out. >.<
03-12-2013, 06:27 PM
out of me price range by about 250 dollars but do look awesome
03-12-2013, 06:32 PM
It was only $370 for me including the shipping... o.0
Looks so cool though. Cannot wait for that! XD Was trying to refrain from branching out to more statues. Was gonna try and keep it strictly Zelda, but that's looking to fail now with such awesome statues coming out. >.<
Oh well, I pre-ordered anyways. Statue looks too nice to pass up.
03-12-2013, 06:34 PM
Oh well, I pre-ordered anyways. Statue looks too nice to pass up.
Perhaps they don't have a distribution centre in Canada and has to ship as "international" from the states. UK has a distribution centre, so postage is quite cheap here. :D $40 for postage! ^o^
Not trying to rub it in, just offering a suggestion as to why postage may have been higher to you. lol
03-12-2013, 06:52 PM
I've preordered too :) xx
03-12-2013, 07:19 PM
Ordered. I just hope the final product looks as good.
03-12-2013, 08:17 PM
I just hope the quality control for this statue is better than the portal turret... :(
03-12-2013, 11:05 PM
Ordered. I just hope the final product looks as good.
But you already have a dragonborn statue!:D
I also ordered one as soon as I got the email.
03-12-2013, 11:51 PM
I just hope the quality control for this statue is better than the portal turret... :(
Yeah, definitely. I saw your pics :( Mine was bad for the damage, but your paintwork was downright awful. There were a few bits on yours that were similar to part of mine (that I didn't photograph) such as the little hole-y air vent-y looking part.
I'm amazed at how close our numbers are though, 137 & 140 :) xx
03-13-2013, 12:00 AM
Yeah, definitely. I saw your pics :( Mine was bad for the damage, but your paintwork was downright awful. There were a few bits on yours that were similar to part of mine (that I didn't photograph) such as the little hole-y air vent-y looking part.
I'm amazed at how close our numbers are though, 137 & 140 :) xx
Yeah, I have had a right old moan to them about it. Ill PM you my moan tomorrow when I get back on my comp. lol yeah the paintwork was appalling. They want to be sorting this shit out ASAP.
How do you know what number I got? I don't even know! XD I was that blind with rage that I didn't even realise! XD
03-13-2013, 12:01 AM
It's written on the outside of the cardboard shipping box ;) xx
03-13-2013, 12:04 AM
Lol so it is. I knew that anyway, but I didn't really pay attention. I was already raging that Parcelfail damaged the shipping container and the box! >.<
03-13-2013, 12:13 AM
Yeah, my shipping container has a few dents, but no break-through dents, they're just a bit pushed in (that I noticed, was too busy raging at the actual turret >.<). My box is fine though, I think. Should probably check :S
When they send a replacement, does it come in a new box and shipping container (the same as the original ones), or do they ship them just in the polystyrene shit inside a shipping box (my replacement Darth Malgus was like that) xx
03-13-2013, 07:28 AM
Which country is Skyrim statue shipped from? I ask because custom fees.
03-13-2013, 07:59 AM
For you, I would assume its shipped from the UK distribution centre, unless they have another in Europe. No need to worry about customs fees on these. ;)
03-13-2013, 08:09 AM
That's a beast of a statue! Fucking awesome! Too bad I have no interest in Skyrim so passing on this. Wanna see some pics of it once you guys get it! :clap:
03-13-2013, 08:16 AM
Is is great if its shipped from the UK. Thanks for info Cosmic_Link
For you, I would assume its shipped from the UK distribution centre, unless they have another in Europe. No need to worry about customs fees on these. ;)
03-13-2013, 05:12 PM
03-13-2013, 05:28 PM
03-13-2013, 05:28 PM
Pre-ordered mine...
Damn sick!!!!
03-14-2013, 02:00 AM
just got mine as well, thanks for the info. Would of never heard of it. I hope the build quality is solid. I love the glowing magic in his left hand, sold me. Anybody know the time it ships out?
The Russian Bear
03-14-2013, 05:54 AM
Damn, now that is sweet , might have to think twice about buying the Needle replica and put the money towards this.
03-14-2013, 06:08 AM
just got mine as well, thanks for the info. Would of never heard of it. I hope the build quality is solid. I love the glowing magic in his left hand, sold me. Anybody know the time it ships out?
It Advertised for Q4 2013, so based on the shipping dates for the portal turret which was due Q4 2012, I would say they will begin shipping next Jan/Feb.
03-14-2013, 05:48 PM
It Advertised for Q4 2013, so based on the shipping dates for the portal turret which was due Q4 2012, I would say they will begin shipping next Jan/Feb.
They're not announcing for sure because they don't want to let anyone down and anything can happen, but our talks with them suggested that they were being pretty careful and the "Q4" already had a fair amount of slippage in it.
Anything can happen, obviously, but I wouldn't slip all the way into 2014 just yet....
03-15-2013, 01:14 PM
Less than 10 exclusives still in stock xx
03-15-2013, 03:28 PM
Less than 10 exclusives still in stock xx
Source? :P
Didn't sell out as quick as the Portal Turret. Was expecting people to snap this up quicker. However, there was only 350 turrets.
03-15-2013, 03:30 PM
They posted it on facebook about 2 minutes prior to my post :) Figured I'd let people know on here before they sell out :) xx
03-15-2013, 03:31 PM
Gaming Heads
2 hours ago
Dragonborn Ex low qty alert - only 10 left! Please place your orders before orders go to wait list. xx
03-15-2013, 04:42 PM
Might be gone by now, but anyway:
Gaming Heads ? 2,151 like this.
10 minutes ago ?
1 Dragonborn Ex available before we go to wait list!
07-26-2013, 11:17 PM
They made an exclusive variant for us that we're going to be selling probably in one week. Only 250 of these, and for some reason they're shipping sooner than the other ones? Just a heads up that if you're really into these statues, there's another version coming, so plan accordingly....
07-26-2013, 11:23 PM
They made an exclusive variant for us that we're going to be selling probably in one week. Only 250 of these, and for some reason they're shipping sooner than the other ones? Just a heads up that if you're really into these statues, there's another version coming, so plan accordingly....
I just made the first payment of the flexpayment...
What will be the difference between the exclusive and this new one?
Will be a flex payment as well?
07-26-2013, 11:40 PM
I just made the first payment of the flexpayment...
What will be the difference between the exclusive and this new one?
Will be a flex payment as well?
It'll go up at full price -- no deposits. We're told this one is shipping to us in about two weeks, so we can actually turn it around quickly enough that it would just be more hassle to pay more than once in our system (we're looking into more and better ways to take multiple payments for things).
Different head and different weapon (and different edition size).
07-26-2013, 11:55 PM
So there's three different editions of the same statue?
Limited to a 1000, 500 and then 250?
I love the statue but that seems a tad overkill
07-27-2013, 02:29 AM
Ryan, I preordered through Treehouse with the $100 deposit paid. Is it possible to roll this into the new exclusive version?
07-27-2013, 02:40 AM
Ryan, I preordered through Treehouse with the $100 deposit paid. Is it possible to roll this into the new exclusive version?
Might be an issue with how the inventory is handled, but we could definitely refund you the full deposit if you just swap. We'll talk it through on Monday. I'm assuming this will happen a few times, so we'd like to make it as unannoying as possible....
07-27-2013, 02:42 AM
Might be an issue with how the inventory is handled, but we could definitely refund you the full deposit if you just swap. We'll talk it through on Monday. I'm assuming this will happen a few times, so we'd like to make it as unannoying as possible....
07-27-2013, 10:56 AM
So there's three different editions of the same statue?
Limited to a 1000, 500 and then 250?
I love the statue but that seems a tad overkill
Yeah, I am curious on this as well. How many versions are there going to be...and where can I order that exclusive one?
07-27-2013, 04:18 PM
Yeah, I am curious on this as well. How many versions are there going to be...and where can I order that exclusive one?
I haven't heard of any other variants, but they certainly wouldn't have to tell me about it if there were plans....
Our new one was made for and available exclusively on We are talking about selling up to fifty at Quakecon, but the online sales were set for Friday the 2nd at last discussion.
I think Bethesda wanted to do the reveal during their opening of Quakecon announcements, so I probably shouldn't share any photos of the differences, but I'll try to work out something teasery.
It involves a hood....
Edit: Looking at the photos of the other two, I think this one has two different arms with stuff in/on/around them that aren't on the others. As well as the head, which is the more noticeable difference.
07-27-2013, 10:24 PM
I haven't heard of any other variants, but they certainly wouldn't have to tell me about it if there were plans....
Our new one was made for and available exclusively on We are talking about selling up to fifty at Quakecon, but the online sales were set for Friday the 2nd at last discussion.
I think Bethesda wanted to do the reveal during their opening of Quakecon announcements, so I probably shouldn't share any photos of the differences, but I'll try to work out something teasery.
It involves a hood....
Edit: Looking at the photos of the other two, I think this one has two different arms with stuff in/on/around them that aren't on the others. As well as the head, which is the more noticeable difference.
Sounds interesting. Kinda annoying that this has happened though! >.< Glad I didn't select Flexipay with gamingheads. >.< Do you have a price for it? How about potential postage costs, import fees, etc? Will it be shipped from Treehouse or direct from Gamingheads? Is it a gamingheads issue statue?
Got a feeling it's going to cost me a small fortune to import this from Treehouse over the gamingheads exclusive as they have a distribution centre in the UK and I only have to pay the shipping cost from the UK.
Need more info about costs before I commit to this. :(
Also, Ryan, I would just like to say thank you for all the info and heads ups that you provide us with here. :v: Keep it up! :clap:
07-27-2013, 11:11 PM
I haven't heard of any other variants, but they certainly wouldn't have to tell me about it if there were plans....
Our new one was made for and available exclusively on We are talking about selling up to fifty at Quakecon, but the online sales were set for Friday the 2nd at last discussion.
I think Bethesda wanted to do the reveal during their opening of Quakecon announcements, so I probably shouldn't share any photos of the differences, but I'll try to work out something teasery.
It involves a hood....
Edit: Looking at the photos of the other two, I think this one has two different arms with stuff in/on/around them that aren't on the others. As well as the head, which is the more noticeable difference.
Basically there was only 2 variants prior to this
A 1000 sized Regular Edition sold at multiple locations
And then a 500 sized Exclusive edition sold only through gamingheads
Difference was the exclusive came with
an additional alternate arm that holds a fireball spell that illuminates and pulses like real fire
Also numbered differently of course
And now there's the Exclusive Treehouse/Beth Store edition
Might just move my order to the Treehouse one now and cancel gaming heads
Would have to know if it includes all that the gaming heads does though
I.E. Is the super exclusive one encompassing of what the exclusive one has?
07-27-2013, 11:27 PM
Sounds interesting. Kinda annoying that this has happened though! >.< Glad I didn't select Flexipay with gamingheads. >.< Do you have a price for it? How about potential postage costs, import fees, etc? Will it be shipped from Treehouse or direct from Gamingheads? Is it a gamingheads issue statue?
Got a feeling it's going to cost me a small fortune to import this from Treehouse over the gamingheads exclusive as they have a distribution centre in the UK and I only have to pay the shipping cost from the UK.
Need more info about costs before I commit to this. :(
Also, Ryan, I would just like to say thank you for all the info and heads ups that you provide us with here. :v: Keep it up! :clap:
Details are scant at the moment, but yeah, it's a big box and we're shipping it from the States (since it's a box and not something that needs packing, I expect it'll come from one of our warehouses). It is the same statue, with new arms and head, but otherwise the same quality/molds/manufacturer/etc. Price is undetermined, but I'm assuming it won't be more than $50 over the least limited edition, if more at all.
Basically there was only 2 variants prior to this
A 1000 sized Regular Edition sold at multiple locations
And then a 500 sized Exclusive edition sold only through gamingheads
I.E. Is the super exclusive one encompassing of what the exclusive one has?
Yeah, they sold us a good portion of the 1000 regular ones. This new one is basically a commission, so they're making it for us and no one else will have any.
It is not a level up from the first exclusive one--just a sideways move. Their glowing hand is awesome and we don't have it. Having said that, I'm not sure which one I prefer. Hard to beat fearsome glowing hand, but our guy looks pretty intimidating and cool.
07-27-2013, 11:36 PM
Details are scant at the moment, but yeah, it's a big box and we're shipping it from the States (since it's a box and not something that needs packing, I expect it'll come from one of our warehouses). It is the same statue, with new arms and head, but otherwise the same quality/molds/manufacturer/etc. Price is undetermined, but I'm assuming it won't be more than $50 over the least limited edition, if more at all.
Hmmm... Gonna have to think long and hard about this one. I don't mind paying the extra for the cost of the statue, but then I would need to think about the cost of the postage and whether I would have to pay custom duty when it gets to the UK or whether it is something that would be charged before dispatch. Also, any idea what company would be used to ship it to international customers?
Yeah, they sold us a good portion of the 1000 regular ones. This new one is basically a commission, so they're making it for us and no one else will have any.
It is not a level up from the first exclusive one--just a sideways move. Their glowing hand is awesome and we don't have it. Having said that, I'm not sure which one I prefer. Hard to beat fearsome glowing hand, but our guy looks pretty intimidating and cool.
That's really cool that you guys are getting an exclusive of your own. ^o^ I really look forward to seeing some pics. A little disappointing to hear that it won't have the glowing hand though. :S I think I will still most likely go for the most limited version though. lol Will be awaiting some pics and more info. :D
07-27-2013, 11:39 PM
Yeah, they sold us a good portion of the 1000 regular ones. This new one is basically a commission, so they're making it for us and no one else will have any.
It is not a level up from the first exclusive one--just a sideways move. Their glowing hand is awesome and we don't have it. Having said that, I'm not sure which one I prefer. Hard to beat fearsome glowing hand, but our guy looks pretty intimidating and cool.
Thanks for the heads up and information regardless Ryan
Always looking out :thumb:
I may choose to try and get both as the gaming heads one isn't due out for a while
So will try to get this one first at least
07-27-2013, 11:43 PM
I may choose to try and get both as the gaming heads one isn't due out for a while
So will try to get this one first at least
Nice to have the option to get both. :P I would like both, but space and funds will only permit me to have one. :S Will have to choose carefully.
^^^ Swifty ^^^
07-27-2013, 11:46 PM
Hmmm... Gonna have to think long and hard about this one. I don't mind paying the extra for the cost of the statue, but then I would need to think about the cost of the postage and whether I would have to pay custom duty when it gets to the UK or whether it is something that would be charged before dispatch. Also, any idea what company would be used to ship it to international customers?
That's really cool that you guys are getting an exclusive of your own. ^o^ I really look forward to seeing some pics. A little disappointing to hear that it won't have the glowing hand though. :S I think I will still most likely go for the most limited version though. lol Will be awaiting some pics and more info. :D
Totally understand. That's why I wanted to pop on here and start the clock on decisions. It's a lot of money, and at the limited quantity available, there could be a run on them when they're announced, so the more time to mull the better....
Should be able to tell you more concrete info about shipping (and price) early next week.
I think our guy is the most interesting looking, but he's not as iconically Skyrim (and has no glowing hand), so for the money I'm not sure where I'd go if I were a big fan.
07-27-2013, 11:50 PM
Totally understand. That's why I wanted to pop on here and start the clock on decisions. It's a lot of money, and at the limited quantity available, there could be a run on them when they're announced, so the more time to mull the better....
Should be able to tell you more concrete info about shipping (and price) early next week.
I think our guy is the most interesting looking, but he's not as iconically Skyrim (and has no glowing hand), so for the money I'm not sure where I'd go if I were a big fan.
Ok, cool. :D I'll keep checking back here during the week then for more info then. :D
I'll have to wait for images before I make my final decision though! XD I can live without the glowing hand as I don't often have the lights on, on any of my figures anyway, so it's kinda wasted! XD
Not sure what you mean by "not as iconically skyrim", but I look forward to the reveal. :D
Thanks for your replies! ^o^
07-27-2013, 11:53 PM
Nice to have the option to get both. :P I would like both, but space and funds will only permit me to have one. :S Will have to choose carefully.
^^^ Swifty ^^^
Uh don't even have the space to display one let alone two but doesn't stop me from buying things :rotf:
Oh and this is a better depcition of swifty :)
And soon to be
Totally understand. That's why I wanted to pop on here and start the clock on decisions. It's a lot of money, and at the limited quantity available, there could be a run on them when they're announced, so the more time to mull the better....
Should be able to tell you more concrete info about shipping (and price) early next week.
I think our guy is the most interesting looking, but he's not as iconically Skyrim (and has no glowing hand), so for the money I'm not sure where I'd go if I were a big fan.
Hmm I wonder if I can mix and match accessories :spiteful:
Hooded Dragonborn with glowing hand
Only one in the world :P
Realize it's unlikely to work like that btw
07-28-2013, 12:01 AM
Oh and this is a better depcition of swifty :)
And soon to be
Yeah that's pretty much what all these statue releases are doing to me right now... :S
Speaking of statues, just a quick one Ryan, but is there any news on the release date of the Mass Effect Sovereign statue on the Bioware store? Keeps being pushed back! >.< Sorry that this isn't the appropriate thread, but I couldn't find the right thread and seeing as you're replying here, I thought it would just be easier! XD
07-28-2013, 03:28 AM
Sept 18 on the dark horse page :pooryou:
07-29-2013, 09:56 PM
Should be able to tell you more concrete info about shipping (and price) early next week.
Releasing on Thursday now to coincide with the announcement and Quakecon kick-off.
$370, so a little more upcharge than I was hoping.
And some not unexpected not great news on the shipping front:
Each box shipped individually is $25 for US and 60 canada and - 75-100 for the rest of the world - but I need to confirm i can ship that size box via USPS priority. Otherwise 200 to ship MSI globally. Has a 42lbs dim weight.
07-29-2013, 10:00 PM
Do you have any idea on when it is actually shipping to the customers?
07-29-2013, 10:01 PM
Wow that got a fair bit more expensive quickly
07-29-2013, 10:01 PM
Totally understand. That's why I wanted to pop on here and start the clock on decisions. It's a lot of money, and at the limited quantity available, there could be a run on them when they're announced, so the more time to mull the better....
Should be able to tell you more concrete info about shipping (and price) early next week.
I think our guy is the most interesting looking, but he's not as iconically Skyrim (and has no glowing hand), so for the money I'm not sure where I'd go if I were a big fan.
Now I'm nervous there's going to be numerous Assassin's Creed statues... I'm scared come October/November...
I really like this Skyrim statue, though there's no way I could own just one of the variants, I'd have to dive in for all three... not going to happen!
07-29-2013, 10:04 PM
Releasing on Thursday now to coincide with the announcement and Quakecon kick-off.
$370, so a little more upcharge than I was hoping.
And some not unexpected not great news on the shipping front:
Each box shipped individually is $25 for US and 60 canada and - 75-100 for the rest of the world - but I need to confirm i can ship that size box via USPS priority. Otherwise 200 to ship MSI globally. Has a 42lbs dim weight.
Thursday, that is cool. :D Any idea of time? That shipping price sucks though. :S As you said, definitely wasn't unexpected. Definitely can't justify the price via MSI. >.< When will the exact shipping price for internationals be decided? If we were to pre-order one, would international customer be given an option to back out depending on the final shipping prices? o.0
07-29-2013, 10:05 PM
Now I'm nervous there's going to be numerous Assassin's Creed statues... I'm scared come October/November...
I really like this Skyrim statue, though there's no way I could own just one of the variants, I'd have to dive in for all three... not going to happen!
Why would you need the regular edition?
The gear heads version includes everything the regular does and then adds a glowing hand to it
It is entirely inclusive of the previous edition with a lower run size like how exclusive statues should be done imo
Will be curious to see what this statue has differently and why it denotes a 50 USD increase in price
07-29-2013, 10:10 PM
Will be curious to see what this statue has differently and why it denotes a 50 USD increase in price
If shipping costs for internationals is as much as the MSI option, then there would need to be a substantial difference between the Exclusive at Gamingheads and this one for me to be able to justify the $200 price difference. >.<
Gamingheads Exclusive - $369.99 including postage
Bioware Store Exclusive - $570 Including shipping
Also, while I think about it, does the MSI shipping option include Customs and Duty pre-paid for international customers? That will drive the price right up for internationals if we also get stung with a customs fee too. >.<
07-29-2013, 10:12 PM
Do you have any idea on when it is actually shipping to the customers?
It's shipping to us mid-August, so maybe a month after that is a safe bet? Could be earlier if things go very well, but could probably be a little later if things go any other way....
Thursday, that is cool. :D Any idea of time? That shipping price sucks though. :S As you said, definitely wasn't unexpected. Definitely can't justify the price via MSI. >.< When will the exact shipping price for internationals be decided? If we were to pre-order one, would international customer be given an option to back out depending on the final shipping prices? o.0
Exact shipping price will be figured before it goes on sale. I just wanted to give you the info as it came to me....
Will be curious to see what this statue has differently and why it denotes a 50 USD increase in price
Apparently the MSRP came from the manufacturer and was based on the lower edition size more than anything else. Don't expect anything crazy....
07-29-2013, 10:14 PM
Ryan I forget if my payment method is credit card, when will I be charged for it?
07-29-2013, 10:17 PM
Ryan I forget if my payment method is credit card, when will I be charged for it?
At time of purchase. All of our pre-sales are pay-to-hold-your-place-in-line....
07-29-2013, 10:19 PM
Ryan, while I think about it, does the MSI shipping option include Customs and Duty pre-paid for international customers? That will drive the price right up for internationals if we also get stung with a customs fee too. >.<
Thanks for answering all my queries! :this: I do appreciate it, even if I do sound like a nag!! :haha:
07-29-2013, 10:33 PM
Hmmm I can't wait to see it! I might be switching from the regular to this one. (I already missed out on the Gamingheads exclusive)
07-29-2013, 10:46 PM
Why would you need the regular edition?
The gear heads version includes everything the regular does and then adds a glowing hand to it
It is entirely inclusive of the previous edition with a lower run size like how exclusive statues should be done imo
Will be curious to see what this statue has differently and why it denotes a 50 USD increase in price
It would irk me to no end to own two of the three editions.
07-29-2013, 10:51 PM
It would irk me to no end to own two of the three editions.
I suppose that's true enough
If you don't have a pre-order in for the gaming heads one they're sold out so you'd likely have to buy it on the secondary market I'm afraid :(
07-29-2013, 10:53 PM
Ryan, while I think about it, does the MSI shipping option include Customs and Duty pre-paid for international customers? That will drive the price right up for internationals if we also get stung with a customs fee too. >.<
Thanks for answering all my queries! :this: I do appreciate it, even if I do sound like a nag!! :haha:
Ugh. That price is just shipping.... Here's to hoping we don't have to use MSI.
I wish I had more (or better) information to share, and you don't sound at all like a nag. These are important things to know, so I completely get where you're coming from.
To make up for the less exciting answers, how about a quick tease:
07-29-2013, 11:00 PM
Ugh. That price is just shipping.... Here's to hoping we don't have to use MSI.
I wish I had more (or better) information to share, and you don't sound at all like a nag. These are important things to know, so I completely get where you're coming from.
To make up for the less exciting answers, how about a quick tease:
Damn that sucks! :( Fingers crossed it will send with USPS then. :D I remain optimistic. ^^
Thanks again for your answers. :D
That Axe looks awesome. Can't wait for the full reveal pics! :D
07-29-2013, 11:15 PM
A redguard with a dragonbone axe. Awesome. I wonder if I could afford to get this and keep my preorder... Since we're talking dates, have you heard any word on when the Dragoborn statue will be sent to you guys besides Q4?
Also, sorry for pestering you so much, Ryan.
07-29-2013, 11:32 PM
Since we're talking dates, have you heard any word on when the Dragoborn statue will be sent to you guys besides Q4?
I first heard that these were leaving the factory just ahead of the regular ones, but the most recent update put them both out at the same time. Won't know what actually happens until it actually happens, but either way it's looking like it'll be here pretty soon.... From the beginning they told us they expected to beat the advertised release date, but were playing it safe so if something went wrong there weren't as many disappointed fans.
07-29-2013, 11:42 PM
I'm totally in on this one. Any word on refunding the deposit on the regular edition?
07-29-2013, 11:49 PM
I'm totally in on this one. Any word on refunding the deposit on the regular edition?
Wait till you see the head before you decide (and make sure you get in on one in case they go fast or something), but yeah, no problem. Will require a customer service ticket, but we'll get you squared away for sure.
07-30-2013, 12:26 AM
I first heard that these were leaving the factory just ahead of the regular ones, but the most recent update put them both out at the same time. Won't know what actually happens until it actually happens, but either way it's looking like it'll be here pretty soon.... From the beginning they told us they expected to beat the advertised release date, but were playing it safe so if something went wrong there weren't as many disappointed fans.
Awesome news! I wasn't expecting to get any Skyrim statues this soon. I need to get my display area set up.
Please, keep us updated on the shipping info.
07-30-2013, 03:15 AM
Wait till you see the head before you decide (and make sure you get in on one in case they go fast or something), but yeah, no problem. Will require a customer service ticket, but we'll get you squared away for sure.
This is what I am mainly confused on. So will it come with the regular head as seen in the previous two editions? Or only just this new hooded one?
07-30-2013, 05:03 PM
This is what I am mainly confused on. So will it come with the regular head as seen in the previous two editions? Or only just this new hooded one?
Confirmed only the new head and arm(s). Confirmed edition of 250 and individually numbered on the base. No updates on shipping....
07-30-2013, 05:13 PM
Confirmed only the new head and arm(s). Confirmed edition of 250 and individually numbered on the base. No updates on shipping....
Will have to think on this
Like the lower number run but in my mind the statue is actually less complete than the gaming heads one at a higher cost
07-30-2013, 05:18 PM
The body is the same?
I can't think of any helmet with a hood that goes with that body. Anyone can refresh my memory?
Would be nice to have a full thalmor outfit tho. :bananayes:
07-30-2013, 05:36 PM
Confirmed only the new head and arm(s). Confirmed edition of 250 and individually numbered on the base. No updates on shipping....
Thanks again for keeping us updated on the shipping.
The body is the same?
I can't think of any helmet with a hood that goes with that body. Anyone can refresh my memory?
Would be nice to have a full thalmor outfit tho. :bananayes:
Maybe it's an Alik'r hood? It could just be a cowl or a mage hood, but the Alik'r hood would make the most sense since it is a redguard.
07-30-2013, 05:37 PM
Confirmed only the new head and arm(s). Confirmed edition of 250 and individually numbered on the base. No updates on shipping....
Hmm sounds interesting but without the original stuff I think Im going to pass on this edition. I was hoping it would be like the Gaming Heads edition with all the regular stuff and the one exclusive arm. Sad thing is I saw that go up for preorder day one and held off. Stupid choice. T_T
I'll ateast pick up the regular version from you guys. Any more teaser pics possible? I really want to see the hood. Seems weird to have the same body and a random hood.
PS: If anyone has the exclusive gaming heads one and decides they want the treehouse exclusive instead then I'll gladly take your order.
07-30-2013, 05:41 PM
Thanks again for keeping us updated on the shipping.
Maybe it's an Alik'r hood? It could just be a cowl or a mage hood, but the Alik'r hood would make the most sense since it is a redguard.
I think its just the regular body. Perhaps you mistook the gloves in the pic with the axe for a Redguard's skin?
07-30-2013, 05:43 PM
I really cannot think in other better head for the Dragonborn that the one that came with exclusive one...
I have to be very amazed with the new one to get it...two figures it's too much if that last one is not as stunning as the exclusive one...
By the moment...just can wait, got the exclusive one...this one has to be TRULY TRULY amazing for getting it too...
07-30-2013, 05:47 PM
I really cannot think in other better head for the Dragonborn that the one that came with exclusive one...
I have to be very amazed with the new one to get it...two figures it's too much if that last one is not as stunning as the exclusive one...
By the moment...just can wait, got the exclusive one...this one has to be TRULY TRULY amazing for getting it too...
Yeah I am really interested in seeing this new version. I'm trying real hard to picture him with a random hood. lol
If you decide to get the bethesda store one and rather only get one, then I will gladly take your gaming heads exclusive preorder over.
07-30-2013, 05:47 PM
I think its just the regular body. Perhaps you mistook the gloves in the pic with the axe for a Redguard's skin?
D'oh! I thought I was look at the skin! :lmao:
Well, now I no longer see a point in owning both since I am pretty poor... So, about a pic of the head then? Deciding which one to go with is REALLY hard without this elusive head...
07-30-2013, 05:51 PM
D'oh! I thought I was look at the skin! :lmao:
Well, now I no longer see a point in owning both since I am pretty poor... So, about a pic of the head then? Deciding which one to go with is REALLY hard without this elusive head...
I'm going to say that my bet is on it being this: The Dragon Priest Mask
Its hooded.
07-30-2013, 05:54 PM
I'm going to say that my bet is on it being this: The Dragon Priest Mask
Its hooded.
Ryan, please tell me it looks like that. If he has a dragon priest mask on, I am sold. I'll be refreshing the store all day Thursday until it is in there
07-30-2013, 05:54 PM
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07-30-2013, 05:58 PM
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Hmm last word is hood most likely
So its 6-letters 6-letters hood
Alik'r is 6 letters if you count the apostrophe
07-30-2013, 05:59 PM
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Dragon Priest Mask fits...
07-30-2013, 06:00 PM
Dragon Priest Mask fits...
Yep. Was just about to post that. I think we have a winner. lol
07-30-2013, 06:01 PM
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dang it, Ryan likes to tease! :beer:
07-30-2013, 06:16 PM
Yep. Was just about to post that. I think we have a winner. lol
Now the question is: Will Ryan let us know if we're right?:beg:
07-30-2013, 06:17 PM
Now the question is: Will Ryan let us know if we're right?:beg:
Part of me thinks his image was an indication of such. lol
Guess we'll have to wait. T_T
07-30-2013, 06:34 PM
Part of me thinks his image was an indication of such. lol
Guess we'll have to wait. T_T
Yea... I would just prefer to have no doubts in my mind if I am going to be spending Thursday morning waiting for it to be up for pre-sale.
07-30-2013, 06:38 PM
Yea... I would just prefer to have no doubts in my mind if I am going to be spending Thursday morning waiting for it to be up for pre-sale.
Same here. I will be at work that day so I will have to keep sneaking away just to refresh the store on my phone. lol I would love to know ahead of time so I can mull it over for a bit.
07-30-2013, 07:02 PM
I'm trying really hard to picture a dragon priest mask on the original body....... :shrug:
07-30-2013, 07:19 PM
I'm trying really hard to picture a dragon priest mask on the original body....... :shrug:
Same. Looks weird. lol But I imagine all hooded items would look weird on that body.
07-30-2013, 07:31 PM
This is definitely going to be tough for us. We have no idea if we are going to want this, but we know that we will have to act fast to get one with such limited quantities. On one hand, I really want Ryan to show us the head so that we can have the time we need to decide and not feel rushed on Thursday. On the other hand, I understand why Ryan is opposed to showing us the head. For now, I'm just going to keep checking this thread and hope we do get a sneak peak.
07-30-2013, 07:34 PM
This is definitely going to be tough for us. We have no idea if we are going to want this, but we know that we will have to act fast to get one with such limited quantities. On one hand, I really want Ryan to show us the head so that we can have the time we need to decide and not feel rushed on Thursday. On the other hand, I understand why Ryan is opposed to showing us the head. For now, I'm just going to keep checking this thread and hope we do get a sneak peak.
Yeah, I don't want him to get in trouble over it. But we are going to have to look over all the details and quick. Hopefully we can get another tease before then.
07-30-2013, 07:49 PM
I think I'm going to keep my gaming heads pre order. I don't see the value in this new edition and I don't want the head to change, the original is iconic.
07-30-2013, 08:51 PM
I think I'm going to keep my gaming heads pre order. I don't see the value in this new edition and I don't want the head to change, the original is iconic.
Yeah, I understand both sides. Will the new head look better than the current one? Will the looks be enough to sacrifice the iconic look that the original has?
I am very interested to see what everyone decides on Thursday. For now, I am perfectly balanced on this fence.
07-30-2013, 09:11 PM
Yeah, I understand both sides. Will the new head look better than the current one? Will the looks be enough to sacrifice the iconic look that the original has?
I am very interested to see what everyone decides on Thursday. For now, I am perfectly balanced on this fence.
Yeah, I'm also intrigued about the head too. If I like it enough, I might just get both this and the gamingheads exclusive. I'm sure I can get some monies from somewhere! XD
07-30-2013, 10:03 PM
Yeah, I'm also intrigued about the head too. If I like it enough, I might just get both this and the gamingheads exclusive. I'm sure I can get some monies from somewhere! XD
I actually just looked at my finances to see if I could get away with both and it turns out, I really shouldn't even be getting one in the first place :lmao: It looks like I can't take the easy way out this decision.
07-30-2013, 10:13 PM
I actually just looked at my finances to see if I could get away with both and it turns out, I really shouldn't even be getting one in the first place :lmao: It looks like I can't take the easy way out this decision.
I just went back over my budget for between now and mid-October and I think I might be able to get away with both. Lol thankfully the Xbox one doesn't come out til after I get back off Holiday, so should be able to afford both providing I get no nasty surprises between now and the Exclusive one releasing! XD Can see my GF not being impressed though! XD
07-30-2013, 10:25 PM
I actually just looked at my finances to see if I could get away with both and it turns out, I really shouldn't even be getting one in the first place :lmao: It looks like I can't take the easy way out this decision.
You and me both :( gonna have to get one though. Will probably stick with the Gaming heads exclusive unless this treehouse one blows me away.
07-30-2013, 10:39 PM
You and me both :( gonna have to get one though. Will probably stick with the Gaming heads exclusive unless this treehouse one blows me away.
Well, it has been almost 24 hours since the first sneak peak. Maybe we'll get another soon? :shrug:
I wonder what this edition will be called? Will it be something like:
Dragonborn Exclusive
Dragonborn Exclusiver
07-31-2013, 01:07 AM
Here is the best I can get to what it might look like.
07-31-2013, 01:39 AM
Since no one wanted to play Hangman with me, I'll just post the damn banner....
Now you'll understand what I mean about it looking cool but not being as iconic. If you only get one Skyrim statue (and at the price, I would expect that to be the rule), I would not begrudge anyone choosing one of the other two. This version does look super cool in person, though.
We're going to go with USPS Priority for most international orders. The box is just on the border of being too large for some countries, but we'll give it a shot.
Shipping costs (subject to change, but safe to assume it's final): US orders will be $27 UPS ground (added signature required). Canada is getting hosed because it'll be $69 for shipping plus 20% in duties (waiting on MSI to confirm, but not expecting good news). Most international shipping rates are $70 to $85, but a few countries will get as high as $112. Since it's USPS, duties will be a crap shoot and may end up nailing you on top of the postage.... It's a big box, so there's not really anything we can do here.
07-31-2013, 01:53 AM
Will keep my Dragonborn exclusive...
Wouldn't change it for this one by far...
This one is nice...but the exclusive one is absolutely stunning!!!
Low run of 250...but this time, will have to pass...
And a little bit upset with the overall figure look (mask in particular) looks a mix between Dr. Doom and the dragonborn body besides...doesn't fit for me...
(Just my opinion...for sure there will be people who prefer this one...)
Nice piece of art anyway ryan!!! Congrats for the work!!!!
07-31-2013, 01:56 AM
Since no one wanted to play Hangman with me, I'll just post the damn banner....
Now you'll understand what I mean about it looking cool but not being as iconic. If you only get one Skyrim statue (and at the price, I would expect that to be the rule), I would not begrudge anyone choosing one of the other two. This version does look super cool in person, though.
We're going to go with USPS Priority for most international orders. The box is just on the border of being too large for some countries, but we'll give it a shot.
Shipping costs (subject to change, but safe to assume it's final): US orders will be $27 UPS ground (added signature required). Canada is getting hosed because it'll be $69 for shipping plus 20% in duties (waiting on MSI to confirm, but not expecting good news). Most international shipping rates are $70 to $85, but a few countries will get as high as $112. Since it's USPS, duties will be a crap shoot and may end up nailing you on top of the postage.... It's a big box, so there's not really anything we can do here.
Called it! Wooooo!
But I think I will go with the regular one. I would love the shield hand but the dragon priest mask looks so weird on this. A shame it doesnt come with the regular head. I wonder how it will sell.
IF someone does want this version and wants to give up their Gaming Heads exclusive then I will gladly take your order. Please PM me.
07-31-2013, 02:00 AM
I'm not feelin' it.
I like the shield and new weapon but the hood looks awful imo.
07-31-2013, 02:14 AM
Urgh! Change the body to some robes and it would be perfect. That head and body feels mismatched? Like sticking an iron man head on a superman body.
I'm in two minds whether to buy this.
07-31-2013, 02:18 AM
Well the mask does look weird even ingame. If only there is a different armor variant like Lemur said.
07-31-2013, 02:20 AM
Urgh! Change the body to some robes and it would be perfect. That head and body feels mismatched? Like sticking an iron man head on a superman body.
I'm in two minds whether to buy this.
That was trying to say's like the head and body doesn't fit well...cannot take an overall look of the figure and my eyes goes directly to the head (mixing the saddest faces of Dr. Doom with War Machine head)...
It's kind of rare...the head doesn't fit the body, don't know how to explain it in english...
07-31-2013, 02:26 AM
Looking at it makes me think of newbs in mmo's during that stage where they just throw on anything they can find.
07-31-2013, 02:28 AM
Urgh! Change the body to some robes and it would be perfect. That head and body feels mismatched? Like sticking an iron man head on a superman body.
I'm in two minds whether to buy this.
Iron Dovakiin sees no problem with his attire. lol The things I do in Photoshop when bored....
07-31-2013, 02:37 AM
Hmm... This is tough. I would say it looks accurate. That's how I look in-game with it and I never had a problem with the in-game look. So, why should I have a problem with the statue look?
I'm definitely going to be doing some thinking here.
Ryan, thank you so much for the banner. Although "Dragonborn Statue: Dragon Priest Mask Variant" is not very catchy :lmao:
Also, we didn't play hangman because we guessed it right away. We are Skyrim fans, we don't need to guess letters!
07-31-2013, 02:39 AM
Hmm... This is tough. I would say it looks accurate. That's how I look in-game with it and I never had a problem with the in-game look. So, why should I have a problem with the statue look?
I'm definitely going to be doing some thinking here.
Ryan, thank you so much for the banner. Although "Dragonborn Statue: Dragon Priest Mask Variant" is not very catchy :lmao:
Also, we didn't play hangman because we guessed it right away. We are Skyrim fans, we don't need to guess letters!
lol true dat. We pieced it together pretty quick! ^^ Glad I remembered the mask. Its literally the only hood type of deal that I felt was Dragonborn centric. I remembered that I had one chillin in my inventory.
And yep, thanks Ryan!
07-31-2013, 03:59 AM
Since no one wanted to play Hangman with me, I'll just post the damn banner....
Now you'll understand what I mean about it looking cool but not being as iconic. If you only get one Skyrim statue (and at the price, I would expect that to be the rule), I would not begrudge anyone choosing one of the other two. This version does look super cool in person, though.
We're going to go with USPS Priority for most international orders. The box is just on the border of being too large for some countries, but we'll give it a shot.
Shipping costs (subject to change, but safe to assume it's final): US orders will be $27 UPS ground (added signature required). Canada is getting hosed because it'll be $69 for shipping plus 20% in duties (waiting on MSI to confirm, but not expecting good news). Most international shipping rates are $70 to $85, but a few countries will get as high as $112. Since it's USPS, duties will be a crap shoot and may end up nailing you on top of the postage.... It's a big box, so there's not really anything we can do here.
Wow honestly don't really like the looks of it either but will probably try to get it nonetheless
I think the coloring of the hood really clashes with the rest of the armor
It just looks odd though
Gaming heads one is much better looking imo
Although the axe shield is nice
07-31-2013, 05:11 AM
Since no one wanted to play Hangman with me, I'll just post the damn banner....
Now you'll understand what I mean about it looking cool but not being as iconic. If you only get one Skyrim statue (and at the price, I would expect that to be the rule), I would not begrudge anyone choosing one of the other two. This version does look super cool in person, though.
We're going to go with USPS Priority for most international orders. The box is just on the border of being too large for some countries, but we'll give it a shot.
Shipping costs (subject to change, but safe to assume it's final): US orders will be $27 UPS ground (added signature required). Canada is getting hosed because it'll be $69 for shipping plus 20% in duties (waiting on MSI to confirm, but not expecting good news). Most international shipping rates are $70 to $85, but a few countries will get as high as $112. Since it's USPS, duties will be a crap shoot and may end up nailing you on top of the postage.... It's a big box, so there's not really anything we can do here.
I quite like it. :D However, I would not pick it over the Gamingheads exclusive. It would have to be the gamingheads exclusive, or both. Will see how I'm feeling about it tomorrow. :D
Thanks Ryan! ^^
07-31-2013, 12:37 PM
Just remember it will have customs charges on top, Cosmic xx
07-31-2013, 12:43 PM
Just remember it will have customs charges on top, Cosmic xx
Yeah I know. :( Bit of a downer but I'm ready for anything!! :D
07-31-2013, 12:51 PM
Haha :) I'm not gonna bother with this one, don't really like it, plus I'm sticking to my slow down of buying stuff (plus I can't afford it anyway :haha:) xx
07-31-2013, 03:21 PM
I was pretty on the fence here. I didn't get in on the exclusive with the fireball. I think I would pick that one over this one just because I like the light up effects.
The colors of the hood clash a little with the armor, but that's how it is in the game so I think deviating from that would be a mistake. Changing the armor to better match it would be a whole new statue, not a variant.
I think what decided it for me was the generic George Clooney nord face/Conan the barbarian hair under the helmet. It doesn't bother me much to go ahead and cover that up, because he's not "my" dragonborn.
So... +1 variant for me.
Thanks for the advance info Ryan, really appreciate it.
07-31-2013, 04:19 PM
Unfortunately, I'm still thinking this over. I'll be checking this thread throughout the day to see what everyone else is thinking and to see if Ryan posts anything else. Hopefully I'll have a decision made before tomorrow.
07-31-2013, 05:12 PM
Canada is getting hosed because it'll be $69 for shipping plus 20% in duties (waiting on MSI to confirm, but not expecting good news).
Everybody hates us mean Canadians, jk! :tomato:
Thank you for the preview!
07-31-2013, 05:40 PM
Unfortunately, I'm still thinking this over. I'll be checking this thread throughout the day to see what everyone else is thinking and to see if Ryan posts anything else. Hopefully I'll have a decision made before tomorrow.
I agree with the others, the head doesn't match the body, and his hips look huge too.
07-31-2013, 06:13 PM
I'm not a big fan either, I don't hate it but the mask does look out of place although it is true to the style of the game.
I'm definitely sticking with the Gamingheads exclusive :)
07-31-2013, 06:33 PM
After a lot of thinking, I think I will keep my regular preorder. Mainly because I shouldn't even be buying one to begin with. So, I am going to save money by sticking with the cheapest variant.
Hopefully Ryan will have more concrete details on when these are shipping soon. I've been impatiently waiting since they were first available :)
08-01-2013, 06:09 PM
So yeah statue pre-order is up
For the 3 of us who may get one.....
So expensive sigh
08-01-2013, 06:18 PM
So yeah statue pre-order is up
For the 3 of us who may get one.....
So expensive sigh
I just saw it and came here to say the same. The estimated ship date is mid/late-September. I imagine that is the same for the other version even though it still says Q4. Looking forward to getting my standard version.
08-01-2013, 06:44 PM
I was all set to make the leap... then the price jump was staring me right in the face and set me firmly back on the fence.
08-01-2013, 06:58 PM
I was all set to purchase too, but that price difference between this one and the exclusive is just too much to stomach. When I ordered my exclusive dragonborn statue, I knew I really wanted it. This one however, I'm unsure why/if i really want it and I'm having to think about it too much and have to try and justify the purchase. After duty and postage costs, it's going to push the price up by about $200~ compared to what it's cost for my exclusive from gamingheads.
I have ultimately decided to give this a miss and the money will goto towards something else. Most likely a new console. Lol
08-01-2013, 07:01 PM
I was all set to make the leap... then the price jump was staring me right in the face and set me firmly back on the fence.
Yep I got it but may regret it
Who knows? :shrug:
I must prefer the look of the gamingheads one but will be trying to get that one as well :suicide:
VG collecting is so very very unforgiving
08-01-2013, 07:47 PM
There is a coupon code posted on their FB page: Quake20Sale
Good for 20% off orders over $50. Not including this.
Would have jumped if it were, but I think I'm going to pass now based solely on price.
08-01-2013, 07:51 PM
There is a coupon code posted on their FB page: Quake20Sale
Good for 20% off orders over $50. Not including this.
Would have jumped if it were, but I think I'm going to pass now based solely on price.
I read that and almost threw something at the monitor until I realized it didn't work for this
Sadly I find this to be a bit of a cash grab but will still get it as will surely get harder to get after it sells out
Assuming it sells out :suicide:
08-01-2013, 07:57 PM
I read that and almost threw something at the monitor until I realized it didn't work for this
Sadly I find this to be a bit of a cash grab but will still get it as will surely get harder to get after it sells out
Assuming it sells out :suicide:
I wouldn't call it a cash grab really. Lower production numbers always means increased cost per unit.
At least there isn't an ultra-limited Todd Howard signed edition for $500. You know what those signatures are going for these days :dog:
08-01-2013, 07:58 PM
There is a coupon code posted on their FB page: Quake20Sale
Good for 20% off orders over $50. Not including this.
Would have jumped if it were, but I think I'm going to pass now based solely on price.
Damn. :( Would have bit if it worked on this! Lol
08-01-2013, 08:29 PM
Still debating this statue. >.<
@ Ryan: Would it be possible to arrange for some kind of international distribution by gamingheads direct instead of treehouse since they are manufacturing the statue? It would work out significantly cheaper for international customers where shipping and duties are concerned. Shipping for the Exclusive from Gamingheads was only charged at $50 to me as they have a distribution centre in Europe and therefore there are no further tax or duties to pay as these are prepaid. This really is the main thing that is putting me off getting this statue. :(
08-01-2013, 11:27 PM
Anyone here tha decided to get the treehouse statue and wants to transfer their preoder for the GH exclusive?
And yeah, $370 full pay is asking a lot. I figured it would be a down deposit. I'm kind of happy that I didn't like it because there is no way I could throw almost $400 on something right away.
08-02-2013, 02:45 AM
I just made my dragonborn wear the morokei mask and my gf was telling me to change it. Had a great laugh running around with it and her nagging all the way. Ordered this. My shipping costs 112! LOL :lmao:
Note: I still think it looks really weird. Hopefully we can mix and match the weapons with the other statues.
08-02-2013, 10:47 PM
I just made my dragonborn wear the morokei mask and my gf was telling me to change it. Had a great laugh running around with it and her nagging all the way. Ordered this. My shipping costs 112! LOL :lmao:
Note: I still think it looks really weird. Hopefully we can mix and match the weapons with the other statues.
haha glad I'm not the only mad one then
Sucks about the shipping though but I know it's a big ol box
Would be amazing if you could mix and match weapons
Imagine the gamingheads one with glowing arm and axe :)
Or sword and shield? :D
Hmm grown men excited to play with fancy dolls :think:
Nothing wrong with that :P
08-03-2013, 05:27 AM
Yeah seems like not many people are jumping on this. Throw in another exclusive bonus item! :D
After this announcement, I'm having a blast running around with dragon priest masks in-game. They're so weird but not ugly, in fact I like to look at them, it's hard to explain :ghey:
What's in the limited to 1000 edition? Seems like the 500 edition has everything in there and more.
08-03-2013, 05:33 AM
Yeah seems like not many people are jumping on this. Throw in another exclusive bonus item! :D
After this announcement, I'm having a blast running around with dragon priest masks in-game. They're so weird but not ugly, in fact I like to look at them, it's hard to explain :ghey:
What's in the limited to 1000 edition? Seems like the 500 edition has everything in there and more.
1000 Limited Edition - Two swords, iconic helmethead
500 GamingGears Edition - Two swords, iconic helmethead, changeable glowing ball of warmth
250 Treehouse Edition - One Axe, One Shield, MaskFace
nuff' said
08-03-2013, 06:01 AM
Do such variants usually come in boxes with unique designs? Or do they all have similar boxes?
Swift this is the description of the 500 edition which indicates that it will include everything in the 1000 edition plus extras:
"This exclusive version of Dragonborn, only available at, comes with an additional alternate arm that holds a fireball spell that illuminates and pulses like real fire. The collector can exchange the fireball for the short sword depending on preference. Also included is an alternate portrait that shows the Dragonborn with his helmet removed."
08-03-2013, 07:05 AM
Do such variants usually come in boxes with unique designs? Or do they all have similar boxes?
Not sure this is my first real statue purchase :)
I imagine that they'll put the number/edition size somewhere outside the statue but might not differentiate the box that much
Swift this is the description of the 500 edition which indicates that it will include everything in the 1000 edition plus extras:
"This exclusive version of Dragonborn, only available at, comes with an additional alternate arm that holds a fireball spell that illuminates and pulses like real fire. The collector can exchange the fireball for the short sword depending on preference. Also included is an alternate portrait that shows the Dragonborn with his helmet removed."
Forgot about that
No wonder I liked the idea of the gaming heads one better
Alternate portrait is cool too
Fixed my previous spiel :P
08-09-2013, 02:48 AM
Any update on the shipping of the statues, Ryan?
08-29-2013, 08:19 AM
Just got an email from gamingheads that they will be taking payment on 3rd September. I'm skint dammit. Anyone want my order?
08-29-2013, 08:26 AM
Just got an email from gamingheads that they will be taking payment on 3rd September. I'm skint dammit. Anyone want my order?
Damn!!! I'm screw too mate!!!
The other payments were made by middle first of september will have to pay lot of augoust stuff...
I'm a little bit f@#*$ up with this...don't wanna lose my figure!!! :beg:
They will give some more time with the payment maybe if they try to get the money with no result? As amazon that always advices you to revise the credit card???
08-29-2013, 08:29 AM
Damn!!! I'm screw too mate!!!
The other payments were made by middle first of september will have to pay lot of augoust stuff...
I'm a little bit f@#*$ up with this...don't wanna lose my figure!!! :beg:
They will give some more time with the payment maybe if they try to get the money with no result? As amazon that always advices you to revise the credit card???
I don't think they will. You might be able to delay if the transaction failed haha.
I am over budget this month with importing Saints row 4 and Total war rome 2 CE. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess this is goodbye to my dragonborn
08-29-2013, 08:36 AM
Yeah over budget too...
Roma II, Saints Rows, One Piece 2, Killer is dead, Final Fantasy Realm, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD, Kingdom Hearts 1.5...ffff...and some more CE that I forget for sure...
Well, don't know how, but the money will be there...hehehe...don't wanna miss that masterpiece figure.
08-29-2013, 08:39 AM
I don't think they will. You might be able to delay if the transaction failed haha.
I am over budget this month with importing Saints row 4 and Total war rome 2 CE. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess this is goodbye to my dragonborn
Bethesda store has the normal dragonborn for 100 deposit. Not sure when they take full payment tho.
08-29-2013, 08:43 AM
Normal one is not an option for me...
Just the exclusive with the light fired arm!!! :D
08-29-2013, 08:46 AM
Yeap normal is not an option!
Had the portal turret exclusive. Its exclusive or nothing!
08-29-2013, 08:59 AM
Then I suggest you cancel everything else. The waiting list for the exclusive should be looooong. If you don't get it now pretty sure you won't be able to get it down the road for the same price.
Hell I don't collect statues but I'm getting it. This is a must have for skyrim fans.
08-29-2013, 09:05 AM
Then I suggest you cancel everything else. The waiting list for the exclusive should be looooong. If you don't get it now pretty sure you won't be able to get it down the road for the same price.
Hell I don't collect statues but I'm getting it. This is a must have for skyrim fans.
Yeah. That is why I'm asking if anyone want my copy then I can just change the delivery address and pay with paypal :)
08-29-2013, 09:11 AM
Yeah. That is why I'm asking if anyone want my copy then I can just change the delivery address and pay with paypal :)
You're giving up your copy? :tumbleweed:
08-29-2013, 09:16 AM
You're giving up your copy? :tumbleweed:
Yeah. Just have no way to pay it at the moment. I have to save for my trip.
You want mine? :)
08-29-2013, 09:21 AM
Yeah. Just have no way to pay it at the moment. I have to save for my trip.
You want mine? :)
Nah I got 3 dragonborn statues ordered already. I sent you a pm :)
08-29-2013, 10:23 AM
Just got an email from gamingheads that they will be taking payment on 3rd September. I'm skint dammit. Anyone want my order?
Do you have the gaming heads exclusive version? If so then I would love to take your order and could pay no problem. My bday is in september so it would make a nice gift for myself. :)
Been asking on the forums for awhile. Still available? :(
08-29-2013, 12:59 PM
They will give some more time with the payment maybe if they try to get the money with no result? As amazon that always advices you to revise the credit card???
I entered the wrong details when I ordered so my first installment payment wouldn't go through, they didn't cancel the order though and the payment eventually went through 3 weeks later. It might not be the same if you're paying the full amount in one go but its possible
08-29-2013, 01:03 PM
I selected flex payment...
So by now, the fee, and two months paid...lets see this month...
I have seen the two months before payments and they are by 15th to 18th...
Hope no changes in this case...
I was sweating
08-29-2013, 01:40 PM
I estimate Euro orders to be fulfilled by the end of September as is usually the case with shipping for F4F figures. Aus always get their figures first. This is however, wishful thinking as I didn't budget for this until after my holiday. :( about November time. >.<
08-29-2013, 04:24 PM
I ordered through the treehouse store. I wonder when I will be billed... Hopefully this means they will be shipping the same week.
08-29-2013, 04:48 PM
When will they ship?
08-29-2013, 04:54 PM
That thing is beautiful and if I had not just dumped 378$ on a vigor bottle I would have picked this up... soo sooo pretty...
08-29-2013, 06:31 PM
When will they ship?
The only person that can answer that is Ryan and I don't know how often he checks the forum.
08-29-2013, 06:33 PM
It's a pity but I wasn't expecting it so soon
If payment must be taken on Sept 3rd I'll likely not get one but if I can wait until Wednesday I might be able to afford it
Not looking forward to next week :(
Why can't places give 2 weeks notice?
08-29-2013, 06:43 PM
The only person that can answer that is Ryan and I don't know how often he checks the forum.
I check the forum an unhealthy amount. But I can't answer anything about what GamingHeads is doing with their exclusive, and whatever little information gets to me about ours showing up isn't usually definitive enough to count on until the thing is actually confirmed at our warehouse.
Apparently the statues are ready to be picked up from the factory, so that's happening "soon". At which point they'll be on a boat for 30ish days and then sit in customs for hopefully not too long. And then truck to our warehouse for a couple of days, and then be processed and counted in over a couple more days. This is not an exact science.
08-29-2013, 07:47 PM
I check the forum an unhealthy amount. But I can't answer anything about what GamingHeads is doing with their exclusive, and whatever little information gets to me about ours showing up isn't usually definitive enough to count on until the thing is actually confirmed at our warehouse.
Apparently the statues are ready to be picked up from the factory, so that's happening "soon". At which point they'll be on a boat for 30ish days and then sit in customs for hopefully not too long. And then truck to our warehouse for a couple of days, and then be processed and counted in over a couple more days. This is not an exact science.
09-03-2013, 10:38 AM
Payment has been taken. Just received an email 1 hr ago. So I guess if they take payment it means they're shipping soon?
09-18-2013, 04:47 PM
I just saw someone post a photo of their dragonborn exclusive to the official gamingheads page. Hopefully that means it won't be much longer for those of us that ordered through the treehouse store. Ryan, any updates?
09-18-2013, 04:52 PM
I just saw someone post a photo of their dragonborn exclusive to the official gamingheads page. Hopefully that means it won't be much longer for those of us that ordered through the treehouse store. Ryan, any updates?
Huh. Our latest update still has them en route to the warehouse. Expected check in date is Oct. 10th....
09-18-2013, 05:07 PM
Huh. Our latest update still has them en route to the warehouse. Expected check in date is Oct. 10th....
Hmm. Maybe that person lives near the factory. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to October!
09-18-2013, 05:09 PM
Don't know why, but I'm still waiting them to take my third payment... :beg:
09-18-2013, 08:13 PM
Don't know why, but I'm still waiting them to take my third payment... :beg:
That's weird, mine went out ages ago :scratch:
09-19-2013, 12:22 AM
Huh. Our latest update still has them en route to the warehouse. Expected check in date is Oct. 10th....
When you say check in date, does that mean after customs or before? Just planning things out and was curious.
09-19-2013, 12:33 AM
When you say check in date, does that mean after customs or before? Just planning things out and was curious.
That's the _planned_ date for them to be checked into the warehouse. I wouldn't try to set any clocks by that, but it's the latest info we have....
09-19-2013, 03:10 AM
I received mine last week. Gotta say they are amazing. Can't wait for the dragon priest mask variant. Ryan, 10 Oct is for both the standard and dragon priest on your side I guess?
09-19-2013, 03:55 AM
09-19-2013, 04:30 AM
My Gamingheads exclusive hasn't even shipped yet. Or at least no email from them or updates on the site yet. Getting a little worried about it.
09-19-2013, 05:10 AM
My Gamingheads exclusive hasn't even shipped yet. Or at least no email from them or updates on the site yet. Getting a little worried about it.
Not yet mate. I contacted them earlier this month and US orders will dispatch around end of this month.
09-19-2013, 05:13 AM
Oh ok.
Thanks for that!
09-19-2013, 05:14 AM
I received mine last week. Gotta say they are amazing. Can't wait for the dragon priest mask variant. Ryan, 10 Oct is for both the standard and dragon priest on your side I guess?
Yeah, I haven't heard differently on that, so that's what we're expecting.
Yours looks awesome!
09-19-2013, 08:29 AM
Yeah, I haven't heard differently on that, so that's what we're expecting.
Yours looks awesome!
Great mate!
Just curious does the shipping price include customs/taxes? I remember reading about it somewhere here.
09-19-2013, 06:34 PM
Since some people are getting theirs already, I hope we get an unboxing video soon. Of all the stuff I've gotten and plan on getting this year, this statue is the thing that I look forward to the most!
09-19-2013, 10:14 PM
Great mate!
Just curious does the shipping price include customs/taxes? I remember reading about it somewhere here.
Hey Lemur, how many pieces is it? Base, nord, arm, and head? I'm just curious.
Also, any chance you could measure the dimensions for me? I don't have a display case yet and all I know is that the height is around 16 inches.
09-20-2013, 02:52 AM
Hey Lemur, how many pieces is it? Base, nord, arm, and head? I'm just curious.
Also, any chance you could measure the dimensions for me? I don't have a display case yet and all I know is that the height is around 16 inches.
The different pieces:
Head x 2
Body x 1
Base x 1
Part of dragon tail x 1
Left arm x 2
Right arm x 1
And batteries :thumb:
As for dimensions I'm not sure, I'll see if I have a measuring tape at home. What do I need to measure anyway? Height?
09-20-2013, 02:59 AM
The different pieces:
Head x 2
Body x 1
Base x 1
Part of dragon tail x 1
Left arm x 2
Right arm x 1
And batteries :thumb:
As for dimensions I'm not sure, I'll see if I have a measuring tape at home. What do I need to measure anyway? Height?
Thank you. Height and diameter, please.
09-30-2013, 10:28 PM
GamingHeads just announced that their US warehouse got them in. So, those that ordered from them shouldn't have to wait much longer. I still need to pull the trigger on a display case for mine...
Ryan, is that Oct. 10th date still holding true?
10-01-2013, 03:49 PM
I wasn't able to measure it cos I don't have any measuring tape. And I realised I don't even have a ruler either. In a way that's good cos it means I don't have silly stuff like homework hahahahaha :tomato:
Guess you'll know the dimensions once you receive yours soon :thumb:
10-11-2013, 11:10 PM
I was just checking the order on gaming heads to see if there was a date for despatch yet and noticed that it doesn't show the third instalment as having been taken yet although I've seen it on my credit card statement. Tried emailing them but the contact form keeps bringing up an error so wondered if anybody else had the same issue?
10-12-2013, 05:18 AM
I was just checking the order on gaming heads to see if there was a date for despatch yet and noticed that it doesn't show the third instalment as having been taken yet although I've seen it on my credit card statement. Tried emailing them but the contact form keeps bringing up an error so wondered if anybody else had the same issue?
Same problem with my order. I got this answer:
Thank you for your email. We will take the final payment when the figure is ready to ship to you. We will submit the payment around early October.
Thank you for your patience.
Kind regards,
Customer Service
10-23-2013, 01:28 PM
All my dragonborn statue pics together here :D
10-23-2013, 09:20 PM
Thanks for the pics Lemur. The EX looks great! Still ambivalent about the priest mask version, what do you think of it?
very beautiful statues. faces are very well sculpted
10-25-2013, 11:27 AM
Thanks for the pics Lemur. The EX looks great! Still ambivalent about the priest mask version, what do you think of it?
I guess it looks kinda weird on that body but the mask looks weird in the first place so it's personal preference. I really like the dragon priest masks in-game so I'm pleased with how it turned out. :v:
10-27-2013, 05:56 AM have all 3 versions of this statue. Managed to get number 177 on all 3. <cough> Thanks, Ryan, for the help <cough>. Now to get a display case to fit these three and future statues in the Skyrim line.
Sweet statue but I think its pretty awesome that Ryan helped you get the same number.
10-28-2013, 04:54 AM have all 3 versions of this statue. Managed to get number 177 on all 3. <cough> Thanks, Ryan, for the help <cough>. Now to get a display case to fit these three and future statues in the Skyrim line.
I would be on cloud 9. I LOVE matching pieces!
10-28-2013, 05:16 AM
Hmm... I still haven't had an email from gamingheads yet charging me for my exclusive statue... o.0
However, I have just been on the site and checked my account page and it says declined... >.< May have to drop them an email.
10-28-2013, 03:23 PM
Hmm... I still haven't had an email from gamingheads yet charging me for my exclusive statue... o.0
However, I have just been on the site and checked my account page and it says declined... >.< May have to drop them an email.
My card was declined as well - however i have used it with them before without issue. I think the issue is with them and payment?
10-28-2013, 03:41 PM
Did the 2 exclusives come with the original head?
10-28-2013, 04:57 PM
The gaming head exclusive came with the head with helmet and another without helmet. Bethesda exclusive only came with dragon priest head. :banana:
10-30-2013, 04:00 AM
Nice, stunning pieces man. Line them up altogether for a shot ;)
11-02-2013, 12:12 AM
I prefer the sword/shield combo.
11-02-2013, 04:44 AM
That looks amazing! :notworthy:
11-02-2013, 02:43 PM
Thanks :)
11-06-2013, 01:28 PM
My statue is sat in customs with a customs charge. Im sure i have seen posted on here a few times that the reason they carge so much for the postage ($85) was that this pays for the customs and any tax's
If not then the question is why is the postage so damn much? It was hard enough to come up with the money just before Christmas as it is, now ive got another charge on top
11-06-2013, 02:12 PM
Just got off the phone with parcelforce which is where the packet is.
the customs charge is ?68 which is about $110
so all in all i will have payed
$300 for the statue
$85 for postage
$110 for customs.
also just done some reading and it seems im wrong and customs was always going to be an issue. ah well you live and learn i guess.
11-06-2013, 03:33 PM
Weird, Gamingheads ships to their own UK warehouse, then ships to you via this warehouse so you avoid customs. However, if it's the special Treehouse one, then it will ship via the Treehouse store, hence why you'll have received customs :( xx
i and i
12-05-2014, 10:09 AM
does anyone has the Dragon Priest version? I would love to know if the head is detachable or not :)
12-05-2014, 12:11 PM
The head from the Dragon Priest Mask Variant statue is detachable and you can switch the heads between both statues.
01-16-2015, 02:01 PM
Skyrim Dragonborn Priest Mask Variant Statue (Bethesda Store Exclusive) Unboxing
01-16-2015, 02:33 PM
Skyrim Dragonborn Priest Mask Variant Statue (Bethesda Store Exclusive) Unboxing
Text on bottom of base says limited to 250 pieces worldwide (in video 07:11)???
* Dragonborn Statue is limited to only 1,000 pieces worldwide
* Dragon Priest Mask Variant is limited to only 250 pieces, and was a Quake Con exclusive
01-16-2015, 03:09 PM
Text on bottom of base says limited to 250 pieces worldwide (in video 07:11)???
* Dragonborn Statue is limited to only 1,000 pieces worldwide
* Dragon Priest Mask Variant is limited to only 250 pieces, and was a Quake Con exclusive
Oh man I thought it was 1,000 too. Good to know, did not even read that part when unboxing. Nice catch GT!
So they were at Quake Con too then? IT was made exclusively for the Bethesda Store... they must have sold some at eh con and then the rest on the site (got mine from the site).
01-16-2015, 04:20 PM
Definitely was not a QuakeCon exclusive. We brought the sample to QC and showed it off, but nearly all of them were sold on the store.
250 edition size and exclusivity to us confirmed.
01-16-2015, 04:26 PM
Definitely was not a QuakeCon exclusive. We brought the sample to QC and showed it off, but nearly all of them were sold on the store.
250 edition size and exclusivity to us confirmed.
Thanks for clearing that up Ryan. I had thought it was a Beth Store exclusive (mostly just because that is what it said on the site :D ).
I really love it, and loved the deal I got on it a lot more!
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