View Full Version : PS3 Steelbook list
11-19-2013, 08:52 PM
I've "completed" the G2 list (just need to fill in some of the blank) I'll be working on the G1 steelbooks later this week. I'll clean up the list to make it look better. Any suggestions on other categories to add or changes in the current format? Feel free to add to this list.
11-19-2013, 09:16 PM
Omg! That is awesome and epic! On the other side, I know exactly what I don't have so I will get addicted (to be clear- the only G2 I have is crysis3 :D)
11-20-2013, 05:31 AM
Just a note: Borderlands 2 G2 was only in the US version of the loot chest.
11-20-2013, 07:56 AM
this is a great list..thank you miss.squirrelraper :D
11-20-2013, 09:57 AM
and who is nominating themselves for ineg incharge of the ps4 steelbook list or the xo steelbook list?
but also good work chick
11-20-2013, 10:41 PM
Let me fill in a bit....
Uncharted 3, Homefront, and Killzone 3 Stickerbooks from Belgium are exclusive to a store called "Media Markt," no e.
Great list =)
11-21-2013, 03:05 AM
Completed list until 21th Nov 2013,enjoy it.
007 Quantum of Solace Collector's Edition (EU,US)
Aliens vs. Predator Hunter Edition (EU,US)
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel (Latin America,Mexio Blockbuster exclsive)
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel (Latin America,Mexio Gameplanet exclsive)
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel (Latin America,Mexio Gamers exclsive)
Assassin's Creed Anthology (EU,UK)
Assassin?s Creed IV:Black Flag(US)
Batman: Arkham City (Catwoman) (EU,UK)
Batman: Arkham City (Joker) (EU,UK)
Batman: Arkham City (Penguin) (EU,UK)
Batman: Arkham City (Two-Face) (EU,UK)
Battlefield 3: Limited Edition (EU)
Battlefield 4: Deluxe Edition ( Exclusive)
Battlefield Bad Company Gold Edition (EU,UK)
Beyond:Two Souls(US,EU,HK)
Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest Edition(EU,US,HK)
Brothers In Arms Hells Highway Steelbook Edition (UK Game exclusive)
Call of Duty 5 Steelbook Edition (UK HMV exclusive)
Call of Duty Black Ops Hardened Edition (EU,UK,US)
Call of Duty Black OPS II Hardened Edition (EU,UK,US)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Hardened Edition (EU,UK,US)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition (EU,UK,US)
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow & Mirror Of Fate HD (UK Zavvi Exclusive)
Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian (UK)
Colin McRae: Dirt (UK Game excl, Ger)
Crysis 2 Limited Edition (Ger MediaMarkt exclusive)
Crysis 2 Nano Edition (EU,UK)
Crysis 3 (Latin America,Mexio Blockbuster exclsive)
Crysis 3 (Latin America,Mexio Gameplanet exclsive)
Crysis 3 (Latin America,Mexio Gamers exclsive)
Crysis 3 (Switzerland)
Dark Souls (Zavvi Exclusive UK)
Dead Rising 2 Zombrex Edition (UK)
Dead Rising 2 Zombrex Edition (US)
Dead Space 3 (Latin America, Blockbuster exclsive)
Dead Space 3 (Latin America, Gameplanet exclsive)
Dead Space 3 (Latin America, Gamers exclsive)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (FR)
Devil May Cry (CA FutureShop)
Devil May Cry 4 (EU,UK)
Devil May Cry 4 (NA)
Dragon Age: Origins Collector's Edition (Jumbo Steelbook) (EU)
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast Limited Edition (Australia,EU)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 5th Anniversary Edition (US)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Ger MediaMarkt exclusive)
Far Cry 2 (EU,UK)
Far Cry 3 (Ger Saturn exclusive)
F.E.A.R. 3 (CA FutureShop exclusive)
F.E.A.R. 3 (EU,Ger Saturn exclusive--comes with movie The Exorcist)
FIFA 11 (Italy GameStop Exclusive)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (CA FutureShop exclusive)
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Rebron(FR)
God Of War Omega Edition (Latin America)
God Of War Ascension (US,HK)
God Of War Ascension (UK)
Gran Turismo 6
Grand Theif Auto V(US,EU,HK,TW)
Homefront (Stickerbook)(Belgium)
Injustcice:Gods Among Us(CA)---Without the Collector?s Edition text at bottem
Injustcice:Gods Among Us(UK)--- With the Collector?s Edition text at bottem
Injustcice:Gods Among Us(DE,EU,HK)---Red Cover
Jericho (UK)
Killzone 2 (EU,UK)
Killzone 3 Collector's Edition (EU,UK)
Killzone 3 (Stickerbook) (Belgium)
LittleBigPlanet 2 Collectors Edition (EU,UK)
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North Collector's Edition (AU,EU,UK)
The Last of us (US,EU ,HK)
Mafia II (EU,UK,US)
MAG Collector's Edition (EU)
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (EU,US)
Medal of Honor Warfighter (CA Futureshop exclusive)
Medal of Honor Warfighter (Game.FR exclusive)
Metal Gear Solid 4 Special Edition (Japan, for bonus content)
MGS Revengeance: Raiden & Dog (CA Futureshop exclusive)
MGS Revengeance: Yoji Shinkawa (,
MGS Revengeance: Raiden Commando (EU)
MGS Revengeance:Raiden Commando (Japan)
Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection(AU,EU,UK)
Mirror's Edge (Spain)
Mortal Kombat (CA FutureShop exclusive)
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (UK Game excl) (Ger exclusive)
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Collector's Edition (EU)
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Collector's Edition (US)
Need For Speed Undercover (Spain)
Need for Speed Most Wanted (Ger Saturn exclusive)
NHL 13 Stanley Cup Edition (German)
Ni No Kuni (CA,US)
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2(Spain,FR)
Pes 2013 Manchester (Latin America)
Pes 2013 UEFA (EU)
Pes 2013 Copa Santander Libertadores (Latin America)
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale (EU,UK)
Prince of Persia (UK Game excl)
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (EU,UK)
Prototype 2 Collection (CA FutureShop exclusive)
Rage: Anarchy Edition (Ger MediaMarkt exclusive)
Resident evil 5 Collector's Edition (US)
Resident Evil 5 Collector's Edition (EU,UK)
Resident Evil 6 Steelbook (CA FutureShop exclusive)
Resident Evil 6 Steelbook (EU,UK)
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Special Edition (US)
Resistance 3 Special Edition & Survivor Edition (EU,UK)
Saints Row 2 Steelbook Edition (EU)
Saint Seiya (FR Micromania exclusive)
Smackdown vs Raw 2008 (Australia)
Smackdown vs Raw 2008 (US)
Smackdown vs Raw 2009 (EU)
Sniper: Ghost Warrior Bulletproof Edition (UK Game exclusive)
Sniper 2: Ghost Warrior Bulletproof Edition (US)
Sniper 2: Ghost Warrior Collector?s Edition (EU,UK)
Soul Calibur IV (Australia,UK-Game Exclusive)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition (US)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Collector's Edition (US,UK)
TC's End War (UK Play excl)
TC's Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 (UK Play excl)
Tomb Raider (German---empty case with slipcase)
Turok (UK Game excl)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Limited Edition Collector's Box (EU,UK)
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Stickerbook) (Belgium)
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Italy BlockBuster exclusive pre-order bonus)
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (US,HK,ASIA)
Uncharted Trilogy (Stickerbook) (Spain)
Vanquish (Stickerbook) (UK)
Watch Dogs
Winning Eleven 2013 Europa League (HK)
Winning Eleven 2013 Manchester (HK)
Yakuza 4 - Kuro Edition (German, UK)
Yakuza 4 - Shiro Edition (Australia)
Yakuza: Dead Souls (EU)
11-24-2013, 04:10 AM
Nice work on the lists!
Really appreciate it being posted!
Now the question is which ones came sealed and which didn't.
11-24-2013, 05:48 AM
Okay, who wants to include pics? :D
11-25-2013, 12:29 AM
this is a great list..thank you miss.squirrelraper :D
No problem. :)
Omg! That is awesome and epic! On the other side, I know exactly what I don't have so I will get addicted (to be clear- the only G2 I have is crysis3 :D)
Haha..thanks. I can see this driving people to collect them all.
Okay, who wants to include pics? :D
I'd be happy to include them. I'm not entirely sure how to do that where it would look neat and not be super long. Perhaps someone has a good method to implement this idea.
Nice work on the lists!
Really appreciate it being posted!
Now the question is which ones came sealed and which didn't.
No problem! I will have to add that column! As I am a sealed collector, it would be very hopeful for myself! XD
11-25-2013, 12:35 AM
Also, if anyone knows how I can put insert a table directly into a forum post that would be awesome. I tested the standard .html code to make tables and it didn't work! :C I had to turn the file into a image before I could upload it and it was a pain to piece several images of the table together to make one big image. It makes it complicated to update since I'll have to repeat the process each time.
If you would like to help fill in the table or just have it for yourself, I can send you the raw excel file. XD
King Peter
11-25-2013, 01:10 AM
Maybe I should do the exclusive Future Shop steelbook list, still plenty of them available in my area :P
11-26-2013, 01:08 PM
Also, if anyone knows how I can put insert a table directly into a forum post that would be awesome. I tested the standard .html code to make tables and it didn't work! :C I had to turn the file into a image before I could upload it and it was a pain to piece several images of the table together to make one big image. It makes it complicated to update since I'll have to repeat the process each time.
If you would like to help fill in the table or just have it for yourself, I can send you the raw excel file. XD
Hosting the file in a place such as Google docs but as a read only file?
Unless mr twistedsymphony adds or enables BBcode to this forum then direct table formatting is bit possible in vbulleting
But it is possible in BBcode, yet bbcode is not supported on this site(as of writing this post)
As proven below
Sample text1
Sample text 3
Column 33
12-06-2013, 09:07 PM
Okay, who wants to include pics? :D
I've put together a database for PS3 Collectors Editions and variants with piccies here ;
I'm just in the process of updating it but if you scroll down to the third post you'll find most of the UK steelbooks with pix.
Please note that steelbooks that come with a Limited or Collectors Edition will be listed with that edition - usually in the "Large packaging " section at first post.
12-08-2013, 09:20 PM
I've put together a database for PS3 Collectors Editions and variants with piccies here ;
I'm just in the process of updating it but if you scroll down to the third post you'll find most of the UK steelbooks with pix.
Please note that steelbooks that come with a Limited or Collectors Edition will be listed with that edition - usually in the "Large packaging " section at first post.
Unfortunately because photobucket changed the way they do things a while back it has just become apparent to me that a lot of the older thumbnails aren't bringing up the large photo.
So, I'm afraid the thumbnails will have to suffice for many because I'll have to change everything manually - which is quite a big job.
Sorry for the inconvenience. :sorry::sorry:
12-19-2013, 06:09 AM
Also, if anyone knows how I can put insert a table directly into a forum post that would be awesome. I tested the standard .html code to make tables and it didn't work! :C I had to turn the file into a image before I could upload it and it was a pain to piece several images of the table together to make one big image. It makes it complicated to update since I'll have to repeat the process each time.
If you would like to help fill in the table or just have it for yourself, I can send you the raw excel file. XD
As Lowly explained, without BBcode, it will be quite a hassle for you to keep trying to piece together the table as a picture.
I can recommend that if you are setting up all the information on excel, you could save the file as a PDF and then either upload that directly or save the PDF to a jpeg (or any other image format)
Therefore editing the table and turning it to an image should not be that difficult.
Also, thanks for doing this list, it's pretty helpful!
12-20-2013, 08:02 PM
As Lowly explained, without BBcode, it will be quite a hassle for you to keep trying to piece together the table as a picture.
I can recommend that if you are setting up all the information on excel, you could save the file as a PDF and then either upload that directly or save the PDF to a jpeg (or any other image format)
Therefore editing the table and turning it to an image should not be that difficult.
Also, thanks for doing this list, it's pretty helpful!
Ahhh why didnt I think about that XD
12-26-2013, 03:52 AM
Actually, I'm doing list of steelbooks with pictures right now.
I think I will finish in about 10 days, heh. Comments are welcome.
12-27-2013, 11:25 PM
AWESOME LIST TEUGION!!!!...I enjoyed looking at those pics..I never even knew the prince of Persia steelbook existed!!!..that is a thing of beauty!!!..I appreciate the hard work you are putting into it with the pictures..i just added that site to my favorites list..thank you!!
12-29-2013, 07:27 AM
Thank you. I'll add more soon...about 50+ to come.
02-25-2014, 03:36 AM
I can recommend that if you are setting up all the information on excel, you could save the file as a PDF ( and then either upload that directly or save the PDF to a jpeg ( (or any other image format)
yes, i agree. really help method. thank you :banana::banana::banana::banana:
02-25-2014, 05:05 AM
Or just make it in--or at least transfer it to--google drive. That way anyone with a link can access it at any time, and you can add people to the editing list to help you make it. It's by far the best way to do any list like that. I just recently did one for another thread on here of all the English released JRPG CEs.
03-03-2014, 07:52 AM
Or just make it in--or at least transfer it to--google drive. That way anyone with a link can access it at any time, and you can add people to the editing list to help you make it. It's by far the best way to do any list like that. I just recently did one for another thread on here of all the English released JRPG CEs.
I actually made a Google Drive spreadsheet for this purpose a while ago and posted it on another board. For some strange reason I never thought to post it here too. Here's the link:
Open, filterable VG Steelbooks List ( 3c&usp=drive_web#gid=0)
Any questions about it, just ask. Anyone with the link can edit it.
03-13-2014, 01:04 AM
There is a COD Modern Warfare collection Jumbo steelbook G2 sized indeed...
And Crysis 2 from the Nano CE has both sizes, G1 and G2...
Just to keep it updated...
Un4given Raider
04-11-2014, 11:43 AM
Wow. Very nicely done. Excellent job. :thumb:
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