View Full Version : WTB: My List of Wanted Goodies

05-03-2013, 01:59 PM
Although I'm frequently spending (considerably) more than i earn... I still have items that i would love to own someday. Any help would be greatly appreciated and i'm more than happy to return the favour if ever needed.

Assassin's Creed Black Flag Cel
Watch Dogs Laser Cels
Bioshock Infinite Zeppelin
Bioshock Infinite Press Kit
Assassin's Creed III Flag (from the Limited Edition)

Arkham City Catwoman steel (Game.de version)
Arkham City Armored Edition Steel
Epic Mickey 2 Steel

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

05-04-2013, 05:42 AM
Everything you want is fairly cheap except the Bioshock Infinite press kit:) You can find the betsy ross embroided style flag on ebay for about $40 & its better quality. With AC Black Flag Art Cell,i maybe able to help you out there,i am waiting on a package that has one included. If the bloody thing ever arrives i will let you know. My price for it maybe a little higher than normal but it will also come with the box these were distributed to gamestop in:) Will let you know when it arrives & a price when it does,unless you find one sooner.

05-04-2013, 08:28 AM
Hi sorry what is the bioshock infinite zeppelin? Don't think I've seen/heard of that?