View Full Version : List Of Xbox ONE Limited Edition Consoles
07-13-2013, 08:39 PM
Let's kick things off and try and stay on top of things for the next generation
There will be 3 main categories
I will try to update original and costs with all editions
The categories will be
limited edition consoles
Any unique colours or patterns
The main example here is DAY ONE edition
That comes with a limited edition controller and an achievement on a code sheet
But the console is the same as stock
Bundle Editions
Any unique box art
Or games that come bundle but that do NOT have unique or limited edition console art or accessory (controller / kinect art)
So a stock console in a custom box art
Slip cover version are also included here, where the console and box art is identical to stock but there is a slip cover with different box art on it
These can be promotional pieces
Or competition prizes or anything like the many elaborate versions that we have seen turn for the Xbox 360 console where most but not all are made by color ware with high detailed art work airbrushed onto stock consoles, some come with stock cardboard boxes and some come without
The desired format for information shall follow this template
Name of version
Any additional Info
Name of version Day one edition
Description Day One Edition Comes With:
Xbox One Console
Kinect Sensor
Commemorative limited edition controller
Exclusive Achievement
HDMI Cable
Price 429 GBP
Availability available in all territories where the Xbox one is launching
Only available for pre order and collection/ payment on launch day
Any additional Info
07-13-2013, 08:40 PM
Limited Edition
Name of version Day one edition
Description Day One Edition Comes With:
Xbox One Console
Kinect Sensor
Commemorative limited edition controller
Exclusive Achievement
HDMI Cable
Price 429 GBP
Availability available in all territories where the Xbox one is launching
Only available for pre order and collection/ payment on launch day
Any additional Info
Name of version Employee Ship Gift edition
Description Employee Ship Gift Edition Comes With:
Xbox One Console in White
Kinect Sensor in black
Controller in white
Exclusive Achievement
HDMI Cable
1year Xbox Live Gold
All 1st Party Games
Price not for sale
Availability Xbox One employees only
Not for sale
It is a gift
ASIN Unknown
07-13-2013, 08:42 PM
Bundle Edition
07-13-2013, 08:43 PM
Custom Edition
08-26-2013, 11:11 AM
I think the white actually looks better than the black! Shame it'll be extremely difficult to get hold of one :(
08-26-2013, 11:14 AM
I think the white actually looks better than the black! Shame it'll be extremely difficult to get hold of one :(
Simply wow
All 1st party games
Seems they would be digital games
And also seems logical that that would work on a serial number basis as the Xbox 360 has been using the serial number to confirm a consoles identity for a good few years now (that's how some people get updates up to 24hours early I know this as I used to use a xenon and my brothers falcon would get updates 12 hours before me for some random reason yep every update)
08-26-2013, 05:18 PM
Microsoft has a fair number of employees so not sure how rare it will really be
The free games thing is interesting but is that locked to gamertag or console?
IEB FTE stands for "Interactive Entertainment Business, Full-Time Equivalent"
Anyone known how many people work for IEB in a FTE capacity?
Oh and while this is most likely real it hasn't been confirmed so could be fake
08-26-2013, 05:24 PM
Microsoft has a fair number of employees so not sure how rare it will really be
The free games thing is interesting but is that locked to gamertag or console?
IEB FTE stands for "Interactive Entertainment Business, Full-Time Equivalent"
Anyone known how many people work for IEB in a FTE capacity?
Oh and while this is most likely real it hasn't been confirmed so could be fake
Yes I shave not seen any proof confirming this
It seems that it would be tied to the serial number (or at least some sort of identifier in the key vault; or the Xbox one equivalent) and therefore the console as I have tried to explain that Microsoft already does in some capacity
08-26-2013, 05:42 PM
Yes I shave not seen any proof confirming this
It seems that it would be tied to the serial number (or at least some sort of identifier in the key vault; or the Xbox one equivalent) and therefore the console as I have tried to explain that Microsoft already does in some capacity
Hmm so if you managed to get your hands on one (assuming it does exist) could you get all 1P games for free?
08-26-2013, 05:52 PM
Hmm so if you managed to get your hands on one (assuming it does exist) could you get all 1P games for free?
It seems to me but o could be completely wrong
That the console would get free games
Butthe person who downloads the games would also have the games linked to there account as of they purchased them
But this is purely speculation and could he completely wrong
Microsoft have also in the past made certain user accounts have higher level access
So it is completely within there control to grant your ganertag with a dev tag or Xbox employee tag or some other special privilege tag that would mean that it would be signed to the ganertag and not the console
Microsoft has the systems in place (on the Xbox 360) to go either way with this
08-26-2013, 06:35 PM
I find it funny that MS would give employees all 1P games for free but only give a year of live
That seems silly
08-26-2013, 08:01 PM
I find it funny that MS would give employees all 1P games for free but only give a year of live
That seems silly
Of does seem strange
but i knknosomeone who worked on the xbox lI've enforcement team and well he got no extra privileges besides the aaccess to ?zepyhr? I think the sotware is called
And seeing as a lot of Xbox employees wiall be working on the 1st party games it makes sense that they wouLD get at least the one they are working on for free
08-26-2013, 08:29 PM
Should mention, I got the image from a Retweet from CVG (was their editor who posted it from his personal account), and they will make it known when they don't publish a story if they don't think it's credible.
08-27-2013, 11:14 AM
I think the white actually looks better than the black! Shame it'll be extremely difficult to get hold of one :(
Really like the look of the white console. Somehow it doesn't look as plain as the black IMO.
Shame there's no white kinect though. :(
08-27-2013, 11:34 AM
They make the 360 in white and everyone wants black
They make the one in black and everyone wants white
Poor Microsoft
StayFree( ' 3')
08-27-2013, 01:23 PM
It's starting to look pretty legit...
They make the 360 in white and everyone wants black
They make the one in black and everyone wants white
Poor Microsoft
soo true. I just feel that xbox has already cemented itself as the "white console" while sony, of course, is forever the "black console". Why change that MS!?! The color change will forever ruin the chi flow of my gaming room.
08-27-2013, 01:26 PM
soo true. I just feel that xbox has already cemented itself as the "white console" while sony, of course, is forever the "black console".
And this is how I buy a console
Which colour fits best
08-28-2013, 12:04 AM
White Xbox One could hit retail 'in the future' (
Not surprised by this. Wouldn't recommend trying to bid silly money for one of these on Ebay if they're going to come out eventually anyway. Still think there'll be a few who do so!
08-28-2013, 12:12 AM
The one for the company has a difference though, it appears to be etched with "I made this" or something on the front, which the retail version obviously won't have xx
08-28-2013, 12:14 AM
White Xbox One could hit retail 'in the future' (
heh. No shit :p There will also be a special edition for Halo 5 and one for the new Gears of War Trilogy.:clap:
08-28-2013, 06:07 AM
heh. No shit :p There will also be a special edition for Halo 5 and one for the new Gears of War Trilogy.:clap:
Is this speculation or do you have proof?
I ask as I feel the the next gears of war will be an Xbox 360 title released sometime in around 18-24 months time and will be the best graphical he on the Xbox 360
This is my speculation based on the boasts the epic and people can fly have about their unreal engine and always finding new ways to utilize the potential of the 360
08-28-2013, 07:55 AM
Sorry - speculation. Just that console makers love their different consoles when sales start to dip or with their next big game comes out .
11-05-2013, 09:26 PM
There's a charity listing from GamesAid (a UK games children's charity) currently running on eBay for that white Xbox One! The one given to members of the Xbox One launch team.
The auction will conclude this Friday, November 8, at 3PM UK time. The item will be shipped "immediately post launch" on November 22.
The price is a bit...well, pricey - but if you're doing it for charity! ;)
There's a charity listing from GamesAid (a UK games children's charity) currently running on eBay for that white Xbox One! The one given to members of the Xbox One launch team.
The auction will conclude this Friday, November 8, at 3PM UK time. The item will be shipped "immediately post launch" on November 22.
The price is a bit...well, pricey - but if you're doing it for charity! ;)
Yeah, it's only 26 thousand dollars :/
11-14-2013, 09:33 PM
Yeah, it's only 26 thousand dollars :/
Well, there's another one listed in the US for another charity, last I checked it was only at $11,000 :)
Well, there's another one listed in the US for another charity, last I checked it was only at $11,000 :)
lol only 11k :(
buy it for me knight :D
11-14-2013, 10:59 PM
lol only 11k :(
buy it for me knight :D
I think they're vetting any bids over $3,000 -- pretty sure I wouldn't pass the muster. Not to mention if my wife looked at our ebay account and saw that I bid $12,000 on something that did not have four wheels and the words "Lexus" or "Porsche" in it that this post may be the last you'd ever hear from me ;)
11-21-2013, 03:15 AM
Think this goes here?
Xbox One Dev(?) Controllers
People who made the Xbox One get this controller assuming along with the White xbox
Never mind found more pics
Looks nice
11-21-2013, 03:28 AM
Think this goes here?
Xbox One Dev(?) Controllers
People who made the Xbox One get this controller assuming along with the White xbox
Never mind found more pics
Very nice! ^^ Looking forward to getting my Day One Ed at Midnight! ^^ Wish I was lucky enough to be getting one of these though. :(
11-21-2013, 03:54 AM
Very nice! ^^ Looking forward to getting my Day One Ed at Midnight! ^^ Wish I was lucky enough to be getting one of these though. :(
I have no doubt one will be for sale eventually. Although will most certainly have to wait a few years to get one at a decent price.
The original Xbox Launch console has gone up in price lately.
11-21-2013, 07:01 AM
there was one:
12.000 $
11-21-2013, 07:11 AM
there was one:
12.000 $
I wasn't even sure if that one sold because a bunch of people were putting in fake bids and the auction had to be shut down. Which is very sad because it was for charity.
I'm just saying this is big news now but they will become available in several years on Ebay and such just like the original Xbox Launch console and Xbox 360 Launch console.
11-21-2013, 07:17 AM
I wasn't even sure if that one sold because a bunch of people were putting in fake bids and the auction had to be shut down. Which is very sad because it was for charity.
I'm just saying this is big news now but they will become available in several years on Ebay and such just like the original Xbox Launch console and Xbox 360 Launch console.
yup, i think so too.
11-22-2013, 08:03 AM
years down the road there will be slimmer versions and different special editions and no one is gonna pay a fraction for what these are going for now unless there is some die hard xbox collectors..but those are a rare breed...LOL..even Gav once said he will stay focused just on the 360's for now.
11-22-2013, 12:10 PM
years down the road there will be slimmer versions and different special editions and no one is gonna pay a fraction for what these are going for now unless there is some die hard xbox collectors..but those are a rare breed...LOL..even Gav once said he will stay focused just on the 360's for now.
But I hope to pick one of these up in the future :thumb:
heres one selling for ?1,000.00 deoGameConsoles&hash=item43c247b109
11-23-2013, 01:41 AM
But I hope to pick one of these up in the future :thumb:
The WAY future maybe. lol I mean, right now the MINIMUM one would go for is $500 just because that is the retail price for a regular console.
Now is the time I would look for a Xbox 360 Launch console. I know one just sold recently complete for ~$400 but I was out of money. =(
11-24-2013, 08:54 AM
their marketing team would probably go the same route.... COD xbox one, NFS xbox one etc. or whichever design that ties in with an AAA title... thereafter make a few limited ones obtainable from contests.
Whilst PS4 would go with different colours.
11-25-2013, 10:38 PM
Now this is what you call a LIMITED edition
No one will ever be able to get one
Now this is what you call a LIMITED edition
No one will ever be able to get one
i'm sure one will eventually hit ebay for a couple thousands...
11-26-2013, 08:48 PM
Here are a couple of new custom consoles for the Xbox One
Name of version: Mountain Dew
Description: Custom console given to Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Price: NA
Availability: Made by Colorware
Any additional Info
More details can be found at: (10/20/2013)
Name of version: Ryse Custom XBOX One
Description: This console is part of the "Every Two Minutes" Mountain Dew giveaway
Price: NA
Availability: Given to Contest Winners. Quantity unknown
Any additional Info
Name of version: Forza 5 Custom XBOX One
Description: This console is part of the "Every Two Minutes" Mountain Dew giveaway
Price: NA
Availability: Given to Contest Winners. Quantity unknown
Any additional Info
Name of version: Dead Rising 3 Custom XBOX One
Description: This console is part of the "Every Two Minutes" Mountain Dew giveaway
Price: NA
Availability: Given to Contest Winners. Quantity unknown
Any additional Info
Here are a couple of new custom consoles for the Xbox One
Name of version: Mountain Dew
Description: Custom console given to Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Price: NA
Availability: Made by Colorware
Any additional Info
More details can be found at: (10/20/2013)
Name of version: Ryse Custom XBOX One
Description: This console is part of the "Every Two Minutes" Mountain Dew giveaway
Price: NA
Availability: Given to Contest Winners. Quantity unknown
Any additional Info
Name of version: Forza 5 Custom XBOX One
Description: This console is part of the "Every Two Minutes" Mountain Dew giveaway
Price: NA
Availability: Given to Contest Winners. Quantity unknown
Any additional Info
Name of version: Dead Rising 3 Custom XBOX One
Description: This console is part of the "Every Two Minutes" Mountain Dew giveaway
Price: NA
Availability: Given to Contest Winners. Quantity unknown
Any additional Info
i'm really not understanding this... is it an auction? or a giveaway? because on the website says auction and some are selling for 50k....
11-26-2013, 09:28 PM
i'm really not understanding this... is it an auction? or a giveaway? because on the website says auction and some are selling for 50k....
The "auction" is based on bidding using points people accumulate by using mountain dew products.
The "auction" is based on bidding using points people accumulate by using mountain dew products.
how many points did each mountain dew give?
i should start drinking tons and tons of mt dew.... diabetes here we go!
11-27-2013, 12:34 AM
how many points did each mountain dew give?
i should start drinking tons and tons of mt dew.... diabetes here we go!
Max is like 300 points for a 24 pack of cans. So, you'll be buying A LOT.
As for the "limited editions" all except for the Mountain Dew console just seem like cheap skins which in my opinion aren't that special even if the skins only last for the "Every2Minutes" thing.
11-28-2013, 01:10 AM
I'm hoping the pictures are mock-ups and Microsoft will use Colorware for those consoles too.
12-06-2013, 12:07 AM
Figured it doesn't hurt to post this
Here's pics of the European XB1 Pack-in/bundles
Not sure if the Forza pack-in had a specific box to it
12-07-2013, 10:10 AM
Figured it doesn't hurt to post this
Here's pics of the European XB1 Pack-in/bundles
Not sure if the Forza pack-in had a specific box to it
Yes Forza did in the day one version
And they are only slip covers :yay:
Was about to post about this one! :)
?6,000! 24K Gold Xbox One... not sure if it counts...
12-17-2013, 02:57 PM
Was about to post about this one! :)
Is it plated or solid gold cover instead of plastic?
?6,000! 24K Gold Xbox One... not sure if it it plated or solid gold cover instead of plastic?
is it plated or solid gold cover instead of plastic?
It is gold plated.
12-17-2013, 06:16 PM
is it plated or solid gold cover instead of plastic?
I'm no expert, but I think an Xbox One with a solid gold would cost more than $10,000. Haha.
I'm no expert, but I think an Xbox One with a solid gold would cost more than $10,000. Haha.
it isn't solid gold it is gold plated...
12-17-2013, 06:38 PM
it isn't solid gold it is gold plated...
I know, I was replying to his thought about it being solid gold and I was saying that if it was solid gold it would have been more than $10,000. Just a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit more. =)
12-17-2013, 08:24 PM
I know, I was replying to his thought about it being solid gold and I was saying that if it was solid gold it would have been more than $10,000. Just a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit more. =)
it isn't solid gold it is gold plated...
I'm no expert, but I think an Xbox One with a solid gold would cost more than $10,000. Haha.
It is gold plated.
Thanks guys
I don't know the value of the gold not do I know the weight of the plastic covers so I was unable to guess whether that was a good price or not as how could you possibly find the weight of gold that was inside it?
Thanks guys
I don't know the value of the gold not do I know the weight of the plastic covers so I was unable to guess whether that was a good price or not as how could you possibly find the weight of gold that was inside it?
Valid question, and it's one that is answered in the way of old maths text books! :)
Basically, gold plating has a general 'thickness' to it dependant on the karat of the gold, in this case you would have to know the surface area involved (tricky to work out due to nooks and crannies in the surface, but not impossible) and then you could work out the coating from here.
Source: My step father is a picture framer and a lot of his frames are plated in a similar way.
Valid question, and it's one that is answered in the way of old maths text books! :)
Basically, gold plating has a general 'thickness' to it dependant on the karat of the gold, in this case you would have to know the surface area involved (tricky to work out due to nooks and crannies in the surface, but not impossible) and then you could work out the coating from here.
Source: My step father is a picture framer and a lot of his frames are plated in a similar way.
this is actually interesting, when would it decrease in value? when gold prices drop? or when the item becomes old and unwanted?
01-30-2014, 11:54 AM
slightly annoying as i see a listing for this on one of the euro amazons a few weeks ago but had no details, just said titanfall plus xbox one
now i cannot find it
from what i remember listing had no details was 499.99 euro
but this made news this morning
01-30-2014, 01:34 PM
Wow, makes me want this and I don't even know why. Never played COD on console before but did try Black Ops on PC and it made me dizzy lol.
Good to hear they will also do a White Xbox One later this year, I really want a white pad like the one for the Microsoft Team.
I do like the boxart of Titanfall console and controller boxes, had a nice colour scheme going on.
At least I have a Day One edition for now. :)
01-30-2014, 01:44 PM
Saw this coming. Do want, but don't want to shell out all that monies again! >.< Wonder how many different design consoles are going to appear this gen? Lol
01-30-2014, 03:20 PM
Probably one for Halo 5 too. Are the Halo ones ever that nice looking?
I'm sticking with mine until it dies and they release an Xbox One slim with 4TB drive and a limited edition design that I'm interested in. :)
01-30-2014, 06:12 PM
nah dont like it
01-31-2014, 12:36 AM
I like the box art more, not sure about the actual design on the console.
02-09-2014, 03:03 PM
Looks like Titanfall is flagship product for Xbox :P
02-10-2014, 03:19 AM
Apparently it is fake, we would have heard more by now as they're launching the game in a month.
02-10-2014, 03:27 AM
Apparently it is fake, we would have heard more by now as they're launching the game in a month.
I concur. Well in that the limited Edition XB1 console for Titanfall isn't happening. I do think it was likely MS/EA looked into making a limited edition console but decided against it for whatever reason
02-24-2014, 03:33 PM
as close as your gonna get
Microsoft has announced the first Xbox One price cut, which will take effect from 28th February Xbox One.
The new ?399 cost coincides with a new Titanfall bundle which includes an Xbox One console, the Kinect sensor, a standard Xbox One wireless controller, a standard Xbox One Chat Headset, one month of Xbox Live Gold membership and a digital copy of Titanfall for the same price of ?399.99.
02-24-2014, 06:44 PM
as close as your gonna get
Microsoft has announced the first Xbox One price cut, which will take effect from 28th February Xbox One.
The new ?399 cost coincides with a new Titanfall bundle which includes an Xbox One console, the Kinect sensor, a standard Xbox One wireless controller, a standard Xbox One Chat Headset, one month of Xbox Live Gold membership and a digital copy of Titanfall for the same price of ?399.99.
Available in the US for $499 USD
Available in the US for $499 USD
yuk, make it 399 and you have yourself a deal.
02-24-2014, 07:04 PM
yuk, make it 399 and you have yourself a deal.
:v: Samsies at this point. I was going to get one later this year for Halo 5 but looks like thats not until 2015 :shrug:
Longer I wait the better deal I get
02-24-2014, 08:04 PM
Will likely get a 1TB or 2TB by then too, 500GB isn't a lot these days.
02-24-2014, 08:08 PM
Will likely get a 1TB or 2TB by then too, 500GB isn't a lot these days.
Yep :)
It's annoying you can't change the HDD in the XB1 :rant:
And they still haven't added in external HDD support for game data storage. People are going to be hitting that wall soon I bet
02-25-2014, 12:39 AM
:v: Samsies at this point. I was going to get one later this year for Halo 5 but looks like thats not until 2015 :shrug:
Longer I wait the better deal I get
I am thinking the same way. The games I wanted were Battlefront 3 and Halo 5 and since both are scheduled for 2015 it doesn't seem like I will own an Xbox One until then.
Maybe Microsoft will come out with a LE console for one of those games. I'd buy a Battlefront 3 console. :)
02-25-2014, 12:52 AM
I am thinking the same way. The games I wanted were Battlefront 3 and Halo 5 and since both are scheduled for 2015 it doesn't seem like I will own an Xbox One until then.
Maybe Microsoft will come out with a LE console for one of those games. I'd buy a Battlefront 3 console. :)
Sounds like a plan :thumb:
Wouldn't mind a LE console myself :)
Probably have a larger HDD to boot
Sounds like a plan :thumb:
Wouldn't mind a LE console myself :)
Probably have a larger HDD to boot
and a price that's reasonable.
02-25-2014, 01:37 AM
and a price that's reasonable.
Well yeah :)
02-25-2014, 02:54 AM
This Titanfall bundles doesn't include the special controller which would have made it more special. No artwork on the actual Xbox One either, seems to just come with a download code and a nice looking box.
03-07-2014, 10:41 AM
Limited Edition Titanfall Xbox One for the employees at Respawn Entertainment
03-07-2014, 11:06 AM
Limited Edition Titanfall Xbox One for the employees at Respawn Entertainment
Bastards! >.< That's well smart.
03-07-2014, 11:07 PM
Are they having a pizza party in that photo? I am starving right now. :(
I bet at least one of these will show up on Ebay though. Always happens.
03-07-2014, 11:25 PM
What I think is most interesting is the box underneath. It says Titanfall limited edition. Unless the Titanfall bundles that include the regular Xbox One have that language on their boxes I think it's safe to say this LE bundle was actually going to be made available for retail since LE Xbox consoles almost always use standard boxes since manufacturing a custom box/packaging is more trouble than it's worth
03-08-2014, 12:26 AM
What I think is most interesting is the box underneath. It says Titanfall limited edition. Unless the Titanfall bundles that include the regular Xbox One have that language on their boxes I think it's safe to say this LE bundle was actually going to be made available for retail since LE Xbox consoles almost always use standard boxes since manufacturing a custom box/packaging is more trouble than it's worth
I think it would be safe to say it was probably meant for retail release. The most Microsoft has ever done to a box for a LE was the cardboard slip cover for the 10 Year Anniversary Xbox 360 and the white Launch Xbox One consoles/controllers.
EDIT: Or it may have just been a coincidence but who knows.
03-08-2014, 12:48 AM
I think it would be safe to say it was probably meant for retail release. The most Microsoft has ever done to a box for a LE was the cardboard slip cover for the 10 Year Anniversary Xbox 360 and the white Launch Xbox One consoles/controllers.
EDIT: Or it may have just been a coincidence but who knows.
Could be a coincidence but I think it's a mock up of a LE Edition that was planning to be released but was cancelled. Probably because MS has quite a bit of stock to sell through already
03-09-2014, 10:51 AM
Yep :)
It's annoying you can't change the HDD in the XB1 :rant:
And they still haven't added in external HDD support for game data storage. People are going to be hitting that wall soon I bet
I'm already hitting this wall, my xbone has used 68% of its storage. I know you can delete game installs and not lose your game saves but its aggravating enough as it is having to install every game let alone having to delete old ones so you can play new ones only to have to re install old ones if you ever want to go back to them. My 500 gigs isn't going to last through the summer at this rate. This is strictly games no movies no music downloads. Even 1T isn't going to be enough storage without having to delete stuff. Need at least 10 times that amount of storage if not more. I really hate that the install is required.
03-09-2014, 03:35 PM
I'm already hitting this wall, my xbone has used 68% of its storage. I know you can delete game installs and not lose your game saves but its aggravating enough as it is having to install every game let alone having to delete old ones so you can play new ones only to have to re install old ones if you ever want to go back to them. My 500 gigs isn't going to last through the summer at this rate. This is strictly games no movies no music downloads. Even 1T isn't going to be enough storage without having to delete stuff. Need at least 10 times that amount of storage if not more. I really hate that the install is required.
Yeah tell me about it. >.< 500GB was a massive oversight on their part. >.< I already have a 1.5TB USB3.0 HDD on standby for when the external device support is added, but I fear that won't be enough for the long run. :( I only have 100GB of space left on my internal... :S
03-16-2014, 11:28 PM
Unboxing for the Titanfall Xbox One Dev Team Edition:
Comes with the special box and controller. Noticed the outer box had a few dents in the corners.
Edit: Holy crap! Listen to the sound of it when you turn it on!!!
03-16-2014, 11:42 PM
I haven't looked into it really but how come some Titanfall bundles come with an actual special box while others just have a cardboard sleeve?
03-16-2014, 11:44 PM
This one is only given out to Respawn developers that worked on the game, similar to how the White Xbox One was issued to their developers.
Extremely limited edition.
03-16-2014, 11:49 PM
Yes, I understand that but some of the retail Titanfall bundles have cardboard sleeves while others don't and actually have special boxes similar to the employee ones.
No Sleeve$_12.JPG
03-16-2014, 11:53 PM
Oh I see what you mean, not sure but maybe one had a disc version and the other is a download version?
My Xbox One came with Fifa 14 as a download code and is a Day One edition console.
03-17-2014, 12:44 AM
Yes, I understand that but some of the retail Titanfall bundles have cardboard sleeves while others don't and actually have special boxes similar to the employee ones.
No Sleeve$_12.JPG
Sleeve indicates it was old XB1 stock that had yet to sell repurposed into a TF bundle whereas the box version is a XB1 SKU made from the factory to be a TF bundle
All TF bundles come with a digital code, there are no bundles with physical discs
TF Dev Edition bundle has a special box as well since it has the Special LE console design on the box too
03-17-2014, 06:12 AM
Ah ok I guess that makes sense.
BTW, I just thought about it and the employees at Respawn Entertainment got an actual special box for their console AND their controller while the Microsoft employees just got a cardboard sleeve for both of theirs. Just saying...
03-17-2014, 06:45 AM
Ah ok I guess that makes sense.
BTW, I just thought about it and the employees at Respawn Entertainment got an actual special box for their console AND their controller while the Microsoft employees just got a cardboard sleeve for both of theirs. Just saying...
Eh it's almost certain the TF LE console was originally planned to be made available for retail so large numbers produced but due to lower sales than projected and unsold stock it was cancelled for retailers. Hence there were some prototypes going about
03-17-2014, 08:55 AM
Eh it's almost certain the TF LE console was originally planned to be made available for retail so large numbers produced but due to lower sales than projected and unsold stock it was cancelled for retailers. Hence there were some prototypes going about
Yeah the whole "planned for retail" I can see but their console also has the custom sounds. Not sure if any others have custom sounds.
I would still take the Microsoft employee console over the Titanfall console.
03-17-2014, 08:09 PM
Yeah the whole "planned for retail" I can see but their console also has the custom sounds. Not sure if any others have custom sounds.
I would still take the Microsoft employee console over the Titanfall console.
Pretty sure the Star Wars Xbox 360 Slim LE has custom sounds so not unheard of
I would like either employee or the Titanfall console tbh. Find the standard black one to be a bit bland looking. Fan inlet on the top looks nice i guess
03-17-2014, 08:19 PM
If only the Titanfall CE had a DLC so you could download and change the sound when powering on the Xbox One, that would be a nice update.
03-17-2014, 08:21 PM
Pretty sure the Star Wars Xbox 360 Slim LE has custom sounds so not unheard of
I would like either employee or the Titanfall console tbh. Find the standard black one to be a bit bland looking. Fan inlet on the top looks nice i guess
Yeah, so did the Halo Reach 360 console, and I'm pretty sure the GoW3 console did too. Not sure about the Halo 4 one though. I don't see why it wouldn't though... o.0
03-17-2014, 08:24 PM
Pretty sure the Star Wars Xbox 360 Slim LE has custom sounds so not unheard of
I would like either employee or the Titanfall console tbh. Find the standard black one to be a bit bland looking. Fan inlet on the top looks nice i guess
I meant custom sounds for the Xbox One. I don't want to find out if the Microsoft employee console has custom sounds. lol
03-17-2014, 08:29 PM
Unboxing for the Titanfall Xbox One Dev Team Edition:
Comes with the special box and controller. Noticed the outer box had a few dents in the corners.
Edit: Holy crap! Listen to the sound of it when you turn it on!!!
Awesome. :D How lucky. :(
Couldn't help but notice that he turned the console off on the First time boot green screen... :S Weren't people getting bricks on launch day from doing that? >.<
03-18-2014, 11:00 PM
I'm already hitting this wall, my xbone has used 68% of its storage. I know you can delete game installs and not lose your game saves but its aggravating enough as it is having to install every game let alone having to delete old ones so you can play new ones only to have to re install old ones if you ever want to go back to them. My 500 gigs isn't going to last through the summer at this rate. This is strictly games no movies no music downloads. Even 1T isn't going to be enough storage without having to delete stuff. Need at least 10 times that amount of storage if not more. I really hate that the install is required.
Yeah, I've played my XB1 for probably a total of 35 minutes since launch date and its already using 18% of its storage -- the only game I've even put in there was BF4 :-/
03-18-2014, 11:04 PM
Yeah, I've played my XB1 for probably a total of 35 minutes since launch date and its already using 18% of its storage -- the only game I've even put in there was BF4 :-/
Bah but Dead rising 3 :pooryou:
lol you have a newborn so it's understandable :rotf:
03-19-2014, 10:02 AM
Yeah, I've played my XB1 for probably a total of 35 minutes since launch date and its already using 18% of its storage -- the only game I've even put in there was BF4 :-/
Wow, 35 min? Actually that sounds like me with my Wii U when I bought it at launch. I probably had less time on it than that up until only a few weeks ago when I bought Wind Waker HD. lol *sigh*
EDIT: Since I can't find a stock picture of it this picture from Ebay will have to do.
Super Bowl Xbox One$_12.JPG
PSG Limited Edition for 580 euro
subscription to the club's TV channel
stickers to place on your Xbox One system
04-19-2014, 11:10 PM
Xbox One Super Bowl XLVIII Limited Edition Console with a custom Xbox One Controller (1 of 50)
Drew Brees' Ultimate Xbox One Gamer Raffle
Tickets are Just $2.00 Each (Minimum Purchase of 5 Tickets)
Entry Deadline: 11:00 AM ET on Friday-April-25-2014
Drawing Date: Friday-April-25-2014
Grand Prize:
Drew Brees will fly out and host a 90 minute dinner celebration on April 29, 2014 for the Winner and 11 Guests (Limited to Continental United States). If Winner is located outside the Continental United States, Winner will receive a $2,000 cash prize in lieu of this prize item
Winner will receive an Xbox One Super Bowl XLVIII Limited Edition Console with a custom Xbox One Controller (1 of 50)
Drew Brees will autograph the console for the lucky Winner
Winner will receive a Madden NFL 25 Xbox One video game
Winner will be awarded a cash prize in the amount of $3,325.00 to mitigate the winner's tax liability that results from winning the raffle. This prize is withheld and paid, on behalf of the winner, directly to the Internal Revenue Service ($2,800.00) and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ($525.00). CFC reserves the right to adjust the value of this prize item depending on the actual value of prizes received
04-19-2014, 11:32 PM
Sick! Anyone entering the raffle? :)
04-19-2014, 11:43 PM
There have been a few of those on Ebay already. The boxes have a special cardboard slip cover on them just like the Xbox One employee consoles.
Not a football fan so this is a total "meh" for me.
wish they would do a golf masters or pga limited Edition console <3
04-21-2014, 03:34 PM
wait ...theirs a ryse Xbox one too
Pics anyone?
04-21-2014, 05:34 PM
wait ...theirs a ryse Xbox one too
Pics anyone?
Yes, it was given away in the "Every 2 Minutes" event that Microsoft held. There was also a Deadrising 3 and Forza 5 console given away.
04-21-2014, 09:07 PM
Yes, it was given away in the "Every 2 Minutes" event that Microsoft held. There was also a Deadrising 3 and Forza 5 console given away.
Where are the pictures or details?
Where are the pictures or details?
hope the link works :)
Texas Fire
04-30-2014, 04:25 PM
Didn't read the whoooole thread, but was this mentioned already?
Not too sure what constitutes as being bundles, also not sure if above pictured is legit or not...
04-30-2014, 05:43 PM
Didn't read the whoooole thread, but was this mentioned already?
Not too sure what constitutes as being bundles, also not sure if above pictured is legit or not...
Ayiu mentioned it earlier in the thread a bit :)
PSG Limited Edition for 580 euro
subscription to the club's TV channel
stickers to place on your Xbox One system
It's official but basically it's a regular XB1 in a special box that includes a jersey and stickers to apply to your XB1
04-30-2014, 05:58 PM
Ayiu mentioned it earlier in the thread a bit :)
It's official but basically it's a regular XB1 in a special box that includes a jersey and stickers to apply to your XB1
Still counts then
For those boxed collectors
Its like the killzone ps4 or the Forza or Fifa Xbox one
Bundled editions usually include standard console otherwise they generally get renamed special or limited editions
04-30-2014, 06:06 PM
Still counts then
For those boxed collectors
Its like the killzone ps4 or the Forza or Fifa Xbox one
Bundled editions usually include standard console otherwise they generally get renamed special or limited editions
Oh it most certainly counts as a limited console for sure. Just felt it was best to clarify what type of console it was [i.e. regular console plus stickers]
04-30-2014, 06:08 PM
Oh it most certainly counts as a limited console for sure. Just felt it was best to clarify what type of console it was [i.e. regular console plus stickers]
Yesss you are soooooo smart
05-01-2014, 05:38 PM
Yesss you are soooooo smart
:blush: thanks lily :) giveaway
US residents only giveaway
US residents only
bookface only :sick:
05-07-2014, 11:54 PM
bookface only :sick:
Which means I can't enter either. It seems one can't get away with not having Facebook these days. *sigh*
Which means I can't enter either. It seems one can't get away with not having Facebook these days. *sigh**DO-K4hJwDBXjv8phGWSb8RKgkw7ZFk4ub/chrisgerringeriknowthatfeelbrorobot_boys.jpeg
07-20-2014, 10:24 AM
Here is a bunch of comic-con exclusive systems or threw a twitter give away.
07-21-2014, 05:29 AM
I like that Halo one :)
07-21-2014, 10:39 AM
Skylander-Box looks great, really nice color. Titanfall looks awful - like an old couch :haha:
07-28-2014, 02:51 AM
a game a thrones xbox one that was given away at comicon.
07-28-2014, 07:42 AM
I quite like the Fantasia and Forza boxes! ^^ Would have been cool to have one of those. :D
08-12-2014, 04:31 PM
08-12-2014, 04:32 PM
08-12-2014, 04:51 PM
Not a COD fan at all, but I like that controller and the 1TB HDD is a must! :)
08-12-2014, 05:16 PM
Not a COD fan at all, but I like that controller and the 1TB HDD is a must! :)
i like cod just for the halibut but at heart i am a sole man
08-12-2014, 05:45 PM
i like cod just for the halibut but at heart i am a sole man
I'm with ya on that one!
08-13-2014, 12:56 AM
I assume neither of these consoles come with the kinect? 0.o
08-13-2014, 06:32 AM
that black and white controller looks sharp
08-13-2014, 08:57 AM
I assume neither of these consoles come with the kinect? 0.o
they all bout pretending kinect never happened
08-14-2014, 09:26 AM
they all bout pretending kinect never happened
I think they recognize kinnect what a failure. I still dont understand a need for a pc only kinnect that wont even work with xbox. Most people on xbox dont even like kinnect. Yes some do but if its primary reason is for voice command why does it not work 100% of the time. The motion capture still doesn't work 100% of the time.
08-14-2014, 12:53 PM
Getting a white hexpox win
Woop woop
08-14-2014, 03:18 PM
Getting a white hexpox win
Woop woop
339.99 at zabbi get whute ps4 though
lowly would not buy either until these editions came out, she racist :popcorn:
08-14-2014, 03:35 PM
339.99 at zabbi get whute ps4 though
lowly would not buy either until these editions came out, she racist :popcorn:
Yes I am
White plastic over black blastic anyday
Don't think zabbi will take my cex credit
08-14-2014, 03:36 PM
Also as soon as red console is out I will be trading in and getting that
Red wins
08-14-2014, 03:43 PM
Yes I am
White plastic over black blastic anyday
Don't think zabbi will take my cex credit
cex only sell second hand? your white x1 will be some sort of grey by time it hits cex
08-14-2014, 03:46 PM
cex only sell second hand? your white x1 will be some sort of grey by time it hits cex
I've got a plan to turn cex monies to game monies :):tumbleweed:
08-14-2014, 03:50 PM
I've got a plan to turn cex monies to game monies :):tumbleweed:
cex monies have no value
what you gonna swap shop with evil for game points?
08-14-2014, 03:57 PM
cex monies have no value
what you gonna swap shop with evil for game points?
Going to buy a house made from old10p ps2games
Then sell it on dragons den for £349.99 game credit
And hope a dragon buys it
08-14-2014, 06:41 PM
I assume neither of these consoles come with the kinect? 0.o
COD players probably won't be playing dance central and fruit ninja.... :lmao:
08-14-2014, 06:42 PM
I think they recognize kinnect what a failure. I still dont understand a need for a pc only kinnect that wont even work with xbox. Most people on xbox dont even like kinnect. Yes some do but if its primary reason is for voice command why does it not work 100% of the time. The motion capture still doesn't work 100% of the time.
well, at least we still have TELEVISION and SMARTGLASS !
08-14-2014, 06:52 PM
well, at least we still have TELEVISION and SMARTGLASS !
yeh they both sorta dont work either
you still got rise of raider (for a bit) and that kinect fruit ninja suggestion
08-18-2014, 12:56 PM
1TB Xbox One with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare exclusive to GAME in UK
08-30-2014, 06:53 AM
3 different evil within xboxs given away at pax prime
09-01-2014, 07:46 PM
Name of version:
The Evil Within Xbox One Console
Pax Prime 2014 custom The Evil Within Xbox One Console (without Kinect) with custom controller.
None known
Given away at PAX Prime 2014
According to the Bethesda Facebook page and eligibility rules, there will only be one made.
09-12-2014, 12:21 AM
Name of version:
The Evil Within Xbox One Console
Pax Prime 2014 custom The Evil Within Xbox One Console (without Kinect) with custom controller.
None known
Given away at PAX Prime 2014
According to the Bethesda Facebook page and eligibility rules, there will only be one made.
They made 3 different evil within designs that all have different designs that were given away at pax.
09-14-2014, 04:18 PM
09-15-2014, 10:54 AM
03-18-2015, 12:23 AM
Hurray now i just need to get filthy rich!
03-18-2015, 03:26 PM
why does the design remind me of Destiny?
04-14-2015, 02:43 PM
Does anyone know of any Xbox one limited editions coming up? I don't care for the black or white really, hoping for a cool color or design. I like the cod one but they are pretty expensive now. I'm hoping for a good preorder. Thanks!
04-14-2015, 03:34 PM
04-14-2015, 03:37 PM
Yep that might do it!!!! I like silvers :)
04-14-2015, 03:38 PM
Of course I don't think I can get it. Lol maybe something more available.
04-14-2015, 08:20 PM
Oooo... Very nice!! :drool: Would go nicely with all my other silver consoles!! XD
04-15-2015, 02:40 PM
sigh.... if only they would make it a limited edition release for everyone, rather than a single custom console.... oh well....
04-15-2015, 05:31 PM
It seems making special edition consoles in very limited batches has been a popular thing for Xbox this generation. Annoying.
I'm sure Halo 5 will have a custom console that is released for retail.
04-27-2015, 07:55 PM
343i just confirmed on Twitter that there will definitely be a Halo 5 Xbox1 Console, but no further details yet.
Here's ( write-up article about the tweet etc.
04-27-2015, 09:37 PM
I would very much like to see a Battlefront themed console. 0_0
05-03-2015, 01:47 AM
The XboxOne isn't exactly one of the most beautiful consoles to ever have limited edition hardware! The design of the console shell doesn't really lend itself well to different artwork either, and some panels often look odd next to others - for example, the random black panel on the front when the rest of the console is red
I started collecting Limited Edition retail X360 consoles, but stopped after six or seven as it was getting too costly. The X360 (both the first and second designs) were very attractive in their LE guises, but I just don't feel the same way about the LE XboxOne consoles as I did some of the LE X360 consoles. That said, I did buy the Advanced Warfare XboxOne, but that was merely because it has the largest HDD (at time of writing) and because it's something different from the standard white / black consoles
05-18-2015, 01:38 PM
They exist :) but the question still remains, do you get all the free games? I wonder!
06-17-2015, 01:33 PM
Can Xbox please come out with a cool colored console? Maybe an LE for Fallout 4, or a nice Red color.. Just.. Something?!?! I'm waiting to buy one until they get creative!!
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
06-18-2015, 06:20 AM
I saw that there is to be a Halo 5 one. Someone was tweeting Phil Spencer about the lack of disc in the CE and they asked if it is a download code or disc with the LE console (which I hadn't even realised was announced?) and he replied that there will be more details about the LE console soon :) x
06-18-2015, 07:24 AM
I saw that there is to be a Halo 5 one. Someone was tweeting Phil Spencer about the lack of disc in the CE and they asked if it is a download code or disc with the LE console (which I hadn't even realised was announced?) and he replied that there will be more details about the LE console soon :) x
I really hope the console comes with a disc because I want it and the CE but my internet is so slow I would end up playing the game probably the next day by the time it downloads. >_>
06-19-2015, 03:30 AM
I think I'm going to get the 1tb black. I wanted some color, but an extra 500gb and the new controller is hooking me
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
06-23-2015, 09:59 PM
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
06-23-2015, 10:19 PM
Yes indeed. Looks pretty cool. Love the colour.
06-23-2015, 10:20 PM
Yes indeed. Looks pretty cool. Love the colour.
Me too! But I dint know that I rang to wait until then to get it. Plus they have that great deal on the black 1tb right now
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
06-23-2015, 10:20 PM
*I don't know that I want to wait until then...
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
06-24-2015, 01:22 AM
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
Yes indeed. Looks pretty cool. Love the colour.
I love that colour. Would really like that console! >.< Can't justify the purchase though... :( Gonna have to settle for an LE pad instead...
06-24-2015, 01:47 AM
Already got it on pre-order with Amazon. :D
06-24-2015, 03:51 PM
The Forza controller is apparently an MS Store Exclusive too from what I read.
06-25-2015, 09:32 PM
The Forza controller is apparently an MS Store Exclusive too from what I read.
That's lame. I wanted to pre-order a second one to actually use in addition to one for display. I HATE ordering from the MS store.
06-25-2015, 10:47 PM
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
Is this colour region specific or world wide availability?
06-26-2015, 08:28 AM
theres a rise of the tomb raider xbox one out there, looks good
prize for loot crates july mega crate
06-26-2015, 08:51 AM
I am conflicted about the FORZA XBOX one..they went with identical colors to the XBOX360 blue version console that came out last year...there should have been more color differentiation.
06-26-2015, 09:30 PM
I am conflicted about the FORZA XBOX one..they went with identical colors to the XBOX360 blue version console that came out last year...there should have been more color differentiation.
I think it is different shades of blue.
06-26-2015, 09:35 PM
It is nice but I think I'll just grab the controller and call it a day. Not sure I was to hear my Xbox rev it's engine whenever I use it.
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
08-04-2015, 07:59 PM
It is nice but I think I'll just grab the controller and call it a day. Not sure I was to hear my Xbox rev it's engine whenever I use it.
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
I am so sad that I bought an xbox last month now that this is coming...
Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
08-04-2015, 08:07 PM
I've got $500+ in GS/Amazon credit that I could use for this, but just not sure I should. I've already got an X1, so seriously considering using it for something else.
Also, I'll DEFINITELY be getting the 2 different Halo5 controllers they showed earlier today! :drool:
08-04-2015, 08:09 PM
I grabbed a forza controller, maybe I'll just get the halo one too. I barely look at the console, just the controllers anyway! My anniversary ps4 is the only console I'm happy to own, though now that they are selling the similar controllers I wonder if I should sell the system and just get the controller lol
Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
08-04-2015, 08:11 PM
I am so sad that I bought an xbox last month now that this is coming...
Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
I grabbed a forza controller, maybe I'll just get the halo one too. I barely look at the console, just the controllers anyway! My anniversary ps4 is the only console I'm happy to own, though now that they are selling the similar controllers I wonder if I should sell the system and just get the controller lol
Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
08-04-2015, 08:18 PM
Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
Will definitely have to get that pad!! 0.0
I've got $500+ in GS/Amazon credit that I could use for this, but just not sure I should. I've already got an X1, so seriously considering using it for something else.
Also, I'll DEFINITELY be getting the 2 different Halo5 controllers they showed earlier today! :drool:
could get the console, which already comes with the Locke controller, then just get the Chief controller on it's own. ;)
08-05-2015, 02:21 AM
I am skipping the Halo 5 console, I think. Getting both controllers (as soon as Amazon makes the MC controller available) and the Forza 6 console. Plus, I'm not going to play Halo 5 (for a few different reasons), so I'll save myself $500.
08-05-2015, 03:02 AM
My boyfriend showed me this and it literally surprised me! I can live without it though and get the gold looking Xbox one controller to match with my COD Xbox one.....I hate being limited with my money but their is too many things coming out for me to get this. I hate September and October........too many games at coming out in one month.......:banghead:
08-05-2015, 03:41 PM
I hate September and October........too many games at coming out in one month.......:banghead:
Yup, I feel your pain. Here's just a quick run down of things off the top of my head that I think I'll be getting around that time...
Destiny The Fallen King CE
Assassin's Creed Syndicate CE (and any other AC stuff that comes out around then)
Halo 5: Guardians LCE
Halo 5 Master Chief Controller
Halo 5 Locke Controller
Rise of the Tomb Raider Steelbook (hopefully CE)
Rodea The Sky Soldier CE
Fallout 4 PBE
Mario Tennis Ultra Smash
Mario Maker (hopefully bundle)
ChibiRobo Ziplash Bundle
Yoshi's Wolly World (hopefully bundle)
Legend of Zelda Triforce Heroes
Final Fantasy Guide Box Set #2
Star Wars: Battlefront (hopefully a CE)
... and all the amiibo that are announced for that time as well.
Oh yeah, and any CE guides for all the above!
08-05-2015, 03:56 PM
Yup, I feel your pain. Here's just a quick run down of things off the top of my head that I think I'll be getting around that time...
Destiny The Fallen King CE
Assassin's Creed Syndicate CE (and any other AC stuff that comes out around then)
Halo 5: Guardians LCE
Halo 5 Master Chief Controller
Halo 5 Locke Controller
Rise of the Tomb Raider Steelbook (hopefully CE)
Rodea The Sky Soldier CE
Fallout 4 PBE
Mario Tennis Ultra Smash
Mario Maker (hopefully bundle)
ChibiRobo Ziplash Bundle
Yoshi's Wolly World (hopefully bundle)
Legend of Zelda Triforce Heroes
Final Fantasy Guide Box Set #2
Star Wars: Battlefront (hopefully a CE)
... and all the amiibo that are announced for that time as well.
Oh yeah, and any CE guides for all the above!
Yoshi's Woolly World isn't out in the U.S. yet...? 0.o That sucks. I thought the days of staggered releases for English language regions were behind us... -_-
08-05-2015, 04:19 PM
Yoshi's Woolly World isn't out in the U.S. yet...? 0.o That sucks. I thought the days of staggered releases for English language regions were behind us... -_-
I know we're off-topic here, but NOPE, not here yet. Supposed to October 16 I believe -- really ridiculous because there's a HUGE lul in games and such right now, it would've been a great launch, plus we could get the woolly amiibo as well, but nope.
And in on-topic news, not sure I really like the color/look of this Halo 5 console. I wonder if any of the newer consoles run better/faster than the launch day ones? Mine runs all sorts of slow and gets disc read errors about 40% of the time.
08-05-2015, 04:22 PM
I know we're off-topic here, but NOPE, not here yet. Supposed to October 16 I believe -- really ridiculous because there's a HUGE lul in games and such right now, it would've been a great launch, plus we could get the woolly amiibo as well, but nope.
And in on-topic news, not sure I really like the color/look of this Halo 5 console. I wonder if any of the newer consoles run better/faster than the launch day ones? Mine runs all sorts of slow and gets disc read errors about 40% of the time.
I just purchased the 1tb matte finish one with the new controller, and it runs great with no errors, so maybe. I love the colors of the console but the more I look at it the less I think the design is anything special.
I am sitting patiently waiting for Fallout 4. That's the biggest game on my list this year.
Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
08-06-2015, 03:25 AM
I know we're off-topic here, but NOPE, not here yet. Supposed to October 16 I believe -- really ridiculous because there's a HUGE lul in games and such right now, it would've been a great launch, plus we could get the woolly amiibo as well, but nope.
And in on-topic news, not sure I really like the color/look of this Halo 5 console. I wonder if any of the newer consoles run better/faster than the launch day ones? Mine runs all sorts of slow and gets disc read errors about 40% of the time.
Sounds more like you might have a defective console. My Day One console ran fine for quite awhile. They haven't updated any of the internal hardware, as far as I know.
09-01-2015, 02:00 PM
I wonder if I'll get my hands on one!! Lol
Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
10-11-2015, 02:09 PM
I am so sad that I bought an xbox last month now that this is coming...
Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
Been up for a while now, surprised no one has posted. Seems the PS4 thread gets more attention but I have to say I really like the Halo consoles. If I could afford owning both consoles I would definitely get that sexy Halo one (though I miss the brown and polished gold of last gen for some reason... Master Chief FTW!).
Here are the links (I might make a vid on them too):
Halo Limited Edition XBox One:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
Halo Limited Edition Locke Color Controller:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
Halo Limited Edition Master Chief Color Controller:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
10-12-2015, 03:58 PM
Been up for a while now, surprised no one has posted. Seems the PS4 thread gets more attention but I have to say I really like the Halo consoles. If I could afford owning both consoles I would definitely get that sexy Halo one (though I miss the brown and polished gold of last gen for some reason... Master Chief FTW!).
Here are the links (I might make a vid on them too):
Halo Limited Edition XBox One:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
Halo Limited Edition Locke Color Controller:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
Halo Limited Edition Master Chief Color Controller:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
Just wanted to say "thanks" for providing both US and European links to Amazon -- very thoughtful (and thorough) of you! Wish more posters did this (myself included). :thumb:
And yeah, I would've purchased my first non-Zelda "special edition" console if they had made it in the Master Chief colors like his controller. Though its sleek and shiny, not so keen on the Locke one.
10-13-2015, 07:44 AM
I've caved and am definitely getting the console. -.-
I plan to sell the FOTUS armor code. Hope it sells for $100+ like it did with Halo 4.
10-13-2015, 02:09 PM
Been up for a while now, surprised no one has posted. Seems the PS4 thread gets more attention but I have to say I really like the Halo consoles. If I could afford owning both consoles I would definitely get that sexy Halo one (though I miss the brown and polished gold of last gen for some reason... Master Chief FTW!).
Here are the links (I might make a vid on them too):
Halo Limited Edition XBox One:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
Halo Limited Edition Locke Color Controller:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
Halo Limited Edition Master Chief Color Controller:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
Just wanted to say "thanks" for providing both US and European links to Amazon -- very thoughtful (and thorough) of you! Wish more posters did this (myself included). :thumb:
And yeah, I would've purchased my first non-Zelda "special edition" console if they had made it in the Master Chief colors like his controller. Though its sleek and shiny, not so keen on the Locke one.
No prob ;) I usually only post US but sometimes it rightfully dawns on me that most of our fellow members are in EU :D And I know it sucks when seeing no US links in some posts.
Yeah I agree I would have liked a Master Chief one again... not sure why they went with the Locke one... maybe trying to push him as the new main character? Who knows.
You only have ever bought Zelda hardware?
I've caved and am definitely getting the console. -.-
I plan to sell the FOTUS armor code. Hope it sells for $100+ like it did with Halo 4.
I SO wish I could comfortably afford it.
What is that code you are talking about?
I SO wish I could comfortably afford it.
What is that code you are talking about?
The console (like the halo 4 console before it) has a code for FOTUS armor, it's a pvp armor skin. makes you look like a unicorn.
10-13-2015, 06:10 PM
The console (like the halo 4 console before it) has a code for FOTUS armor, it's a pvp armor skin. makes you look like a unicorn.
Ahhh... okay I know what you mean now. Thanks :thumb:
10-13-2015, 06:42 PM
Ahhh... okay I know what you mean now. Thanks :thumb:
Yeah, it is just a silly armor skin in the Halo 4 multiplayer, but people were paying $100+ for it (especially around release). Hoping the same is true for Halo 5's FOTUS armor code. Makes the console much more affordable. That and selling the controller because I bought it separately (for the sweet box art).
10-14-2015, 12:38 AM
You only have ever bought Zelda hardware?
Yeah, I was trying to think back and I can't recall ever purchasing a "limited edition" console that wasn't Zelda-based. I usually just got the original system when it came out, or whatever box set was available at the time. Besides the Nintendo-themed WiiPlus remotes I can't recall buying separate limited controllers either until these Halo5 ones came out...
Guess I'm just not into limited hardware very much :shrug:
Off the top off my head here's pretty much what I got...
Atari original (got em from somone who had them)
Coleco original (got em from somone who had them)
NES Deluxe
Gameboy original (though I later got one with Link's awakening in it)
GBC original
(N)3 & DS series -- all only Zelda models
N64 Original
Jaguar original
Jaguar CD original
3DO original
Game Gear original
Sega Series 2 model
Sega CD (model to match series 2)
Sega 32x original
Virtual Boy original
PS1 original
PS2 original
Xbox 360 original (and then upgraded to first "slim model")
Xbox1 day one edition
I think that probably covers them all though I might've missed some.
King Peter
10-14-2015, 02:17 AM
Yeah, I was trying to think back and I can't recall ever purchasing a "limited edition" console that wasn't Zelda-based. I usually just got the original system when it came out, or whatever box set was available at the time. Besides the Nintendo-themed WiiPlus remotes I can't recall buying separate limited controllers either until these Halo5 ones came out...
Guess I'm just not into limited hardware very much :shrug:
Off the top off my head here's pretty much what I got...
Atari original (got em from somone who had them)
Coleco original (got em from somone who had them)
NES Deluxe
Gameboy original (though I later got one with Link's awakening in it)
GBC original
(N)3 & DS series -- all only Zelda models
N64 Original
Jaguar original
Jaguar CD original
3DO original
Game Gear original
Sega Series 2 model
Sega CD (model to match series 2)
Sega 32x original
Virtual Boy original
PS1 original
PS2 original
Xbox 360 original (and then upgraded to first "slim model")
Xbox1 day one edition
I think that probably covers them all though I might've missed some.
No Neo Geo?????? You're a failure as a collector :P
10-14-2015, 02:40 AM
No Neo Geo?????? You're a failure as a collector :P
Nope, never had a NeoGeo (I think that was the one I missed). I DID have several NeoGeo arcade boards though that I could hotswap to play though! ;) I also didn't have a working Philips CDi either. (just a very expensive paperweight that looked like one)
10-14-2015, 12:50 PM
Yeah, I was trying to think back and I can't recall ever purchasing a "limited edition" console that wasn't Zelda-based. I usually just got the original system when it came out, or whatever box set was available at the time. Besides the Nintendo-themed WiiPlus remotes I can't recall buying separate limited controllers either until these Halo5 ones came out...
Guess I'm just not into limited hardware very much :shrug:
Off the top off my head here's pretty much what I got...
Atari original (got em from somone who had them)
Coleco original (got em from somone who had them)
NES Deluxe
Gameboy original (though I later got one with Link's awakening in it)
GBC original
(N)3 & DS series -- all only Zelda models
N64 Original
Jaguar original
Jaguar CD original
3DO original
Game Gear original
Sega Series 2 model
Sega CD (model to match series 2)
Sega 32x original
Virtual Boy original
PS1 original
PS2 original
Xbox 360 original (and then upgraded to first "slim model")
Xbox1 day one edition
I think that probably covers them all though I might've missed some.
Wow... well at least you are consistent and know what yo want :D
Never could get into hardware collecting myself.
10-16-2015, 01:25 AM
Made that video :D If anyone is interested in my rambling:
All links from items in video (though I cannot figure out what is up the UK CE and LE):
Halo Limited Edition XBox One Bundle:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
Halo Limited Edition:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK - (GAME Exclusive)
Amazon DE -
Halo Collector's Edition:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK - (GAME Exclusive)
Amazon DE -
Halo Limited Edition Locke Color Controller:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
Halo Limited Edition Master Chief Color Controller:
Amazon US -
Amazon UK -
Amazon DE -
Halo 5 Limited Edition ASTRO Headset:
Amazon US -
Not sure I was to hear my Xbox rev it's engine whenever I use it.
Late at replying to this but does anybody know what stops them from changing the sound on a normal console?
Surely, as small and unimportant as it may be, people would pay to have different set sounds/sound packs on startup or disc loading, etc., then again they've probably thought of it already and it isn't viable for whatever reason.
(Personally I'd totally pay for some Star Trek ones, how about Jean Luc saying to load torpedo bays when you put a disc in as one example? Haha.)
10-18-2015, 12:36 AM
To make life easier for everyone here is a site that includes almost all limited editions i found some that we're missing and made my own list.
11-04-2015, 09:08 AM
Link -
11-04-2015, 02:22 PM
Link -
Would be awesome to win this. Can't recall ever actually winning anything that was "drawing" based though (skill or strength based yes, but not randomly generated # selection). Really wish they'd give one of these away to the first person who could take down 15 targets in a mock "tomb raider" setting with a 9mm or two .40's or something, or who could spelunk through a cave and climb a horizontal-leaning cliff wall or something. Oh well, here's hoping RNG works in my favor now even if it never does in Destiny! :beg:
11-04-2015, 10:35 PM
Well, I ordered my CE weeks ago and have already paid for it so here's to a chance at winning!
11-05-2015, 10:09 PM
Major Nelson's site has up a special Fallout 4 custom XBOX One console that they are giving away along with other Fallout-related items. Link is below, but hurry, it ends soon.
11-05-2015, 10:24 PM
Would be awesome to win this. Can't recall ever actually winning anything that was "drawing" based though (skill or strength based yes, but not randomly generated # selection). Really wish they'd give one of these away to the first person who could take down 15 targets in a mock "tomb raider" setting with a 9mm or two .40's or something, or who could spelunk through a cave and climb a horizontal-leaning cliff wall or something. Oh well, here's hoping RNG works in my favor now even if it never does in Destiny! :beg:
Knight tried sending you a tracking # but got the following message in return automatically, sounds like your mailbox is full. Just an FYI....
"KnightOfTruth has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."
11-06-2015, 04:22 AM
Ford Designed XBox One controller, this thing is sweet:,f_auto,g_center,pg_1,q_60,w_965/1506720677937458244.jpg
02-25-2016, 12:45 PM
02-25-2016, 02:55 PM
This is my favorite looking console so far
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
03-31-2016, 07:29 PM
Only one available I believe and only open to US and Canada, re-tweet and follow @Xbox ( to enter
imho, this is a godawful VCR design :tumbleweed:
03-31-2016, 07:56 PM
Only one available I believe and only open to US and Canada, re-tweet and follow @Xbox ( to enter
imho, this is a godawful VCR design :tumbleweed:
I love it but strictly as a collector item.
King Peter
04-28-2016, 02:54 PM
Iron man XboxOne console
04-28-2016, 07:09 PM
Iron man XboxOne console
Want it!!!! <3
NEED IT!!! :drool:
04-28-2016, 08:22 PM
That has to be the coolest one I have seen so far... by far.
Just awesome!
King Peter
06-09-2016, 03:04 PM
i know EB Games Canada is doing a contest in order to win a XboxOne Quantum Break console
06-28-2016, 11:12 AM
Microsoft reveals special edition Game of Thrones Xbox One
08-12-2016, 09:52 PM
Why the hell isn't anyone updating the OP with the list and pics of all the current collectible console models for this and the PS4 thread? Yes, I'm lazy, but those placeholders are there for a reason. The PS4 thread still has a picture of an Xbox FFS!
08-12-2016, 11:50 PM
Why the hell isn't anyone updating the OP with the list and pics of all the current collectible console models for this and the PS4 thread? Yes, I'm lazy, but those placeholders are there for a reason. The PS4 thread still has a picture of an Xbox FFS!
That's because the OP of said threads hasn't been an active member here since last year! XD Somebody would need to speak to a moderator to change posting permissions of the thread for somebody who is active and committed to be able to modify it.
09-12-2016, 06:28 PM
Xbox One S 1TB Console - Battlefield 1 Special Edition Bundle
Military Green
Storm Grey
I want to
09-15-2016, 02:38 PM
Xbox Wireless Blue and Dawn Shadow Special Edition available on Amazon de
I take :love:
09-17-2016, 11:42 AM
XBOX One S Collector's Edition Battlefield 1 up on Amazon de
09-23-2016, 09:28 PM
Amazon ES up
Xbox One Audi R8 Design. Only 3 worldwide exists :drool: pg?oh=ccb0f430b520d8fda062c398ada6fec5&oe=587DBC2D
09-27-2016, 04:40 AM
Xbox One Audi R8 Design. Only 3 worldwide exists[I] :drool:
Yes please! :2cool:
09-27-2016, 04:16 PM
Centenario Twitter
Xbox One S 1TB Battlefield console with free Collector’s Edition on (
08-21-2017, 09:36 AM,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/dxvl5racagzumnlxcmns.jpg
02-19-2018, 10:49 AM,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/y5q0ieu0fcnl6m0h1ewl.jpg
02-22-2018, 12:01 PM
i think the AIR JORDAN's getting out of hand..with these special editions...if it's game related themed i understand that..even a special different color is a great idea too!..but when cross marketing with shoes? what's next? food items? LOL the kim kardashian edition? LOL. where does it end?..i say we should stick within the gaming world!
04-12-2018, 03:46 PM
i think the AIR JORDAN's getting out of hand..with these special editions...if it's game related themed i understand that..even a special different color is a great idea too!..but when cross marketing with shoes? what's next? food items? LOL the kim kardashian edition? LOL. where does it end?..i say we should stick within the gaming world!
that is a very valid point of view
04-12-2018, 04:13 PM
i think the AIR JORDAN's getting out of hand..with these special editions...if it's game related themed i understand that..even a special different color is a great idea too!..but when cross marketing with shoes? what's next? food items? LOL the kim kardashian edition? LOL. where does it end?..i say we should stick within the gaming world!
Airbrushed and auctioned off for charity.
04-12-2018, 04:24 PM
Airbrushed and auctioned off for charity.
04-29-2018, 09:31 AM
Xbox One Real Madrid
"To enter to win this console, all you need to do is follow Xbox on Twitter, and Retweet a special promotional tweet anytime between April 27 to May 4th. The custom Xbox One X features the Real Madrid logo, and it also signed by each player on the famed soccer team It is also similar the consoles which each player on the team received, which features their jersey number and initials."
07-01-2018, 12:41 AM
08-31-2018, 06:11 AM
Custom Tomb Raider Xbox One X for charity 0e9fbca891%26rpp_icid%3D5b8021d9156dbc55d70635ba
08-15-2019, 09:04 PM
Saw this for pre-order at GAME. :shrug:
10-06-2019, 01:14 PM
Don’t know what the expectations are for limited consoles posted here, but I spotted this one. Obviously a one off and likely not to relinquished by the owner. Lol Thought it was share worthy, nonetheless. :thumb:
03-07-2020, 04:25 AM
I know this is not a console but I wanted to share this Darksiders Warmastered Edition Promo Controller. This was sent to an Influencer/YouTuber by Microsoft as a gift so it is official (though must be very rare as this is the only one I have seen). The stand is not official though, I had it made just after getting it by someone on Etsy (looks amazing for $15 though).
04-17-2020, 12:16 PM JgjnIKq0kqyK1a93615V0UGxawq43zZyv2X8MbmhRClFTG2GOl MjXugv5y-kw
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