View Full Version : "The Thing in Dead Space" giclee by Ryan Guyatt
03-25-2013, 06:48 PM
Fully licensed artwork that was on display at a special exhibit.
Edition size of only 20.
Inspired by The Thing movie poster.
03-26-2013, 07:27 AM
Fully licensed artwork that was on display at a special exhibit.
Edition size of only 20.
Inspired by The Thing movie poster.
Thanks Mortal..These will be gone quick if theres only 20...where do you find these??:this:
03-28-2013, 01:02 PM
There are a number of cool pieces there from many other artists also. Don't know if I could justify spending 90euro on one though.
04-28-2013, 04:01 AM
Got my prints today...Sent in a square box which was kicked around before it got to me.. at 90 euros each I almost feel sick on how bad these are in quality and how they were sent to me.. Pics attached. ( ( (
04-28-2013, 04:12 AM
That's bullshit dude. Contact the company or the artist about this. Hopefully they'll take care of you. I ordered one too and I think mine came on Friday too; but I haven't time to check Friday's mail yet. I'll check it Monday, but now I'm dreading it!
04-28-2013, 04:38 AM
Yup, I ordered this over a month ago and that's exactly how my print arrived also, actual folds that created tiny rips in the giclee. Plus on the website it said it came with a certificate of authenticity and the artist signature. No certificate, no signature. The owner, Thomas, said he'd mail out a replacement but this will take me beyond the paypal 45 day threshold to file a claim. Anyone been here before?
04-28-2013, 04:47 AM
Holy shit that's really bad. :nosleep:
Almost thankful that I didn't order any.
04-28-2013, 04:57 AM
smitty that is insane! Totally unbelievable how bad that was handled.
04-28-2013, 05:00 AM
That is bad.:banghead:. I am glad I did not order the nuka cola fallout print now. GET ROUND TUBES!!!!
04-28-2013, 05:21 AM
Yup, I ordered this over a month ago and that's exactly how my print arrived also, actual folds that created tiny rips in the giclee. Plus on the website it said it came with a certificate of authenticity and the artist signature. No certificate, no signature. The owner, Thomas, said he'd mail out a replacement but this will take me beyond the paypal 45 day threshold to file a claim. Anyone been here before?
Honestly, I'm not sure how the PayPal claim system works. At eBay, we recommend you open a case since it can remain open for 30 additional days. You may want to see if PayPal has the same process to do this.
04-28-2013, 05:41 AM
That is bad.:banghead:. I am glad I did not order the nuka cola fallout print now. GET ROUND TUBES!!!!
Is the Fallout print still available? Can't find it on the site...
04-28-2013, 09:07 AM
Great... this is scaring me now.
The very same thing happened with my giclee. Shipped in a square tube and now has dents all over it. I emailed the owner and he was very nice and assured me he would sent out a replacement. However, what happens if he doesn't. Can we still file a claim after 45 days??
Also I want to add that mine didn't come with the Certificate of Authenticity either, nor a signature. This is turning into a disaster.
Who the hell sends posters/giclee's in rectangular shaped boxes?
04-28-2013, 10:43 AM
lol paypal is fucking useless if item not bought on ebay...
04-28-2013, 11:31 AM
^Why ingmar?
If you pay paypal fees, you are covered, aren't you?
04-28-2013, 11:44 AM
if item does not fit item description, its only covered on ebay. i had this problem with ubisoft when they did not send me the CE artbook as advertised.
04-28-2013, 11:47 AM
Oh yeah, I remember that whole mess.
04-28-2013, 02:29 PM
Is the Fallout print still available? Can't find it on the site...
They originally sold at Bottleneck Gallery during their glow in the dark show, but he was given 10 to sell on his etsy site. They sold out at the gallery but he still has three available on his etsy store.
04-28-2013, 04:50 PM
if item does not fit item description, its only covered on ebay. i had this problem with ubisoft when they did not send me the CE artbook as advertised.
Technically with paypal you can file a "significantly not as described" case (SNAD) but it really depends on a bunch of factors whether or not paypal will find in your favor
My experience in this is also only within the US so not sure how it would work internationally
Basically if you provide enough detail in the paypal transactions for what you're buying and can show that the item doesn't fit that description you can potentially win the case
From paypal
13.7 SNAD Definition
What is Significantly Not as Described (SNAD)?
An item is Significantly Not as Described if it is materially different than what the seller described in the item listing. Here are some examples:
You received a completely different item. Example: You purchased a book and received a DVD or an empty box.
The condition of the item was misrepresented. Example: The listing said "new" and the item was used.
The item was advertised as authentic but is not authentic.
The item is missing major parts or features which were not disclosed in the listing.
You purchased three items from a seller but only received two.
The item was damaged during shipment.
An item is not Significantly Not as Described if it is materially similar to the seller's item listing description. Here are some examples:
The defect in the item was correctly described by the seller.
The item was properly described but you didn't want it after you received it.
The item was properly described but did not meet your expectations.
The item has minor scratches and was listed as used condition.
04-28-2013, 07:06 PM
Yup, I ordered this over a month ago and that's exactly how my print arrived also, actual folds that created tiny rips in the giclee. Plus on the website it said it came with a certificate of authenticity and the artist signature. No certificate, no signature. The owner, Thomas, said he'd mail out a replacement but this will take me beyond the paypal 45 day threshold to file a claim. Anyone been here before?
I'd recommend in the future paying with a credit card via paypal (if you don't already). Often times the coverage provided by the credit card company (in my case AmEx) is more than double the amount of days that paypal will give you. Case in point a recent purchase where I gave the person 2 months to ship the item; paypal shrugged their shoulders citing the 45 day limit, called AmEx and had the money back in about 20 days. Depending on the credit card, your millage may vary.
04-28-2013, 08:33 PM
They originally sold at Bottleneck Gallery during their glow in the dark show, but he was given 10 to sell on his etsy site. They sold out at the gallery but he still has three available on his etsy store.
Thank you! :beer:<3
I was actually hoping you were referring to another artist. I've seen that one before. :whew:
04-29-2013, 11:39 PM
Just got mine and it is absolutely trashed. This couldn't have been packed worse. I am totally, totally besides myself. I cannot for the life of me understand how or why they would pack this in this completely retarded manner. The only thing that was missing from the package was a complimentary turd chunk.
This takes the cake as the absolute worse way that I've ever seen an expensive, fragile print packed.
04-29-2013, 11:44 PM
Just got mine and it is absolutely trashed. This couldn't have been packed worse. I am totally, totally besides myself. I cannot for the life of me understand how or why they would pack this in this completely retarded manner. The only thing that was missing from the package was a complimentary turd chunk.
This takes the cake as the absolute worse way that I've ever seen an expensive, fragile print packed.
They are supposed to be an actual art dealer right?
From other experiences with similar dealers in the past they should package better than non-dealers but obviously not the case here :(
04-29-2013, 11:59 PM
I think so, yes.
Even the cardboard box that they used to ship the print in is almost paper thin.
I'm sick to my stomach. Hopefully I can get my money back; I don't even want the print now.
Some of this garbage doesn't even make sense. They rolled the print on a corrugated piece of cardboard. I mean WTF!
04-30-2013, 12:00 AM
I think so, yes.
Even the cardboard box that they used to ship the print in is almost paper thin.
I'm sick to my stomach. Hopefully I can get my money back; I don't even want the print now.
I take it you still have time to open a paypal claim?
04-30-2013, 12:02 AM
I don't know. Even if I did though, like Ingmar said, this may be a huge headache. Filing a claim on a transaction that was not done through eBay may prove to be a huge headache.
04-30-2013, 12:12 AM
I don't know. Even if I did though, like Ingmar said, this may be a huge headache. Filing a claim on a transaction that was not done through eBay may prove to be a huge headache.
Paypal does offer buyer protection for SNAD (Significantly Not as Described) on items bought outside ebay but your mileage may vary
I've heard of several people winning these claims before on far less obvious SNAD cases but all domestic, not sure if it being international would effect it at all :think:
Btw were these prints shipped by the dealer or by the individual artists?
Let us know how it goes, mortal
04-30-2013, 12:15 AM
Shipped by the dealer, I believe. The print is stamped by the dealer. I have to check the box to see where it came from to be sure though; and I'm not near it at the moment.
04-30-2013, 02:43 AM
I think so, yes.
Even the cardboard box that they used to ship the print in is almost paper thin.
I'm sick to my stomach. Hopefully I can get my money back; I don't even want the print now.
Some of this garbage doesn't even make sense. They rolled the print on a corrugated piece of cardboard. I mean WTF!
This sucks. What a shame: geek-art has probably now lost a large market of potential buyers. I filed a claim Friday with paypal over the phone. Thomas the owner emailed yesterday sort of annoyed that I did, but he was still courteous. I said I'd rather take a refund than a replacement because I'm pretty sure they won't be able to get hold of the artist to sign the print (if he couldn't get hold of him before what are the chances he will now?)--- and I'm too taxed to go through another cat and mouse game asking for it later.
04-30-2013, 06:16 AM
I'm wondering if I should file a claim too. This experience has made me a little sick as well. Literally paying $150 CAD for each print (2 total) and they're damaged without signatures or certificates of authenticity? How can an art dealer have dropped the ball so much on these...
Thomas the owner is assuring me he will sort this out, but at this point I don't want to miss the opportunity to open a paypal claim and potentially just get scammed on this entire purchase.
Bah, decisions, decisions.
What is everyone else doing for this? Waiting for the reprints or opening claims?
04-30-2013, 06:31 AM
I'm wondering if I should file a claim too. This experience has made me a little sick as well. Literally paying $150 CAD for each print (2 total) and they're damaged without signatures or certificates of authenticity? How can an art dealer have dropped the ball so much on these...
Thomas the owner is assuring me he will sort this out, but at this point I don't want to miss the opportunity to open a paypal claim and potentially just get scammed on this entire purchase.
Bah, decisions, decisions.
What is everyone else doing for this? Waiting for the reprints or opening claims?
Wait until a day or two before the paypal claim limit (45 days) then open a claim
Otherwise you have no protection and they (geekart) can just walk away
Can't really be helped only way to continue your protection plus it usually kicks the seller into high gear to fix said problem as they now have a time limit
05-01-2013, 01:25 AM
Wait until a day or two before the paypal claim limit (45 days) then open a claim
Otherwise you have no protection and they (geekart) can just walk away
Can't really be helped only way to continue your protection plus it usually kicks the seller into high gear to fix said problem as they now have a time limit
If you use your credit card via paypal, the credit card's protection trumpts paypal's. Don't ever pay by direct payment from your bank account, it leaves you with no recourse.
05-01-2013, 01:43 AM
Thanks folks for the helpful tips. Thomas just processed my refund today ( I used a paypal smartconnect card). I'm sure he's stressed out of his mind at whoever decided to ship the giclees that way. Maybe the shipper didn't even know about providing a certificate of authenticity or obtaining a signature. Unfortunately, due to my financial situation right now, I can't afford to stick around for round 2.
05-01-2013, 02:36 AM
Thanks folks for the helpful tips. Thomas just processed my refund today ( I used a paypal smartconnect card). I'm sure he's stressed out of his mind at whoever decided to ship the giclees that way. Maybe the shipper didn't even know about providing a certificate of authenticity or obtaining a signature. Unfortunately, due to my financial situation right now, I can't afford to stick around for round 2.
Don't feel bad about it. No matter how nice a guy Thomas may be it is most certainly his responsibility to know that, no one elses
05-01-2013, 03:28 AM
Can someone please post the guy's email address. I need to email him about my jacked up print. Thanks.
05-01-2013, 03:31 AM
Can someone please post the guy's email address. I need to email him about my jacked up print. Thanks.
05-02-2013, 06:40 PM
So i've been emailing back and forth with Thomas about this dilemma for over a week now. He managed to reassure me that everything would be alright and he would resend the prints, that is... until I saw this thread and that everyone was going through the exact same situation. I hadn't realized a place like Geek Art could have dropped the ball so hard on art prints. I had never ordered from them before, but certainly knew of them and knew they had a good reputation. Plus... they're an art dealer. How can an art dealer not know how to ship art prints? Weird.
Anyways, today he sent me this email. I have to say after reading it... he dispelled all my concerns and I feel very confident about getting these now.
There was indeed a big mistake during the shipment. I made sure it won't happen again.
Your prints have been sent tuesday, carefully wrapped.
Concerning the certificates, you will get them shortly after in another letter.
Again, I totally understand your point of view, and feel sorry about what happened. It was a big mistake, and I'm doing my best to repair it. I will make an announcement on Geek-Art today.
This has been a hell to organize, but now everything is in order.
This made me change lots of things in my organization, for the best.
I wasn't aware of the way shipments were sent, this was a mistake.
Please tell me when the prints reach you. Here are the pics of how they are shipped by now.
05-02-2013, 07:26 PM
Still not packed right. Needs some kraft paper on the outside a few inches longer than the print. Replacements are going to come damaged too.
05-09-2013, 03:19 PM
So I just received the re-shipment of my 2 prints. This time they came in perfect condition, although I still have to question some of their shipping techniques...
They are finally using postal tubes like I pictured above in an earlier post. However, they shipped 2 of those in 1 rectangle box, the same size as the ones they sent before. The rectangle box isn't big at all and is meant for 1 postal tube. Shoving 2 in there wasn't a bright idea, they probably near exploded during transit from being so contstricted. If a heavier box in the postal truck had been put on these, i'm sure they would have crushed easily and been damaged. Luckily that didn't happen though.
Anyways, like I said, they came in perfect condition now and i'm quite happy with them. That being said... I still haven't received my certificates of authenticity. Thomas, the owner of Geek Art, did tell me they would be shipping in a later package, so we'll see. I opened a dispute in paypal yesterday since that was the last day of my 45 days to do so. Until I get those certificates, I refuse to close it.
05-10-2013, 01:07 AM
I'm glad that it came out right. Hopefully, your certificates arrives just as smoothly.
05-13-2013, 08:41 PM
Thomas sent me an email this morning letting me know the Certificates were shipped today, expecting to be delivered by the end of the week. I'll post back here as soon as I receive them.
07-11-2013, 06:40 PM
Hey Everyone,
I'm Ron Guyatt the actual artist for this piece.
I just wanted to apologize about this entire ordeal. Unfortunately up to about 30 min ago I was unaware of any of this happening. This entire process is unacceptable!
Let me just say that I am sending an e-mail to and I will be ending my relationship with them. This has been a really disappointing experience as I am sure it has been for many of you.
If any of you are still experiencing issues etc please feel free to contact me at
Let me reassure that the Geek-Art shop is not connected to my personal Etsy Shop ( in any way. I take a lot of care with my prints and shipping. I hope the 100% customer feedback will speak for itself.
All the Best,
07-11-2013, 08:59 PM
Do you have any AP's?
07-11-2013, 09:04 PM
Unfortunately no :(
They only made the 20 copies (Part of the regular edition) .. they have control of them all and I have not been able to acquire any copies from them.
No AP's should exist of this piece.
Sorry I couldn't help you out.
07-11-2013, 09:12 PM
Too bad. Seeing how they're continuing to ship makes it hard to order directly from them.
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