View Full Version : New Signed Limited Edition Hardcover Project with Joe R. Lansdale and Santiago Caruso

11-04-2013, 05:57 PM
Hey guys, Chris Morey here. Before I start I want to say to the moderators/admins: if this isn't in the right section of the forums please feel free to move it to the according section, but I sincerely believe some of your forum members will be interested in this project, and greatly appreciate your consideration in letting the topic remain for now. Thank you!

I wanted to tell everyone in the Collectors Edition Forums about our new signed limited edition book project with Joe R. Lansdale, it's called: Black Labyrinth Book II by Joe R. Lansdale illustrated by Santiago Caruso. If you want to visit the project directly please visit: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/chrismorey/black-labyrinth-book-ii-joe-r-lansdale

There is a whole market for signed limited edition hardcovers, and it's what we love to do and love to create. Here's an image of the hardcover editions of Black Labyrinth Book I:


I'm reaching out to the community here at Collectors Edition Forum because there are only 6 days remaining in our campaign, and I sincerely believe many of the members here would be interested in this project. We have been working tirelessly on this campaign, and it's at 72% funded with just 6 days to go.

If you're a comic collector then you have probably heard of Joe R. Lansdale. He's written several comics, including Jonah Hex, the Drive-In Series and many more. He's also the author of Edge of Dark Water, the Hap & Leonard series, Bubba Ho-Tep, Incident On and Off a Mountain Road (later developed into the premiere episode of Masters of Horror on Showtime directed by Don Cascarelli).

Santiago Caruso is an amazing surrealist artist from Argentina. I highly suggest searching for his work on Google images, but here's a taste:


Black Labyrinth Book II by Joe Lansdale is slated to be a new psychological horror novella featuring at least five illustrations from artist Santiago Caruso. The book will be available in ebook, paperback and 3 different signed limited edition hardcover formats.

Thank you guys very much for your time, and I hope that some of you become interested in this project. It's going to be an amazing book from one of the master storytellers of our time illustrated by an incredible upcoming surrealist artist from Argentina. If you want to talk about collectors items... I think this one will be very collectible, and the hardcover editions of the first book are already highly demanded.

So, if I've sparked your interest, please give the campaign a visit at: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/chrismorey/black-labyrinth-book-ii-joe-r-lansdale

Thanks again to everyone here at Collectors Edition, and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have right here in the thread.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Chris Morey
Dark Regions Press

P.S. here are some more images of the hardcovers and Santiago's artwork for your viewing pleasure:





