View Full Version : about Crouching Altair first4figures statue
04-05-2013, 12:30 PM
Hello everybody, i would like to share with everybody in the whole world a very important news about this statue, Crouching Altair ed. First4Figures.
I'm sure there is a lot of mega-fans of assassin's creed like me that want to collect everything about this marvelous game so I think that there should be proper information about ALL the collectibles to not be cheated by speculators.
We are collectors, not idiots.
So here's the news:
This statue was producted from First4Figures only in Spain and wasn't official at all, was producted in about 2000 copies and it's cost was 35 Euro.
So if someone try to sell it at 1500-2000 dollars or Euro and say that it's a super-mega-ultra-limited edition, IT'S A LIE!
Don't get fooled by speculators!
We need to protect the truth for all collectors, I hate to see speculators get rich over us.
Thanks all for attention.
If you don't thrust me, simply contact the First4Figures, they will answer you as soon as possible.
04-05-2013, 02:07 PM
04-05-2013, 02:12 PM
well, better to remember this occasionally :)
04-05-2013, 04:32 PM
I thought the best info that we got from first4figures was 1000 figures?
And did first4figures confirm that it was sold by for 35 or are you just going off of that page?
Granted it may very well have sold for that
04-05-2013, 04:52 PM
the link posted by Mathika speaks about that too. but it's probable that got some by ubi or from F4F and sold them for 35Euro
04-05-2013, 05:06 PM
the link posted by Mathika speaks about that too. but it's probable that got some by ubi or from F4F and sold them for 35Euro
Without confirmation it's impossible to know for sure :shrug:
Personally I believe they probably DID sell some but who knows?
04-05-2013, 05:20 PM
How do you know it was not official?
How do you know there was 2000
How do you know it cost 35 euro
I do not think it cost 35 euro
As how could sell it for the same price it cost to make it
Plus the overheads that there supplier would have added on
Nobody takes a loss in business
04-05-2013, 06:27 PM sold some crouched altair for sure but we don't know if they got all the stock, probably not because they was originally given to Ubisoft from F4F as a gift, and as F4F said, there are around 2000 exemplars. They answered an email provinding all those infos, if you don't believe me Lowly Assassin, simply contact them and ask.
The cost of 35 euro comes from website where they sold some statues.
The statue was not official because F4F, tha made it, as they said, DON'T have the license for Assassin's Creed. you can go on Mahika's post and click the link, he talked to F4F directly in their forum.
04-05-2013, 06:35 PM
So First4figures stated that extralife sold some of the crouching altairs?
And also in that email they contradicted themselves and said 2000 figures, not 1000 like they said previously here (
04-05-2013, 06:35 PM
Mathika's post in first4ffigures they replied with
They don't have the license (anymore
As if the coaching Altair is fake then so is the 11 inch Altair from the first assassins creed CE
As they where made at the same time by the same company
And that 11 inch Altair was sold by UBisoft why would UBisoft use an unofficial product?
And just because extra have it listed at 35 euro DOES NOT MEAN THEY SOLD ANY
and my point that it cost 35 euro .-- well there seems to be miscommunication across the language barrier
As saying it coat 35 euro means it cost 35 euro to make, not sold to
Sold for 35 euro means sold for 35 euro and would cost you 35 euro to buy
And mathika asked them and they replied roughly 1000 where made and we can see that as proof
Now I am asking where is the proof that they made 2000?
Where is a copy of the email you received?
So I am finding it diificult to believe any of this as for the lack of links trackbacks and proof
04-05-2013, 07:02 PM
i will try to retrieve the email, i was not the sender it was another person, they replied they make around 2000 and gave to ubisoft.
what i was saying about extralife is that they got some (i don't know how) and sold them for 35 euro, this is sure because many people bought them from there, i have friends in spain who did, i did not because i was not a collectionist of AC yet, dont even got ps3 in that time.
Anyway i will retrieve the email, dunno how to show it to you, will try to make a screenshot but i can anyway tell you, for sure, this is not a 100 limited edition statue, and surely don't cost 1500-2000 dollars.
My purpose was only to inform that there are a lot of speculators that want to cheat peoples and to aware them, anyway do as you prefer.
04-05-2013, 07:40 PM
We are in agreement that far more than 100 statues were made
The best information we had prior to your statements was F4F stating that 1000 were made so the email is important because it should add evidence that 2000 were actually produced
It is very interesting to hear that some Spanish friends of yours actually bought the statue from extralife as we've didn't have anyone to confirm it because no one on here managed to buy one
Please post a pic of the email if possible
04-05-2013, 08:31 PM
Crazy that they've been selling consistently for over $1,000! That's what they're worth though, I guess. Supply and demand.
Assuming there are 2,000 out there, that's still pretty low I think; and therefore I don't see how asking $1,000 for the figure would be unreasonable. Hell, there are probably 2,000 AC collectors here at alone, lol.
Regardless of what someone may ask for the figure, it's still selling for over 1k. Unless supply rises and/or people stop paying those high prices, I think prices are gonna either stay at their current point or continue to climb.
04-06-2013, 12:51 AM
Yeah not much difference between 1,000 and 2,000... I know it is double but still as opposed to how many want them it is still very few.
Really like Mortal said that is what they are worth because people are willing to pay that.
Although from some of the auctions I have seen the bidders are fed false info on most them so this is also fueling the bids.
With how much stuff AC has... I am so glad I don't collect for it, amazingly glad.
04-06-2013, 06:33 AM
This is how I see this..these where going for about $200-$300 around September as I remember bidding for a few.. then two clowns went crazy bidding for one around October / November so once all the people that had this item jumped on the bandwagon and they were flying up on ebay like no tomorrow..but they sold. So everyone now assumes thats the going rate for this item
04-06-2013, 10:40 AM
I truly hate to point this out, but if they are selling for that now then that IS the going rate (at least on eBay, but this will define others as well because of what they could get on eBay).
04-06-2013, 10:45 AM
Regardles of wether 100,1000 or 2000 were made,the reality is there still appears to be very few that come up for sale for whatever reason. Also,very few that do come up still have the original box with them,most boxes were simply thrown away & thought of as useless or pointless in keeping. This is the same with alot of what are now collectable type items such as N64 games etc. You then also have to factor in that there will be a portion of these that ended up being thrown away & considered at the time a useless or worthless item. I have seen emails posted from different places & so far they all seem to say different things. What is known that will be 100% acurate is these were made before the licence was revoked,what will forever be disputed by different peoples dispite any supposed facts or emails is everything else.
04-06-2013, 01:14 PM
I truly hate to point this out, but if they are selling for that now then that IS the going rate (at least on eBay, but this will define others as well because of what they could get on eBay).
Well I think this came about when the rumour went out that were only 100 made not 1000-2000? But I understand supply and demand as Mortal and Hippee mentioned
04-06-2013, 06:22 PM
Ok i made an error, I was sure it was around 2000 but it is not, in fact mathika was right it's around 1000, i asked to the guy who contacted them to come here to post the email, i think he will do it soon.
ANYWAY, the important matter is that there is no 100 of statues and if u read that on the description when u want to buy it simply ignore them, because it's FALSE and want only to speculate.
I think the proper price for a rare item like this is around 300-400 euro (dunno in dollars but little more) maximum! even if it's not official.
04-06-2013, 11:32 PM
Ok i made an error, I was sure it was around 2000 but it is not, in fact mathika was right it's around 1000, i asked to the guy who contacted them to come here to post the email, i think he will do it soon.
ANYWAY, the important matter is that there is no 100 of statues and if u read that on the description when u want to buy it simply ignore them, because it's FALSE and want only to speculate.
I think the proper price for a rare item like this is around 300-400 euro (dunno in dollars but little more) maximum! even if it's not official.
Now your saying these werent official. Well your wrong,if they werent official then the 10 inch Altair figure wouldnt have been made,some of the crouching Altair wouldnt have been gifted to Ubisoft emplyees & lastly you would find some evidence on the net somewhere of Ubisoft sueing first 4 figures for fraud or whatever. I think before you start a thead about something that has a history of rumour as well as speculation you should have all the facts in your hand at that point in time not afterwards & definately not change your story half way through. You have already changed what you have said once because your facts werent straight,what else will change.
04-07-2013, 04:49 AM
Now your saying these werent official. Well your wrong,if they werent official then the 10 inch Altair figure wouldnt have been made,some of the crouching Altair wouldnt have been gifted to Ubisoft emplyees & lastly you would find some evidence on the net somewhere of Ubisoft sueing first 4 figures for fraud or whatever. I think before you start a thead about something that has a history of rumour as well as speculation you should have all the facts in your hand at that point in time not afterwards & definately not change your story half way through. You have already changed what you have said once because your facts werent straight,what else will change.
He just means they weren't "licensed"... I think. Which is undeniable since that was the big "issue" with these.
04-07-2013, 05:01 AM
He just means they weren't "licensed"... I think. Which is undeniable since that was the big "issue" with these.
Thats still illogical for the simple reason it was/is known that Ubisoft had some these to hand out as "gifts" for employees. I cant see Ubisoft handing out unlicensed products to them,lol. That,simply wouldnt make sense or surely never happen.
04-07-2013, 05:08 AM
Thats still illogical for the simple reason it was/is known that Ubisoft had some these to hand out as "gifts" for employees. I cant see Ubisoft handing out unlicensed products to them,lol. That,simply wouldnt make sense or surely never happen.
No it is not.
Licensed products simply mean they can sell them with the contractual agreement and royalties from/to Ubi... that is all, so if Ubi backed out then they became unlicensed and could not legally be officially sold.
So in legal jargon they are unlicensed and unofficial.
To us collectors though they midas-well be official because Ubi was a part of them and used them even though they weren't allowed to be officially sold. This is at least how I understand the issue and I certainly might not have all the info or I could just be plain wrong.
04-07-2013, 05:09 AM
Thats still illogical for the simple reason it was/is known that Ubisoft had some these to hand out as "gifts" for employees. I cant see Ubisoft handing out unlicensed products to them,lol. That,simply wouldnt make sense or surely never happen.
Maybe a license was never required as they were never intended for actual retail sale?
I mean do you really think the bioshock audio logs has an official bioshock license attached to them somewhere?
Granted the size of this edition would somewhat encourage this
Licenses are needed for retail products so they can't be copied and what not
When you create something as a gift for employees I see no reason why a license would be necessary
04-07-2013, 05:37 AM
No it is not.
Licensed products simply mean they can sell them with the contractual agreement and royalties from/to Ubi... that is all, so if Ubi backed out then they became unlicensed and could not legally be officially sold.
So in legal jargon they are unlicensed and unofficial.
To us collectors though they midas-well be official because Ubi was a part of them and used them even though they weren't allowed to be officially sold. This is at least how I understand the issue and I certainly might not have all the info or I could just be plain wrong.
Well,then if what your saying is correct then it creates a bit of a pickle so to speak. Because if the crouching figure is suposedly unlicence/unofficial for whaatever reason therefore would not the standing figure collectors edition also then be classed an unlicensed/unofficial product?
Maybe a license was never required as they were never intended for actual retail sale?
I mean do you really think the bioshock audio logs has an official bioshock license attached to them somewhere?
Granted the size of this edition would somewhat encourage this
Licenses are needed for retail products so they can't be copied and what not
When you create something as a gift for employees I see no reason why a license would be necessary
If something is made,no matter by who & no matter the amount made they still have to have,or at least should have had the express permission of whatever company is asking whatever to be made. The reason for this is simple,if you asked company X to make company B 10 products whats to stop them making more than that unless they were legally bound by a license type agreement to only make 10 of them. In the case of the Bioshock audio logs,this is still classed as official because of supporting documentation. It doesnt have to actually some logo on the product all the time as i am sure there are hundreds of products with no actual logo on them but are made under licence.
04-07-2013, 05:42 AM
The audio logs are a terrible example.
The difference is the audio logs would be claimed by 2K if asked, the crouching Altair would not apparently.
04-07-2013, 05:45 AM
I'm looking at my sealed crouching Altair figure right now, and it's got all kinds of licensing info on the box. Frankly, I don't believe any info that's out there regarding this figure. Until I hear it straight from F4F, I ain't buyin' any info, period.
04-07-2013, 06:44 AM
Can someone just dig out the original statue designers from whatever hole they've been hiding in already?
I mean honestly it should not be this hard to get straight answers about it
Even when F4F have provided answers they aren't very detailed
04-07-2013, 06:47 AM
Exaclty. That one F4F answer was sketchy at best. I want someone from F4F to come out and give reliable, detailed info regarding this figure.
I don't believe all of this talk about it being unlicensed either. I think I even remember seeing the figure on the F4F website many years ago; not for sale of course. They just had very general info on the piece and some pictures. It's been so long now though, that I don't remember if there was any important info listed on there.
04-07-2013, 08:20 AM
whats going on here?
you guys should stop here befor everything went into a collector War :twisted:
I will ask them again
We also need to ask : (some spanish member here who can ask them if they ever sell them?)
Ubisoft (what they make with this special gift from F4F)
04-07-2013, 10:55 AM
whats going on here?
you guys should stop here befor everything went into a collector War :twisted:
I will ask them again
We also need to ask : (some spanish member here who can ask them if they ever sell them?)
Ubisoft (what they make with this special gift from F4F)
This is the truth
It seems as though we are all beginning to argue and that isn't like the folk at all
We're kind and friendly
04-07-2013, 12:32 PM
This is the truth
It seems as though we are all beginning to argue and that isn't like the folk at all
We're kind and friendly
I wouldnt say argue,i would say that once again the debate has arisen in regards to the mysterious origins of the crouching Altair. There is so many threads or posts on this forum about it i have lost count. Some of these contain consistancy from one to the other but,theres always some little niggly add on thats thrown out there or simply brought up again for discussion. Why has it once again reared its ugly head you may ask,well simply because someone who just joined decided to throw some more kindling on the glowing coals that will forever remain until complete & truthfull knowledge is attained in regards to crouching Altair:) The problem with attaining even concrete truth or relevancy is the simple fact that over time people involved may no longer work for whatever company,files because lost,damaged or seem to no longer exist. If you dont believe this happens then try this example. I rang colorware in the US,they have made many limited edition consoles over the years,i asked them if i could order a second yellow controller for my Simpsons Xbox 360. The person i spoke to was some head of department dealing with these things & he had never heard of the console before,was sure that colorware had nothing to do with it etc. So the reality is the biggest killer to resolve this completely is time.
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