View Full Version : Watch Dogs Laser Cel - US GameStop employee exclusive
05-01-2013, 02:38 AM
Just picked this up today. Tried to find a Watch Dog pre-order thread here but didn't see anywhere else to post this.
05-01-2013, 02:52 AM
So no other way to get this I'm assuming?
05-01-2013, 02:57 AM
So no other way to get this I'm assuming?
First time I saw it today. I believe it came as a kit just like AC Black Flag kit.
Texas Fire
05-01-2013, 06:34 AM
Just picked this up today. Tried to find a Watch Dog pre-order thread here but didn't see anywhere else to post this., or possibly sh*t canning?
05-01-2013, 08:46 AM
Yep GameStop employee kit again
Not pre order bonus
And Romeo you need to mention dimensions or put a steel book in for sizing reference
05-01-2013, 09:34 AM
Just picked this up today. Tried to find a Watch Dog pre-order thread here but didn't see anywhere else to post this.
Any chance to get anymore, Romeo? xx
05-01-2013, 09:43 AM
And Romeo you need to mention dimensions or put a steel book in for sizing reference
Steelbooks are now recognised as an official unit of measurement. :this:
Remember this! :P
05-01-2013, 10:37 AM
Steelbooks are now recognised as an official unit of measurement. :this:
Remember this! :P
Yes they are
They feature in every picture I take when I need a size compaison
05-01-2013, 11:51 AM
What are the units on that? G1 or G2? :)
05-01-2013, 11:59 AM
LOL I'm guessing it's 3 G1 in height :beach:
05-01-2013, 12:23 PM
Oh its 11.5 inches high and 8 inches wide
Which if my memory is correct is the same dimensions as the aciv laser cel
But the pictures make it look about 24*18
05-01-2013, 01:52 PM
I wonder if this will be anything like the "limited" 1 of 100,000 or whatever absurd number it was for the Black Ops cell.
Looks pretty neat, I like Alex Ross' art but eh, nothing too great.
Texas Fire
05-01-2013, 02:52 PM
Do all GS employees get one?
05-01-2013, 03:09 PM
Wow cool! Would like 1 if you can get more :)
How does it compare in size with the AC IV one?
05-01-2013, 05:04 PM
Keeping, or possibly sh*t canning?
Everything you ever see of mine is mine. I never sell anything, ever. I loathe eBay and the scum who resell on there. (flippers, scalpers)
Oh its 11.5 inches high and 8 inches wide
Which if my memory is correct is the same dimensions as the aciv laser cel
But the pictures make it look about 24*18
It's exactly the same as the AC Black Flag cel. Surprised there is no numbered info in the cel though, such as 1/35,000 like with the ACBF one.
05-01-2013, 05:16 PM
Everything you ever see of mine is mine. I never sell anything, ever. I loathe eBay and the scum who resell on there. (flippers, scalpers)
It's exactly the same as the AC Black Flag cel. Surprised there is no numbered info in the cel though, such as 1/35,000 like with the ACBF one.
You just made me want these cells so badly now.. :bday:
this makes me want to start a cel collection LOL
also want to start collecting cels now
btw whats a cel?
05-02-2013, 02:48 AM
Join the club! Ubisoft and Romeo just made cel art collection cool!
Apart from these two, any other cel arts out there?
Anyone has these for sale?
haha instant buy for $19 on ebay...
05-02-2013, 03:27 AM
Join the club! Ubisoft and Romeo just made cel art collection cool!
Apart from these two, any other cel arts out there?
Anyone has these for sale?
I've been collecting cels for over ten years. I have numerous ones from all consoles, some numbered individually. Off the top of my head, Lost Planet, Soul Calibur, Zeldas, Metroids... so many I can't remember as I have many away in storage.
I've been collecting cels for over ten years. I have numerous ones from all consoles, some numbered individually. Off the top of my head, Lost Planet, Soul Calibur, Zeldas, Metroids... so many I can't remember as I have many away in storage.
can you make a list of the cels you know existed :)
05-02-2013, 05:17 AM
can you make a list of the cels you know existed :)
Sure thing. Gotta find the box I filed them away in. I'll try by Friday.
05-02-2013, 05:26 AM
I've been collecting cels for over ten years. I have numerous ones from all consoles, some numbered individually. Off the top of my head, Lost Planet, Soul Calibur, Zeldas, Metroids... so many I can't remember as I have many away in storage.
There goes my money... I'll just try to get the AC IV and Watch Dogs ones first :P
05-02-2013, 05:46 AM
There goes my money... I'll just try to get the AC IV and Watch Dogs ones first :P
Many of my old ones are individually numbered from Circuit City, a defunct US retailer. Others were preorder exclusives. The recent AC:BF and Watch Dogs are employee only giveaways.
05-02-2013, 07:33 AM
I always remember the Suikoden V limited artwork cell, since it's my favourite franchise.
It isn't all that rare though, nor expensive. If anyones interested you should see it pop up on ebay from time to time.
05-02-2013, 08:15 AM
Was going to save this for a rather large collection update I have coming at some point but seems fitting here
Comparison with obligatory steelbook and another AC Art Cell: (
Funny enough I didn't think to use the ACIII steelbook I have on hand :facepalm: ( ( ( ( (
And finally on my shelf :P (
I'll be first to admit that I take terrible photos so it looks much better in person
Was probably a developers gift or something but one was also given out in a competition and i think that's where this one originates
05-02-2013, 08:25 AM
Another Cel Pops up! I don't think I have seen this before or probably just don't remember it. Just 200pcs? This one might be much more expensive I guess?
05-02-2013, 08:44 AM
Another Cel Pops up! I don't think I have seen this before or probably just don't remember it. Just 200pcs? This one might be much more expensive I guess?
Yes far more expensive. Not entirely sure it's worth what I paid albeit it wasn't that that much
Still not a $20 cel :P
I quite like it though :)
05-02-2013, 08:47 AM
It came with the frame?
Anyway keeping back on topic, where can I get a WatchDogs Cel? Any idea how many were produced?
typed laser cel on ebay and good thing my blood pressure is low or I would have shattered into pieces. I didn't know it does not really worth much but still collectable
It came with the frame?
Anyway keeping back on topic, where can I get a WatchDogs Cel? Any idea how many were produced?
$25 on ebay dunno how many were produced
05-02-2013, 09:19 AM
typed laser cel on ebay and good thing my blood pressure is low or I would have shattered into pieces. I didn't know it does not really worth much but still collectable
Tried that too! Don't have interest in the others as I don't play those games. I only buy stuff of games I play and like :)
05-02-2013, 04:27 PM
It came with the frame?
Anyway keeping back on topic, where can I get a WatchDogs Cel? Any idea how many were produced?
Yes it came with the frame
It's a little on the cheap side but it does have real glass and looks fine in person
Laser Cell is quite nice
I imagine that they were at least 31000 watch dog lithos made as well
Depends if they offered it to Best Buy employees as well lol
05-02-2013, 04:33 PM
buy it now 25 dollar
05-02-2013, 05:00 PM
Looks like I got some of you hooked... I'm surprised as these cels have been around for ages! Are they generally only in the US?
05-02-2013, 05:02 PM
Looks like I got some of you hooked... I'm surprised as these cels have been around for ages! Are they generally only in the US?
Yes generally only in the US from what I've seen
But there are an absolute ton of VG art cells mainly from Gamestop I think :think:
Yes generally only in the US from what I've seen
But there are an absolute ton of VG art cells mainly from Gamestop I think :think:
Its the first time I've seen these things :this:
05-02-2013, 05:44 PM
Its the first time I've seen these things :this:
I become aware of them with some of the Resident Evil art cells that they had for 4
05-02-2013, 08:14 PM
Its the first time I've seen these things :this:
May I ask when you started gaming and perhaps your approximate age? I'm pushing 30, have been collecting these for a bit over ten years now. I have many back from EBgames and Circuit City, and now GameStop. Most were preorder promotions. Some new ones now from ubisoft are GameStop employee only gifts.
05-02-2013, 08:15 PM
Yes generally only in the US from what I've seen
But there are an absolute ton of VG art cells mainly from Gamestop I think :think:
Where did those AC ones you posted come from? I've never heard of any type being limited to 200, and the Black Flag one looks as if it's the regular issued 1/35,000 placed in a frame.
P.S. inbox is maxed out again. Well get back to you ASAP.
05-02-2013, 08:56 PM
Where did those AC ones you posted come from? I've never heard of any type being limited to 200, and the Black Flag one looks as if it's the regular issued 1/35,000 placed in a frame.
P.S. inbox is maxed out again. Well get back to you ASAP.
ACIV Black Flag cell is the gamestop employee one
I just used it as another size comparison
The ACIII cell I got from ebay
I believe it was an internal ubisoft gift like so many other things but not sure
I know 1 of the 200 cells were given away in a competition but that's it
May I ask when you started gaming and perhaps your approximate age? I'm pushing 30, have been collecting these for a bit over ten years now. I have many back from EBgames and Circuit City, and now GameStop. Most were preorder promotions. Some new ones now from ubisoft are GameStop employee only gifts.
You'll see my age on my profile and I started collecting last year, so I'm still pretty new at this :)
05-03-2013, 06:50 AM
I probably have seen cel arts before, just didn't catch my interest then. But I guess the 2 of AC IV and Watch Dogs, interest me because these are games that I like :)
Just bought 2 of the AC IV ones off eBay, will wait to see if I can get the Watch Dogs for cheaper.
05-03-2013, 09:39 AM
Do you guys know more details how an employee obtains one of these. I have a friend who works at game stop that owes me a favor from some time ago, they hadn't heard about this yet. Any ideas or info would be cool
05-03-2013, 09:45 AM
I would assume that ubisoft would just send a box of these to every store/manager.
05-03-2013, 12:21 PM
This looks awesome :thumb: its a shame Australia never gets anything like these.
Anyone got a spare AC cel to go with this? :beg:
05-03-2013, 03:54 PM
Do you guys know more details how an employee obtains one of these. I have a friend who works at game stop that owes me a favor from some time ago, they hadn't heard about this yet. Any ideas or info would be cool
I would assume that ubisoft would just send a box of these to every store/manager.
Correct. These particularly from ubisoft come in a launch kit, like a press kit. A poster, letter thanking them, and six cels come inside. Each store received a kit.
05-04-2013, 05:31 PM
So what do you all think of this piece? I just bought one they are actually going fairly cheap online. With 6 going to each store they can't be too rare but still cheaper than I imagined. Maybe not many people know or care about it. I got mine for about 15 dollars, if interested there are plenty on ebay for similar or cheaper prices, now might be the time to get them if interested.
05-04-2013, 06:03 PM
I just bought one and now my gamestop friend who owed me a favor came through with one for me not even ten minutes after lol. They said all six were still in the box apparently no employees there were familiar with the game and didn't want one. I sometimes laugh at people gamestop hires, I mean some are really clueless to games. He is suppose to be hooking up the assassins Creed one as well. So as far as demand for this goes, I do not know. Right now the mass public hasn't jumped on the bandwagon yet, if watch dogs turns out to be great then maybe the demand will jump like with bioshock stuff. But I think this will be the cheapest time to get them.
05-05-2013, 03:43 PM
I just got these from gamestop this friday.
I feel lucky that they liked me enough to share one of the Watch Dogs art cells with me.
They didn't want the Watch Dogs box and letter, so i took it :D
I also got the AC:IV on pure accident about a week ago. The employee said they still had one left with the box and it was going to be thrown out.
05-08-2013, 01:11 PM
Nicely done lyrical
05-08-2013, 01:34 PM
Hello, a little confused here. I pre-ordered Watch_Dogs and was expecting a poster of some kind. I've been collecting posters lately. From the signature Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, God of War, inFamous ones to the recent AC:BF. The guy at GameStop hands me this Cel which I kind of dreaded at first. Considering I was expecting a large poster. This is the first time I've ever seen a Cel. I was in a hurry, didn't ask any questions. Could they have just ran out of the posters and handed me this instead??? How rare are these Cel's exactly?
05-08-2013, 03:39 PM
Nicely done lyrical
Thank you! :wave:
Hello, a little confused here. I pre-ordered Watch_Dogs and was expecting a poster of some kind. I've been collecting posters lately. From the signature Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, God of War, inFamous ones to the recent AC:BF. The guy at GameStop hands me this Cel which I kind of dreaded at first. Considering I was expecting a large poster. This is the first time I've ever seen a Cel. I was in a hurry, didn't ask any questions. Could they have just ran out of the posters and handed me this instead??? How rare are these Cel's exactly?
Well for one, yes you are right. They might have ran out, but they guy messed up.
You are suppose to get a poster, like the AC:IV Black flag, it comes individually wrapped.
These are cells are suppose to be from employees only.
That being said, they are not that rare since they were produced in great quantities, like the AC art cell.
It's nice after all.
You could try selling it if you want.
I have seen them go on ebay for about 10-25 for 1 cell.
Vault Hunter
05-10-2013, 04:46 AM
My store received a shipment of 6 of the laser cells. My boss didn't want them so I gave one to a usual at our store and sold the rest. As far as I know, there could be over 100.000 of these easily considering every store gets a shipment of 6-10. So not rare at all.
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