View Full Version : Ash, the New Guy

02-12-2014, 07:42 PM
Hey there!

My name is Luis, and I'm from Portugal. I've been in love with video games ever since I was little and my uncle let me play with the Spectrum, and later, the Amiga 500.

I was introduced to this forum by my younger brother. I am quite strict with my video game spending: I only buy a game at launch if it's a CE that I want; otherwise I wait for price drops. Very rarely do I stray away from this rule.

Sadly, I have missed out on some pretty cool CEs due to bad timing and lack of information.

Here's hoping that in these forums, I will be able to find help so it doesn't happen again in the future, and help others in return. :)

02-12-2014, 08:00 PM

This site is a great source of info for upcoming CE's and the like :)

Although your wallet won't forgive you :nosleep:


02-14-2014, 09:18 AM
Your're in a right forum and good luck with your collection.