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View Full Version : Capcom and C&B Present the official Streetfighter Art Collection

Maarten Brands
12-13-2013, 08:07 PM
Capcom and Cook & Becker launched the official Streetfighter? art collection today. It's all here: http://www.candb.com. A selection of prints launched in two parts. The first, available for pre-order from today, focuses mainly on the designs between SFII and SFII: 3rd Srike. The latter will launch mid 2014 and will focus more on SFIV. All drawings are from Capcom illustrators who have actually worked on all the games such as Akiman, CRMK, Ikeno etc.

All prints are hand-numbered, embossed with Capcom's logo and come with a signed Certificate of Authenticity from Yoshinori Ono, Streetfighter's Executive Producer and the man behind SFIV.

http://www.candb.com/site/candb/cache/artwork/1600/ryu-vs-sagat_streetfighter_capcom_print2_1600_1600x1060_m arked.jpg

Drawing from 1991. This is drawing that cemented Chun-Li's final form with the puffy sleeves according to the artist !
http://www.candb.com/site/candb/cache/artwork/1600/chun-li_streetfighter_capcom_print2_1600_1600x1060_mark ed.jpg

Super Streetfighter II Turbo Box Set


12-13-2013, 09:42 PM
Looks awesome!

12-13-2013, 11:44 PM
Very nice! Definitely going to grab one or two.

Really would love to see some Mortal Kombat ones.

12-14-2013, 05:25 AM
Got the Akuma, now you need one of Gouken or the both of them!

Are they going to make any art the is exclusively for you guys in the next bunch?

Maarten Brands
12-14-2013, 06:36 PM

The next Street Fighter set (which will be smaller) will focus more on SFIV and since there is an update/new version of SF next June we hope to have some exclusive stuff from that. That being said, it is our first time working with Capcom and a Japanese company (outside of Sony) so we're not sure what their policies are. Usually on a second project (when we've wowed them with the quality of our (re)productions :)) getting exclusive stuff made is easier though.

Disclaimer: I'm a massive SF fan (most here at C&B) and one of the reasons I wanted to do this 'heritage' set of Street Fighter first was personal frustration that all the old SF artwork was either not available or in bad quality. I wanted to do this collection really badly because well, I wanted this stuff for myself!! :) But it has been so cool to get these great reactions from other fans to this collection. I clearly wasn't the only one. Luckily we move into a bigger gallery next year!

Maarten Brands
12-14-2013, 06:40 PM
These prints also come with the Capcom 30th anniversary logo (which is only used this year) so that's a nice little detail from a collector standpoint.

12-14-2013, 09:57 PM
Love these. Reserved #40 for Chun-Li. Debating the Blanka.