View Full Version : Hey all!

04-22-2013, 11:07 PM
Hey guys,

Been visiting the site for about a month now (around the time bioshock infinite came out). It has been an awesome help for me as a beginner collector :).

I have around 8 collectors editions now from around the globe my most proud possession being the bioshock infinite songbird edition, that game was immense! I haven't really gotten anything that's rare, however the ones I have got have been at an awesome price (thanks to this site for the most part!).

So far I've acquired;
-Bioshock inifinite songbird ed. (PC)
-Uncharted 3 CE (USA). (PS3)
-AC3 connor the hunter statue (Pressie from the Mrs which she got for a tenner :D!)
-Aliens collectors edition (the game was freaking hilarious but I got it for 20 quid and the statue is pretty awesome :)) (PC)
-Lord of the rings war in the north CE (got it for 20 quid and co-op'd it with a mate...alright game I guess) (PC)
-AC2 White ed. (Got it for 35 quid which I was chuffed with) (PC)

On the way...
F3AR collectors edition (French) - (bought based on information from the site - 20 quid hoping its worth it!)
Metal gear rising collectors ed. - (56 quid! So chuffed with this, thanks to the postee for this info!)

Thats about it so far...I've got my eyes on the Assassins creed anthology (bit expensive still - hoping to get it for around 50-60). Also a couple of play arts kai figurines, mainly Metal gear solid - I'm an avid fan :).

So that's about it, thanks again to this site and everyone on it - I hope to be as much assistance to you guys as you have been to me :D!:wave::wave:

04-22-2013, 11:30 PM

Looks like you're off to a great start :D

We are suckers for collection pictures so maybe when you get a chance ;)

04-23-2013, 06:54 AM
sounds good ;)
welcome btw..

04-23-2013, 10:59 AM
:welcome: mate and enjoy your stay here! :)

04-23-2013, 12:44 PM
Welcome to the Forums, enjoy your stay! Your Collection sounds nice, would love to see some pictures from it :-)

04-24-2013, 10:07 PM
:welcome: That's really nice start

04-26-2013, 01:57 AM
Gonna upload a pic soon...awaiting a play arts kai solidus :).

04-26-2013, 08:49 PM
Gonna upload a pic soon...awaiting a play arts kai solidus :).

I started with the cheapest easiest play arts mgs figure, which is Kaz. Only on amazon for $35 dollars, a pretty sturdy figure, stands on his own quite well. I'm probably gonna shoot for Battle Armor Snake next. Solidus is HUGE, great figure. AWESOME JOB!