View Full Version : !!!! Games For Sale !!!!

09-05-2013, 04:11 AM
Hi guysss, this is my list for my games sales.I have a ebay store: http://myworld.ebay.com/l.colon316 that you can see the pictures of each item and if you tell me you are from here I will give you a special discount. Most of my listing have make offer option, so dont be afraid to send me one :)

Nintendo Games (untested, I dont have the console :( )
Burger Time $9.99
Dr. Mario $5.99
Indiana Jones The Temple of Doom $5.99
Magmax $5.99

SNES (untested, dont have the console)
Street Racer $12.99
Casper $34.99
Fievel Goes West $12.99

N64 (untested):
Clay Fighter $9.99

PS2 (tested and everything works)
Haunting Ground (box+disk) $39.99
Monster Rancher Evo $14.99
Monster Rancher 3 $14.99
Persona 3 (complete) $14.99
Clock Tower 3 (Box and game, no manual) $9.99
Steambot Chronicles (disc Only) $18.99
Taito Legends 2 (complete) $9.99
P.T.O. IV (disk only) $12.99
Warship Gunner 2 (disk only) $24.99
King Fields Ancient City $18.99
Tsugunai Atonment $9.99

Gamecube (tested)
Star Fox Adventure (game and box, no manual) $9.99
Sonic Raiders (complete) $9.99
Pac Man 3 (disk only) $4.99

09-06-2013, 10:43 PM
Bump, list updated and info correction (thanks for the moderator)