View Full Version : Has anyone stopped collecting steelbooks, and why?

08-02-2013, 04:58 PM
So I decided to make space in my room the other day, by selling CEs I dont "need".

How did I determine that? If it doesn't come with a statue, I won't buy it, and I don't need it. Statues can be displayed.

Anyway, while cleaning things out, I finally realized how amazing steelbooks look.

I place them on the shelves and wow! Amazing!

But then I looked at the prices of steelbooks for games that I do not have steelbooks for. And boy are they expensive!

The reason I created this thread is because I wanted to change my collector mentality. If I only buy CEs of games that I like, and they come with statues? I am saving a lot of money!

Now I made a list of steelbooks that I need now to complete my collection, and steelbooks that I need in the near future:

Arkham City Joker Steelbook
Arkham Origins Steelbook
Skyrim Steelbook
Metal Gear Rising Shinikawa Steelbook
Mass Effect 3 Steelbook
Borderlands 2 Futureshop Steelbook
Deus Ex Steelbook
Blacklist Steelbook (Im getting silver edition, but zavii has their own Steelbook!)

For the games that are currently out, getting these will cost me roughly $200+ no?

So... Perhaps someone here can share their story and convince me why its... not worth it? Because I am very close to buying one, and Im afraid I wont stop when I do.

Statues im definitely getting though. I dont buy a lot of games, and when I do, its because they've passed my strict criteria. And not many statue CEs are released so, my budget wont be stretched too much. The only CEs Ive reserved so far are Arkham Origins and Blacklist Silver..

The last CE I purchased was in february.

08-02-2013, 05:06 PM
If you are a Completionist and have to have every steelbook then it is likely not worth it

If you can only collect the ones you want then it's a great collectible to go after imo

I'm a Completionist btw...

Now I made a list of steelbooks that I need now to complete my collection, and steelbooks that I need in the near future:

Arkham City Joker Steelbook
Arkham Origins Steelbook
Skyrim Steelbook
Metal Gear Rising Shinikawa Steelbook
Mass Effect 3 Steelbook
Borderlands 2 Futureshop Steelbook
Deus Ex Steelbook
Blacklist Steelbook (Im getting silver edition, but zavii has their own Steelbook!)

For the games that are currently out, getting these will cost me roughly $200+ no?

I would probably estimate that to be closer to 100 USD to 125 USD depending personally

None of those are rare, rarest being the deus ex steel

08-02-2013, 06:30 PM
I think you mean a Completionist ;P

08-02-2013, 06:34 PM
I think you mean a Completionist ;P


Thank you James :)

08-03-2013, 05:38 AM
Just buy the ones you like as steelbooks are way nicer than regular plastic cases. And usually they have amazing artwork/effects on them.

Why would anyone stop collecting steelbooks? :scratch:

08-03-2013, 06:10 AM
I haven't gotten a steelbook in ages (except for the Dark Souls Zavvi one) mainly because there haven't been any to get. I have all the ones I want so I have to wait until new games get released that have associated steelbooks.

I only collect steelbooks for the games I have, I don't have a need to own every one. Too many, too expensive, too much effort and not enough room! :lol:

08-03-2013, 11:32 AM
If you are a Completionist and have to have every steelbook then it is likely not worth it

If you can only collect the ones you want then it's a great collectible to go after imo

I'm a Completionist btw...

I would probably estimate that to be closer to 100 USD to 125 USD depending personally

None of those are rare, rarest being the deus ex steel

you are forgetting shipping cost

08-03-2013, 12:04 PM
I think the deus ex is about $15 isn't it? Someone I know bought it for this price I think.

08-03-2013, 02:33 PM
u worry too much, my friend

just buy whichever you fancy!

08-04-2013, 05:22 PM
Haha thanks for the input guys. So far ive bought arkham city Joker and penguin steelbook in mint condition for $22 on eBay. $33 plus shipping though.

Im not looking to buy every steelbook i see. Just for the games i have, and hopefully it wont be a costly habit. Plus, steelbooks are small, so they shouldnt take up a lot of space! :)

08-05-2013, 01:12 PM
Plus, steelbooks are small, so they shouldnt take up a lot of space! :)

That's what I thought too :taunt:

08-05-2013, 05:20 PM
Im thinking about quitting collecting them all...there are just to many (unless you solely collect steelbooks, but since i collect ce and pk as well it gets to expensive).

Next gen, im only going to collect steels for games i like.

08-11-2013, 12:36 AM
I feel as though I'm too deep in to stop at this point. As long as I collect video games, I will surely continue to collect their steels. I already have some 'restrictive' buying habits, though.

I only buy steels for games I own (or plan to own). I've collected games for a lot longer than I've collected steels, so to me they are just another part of that. There is absolutely no reason for me to have a steelbook for a game I'm not interested in and don't own. Being primarily a game collector, that just seems stupid to me. That definitely helps to limit it down, but with more and more games having 3-5 steelbooks each, it can still be quite difficult to stay up to date with.

08-12-2013, 07:24 PM
Plus, steelbooks are small, so they shouldnt take up a lot of space! :)

:lol: I remember when I had the same thoughts in mind.
Oh how wrong was I lol

That's what I thought too :taunt:

We were all wrong LOL

08-22-2013, 08:37 AM
just treat steelbooks as trimmings to your cake :)

09-02-2013, 04:32 AM
Personally I've stopped caring so much about steelbooks in the past however-many months because imo they're simply not that special anymore.

Too much is getting a steelbook release and so I don't really care much about it now. (This includes films/TV as well as games.)

King Peter
09-02-2013, 09:53 PM
I'll stop collecting them when they won't be available in Future Shop anymore

For 10$ or less for each, I can't complaint :P

09-04-2013, 04:20 AM
I collect them cos of their artwork/effects, in fact the recent releases have seen great improvements in that aspect.

Artwork: Still great/unique
Effects: Even better now
Colours: Richer
Feel: Way better than plastic
Spines: Same awesome spine

Only difference is now there's more releases. If there's too many, just buy those you really like and those steelbooks will make a great part of any collection.

If you appreciate steelbooks then there's no better time than now. If you did it for some other reason, then yeah you're fucked :lmao:

09-04-2013, 10:45 AM
I love Steelbooks, however I'm currently having to majorly cut back on the number of them I have on order, as there are far too many coming out really close together now (I collect movie ones, too), as we've recently had a big drop in our monthly incomings (money), and I need to be able to afford to go to Scotland Comic Con this weekend, the Zelda Wii U next month, the Xbox One the following month, and then finally Christmas, as well as all my other "must-have" purchases in between :(

It's gutting, as knowing my luck, some of the ones I'll cancel will sell out, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Just gonna stick to the absolute must-haves for now xx

09-09-2013, 07:04 PM
I have slipped into buy what i love mode instead of the band wagon of every release as sadly like vhal said above too many wants each month so cut backs have to happen somewhere:(

09-09-2013, 11:02 PM
Im starting to dread buying steelbooks. Ive just started sure, but my 3 best steels are damaged during shipment.

its really annoying... I posted pics of the damages on my other thread..

09-09-2013, 11:12 PM
Im starting to dread buying steelbooks. Ive just started sure, but my 3 best steels are damaged during shipment.

its really annoying... I posted pics of the damages on my other thread..

Yeah that's the real crux of steelbook collecting :(

I've received many many steelbooks that way unfortunately and some I paid a great deal for

09-09-2013, 11:15 PM
It must take a lot of control to prevent yourself from going crazy over those damages...

I still think about the damages on mine... Ive thought about giving up so it doesnt happen again in the future..

09-09-2013, 11:18 PM
It must take a lot of control to prevent yourself from going crazy over those damages...

It's heart-breaking most of the time now :(

I used to get angry when I got damaged ones in the past but now I'm just disappointed

I received a Saint's Row 2 G2 steelbook with the inside plastic clips snapped off completely (one of the clips was missing completely)

That really sucked

09-10-2013, 03:06 AM
Im starting to dread buying steelbooks. Ive just started sure, but my 3 best steels are damaged during shipment.

its really annoying... I posted pics of the damages on my other thread..

I've learnt that cheap ones on ebay are not necessarily the best deals as usually the sellers can't be arsed about packaging.

Thankfully I have found some nice contacts who pack them safe so I don't mind paying more (for shipping/packing materials etc) to have peace of mind. Also if I buy from members here the packaging is pretty amazing.

Honestly, if you wanna collect steelbooks ebay is gonna leave you with a large pile of busted steels. :blackeye:

09-10-2013, 03:08 AM
I received a Saint's Row 2 G2 steelbook with the inside plastic clips snapped off completely (one of the clips was missing completely)

That is easily fixed by changing the plastic insert :beer:

09-10-2013, 03:37 AM
That is easily fixed by changing the plastic insert :beer:

I agree just be VERY careful on removing the spine

09-11-2013, 01:23 AM
I only buy steelbooks that I like or can get really cheap in new condition. I would never pay over 20 pounds just for an empty case, that's how much I paid for the MGS HD steelbook, and that's only because they are my favourite games of all time! I have slowed down a lot now in collecting although I managed to pick up a sealed Soul Calibur IV one for 3 pounds yesterday and it's kind of got me back into collecting them again :D

09-11-2013, 08:18 AM
Every steelbook I've ever bought from Ebay sellers has always arrived in perfect condition.

Granted some were packed better than others, but thankfully never had any dents or other major damage.

I did however get the steelbook version of Resident Evil 6 from a UK online shop, that arrived totally squashed, yet it was packed in a box! :(

09-14-2013, 09:44 PM
I have had steelbooks packed in paper envelopes survive a trip to the UK from Aus and steelbooks packed in boxes flattened on an internal voyage in the UK??!? :nono:

Sometimes luck shine and you pick up a Fist of the North Star for 7 euros :thumb: or a Netherlands exclusive stickerbook for 3o euros and sometimes it's all hell let loose and your $100 steelbook investment turns out to be a pile of c**p :this:

I have never been tempted to quit. I love the challenge and I love the steels... At time it seems overwhelming but then I go through one of my boxes and smile as I remember the story of each one... and they all have their stories :clap:

09-15-2013, 05:32 PM
I have had steelbooks packed in paper envelopes survive a trip to the UK from Aus and steelbooks packed in boxes flattened on an internal voyage in the UK??!? :nono:

Sometimes luck shine and you pick up a Fist of the North Star for 7 euros :thumb: or a Netherlands exclusive stickerbook for 3o euros and sometimes it's all hell let loose and your $100 steelbook investment turns out to be a pile of c**p :this:

I have never been tempted to quit. I love the challenge and I love the steels... At time it seems overwhelming but then I go through one of my boxes and smile as I remember the story of each one... and they all have their stories :clap:

Remind me to stalk to you on ebay and watch all your watched items ;)

11-17-2013, 12:11 AM
In my dreams I stop collecting steelbooks. However the reality is a little different. Last week I believe was Castlevania and a couple of films. Next week is the Studio Ghibli wave I believe. Got hold of the Chinese Lawrence of Arabia last week as well. Of course it is my intention to stop collecting steels at some point, just not today.

11-24-2013, 08:07 AM
why stop....????

11-24-2013, 08:52 AM
why stop....????

A lack of money could be a reason for it.

11-24-2013, 10:44 AM
well, maybe scale down, but i suppose one doesnt have to stop completely.... ?

a pity to give it up completely after all that effort, plus its fun too!

its all part of collecting i guess!

11-24-2013, 12:44 PM
I've certainly slowed down. I used to get a steelbook package almost every week, multiple times a week even, however, my last steelbook purchase was The Wolverine (HMV exclusive) which I picked up yesterday as I'd already put a deposit on it months ago. Haven't received any other new steelbooks since... I don't actually know, I can't remember!

I have a few movie steelbooks preordered for December, but I'll probably have to cancel some of them, and the others (Disney ones) I'll try to get as I'm trying to build up a collection of Disney/Animated movies for my son xx

11-24-2013, 02:19 PM
well, maybe scale down, but i suppose one doesnt have to stop completely.... ?

a pity to give it up completely after all that effort, plus its fun too!

its all part of collecting i guess!

It's only fun if you get all those steelbooks you wanted to have for a fair price but the problem is that many steelbooks aren't available and if you find them then just for a very expensive price.

11-24-2013, 06:16 PM
I stopped being so nitpicky and ocd about tiny minor damages.

It took a while to get over it, but yeah... Not so crazy about them now.

11-26-2013, 02:57 AM
It's only fun if you get all those steelbooks you wanted to have for a fair price but the problem is that many steelbooks aren't available and if you find them then just for a very expensive price.

that is true.....

although the common ones are getting cheaper cus most people already have them...

11-27-2013, 07:47 PM
I stopped being so nitpicky and ocd about tiny minor damages.

It took a while to get over it, but yeah... Not so crazy about them now.

Yeah, when i first started I thought about trying to get them all Mint and whatnot..

I then realized that as long as I had a decent one, it would do. The minor damage doesn't bother me anymore. The price difference is incredible in some cases

11-27-2013, 08:00 PM
Ive given up collecting them. ..

And, in other news, hell froze over and Sony gave everyone 5 free games with any next gen console and agreed to mod all consoles to make them backwards compatible. ..

11-27-2013, 08:13 PM
Ive given up collecting them. ..

And, in other news, hell froze over and Sony gave everyone 5 free games with any next gen console and agreed to mod all consoles to make them backwards compatible. ..

11-27-2013, 08:50 PM
Hey Gav :* :wave:

So, any news on PS4 steels yet??