View Full Version : Bioshock Infinite: AUTOGRAPHED MIND IN REVOLT BOOK only 15 available
I have to say this is out of nowhere
I think it's hard to justify 48 pages for $100 (or $230 for some crazy people) but the work is so awesome.
For signature it's another $130 but hey only 15 (-1) available
For this price I expect them to handout a damn certificate of authenticity
Crazy Ass $230 only 15 limited edition (
The regular $100 ( is not quite limited tho
03-21-2013, 02:12 AM
that price is way to high for what you get (especially the normal edition), the signatured one is to expensive as well but will probably go up in value.
03-21-2013, 02:19 AM
Thanks for the news :thumb:
Yeah it's a little expensive, I guess only the hardcore fans (or one who has money to spare) will buy this.
Looks like the bioshock equivalent to nathan drake's diary.
03-21-2013, 02:20 AM
Holy to 15, damn. This will be an expensive day for some among us!
03-21-2013, 02:27 AM
its just money grabbing with those sigs.
would be nice if it had exclusive pages or anything.
03-21-2013, 02:34 AM
its just money grabbing with those sigs.
would be nice if it had exclusive pages or anything.
It does feel like a real easy way to increase profit margins without actually offering a new product :(
03-21-2013, 02:39 AM
its just money grabbing with those sigs.
This...Its really annoying.
03-21-2013, 02:48 AM
Darn, I like that too but it is too expensive for what you get.
People will be selling these on eBay soon, that would be the only reason to get one but even then what profit could you make in good conscience?
I would pay probably $120 for the signed one, that i what it should have been but getting close to launch this is when they know they can hype the prices.
An acquaintance of mine who is my local GameStop manager is going to PAX East and is going to try and get a poster signed for each of us by Ken, I hope he succeeds ;)
EDIT: I'm not even sure if Ken signed those books or not, none of them look like his sig (maybe the really scribblly one but it doesn't really resemble the one from the posters). If Ken (who it says wrote it) didn;t sign it then it defiantly isn't worth it... as if it doesn't tell you who specifically signed it, it just says "Signed by the authors and artists".
After looking more i guess the Scribbly one is his...
All I have to say is 2.3 is probably how they justified their signature.
Last time they pull this off
The regular is $65 and sign (65x2.3 = $149.5~150)
This time
regular is $100 and sign (100x2.3 = $230)
If they decide to sign songbird edition, I think I can estimate how much it's gonna be.
03-21-2013, 02:56 AM
That's Ken Levine's sig in the book for sure. I recognize it.
03-21-2013, 03:01 AM
That's Ken Levine's sig in the book for sure. I recognize it.
Yeah i just had updated my post saying it looks similar after looking at a bunch of different one (it changes a lot).
Are you getting one of the these Mortal?
03-21-2013, 03:03 AM
i must be mad, i just paid $130 for a sig - was half asleep didnt even notice that there was a regular edition, need to cancel my order
03-21-2013, 03:04 AM
That's Levine's sig circled:
03-21-2013, 03:05 AM
Yeah i just had updated my post saying it looks similar after looking at a bunch of different one (it changes a lot).
Are you getting one of the these Mortal?
I'm trying to, but paypal is borked. If I can't pay with paypal, then I'm out. I lost my credit card, and it's being replaced as we speak. If I had my cc, I would try to use it.
03-21-2013, 03:05 AM
That's Levine's sig circled:
I just posted about that ;)
Want me to grab a couple? One for you?
03-21-2013, 03:08 AM
If you can get one for me, then yeah that would be awesome.
Freakin' paypal is pissing me off!
03-21-2013, 03:11 AM
Not working for me either...
03-21-2013, 03:13 AM
Not working for me either...
Strange... my paypal is working fine, just received email confirmation
for me my CC didnt work, opposite to Tomb raider store issues
03-21-2013, 03:15 AM
Strange... my paypal is working fine, just received email confirmation
for me my CC didnt work, opposite to Tomb raider store issues
Tried PayPal twice... they may be gone already. It is letting me add 15 to my cart without an issue... that is not right.
03-21-2013, 03:18 AM
Tried PayPal twice... they may be gone already. It is letting me add 15 to my cart without an issue... that is not right.
You can add 99.
03-21-2013, 03:20 AM
Tried PayPal twice... they may be gone already. It is letting me add 15 to my cart without an issue... that is not right.
But i can still check out with paypal, just added to basket and went all the way through checkout (without fully submitting)
03-21-2013, 03:21 AM
Sorry, we were unable to process your order at this time.
This was with a CC.
Well, that makes my decision easier. :suicide:
03-21-2013, 03:26 AM
Sorry, we were unable to process your order at this time.
This was with a CC.
Well, that makes my decision easier. :suicide:
Yeah I guess screw it... I didn't have the cash right now anyways.
I was going to buy one sell one and sell a few things real quick to make up for the rest but it wont work not matter how I do the checkout so whatever.
Hopefully I will still get a signed poster from PAX... FOR FREE!
03-21-2013, 03:33 AM
They are doing a midnight launch part a 5 select GameStops where devs will be there to give away swag and sign things... too bad I don;t live in a popular City (not too bad, I hate Citys... love my rural existence expect for the cool event I miss).
Here is a neat photo I took from the facebook pages source code ;)
Links about the Event:
03-21-2013, 04:52 AM
I'm pretty sure it's sold out and they simply haven't taken it down yet.
03-21-2013, 05:02 AM
I'm pretty sure it's sold out and they simply haven't taken it down yet.
Maybe but I was trying back before someone said it just worked for them... but yeah by now it is sold out for sure. Some people stalk that place to get 5 of them all to sell a gouged prices like the Lithos.
I was going to sell one but not at the prices they would.
03-21-2013, 05:15 AM
And for what it's worth, the unsigned version may sell out eventually too. Who knows if they intend on reprinting it. The Bioshock art book (Breaking the Mold) was never reprinted. It had one run, and that was it.
03-21-2013, 07:12 AM
Can't believe this hasn't sold out yet... who bought one? There's only 15:facepalm:
03-21-2013, 07:22 AM
We think is has sold out, we can't buy one... at least a few of us can't for some reazon.
03-21-2013, 07:28 AM
Yeah same I just noticed that:rant: How limited is the non-signature item.. hope it's not as limited as the Halo 4 CE.. I think I have 484,567
03-21-2013, 08:18 AM
Yeah same I just noticed that:rant: How limited is the non-signature item.. hope it's not as limited as the Halo 4 CE.. I think I have 484,567
It doesnt say that the regular on is limited.
I want to say they mis typed the "15" but for the price increase I guess they didn't.
Still claims to be in stock.
03-21-2013, 08:24 AM
This is the exact same thing that happened with the Murder of Crows bottle. It was showing up as in-stock when it had already sold out. It took them a day or so to update the product page with the sell out notice.
03-21-2013, 08:26 AM
Mass refunds after that?
03-21-2013, 08:34 AM
No because the system simply wouldn't let you check out. The system would give the same error message that it's giving now. When you try to check out it says something along the lines of "We're sorry, but your transaction cannot be completed."
03-21-2013, 08:41 AM
Bet someone got 10 of them...I am sure these will pop up on ebay tomorrow for $1000 each.
i and i
03-21-2013, 08:49 AM
is there an version without the signs of this book ?
03-21-2013, 08:58 AM
03-21-2013, 09:51 AM
Yeah looks like the 15 have sold out!
03-21-2013, 09:59 AM
Yeah it is extremly annoying... but hey it is for the best most likely. That is an EXTREMELY over priced book.
03-21-2013, 10:15 AM
Yeah I don't collect Bioshock which I am glad about!
03-21-2013, 10:21 AM
Yeah I don't collect Bioshock which I am glad about!
Yeah I am starting and I am finding it daunting. The prices for some of these thing are just plain ridiculous... and I was willing to get one... yuck.
I need to pan it down a bit.
I am moving towards Bioshock, God of War, and Dishonored right now as far as collecting is concerned.
But I can't be a completionist about it like I did Darksiders (still not really complete on that but I have accepted I will never be able to get the really rae items).
03-22-2013, 06:19 AM
The autographed one is BACK IN STOCK. There was probably errors/cancelled orders or something but it's there and I managed to purchase one.
Also, having said that I plan on hitting up the local LA midnight launch of Bioshock and will be getting two of the non autographed Mint in Revolt signed by the devs that are there. Who knows, Ken Levine could possibly show up?
If any of you are interested in one feel free to pay what you want (retail + shipping of course). Cheers!
03-22-2013, 06:38 AM
The autographed one is BACK IN STOCK. There was probably errors/cancelled orders or something but it's there and I managed to purchase one.
Also, having said that I plan on hitting up the local LA midnight launch of Bioshock and will be getting two of the non autographed Mint in Revolt signed by the devs that are there. Who knows, Ken Levine could possibly show up?
If any of you are interested in one feel free to pay what you want (retail + shipping of course). Cheers!
Thanks for the heads up...:barsong:
03-22-2013, 06:49 AM
Sweet! Scored a signed copy!
Thanks for the head's up!
03-22-2013, 07:06 AM
Also want to mention once again that although, the unsigned version does not indicate whether it's a limited product, there may still be the chance that this will only have a single print run. The point being that if you're interested in the book, you may want to scoop up a copy just in case it is indeed a single print run.
The Bioshock: Breaking the Mold artbook was sold through the Irrational Store (then the 2K store technically), and it was limited to a single run. That book is now a somewhat scarce book. You can find it on eBay from time to time, but it sells for exponentially more than what it originally retailed for.
03-22-2013, 08:21 AM
At 1.00 am this morning it let me purchase one as well.i can't imagine that with only 15 copies made there would be any would not let me use paypal and I had to enter a credit card but they instantly took money out of my account and sent me a confirmation email.this is the same when I ordered the boardwalk and 15 irrational years prints, but I'll believe it when i have the book. This is even rarer than the murder of crows from what I remember, would love to have it.maybe they only let one go per customer, that way it could have freed up a few additional ones tonight, its almost 4 in the morning now and it still says I can add to cart, I'm tempted to buy another but dont want to be greedy considering I dont have it yet.anyway the game has some reviews posted online and they are great scores, good luck and enjoy the game fellow collectors.
03-22-2013, 09:38 AM
I got an email from IG yesterday saying my signed book is on its way (less than 24 hours after ordering)...if you've ordered one, expect a dispatch email within 24 hours...
03-22-2013, 09:40 AM
Scratch that,every time i go to paypal it comes up with site error rubbish. Then when i try to checkout again it wont allow to click on shipping costs. Paypal is not working at all it seems,Damn. I HATE this,theres money in paypal but not on my debit card arrrggghhh! What to do what to do. This going to be one of those regret things me thinks.
Scratch that again. The damn site wont let me do anything now but order the bloody thing & not pay for it. Me thinks if the site is playing up like this theres a chance there are none left & the site is up poo creek aat the moment,Bloody frustrating
03-22-2013, 10:02 AM
Yeah if you look at the picture of the signatures its numbered 5 if 15. Someone earlier was saying that the error message meant they were sold out,i couldn't use paypal either but for other reasons, it would take me to paypals home page instead. I had to use my card and it went through and I got an email confiming, we'll see I don't believe it myself
03-22-2013, 10:09 AM
Yeah if you look at the picture of the signatures its numbered 5 if 15. Someone earlier was saying that the error message meant they were sold out,i couldn't use paypal either but for other reasons, it would take me to paypals home page instead. I had to use my card and it went through and I got an email confiming, we'll see I don't believe it myself
I just tried using a credit card but it still wouldnt do anthing but say sorry we cant process your order at this time. Tried paypal & it went to the paypal page,clicked continue the it cam up with error. Its a HUGE pain in the bum
03-22-2013, 10:22 AM
This is probably sold out again. This too happened when the MoC bottle was for sale at the Irrational Store. The bottle sold out, then it came back up for sale like a week or two later.
Back when I was trying to buy a bottle, I emailed them asking them what was going on because the site kept giving me the same error that we experienced last night, and again now it seems.
They told me that the bottle was sold out but that they simply hadn't yet removed it from the site. That's why I was getting the error.
The system won't let you complete an order if an item is sold out basically.
Shortly after this, they removed the ability to add the bottle to your cart altogether.
Like I said though, a week or two later they restocked the bottle and orders were going through again. Then shortly after the restock of the bottle, the bottle was taken completely off the site; meaning that you couldn't even see a product page for the bottle. It hasn't been back since.
This is similar to what we experienced with the book. The book probably did sell out two nights ago. They even removed the ability to add the book to your cart for most of yesterday; but then they restocked it yesterday night. A few of us here were able to successfully place orders on the restock in fact. Presumably, since the error is now back again, the book is out of stock again.
Take all this with a grain of salt of course. Because really, why would they need to restock a book that's limited to only 15 copies after all? There's plenty that we don't know about how they run their business over at Irrational. Perhaps they split the stock in two? Maybe they had some cancelations? Who knows...
03-22-2013, 10:55 AM
Who actually got one? There seems to be about 7-8 purchased by users on here? ...This seems weird..:nea:
03-22-2013, 11:00 AM
I didn't. I'd have loved to, but I don't have that kinda money to drop on a book right now :rotf: xx
03-22-2013, 11:10 AM
Hi all. Just signed up. Huge fan of Bioshock and been collecting anything related to it since about 2006.
This is the only place I've found where people are actually talking about this book! I tried purchasing one yesterday but kept getting the dreaded 'can't process your request' message. Ended up buying the vanilla book in sorrow. Kept checking and saw the buy button was up again and gave it a shot about 4 or 5 hours ago. Couldn't believe it got processed - but won't believe it til it arrives. The button is gone again now as a few have mentioned.
I've pretty much bought everything at the store - including the signed lithos, framed litho and so on. Was really lucky and managed to acquire a Crows Vigor bottle in 2011.
So, yes, I managed to order one of each! Maybe I'll keep the vanilla version and take it to PAX Aus in the hope that Ken is there. :D
Edit: Used a credit card in case people were wondering.
03-22-2013, 11:11 AM
From what I can guess is it wasnt advertised, whomever posted this message in the forums got it to everybody s attention,i just happened to check the store,i had a feeling there was something new there and the order went through,i didn't believe it so I researched a little and the only site I could find about the signed book was this forum, if its legit I don't know but everyone on this forum must have jumped at the still doesn't sound right though. I couldn't even get the signed lithos so to get something this rare seems crazy, but we will see
03-22-2013, 11:12 AM
Knight what time did your order go through?
03-22-2013, 11:17 AM
I got a confirm email at 1.12am eastern time, did any go through after that?i ned to get to bed but can't sleep now
03-22-2013, 11:20 AM
@ Mancoon - it definitely was not advertised. I am obsessed with Bioshock and I'm on the IG site checking the store at least twice a day (and that's a conservative amount). Nothing was posted on their forum or main site either. I had a double take when I saw them listed the first time.
It was after realizing that I couldn't seem to complete the order that I started searching and found this thread.
My confirmation was at about 5pm, in the Melb Australia time zone. If it helps, it's about 9pm now, so this was about 4 hours ago. I kept checking out of curioisty and the buy button was there for at least an hour after I ordered.
03-22-2013, 11:22 AM
For those environmental friendly buyers.,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-70,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
03-22-2013, 11:30 AM
Yeah thats about the same time mine went through its 6.40am now, so I tried about five hours ago, the add to cart is still there but purchases aren't going through
03-22-2013, 11:38 AM
It's very strange though. The add to the cart button was gone for an hour or two at least, but is now back.
Personally, once the item is out of stock, I say remove it all together - like they did for the Crows Vigor bottle. I don't want to be reminded about something I can't buy every time I go there. I mean, I did get the trio set of signed lithos, but it'd piss me off to see it there every time if I happened to miss out.
Edit: And bam, there goes the add to cart button again 0.o
03-22-2013, 01:01 PM
12pm UK time and still showing as in-stock?!?! Seems to change every few hours!
What the....
03-22-2013, 01:03 PM
What if, because of the low quantity, they're adding only 1 or 2 at a time? xx
03-22-2013, 01:16 PM
What if, because of the low quantity, they're adding only 1 or 2 at a time? xx
Ahhh....good thinking!
That makes a lot of sense as it would prevent scalpers!
03-22-2013, 01:25 PM
Ahhh....good thinking!
That makes a lot of sense as it would prevent scalpers!
I think you guys are giving them too much credit...
I just want them to be sold out to be honest... I can't afford one and i was trying to buy one... lol.
I'm kind of ashamed of the cash-in of these books... I would expect this maybe from the publisher but from Irrational themselves... shame IMO.
03-22-2013, 01:42 PM
I do think it's over-priced and I do feel a tad gouged TBH but we collector's gotsta have it!!
I wish the S/L had something to differentiate it from the regular though...even just a limitation page stating who had signed
03-22-2013, 01:48 PM
I do think it's over-priced and I do feel a tad gouged TBH but we collector's gotsta have it!!
I wish the S/L had something to differentiate it from the regular though...even just a limitation page stating who had signed
I agree - I think the prices for the signed items are quite excessive really. But as you said, if you're a collector, you just want it. :facepalm:
And also agree - they should come with something stating who the names are, etc.
03-22-2013, 02:48 PM
I don't think 230 is over priced for something that is limited to 15. I can't afford it either but 230 is the cheapest it will ever a company I think this is just a bonus for fans, they are going to make millions on the game they wouldn't really care about the 3000 dollars from 15 books, plus they spent man hours designing it. They didn't advertise our promote it, it was something for the fans out there that check the store every opinion at least
03-22-2013, 02:52 PM
Btw the add button is gone again.
03-22-2013, 03:07 PM
Who actually got one? There seems to be about 7-8 purchased by users on here? ...This seems weird..:nea:
I ordered one. In two minds whether to keep as when i emailed to cancel, they said it had been dispatched already (gave me a dhl tracking number in 2 hrs - wtf?)
03-22-2013, 03:43 PM
I ordered one. In two minds whether to keep as when i emailed to cancel, they said it had been dispatched already (gave me a dhl tracking number in 2 hrs - wtf?)
Bloody hell, that's quick!!!
I wanted one but won't have the money till next week so I'm screwed :(
03-22-2013, 03:56 PM
I ordered one. In two minds whether to keep as when i emailed to cancel, they said it had been dispatched already (gave me a dhl tracking number in 2 hrs - wtf?)
Wow, nice one nipper! Majorly jealous of ya there ;) xx
03-22-2013, 04:01 PM
Wow, nice one nipper! Majorly jealous of ya there ;) xx
Thanks V, I should have bought another one to help another member but i genuinely didnt think it would sell out for that ludicrous price.
03-22-2013, 08:04 PM
I don't think 230 is over priced for something that is limited to 15. I can't afford it either but 230 is the cheapest it will ever a company I think this is just a bonus for fans, they are going to make millions on the game they wouldn't really care about the 3000 dollars from 15 books, plus they spent man hours designing it. They didn't advertise our promote it, it was something for the fans out there that check the store every opinion at least
That is a good point actually - I hadn't really considered it. Glad you raised it.
I really hope they ship it soon, I'm getting really nervous about it lol. Honestly, I'd be shattered if they turn around and say your order was an error in the system or something like that!
03-22-2013, 08:07 PM
I don't think 230 is over priced for something that is limited to 15. I can't afford it either but 230 is the cheapest it will ever a company I think this is just a bonus for fans, they are going to make millions on the game they wouldn't really care about the 3000 dollars from 15 books, plus they spent man hours designing it. They didn't advertise our promote it, it was something for the fans out there that check the store every opinion at least
I slightly agree on the signed one but I am mostly concerned about the $100 non-signed ones (and from what I can tell they aren't limited either).
I think the regular books should be more like $50-60 (if limited to a 5,000 say) and maybe $180 for the 15 signed ones.
If they were 15 signed and there weren't regular ones then yeah they would be worth it and then some. But when I can't even justify buying the regular version there is a problem. Of coarse this is my opinion.
That is a good point actually - I hadn't really considered it. Glad you raised it.
I really hope they ship it soon, I'm getting really nervous about it lol. Honestly, I'd be shattered if they turn around and say your order was an error in the system or something like that!
Which part changed your mind?
03-22-2013, 08:13 PM
That is a good point actually - I hadn't really considered it. Glad you raised it.
I really hope they ship it soon, I'm getting really nervous about it lol. Honestly, I'd be shattered if they turn around and say your order was an error in the system or something like that!
I'm sure you'll get it. One thing about Irrational also is that they ship fast. You should hopefully have a tracking number by this time tomorrow. I actually hope to have my book by Wednesday at the latest. Fingers crossed.
03-22-2013, 08:14 PM
I guess, considering there are only 15, that would make them super rare - and $230 all things considered isn't a massive cost considering that. I just hope that people who were lucky enough to get them haven't done it to make a quick buck on eBay.
I doubt there is an endless supply of the vanilla books as well. Just my gut feeling on it though.
Edit: Thanks Mortal. The vanilla book shipped a day after I purchased, so hopefully today the second one is posted as well. I will say that at least the international shipping was decent for once! It was only $30, where as in the past I've paid over $100 on shipping alone!
03-22-2013, 08:34 PM
I guess, considering there are only 15, that would make them super rare - and $230 all things considered isn't a massive cost considering that. I just hope that people who were lucky enough to get them haven't done it to make a quick buck on eBay.
I doubt there is an endless supply of the vanilla books as well. Just my gut feeling on it though.
Edit: Thanks Mortal. The vanilla book shipped a day after I purchased, so hopefully today the second one is posted as well. I will say that at least the international shipping was decent for once! It was only $30, where as in the past I've paid over $100 on shipping alone!
Well I agree there wont be an endless supply of anything like this really, but I would like to know how many they will make and as someone pointed out they could make another batch at anytime if they wont call it Limited.
For $100 there should have been 300-500 copies of the regular un-signed ones.
Sorry i just feel cheated by the price and non-limited nature of the regular edition.
03-22-2013, 08:50 PM
I don't think 230 is over priced for something that is limited to 15. I can't afford it either but 230 is the cheapest it will ever a company I think this is just a bonus for fans, they are going to make millions on the game they wouldn't really care about the 3000 dollars from 15 books, plus they spent man hours designing it. They didn't advertise our promote it, it was something for the fans out there that check the store every opinion at least
-Only if you are talking about ebay resellers.
-If they don't care, then why make it so expensive?
-Sure they spent hours designing it, but it sure isn't that hard to sign something and that process is apparently worth $130!
-Those are the only people that will buy it (+ people looking to turn a profit), so of course.
03-22-2013, 08:52 PM
I thought I was the only one who thought that... good to know I'm not crazy.
03-22-2013, 08:59 PM
Is $130 really that much for 4 sigs though? It's only $35 each when you break it down. I did think it was too much at first but now I see more value in the signed ones especially if there are only 15.
Still, I respect that others won't share that view. Looks like my book just shipped as well. Awesome!!
03-22-2013, 09:00 PM
I thought I was the only one who thought that... good to know I'm not crazy.
Nope I feel the exact same about this notebook and the lithos as well
Honestly it just feels greedy and more important lazy
If they don't need the money from this, why make it so expensive?
Why not reward the first 15 fans to see the item and simply give it to them for the cost of the book? That is if it has nothing to do with money being made
Lithos are the same. Numbering and signing what appears to be an open edition screams lazy to me
They should have at least made the limited version giclees or something
Instead of just taking the first 100 copies and signing and numbering it
Again so lazy and uncreative
03-22-2013, 09:04 PM
Looks like my book just shipped as well. Awesome!!
When did you place your order for the signed book?
03-22-2013, 09:11 PM
Is $130 really that much for 4 sigs though? It's only $35 each when you break it down. I did think it was too much at first but now I see more value in the signed ones especially if there are only 15.
Still, I respect that others won't share that view. Looks like my book just shipped as well. Awesome!!
I guess I always subscribed to the school of thought that when you buy a piece of art, for example a lithograph, the artist isn't signing it so he can jack the price up $35.
Its such a blatant cash grab that IMO just shows the disregard they have for their bigger fans.
03-22-2013, 09:20 PM
Ι feel the same way. I think these items are overpriced from Irrational.
03-22-2013, 09:25 PM
When did you place your order for the signed book?
About 14 hours ago. Pretty impressive it's shipped already! Still, not believing it until its in my hands.
03-22-2013, 09:46 PM
Is $130 really that much for 4 sigs though? It's only $35 each when you break it down. I did think it was too much at first but now I see more value in the signed ones especially if there are only 15.
Still, I respect that others won't share that view. Looks like my book just shipped as well. Awesome!!
I suppose that depends on whether you care about the other sigs... i really only care about Ken's... but the others are just like "meh" bonuses.
Really Ken is the Director, writer, and mind behind all of it. Yeah the others contribute but for me they aren't the same.
03-22-2013, 09:54 PM
if they sold them dirty cheap one person would buy them all and tomorrow they would be a thousand dollars on ebay. Its a fair price and looks like they sold them in small cycles that way the people who constantly check the store could have a fair chance rather than one our two people with the funds to add all of them to thier cart. I collect a lot of art and Signed numbered art is so much more appealing and usually worth getting.this isn't a bad price for true fans considering the rarity, I will never sell it if I get it . The the signed lithos were a great deal considering each one was signed twice, but I missed out one those. Like I was saying the company isn't making tons on these, they might make something like 2500 profit after thier costs and time, to me this is just an extremely rare piece. They could have asked a thousand and they still would have sold out pretty quickly, I do agree the non signed book should be 50 dollars though.Waiting for shipping email, still hoping.
03-22-2013, 10:02 PM
Yeah kens signature is the tops, that was the only reason I got the boardwalk art. Its a huge bonus as looking glass studio fan they are still probably my all time favorite company, and pretty much the soul of irrational games, ken did system shock 2 which was way ahead of its time, I suggest finding it as its just as good as bioshock, pretty much bioshock in space, the studio also did the original two thief games although I'm not sure if ken was part of the team then. The guy is a brilliant writer a historian of sorts and actually cares to get his games made the right way, I will be really surprised if this doesn't deliver or else il have to hide my song bird statute in shame but I'm doubting that
03-22-2013, 10:36 PM
A $1,000!? Now your just being silly...
03-22-2013, 10:41 PM
@mancoon - lets not make this a 'who has a bigger man crush on Ken' thread ;) I'm with you though. I think the guys brilliant. Did you watch the recent Bafta interview? (Oh and Ken did some writing for Thief)
And have no doubt, Infinite will be amazing. :)
I understand what was said about his sig compared to just artists but, speaking for myself, I don't want to miss out on anything. I've got a number of rare bioshock items and like others I'm not collecting for future profits. I'd never sell this anything in my bioshock collection. :)
@flatout. The vigor bottles were $500 and sold out quick. There were 400 of them. There are enough crazy collectors out there to pay $1k had that been the price. Only 15 of them after all. I've been close to spending a lot more than that on some bioshock memorobilia!
03-22-2013, 10:55 PM
I didn't catch that interview although I did watch a really good half hour interview with adam sessler (remember him from xplay on g4?) Anyway its on rev3 games where he works now, it really shows how creative and inspired by history his games are, best interview I've seen yet. On youtube just type rev3 ken levine its a two part interview, reaching for the heavens and making elizabeth
03-22-2013, 11:23 PM
if they sold them dirty cheap one person would buy them all and tomorrow they would be a thousand dollars on ebay. Its a fair price and looks like they sold them in small cycles that way the people who constantly check the store could have a fair chance rather than one our two people with the funds to add all of them to thier cart. I collect a lot of art and Signed numbered art is so much more appealing and usually worth getting.this isn't a bad price for true fans considering the rarity, I will never sell it if I get it . The the signed lithos were a great deal considering each one was signed twice, but I missed out one those. Like I was saying the company isn't making tons on these, they might make something like 2500 profit after thier costs and time, to me this is just an extremely rare piece. They could have asked a thousand and they still would have sold out pretty quickly, I do agree the non signed book should be 50 dollars though.Waiting for shipping email, still hoping.
Spot on.. if they were limited to 15 and cheap they would of all gone in the first minute..
03-22-2013, 11:37 PM
Thought I'd post this. I sent a query to support as soon as I had trouble the first time. Bad news for those wanting a signed copy. The reply came in this morning, just a few hours ago.
Mar 22 13:25 (PDT):
We do not currently have any more in stock of the autographed copies.
We apologize for this inconvenience.
Thank you,
2K Support
03-24-2013, 03:43 AM
Just curious if any one else has gotten shipping confirmation. I havnt yet. Maybe because the weekend.another question, I have been trying to research this more, apparently it will come sealed in a bioshock envelope, sealed with a sticker. Do you open it,i think I would have to.i always leave sealed things sealed but I think I would have to see what number I had gotten or see if its even signed, then display in a glass book case with the envelope and printed confirmation emails if there is no certificate of authenticity.that way you have a bill and order number from irrational.any thoughts?
03-24-2013, 03:48 AM
I haven't gotten shipping confirmation. I'm all but certain that this is because it's the weekend. I expect a tracking number on Monday. Good question on the sealed bit.
I'll probably be opening mine for the same reasons you stated. I'd be dying to see the number and sigs. We'll see though. I may just leave it sealed. I'll just have to wait until it's actually in my hands to decide.
03-24-2013, 11:00 AM
I got shipping confirmation about a day after. I've seen the photos of the white packaging for it - looks like this:
Like you both mentioned, I always like to leave things sealed, but usually that's for shrink wrap, etc, and not 'packaging' per se. At least with shrink wrap (like the Rapture Record from Bio 2), you can still see the item. It'd annoy me to not be able to see the book at all. And like you, I must know what number it is! In fact, I'm still skeptical that they've sent me a signed one at all and I'll always have that doubt unless I see it for myself. I'll keep the packaging as well and display it with the order confirmation as mentioned already.
Actually, as I ended up buying two of these (one signed and one unsigned), I think I'll keep the unsigned one sealed and then I can display them together that way. Decisions, decisions!
It is a shame to have no certificate of authenticity - it's not mentioned so I doubt there will be one. I find it really odd as well, I mean 1 in 15 after all! I actually think I will make my own - copy the design of the certificates I already have from Irrational (minus any sigs since they would only be copies and not originals) and then edit in the item and number, etc. At least it will then match as well. Oh, so excited!
03-24-2013, 11:57 AM
...apparently it will come sealed in a bioshock envelope, sealed with a sticker.
I'm not a fan of this for an item of this nature. Guess you just have to hope they got your order correct and sent you the right version (signed versus unsigned)...or open it.
03-24-2013, 09:35 PM
Just curious if any one else has gotten shipping confirmation. I havnt yet. Maybe because the weekend.another question, I have been trying to research this more, apparently it will come sealed in a bioshock envelope, sealed with a sticker. Do you open it,i think I would have to.i always leave sealed things sealed but I think I would have to see what number I had gotten or see if its even signed, then display in a glass book case with the envelope and printed confirmation emails if there is no certificate of authenticity.that way you have a bill and order number from irrational.any thoughts?
This is disappointing, $230 dollars and they cant use a paper and printer to print a COA? I genuinely think companies nowadays dont understand the 'collector'
03-24-2013, 10:56 PM
If there's no physical difference between the signed and unsigned book + no COA, then you can easily buy the unsigned version, fake the signatures and put it up on ebay. How can you prove that yours is legit?
03-24-2013, 11:23 PM
Probably the best way to establish authenticity would be via invoices and the order confirmation emails that came directly from Irrational.
03-24-2013, 11:38 PM
Probably the best way to establish authenticity would be via invoices and the order confirmation emails that came directly from Irrational.
This is only if someone is smart enough to ask fo rthis info and if the seller didn't delete them.
I suppose for something like this you will need to hope people won't let you down... i find it hard to imagine that someone would fake it because I would never do it, but from what i have heard people do do this.
03-24-2013, 11:41 PM
Well I know I'm keeping the emails and the invoice no doubt. Hopefully it does come with a certificate though.Come next week I suppose we'll have our definitive answer.
03-25-2013, 07:52 AM
Guys - it comes with a COA!!!! :D # 9/15 - I seriously can't believe I scored one!!
Mine just arrived. Happy to post pics if you like.
Sooooooo wrapped.
The certificate is separate to the sealed book - in a black envelope, so you can keep the book sealed if you want. However, the sticker is easy to peel off and put back on if you just want to check it out.
03-25-2013, 07:57 AM
Uhhh...I'm seriously gonna whoop yo ass if you don't post them pics asap!
03-25-2013, 09:22 AM
I've re-sealed my signed one for now, but here are some pics of the black envelope with the certificate and the actual white packaging. (The certificate also lists who the sigs belong to and so on)
The book is actually smaller & thinner than I was expecting - but I am far from disappointed. <3
ps. Does that appease you for now Mortal? :P
03-25-2013, 09:49 AM
I am so pissed right now with the Irrational Store, seriously...always the same. The US takes it all...(AU is US for me now as well) I never saw a notification around this release till the really last minute. I wrote them a nice complaint about it...still awaiting a response, really curious on what excuse they will come up...
Anyway thanks for the teaser are a lucky man!!!
I buy it from you if you really think it is to small and to thin...I have a nice spot besides my signed Bioshock art prints hehe
03-25-2013, 10:21 AM
Same here, I just happen to look at the site during my lunch break and people here were talking about it..Hence I jumped on board.. But I know what you mean I missed out on the skyrim litho second time around as it was released at 3am Australian Time and the time I heard it was back on line it was gone.. -you win some / lose some...Unless you are Mortal.. (never misses a beat) :) ...
03-25-2013, 10:28 AM
Just got mine too - can confirm it does come with a COA. Yes the book is small - $100 for an unsigned open edition is too expensive.
03-25-2013, 10:37 AM
Well, I did order one of the un-autographed at the end...better something than nothing...right?
I might get it signed one of those days when Ken Levine discovers his Irish roots and jumps over for a visit to his ancestors home town...hehehe
Though I have to say in favor to the Irrational store, they did deliver those prints and books in record time as I can see...
03-25-2013, 10:38 AM
I am so pissed right now with the Irrational Store, seriously...always the same. The US takes it all...(AU is US for me now as well) I never saw a notification around this release till the really last minute. I wrote them a nice complaint about it...still awaiting a response, really curious on what excuse they will come up...
Anyway thanks for the teaser are a lucky man!!!
I buy it from you if you really think it is to small and to thin...I have a nice spot besides my signed Bioshock art prints hehe
Thanks for the offer asiak, but I think I'll hold on to it. It should fit in nicely with my Crow Vigor, signed lithos, Rosie Gamestop bust etc.
I know it's not much consolation, but at least know that #9 will be cherished and loved by a big fan. :) BUT I def think an unsigned one is still worth getting - I ordered one when I thought I'd missed out on the signed one. Still deciding what I should do with it lol - I think I may display that one and keep the signed one sealed with the certificate.
I have to say though, I kinda hope they don't release something this limited again - it would really bum me out to miss out. I remember when the crow vigor came out - it took me almost a year to track one down and convince someone to part with it.
03-25-2013, 10:51 AM
Reassuring words...thanks.
Curious, what or how does the Rosie Gamestop bust looks like...sorry for my unusual lack of knowledge, relatively late in collecting Bioshock items...
03-25-2013, 04:39 PM
My copies arrived today here in Scotland. Very, very fast shipping for sure!
I got #3 and #4 plus an unsigned one
Beautiful book
03-25-2013, 04:49 PM
Hopefully they are being packaged well considering the small number of them. Sounds like they must be so far for those who have received them. :)
03-25-2013, 04:52 PM
Curious, what or how does the Rosie Gamestop bust looks like...sorry for my unusual lack of knowledge, relatively late in collecting Bioshock items...
Hey asiak...I've never heard of it either but I found a link to it....looks lovely and probably costs a fortune
03-25-2013, 04:53 PM
My copies arrived today here in Scotland. Very, very fast shipping for sure!
I got #3 and #4 plus an unsigned one
Beautiful book
You bought two of the signed ones!? Lucky son of a gun! xx
03-25-2013, 04:59 PM
I haven't received my tracking number yet on the signed version, hopefully later today.
I did, however, just receive an unsigned version. It did not come well packed at all. It was shipped in a small, thin, bubble-wrap-lined envelope. Luckily it did not get too damaged, but it makes me nervous to think that my signed version will be packed in the same manner. I could easily see the package getting bent or crushed.
03-25-2013, 05:09 PM
My signed books came in individual, sealed Jiffy mailers with a bar-coded sticker saying "AUTOGRAPHED MIND IN REVOLT BOOK". The unsigned was just rattling around in the big box they shipped in...luckily in perfect condition.
All three of my books have had the stickers opened and resealed by the senders though. There's evidence of old glue on the signed books
03-25-2013, 05:11 PM
You bought two of the signed ones!? Lucky son of a gun! xx for me and one for a mate who now tells me he's skint! Oh well, his loss as these'll only increase in value (he says hopefully)
03-25-2013, 05:17 PM
Unlucky for him. Very jealous xx
03-25-2013, 05:42 PM
My signed books came in individual, sealed Jiffy mailers with a bar-coded sticker saying "AUTOGRAPHED MIND IN REVOLT BOOK". The unsigned was just rattling around in the big box they shipped in...luckily in perfect condition.
All three of my books have had the stickers opened and resealed by the senders though. There's evidence of old glue on the signed books
Yikes! Would think they'd pack better than that. Very disappointing to hear.
03-25-2013, 08:02 PM
Some of you may be happy to know that it happened, but I got that email two minutes ago from 2k support saying they fucked up and sold to I'm screwed those who didn't get shipping confirmation may get the same, they already took my money though,i doubt they will do anything special, maybe I'm the only one? Very pissed more so than ever, others let me know so we can try to bitch about it
03-25-2013, 08:06 PM
Well that stinks. I have not gotten a shipping confirmation or any other email just yet either.
03-25-2013, 08:10 PM
Just got the email. Order canceled. :suicide:
03-25-2013, 08:22 PM
I wrote them a long pissed off email,i expect you do the same, I want something besides a refund,i already have my spot cleared out for this.
03-25-2013, 08:23 PM
Disappointed for both of you. Sorry to hear that, it sucks!
03-25-2013, 08:24 PM
Hey asiak...I've never heard of it either but I found a link to it....looks lovely and probably costs a fortune
Hey guys,
Yep that's the one. I've got a jpeg of the original pamphlet and it says only 20 were made. However, I've read conflicting numbers as well - 25, 26 and 27.
As huge a fan as I am, it's not the most attractive looking bust front on, though I always thought it looked better from the side.
As for cost, it really depends I suppose. I've only seen 2 on eBay ever and I got one of them. :) I got the second one and it was a few years back. I guess I should post pics of my collection in a thread somewhere - I've got quite a lot of Bio stuff.
Oh and in terms of packaging for the book, mine came in a padded envelope - just the right sizes as well.
As for the cancellation emails - I'm really sorry to hear about it guys. I totally understand feeling shattered, frustrated, pissed over it. :(
03-26-2013, 07:22 AM
I got one its say 15 on the card next to the word edition.. Is that my number or the number of the total edition...I don't wish to open it to find out...
03-26-2013, 07:38 AM
Congrats on getting you book! It is very nice for sure and the sigs are sweet.
I am jealous of it... I wouldn't open it either. Just watch a vid of someone who does an unboxing of it to see all the artwork at some point ;)
03-26-2013, 08:26 AM
I got one its say 15 on the card next to the word edition.. Is that my number or the number of the total edition...I don't wish to open it to find out...
That's the total'll need to open to see if you got #1 !!
03-26-2013, 09:07 AM
That's the total'll need to open to see if you got #1 !!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!:nono:
03-26-2013, 01:48 PM
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!:nono:
Then why did you buy it?
03-26-2013, 04:30 PM
so from replies i see number 3, 4, 8 and 9 from members in this forum, anyone else?
03-27-2013, 06:45 AM
Then why did you buy it?
Urm, I'm a collector? about 80% of my items aren't open..
03-27-2013, 03:18 PM
Urm, I'm a collector? about 80% of my items aren't open..
Same here, but if you look closely at the package, the sticker seal has already been opened - likely sealed during production and then devs signed and resealed - thats the reason why i opened mine
03-27-2013, 03:27 PM
I don't consider a sticker that can easily be removed a "seal", really only ones that force you to actually cut or tear it can be considered a proper seal.
But personally I would open it, it really won't devalue an item such as this. Plus like i already explained it doesn't seem to be a "real" seal anyways.
03-27-2013, 03:41 PM
I don't consider a sticker that can easily be removed a "seal", really only ones that force you to actually cut or tear it can be considered a proper seal.
But personally I would open it, it really won't devalue an item such as this. Plus like i already explained it doesn't seem to be a "real" seal anyways.
03-27-2013, 05:42 PM
I also feel like opening it wouldn't devalue it; so long as you don't cut the sticker.just my opinion of course.
03-27-2013, 06:15 PM
I don't think it's stupid at all. I have plenty of items that I've chosen to keep sealed for the sake of keeping them as original as possible. Just that in this case, again, I don't believe opening it will affect the item one way or the other. Especially since the sticker can easily be resealed.
03-27-2013, 06:32 PM
I don't think it's stupid at all. I have plenty of items that I've chosen to keep sealed for the sake of keeping them as original as possible. Just that in this case, again, I don't believe opening it will affect the item one way or the other. Especially since the sticker can easily be resealed.
We agree! :banana:
P.S. sent you a PM
03-28-2013, 10:43 AM
I agree totally with the re selling part...though the scenario is going to be slightly in favor of the sealed version in comparison to any opened one. That's the main reason I keep my stuff sealed and order separately another copy to play, if I like the game that is.
I do understand the whole fuzz around enjoying the items inside a collectors edition...perhaps age does matter. I am 35, I play Skyrim, Bioshock and Fallout occasionally, but I just like the clean slick feel of new items standing side by side on a shelf and look at them every so often nibbling some popcorn...
StayFree( ' 3')
03-28-2013, 01:26 PM
Hey guys, joined the forums after trying to look into what exactly Irrational Games gave me for being first in line at the LA launch event. The IG rep (I assume was a rep) told me it was 1 of 15 limited editi...and I couldn't exactly hear the rest of what she said since the crowd was so loud. Thanks to you guys I now have closure. The envelope itself was also signed by Ken Levine, Troy Baker (Booker), Courtnee Draper (Elizabeth), Kiff VandenHeuvel (Comstock), and various devs.
Were they all signed like this? I'm very curious. I'll be sure to post photos when I get the chance.
...Now as a huge game collector, I think I'm gonna like it here. :bananalama:
03-28-2013, 01:51 PM
Welcome! Glad you found your way home!
03-28-2013, 03:06 PM
Well everyone is entitled to his/her opinon so I have no issue with that. I have collected my items because I enjoy collecting. Yes, I have opened some items and they display nicely on my shelf, but some I wish to keep sealed which is my choice, But if you look at other collections take Star war hardcore collectors for example, everything is in it's original casing and they display them proudly, and it keeps them in quality condition. But it's everyone own choice. But I understand why you choose your path.
Had to chime in here. I'm one of those Star Wars hardcore collectors as you say. Yes, I have numerous figures, dolls, toys sealed. But that is completely different from art books or signed memorabilia.
I just recently went through this discussion with a few good friends. I own all of the Titan exclusives gaming art books with signed lithographs. When I first got them I couldn't open them, that little innocuous collector tick wouldn't let me. But friend's told me 'hey you bought an art book, with signed art inside. You spent all the money just to look at the cover?'. And they're right. Keeping toys sealed is one thing, keeping limited art or signed things sealed is completely different.
StayFree( ' 3')
03-28-2013, 03:37 PM
For those that missed out (and are oil tycoons)...
...omg, crazy bastard opened it. It's ruined.
03-28-2013, 03:39 PM
For those that missed out (and are oil tycoons)...
...omg, crazy bastard opened it. It's ruined.
ha! You beat me to it! Just about to post it up. #13 is on the block...
03-28-2013, 03:41 PM
For those that missed out (and are oil tycoons)...
...omg, crazy bastard opened it. It's ruined.
So the book is not signed but the CoA is?
I'm hoping in the future companies has some type of disclosure agreement that states you cannot sell what you're buying for X amount of time. Sure, you can't stop someone from selling their own property, though perhaps it will slow it down.
It would be fantastic if that audition ends under $200.
03-28-2013, 03:48 PM
Dont think it will end at $200:( Sad to see someone buy something like that then resell it,unless of course there are exceptional circumstances
StayFree( ' 3')
03-28-2013, 04:06 PM
So the book is not signed but the CoA is?
That would be funny but no, It's pictured on the last photo.
03-28-2013, 04:20 PM
It would be fantastic if that audition ends under $200.
why would that be fantastic..I'd be sad as it would mean I'd lost money :rant:
03-29-2013, 12:32 AM
Dont think it will end at $200:( Sad to see someone buy something like that then resell it,unless of course there are exceptional circumstances
I guess it's scalping in another form - frustrating for sure. I do hope it goes for $200 as well! lol
03-29-2013, 10:22 AM
The scalping makes me sick so does 2k for allowing multiple sales, and not one per offense stay free but they lose points for giving away that book as well. Fuckers cancelled my order after giving me order confirmation and taking my money,now I know why so they could give an extra copy of the book away. No lie I have not slept since they screwed me over. I don't think I will ever collect again unless I get my hands on a copy somehow.sorry to bitch about this guys but as a disabled vet this hasnt helped my emotional state. I look to collectibles and games to keep me sane and remind me of being a kid again. i can't even enjoy the game, its great fun but I can't stop thinking about my fucking book being taken away. 2k also told me a few people bought multiple copies, and they will try to stop this practice in the future, yeah right, just like they allowed people to buy unlimited lithographs, the same seller had sold 5 on ebay already, he just keeps putting them up. that shouldn't have been allowed, it makes it so hard for the people who truly love collecting. I'm happy you guys will cherish your books as true collectors.
03-29-2013, 01:16 PM
I have to agree - I think it is really silly for 2K to allow multiple purchases for limited collectibles.
It baffles me that this would occur for something that is out of 15 as well - surely they know that most buying multiples are doing so to make a profit and screw real fans over.
And like you, I really struggled when I thought I had missed out because I have been collecting Bioshock memorabilia since before the release of the first one. I just kept thinking that I'd missed out to people that were just trying to make a quick buck (though I'm sure that's not true - I was just upset). At least only one has gone up on eBay so far. Hopefully the others are all being loved.
Anyway, like I said before - the signed book is probably the centerpiece of my collection now. It will most certainly be cherished, worshiped...:drool:
03-29-2013, 01:19 PM
The scalping makes me sick so does 2k for allowing multiple sales, and not one per offense stay free but they lose points for giving away that book as well. Fuckers cancelled my order after giving me order confirmation and taking my money,now I know why so they could give an extra copy of the book away. No lie I have not slept since they screwed me over. I don't think I will ever collect again unless I get my hands on a copy somehow.sorry to bitch about this guys but as a disabled vet this hasnt helped my emotional state. I look to collectibles and games to keep me sane and remind me of being a kid again. i can't even enjoy the game, its great fun but I can't stop thinking about my fucking book being taken away. 2k also told me a few people bought multiple copies, and they will try to stop this practice in the future, yeah right, just like they allowed people to buy unlimited lithographs, the same seller had sold 5 on ebay already, he just keeps putting them up. that shouldn't have been allowed, it makes it so hard for the people who truly love collecting. I'm happy you guys will cherish your books as true collectors.
We all miss stuff from time to time, sure it's annoying - but learn to get over it.
03-29-2013, 04:48 PM
No lie I have not slept since they screwed me over.
I know your circumstances aren't conventional but I suggest you try to work on this issue.
03-29-2013, 05:18 PM
No lie I have not slept since they screwed me over. I don't think I will ever collect again unless I get my hands on a copy somehow.sorry to bitch about this guys but as a disabled vet this hasnt helped my emotional state. I look to collectibles and games to keep me sane and remind me of being a kid again. i can't even enjoy the game, its great fun but I can't stop thinking about my fucking book being taken away.
Take it easy. Now you can put the $230 towards their next overpriced collectible.
03-29-2013, 11:59 PM
Looks like the unsigned copies are sold out as well.
03-30-2013, 12:08 AM
I contacted the website and they told me that they only ever had 40 or so of the un-signed ones and he had no reason to think they would get more so they are limited but they aren't "officially" limited so they could make more if they wanted.
I had one in my cart earlier (waiting to buy it) but it seems it may have been sold out when it let me buy it... I will probably get the same shaft that others did.
03-30-2013, 12:09 AM
I contacted the website and they told me that they only ever had 40 or so of the un-signed ones and he had no reason to think they would get more so they are limited but they aren't "officially" limited so they could make more if they wanted.
That's such a strange way to do it :scratch:
03-30-2013, 12:13 AM
Balls!! I wanted one but didn't they'd sell out that quick :(
03-30-2013, 12:15 AM
It's one thing to be late on an order and miss out its another to get confirmation and then have it taken away. Then you see the reason why it was canceled, so they can hand out copies. It's a low blow. I apologize Im trying to vent, usually collecting helps me deal with other issues, this was just bad news and 2k handled it wrong. I won't bring it up again. It easily could have been one of you as me, mortal, and knight all ordered at the same time. I apologize for my ranting. It's tough to collect on a military budget so ill never have that chance again. I've always hated scalpers, in the us there is a show called toy hunter, he pretends he loves collectibles then rips people off, they belong in collections and it's practices like 2ks that help inflate the market and promote what most of us collectors hate.
03-30-2013, 12:17 AM
Balls!! I wanted one but didn't they'd sell out that quick :(
To be honest they didn't really sell that quick that just made a small number of them
No wonder they charged so much. They had a terrible economies of scale for something like that
03-30-2013, 12:27 AM
I'm sure they will have another printing. Or else they probably would have had them numbered
03-30-2013, 12:32 AM
To be honest they didn't really sell that quick that just made a small number of them
No wonder they charged so much. They had a terrible economies of scale for something like that
True, it doesn't seem to make much sense the way they did it :scratch:
03-30-2013, 12:38 AM
I agree. Like I said I think they didn't give them an official number so they weren't tied down if the game was a huge success (like it is) and they wanted to print more.
Infinite has a better meta critic rating then then Bio 1, I believe, which was the all time best rated shooter I think.
03-30-2013, 12:56 AM
Nowadays, a reprint wouldn't surprise me; however, Irrational did sell a book before (Breaking the Mold Developers Edition Artbook) that they only printed once.
03-30-2013, 01:05 AM
Did the tout it as an LE book though?
03-30-2013, 01:10 AM
Well, the buy button is back again for the unsigned ones, so who knows what's going on!
03-30-2013, 01:20 AM
Did the tout it as an LE book though?
Nope. There was nothing that said that it would be limited.
03-30-2013, 01:25 AM
I contacted the website and they told me that they only ever had 40 or so of the un-signed ones and he had no reason to think they would get more so they are limited but they aren't "officially" limited so they could make more if they wanted.
I had one in my cart earlier (waiting to buy it) but it seems it may have been sold out when it let me buy it... I will probably get the same shaft that others did.
Nowadays, a reprint wouldn't surprise me; however, Irrational did sell a book before (Breaking the Mold Developers Edition Artbook) that they only printed once.
Well, the buy button is back again for the unsigned ones, so who knows what's going on!
That is strange. I think this is probably pretty limited, it probably is taking a little longer to sellout because, let's face it, 100 dollars is a lot to pay for a 48 page book...over two dollars a page if you want to look at it that way (and actually aren't there only 24 pages front and back so over 4 dollars per piece of paper). I expect it to be sold out again soon. Beyond that, who knows, a reprint...maybe maybe not. I'm actually leaning toward no reprint. Irrational seems to like producing limited items.
03-30-2013, 01:30 AM
Appears to be sold out again...
03-30-2013, 01:39 AM
Lol... they need to update their sites OS...
EDIT: It is back in stock again... geesh!
03-30-2013, 02:13 AM
Well, if you do want an unsigned book, now would be the time to try and grab one. I wouldn't delay. Ages ago Ken tweeted/hinted about the possibility of a limited run of printed Mind in Revolt books - so I tend to think they won't reprint them once sold out. I distinctly remember reading it on his feed as I was really keen to have a printed copy at the time.
Also, I emailed support about the LE certificates and was told the following:
"All of the certificates contain the edition size of 15 and will not include the specific number because they were all sealed before the certificates were made."
Happy with that. :)
03-30-2013, 02:16 AM
Sold out again.
03-30-2013, 02:18 AM
Guys, I just received confirmation that the unsigned version is sold out and will not be returning.
Straight from the horses' mouth:
Mar 29 18:05 (PDT):
The unsigned version of the book sold out also. Unfortunately, we are not getting any more in stock.
Thank you,
Store Support
03-30-2013, 02:21 AM
Good, I hope mine goes through then.
I heard this from support as well.
"R* Warehouse, Mar 25 15:42 (PDT):
The unsigned Mind in Revolt artbook has a limited run and we have a limited quantity available through the Irrational Games Store. We won't be able to re-stock this item once the available units have sold out. The signed artbook has already sold out.
Best regards,
Store Support"
"R* Warehouse, Mar 26 17:03 (PDT):
I don't exactly know how many were made. We had about 40 available through the store. Right now we have about 16 left in stock and as far as I know we won't be able to re-stock this item.
Best regards,
Store Support"
03-30-2013, 02:28 AM
I'm so glad I got the unsigned version at least. I just got my copy a couple of days ago too.
03-30-2013, 02:53 AM
I think i should stop waiting for the damn store to reply to my emails & just buy the damn things. It seems everytime i want to confirm something i miss out before i get a damn reply from them. As much as i love the game/series their whole customer service is completely & utterly crap. They damn well need to fix the bloody store properly once & for all instead of half arsed like it is
03-30-2013, 02:59 AM
I'm so glad I got the unsigned version at least. I just got my copy a couple of days ago too.
Me too, I didn't have the money really but I will figure something out (sell a few things). I also ordered the hardcover art book with it. Did anyone else get that?
I hope the order goes through as well.
I think i should stop waiting for the damn store to reply to my emails & just buy the damn things. It seems everytime i want to confirm something i miss out before i get a damn reply from them. As much as i love the game/series their whole customer service is completely & utterly crap. They damn well need to fix the bloody store properly once & for all instead of half arsed like it is
I agree the store has issues... but the CS is run by 2K for some reason.
03-30-2013, 03:08 AM
I agree the store has issues... but the CS is run by 2K for some reason.
Which is damn worse. The first time i wrote to the idiots they were rambling on about "sorry your steam code doent work" :wtf" I never asked about any steam code,what the heck has that got to do with Irrational store. How the hell can you run one store & ask another division to answer any problems or questions as well as fix anything thats wrong. It doesnt work. If somethings sold get it closed immediately,not turn it on & off like a hooker. Its ridiculously frustrating. I guess i'm just going to keep the $700 odd that i was intending to spend in there joke of a store
03-30-2013, 03:11 AM
Well Take Two owns 2K which publishes Irrational (which is also owned by Take Two).
Plus I believe the Irrational Store is just an offshoot of the 2K store, i say this because they use the same warehouse... apparently form the CS Rep's response.
03-30-2013, 06:05 AM
@Flatout - I ordered the Art Book as well, but not from the IG store. It was only recently listed there and I preordered elsewhere online back in Jan I think it was.
Waiting on that, the LE art book and my steelbook to all arrive. :beer:
04-01-2013, 07:19 PM
Would have loved this, although I do admit $130 dollars extra just for two added signatures, very, very steep indeed.
04-01-2013, 08:49 PM
Well just got the message from Irrational/2K:
"2K Store, Apr 01 12:49 (PDT):
Hello Brandon,
We are sorry the Mind in Revolt book has sold out.
Due to the amount of people who ordered this, our system did not turn off the ordering system in time.
If you would still like us to ship The Art of Bioshock Infinite, please let us know.
We apologize for the inconvenience and disappointment this has caused.
Thank you,
Store Support"
This was for the regular one BTW. Funny thing is after ordered this it was back in stock again and then went out of stock again... damn them and their faulty site.
04-01-2013, 09:51 PM
Would have loved this, although I do admit $130 dollars extra just for two added signatures, very, very steep indeed.
There are 4 signatures on the signed copies ;)
And sorry to hear you missed out Flatout. :(
Glad to hear the guide has lots of art as well. I can't get enough of the story. Infinite rocks my world.
04-01-2013, 10:06 PM
The regular version is probably gonna be pretty rare then. Didn't someone mention that they only had 40 in stock to begin with? I've asked the irrational store how many they made; waiting on reply.
04-01-2013, 11:08 PM
The regular version is probably gonna be pretty rare then. Didn't someone mention that they only had 40 in stock to begin with? I've asked the irrational store how many they made; waiting on reply.
Yes I posted my answers from them earlier:
Good, I hope mine goes through then.
I heard this from support as well.
"R* Warehouse, Mar 25 15:42 (PDT):
The unsigned Mind in Revolt artbook has a limited run and we have a limited quantity available through the Irrational Games Store. We won't be able to re-stock this item once the available units have sold out. The signed artbook has already sold out.
Best regards,
Store Support"
"R* Warehouse, Mar 26 17:03 (PDT):
I don't exactly know how many were made. We had about 40 available through the store. Right now we have about 16 left in stock and as far as I know we won't be able to re-stock this item.
Best regards,
Store Support"
04-01-2013, 11:11 PM
There are 4 signatures on the signed copies ;)
And sorry to hear you missed out Flatout. :(
Glad to hear the guide has lots of art as well. I can't get enough of the story. Infinite rocks my world.
Thanks Knight. Not much I can do, i sent them a message back about how I knew others had the same issues with their store and how they should fix it and should make it up to us considering we are huge fans of Bioshock.
I don't expect anything back besides the "official" type "we are sorry" statement.
04-01-2013, 11:20 PM
An un-signed on is already on eBay for $365.97... this person said he bought 2 to gouge one. I could understand $160 or so but this is insane.
04-01-2013, 11:22 PM
A forum member like you.
04-01-2013, 11:29 PM
Excuse me?
04-01-2013, 11:29 PM
Excuse me?
Madigan just means that the person listing that unsigned one is a member on here like yourself
I don't think he was implying that you do things like that
04-01-2013, 11:32 PM
Okay... I hope not. I have bought and sold stuff for profit (like just about ever other member here has) but I would never list it 4 times what I paid.
And with this book I was trying to buy 2 at first to get one for me and another member.
04-01-2013, 11:32 PM
Madigan just means that the person listing that unsigned one is a member on here like yourself
I don't think he was implying that you do things like that
Actually both. I saw the irony and I made that joke, of course he didn't know he was a member here.
Just an acid joke, nothing more.
04-01-2013, 11:35 PM
Actually both. I saw the irony and I made that joke, of course he didn't know he was a member here.
Just an acid joke, nothing more.
I suppose I would say if you think I do things like buying a 2 of a super limited item and them selling one for almost 4 times what it was worth/paid for it then you are highly mis-informed and very ignorant to who I am and what I do.
I would also suggest if this is your stance provide proof of such claims if you intend to make them. I did have an auction that ran out of control but this was not my fault, I did not put a Buy it Now on that auction.
But maybe you don't mean it like that, I can't really tell.
04-01-2013, 11:41 PM
I didn't mean it that way, that you buy 2 of everything just to resell.
I knew he was a forum member and I knew about your auction, that's why I found your post funny, that's all.
Personally I'm against these stupid resellers, if the item is limited to 15 or 40 don't be a an asshole and buy 2 just to resell, give a chance to other guys.
04-01-2013, 11:45 PM
I didn't mean it that way, that you buy 2 of everything just to resell.
I knew he was a forum member and I knew about your auction, that's why I found your post funny, that's all.
Personally I'm against these stupid resellers, if the item is limited to 15 or 40 don't be a an asshole and buy 2 just to resell, give a chance to other guys.
Okay. Sorry to get defensive I just have had enough of that being thought of me, although the only money i make right now is off selling things but still i try to be fair.
I completely agree about the book, i just got my order canceled because they sold too many and this guy has 2 and I have none.
When Irrational does these it should be a 1 per account thing.
04-01-2013, 11:46 PM
Okay. Sorry to get defensive I just have had enough of that being thought of me, although the only money i make right now is off selling things but still i try to be fair.
I completely agree about the book, i just got my order canceled because they sold too many and this guy has 2 and I have none.
When Irrational does these it should be a 1 per account thing.
I absolutely cannot believe they didn't limit the 15 signed versions
That is just ridiculous with such a low edition size
04-02-2013, 12:10 AM
Guys, not sure what the whole moaning is about...I missed out on the signed edition and yes I am the one selling MY SECOND copy of the unsigned edition...first I hate like everyone else being ripped of on unthinkable ebay prices but I also had my share of having to pay the extra coins for something sold out. Saying this, and mentioning this in the past if I get the occasion to purchase two editions and can re sell one to repay the other, than be it...all I can see is that a lot of talking but in the end anyone does it to keep costs to a certain extend...
04-02-2013, 12:14 AM
Your selling one un-signed one to pay for a signed one and the un-signed one together and making a small profit on top of that.
I originally had the same idea as you to buy one and sell on to help pay for the one I bought to keep. Key word there is to "help" pay, as in buy 2 and sell one for $60 more then I paid or so.
Not $265 more then what I paid.
But really do what you want, it is fine.
I buy things to sell too, I think the most I have ever done was almost double what I paid for it. But this depends on the item, if it was a $10 item and I got $20 for it this is different then a $200 item selling for $400 IMO.
But I won't give anymore gruff then this because i got it too for buying 2 360 Songbird Editions to part out (and I out out an offer to the forum to get one for anyone who wanted one) and I also waited until 2 days before the game launched as to not take anyone's 360 spot. I also only made around $60 in total of each one and got people the single items they wanted without needing to buy a whole edition (especially the statue, one went to Israel where the SE wasn't available at all).
Honestly if I knew it was a member I would not have posted it in here... I would have only posted it in the "overpriced" section to keep people away from it.
04-02-2013, 12:26 AM
Flat, I wrote that I missed out on a signed edition so I bought 2 unsigned editions for 200$ profit in my book is 65$ but hey that would be if someone actually pays it...if you noticed I set best offer...another thing, how many times I came across rare stuff and sold them for a misery to see it then listed in ebay for yupiiee 4x what I sold it for???...I see your point and I take it as it is...hope you get my point though
04-02-2013, 12:27 AM
This whole episode with the books is a horrible thing. I spoke with 2k and they told me multiple people bought more than 1 signed book. Shit some of us even got confirmation numbers on legit orders, only to have those orders canceled so they could pass out signed copies on launch night. This was the worst episode in my collecting career, then to see prices like this jacked up is even worse. I never imagined the unsigned books would go so quick. Sad part is 2k doesn't care about their customers, I figured they should do some thing special for me and mortal Monday since they canceled our orders for the signed copies, they could have given one to each person who ordered instead of multiples to a few. Sad sad days, im sorry to all the true fans
04-02-2013, 12:33 AM
When the item is so low in number, resellers are like cheaters in online games they don't give a fuck about the others, they just want to win and get away with it.
04-02-2013, 12:52 AM
When the item is so low in number, resellers are like cheaters in online games they don't give a fuck about the others, they just want to win and get away with it.
Well to be fair this can be a good thing....not in this case of coarse.
But if a member buys a few and they get sold out quick and that member then sells them to other members who missed out on it for a small profit that is a good thing. For two reasons, they would have missed them completely and they save them from buying them scalped at ridiculous prices. There just need to be limits to these things.
But we are getting somewhat off topic.
04-02-2013, 01:03 AM
Of course I don't have problems with that, if you do it to help a member and you sell it at cost or to make a little profit sure why not? But when you buy something as limited as this with that ebay scalper mentality, I think that's pretty low. If this were limited to 300-1000 then do whatever you want, my problem is with extremely low numbers.
04-02-2013, 01:20 AM
Bottom line is 2K really should have only allowed singles to be sold to one person.
Asiak - making a tidy profit on the lithographs too I see. ;)
04-04-2013, 03:53 PM
Just got some inside info that the un-signed ones may not be as rare as what was in stock at the warehouse for the website.
Apparently these were sent to journalist too, and one place I know of got a bunch of them.
So I would say there are 100 of them at the very least (still rare but not 50 like we were told).
04-04-2013, 03:56 PM
There are 4 signatures on the signed copies ;)
And sorry to hear you missed out Flatout. :(
Glad to hear the guide has lots of art as well. I can't get enough of the story. Infinite rocks my world.
Sorry ha, My bad.
04-04-2013, 03:58 PM
Sorry ha, My bad.
Wrong thread?
04-04-2013, 04:24 PM
Just got some inside info that the un-signed ones may not be as rare as what was in stock at the warehouse for the website.
Apparently these were sent to journalist too, and one place I know of got a bunch of them.
So I would say there are 100 of them at the very least (still rare but not 50 like we were told).
Well,if this "one" place has a bunch of them see if you can get me one,lol:)
Look,reality is alot of members are resellers,its as simple as that for one reason or another. However i think the unwritten rule of a member help another member policy should apply. If something cost $100,i would be happy to pay another member $20 or $30 extra,maybe a little more if i either couldnt get something because of faulty store sites like Irrational or for some other reason. However i wont accept paying double or triple the price,thats just plain price gouging & a ripoff in my mind. Thats not what this site is about surely,isnt this place where collectors unite to expand their knowledge & to help other members if they are able to or can without causing harm or large exspense to themselves.
04-04-2013, 04:45 PM
Well,if this "one" place has a bunch of them see if you can get me one,lol:)
Look,reality is alot of members are resellers,its as simple as that for one reason or another. However i think the unwritten rule of a member help another member policy should apply. If something cost $100,i would be happy to pay another member $20 or $30 extra,maybe a little more if i either couldnt get something because of faulty store sites like Irrational or for some other reason. However i wont accept paying double or triple the price,thats just plain price gouging & a ripoff in my mind. Thats not what this site is about surely,isnt this place where collectors unite to expand their knowledge & to help other members if they are able to or can without causing harm or large exspense to themselves.
It was a "gaming journalism company" that got all of those, so no I can't get any from them ;)
Also I said the same as you, if you look back i gave reasons to why this practice can be fine if done right. I was saying $150 $160 I could understand but x4... nope.
04-04-2013, 04:49 PM
It was a "gaming journalism company" that got all of those, so no I can't get any from them ;)
Also I said the same as you, if you look back i gave reasons to why this practice can be fine if done right. I was saying $150 $160 I could understand but x4... nope.
Main reason for quoting you was to see if you could pry one out of someone,lol:D Know exactly how you feel & what you have said,but i just liked to throw my two cents worth in as well:) Join the revolution of fair trade among members you could say:D lol
04-04-2013, 04:53 PM
Main reason for quoting you was to see if you could pry one out of someone,lol:D Know exactly how you feel & what you have said,but i just liked to throw my two cents worth in as well:) Join the revolution of fair trade among members you could say:D lol
I understand people want to cash in on the Money craze over Bioshock, but members doing it at other members expense sucks.
With the crazy prices things are going for like I said I could understand offering it to a member for even a $60 profit... but they want to sell one book to pay for three.
Viva La Revalution!
04-04-2013, 05:04 PM
I'm so jealous of you guys. I really should check on the store more often when new things come. =D
04-04-2013, 08:26 PM
The books happened quick, I screwed up by not ordering an unsigned book because I was pissed about getting my order for the signed book getting canceled. I also imagined they would print a few more runs since they didn't advertise it as a limited product. I should have bought one. I'm not a fan of price gouging either. As a collector I would only sell to others collectors at a fair price. I always question people s intentions when it comes to buying toys and other collectibles. In person its easier to see if someone truly is passionate about owning a certain piece Unfortunately it's true fans or lovers of the art that get screwed. Anything limited should have limits on purchases. I mentioned before 2k told me they will look into putting limits on rare items, but I think they just wanted to shut me up. Good luck to the rest of you on future finds
04-04-2013, 09:55 PM
OMFG!! I think I just got a MIR book for free!
I don't want to get too far ahead of myself or rub it in but I am excited if this is the case.
I have been getting lucky for the most part lately.
I missed the book only to get it for free which was bad luck then good again.
But I missed a signed exclusive insert earlier today, it went for $26!!!!!!! It was my own stupidity more then anything, I forgot how long it had left on it and missed it.
It was listed very poorly and someone got it at a steal.
04-04-2013, 10:08 PM
I assume it's one of the unsigned one's right?
Still great to get free though
04-04-2013, 10:12 PM
Yes I think so, but I am not complaining ;) .
04-04-2013, 10:15 PM
Yes I think so, but I am not complaining ;) .
I only accept free things when they're signed but developers.....
I'm too good for all that unsigned hogwash
jk of course I would love one of those MIR books as they look good
Still not sure if I think it's even worth the original price tag of $100 though
04-04-2013, 10:24 PM
I only accept free things when they're signed but developers.....
I'm too good for all that unsigned hogwash
jk of course I would love one of those MIR books as they look good
Still not sure if I think it's even worth the original price tag of $100 though
I thought it was close when I found out there were only 40 in the store or so BUT now that i know bunches of these were sent to game journalism companies they probably made a bunch and then listed the left overs on the site.
04-05-2013, 07:18 PM
I got the book!! It doesn't have the envelope but hey it was free, plus it is TINY!
I got some other goodies sent to me in the package as well. I will post a pic in awhile, although some of the items will give away where i got it from.
04-05-2013, 07:39 PM
Congrats! That's awesome news! How did this happen?!
04-05-2013, 07:42 PM
I got the book!! It doesn't have the envelope but hey it was free, plus it is TINY!
I got some other goodies sent to me in the package as well. I will post a pic in awhile, although some of the items will give away where i got it from.
lol guessing you don't think it's worth the $100 it sold for originally let alone what it's on ebay for now
Still good job flatout
Somehow you always seem to get cool things without breaking the bank :P
04-05-2013, 07:50 PM
Congrats! That's awesome news! How did this happen?!
Thanks! I can't really say... just that i met someone and he sent me these items ;)
lol guessing you don't think it's worth the $100 it sold for originally let alone what it's on ebay for now
Still good job flatout
Somehow you always seem to get cool things without breaking the bank :P
No it is not for sure. It is TINY and now I know that there were a lot of them sent to each major journalist outfit there are probably hundreds of them.
Yes I have been getting pretty damn lucky lately.
I won a Razer Headset, found an Infinite Press Kit, got a Litho signed by ken Levine for free, and got these items for free.
Yeah i would say my luck has been crazy lately.
I have missed out on a few things but they downs no where meet the ups right now.
04-05-2013, 08:13 PM
Here is the package (well most of it anyways).
There is the Mind In Revolt Book (which can't be much more then 6-7 inches tall), Bioshock Infinite PAX Exclusive Vigor Coasters (I think I may be missing one though but I didn't even know these existed), a Colombian Envelope (again didn't know this existed), a Bioshock Infinite Logo Paper Pad, and finally a Bioshock 2 Soundtrack sealed:
04-05-2013, 08:16 PM
Wow those coasters are beautiful :)
Books good too I suppose :rotf:
04-05-2013, 08:19 PM
Wow those coasters are beautiful :)
Books good too I suppose :rotf:
Did you notice the size of it next to that letter... omg the thing is tiny.
04-05-2013, 08:25 PM
Did you notice the size of it next to that letter... omg the thing is tiny.
It really does appear small
No idea why they would charge $100 bucks for that thing
Is the inside at least good? Quality pictures/concept art etc.?
Or is it literally just a book?
04-05-2013, 08:27 PM
It really does appear small
No idea why they would charge $100 bucks for that thing
Is the inside at least good? Quality pictures/concept art etc.?
Or is it literally just a book?
There is only the Fitzroy picture you have seen and a few pencil drawing that are part of the text parts... so basically it is ALL text.
It is nice and has a nice leather feel to it but not worth $100 (especially considering the info that there are much more then first thought).
And did I mention it was TINY! :lmao:
04-06-2013, 02:39 AM
Those coasters are pretty cool - I wonder if there are 2 others? I'm sure there are 8 vigors right?
Never seen those myself either!
As for the books, I'm still not convinced there are that many out there. 100, 200, sure, it's more that the 55 or so that people had come out with, but I still see that as being a very limited release myself. Guess it depends on perspective though.
04-06-2013, 02:42 AM
Those coasters are pretty cool - I wonder if there are 2 others? I;m sure there are 8 vigors right?
Never seen those myself either!
As for the books, I'm still not convinced there are that many out there. 100, 200, sure, it's more that the 55 or so that people had come out with, but I still see that as being a very limited release myself. Guess it depends on perspective though.
Yeah they are pretty neat... and unheard of.
Yes I am missing one coaster (they are double sided with a different one on each side).
I am missing the one with "Possession" on one side and "Return to Sender" on the other.
For the books... yes, I am thinking from all the info that there are at least 100 of them. Probably 200 I would guess. And yes this is still rare but now that I have one I can tell you it very silly how tiny it is. It is literally almost a pocket sized notebook.
04-06-2013, 01:17 PM
Sorry... this thread is going all over the place..
04-06-2013, 03:42 PM
Do we need another thread about the unsigned version of the book?
Sorry... this thread is going all over the place..
Well i posted about getting the book then someone asked about another item... why is this an issue?
Also the un-signed book is very much relevant to this thread. I am truly sorry this bothers you.
04-06-2013, 04:08 PM
Well i posted about getting the book then someone asked about another item... why is this an issue?
Also the un-signed book is very much relevant to this thread. I am truly sorry this bothers you.
No need to apologise. I was just trying to keep it on thread topic..sorry flatout I wasnt having a dig..
04-07-2013, 01:58 AM
What is this?? A forum where people are actually civil and polite? I heard rumours that such a place existed... ;)
And back on track, I can't recall if this was mentioned, but there's a signed book on eBay with 4 hours to go. It just hit...*sits down*..
I guess i can't predict for crap - I had guessed about $700 - 800.
04-07-2013, 02:09 AM
What is this?? A forum where people are actually civil and polite? I heard rumours that such a place existed... ;)
And back on track, I can't recall if this was mentioned, but there's a signed book on eBay with 4 hours to go. It just hit...*sits down*..
I guess i can't predict for crap - I had guessed about $700 - 800.
Simply put thats just plain stupid. I dont think the sale will go through looking at the bid history. It appears to have one genuine bidder that bid up to a certain amount & then decided to put in a stupid amount to see what happened then still got out bid. Any culprits on here for this?,lol.
04-07-2013, 02:10 AM
No way that sells for over 5k.
04-07-2013, 02:27 AM
I did wonder if dummy bids had started. Still, you never know - I've seen Bioshock pieces go for $3-$5k before.
04-07-2013, 02:30 AM
Aside from the audio logs, what stuff has sold that high before?
04-07-2013, 02:35 AM
Aside from the audio logs, what stuff has sold that high before?
The Sander Cohen piece ;)
04-07-2013, 04:56 AM
What is this?? A forum where people are actually civil and polite? I heard rumours that such a place existed... ;)
And back on track, I can't recall if this was mentioned, but there's a signed book on eBay with 4 hours to go. It just hit...*sits down*..
I guess i can't predict for crap - I had guessed about $700 - 800.
This is just ignorance as Hippie said.
My word, the book isn't even that special... really the only thing worth a lot would be the sigs and right now they seem to be worth at least a couple hundred from the right devs. Assuming it was a book you are talking about.
I have seen people post that there were only 40 in the warehouse as we discovered on here (so those ones on there are mostly all from members here), also it seems no one wants to update the info to what i found out recently :D
04-07-2013, 05:12 AM
This is just ignorance as Hippie said.
My word, the book isn't even that special... really the only thing worth a lot would be the sigs and right now they seem to be worth at least a couple hundred from the right devs. Assuming it was a book you are talking about.
I have seen people post that there were only 40 in the warehouse as we discovered on here (so those ones on there are mostly all from members here), also it seems no one wants to update the info to what i found out recently :D
But I just sold my kidney to buy that book......
Surely it's worth the 5 grand I bid on it
lol great case of people being dumb
Problem is all the other signed copies are going to come out of the woodwork and sell for crazy amounts now, not 5K but far more than anything rational
04-07-2013, 05:15 AM
If mine wasn't a gift I would sell it... that is my stance on the book.
If I bought it I would have been upset when i received it considering its size... when I saw it on the website i assumed a regular sized notebook, not a pocket sized notebook.
04-07-2013, 05:17 AM
If mine wasn't a gift I would sell it... that is my stance on the book.
lol you remember that listing I linked you
A gaming journalist valued that book at 30 bucks and sold it at that
Rare sure worth original cost, no worth what it sells for now hell no :rotf:
Honestly maybe I won't collect Bioshock if this is where it's collectibles are heading
04-07-2013, 05:32 AM
I do hope the seller of that book knows the buyer will never pay that for it... there is no way.
But even so it will help set a precedent for price... stupid. 1%26asc%3D14641%26meid%3D6785979154756400296%26pid %3D100034%26prg%3D1079%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D26119676590 8%26
If i had to bet, i would say it is someones shell account trying to make the price high overall for his own auction.
I had this happen with my Ezio Statue... the buyer never paid and all his feedback is "buyer did not pay"... yet he had perfect feedback so these people aren't punished.
04-07-2013, 05:40 AM
yeah , high bidder has a "2" feedback, time to not pay and cancel the account. Had that happen to me when I sold stuff, 1 or 2 or 3 feedback and they almost never pay. if he pays the seller hit a collectors grand slam
04-07-2013, 05:43 AM
yeah , high bidder has a "2" feedback, time to not pay and cancel the account. Had that happen to me when I sold stuff, 1 or 2 or 3 feedback and they almost never pay. if he pays the seller hit a collectors grand slam
I would bet my book he wont pay, I bet it is a shill account (not the sellers BTW, I think it must be another seller).
04-07-2013, 07:15 AM
Sweet, If that's the going rate for them I putting mine up tonight.. If that's now the going rate for those. Supply and Demand..right?? :) Maybe at 4k as I don't want to be greedy...
04-07-2013, 07:24 AM
Sweet, If that's the going rate for them I putting mine up tonight.. If that's now the going rate for those. Supply and Demand..right?? :) Maybe at 4k as I don't want to be greedy...
Lol :lmao:
04-07-2013, 09:34 PM
I can confirm the buyer has actually paid the winning amount. I've been in direct contact with the seller and he's shown proof. The question at this point is... how rich/crazy is this guy and will he potentially try to scam the seller by doing a chargeback with the CC company.
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