View Full Version : New Resident Evil 6 Steelbook
05-17-2013, 10:32 AM
Found that link on
I got no clue which language that is and which currency and how much it is and if they deliver worldwide.
Seems to be thailand, maybe it will be available in other asian countries.
Another link of an online store where you can buy it.
05-17-2013, 10:42 AM
Google translate states that the manual language is in English, so would assume the game is too. The currency is Thai Baht and a rough price in a more recognised currency would be about 35GBP/53USD or there is this edition ( which looks like it contains said steelbook and some other goodies for about 41GBP/63USD.
05-17-2013, 11:51 AM
Game box Steelbook.
The game Resident Evil 6.
Music for download.
Scrapbooking for download.
Put in one of four posters (limited). pg
05-17-2013, 03:46 PM
That is a thailand exclusive and G2only :wave:
Edit: Confirm G2 :)
05-17-2013, 04:13 PM
That is a thailand exclusive and G1 only :wave:
I take it you have the steel in your possession already lemur? :spiteful:
Does that store ship internationally?
05-17-2013, 04:24 PM
I take it you have the steel in your possession already lemur? :spiteful:
Does that store ship internationally?
Soon :D
There is a shop that ships to me but they charge flat 3500 thb for shipping. So if you want it I can try to buy. Would be way cheaper if a few were bought so the shipping charges are split.
Note: I have never dealt with thailand shops and I am very wary of dealing with them. Not to mention the ridiculous shipping charges :(
05-17-2013, 04:28 PM
Soon :D
There is a shop that ships to me but they charge flat 3500 thb for shipping. So if you want it I can try to buy. Would be way cheaper if a few were bought so the shipping charges are split.
3500 Thai Baht equals 117.41 US Dollar
05-17-2013, 07:38 PM
I have 2 on there way to me ,one will be going up for trade only in the near future so keep your eyes peeled :taunt:
05-17-2013, 08:40 PM
I have 2 on there way to me ,one will be going up for trade only in the near future so keep your eyes peeled :taunt:
what you wanna trade ese, i only have crap
05-18-2013, 05:20 AM
I have 2 on there way to me ,one will be going up for trade only in the near future so keep your eyes peeled :taunt:
Can I have it please? :lmao:
05-18-2013, 05:33 AM
We have not even one Thai member to help us?
Google chrome will translate the websites?
Is the CE sold out? I haven't see a big button that may seem to say, BUY...
So many questions, and no translator or member... :(
05-18-2013, 05:40 AM
3500 Thai Baht equals 117.41 US Dollar
We can try to make a GB and ask mag for using her house to be the central operation site!!! :D
Then split the packages to everyones house...
fffff...too much work for mag...
Will PM you soon Swift asking for some you can inform me better on how and where to make the order...
05-18-2013, 11:38 AM
We can try to make a GB and ask mag for using his house to be the central operation site!!! :D
Then split the packages to everyones house...
fffff...too much work for mag...
Will PM you soon Swift asking for some you can inform me better on how and where to make the order...
05-18-2013, 01:48 PM
if anyone has a good link to a shop that sells it?
i dont mind forwarding if anyone wants me to....
05-21-2013, 01:32 AM
I hope this is the only thai exclusive steelbook we missed otherwise, sigh...
It just never ends!
Texas Fire
05-21-2013, 03:53 AM
3500 Thai Baht equals 117.41 US Dollar
:swoon::swoon::swoon::swoon:BWAHAHAHAHA! Jesus H!
05-25-2013, 04:52 AM
So what's the plan on this, folks? I want this steel, so how are we all doing this? lol
02-17-2014, 06:08 PM
Hello guys,
i would like to get my hand on one of them too. So i searched for a possibilty to get one.
I found a third page
in english and worldwide shipment :D.
There are only two problems:
1) (temporarly) out of stock, backorder 7-14 days? :think:
and 2) if it could be backordered it will be very expensive
calculation: 1690 THB (product) + 360 THB(shipment unit)= 2050THB = 46,14? = 63,18$
Shipment rates to US: 800-1360THB = 24,66-41,92$
Shipment rates to EU: 1080-1560THB = 24,30-35,56?
to US: 87,84 -105,10$ plus custom fees
to EU: 70,44 -81,70? plus Custom fees (For example Germany (19%): (13,38-15,52?)= 83,82-97,22? :banghead:
So an thoughts/ideas/plans?
Hello guys,
i would like to get my hand on one of them too. So i searched for a possibilty to get one.
I found a third page
in english and worldwide shipment :D.
There are only two problems:
1) (temporarly) out of stock, backorder 7-14 days? :think:
2) very pricey: 1690 THB (product) + 360 (shipment unit)THB= 2050
2050THB = 46,14? = 63,18$
Shipment rates to US: 800-1360THB = 24,66-41,92$
Shipment rates to EU: 1080-1560THB = 24,30-35,56?
to US: 87,84 -105,10$ plus custom fees
to EU: 70,44 -81,70? plus Custom fees (For example Germany: (13,38-15,52?)= 83,82-97,22?
from the looks of it, it's not really a "new" steelbook. if you're interested in the steelbook you can buy it on ebay.
02-17-2014, 06:23 PM
from the looks of it, it's not really a "new" steelbook. if you're interested in the steelbook you can buy it on ebay.
Yes and No. You're right it's not new, it was released in thailand in 2013 but it's not the same as the canadien Futureshop Preorder Steelbook.
Check ths link
or this pictures:
Yes and No. You're right it's not new, it was released in thailand in 2013 but it's not the same as the canadien Futureshop Preorder Steelbook.
Check ths link
or this pictures:
that's cool, will it only be released for PC?
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