View Full Version : Getting into Steelbook BluRay collecting

06-05-2013, 06:39 PM
Hey. I want to get into steelbook collecting, besides games which i have a few now.
What are the ones i should be looking for?
At the moment i am buying the Captain America one and i want to get the Marvel ones, but im not into prices or anything, if there is a guide or something like that here please let me know.


06-05-2013, 06:46 PM
check PM

06-05-2013, 06:55 PM
Nooo stay away from blu ray steelbook collecting. Once you start its very hard to stop and there are releases every week now. It will make you bankrupt

06-05-2013, 06:58 PM
Hey. I want to get into steelbook collecting, besides games which i have a few now.
What are the ones i should be looking for?
At the moment i am buying the Captain America one and i want to get the Marvel ones, but im not into prices or anything, if there is a guide or something like that here please let me know.


To be honest, you are much too late about starting to collect blue-ray steelbooks, that is why I didn't start to collect them.

There are a lot of german movie steelbooks which are very rare for example rambo.

06-05-2013, 06:59 PM
Nooo stay away from blu ray steelbook collecting. Once you start its very hard to stop and there are releases every week now. It will make you bankrupt

I completely agree with this. I am struggling to cope now :suicide: xx

06-05-2013, 07:03 PM
also agree with nipper, its a long arduous road which isnt getting easier

think of the road to damascus except shinier

06-05-2013, 07:04 PM
Just buy what you like. Also, I agree with the sentiment to stay from blu-ray steels. That is a dark road with no light at the end of the tunnel. I have a massive game steelbook collection, but I only buy them for games I own, and I only buy games I actually want. It's more fun if they actually mean something to you (by being from a game/series you like) than just buying every one in sight or ones that are perceived as rare or valuable.

06-05-2013, 07:04 PM
Yeah dont start, unless you will collect very specific, like marvel movies. There are just to many otherwise.

06-05-2013, 07:05 PM
Yep won't touch blu ray steel collecting because it's way way way too big

too many steels

It's images like these that terrify me......


Granted that's old and DVD steels I think but blu rays are worse from what I can tell

I think I've seen some blu ray steel collections that top 1000 steels? Maybe more?

Plus movie collectors are way more into slipcovers too

06-05-2013, 07:12 PM
Well i was thinking of just buying from movies that i love and enjoyed watching.
Like Django, Ingorious Bastards, Marvel movies and a couple more, at least for now.

06-05-2013, 07:16 PM
Well i was thinking of just buying from movies that i love and enjoyed watching.
Like Django, Ingorious Bastards, Marvel movies and a couple more, at least for now.

If you can limit what you collect/buy/want then more power to you, go for it

Trying to even develop a reasonable blu ray collection is mind bogglingly hard imo

06-05-2013, 07:18 PM
Yeah i have a bit of trouble on my gaming collecting lol.
I have always too much stuff to buy, and i also want to limit that on the gaming side.
There is a bad side of collecting collectors edition's and retrogames.

06-05-2013, 07:29 PM
Yeah i have a bit of trouble on my gaming collecting lol.
I have always too much stuff to buy, and i also want to limit that on the gaming side.
There is a bad side of collecting collectors edition's and retrogames.

I feel your pain buddy

As do Vhal and a couple others on here for sure :)

I want everything, it's the buying everything part that doesn't work so well :rotf:

06-05-2013, 07:44 PM
Well i was thinking of just buying from movies that i love and enjoyed watching.
Like Django, Ingorious Bastards, Marvel movies and a couple more, at least for now.

If you can limit yourself to films you just like then thats good. Just work really hard to control yourself

I was looking through my collection and i see HULK on steelbook and im thinking to myself why on earth i have this when i absolutely hate the film

If you have any price questions or need help to import from the UK im sure we would all be happy to help

06-06-2013, 01:39 AM
Actually i do have some questions.
I am looking to adquire a Inglorious Basterds steelbook. What is the price to pay?
And yes i am collecting sealed, i just hate to open that kind of awesome stuff lol.

06-06-2013, 01:47 AM
Actually i do have some questions.
I am looking to adquire a Inglorious Basterds steelbook. What is the price to pay?
And yes i am collecting sealed, i just hate to open that kind of awesome stuff lol.

Are you planning on selling at some point? If you are, then keeping things sealed will maintain the value. If you're not, the only thing keeping items sealed does is keep you from enjoy your own things. You can't watch the movie or play the game unless you buy another, you can't see what the disc looks like, can't see inside art, can't feel a texture, etc. I totally get it of you're going to be selling, but you're really only keeping yourself from enjoying your own things, otherwise. lol

06-06-2013, 07:50 AM
Actually i do have some questions.
I am looking to adquire a Inglorious Basterds steelbook. What is the price to pay?
And yes i am collecting sealed, i just hate to open that kind of awesome stuff lol.

Depends which one you like, there are at least 5 different ones with different artwork from different countries, which one from below do you like


Picture courtesy of leobzrra at bluray.com

06-06-2013, 08:49 PM
You have to be careful with the red version of Inglorious Bastards. Reprints without embossing and I think a German reprint with the FSK printed on it as well.

06-07-2013, 12:58 AM
I really like the red one just awesome.
And here is my first steelbook...10€ at mediamarkt!


Next Inglorious Basterds i hope :P

06-07-2013, 07:03 AM
If you could grab another Captain America at that price I would totally be interested.

06-07-2013, 09:03 AM
I really like the red one just awesome.
And here is my first steelbook...10? at mediamarkt!


Next Inglorious Basterds i hope :P

That is a bargain, do they have anymore i would be interested

06-07-2013, 01:03 PM
Im affraid resselers got them all :s