View Full Version : Pat's Crazy Trade/Sale Thread: 1 Dishonored Steelbook Left

04-19-2013, 10:28 PM
:beer: Hello everyone and thanks for checking out the thread! :beer:

Accepting trade offers below, prices have been listed. Will also update the thread with shipping costs for around the globe. For any international members, I will attempt to get estimates on shipping costs.

For now I have:

3x1x - European Dishonored Steelbooks: These are the same design as the more common German Pre-Order steelbook but do not have the German text! These were never sealed and have slight wear. If you are interested I will send more detailed photos. One has no dents with slight scratches, the other two have a small dent on the lower back cover.40USD+ship 30USD + Ship

The other is listed here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/European-Dishonored-G1-Steelbook-Rare-Pre-order-Bonus-Xbox-360-PS3-PC-/200921803382?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ec7df6a76

UK SEALED Pre-Order Soul Calibur IV Steelbook: Slight tear in the plastic, minor hairpin dent on bottom edge of the steelbook. Should contain the character guide and bonus DVD. 40USD + Ship

European Medal of Honor Steelbook: I know this is common so I'm not expecting much from this one but it is absolutely mint. This is NOT the metal pack released by Amazon. 12USD + Ship


Australian Ghost Recon Steelbook: In great condition. The front cover is slightly clicky; from what I've read online most of these are due to the amount of embossing. For trade only.


Also have 2 sealed copies of Red Dead Redemption: GOTY; 25USD + Ship and 1 sealed copy of Darksiders 2: Limited 20USD + Ship.



Flea Market Finds: 4/27/13 - Trade offers only.

X360 Bioshock: LE w/ Statue - The outer box which contains all the materials is worn with creases and folds everywhere. The statue is still sealed but the tip of the drill is slightly chipped *will update with photos*
Contains all discs: game, soundtrack, DVD.
X360 Bioshock: LE Game Case Only Same as above.
X360 Mass Effect 3: CE This is the NTSC version so it includes the Metalpak. Slipcover that contains everything is in great condition. Includes all original contents: Litho, comicbook, artbook. All DLC has been used and contains all discs. The metal case has severe surface scratches.

Some of the items I do love are Xbox CE's and LE's or other steelbooks: feel free to make any offers!
I love Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Dishonored and Rockstar games.

High want's:
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Steelbook IT
SSX Steelbook FR

Low want's:
Far Cry 2 Steelbook
Grand Theft Auto Trilogy: Original XBox
Bioshock 1: Steelbook
Bioshock 2: Collector's Edition
Arkham City: CE
ACII Master Assassin's Tin + Artbook
Gears of War 3 Steelbook

Slipcovers to games I'm missing: ex. Bioshock X360, Rage Anarchy Edition X360.

04-19-2013, 11:21 PM
I have Bio 1 steel, want that Dishonored one, please :3

04-19-2013, 11:23 PM
PMed you about a couple things

04-20-2013, 08:03 AM
Go to ozgameshop.com for the Arkham City CE @ $40 AU.

04-21-2013, 07:39 AM
Updated with prices.

04-28-2013, 03:23 AM
Bump: added GR Steel and Flea Market Finds, some price drops.

04-28-2013, 06:04 AM
You found that at a flea market? How much was it?

04-28-2013, 07:00 AM
It's actually an interesting story. He didn't have it out and he had some Wii Shovelware and some Xbox and X360 games but it wasn't a reseller. I hit it off with the seller talking about Bioshock Infinite and after about 8 minutes of talking with him. He said that I might be interested in some of the things he has in his car. His trunk was basically filled with some higher end games. He said he was waiting for someone like me who actually cared about gaming to sell it too. He gave me a decent price but the better part was that I made a friend and contact. I don't really want to part with it but there are some items I want more than this.

05-08-2013, 09:12 PM
Updated with short opportunity.

05-08-2013, 09:17 PM
Updated with short opportunity.

I want both a green and a blue Halo vinyl if possible :)