View Full Version : "Hello from Wonderland...
01-13-2014, 08:37 AM
Shall we have some tea?"
As you might have guessed, I have a thing for Alice in Wonderland, mainly thanks to that lovable little kitten, the Cheshire Cat.
I'm Cheshire-Grin, but most people call me Cheshy. Please, feel free to do the same.
I started collecting at the end of 2012, but it didn't really kick off until 2013. I love gaming, technology, manga and anime, I'm really just your basic otaku.
While I did only start collecting in 2012, I did own a few before this; my first was Final Fantasy XIII: Limited Edition. As a huge fan of Final Fantasy, I just couldn't pass it up at the time. Other series I like include Assassin's Creed, The Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, The Witcher, the Batman: Arkham games, Tales of, inFAMOUS, Killzone, Gears of War, Halo, Forza, Star Ocean, Need for Speed....Basically anything I can get my hands on.
Still, I've never been able to go past Pokemon. Red and Blue were the games that got me into gaming, and I will always be grateful to them for the experiences they have given me.
As for my collection itself, it isn't as big as a lot of the ones I've seen on here, but I'm proud of it nonetheless. I like steelbooks, but never really got into collecting them. I hope to change that this year, though.
I'm hoping I'll find a place in this community, as it seems a great place to be apart of. Here's hoping I'll fit in ok.
Update [26/03/14] :
01-13-2014, 08:43 AM
Welcome to the fourms, hope you enjoy your stay and see the many things that us collectors collect :beer:
01-13-2014, 09:35 AM
Hello fellow australia with animated pokemon gif avatar. Reading your story reminds me so much of myself since pokemon is the reason im gaming and my first CE was final fantasy 13 as well.
Good to see someone with similar taste of gaming as mine :) enjoy yourself here!
01-13-2014, 10:09 AM
Thanks, Zee, I hope I do to. There's so many different things you guys collect, I can't wait to see all the collections.
XD Sylveon is so cute, isn't she? Your Pikachu and Pichu one is adorable as well, Letrico. I've seen you around on the site a lot, it's nice to know there are people with similar taste as mine, too!
01-13-2014, 12:09 PM
My babies:
AC III Freedom Edition and AC IV Black Chest Edition:
Batman Arkham Origins:
Random CEs:
That's maybe two thirds of my collection, I'll probably upload the rest tomorrow.
01-13-2014, 01:06 PM
Great stuff and welcome to the forum! Definitely saw a few things that I've been hunting for myself in your car(?) there! ;)
01-13-2014, 01:25 PM
Am I meant to quote people when I respond..? I wasn't sure if you got notifications on here or not, so feel free to tell me if I've got the wrong idea!
Anyway, thanks for the welcome, Knight! It's my office chair, it was apparently based on the bucket seat styling from some cars. I just liked it because it was comfy and had a recline function! I really didn't think I'd have things you guys on here didn't, though. You all have such rare stuff!
01-13-2014, 01:48 PM
Am I meant to quote people when I respond..? I wasn't sure if you got notifications on here or not, so feel free to tell me if I've got the wrong idea!
Anyway, thanks for the welcome, Knight! It's my office chair, it was apparently based on the bucket seat styling from some cars. I just liked it because it was comfy and had a recline function! I really didn't think I'd have things you guys on here didn't, though. You all have such rare stuff!
You can quote or not, either way is fine. We don't get notifications (unless you subscribe to the thread), but if there's a bunch of people posting on the thread quoting keeps the confusion to a minimum... sometimes ;)
And yeah, lots of people have lots of different stuff on here, especially as we're all from different regions. Some have lots of rare stuff, or some like me just have lots of stuff haha. Since I'm pretty budget-oriented myself there's a lot of things I won't buy at MSRP unless I can use Gamestop or Amazon credit for it. But when there's things in other regions (like your 25th Anniversary Zelda DS box which is amazing btw) then I'm left hunting for a good bargain. So you've definitely got a few in there that are on my list haha! ;)
And that's a nice office chair then! I love the bucket seat style!
welcome to the forum! :wave:
01-13-2014, 10:33 PM
Ahhh your babies are the same as mine except the Zelda DS. I have pikachu 3ds and red pokemon x/y 3ds too :P
We should compare collection sometime but I have yet to take any picture of my collection yet :/ Maybe next spring cleaning when I take them all out from closet.
I see you are a PC gamer too :P
Steam name? Mine is the same as forum name
01-14-2014, 06:18 AM
Ugh....Today's weather forecast in Adelaide: Horribly hot and humid with thunderstorms. Goody.
On a lighter note, I bought a new shiny today~ The Afterglow 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound Wireless headset. I must say, they have amazing sound clarity for a lesser known brand, not like Turtlebeach, Razer or Steelseries. For any Aussies who want them, they're still available for preorder on the EB games website, but I found them in stock in store. They're also PS4 compatible, not sure about Xbone.
Ah, that makes sense, then. <///< I was that nervous I'd mess up it took me a while to really want to get involved on here.
I did notice that there's people from a wide range of regions on here. I didn't realize just how many countries had large gaming cultures. DX Budgets are awful, Knight. There's been more than one purchase I've had to pass up as my own budget wouldn't allow it. Amazon and Gamestop are probably my favourite US retailers, as they, to an extent, ship to Australia. I prefer Amazon though.
That 25th Anniversary Edition LoZ console was probably the first major collecting purchase I made. It was a good....fifty dollars, I think, dearer than a standard 3DS at the time and didn't come packaged with Ocarina of Time, so I was kind of torn. It's a really nice piece though, I hope you find one, too!
Thanks! I hope I have good time here. I'll try to contribute well.
I'm a huge Zelda fanboy, I got hooked on the original Legend of Zelda. I played it in...99 I think, when I inherited my first console. The Pikachu one was a must have, though. Pikachu is my favourite Pokemon XD And the red x/y one was because I adore Yveltal. I actually have a Yveltal gijinka~
Yveltal Gijinka ( Drawn by the amazing Frostvandals @ DA ) ( Not advertising, just don't want to be mistaken as having draw it myself DX )
XD I game on PC, but my 780m struggles with newer games. I haven't OC'ed it, so it lags a bit in games like AC IV. My steam name is Cheshire-Grin. I probably won't do a lot of PC gaming until December/January, after I get back from the states. I'm planning to pick an Alienware with dual Maxwell GPUs. Hopefully that's enough for me to be able to game properly.
01-14-2014, 06:44 AM
Ooh you are in the states for a year?
PSN Xbox Live everything is Letrico.
My favourite Zelda was Ocarina of Ages and Ocarina of Seasons. Recent zelda doesn't appeal much to me I don't know why.
Gamestop is kinda an ass to me since they decided to blacklist me for a month because I tried to order saints row GOTG edition. I love amazon the most since their shipping is affordable as well but most rare games sold out too quick on amazon since people just use it to resell the game.
01-14-2014, 07:08 AM
Nah, I'm only there for about a month, from the tail end of November to just before Christmas.
I can't actually remember my PSN, but I don't have an Xbox Live because I objected to paying for it. I'm planning to set one up when I get an Xbox One.
Which is something I've been meaning to ask about...have you tried the PS4 and Xbone? What's the performance like? I missed the opportunity to get them at launch, but I'm planning to get them when EB has them in stock again.
My favourite Zelda was probably a tie between Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. Twilight Princess gets a mention for Midna alone, her sadism towards Link amused me XD
Was the GOTG Saint's Row non-importable through Gamestop? I only managed to get mine because I had a friend there who was willing to export a few games for me. She changed her mind when Gamestop kept screwing the order up, though. Amazon's shipping services are amazing, and they have a massive range; I try and place my preorders the moment I see something on there, though, because they tend to sell quickly.
By the way, Letrico, I found a seller for some Assassin's Creed CEs. Namely, AC Brotherhood Codex and Auditore editions, AC II: Black Edition and AC Revelations: Animus Edition. I'm not sure of the pricing for them, though. Is $440 for the lot a reasonable price?
01-14-2014, 07:24 AM
That sounds fun. I just came back from Japan for Christmas trip and it was so fun lol
I'm getting my ps4 this shipment but I have been using xbox one since launch. Can't exactly give you pro and cons yet but I can tell you the xbox ui is clunky at the moment. You need to do full power cycle or else the menu will get very laggy due to their standby node for quick boot. You can open lots of app at the same time but there is no way to end those task like our phone and tablet causing it to slow down over time.
Somehow the gotg just restricts delivery to Australia. Asked a couple of member for help but just won't work. Caused so much trouble for me.
Are the assassins creed sealed or like new? The price is actually quite reasonable since codex and black edition itself cost 80% of that amount. More if it is sealed
01-14-2014, 07:42 AM
Japan's meant to be amazing, right? How did you find it? My cousin is there right now, he said he'd maybe bring me back some Pokemon stuff. I'm planning on going Christmas 2015, my I.T job gets really slow at Christmas time, so it's the easiest time for me to get off.
Do you or anyone else here go to EB Expo? I'm planning on going this year, with a close friend I have in Sydney.
Ugg....The UI was one of the things bothering me. I was hoping that it would be easy to navigate, but it was Microsoft :rotf: I didn't have high hopes. Apparently, though, setting your Xbox One's region as US unlocks a load more features, including the ability to use Hulu and Netflix.
Ah. I'll have to take note not to get blacklisted myself. There's too many exclusives at Gamestop. Did you ever get it sorted out?
The guy said some were sealed and the others were like new, and that the codes hadn't been redeemed. I'm definitely going to buy them, in that case, I'd already pretty much told the guy I'd pick them up the start of February.
01-16-2014, 08:33 AM
Hello, grats on Tales of Xillia and Bravely Default CEs. Heard there were only 200 or less made in the UK of Bravely Default CE. (It's even hard to find an in-store copy of Bravely Default of the game itself in Melbourne!)
02-10-2014, 05:33 AM
Partial update, just going to list my preorders this time. I'm really starting to hate the waiting game, though.
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Collector's Edition
Tales of Xillia 2 ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Tales of Zestiria ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Collector's Edition
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remake Limited Edition
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Limited Edition
Drakengard 3 Collector's Edition
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 remix ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition
The Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Dragon Age: Inquisition ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Thief Special Edition
inFamous: Second Son Collector's Edition
Watch Dogs Dedsec Edition
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Skull Edition ( Laybyed, haven't bought PS4 yet )
Final Fantasy XV ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Kingdom Hearts III ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Bound by Flame ( Standard )
PS Vita:
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars (First print Edition)
Demon Gaze Limited Edition
Lego: The Hobbit ( Standard )
Toukiden: The Age of Demons ( Standard )
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster ( Standard )
DanganRonpa: Trigger Happy Havoc ( Standard )
Atelier Meruru Plus: The Apprentice of Arland ( Standard )
Mass Effect Alliance Cruiser Silver-Plated Replica ( 1500 made )
Diablo 3 El'Druin Sword of Justice Replica
Assassin's Creed IV Poster
Watch Dogs Poster
Assassin's Creed Connor's Tomahawk Replica ( Back ordered, has a wooden shaft and metal blade )
Pop! Vinyls:
These are back ordered for me:
Assassin's Creed Altair
Assassin's Creed Ezio (white)
Assassin's Creed Ezio (black)
Assassin's Creed Connor
Assassin's Creed Edward
Assassin's Creed Plague Doctor
Assassin's Creed Aveline
Mass Effect Commander Shepard
Watch Dogs Collector's Edition: Prima's Official Game Guide
The Art of Watch Dogs
The art of Titanfall
The Art of Thief
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII: The Complete Official Guide - Collector's Edition
Titan Fall Collector's Edition: Prima's Official Game Guide
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag: Blackbeard: The Captain's Log
Also thought I'd share some Pokemon fanart a friend drew for me, the first contains my OC and the second my OC and Cynthia ( Mild NSFW warning ) :
02-10-2014, 05:39 AM
Hello, grats on Tales of Xillia and Bravely Default CEs. Heard there were only 200 or less made in the UK of Bravely Default CE. (It's even hard to find an in-store copy of Bravely Default of the game itself in Melbourne!)
Sorry for the late reply, been on internet hiatus for a while, other than ordering things.
I realized that Tales of Xillia and Bravely Default were going to be pretty hard to find, they both sold out pretty much with a day or two of being available fro preorder. So I'm glad I managed to get them. TESO: Imperial Edition was worse though. I upgraded my order of that at 9:01 the morning it was announced, and it was sold out about 4-5 hours later.
The only CEs I can think of that Aus got that were better than the US were Bravely Default, inFamous Second Son, Thief, and Watch Dogs.
And prices are just ridiculous.
02-10-2014, 05:47 AM
Chesire do you want ToS US CE with steelbook? :)
02-10-2014, 06:18 AM
Wait, there was an edition that came with a steelbook?
Why did I not know this :asplode:
Is it still available for preorder, Letrico, because I'd love it if it is?
02-10-2014, 06:24 AM
Yeah there is :P
It's sold out since last year
PM me
02-11-2014, 02:17 AM
Small update:
02-16-2014, 02:56 PM
Partial update, just going to list my preorders this time. I'm really starting to hate the waiting game, though.
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Collector's Edition
Tales of Xillia 2 ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Tales of Zestiria ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Collector's Edition
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remake Limited Edition
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Limited Edition
Drakengard 3 Collector's Edition
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 remix ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition
The Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial Edition
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Dragon Age: Inquisition ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Thief Special Edition
inFamous: Second Son Collector's Edition
Watch Dogs Dedsec Edition
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Skull Edition ( Laybyed, haven't bought PS4 yet )
Final Fantasy XV ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Kingdom Hearts III ( Standard Edition for now, will be upgraded to CE if/when it becomes available )
Bound by Flame ( Standard )
PS Vita:
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars (First print Edition)
Demon Gaze Limited Edition
Lego: The Hobbit ( Standard )
Toukiden: The Age of Demons ( Standard )
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster ( Standard )
DanganRonpa: Trigger Happy Havoc ( Standard )
Atelier Meruru Plus: The Apprentice of Arland ( Standard )
Mass Effect Alliance Cruiser Silver-Plated Replica ( 1500 made )
Diablo 3 El'Druin Sword of Justice Replica
Assassin's Creed IV Poster
Watch Dogs Poster
Assassin's Creed Connor's Tomahawk Replica ( Back ordered, has a wooden shaft and metal blade )
Pop! Vinyls:
These are back ordered for me:
Assassin's Creed Altair
Assassin's Creed Ezio (white)
Assassin's Creed Ezio (black)
Assassin's Creed Connor
Assassin's Creed Edward
Assassin's Creed Plague Doctor
Assassin's Creed Aveline
Mass Effect Commander Shepard
Watch Dogs Collector's Edition: Prima's Official Game Guide
The Art of Watch Dogs
The art of Titanfall
The Art of Thief
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII: The Complete Official Guide - Collector's Edition
Titan Fall Collector's Edition: Prima's Official Game Guide
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag: Blackbeard: The Captain's Log
Also thought I'd share some Pokemon fanart a friend drew for me, the first contains my OC and the second my OC and Cynthia ( Mild NSFW warning ) :
I'm loving those preorders! I pretty got much of the same. I wish that I had gotten the Danganronpa LE from NIS though.
Yeah there is :P
It's sold out since last year
PM me
Damn I'm so jealous! I've been looking for that forever.
02-17-2014, 05:03 AM
Thanks, r3gal. I've seen you around a bit, but haven't had the chance to say hello yet! My preorders kill my wallet, but they make me happy, too. XD Explaining why they make me passionate though is harder than I thought. I think I managed to make my friend understand, though XD
As for the preorders themselves, I also managed to secure a copy of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Dracula's Tomb Edition, just the other day.
02-17-2014, 05:45 AM
Lightning Returns stuff
02-17-2014, 05:49 AM
On a more unfortunate note, my PS3 finally passed away after a long, productive life.
May it forever rest in peace.
My speakers, on the other other hand, were murdered by my cat. He finally succeeded in ambushing and slaying the mighty cord, wielder of the plug of power!
02-17-2014, 06:12 AM
nice collection..thank u for sharing..i enjoyed looking through the pics..I am a big fan of Nintendo also..and I also have the lightning returns steelbook edition on the way,..along with the lightning returns Asian dualshock bundles and the lightning returns Japan ultimate bundle and lastly the lightning returns USA collectors edition, oh I almost forgot, the lightning returns target steelbook slipcase version, plus I either have or on the way the 4 lightning returns PS3 game box cover "variants" from regions PAL, JAPAN, ASIA, AND US.
02-17-2014, 06:23 AM
Ahhhh, I love Lightning Returns! I have the USA Collector's Edition in bound, won't receive it until May though as I ordered it along with the Drakengard CE. I really wanted the Ultimate bundle, but I wasn't aware they shipped overseas, so that one slipped me by. I didn't know there was a dualshock bundle, though. Do you have links to it, Twisted? I might be interested in trying to chase one of those up, if I can find one.
02-17-2014, 06:31 AM
second item on this page plus nicer pictures on this link
02-18-2014, 12:57 AM
Thanks, r3gal. I've seen you around a bit, but haven't had the chance to say hello yet! My preorders kill my wallet, but they make me happy, too. XD Explaining why they make me passionate though is harder than I thought. I think I managed to make my friend understand, though XD
As for the preorders themselves, I also managed to secure a copy of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Dracula's Tomb Edition, just the other day.
Haha same dude! I think the sad thing is that I joined 2/4 and I already have about 100 posts :rotf:. It's horrible that a lot of awesome CEs are coming out in the same month >.>. Heh yeah none of my friends understand why I'm so crazy about video games, but that's why it's great joining a place like this.
Same! I ordered mine from like Knight did. It's also a little bit cheaper.
As for the PS4/Xbone debate, I went for the PS4 myself. I'm too much of a Sony fanboy to go to xbox lol. Although, for multiplayer games like COD, I did end up getting a Xbox 360.
I didn't know there was a dualshock bundle, though.
There's also the Lightning dual shock controller sold through US Gamestop btw. Not sure if it's the same as what Twisted linked to you.
02-18-2014, 05:36 PM
:blush: I would probably have posted more, too, but I'm not all that confident around new people. I was coaxed into posting here by my special player 2. It's good, though. I really like it here, and everyone has been nice.
As for the CEs coming out so close together, I think Feb/March and Oct/Nov are the busiest times for releases, or that's when I've noticed a larger strain on my wallet, anyway XD
I got mine at an Australian retailer, but I got $20 off because they stuffed up my preorder the first time, so I was fairly happy.
Personally, I'd go with the PS4 as well, simply because I prefer the exclusives on it. I must admit, though, that I'm getting both consoles. My OCD wouldn't forgive me if I didn't complete the set of consoles XD
I wasn't aware of that controller, but it's the same as what Twisted linked, without the game itself. I really like the design, actually. Definitely considering buying one, it's just whether or not I have the funds before they sell out.
02-18-2014, 05:52 PM
Thought I would share a character I designed when I was going to apply for a job working in game design. Character design is my speciality, but I can't draw, so my design was brought to life by the wonderful Ymira, a good friend of mine.
02-19-2014, 12:44 AM
Aww you should post more! Everyone loves to see collections, especially me since it shows me what I need to get lmao. Special player 2 is very special :P. The best thing is that not everyone hates on you like in other forums, at least from what I've seen.
Eh yeah. They should just spread them all out 😫. Too many to keep up with and actually play. So lucky about that $20 off though, a lot of game retailers aren't that nice.
The exclusives are amazing. That Order 1886 trailer that Dan posted was sick. I can't wait for it to come our. Smh I can't take the plunge for XBONE. maybe if another Tales game comes out exclusively on it lol.
Oh nice! Yeah I feel like I can't be satisfied until I complete my Lightning collection. $60 is a lot though :(, enough for that Thief steel I want.
Holy shit that design though... It looks freaking amazing!
02-19-2014, 04:39 AM
It's nice to see a Final Fantasy 13 lover. You have a beautiful collection Cheshire-Grin! I must say nice list of pre-orders as well. All this games coming out so close together is killing
02-19-2014, 04:57 AM
eh! how did you get lightning returns CE guide book? Ebgames told me that Australia is not getting any CE guidebook :(
02-19-2014, 05:47 AM
Aww you should post more! Everyone loves to see collections, especially me since it shows me what I need to get lmao. Special player 2 is very special :P. The best thing is that not everyone hates on you like in other forums, at least from what I've seen.
Eh yeah. They should just spread them all out 😫. Too many to keep up with and actually play. So lucky about that $20 off though, a lot of game retailers aren't that nice.
The exclusives are amazing. That Order 1886 trailer that Dan posted was sick. I can't wait for it to come our. Smh I can't take the plunge for XBONE. maybe if another Tales game comes out exclusively on it lol.
Oh nice! Yeah I feel like I can't be satisfied until I complete my Lightning collection. $60 is a lot though :(, enough for that Thief steel I want.
Holy shit that design though... It looks freaking amazing!
Hm, I'm starting too feel like posting the other half of my collection, now. Most of my statues are in a display cabinet, so I was hesitant about showing the *empty* boxes, but I think I will?
DX They really do need to spread them out, though. I've had to pass on a few I want. Hopefully, though, I can load up at the end of the year, when I'm on vacay in the states. Going to be travelling along the west coast.
I *adore* Lightning, she's my favorite FF character. Hopefully one day I can have a collection that does her justice! I do plan on getting that controller, so that will help.
The Order 1886 does look pretty amazing, especially graphically. I think after seeing those trailers that if there's a CE for it, it will be a day one purchase. I think I'm looking forward too inFamous: Second Son the most, though. I loved the first two games.
I managed to snag a Thief steel. It was sold exclusively in Australia by the online retailer Mightyape. It will be my first PS4 edition, so I'm happy.
XD Thank you. It really does boost my confidence a bit when people say things like that. Character design is one of my favorite hobbies, I'd love to be able to do it for a living.
02-19-2014, 05:51 AM
It's nice to see a Final Fantasy 13 lover. You have a beautiful collection Cheshire-Grin! I must say nice list of pre-orders as well. All this games coming out so close together is killing
:blush: I do adore me some FF13, Eternix. Lightning is easily my favorite FF character, and by far my favorite female from the series. The preorders are killing me as well, though DX I had to cancel my Titanfall CE preorder, which crushed me. That statue looks amazing. I think I'm most excited for the Tales/FF/KH stuff, though. Although, The Witcher 3 should have a good CE, too.
02-19-2014, 05:53 AM
eh! how did you get lightning returns CE guide book? Ebgames told me that Australia is not getting any CE guidebook :(
I imported it from Amazon, Letrico. They're willing to ship it for a *fairly* hefty cost, at least if you're going express, like I did. It posted on the 11th, though, and I got it on the 14th, so it was definitely worth it.
02-19-2014, 06:08 AM
I think you should go for it. Statues are an awesome part of a collection, especially since a lot of them are pretty expensive. Or you can take a pic of the display case, I think someone here has done that with their statues, can't recall though.
Haha that's actually the first time I've heard that! Lighting is pretty damn awesome though, I definitely like how she got her own saga.
Yeah hoping for a CE on the Order, it looks too amazing to not have one I think. Are you getting the Second Son CE through Gamestop? They seemed to have a bit more stuff compared to Europe.
Nice! Although, is it actually $119 o.o? Why is it so expensive? I think the Target steel/game/DLC is all $59.99.
That's an amazing hobby you got there. If only I could design as well as you... That would be a pretty chill job though. Hopefully I'll be able to see you become a famous designer.
02-19-2014, 06:36 AM
I imported it from Amazon, Letrico. They're willing to ship it for a *fairly* hefty cost, at least if you're going express, like I did. It posted on the 11th, though, and I got it on the 14th, so it was definitely worth it.
Ah okay. I ordered mine from bookdepository. Will take another week or so to arrive but is cool I have time to wait. I'm not even finished with FF13-2 yet heheheheheh. My PS3 backlog is so long I want to cry sometimes.
02-20-2014, 07:37 AM
The rest of my modest collection, for the moment.
02-20-2014, 07:56 AM
That's an amazing hobby you got there. If only I could design as well as you... That would be a pretty chill job though. Hopefully I'll be able to see you become a famous designer.
I can't afford the really expensive statues, but I do have a few that I love XD
My favorites are the Milla and Agnes ones, so far. I did just upload more pics, I hope you like them!
She deserves her own saga :spiteful: With moves and looks like that, she could still eke a lot more money out of me :blush: pink hair is so cute!
It looks simply *stunning.* I can't believe how good the gameplay graphics are in it! And nah, I ended up getting the Australian CE for Second Son, I think it's the same as the Europe one, though.
XD All I can say that to that is be grateful you don't live in Australia. We pay more for everything good, here. I think it was only $79.99 here, though, when I ordered it?
I can share more of them if you like, PM me if you want the link to the collection of art I have of my designs. I really do hope I become a famous designer one day, if only so I can meet some of *my* heroes XD I doubt anyone would ever want to meet me XD
02-20-2014, 08:00 AM
Ah okay. I ordered mine from bookdepository. Will take another week or so to arrive but is cool I have time to wait. I'm not even finished with FF13-2 yet heheheheheh. My PS3 backlog is so long I want to cry sometimes.
DX Bookdepository was confusing when I tried to browse through it. Where are all the gaming books located? Their pricing seems quite reasonable, as well.
I haven't finished FF13-2 either, but I made the mistake of playing the LRFF13 demo DX It was addictive. I know the feeling, though. My backlog is horribly long as well.
02-20-2014, 10:49 AM
New edition, picked it up tonight.
02-20-2014, 02:51 PM
I can't afford the really expensive statues, but I do have a few that I love XD
My favorites are the Milla and Agnes ones, so far. I did just upload more pics, I hope you like them!
I am loving your statues. Agnes looks awesome, I wish that Bravely Default CE had come out in the US. Now I need to go ahead and grab the Batman Arkham City statue and the Injustice ones. I've always been a DC Comics fan.
LOL if there were any girls I knew with Lightning's looks... I'm pretty sure I'd bow down and beg her to go out with me :P.
Right? The storyline also looks pretty sick. I'm glad you paid $79.99, anything more seems outrageous.
Lmao yeah.... Some of those huge ass bugs you guys have creep the fuck out of me. I've seen pictures of spiders on Reddit that seem as big as my hand.
04-03-2014, 11:52 PM
Not an update as such, just thought I would share my battle station with you all. It's not as impressive as some of yours, but I'm proud of it nonetheless.
It consists of the following:
55" Sony 4k Ultra HD TV
Xbox One
Xbox 360
Wii U
Logitech z906 5.1Ch speakers
Afterglow Dolby Digital 5.1ch surround sound headset
Steelseries Apex keyboard
Razer Ouroboros/Gigabyte Aivia Uranium ( haven't yet decided which I prefer )
Gaming PC ( 780ti SLi, 240GB SSD, 2TB storage HDD, 32GB of RAM, i7 4770K CPU )
I'm planning to buy the new Alienware that will probably be at E3 this year in June, with dual 880m GPU in SLI and a 5th gen i7 processor, and then my nerd corner will be complete.
04-03-2014, 11:57 PM
Not an update as such, just thought I would share my battle station with you all. It's not as impressive as some of yours, but I'm proud of it nonetheless.
It consists of the following:
55" Sony 4k Ultra HD TV
Xbox One
Xbox 360
Wii U
Logitech z906 5.1Ch speakers
Afterglow Dolby Digital 5.1ch surround sound headset
Steelseries Apex keyboard
Razer Ouroboros/Gigabyte Aivia Uranium ( haven't yet decided which I prefer )
Gaming PC ( 780ti SLi, 240GB SSD, 2TB storage HDD, 32GB of RAM, i7 4770K CPU )
I'm planning to buy the new Alienware that will probably be at E3 this year in June, with dual 880m GPU in SLI and a 5th gen i7 processor, and then my nerd corner will be complete.
:drool: That Sony 4K looks beautiful!
I just saw one the other day and the sounds is pretty good from the speakers!
04-04-2014, 12:06 AM
The sound really is incredible from the built in speakers, it more than makes up for the fact that I don't often get a chance to use my z906 speakers. Joys of living with other people, they don't like massive amounts of noise coming from the lounge room XD Image quality is amazing as well, I'd say better than Samsung or LG. The only downside to it is it's damned heavy, so moving it around a lot isn't exactly feasible. I guess the fact that it doesn't have enough HDMI ports is a downer, to. Even running the PS3 through the component ports so that I can use my game capture system hasn't helped that I'm one port short.
Overall though, if you're in the market for a new tv? This is the one I'd recommend~ x3
04-04-2014, 12:11 AM
The sound really is incredible from the built in speakers, it more than makes up for the fact that I don't often get a chance to use my z906 speakers. Joys of living with other people, they don't like massive amounts of noise coming from the lounge room XD Image quality is amazing as well, I'd say better than Samsung or LG. The only downside to it is it's damned heavy, so moving it around a lot isn't exactly feasible. I guess the fact that it doesn't have enough HDMI ports is a downer, to. Even running the PS3 through the component ports so that I can use my game capture system hasn't helped that I'm one port short.
Overall though, if you're in the market for a new tv? This is the one I'd recommend~ x3
Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah it seemed pretty dang heavy. A Sony store in my area was closing down, and they had this for 25% floor model.
It had a good massive sound and the picture was amazing for sure!
i can't see any of your pictures :(
04-04-2014, 09:06 PM
06-12-2014, 01:51 PM
Hi errybody, working on an update for here. Just wondering though, should I do a massive update in July/August or stagger them?
List of things that will be posted:
Mario Kart 8- Collector's Edition
Watch_Dogs - Vigilante Edition
Watch_Dogs - Dedsec Edition
Mugen Souls Z - Limited Edition
Atelier Meruru - Collector's Edition ( Courtesy of Cosmic )
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - Wizard's Edition ( Courtesy of Cosmic )
Tales of Graces F Day 1 Edition ( Courtesy of Cosmic )
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - UK Steelbook ( Courtesy of Cosmic )
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 - Dracula's Tomb Edition ( Courtesy of Cosmic )
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - Collector's Edition ( US ) ( Courtesy of Letrico )
Wolfenstein: The New Order - Panzerhund Edition ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Silver Anniversary Edition ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Demon Gaze - Limited Edition ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Conception: Children of the Seven Stars - First Print ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers - First Print ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl - First Print ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Etrian Odyysey IV: Legend of the Titan - First Print ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited - Limited Edition ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair - Limited Edition ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace - First Print ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Target Steelbook ( Courtesy of Regalbum )
Watch_Dogs - USB Hub/Card Reader ( Courtesy of Dr Jengo )
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Collector's Edition
Drakengard 3 - Collector's Edition
Tales of Xillia 2 - Collector's Edition
Tales of Xillia 2 - Day 1 Edition
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Inquisitor's Edition
The Elder Scrolls Online - Imperial Edition
Person Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth - The Wild Cards Premium Edition
Assassin's Creed: Unity - Notre Dame Edition
Assassin's Creed: Unity - Guillotine Collector's Case
Possibly might be picking up these:
Halo Reach - Legendary Edition
Halo 3 - Legendary Edition
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Limited Edition
2015 Preorders:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Collector's Edition
The Order 1886 - Collector's Edition
The Order 1886 - Premium Edition
06-12-2014, 03:15 PM
I think you should post some pics and then send them to me straightway for decontamination inspection, though I can't promise you they will ever be returned... Quickly! Now while there's still a chance to save you!
06-13-2014, 09:13 PM
I think you should post some pics and then send them to me straightway for decontamination inspection, though I can't promise you they will ever be returned... Quickly! Now while there's still a chance to save you!
You forgot to give them my address! Decontamination inspection is free of charge! :lmao::beer:
06-15-2014, 04:35 AM
XD I was born with a really crappy immune system, so if one of these games *did* need decontamination, I'd be in a buttload of trouble! Your Zelda collection is really nice, by the way! Not sure if I've said that, yet?
I don't think I've met you yet on this site XD So hello!
Btw, is anyone else getting the idea that 2015 is going to be an even more insane year for collecting than 2014 has been so far?
06-15-2014, 06:16 AM
i would love to see pictures of this epic collection list...please post pics off all of it, if u can please!!
06-15-2014, 07:26 AM
i would love to see pictures of this epic collection list...please post pics off all of it, if u can please!!
I plan to post a large-ish update in the middle of July, Twisted, as a lot of them haven't arrived yet. Then smaller updates August through November. Hopefully my camera will be fixed by then so I can get better quality pics than I had for my last update!
08-22-2021, 02:50 AM
Hey guys! Been a long time since I posted an update here! Most of my collector's editions are stored away in cupboards, but a few select ones are on display! At the moment I have two games rooms, one is mostly finished, the other has room for a bunch more shelves. I have a third games room currently being jazzed up, you will see some posters in that one ( hint, they're from the Pokemon TCG, as well as Neptunia ReVerse and Cris Tales. )
Anyway, without further ado, here is a link to a Google Drive folder with pics of my whole collection, as well as a few bonus videos! Clicky~ (
08-22-2021, 03:23 AM
Hello! Great collection that you have there. Don't know how I missed your collection the first go around as I was pretty active back then. Although, I was unable to see all the photos (probably due to the server expiring the link) but good to see your updated collection! Welcome! Again!
08-23-2021, 01:25 AM
Thanks! I never really stopped collecting in over a decade, but I've picked up a bit more recently. The only retro console I'd like that I'm missing is the NES. I'm considering adding the older Sega and Atari consoles too though. For me, the pick of my consoles on terms of favorites is either the KH PS4 Pro or the FFXIII PS3 Slim. Love both those franchises so much, and the Pro was hard to find even though I could get it locally as it sold out instantly. And the Slim was only available on Japan, as far as I am aware
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