View Full Version : For Sale: GTA IV CEs For BOTH 360/PS3 For Scraps (Possibly)!

Texas Fire
08-28-2013, 04:14 AM
For Sale
Title: Grand Theft Auto IV Collector Edition (GTA IV)
Platform: Xbox 360/Playstation 3
Region: NTSC
Price: Starting Bid $0.01 (eBay Listing)
Condition: New/Sealed
Detail conditions: No Visible Marks/Perfect Intact Seal
Link to DB Entry: Link Here (http://collectorsedition.org/game-db/grand-theft-auto-iv-special-edition-ntsc-360)
Pictures: eBay Listing For Pix/Info Here (http://www.ebay.com/itm/w-The-Release-Of-GTA-V-Nows-Your-Chance-2Own-GTA-4-Collector-Editions-For-Both-/200957588519?pt=Video_Games_Games&hash=item2eca017427)

Well guys, here's a chance to get these for literally free. lol
Meh, GTA V is right around the corner, so if you don't already own GTA IV, here's a chance to get it for damn near free (3 Day Auction/$0.01/FREE Shipping)
Mods let me know if I broke a forum rule. I want to say putting your eBay listing in the seller section is allowable. If anything needs to be edited or changed with this thread, definitely let me know.
Oh yeah, and it comes with a custom sign as well...:suicide:


08-28-2013, 06:31 AM

I'll offer you 1000 times your starting bid

deal? ;)

08-28-2013, 07:07 AM

I'll offer you 1000 times your starting bid

deal? ;)


I offer 5000 times!

StayFree( ' 3')
08-28-2013, 07:11 AM
...I just want the cardboard sign.

08-28-2013, 09:39 AM
do you ship worldwide?

Texas Fire
08-28-2013, 06:54 PM

I'll offer you 1000 times your starting bid

deal? ;)You've been outbid...lol...I just want the cardboard sign.That's a CE sign in itself...lol
Thing stays in my right pocket during emergencies. I usually try and snap a photo with it any chance I get...loldo you ship worldwide?Just due to the cheap price they'll end up going for and it being listed w/free shipping, I think I'll bypass international shipping on these...
I remember shipping that MGS 25th Legacy overseas (U.K.) and ended up paying $50 just for shipping...I can only imagine the shipping of these two overseas...


08-31-2013, 03:15 AM
They would have sold for more on amazon. :shades:

Texas Fire
08-31-2013, 03:16 AM
They would sold for more on amazon. :shades:Haha, or here for that matter...
And I was veeeeery close to doing a huge CE lot sale (Overstock), but I remember the words here...