View Full Version : 3A Real Steel Atom is coming

04-04-2013, 10:13 AM
Hey guys,

I think there are some 3A fans here that collect the Real Steel series from them.

Just got posted on their facebook wall that third figure of the series, Atom will soon be available for pre order.





04-14-2013, 03:51 AM
Seems like no one is interested lol.

It is up for preorder now at bambaland store

04-14-2013, 05:00 AM
Oh I'm interested. This is the exclusive with the controller. Supposed to be up for only 24 hours. I bet it might be up for 3 to 5 days like last time with Snippy:scratch: but who knows. Looks purdy though. u got a purdy mouth.

04-14-2013, 05:14 AM
Actually the luxury series lux3a will only be up for 24 hours max. Other figures usually up until sold out

04-14-2013, 07:10 AM
Seems like no one is interested lol.

It is up for preorder now at bambaland store

A bit too late IMO. By about a year.

04-14-2013, 07:53 AM
Actually the luxury series lux3a will only be up for 24 hours max. Other figures usually up until sold out

oh yeah, right from their facebook: (duh!)
"It will be up for at least 24 hours and available for everyone. Price: 320USD shipped, prior to 3AA discount. Bambalandstore exclusive version will come with 1/6th scale controller."

Thanks Letrico! I wonder how long it will be up.

Edit: Hey, it WAS only up 24 hours. gone now. dam, and I was going to buy it on payday, oh well.