View Full Version : Hi Jim here

04-08-2014, 05:31 PM

I'm new here and I want to congratulate you on this awesome idea of gathering information about collector editions.

I came here because I'm looking for a list of companies based in EU or US that is specialised in the creation of collector editions a bit like Tree house. Do you know other ones?
I have a project and I'm looking for a company able to produce Collector editions.

Thank you

04-08-2014, 07:40 PM

I'm new here and I want to congratulate you on this awesome idea of gathering information about collector editions.

I came here because I'm looking for a list of companies based in EU or US that is specialised in the creation of collector editions a bit like Treehouse Brand Stores. Do you know other ones?
I have a project and I'm looking for a company able to produce Collector editions.

Thank you

Hi bud, and welcome to the forum.

I personally don't think you'll find a company that's willing to create one single collector's edition, as it's not cost effective for the company. Unless you're willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on that single CE.

your safest bet would be to create one yourself.

Best of luck :thumb:

04-08-2014, 07:51 PM

I'm new here and I want to congratulate you on this awesome idea of gathering information about collector editions.

I came here because I'm looking for a list of companies based in EU or US that is specialised in the creation of collector editions a bit like Treehouse Brand Stores. Do you know other ones?
I have a project and I'm looking for a company able to produce Collector editions.

Thank you

Hi and welcome Jim!

I guess it depends on what your "project" is - are you talking you have a kickstarter campaign for a new video game and you're looking for a publisher or manufacturing company to produce your physical CEs for a large run of your new game? Or do you mean (like Dan suggested) you just want someone to make a 1-off special edition for you? There are industry tools for finding both, though I'm not sure how likely you are to find them here.

Either way though, a little more explanation can go a long way towards some members on here being able to help you!

Welcome again, and enjoy your stay! :)

04-09-2014, 10:18 AM
Well, I'm interested in having a production of 5000 or so CE boxes for a small studio. I'm looking for professionals able to do the design and production of the CE. :)

Thank you