View Full Version : My modest collection
05-01-2013, 03:36 PM
Hi everyone!
I'm pretty new to the board, just wanted to let you all know a little something about me.
I'm a PC gamer, so I tend to not buy a whole lot of physical media. I like to collect art and statues primarily. My favorite franchises (to collect) are Bioshock, Dead Space, Fallout and Elder Scrolls. I'm patiently awaiting the arrival of some Silent Hill statues as well. I know I know, pretty mainstream tastes. Why oh why cant we get some Binding of Isaac toys though?
Here are a few quick cell phone shots. i'll replace the pictures when I can, I just wanted to get something together so I wouldn't be a stranger around here.
Boardwalk Litho
Down the line
Older Bioshock stuff
Bucking Bronco! My least used vigor. I'm just a Murder of Crows kind of guy.
I was thinking of re-framing the signed lithograph trio all together in a big custom job.
Unsigned litho. Missed the signed version and not worth scalper prices to replace it.
Didn't miss this one though! Yaaaay!
#10 :thumb:
Nothing fancy, self printed in a cheap frame.
NECA masks
I finally got them displayed properly.
Decorative plate hangers from Michaels. Less than 2$ each.
Closeup on shadowboxes
The Sinclair Solutions pen is hanging in there
Nobody mess with the big daddy
SE stuff, I'm sure you recognize it
I guess I just don't believe in leaving things boxed. Wish she had wings too.
Gaming Heads headcrab zombie statue. Jeebus 1/4 scale is big. This guy is tall and heavy and you should get one.
Sideshow Isaac Clarke. Horrible photo, he really looks great.
He is the very model of a scientist Salarian
That's it for now! More lithos and some awesome Cook and Becker stuff on the way!
05-01-2013, 03:36 PM
Reserved. More to come very soon!
05-01-2013, 03:41 PM
Nice looks really good, what have you got framed next to the rapture ball litho??
05-01-2013, 03:45 PM
Welcome to the Forums, beautiful Collection! Love the framed stuff!
05-01-2013, 03:52 PM
Nice looks really good, what have you got framed next to the rapture ball litho??
The Bucking Bronco is there. On the other side of the Steinman is a penny arcade laser cell.
Stock photo:
Welcome to the Forums, beautiful Collection! Love the framed stuff!
Thank you! There are really some great people here.
Nice collection! Is that Statue of Columbia really that blue? Or it's just because of a photography?
05-01-2013, 04:29 PM
Nice collection! Is that Statue of Columbia really that blue? Or it's just because of a photography?
It's a weird room that turns everything yellowish in photos. The statue is kind of a blueish gray, but not as blue as it looks here.
05-01-2013, 05:26 PM
:welcome: mate and enjoy your stay here! Glad to see another PC gamer and collector, especially with favourite universes (Bioshock, TES, Fallout) like myself. :) I really like your self printed Elizabeth/Songbird artwork. Looks so good! :)
05-01-2013, 09:25 PM
Hey welcome to the forum :)
I love the 'Older Bioshock stuff' art display....Really nice matey :D I love the way you have the frames hanged, It just seems like you need one more piece in there to make it perfect.
05-02-2013, 01:17 AM
Hi blingaling, it's a pleasure to see such a fine BioShock collection and... displayed prominently! Love the walls. :notworthy: :ok:
I really wanted to buy the Bucking Broncos screenprint... but after reading about some packaging disasters I decided to skip out. Can you describe it in more detail (anything printed on the back, what does screenpint "feel" and "look" like?). :think:
That Elizabeth + Baby Songbird print is really cute! :swoon:
Take care and have fun!
05-02-2013, 03:29 PM
Thanks guys!
Hi blingaling, it's a pleasure to see such a fine BioShock collection and... displayed prominently! Love the walls. :notworthy: :ok:
I really wanted to buy the Bucking Broncos screenprint... but after reading about some packaging disasters I decided to skip out. Can you describe it in more detail (anything printed on the back, what does screenpint "feel" and "look" like?). :think:
That Elizabeth + Baby Songbird print is really cute! :swoon:
Take care and have fun!
I had no problems with my print, it came flat without any damage at all. I didn't notice anything particular to the screen print style of the print, it's crisp and bright without the ink looking thick or puffy. Once it was framed it honestly looks like any other poster print. For the price I highly recommend it! It's a limited print run and you'll kick yourself if it sells out.
05-13-2013, 06:49 PM
Hey welcome to the forum :)
I love the 'Older Bioshock stuff' art display....Really nice matey :D I love the way you have the frames hanged, It just seems like you need one more piece in there to make it perfect.
You're right, and now now it's there! I updated some photos in the main post. Hope you like it as much as I do.
05-13-2013, 06:52 PM
He is the very model of a scientist Salarian
Best line ever :D
I'm making that into a meme
oh and love your collection as well of course ;)
Congrats on getting a signed MIR
Nvm already done
05-13-2013, 07:08 PM
Best line ever :D
I'm making that into a meme
oh and love your collection as well of course ;)
Congrats on getting a signed MIR
Nvm already done
Now that is hilarious. I'd love to see it in an old-timey tattoo style.
Just in case anyone has forgotten this is THE best crew interaction of ME2:
The bust actually has the words "Someone else might have gotten it wrong" on the base.
I collection. no AC. but I find your lithographs interesting.
I really like lithos.
05-15-2013, 02:44 AM
Welcome! I love the wall of framed stuff. It would fit right in an art gallery :notworthy:
07-03-2013, 07:55 PM
Speaking of art galleries... here's an art update!
C&B Falling in liquid gloss, #1 / 50
Lithograph trio, I got them reframed together.
C&B Songbird (large), #2 / 5
May be unframed for a while, this guy is sooooooo big!
Everything is kind of hung haphazardly at the moment, I will update the main post when thing get sorted.
Mass Effect screenprint triptych coming soon!
07-03-2013, 08:12 PM
Glorious update :thumb:
Some truly beautiful pieces there
I bet you notice the difference in quality between the lithos and giclees :spiteful:
07-03-2013, 08:36 PM
Glorious update :thumb:
Some truly beautiful pieces there
I bet you notice the difference in quality between the lithos and giclees :spiteful:
I've got to say... the Irrational lithos look like crap next to the C&B. In terms of crispness of image, depth of color, and quality of material; not even close to the same league.
I really have to say the same for my treehouse lithos as well, I don't even have any framed. I do like them, but they're just not that special to me. I'll keep buying them anyway though hahaha :surrender:
07-03-2013, 08:37 PM
I've got to say... the Irrational lithos look like crap next to the C&B. In terms of crispness of image, depth of color, and quality of material; not even close to the same league.
I really have to say the same for my treehouse lithos as well, I don't even have any framed. I do like them, but they're just not that special to me. I'll keep buying them anyway though hahaha :surrender:
Thought as much :rotf:
Hope to buy a C & B at some point but will have to be something special to me :)
07-03-2013, 08:49 PM
Thought as much :rotf:
Hope to buy a C & B at some point but will have to be something special to me :)
I really can't recommend them enough, but you definitely pay for the quality.
I'm going to get a few Mass Effect prints as well.
Never played Journey so I won't be buying although they look fantastic.
07-03-2013, 09:06 PM
I really can't recommend them enough, but you definitely pay for the quality.
I'm going to get a few Mass Effect prints as well.
Never played Journey so I won't be buying although they look fantastic.
I will send you a PS3. Or, perhaps not.
But you should play Journey :)
07-03-2013, 09:30 PM
07-04-2013, 12:31 AM
Not a art/picture fan but these are lovely!
07-04-2013, 08:32 AM
Amazing Bioshock art! :)
07-04-2013, 04:38 PM
I will send you a PS3. Or, perhaps not.
But you should play Journey :)
I'd love to! I could send it back when I'm done :rotf:
Not a art/picture fan but these are lovely!
Amazing Bioshock art! :)
Thanks guys!
07-09-2013, 05:01 PM
M-3 Predator replica. It looks way cool, but the trigger doesn't move. There are some tiny blue LEDs, but for the price you'd expect some noise to come out of it. As it is I go pew pew pew then I knock the kitty over with my foot.
07-09-2013, 05:05 PM
M-3 Predator replica. It looks way cool, but the trigger doesn't move. There are some tiny blue LEDs, but for the price you'd expect some noise to come out of it.
Looks great :thumb:
Disappointing to hear the trigger doesn't move
That's just idiotic
Even a 5 dollar toy gun would have a moveable trigger
As it is I go pew pew pew then I knock the kitty over with my foot.
I approve of this :D
08-23-2013, 07:06 PM
Update with statues!
L4D2 tank zombie:
Better pics HL2 crab head zombie:
Better pics Issac Clarke statue:
Devil's Kiss bottle:
Better pics Columbia statue:
Pyramid Head!
More Mass Effect soon!
08-24-2013, 12:46 AM
What an amazing update. The Headcrab looks great. I'm gonna have to get one of those eventually. What's your take on the Devil's Kiss bottle?
08-24-2013, 07:49 PM
What an amazing update. The Headcrab looks great. I'm gonna have to get one of those eventually. What's your take on the Devil's Kiss bottle?
I love the Devil's Kiss, but yes the logo really does stand out in a funny way. I think putting a little relief if not a fully sculpted devil's face there with subtler paint would have made it perfect.
I'm pretty sure the Zombie statues are still in stock at half off over at Entertainment Earth. I suspect it's the best price we're going to see.
08-24-2013, 10:28 PM
Great update :)
Must be missing something though
I see your collection fine but where is this modest collection the title speaks of? :rotf:
Seriously wonderful pickups though
Quite a few gruesome pieces in there
08-26-2013, 06:47 PM
Great update :)
Must be missing something though
I see your collection fine but where is this modest collection the title speaks of? :rotf:
Seriously wonderful pickups though
Quite a few gruesome pieces in there
Well it started out pretty humble :surrender:
Haha! Thanks!
09-24-2013, 07:13 PM
Mass Effect update!
Garrus Bust:
Sculpt is nice. Paint app is questionable.
Scale is a little funky when compared with the Mordin. Best displayed a little further apart.
Exclusive edition Kotobukiya FemShep statue:
All pvc. Fantastic detail in the armor.
Important to note: the exclusive edition does NOT come with the changable argus rifle left arm. You are stuck with the funky blade.
Kotobukiya Liara statue:
This one is a little hard to come by these days.
Kinda cutesy, but fortunately lacking the ridiculous "proportions" you get with most bishoujou statues.
statues are lovely,, as well as the bust <3
Mass Effect update!
Garrus Bust:
Kotobukiya Liara statue:
This one is a little hard to come by these days.
Kinda cutesy, but fortunately lacking the ridiculous "proportions" you get with most bishoujou statues.
I was thinking about buying the Garrus bust, but even on the site the painting doesn't look too appealing...
the Liara statue on the other hand looks amazing. :thumb:
10-18-2013, 05:58 PM
I was thinking about buying the Garrus bust, but even on the site the painting doesn't look too appealing...
I can't recommend it, unfortunately.
the Liara statue on the other hand looks amazing. :thumb:
Also, crappy cell phone pic teaser:
11-11-2013, 05:07 PM
Finally had a chance to get some half way decent pics, so here we go Gentle Giant Reaper statue GO!
The sculpt is excellent.
Be warned, it does NOT secure to the base.
Questionable paint item: The blue highlights appear to be decals.
Not too bad in places, but the larger decals look like shit.
Overall, kind of a disappointment. The weird shiny patches from the decals really make the whole thing look cheap, which it certainly was NOT.
11-11-2013, 05:40 PM
Mass Effect update!
Exclusive edition Kotobukiya FemShep statue:
Kotobukiya Liara statue:
For some reason I've never really looked into getting ME statues - not sure why, but this Liara one makes me second-guess myself. Really nice there! For me, it's a shame its done only by Kotobukiya though -- that means no chance of similar style/size statues of other ME characters who are male right? Or do they do some non-bishoujo statues too?
Would love to get some non-bust (not a fan of them myself) statues for my ME shelves :) Thanks for the pics! Very nice collection!
11-12-2013, 12:18 AM
For some reason I've never really looked into getting ME statues - not sure why, but this Liara one makes me second-guess myself. Really nice there! For me, it's a shame its done only by Kotobukiya though -- that means no chance of similar style/size statues of other ME characters who are male right? Or do they do some non-bishoujo statues too?
Would love to get some non-bust (not a fan of them myself) statues for my ME shelves :) Thanks for the pics! Very nice collection!
They've done a ton of regular statues, but nothing else for ME. Doubt they ever will for the original trilogy at this point, the franchise has grey whiskers now :rotf:
Thanks for the compliments!
01-28-2014, 09:26 PM
Here we go again! Some new stuff, some things moved around, trying to class up how everything is displayed.
My favorite! Bioshock!
Undertow bottle looks amazing. The packaging really adds to it, enough that it's also worth displaying, which I wouldn't normally do.
Added some mood lighting to the cabinet.[/URL]
Sanshee pins and coins, Songbird plush with cage key, and my fancy signed book.
Sold off some older neca stuff. Just not that interested in action figures these days. Here's what I have left from the older Bioshock things.
3A Portal figures. I'm working on an unboxing/review article that might one day go somewhere.
Pretty poor quality pic, but here's my collection of Olly Moss heroes and villains. I don't think anyone else here was too interested in them, but there ya go.
That's it for today kids, thanks for reading my post!
01-28-2014, 09:32 PM
Damn I ran out of thumbs right before such a great update :notworthy:
Very nice as always bling :thumb:
amazing stuff!
I might be just nitpicking but i think you should display both of the vigor bottles together side by side.
01-28-2014, 09:48 PM
amazing stuff!
I might be just nitpicking but i think you should display both of the vigor bottles together side by side.
I gave that a try Dan, but they just didn't look as good as they do staggered, probably because the Devil's Kiss lacks a matching box.
And thanks Swifty, glad you approve :banana:
I gave that a try Dan, but they just didn't look as good as they do staggered, probably because the Devil's Kiss lacks a matching box.
That's true, total bummer they didn't gave Devil's Kiss a nice box :'(
01-29-2014, 08:17 AM
Pretty jealous about this neat Bioshock collection! :drool: Well displayed as well! :)
01-29-2014, 08:28 AM
That Undertow bottle looks so nice. I gots to get me one of them.
Great cabinet display by the way. Your Bioshock collection is impressive.
01-29-2014, 03:10 PM
Looks great! Like the Moss's too!
Nice, Very neat.
I like how you display them
02-07-2014, 06:36 PM
I got a 3DS XL. Why did I wait so long?
I also bought a Fitzroy signed canvas print a while back. Resale value be damned, I stretched the canvas over a frame and hung that sucker on the wall.
NO REGRETS :beach:
I also bought a Fitzroy signed canvas print a while back. Resale value be damned, I stretched the canvas over a frame and hung that sucker on the wall.
NO REGRETS :beach:
thats beautiful, i really want to buy the canvas but my wallet wont let me :(
02-09-2014, 02:13 PM
beautiful wallpiece <3
02-20-2014, 06:48 PM
I mentioned this bootleg Murder of Crows bottle in the Irrational thread, but figured it would be in bad taste to post pics there.
Looks decent
But it's small
50$ well spent I say.
02-20-2014, 07:59 PM
That crow looks like it's going to murder you :lol:
It is quite a good knock off
02-22-2014, 01:49 AM
The little guy is really out of place now hahaha!
02-22-2014, 07:27 AM
Those bottles look real nice together. Nice display.
02-23-2014, 03:33 PM
Blingaling I am in the same boat as you every bottle except the well sought after crows bottle. Mine should be here Tuesday, but I might wait a couple weeks until March for my next update. It all depends a couple other items are in the works for me :) more details and pics later, but none the less Nice display.
02-23-2014, 03:44 PM
And I 100% agree that people should snag a Headcrab nice collection.
02-24-2014, 05:34 PM
Appreciate all the kind words :)
Blingaling I am in the same boat as you every bottle except the well sought after crows bottle. Mine should be here Tuesday, but I might wait a couple weeks until March for my next update. It all depends a couple other items are in the works for me :) more details and pics later, but none the less Nice display.
If you can stand a knockoff MoC, you might want to check this out:
I'd gladly shell out for the real thing, but they just aren't coming up for sale :banghead:
Wish someone would do a knockoff Sander Cohen staue haha!
02-25-2014, 07:08 AM
Appreciate all the kind words :)
If you can stand a knockoff MoC, you might want to check this out:
I'd gladly shell out for the real thing, but they just aren't coming up for sale :banghead:
Wish someone would do a knockoff Sander Cohen staue haha!
I really don't want to spend the $50 for a onockoff right now with so much money being dropped on Dark Souls. And I agree about spending money on the legit Crows bottle, but they have just gotten extremely high in price now. And if someone were to make a knockoff Cohen I would probably spend the money no questions :)
02-26-2014, 02:44 AM
I'm pretty sure the Zombie statues are still in stock at half off over at Entertainment Earth. I suspect it's the best price we're going to see.
Bling I picked mine up, exclusive version, from think geek. Managed to get it for $75 and free shipping.
03-06-2014, 05:58 PM
Bling I picked mine up, exclusive version, from think geek. Managed to get it for $75 and free shipping.
Can't beat that!
Also, weird to be posting more things while I'm trying to downsize, but I never did put this one up here:
...and that's all the wall space I'm giving Infinite. Seriously, I'm out of space.
03-06-2014, 06:04 PM
...and that's all the wall space I'm giving Infinite. Seriously, I'm out of space.
Awesome looking wall.
Love your wall. Theres something about "Falling" that I absolutely love.
03-07-2014, 01:31 AM
...and that's all the wall space I'm giving Infinite. Seriously, I'm out of space.
If you ever need more space on the wall, just remember :yes:
05-30-2014, 06:54 PM
Also posted in the Irrational store thread, some detail pics of the Elizabeth statue: ( ( ( ( (
05-31-2014, 05:09 AM
The girl seems to be missing a finger. :think:
05-31-2014, 06:20 AM
The girl seems to be missing a finger. :think:
Yep, yep! That's how it should be. You'll notice that the stump of her pinkie wears a thimble. It was severed when she was but a babe. The Lutece's tried to bring her to Columbia - at the request of Comstock - by opening a Tear (i.e. portal). There was a struggle for the baby Elizabeth, the Tear closed and her pinkie was left behind in New York.
01-03-2015, 07:25 AM
Awesome Bioshock collection. You have some of the big daddy's/Rosie's that I didn't pick up when I had the chance. They are so expensive now. Enjoy!!!
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