View Full Version : Heavy Rain PAL SE / Saints Row 2 G2 Steelbook w/game

11-26-2013, 09:16 PM
For Sale
Titles: Heavy Rain Collector?s edition (known as Special Edition) PAL / Saints Row 2 G2 Steelbook including manuals and the game itself
Platform: PS3
Region: Europe (region 2)

Heavy Rain: ?130 ono (euros)
Saints Row 2: ?100 (euros)

?200 if bought together. (euros)
Condition: Heavy Rain: Factory Sealed, Saints Row 2: Used
Detail conditions:

Heavy Rain: Foil is ripped on top edge, but not torn off, about 1,5 cm in lenght, small foil rip on side, tiny foil rip in top left edge.

Saints Row 2: No dents, minor scratch on front cover next to the character?s head and to the left of it. No color fading. A few barely visible scratches (unless under direct light). The dot on character?s left forearm in the provided picture was just dust.

Link to DB Entry:
Heavy Rain (http://collectorsedition.org/game-db/heavy-rain-limited-edition-ps3-2)
Saints Row 2 (link to 360 ed) (http://collectorsedition.org/game-db/saints-row-2-steelbook-edition-360-pal)

Pictures: Rest of the pictures in my Dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mxb7y2zy90qsqeo/pP5OSFxzw9#/)
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/sh/mxb7y2zy90qsqeo/YEBU44EIBz/IMG_4146.JPG?token_hash=AAHLvMSIyUYLzha4G1h9oH3acH Jkj8QLEjgnIkSQXqBUxA
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/sh/mxb7y2zy90qsqeo/ZXEGMmpaZY/IMG_4154.JPG?token_hash=AAHLvMSIyUYLzha4G1h9oH3acH Jkj8QLEjgnIkSQXqBUxA
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/sh/mxb7y2zy90qsqeo/-HUSjnbV1v/IMG_4149.JPG?token_hash=AAHLvMSIyUYLzha4G1h9oH3acH Jkj8QLEjgnIkSQXqBUxA

Hello again, I am only interested in selling the games. They were both just an investment.

More Info:

Saints Row 2 is a G2 steelbook (blu-ray size case), very rare and was allegedly sold only in Austria (G2 PS3 only). The guy who sold it to me lived a street away from me, so it was really just luck (I didn?t even know he lived in the same town at first). He bought the game new for his brother, but due to the contents of the game, he wasn?t allowed to play it. The steelbook spent most of its time among other games in shelf. The game however, came without the slipcase, which I haven?t seen anywhere except for 2 e-bay offers. Judging by their pictures, mine is in much better condition and comes with the game and manuals included. By the way I have seen much more common G1 steelbook without the game being sold a few pages back for considerably more. I think this is a fair offer.

Heavy Rain - this one was only sold in Europe. It comes with the beautiful raindrop effect on the boxart. There seems to be one diifference between mine (probably Central Europe) and the UK version - different back cover (see picture (http://collectorsedition.org/uploads/2010/01/hr_ce_ps3_2_2.jpg)) . The description of the game is written in Slovak, Czech, Hungarain and Greek. There are no other differences than the mentioned one. It is a PAL version and has the same contents. For the record, the additional content voucher was due to expire last year. I bought the game a few months back at a retailer in the exact condition as on pictures provided. It was the only one left and I highly dare anyone to find a sealed one anywhere else. Unfortunately the white sticker on front is under the foil.

I have a pay pal account. I will measure both games and, hopefully, I will update the thread with postal costs and additional information about postal service tomorrow. As far as I know, it is impossible to insure a package or letter to USA/ Germany at the moment in my country. Thank you.

12-02-2013, 09:18 PM
UP - shipping to the US would be 8 euros (but it cannot be insured and takes anywhere between 7 to 14 days to arrive).

12-08-2013, 09:46 PM
Both games are still available.

12-25-2013, 10:58 PM
Still available.

01-07-2014, 10:34 AM

Heavy Rain - EUR 100
Saints Row 2 - EUR 75

Together for EUR 160, excl. shipping.

01-16-2014, 06:54 PM
Both games are still available. Prices negotiable.