View Full Version : WatchDogs Aiden Pearce statue

04-29-2013, 05:43 PM

Price: 40 Euro
Preorder (http://shop.ubi.com/store/ubiemea/de_DE/pd/ThemeID.8605700/productID.279204800/Watch_Dogs%C2%AE_-_Figurine.html)


UBIcollectibles is proud to present its new masterpiece: "Aiden Pearce_Execution", based on one of the most eagerly anticipated Ubisoft video games: Watch_Dogs?.

?Aiden Pearce_Execution? is a highly detailed figurine which faithfully reproduces our new iconic hero. Aiden Pearce stands on the street; fixing his opponent on the ground, ready to pull the trigger and inflict his own brand of justice?

This premium figurine is the perfect addition to any display, an essential part of the Assassin?s Creed collection.

This high-quality item is the essential element for any Watch_Dogs? fan and will thrill its owners.


Aiden Pearce is a brilliant hacker, but also a former thug, whose criminal past has led to a violent family tragedy. Aiden is able to monitor and hack all who surround him while manipulating the city?s systems to stop traffic lights, detonate gas lines, turn off the electricity grid, and more. The city of Chicago has become the ultimate weapon for a man bent on revenge.


Incredible level of detail
Perfect reproduction of inventory and clothing
Dynamic pose

04-29-2013, 05:52 PM
Can't see it because it directs me to US site

Is it the same statue as in the CE?

04-29-2013, 09:44 PM
Look all most the same as the one in collector edition


04-29-2013, 11:08 PM
Looks really cool! At the moment, Ubisoft has the best-quality Collector's Edition figures.

Quite interested in the game so might get the CE or just the figure first

04-30-2013, 05:00 AM

This premium figurine is the perfect addition to any display, an essential part of the Assassin?s Creed collection.

Watchdogs is related to Assassin's Creed? LOL :hammer:

Maybe in the game Aiden can hack into the Animus :haha:

04-30-2013, 05:18 AM
Lol nice spotting that!!

So either they let out a major spoiler or someone copy-pasted! Haha!

05-01-2013, 03:13 PM
Looks really cool! At the moment, Ubisoft has the best-quality Collector's Edition figures.

Quite interested in the game so might get the CE or just the figure first

Hey guys!
I'm a new guy on this forum, got here through searchinf for some info on that Aiden figure, glad I found it :)

Now my question is - any ideas on what kind of materials are used? Veron, you mentioned that Ubi's figures are best quality - now, since I do not own any UBI figure could you tell me what are these made of? Is it breakable? I'm just trying to figure out if Aiden will be more like a resin statue (that would easily brake when dropped) or more like a Mcfarlane Toys-Style "action figure with no articulation" ??

05-01-2013, 03:23 PM
Hi, welcome to the forum.. From what I believe the Ubisoft collectibles are made of PVC.. Not resin so they don't break as easily but of course falling from a high shelf might still do some damage.. Never tried it before, don't intend to.

About Ubisoft's collectibles being the best I meant the sculpt and detail not the material quality. Of course that's a person opinion :)

05-07-2013, 01:14 AM
God I hate the Ubisoft store. I can never see any version of the site besides the Canadian version, and that has nothing good in it. Even links to the CE's for other country's bring me to the Canadian versions homepage.

05-07-2013, 01:38 AM
God I hate the Ubisoft store. I can never see any version of the site besides the Canadian version, and that has nothing good in it. Even links to the CE's for other country's bring me to the Canadian versions homepage.

Yep I think the US site is even worse

We didn't even get the ACIII ubisworkshop edition :suicide:

05-07-2013, 04:50 AM
Yep I think the US site is even worse

We didn't even get the ACIII ubisworkshop edition :suicide:

the ubiworkshop edition was available in the US even a couple months after the game released

05-07-2013, 04:53 AM
the ubiworkshop edition was available in the US even a couple months after the game released

lol my bad then

Only remember the sneaker edition on the US site

05-14-2013, 04:58 PM
the ubiworkshop edition was available in the US even a couple months after the game released

Really? I've been checking the sites since I've first heard about the game - haven't seen ANY edition being released over here yet besides the standard. Must've missed it. Hopefully the Deadsec I've got reserved over there will play fine over here! ;) (DLC too!)

05-14-2013, 05:01 PM
Really? I've been checking the sites since I've first heard about the game - haven't seen ANY edition being released over here yet besides the standard. Must've missed it. Hopefully the Deadsec I've got reserved over there will play fine over here! ;) (DLC too!)

Sorry we got a little off topic but xmo is referring to the ACIII ubiworkshop edition being available for purchase in the US

To my knowledge, there has been no US CE for watch dogs announced anywhere

05-14-2013, 05:13 PM
Really? I've been checking the sites since I've first heard about the game - haven't seen ANY edition being released over here yet besides the standard. Must've missed it. Hopefully the Deadsec I've got reserved over there will play fine over here! ;) (DLC too!)

Should work if your getting it for PS3/PC :thumb:

10-02-2013, 02:30 AM
These statues are turning up in EB Games AUS stores for display, and they look pretty awesome.

10-02-2013, 06:42 AM
show some pic mate :)

11-07-2013, 02:45 PM

Got an Email from ubi today

Will get Mine tomorrow ;)

I thought they will Ship them next year, but
...... OK :D

11-07-2013, 02:58 PM

Got an Email from ubi today

Will get Mine tomorrow ;)

I thought they will Ship them next year, but
...... OK :D

Nice interested to see how good it is!

Shame it's very similar to the one in the CE so not really worth getting both!

11-08-2013, 04:15 PM

Here we go














11-08-2013, 04:20 PM
Thank you Mathika. I wish the inner background wasn't so plain.

11-08-2013, 04:22 PM

11-08-2013, 06:20 PM
Thank you Mathika. I wish the inner background wasn't so plain.

No Problem

Dito i thought there will be Chicago in the background

But i realy Need to say (Write)
This Statue has a Great Detail and a good painting

I think ubi has the best and Most statues @ the Time

Congrats to PureArts for the Great work

11-08-2013, 06:26 PM
Looks great, is it the same size as the CE statue?

11-08-2013, 09:36 PM
No Problem

Dito i thought there will be Chicago in the background

But i realy Need to say (Write)
This Statue has a Great Detail and a good painting

I think ubi has the best and Most statues @ the Time

Congrats to PureArts for the Great work

If only they gave a shit about their US customers.