View Full Version : Hello!

03-16-2014, 08:08 PM
Hello, I didn't realise I signed up here a couple of years ago. I've been collecting tons in that time so figured I'd reintroduce myself and try to be a bit more active from now on ^__^

My name is Aimee and I have been collecting for about 4-5 years. My main series is Final Fantasy and I run a blog (which I don't update often) called afinalfantasyblog.com. Since then I've branched out into a couple of other series; Tales, Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, Persona, Fire Emblem among various other one off purchases for other series.

Final Fantasy in particular has got me majorly into video game music. Music is just as important as graphics for me these days. Being based very close to London is a massive advantage so I've been lucky enough to attend all the Distant Worlds, A New World, Final Symphony, Zelda Symphony shows as well as many Square Enix promo events.

I record a lot of the shows I go to so check out my Youtube channel; Ritzi76.

Its great to meet you all, hopefully I'll be a more active member of the community from now on ^___^

Here are some photos of my collection. This is not even close to everything I have and many of these photos are out of date but t gives you an idea of what I have ;)

Final Fantasy Collection

Rival I & Rival II prints hand signed by Yoshitaka Amano

25th Anniversary haul

Various hauls

Super Fan runner up prize

Distant Worlds London 2012 haul

FF Jewellery

Display (now seriously out of date)

XIII Collection

Tales Collection

Tales of Xillia competition prize

Tales display

Tales of Xillia puzzles

Tales of Symphonia US CE & signed GC

Zelda Collection

Link On Epona, Dark Link and Link Figma

Kingdom Hearts

KH1.5 HD remake prelaunch goodies

Assassin's Creed Collection

Necklace & Encyclopedia

Connor and Edward

Mass Effect

The Team lithograph

Archangel lithograph



03-16-2014, 08:26 PM
Welcome to the Forums, enjoy your stay and hopefully we can see your collection soon? :)

03-16-2014, 08:42 PM
I'd love to put my collection up here but I have so much stuff it'd take so long to get the whole lot. I'm not on the PC at the moment but when I am I'll put some highlights on here ;) In the meantime check out my blog afinalfantasyblog.com

03-16-2014, 09:33 PM
Welcome and it's always nice to see other FF collector :)

03-16-2014, 11:25 PM
Updated the main post with some photos ^__^ Enjoy!

03-17-2014, 04:57 AM
Great stuff and some great choices for franchises too! Welcome (back) and hope to see more when you get a chance!

03-17-2014, 06:01 AM
Welcome to the forum :) Some great stuff you have there, I'll have to check out your blog.

03-17-2014, 09:35 PM
Awesome !
Love your Collection <3

Welcome to the CE Family :rave:

03-18-2014, 04:37 PM
welcome on board!

your First 4 Figures - Link on Epona Exclusive Statue really looks good. i luv the painting! also die F4F - Dark Link Statue is awesome, is that the exclusive version with light up feature?

03-18-2014, 04:49 PM
Sadly my Dark Link isn't the exclusive version. I had the chance to buy that version a couple years ago but turned it down because I was short on cash at the time D: But I love the normal statue regardless.

03-18-2014, 04:57 PM
i also would love to get the ex. from the Dark Link, but the prices are insane right now =(
but i also would be happy to get the regular edition =)
i already got the Link on Epona and Wolf Link and Midna statues, both regular, i love both statues, pure art!

03-30-2014, 02:26 PM
Haha, I've only just seen this thread. Your fault for the vague thread title. :)

Thanks for posting up the amazing photos! Look forward to seeing more as and when you purchase more things.