09-02-2013, 01:48 PM
Nobody was inerested im my auction, maybe the price was too high.
I relisted auction with buy it now price. Maybe somebody will be interested.
If somebody has got any questions, wirte PM please.
My fail in the title. Steelbook hasn't got places on discs. It is some kind of tin where you can pud box with the game.
I am selling very unique Watch_Dogs Collectors Edition Steelbox from E3 2013. There isn't chance to get it now. It was only available for the press.
Inside the steelbox there is elastic Replacement Back to mobile phone with Watch Dogs logo.
There are also three buttons with signs from the game. They are sealed.
Everything you can see on the photos.
Condition is ideal. There is only one little point on the back of the steelbook but it is really hard to spot.$T2eC16d,!)UFIcRCScbKBSJHY-Ls)!~~60_12.JPG$(KGrHqZ,!r!FIO1gD(5mBSJHY6e0uw~~60_12.JPG$T2eC16R,!ygFIi40UVzyBSJHZCEcew~~60_12.JPG
Nobody was inerested im my auction, maybe the price was too high.
I relisted auction with buy it now price. Maybe somebody will be interested.
If somebody has got any questions, wirte PM please.
My fail in the title. Steelbook hasn't got places on discs. It is some kind of tin where you can pud box with the game.
I am selling very unique Watch_Dogs Collectors Edition Steelbox from E3 2013. There isn't chance to get it now. It was only available for the press.
Inside the steelbox there is elastic Replacement Back to mobile phone with Watch Dogs logo.
There are also three buttons with signs from the game. They are sealed.
Everything you can see on the photos.
Condition is ideal. There is only one little point on the back of the steelbook but it is really hard to spot.$T2eC16d,!)UFIcRCScbKBSJHY-Ls)!~~60_12.JPG$(KGrHqZ,!r!FIO1gD(5mBSJHY6e0uw~~60_12.JPG$T2eC16R,!ygFIi40UVzyBSJHZCEcew~~60_12.JPG