View Full Version : The Last of Us (Cook & Becker)
09-08-2013, 09:46 PM
To be released soon.
For further info contact C&B (
Lovingly created and extensively proofed in conjuction with the entire art team of Naughty Dog studios.
- Exclusive limited-editions
- All prints hand-numbered , and signed via label by various Naughty Dog artists
- All prints provided with a dated & signed Certificate of Authenticit by various Naughty Dog artists
- All prints are superior-quality, museum-grade Certified Art Giclees?
- Prints can be ordered unframed or mounted on Dibond or depening on the artwork with a Diasec? + Acrylic Glass finish, Liquid Gloss or framed with a matte and acrylic glass
All prices quoted Ex. VAT for EU Citizens.
The Last of Us (Cook & Becker) (
--- (
Size: 8 x 20 inch | 20 x 50 cm
Edition Size: 100
Price Unframed $130 | ?100
Artist: John Sweeney ( Building
Size: 15.7 x 35.5 inch | 40 x 90 cm
Edition Size: 50
Price Unframed $250 | ?195
Artist: Maciej Kuciara ( City
Size: 15 x 27.6 inch | 38 x 70 cm
Edition Size: 50
Price unframed: $ 235 | ? 185
Artist: Maciej Kuciara (
Size: 13 x 31.5 inch | 33 x 80 cm
Edition Size: 50
Price unframed: $ 235 | ? 185
Artist: John Sweeney ( New Day (won't have black borders)
Size: 8 x 20 inch | 20 x 50 cm
Edition Size: 100
Price unframed: $ 130 | ? 100
Artist: John Sweeney
The following is a set of two prints. Price quoted is for both prints combined. ( (won't have black borders)
Size: 8 x 15.7 inch | 20 x 40 cm
Edition Size: 100
Price unframed: $ 130 | ? 100 (for both prints combined)
Artist: Aaron Limonick ( Vista
Size: 8.3 x 13.8 inch | 21 x 35 cm
Edition Size: 100
Price unframed: $ 130 | ? 100 (for both prints combined)
Artist: Aaron Limonick ( Gate
Size: 17.7 x 16.5 inch | 45 x 42 cm
Edition Size: 25
Price unframed: $ 195 | ? 150
Artist: Maciej Kuciara (
Size: 15 x 31.8 inch | 38 x 80 cm
Edition Size: 25
Price unframed: $ 250 | ? 195
Artist: Maciej Kuciara ( Bridge
Size: 15.7 x 27.6 inch | 40 x 70 cm
Edition Size: 25
Price unframed: $ 235 | ? 185
Artist: Maciej Kuciara ('s Town
Size: 8 x 20 inch | 30 x 65 cm
Edition Size: 25
Price unframed: $ 195 | ? 150
Artist: Maciej Kuciara (
Size: 17.7 x 13.4 inch | 45 x 34 cm
Edition Size: 25
Price unframed: $ 130 | ? 100
Artist: Hyoung T. Nam ( Home
Size: 8 x 20 inch | 37 x 90 cm
Edition Size: 25
Price unframed: $ 350 | ? 195
Artist: John Sweeney ( & Ellie
Size: 39 x 24 inch | 100 x 60 cm (Subject to minor variation for final version)
Edition Size: 50
Price unframed: $ 250 | ? 195
Artist: Michael Knowland ( & Joel
Size: 39 x 24 inch | 100 x 60 cm (Subject to minor variation for final version)
Edition Size: 50
Price unframed: $ 250 | ? 195
Artist: Michael Knowland (
Size: 10.4 x 26.6 inch | 26.5 x 60 cm
Edition Size: 25
Price unframed: $ 195 | ? 150
Artist: Maciej Kuciara (
Size: 21 x 16.5 inch | 53 x 42 cm
Edition Size: 25
Price unframed: $ 195 | ? 150
Artist: Hyoung T. Nam
I thought quite a lot of people didn't like the bloaters? I would have gone with some of these instead. ( (
In my mind these are missing from the collection. ( ( ( ( ( (
There's also the common problem of concept art not reflecting the final look of the characters.
All great concept art for The Last of Us can be found here in a pretty decent resolution:
And totally unrelated (almost): (
09-08-2013, 11:20 PM
Those look superb!! Will definitely be picking one or two up :)
Remembering, Lakeside Vista and Lakeside Bridge are my favourites.
StayFree( ' 3')
09-08-2013, 11:20 PM
Will definitely be all over these when they become available.
I have to admit though, I would rather have some of the concept art you posted seeing how some of the ones C&B selected seem pretty forgettable. For example, I'll be very surprised if anyone picks up Tommy's Town.
09-08-2013, 11:26 PM
Crows is really, REALLY growing on me to, I have a dilemma :think:
StayFree( ' 3')
09-08-2013, 11:30 PM
"A New Day" has to be my favorite. Crows and Hunter City are up there too.
09-08-2013, 11:32 PM
Looks like I am going to be picking up my first prints from C&B.
09-08-2013, 11:38 PM
If it helps, "Remembering" was one winner of Into the Pixel.
In the mind of the artist "A New Day" belongs together with this one (or according to the folder on the disc for TLoU): (
09-08-2013, 11:58 PM
OMG @ A New day...
09-09-2013, 03:07 AM
Campfire for me. I've loved that piece since I first saw it some time ago.
09-09-2013, 04:12 AM
While I really like a few of the pieces, I was hoping for a single iconic image with Joel and Ellie that sums up the entire game. I tried to convince myself to like the Joel/Ellie or Ellie/Joel close-ups more than I actually do, but I just can't imagine that hanging on my wall, especially at that size. Out of all those offered, I think that "Crows" and "A New Day" convey the breadth of the game the best, but "Quarantine" is nice, too, even though it doesn't have any of the main characters in it. I'm actually surprised that the collection doesn't include more of the recognizable marketing images at the end of the art book, like the one where Joel is teaching Ellie how to shoot the rifle.
09-09-2013, 05:15 AM
None of these resonate for me.
I've looked through the art book so many times and having so many similar images together makes it a little difficult to treat these as individual pieces.
I agree with rams that "bloaters" would have been better off replaced with another one of the images he chose.
"A new day" will definitely be the piece to get however I would like to say that there should be at least one unique image exclusive to every cook and becker presentation. By unique I mean has not been seen previously and will NOT be seen later.
I understand why "Falling" was used again in Irrational's store but if you want to reach a different market to make a little extra $ because game development isn't cheap, save some images aside from artbooks that can have exclusive appearances elsewhere. Use a different image or make a new one, plain and simple.
I know some people will disagree with me but quite frankly, we don't want SOME images to gain so much popularity that they are seen everywhere. Whether that is the case with "falling" or not is a matter for debate. All I know is that once an image is emphasized a little too much, it loses it's appeal and significance to me.
I understand that games do need images that stand out and appear lots to market themselves. That aside, if there are going to be professional art prints from those companies, I think they should be different and exclusive. Don't just plug all of them out from an artbook or from the game onto a giclee, regardless if the quality is up-scaled.
I think if you guys secured an exclusive print, made it a decent run of like 100 and emphasized that the image will not be seen elsewhere, those prints will have a better chance of selling out, even if they are not the best lookers. Collector's will appreciate the exclusivity and limited quantities.
Those are my two cents.
09-09-2013, 07:23 AM
Wow, some great artworks I see there. Ugh, would love to have at least one
Maarten Brands
09-09-2013, 08:53 AM
Thanks for the compliments!
And just to chip in here:
As a general comment, whether or not C&B can use some images to create prints depends on their availability in high-res. So as to the question: "Why didn't they use this? ". Most of the time the answer is: "Because it is technically not possible". Most concept art etc. is created for digital screen purposes and is not fit to print (at least not to C&B standards) because the resolution is too low for example. And redoing everything is unfortunately not an option. Although most prints we do release are substantially reworked (even if it doesn't show optically). In working with these studios and artists we are hoping to get to a situation of course where a set of images will be created especially for fine-art printing purposes and fortunately that is happening. As well as having more stuff from heritage archives. But that is a step by step process.
Secondly, Cook & Becker's main goal is that we really want to showcase the design & design processes of important games. The behind-the-scenes stuff and creative decision making. Each collection is curated & reviewed by a group of professionals, some of them who have not even played the game. But they give input on what they think is artistically interesting. That means some of the 'iconic shots' fans such as myself like, do not make the cut sometimes because they were made for marketing purposes mostly. Our collections will always be uhm, a little bit dividing :). But most promotional art is made available anyway through lithos for example somewhere down the line.
Tommy's Town for instance has a strong composition, beautiful lighting and really interesting brush strokes. It says something about the medium and that is why we chose to include that.
09-09-2013, 11:27 AM
I really like crows, remembering and a new day.
Its to bad i dont like the joel/ellie ellie/joel pieces, because i would love a huge piece, but its not really an image i would want big on my wall. Would loved a more artistically image for that!
Also, my experience is you really have to see candb pieces in real life, to appreciate all the details.
Maarten, i dont know if this is possible. But would it be an option to vote on the artwork used? Because that would, spark interest plus we get a piece we really want. (of course the vote will only be about pieces that are pre-selected by candb that are suitable for printing).
Maarten Brands
09-09-2013, 04:10 PM
Hi Ingmar,
We do really appreciate feedback and for The Last of Us we actually did ask several customers and fans for their lists and favorites. Then it is up to the actual artists what they want to show or have made as a print.
I'll think about a system whereby we could do more in the future.
P.S. I have to say that the size and crispness of the Joel/Ellie shot in real-life make all the difference.
If anybody knows of a good tool whereby you can make easily shareable presentations that retain maximum image crispness for PC, please let me know :)
09-09-2013, 04:54 PM
Campfire for me. I've loved that piece since I first saw it some time ago.
thats a nice piece also, and quite limited. Unfortunately my budget only allows for about 250 euro so i have some decision making to do.
09-09-2013, 11:41 PM
Not long. I imagine they'll be announced this week.
09-09-2013, 11:52 PM
Not long. I imagine they'll be announced this week.
09-10-2013, 12:00 AM
Boom. Genius right here. Also, talking of being psychic, not long before I beat twisted in our debate.
09-10-2013, 02:25 AM
I like "Remembering"a lot, I think if I do pick one of these up it'll be that one.
09-10-2013, 02:40 AM
I've never played the game, only watched someone at the reins. But Campfire doesn't seem to accurately represent their relationship, does it? Someone correct me though. :P
09-10-2013, 10:58 AM
I guess Joel isn't really one to laugh out loud, lol. He's a hardened dude. Though, there are some instances-if brief-when he does let his guard down a bit. Ellie, I can see having a big laugh at a campfire for sure though.
Maarten Brands
09-10-2013, 02:14 PM
Remembering is a beautiful little print. Very delicate details and with gorgeous colors. Highly recommended. Best imo. with a matte and simple black or white wooden frame.
But the coloration on these prints is great across the board if I do say so myself :)
09-10-2013, 02:15 PM
Maarten do you have pictures of the other images as well? Looking great!
Especially want to see remembering, crows, and a new day.
Maarten Brands
09-10-2013, 02:30 PM
Will have final pics (also for our own website) tonight. Will post them as soon as I have them.
Maarten Brands
09-10-2013, 06:11 PM
So, I don't want to spoil too much but here are some more pics:
And last but not least ;)
09-11-2013, 02:47 PM
Ellie & Joel is up now.
09-11-2013, 03:27 PM
I'd recommend emailing them instead.
It might also be possible to get a better deal that way.
In reality they're all "up". And by that I mean that you can make reservations.
09-11-2013, 03:42 PM
I did email them and asked about reserving a number for one of the prints and I have not got a response since then. Would definitely be interested in getting a better deal though cause they are damn expensive.
09-11-2013, 09:51 PM
most prints are up
09-11-2013, 10:02 PM
most prints are up
Cheers :thumb:
Just about to order 'hunting and lakeside vista set' and 'remembering' :) will have to leave 'crows' for the time being as I've run out of pennies :(
09-12-2013, 06:43 PM
Picked up Campfire. Will be my first C&B print.
09-12-2013, 06:45 PM
Picked up New Day and Crows :)
Will be my first C&B that I bought
Hopefully I can get a couple more
09-12-2013, 06:56 PM
Will be my first C&B that I bought
You will love it! Such great quality.
09-12-2013, 07:16 PM
You will love it! Such great quality.
I actually have a Mass Effect Giclee from them and it's AMAZING!!! :D
But that was a gift
This will be the first time buying from them :)
09-12-2013, 07:24 PM
Good news for art-collectors and? The Last of Us fans. After the amazing artbook that most fans undoubtedly have in their bookshelf, now is the chance to have this amazing art hanging on your wall!
International art dealership Cook & Becker and Naughty Dog present a collection of limited-edition fine art prints based on the concept art & the visual design of The Last of Us. The collection features the work of Naughty Dog artists John Sweeney, Maciej Kuciara, Aaron Limonick, Hyoung T. Nam and Michael Knowland.
Here are just a few examples of the artworks available! ( ( (
The prints are museum-grade Certified Art Giclees? and are meant to showcase the visual design of The Last of Us in the best possible quality. All prints have been extensively proofed by the artists at Naughty Dog and Cook & Becker?s master printer to get as close to the digital source as possible. The prints are hand-numbered and signed and come with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by the artist.
All artworks are available now via Cook & Becker ( View this article on the HomePage. (
09-12-2013, 07:28 PM
What's with the title?
Seems like site didn't like some punctuation or something
09-12-2013, 07:34 PM
Ha thats funny, its correct on the frontpage though :) think because of the thingy on the letter E in the word 'giclees'.
09-12-2013, 07:36 PM
Ha Swift, i picked up Crows and Remembering.
I want a new day as well, but no freaking money.
I want to hang those three on my wall so bad!!
09-12-2013, 07:39 PM
You will love it! Such great quality.
Highest Quality videogame art I have seen. Got a Bioshock Infinite print and it's shipped in a sturdy tube with plenty of protective wrap around the giclee---also the artist signature and number were on the print and the certificate of authenticity was included in a nice envelope and card. Bravo Cook and Becker!
09-12-2013, 08:19 PM
Ha thats funny, its correct on the frontpage though :) think because of the thingy on the letter E in the word 'giclees'.
yeah it's odd but as long as it's right on the front page that's all that really matters
Honestly I thought it was somehow spam at first then saw your name and may have briefly thought your account had been jacked
09-12-2013, 08:21 PM
Ha Swift, i picked up Crows and Remembering.
I want a new day as well, but no freaking money.
I want to hang those three on my wall so bad!!
lol yeah same here would love Remembering as well and will get one if it's still there
But alas no freaking money either :hammer:
Can't wait though should be good
Texas Fire
09-12-2013, 09:37 PM
Something I guess (
09-12-2013, 09:43 PM
Oh my..... :swoon:
If number 1 of new day were still available I'd have broken my no spend rule.... :this:
09-12-2013, 09:53 PM
I really want a new day badly, but i need money for it...hope anyone buys some of my steels or press kit for sale soon....
Got number 6 for both remembering and crows.
09-12-2013, 09:57 PM
Thanks :thumb:
What numbers did you get?!?
Got 9 for both
Could've gone lower on each one but it wouldn't have matched :(
I really want a new day badly, but i need money for it...hope anyone buys some of my steels or press kit for sale soon....
Got number 6 for both remembering and crows.
Yeah new day is a great one as are remembering and crows
Hope to own all 3 :v:
Wish me luck
I'm sure you'll get one in a week or two like me with remembering
09-12-2013, 09:58 PM
I really want a new day badly, but i need money for it...hope anyone buys some of my steels or press kit for sale soon....
Got number 6 for both remembering and crows.
Those are my next two favourites tho I love the hunting and lakeside vista set too.... Do they take payment immediately??
09-12-2013, 09:59 PM
ha probably, as soon as i sell something i buy it.
Although the campfire one is really nice to, but i really love the lush colors of the other pieces more.
09-12-2013, 10:24 PM
ha probably, as soon as i sell something i buy it.
Although the campfire one is really nice to, but i really love the lush colors of the other pieces more.
The more I look at them... :drool:
09-12-2013, 10:27 PM
damn it. you guys are making me want to get one or 4. damn you all
09-12-2013, 10:36 PM
#4 on campfire. Thinking of picking up A New Day but it size makes me hesitant (wish it was bigger looks like the image is only 6" high).
09-12-2013, 11:22 PM
Got number 16 for hunting, lakeside vista and remembering :)
Want crows, new day and lakeside bridge but have run out of pennies :(
Was gonna get lower numbers but like Swifty couldn't get all the same on the low ones
09-12-2013, 11:59 PM
I so want 'A new Day' and the 'Hunting' and 'Lakeside' set. But like others here money. What a time to release them. Right at the start of the season. GTA V in five days and all that's beyond.
09-13-2013, 12:40 AM
damn it. you guys are making me want to get one or 4. damn you all
"Just" four . . . ?
09-13-2013, 05:55 AM
How much is usually shipping for those things?
09-13-2013, 01:49 PM
Fuck me, i picked up a new day as well.
Will be amazing to have those three together, although i wont have money to frame them untill next year ^^.
ps: campfire sold out. To bad, i was still doubting about that one.
Haven't played LoU but thinking of getting at least 1.
might play this in the future and I'm sure I won't regret getting it.
StayFree( ' 3')
09-16-2013, 12:04 AM
Picked up New Day and Crows :)
Ditto for me. I fell in love with "New Day" despite it being a bit on the tiny side.
I gotta admit, I broke out in laughter when I saw the room example...
09-16-2013, 12:09 AM
Ditto for me. I fell in love with "New Day" despite it being a bit on the tiny side.
I gotta admit, I broke out in laughter when I saw the room example...
It's not the size that counts, it's what you do with it :spiteful:
But yeah it's a bit small :(
Still looks to be beautiful
I wonder if I do eventually get them framed maybe I'll put them together? :think:
Hmm probably doesn't offset each other well though
StayFree( ' 3')
09-16-2013, 12:30 AM
It's not the size that counts, it's what you do with it :spiteful:
But yeah it's a bit small :(
Still looks to be beautiful
Weird thing is, I actually prefer the small size. Unlike Crows which I plan to have wall mounted like any other print, for "A New Day" I plan to have it in a standing frame so I can display it right alongside with the rest of TLoU collection.
small prints ftw/denial
09-16-2013, 07:55 AM
#4 on campfire. Thinking of picking up A New Day but it size makes me hesitant (wish it was bigger looks like the image is only 6" high).
Wait, what? I picked up #4 Campfire. :scratch:
StayFree( ' 3')
09-26-2013, 11:24 AM
Prints came in. Very pleased with them despite my wrestling match with the C&B's usual stapled poster tube. Gotta point out, "A New Day" looks a bit bigger than I expected. If I have the time I'll try to post some pics...
09-26-2013, 11:40 AM
That is crazy, i live in holland and dont have them :(
really hope to get them soon!
09-28-2013, 05:08 PM
Also got them. Crows is awesome, its big and the colours are so mutch better then the small samples on the website.
09-28-2013, 05:56 PM
Got mine also (yesterday) will post pics soon!
Crows is easy my favorite, really great piece in person.
New day and remembering are great to though.
Rerder which other ones did you have?
09-30-2013, 10:21 AM
Got mine also (yesterday) will post pics soon!
Crows is easy my favorite, really great piece in person.
New day and remembering are great to though.
Rerder which other ones did you have?
I ordered these :
Lakeside Vista
City gate
Where Crows is my favorite :D
09-30-2013, 07:58 PM
Got the despatch email :banana:
10-01-2013, 09:36 PM
Bloody hell, I nearly shit myself!! :eek:
Was just opening my delivery, laid the prints out and the cat came flying into the room and missed 'remembering' by an inch :whew:
After that scare the cat has been locked out!
They are fantabulous, really love the quality and hopefully will be able to get some more :)
10-02-2013, 03:02 AM
Got campfire today and it looks amazing! Now on to flattening and framing. :rockband:
10-06-2013, 09:09 AM
How much is usually shipping?
Maarten Brands
10-06-2013, 01:52 PM
Mainland Europe in most cases is EUR 15,- for one or two unframed prints.
And good news for our friends in the US and Canada. Shipping costs will go down without about 10 bucks to the US and Canada later this year.
10-06-2013, 02:06 PM
Ohhh nice :)
05-04-2014, 06:21 PM
Mostly copy-paste because I'm lazy today :)
VIP preview The Last of Us Left Behind prints
Studio Naughty Dog and Cook & Becker will introduce a set of new prints from the critically acclaimed game, The Last of Us. These new prints are based on concept art from the additional Left Behind story chapters that were released to unanimous praise several months after the launch of the original game.
The first two prints Wait Here ( and Riley and Ellie in Dorm Room ( will be released this week. The other new prints will be presented later in July. As usual we want to give you the opportunity to make reservations for these two prints before they go on sale publicly. If you want to make use of this, please contact your regular Cook & Becker representative or use our contact form.
The two prints that will be launched this week:
Wait Here ( is a signed and numbered limited-edition print of 50. This artwork was made by concept artist John Sweeney who also created the now sold out print Crows for example. The price for an an unframed Wait Here print is $250/€185 ex. VAT.
Riley and Ellie in Dorm Room ( is a signed and numbered limited-edition print of only 25 copies. The image forms a set with the popular print Campfire. Both drawings have been made by concept artist Hyoung T. Nam. The price for an unframed print of Riley and Ellie in Dorm Room is $145/€110 ex. VAT.
05-04-2014, 06:35 PM
the second one is a musthave if you have campfire already imho.
05-04-2014, 10:21 PM
I was trying very hard to resist the Riley and Ellie piece, but I just can't! I'll have to pick one up. I already have Campfire, and this one will go perfectly with it; you're right Ingmar.
I was trying to resit buying it because I haven't played the DLC yet! Is it good?
05-04-2014, 11:26 PM
Im waiting for ps4 version to play the dlc so the game is partly fresh.
05-04-2014, 11:44 PM
The DLC is short and sweet. The sections with Riley differ from the main game in a positive way.
And then the end just crushes your heart, even though you already know the outcome.
"Hope is for sissies"
05-05-2014, 03:31 AM
I really like wait here, but I think the price puts it out of my reach at the moment.
05-05-2014, 04:01 AM
Reserved Riley and Ellie just couldn't resist.
Maarten Brands
05-05-2014, 10:13 AM
I am someone who has been mostly unimpressed by most DLC. I feel most game makers have said what they have to say in the main game 99% of the time.
Left Behind was something else though. Played it back to back in one sitting. I was amazed at how the creators were able to bring across so much in such an economical and subtle way. The characters and acting were again top notch and Ellie is now one of my all time favorite game characters :)
Maybe best story DLC ever.
Maarten Brands
05-05-2014, 08:05 PM
Heads up. There are currently only 10 copies left of Riley and Ellie. So if you really want to be sure to get one, don't wait too long.
05-09-2014, 01:22 AM
Just noticed that both are up for sale now.
08-27-2014, 07:26 PM
Up for grabs now. Wanted to save money, but this piece is just beautiful, cant pass it up. *wallet is hurting*
07-07-2015, 06:04 AM
Hey all, new to the forum and have searched the boards here for a bit. I have used the Google and the eBay to try to find two pieces of art for sale but no one, anywhere on the intertubes has either piece for sale that I could find. So, these boards were the only thing to really show up on the search so I turn to those of you who keep up with the board here.
This thread is one of the two I am going to bump because it is these two that seem to be the most active of the numerous threads here. So, the question is does anyone have either of these two pieces of are for sale? Do any of you know anyone with either piece that is looking to sell? Just looking for some options. The two pieces I am looking for are:
A New Day =
Crows =
Thank you for any information regarding either of these pieces.
StayFree( ' 3')
07-07-2015, 08:49 PM
Have those prints become rare or something? I still remember a little while ago C&B had such a hard time selling those that they ended up putting what they had left on eBay.
07-07-2015, 08:53 PM
Have those prints become rare or something? I still remember a little while ago C&B had such a hard time selling those that they ended up putting what they had left on eBay.
No idea. I actually just came upon them this past week which is ironic cause when the game came out, I played it, loved it, but didn't do much else with it. I played through it again a few weeks ago and it had a different meaning to me. (Played one difficulty up and was just as scared as before)
Anyway, I have no idea when they sold out of them but I ordered a couple of the ones on the Cook and Becker site (haven't gotten them yet) but these two stuck out.
No idea how long they were up there before selling out. Sucks to be me for now.
StayFree( ' 3')
07-07-2015, 09:12 PM
No idea. I actually just came upon them this past week which is ironic cause when the game came out, I played it, loved it, but didn't do much else with it. I played through it again a few weeks ago and it had a different meaning to me. (Played one difficulty up and was just as scared as before)
Anyway, I have no idea when they sold out of them but I ordered a couple of the ones on the Cook and Becker site (haven't gotten them yet) but these two stuck out.
No idea how long they were up there before selling out. Sucks to be me for now.
The two you're looking for were the only two I purchased. They're really nice pieces. A member here, LoneWanderer (IAmTheLoneWanderer) has been selling off his collection which include those two prints, you should give him a ring.
07-07-2015, 09:17 PM
The two you're looking for were the only two I purchased. They're really nice pieces. A member here, LoneWanderer (IAmTheLoneWanderer) has been selling off his collection which include those two prints, you should give him a ring.
I'll look him up for sure. I'd like to have one from each season. They have one with Joel at the University, which is nice, but I passed on it (there are many more so I can wait). The two I mentioned would fit the seasons nicely with A New Day in Spring and Crows in Summer.
Maarten Brands
07-07-2015, 10:41 PM
I'll look him up for sure. I'd like to have one from each season. They have one with Joel at the University, which is nice, but I passed on it (there are many more so I can wait). The two I mentioned would fit the seasons nicely with A New Day in Spring and Crows in Summer.
Unfortunately, Crows and A New Day are really sold out. We don't have anything left of those anymore. If we did have something still somewhere, of course I'd be happy to sell it to you.
By the way, we don't use our Ebay to 'dump' stock :) We treat Ebay as a search engine. That's our main reason to list items there. A lot of people that look for video game related items are on Ebay and we want them to find us there and migrate direct to Other than that we use it to test the waters for promotions and we analyse the stats on popular searches for which Ebay is interesting. You'll see prices on Ebay are pretty much in line with our site anyway.
We would never drastically cut the prices of our items (most we've ever done is 15% I think) just to sell out. We know over time most items will sell, sometimes slowly (and we're fine with that). If one of our contracts end, and we have an artwork still in stock, we just delist it and will never reprint it. Which is better for the collector because if you had that item it is now even rarer.
07-07-2015, 10:49 PM
If one of our contracts end, and we have an artwork still in stock, we just delist it and will never reprint it. Which is better for the collector because if you had that item it is now even rarer.
12-24-2016, 01:14 AM
Any insider info on The Last of Us 2 art?
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