View Full Version : The Elder Scrolls Online
Collector's Edition
05-02-2013, 11:05 PM
...view this game on the homepage (
01-29-2014, 12:47 AM
Full Game Name: Elder Scrolls Online
Edition Name: Imperial Edition
Platform(s): PS4, XB1, PC/Mac
Publisher: Bethesda
Release Date: April 4th, 2014 for PC/Mac, June 2014 for PS4/XB1
Price (RRP): TBD
Bar Code: (if known)
Package Description: Collector's Box
Content Description:
Physical Content
Collector's Edition Box
Steelbook Packaging
Molag Bal Statue - A collectible 12" statue featuring Molag Bal, Daedric Prince of domination and enslavement
Map of Tamriel - A printed map detailing alliance-controlled zones and the ultimate conquest: Cyrodiil
Emperor's Guide to Tamriel - A 224-page illustrated guide annotated by the Imperial scholar, Flaccus Terentius
Digital Content
Play as an Imperial for any alliance - Appears to be the only way to play as an imperial
White Imperial Horse
Mudcrab vanity Pet
Rings of Mara
Link(s) to source(s):
Other Info/Pics:
Steelbook looks cool but I don't care for the game
01-29-2014, 12:57 AM
That's a nice edition though... :drool:
I have yet to finish Skyrim - still ploughing on....
I love these editions - steelbook, figure, quality art / guide book, map.. What more do you want in a CE??
01-29-2014, 12:59 AM
That's a nice edition though... :drool:
I have yet to finish Skyrim - still ploughing on....
I love these editions - steelbook, figure, quality art / guide book, map.. What more do you want in a CE??
A personalized love letter from the main developer thanking me for my valiant purchase of their game would be nice :shrug:
Also I have to edit what digital goodies you get with this edition. Apparently it's the only way to play as a Imperial, which is a special race.
And no confirmation on platforms or regions so that's an assumption for now
01-29-2014, 01:01 AM
Still doesn't trump Alduin... <3
01-29-2014, 01:03 AM
Still doesn't trump Alduin... <3
Hard to beat a dragon
01-29-2014, 01:18 AM
Day one purchase! ^^ Looking forward to this. :D
01-29-2014, 01:29 AM
Okay please kill me and let me preorder this now. Bloody elder scrolls make good CEs.
i'm buying this the minute it gets released.
01-29-2014, 01:36 AM
Nice steelbook, beauty statue, can't wait.
I played the beta a bit and I really like it. Definitely starts slow though.
01-29-2014, 01:37 AM
Nice steelbook, beauty statue, can't wait.
I played the beta a bit and I really like it. Definitely starts slow though.
WHA? You got into beta? Man I applied and got nothing
01-29-2014, 01:45 AM
WHA? You got into beta? Man I applied and got nothing
Really? I was expecting to get in earlier, but I finally got invited for the weekend "stress test" a couple weeks ago. Everyone I know who applied got into this phase, so you must be pretty unlucky.
Some of my impressions based on playing a few hours:
-Game looks fantastic
-Tutorial/Intro level is terrible
-The map is HUGE
-Character customization is amazing
01-29-2014, 01:47 AM
That's BS :(
I applied the moment it was announced with my PC full spec and experience but I got nothing. Maybe because I live in Australia they don't care about us down under. Does it have leveling mechanism or will it be like Skyrim where you level One-Handed / Armor / etc to gain level?
01-29-2014, 01:59 AM
My specs are average lol. I applied when it first came up, but my buddy who applied not that long ago got in the same time as me. I'm not sure, but I think its the same as Skyrim in terms of leveling. You getting it for PC? I'll probably hold out for the PS4 version cause as I said my specs are meh, and it comes out nicely at the start of summer.
01-29-2014, 02:03 AM
I will probably go PC but if it can cross play I will probably go both platform. I have friend that will be playing on PC as well.
I have quite the hardcore PC so it is usually my preferred platform.
I'm pumped lol
01-29-2014, 06:31 AM
That's a smashingly nice CE, but I just can't bring myself to pay a ton of $$ for a CE for a game that requires a monthly subscription -- darn you ElderScrolls Online, why'd you have to do me like that? :facepalm:
01-29-2014, 06:37 AM
You can play for the complementary 30 days game time :P I don't mine paying for $15 per month to be honest. It's so little compare to what I spend.
01-29-2014, 10:58 AM
Gotta get this, but with Bethesda's track record it might me best to not play if for a few months while they fix it. Then again, Bethesda didn't actually make this one so it might be safe. Decision, decisions :think:
01-29-2014, 01:16 PM
Looks like awesome CE. With Witcher 3 CEs that I think will be awesome, definately candidate for top 2014.
01-29-2014, 04:48 PM
gonna get this for the steelbook and map lol for some reason I really like maps in CEs
01-29-2014, 05:13 PM
up for preorder at game uk
ordered cant wait for this
01-29-2014, 11:34 PM
free assassins creed 4 if ya purchase thru uplay site digital download tho
free assassins creed 4 if ya purchase thru uplay site digital download tho
what's the deal between Ubisoft and Bethesda? Sry, I don't get it :scratch:
01-30-2014, 12:45 AM
what's the deal between Ubisoft and Bethesda? Sry, I don't get it :scratch:
I think Ubisoft is trying to make more users use uPlay. uPlay was only for Ubisoft titles but they are pulling third parties over as well. A smart move but they have a lot to catch up since Steam is at top of the world right now.
01-30-2014, 02:29 AM
Preordered the Xbox One version from Game. Can't wait for this
01-30-2014, 02:47 AM
I'm hoping it will be cross platform. It will be so much fun with all 3 platform playing together.
Just read some article and it seems like it wont be cross between MAC, PC and PS4. Not sure about Xbox One yet.
I'm hoping it will be cross platform. It will be so much fun with all 3 platform playing together.
Just read some article and it seems like it wont be cross between MAC, PC and PS4. Not sure about Xbox One yet.
no cross platform, sry :(
01-30-2014, 01:28 PM
I need this in my Collection :)
Sendt fra min Nexus 5 med Tapatalk
01-31-2014, 09:17 AM
Is sold out in Australia :)
01-31-2014, 09:30 AM
Is sold out in Australia :)
good that i already ordered one :D guess for my own safty i shall order a second one @ amazon
01-31-2014, 09:34 AM
Is sold out in Australia :)
dont care
just show me the drop bears!!!
01-31-2014, 09:41 AM
dont care
just show me the drop bears!!!
well kinda right ..... there is no dova bear D: hoped there will be a pet like this ... would be a nice joke :x
01-31-2014, 09:52 AM
Amazon US is still not shipping international for that. I wanna get some for my buddies :(.
Drop bear ftw
good that i already ordered one :D guess for my own safty i shall order a second one @ amazon
the German Edition is probably the last one to sell out, as always :tumbleweed:
01-31-2014, 11:42 AM
the German Edition is probably the last one to sell out, as always :tumbleweed:
arbeit, arbeit .... ich geh dann mal .... jawohl .... seid Ihr der K?nig? Ich hab euch nicht gew?lt o_O ... das war's ich bin tot ...
well ... it was quit difficult to get a wow classic ce at that time. Okay it's no wow your right. I read sth. about it's limited to 500 pieces per konsole .... may wanted to say they only have 500 duno have to read the mail again after work :D
arbeit, arbeit .... ich geh dann mal .... jawohl .... seid Ihr der K?nig? Ich hab euch nicht gew?lt o_O ... das war's ich bin tot ...
well ... it was quit difficult to get a wow classic ce at that time. Okay it's no wow your right. I read sth. about it's limited to 500 pieces per konsole .... may wanted to say they only have 500 duno have to read the mail again after work :D
no idea what the first part means, even though it's german :P
yea said that it's limited to 450 units for each platform but I'm quite sure they are talking about their stock. They've done the same with the Dead Island torso edition
01-31-2014, 12:41 PM
no idea what the first part means, even though it's german :P
yea said that it's limited to 450 units for each platform but I'm quite sure they are talking about their stock. They've done the same with the Dead Island torso edition
oh dear :(
that are sentences from the peasant of warcraft 3 :D thats whats he say in german ... duno how this came up in my mind may be because you meantioned "germany" XD;
nvm at all ^^ ah okay well guess may i have to cancel one of them or keep one sealed .... we'll se --> thinking about it
02-01-2014, 11:39 AM
Unboxing is out!
02-01-2014, 11:54 AM
Unboxing is out!
 QXHCYfGRkkGhQUHy8gIyc1LCwtFx4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwO Gg8PGikcHRwpKSksKSopKSkpKSksKSkpKSkpKSkpKSwsKSkpKS kpKSkpKSksKSkpKSkpLCkpKSksKf/AABEIAMIBAwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGBwj/xABUEAACAQMCAwQGBAcLCQYHAAABAgMABBESIQUTMQYiQVEUMm FxgbEHI5GhFUJScoKSwSQzNFRic7LR0uLwFjU2U6KztOHxF0Nj dZTTCGR0haTCw//EABoBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBQb/xAAoEQEAAwABBAECBgMAAAAAAAAAAQIRAwQSITFBMlEFEzNCcY EUIiP/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AOf0M0BQNc0IYbGgnQe4UbdDRR9B7h8qA6GaJq6bxDsvZLwpJW j5bLCkglAjE8jundWRwvfBZh3c4226U1JlzQ0dFR5qaoiaQ3rD 4/spVJY94fH9lUKo6IGhQDFKzRCgTQDNFijoZoER+PvPzpdNx+P5 x+dLoDojQoUAo6AoGgTINjUtUDwxF2KqsjRlgM6VKhhsOu+ahy dK2/Y7hIubArpB03Dq+egUxo2TjfbH31mRjLqyCKjLJzFfVg8tovVI HRjk9ai5rS8ZuoGRl07QOgIACkoSNYjwQRtkVE7Y29rHdNHZxy RogCsHZ2y+5JUuzNjBUdcZGw65mqq0wY2ydxJGQM9crMGOPZ3R +lTVFRikBNCl4pNUFQoUMVVChQoUEw0RoUM1pkkjarfst2bN6X RZFjkVFdNedDb4YHG+cb7VUMdqkcIkIkXSdJKsuclcao2HUe+o GHXBIyDgkZHQ48R7KtbW8klhkieUDVLaIplfCqFFwu58FUaDVd ZWbzOkcSlnchVUYH3nYADJ+Favsv2EhF7LBxIxSSiM8q3VmKlD 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qrAUDQoUBUKFCiioUKFRJCiNChRSDRmhQqivu/35f0f6RqetChQkxd+FRqFCsgqFChRkVDNChRom64lLrX62TeKN j323Oldzv19tRV4lLv9bJsdu+23Xpv7B9lChVJE3FJv9bJ4fjt 45z4+OKUeIy5xzJMEkY1tjAAIGM9Nz9po6FRIMmUscsSx8ySTt sNz7AKFChRX/9k=
02-01-2014, 12:02 PM
Unboxing is out!
Art/Lore book is the shit. Statue looks cool too
02-01-2014, 12:11 PM
Art/Lore book is the shit. Statue looks cool too
artbook is brilliant
02-01-2014, 12:15 PM
That guy was holding the steelbook and saying digital content. He did it twice what an idiot :poke:
02-01-2014, 12:18 PM
wish it was a metalpack
02-01-2014, 12:25 PM
wish it was a metalpack
Yeah we all know you love those :1:
02-01-2014, 12:31 PM
Unboxing is out!
:swoon: :drool:
I want it now! >.< Why did he not show more of the steelbook though? :( Is that not part of the CE? :( I want his magnifying glass too. :D
02-01-2014, 12:55 PM
:swoon: :drool:
I want it now! >.< Why did he not show more of the steelbook though? :( Is that not part of the CE? :( I want his magnifying glass too. :D
Cos the steelbook is "digital content" :lmao:
02-01-2014, 12:58 PM
Cos the steelbook is "digital content" :lmao:
Oh, so you only get a digital steelbook? My bad! :P
Wonder if console CEs get a G2 steelie? 0.o
02-07-2014, 02:08 PM
Sold out everywhere in EU.... was havimg just the Xbox One CE, but not sure at this moment...and they only shipped to US...
Hope more shops opening orders here in EU....
My mistake for not having it prereserved at when I could... :banghead:
Sold out everywhere in EU.... was havimg just the Xbox One CE, but not sure at this moment...and they only shipped to US...
Hope more shops opening orders here in EU....
My mistake for not having it prereserved at when I could... :banghead:
wow it sold out fast.
wow it sold out fast.
tbh, I didn't expect that. Glad I secured my copy.
tbh, I didn't expect that. Glad I secured my copy.
same here i was going to pre-order a second copy when i saw it's pretty much sold out everywhere.. crazy crazy stuff.
** The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition (PS4) [Americas] added to database **
** The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition (PS4) [Europe] added to database **
** The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition (XB1) [Americas] added to database **
** The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition (XB1) [Europe] added to database **
** The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition (PC) [DVD-ROM] added to database **
05-02-2014, 11:58 PM
I wonder if the console versions will have the latest 1.1 patch automatically included on the disc? Sure hope it doesn't start taking gigs upon gigs of updates like BF3 did. That hdd fills up WAY too fast :(
05-08-2014, 04:49 PM
Well darn, that stinks. :( At least the CE guide may be cheaper waiting to purchase it that long...
ESO Console Release Delayed 6 Months -->
Well darn, that stinks. :( At least the CE guide may be cheaper waiting to purchase it that long...
ESO Console Release Delayed 6 Months -->
yea, that sucks :( was really looking forward to playing the game :hammer:
05-08-2014, 07:25 PM
yea, that sucks :( was really looking forward to playing the game :hammer:
Yeah, me too. I had finally psyched myself about it and the merchandise and all that -- now its going to be coming out later in the year, probably around the time that other big releases will be out (AC? Halo? Nintendo something or other?) :(
05-08-2014, 08:39 PM
Wow this sucks.. Didn't see this coming at all. I wonder what issues they might be facing.
So far the game for PC version is working quite well. Why not you guys join me in PC platform instead of waiting 6 more months :p
05-08-2014, 09:05 PM
Wow this sucks.. Didn't see this coming at all. I wonder what issues they might be facing.
So far the game for PC version is working quite well. Why not you guys join me in PC platform instead of waiting 6 more months :p
They do make it a pretty nice transition as they said you can download the PS4/XB1 version for only $20 AND they'll make it possible to transfer your character over to the respective console (so you don't have to restart). But it kinda stinks for those of us who were planning on getting the CE from the console because then we'd essentially be buying the game 3x (Once for $40 or so for the PC now, another for $20 for the transfer thing, and $100 or whatever for the CE). Even if we only bought it twice, we end up being the "fans" who do not get rewarded for our "patience"...
They do make it a pretty nice transition as they said you can download the PS4/XB1 version for only $20 AND they'll make it possible to transfer your character over to the respective console (so you don't have to restart). But it kinda stinks for those of us who were planning on getting the CE from the console because then we'd essentially be buying the game 3x (Once for $40 or so for the PC now, another for $20 for the transfer thing, and $100 or whatever for the CE). Even if we only bought it twice, we end up being the "fans" who do not get rewarded for our "patience"...
I wonder if achievements will pop for stuff you've done on pc :think:
Texas Fire
05-14-2014, 03:25 PM
Well darn, that stinks. :( At least the CE guide may be cheaper waiting to purchase it that long...
ESO Console Release Delayed 6 Months -->
Any word if they'll reopen the preorders for the CEs again, or their numbers are sold out regardless?
05-15-2014, 01:07 PM
Not sure if anyone knows, but Game in the UK have some of the PC CE's available for just £49.99. Bought 2 myself for the missus and I. Here's the link:
** The Elder Scrolls Online (Aldmeri Dominion Edition) (PS4) [Oceania] added to database **
** The Elder Scrolls Online (Aldmeri Dominion Edition) (XB1) [Oceania] added to database **
** The Elder Scrolls Online (Daggerfall Covenant Edition) (PS4) [Oceania] added to database **
** The Elder Scrolls Online (Daggerfall Covenant Edition) (XB1) [Oceania] added to database **
** The Elder Scrolls Online (Ebonheart Pact Edition) (PS4) [Oceania] added to database **
** The Elder Scrolls Online (Ebonheart Pact Edition) (XB1) [Oceania] added to database **
05-29-2014, 10:34 AM this gorgeous book full of concept and environment art, character portraits, and more now.
Decorate your favorite space with images of stunning art of The Elder Scrolls Online and transport yourself to Tamriel no matter where you are.
This collection features 40 removable 12x16” posters featuring beautiful environments, iconic imagery, characters, battles, and more.
Hang up your favorites or keep them all in their binding as a beautiful art book.
You can get yours right now from Insight Editions or Amazon for $24.99!
05-29-2014, 03:02 PM
Hmmm... that's interesting. Any idea on how it comes packaged? Are the posters folded up in the book and you have to fold/tear them out to see them? For under $20 I might consider that, but would want to see the quality first.
05-29-2014, 04:06 PM
According to a review on amazon the posters are double-sided and you have to tear them out of the book.
08-20-2014, 10:37 PM
Not sure if anyone knows, but Game in the UK have some of the PC CE's available for just £49.99. Bought 2 myself for the missus and I. Here's the link:
29.99 at Game though think I might have got the last copy (at that price anyway) as it's now out of stock.
I'd already cancelled my console pre-order as the whole idea of paying ex amount a month kind of irked me but I still wanted the collectibles so 29.99 was a no brainer.
Only thing the discs come in the steelbook as you know so my idea of selling the game on has hit a bit of a brick wall.
08-21-2014, 02:16 AM
Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. Was finally excited about this and they pushed off release date - now the PC CE is dirt cheap but it's doubtful they'll lower the price of the console editions or offer any other bonuses! (If they even still proceed with it?) here's to Hoping I'm wrong though!
08-25-2014, 12:50 PM
Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. Was finally excited about this and they pushed off release date - now the PC CE is dirt cheap but it's doubtful they'll lower the price of the console editions or offer any other bonuses! (If they even still proceed with it?) here's to Hoping I'm wrong though!
Yeah, I've lost all interest for this game and CE now. >.< It's been too long and seeing how cheap the PC CE went for, I don't know if I even want to bother now. Bethesda need to change the CE, the price tag and give us console gamers a bit more of an incentive if they want my monies now... >.<
08-25-2014, 02:35 PM
Yeah, I've lost all interest for this game and CE now. >.< It's been too long and seeing how cheap the PC CE went for, I don't know if I even want to bother now. Bethesda need to change the CE, the price tag and give us console gamers a bit more of an incentive if they want my monies now... >.<
THIS x 1,000,000.
08-29-2014, 03:42 PM
Same here. Was just getting the CE for the content, and I'll cancel the pre order for xbox one if the content doesn't get any upgrade.
09-20-2014, 08:22 PM
Is the imperial edition have a steel book? Because if it doesn't it would be a shame.:bar song:
Is the imperial edition have a steel book? Because if it doesn't it would be a shame.:bar song:
yes, the Imperial Edition comes with a Steelbook
Looks like the game is still coming to consoles :whew:
12-06-2014, 04:58 PM
I just caught the ESO Live Twitch Stream yesterday - didn't realize that they were giving away things. Gave away one of the sold out Lithos I missed and even said they'd have someone there sign it (which it wasn't signed ever). Just thought I'd mention it in case any of you can catch future streams, they might have some more give-a-ways.
01-21-2015, 06:11 PM
Cool! They just announced there won't be any subscription costs for console users for ESO! :woohoo: (Also, they just announced no fee for PC either) (it's not F2P, its "Buy-To-Play")
New launch date is 6/9/15 for consoles.
Well, now they will still have a "premium" content subscription... Hope it doesn't become pay-to-win though!
Edit: Also console Betas will be available sometime in the "April timeframe"
01-22-2015, 12:45 AM
It'd be cool if they made a different special edition for consoles instead of the same one released for PC/Mac. has a TES Steelbook up for pre-order for PS4 and Xbox One.
No picture yet.
01-22-2015, 01:30 PM has a TES Steelbook up for pre-order for PS4 and Xbox One.
No picture yet.
That'd be cool if they do the 3 Steelbooks like they did for ESO (PC) in Australia(?). I REALLY want to get the Breton steel! :beg:
That'd be cool if they do the 3 Steelbooks like they did for ESO (PC) in Australia(?). I REALLY want to get the Breton steel! :beg:
I think those were metalpaks but I wouldn't mind a proper Breton steel :P
02-19-2015, 01:02 AM has a TES Steelbook up for pre-order for PS4 and Xbox One.
No picture yet.
Picture is up now and the steelbook looks amazing! I really want it but I'm not willing to spend 70 euro on it.
02-19-2015, 03:01 PM
:drool: :drool: :drool: :swoon: :swoon:
03-19-2015, 12:35 PM
looks like its back in stock on
for 100 USD
<<Unlimited Adventures, No Subscription Required>>
The Fight for Tamriel Begins: Three alliances vie for control of the Empire. As these powers battle for supremacy, darker forces move to destroy the world.
Play the Way You Like: Battle, craft, fish, steal, siege, or explore. The choice is yours to make in a persistent Elder Scrolls world.
A Multiplayer RPG: Adventure alone, quest with friends, or join an army of hundreds in epic PVP battles.
Tell Your Own Story: Discover the secrets of Tamriel as you quest to regain your lost soul and save the world from Oblivion.
06-04-2015, 09:25 PM
I haven't been following this game at all after the let down last year, but it looks like the imperial edition for consoles is OoS in the UK? I thought I cancelled my order, but it looks like it slipped through and has been shipped to me. Anyway, am I right in what I'm reading that there is no additional sub fee for consoles? 0.o I must've missed that being announced. Still not sure what I want to do with the CE... Am I likely to be seeing this cropping up for a fraction of the price a couple of months down the line? I so confused! >.<
06-04-2015, 11:11 PM
I haven't been following this game at all after the let down last year, but it looks like the imperial edition for consoles is OoS in the UK? I thought I cancelled my order, but it looks like it slipped through and has been shipped to me. Anyway, am I right in what I'm reading that there is no additional sub fee for consoles? 0.o I must've missed that being announced. Still not sure what I want to do with the CE... Am I likely to be seeing this cropping up for a fraction of the price a couple of months down the line? I so confused! >.<
The PC one nosedived and I'd be amazed if the console ones don't go the same way....
I really thought they would do a rethink and make a differential between the original PC release and the console variants to avoid it failing but no changes were made :(
The Molag Bal figure is good but poor quality and a weak design as one arm snaps off really easily and the quality of the CE boxing is poor...
Didn't know it was sold out though...
06-04-2015, 11:14 PM
I tried to like it... but I felt burnt out after 6 months playing it on PC. I paid about 6 months of subscription fees.. and left right after especially the match system to do dungeon was really crappy. Not sure if they have fixed that.
It became Free after a few months I stopped the subscription. They tried to woo me back by offering some new pet for the First Time Subscribers. But I didnt jump on that.. they even offered to transfer your character / progress to console by paying a certain amount of money. Not sure how that will be done tbh...
06-04-2015, 11:17 PM
I tried to like it... but I felt burnt out after 6 months playing it on PC. I paid about 6 months of subscription fees.. and left right after especially the match system to do dungeon was really crappy. Not sure if they have fixed that.
It became Free after a few months I stopped the subscription. They tried to woo me back by offering some new pet for the First Time Subscribers. But I didnt jump on that.. they even offered to transfer your character / progress to console by paying a certain amount of money. Not sure how that will be done tbh...
Was it a mudcrab perchance??
06-04-2015, 11:26 PM
I tried to like it... but I felt burnt out after 6 months playing it on PC. I paid about 6 months of subscription fees.. and left right after especially the match system to do dungeon was really crappy. Not sure if they have fixed that.
It became Free after a few months I stopped the subscription. They tried to woo me back by offering some new pet for the First Time Subscribers. But I didnt jump on that.. they even offered to transfer your character / progress to console by paying a certain amount of money. Not sure how that will be done tbh...
It doesn't cost anything to transfer your characters (it is actually a copy of your characters, not a transfer). For the month of April (I think), they let anyone who bought the PC/Mac version buy the digital console version for $20 and that included a copy of your characters to that platform.
06-04-2015, 11:27 PM
Was it a mudcrab perchance??
No Mag, dont think it is the mudcrab. I got a mudcrab from the Imperial edition code, not sure if it was the same mudcrab we are talking bout..
The one im referring to is this one.. for those loyal customers. I couldn't get it even though I subscribed more than 3 months.. because i stop paying them lol.
And I checked my email again, gonna cost $20 dollars to transfer my account from PC to Console of my choice - limited time offer. O_O
Greetings xxx,
You are eligible for The Elder Scrolls® Online: Tamriel Unlimited™ for Console with account copy. You will find it on sale for pre-purchase for $20.00 at when logged in using your eligible The Elder Scrolls Online account on April 9, 2015.
This special offer to pre-purchase a digital copy of an Xbox One and/or PlayStation 4 version of the game, will only be available on the store for 30 (thirty) days. After the 30-day period, you will no longer be able to purchase this special digital copy of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited for console or copy your PC/Mac account to console in any other way.
Please note that if you take part in this offer, your character and account details will not be copied immediately upon pre-purchasing The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited for Console with account copy. Keep an eye on your email for more information on the account copy process as well as your digital game code. For more information on eligibility requirements, transfer restrictions, and redemption instructions please visit
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will launch worldwide on June 9th, and we can’t wait to see you in Tamriel!
- The Elder Scrolls Online Team
06-04-2015, 11:30 PM
No Mag, dont think it is the mudcrab. I got a mudcrab from the Imperial edition code, not sure if it was the same mudcrab we are talking bout..
The one im referring to is this one.. for those loyal customers. I couldn't get it even though I subscribed more than 3 months.. because i stop paying them lol.
And I checked my email again, gonna cost $20 dollars to transfer my account from PC to Console of my choice - limited time offer. O_O
Not sure whether to give this a go or not... Worried it will be a disappointment after Skyrim...
06-04-2015, 11:31 PM
Not sure whether to give this a go or not... Worried it will be a disappointment after Skyrim...
Well, the offer expired about a month ago, so you can't take advantage of it. :shrug:
06-04-2015, 11:31 PM
It doesn't cost anything to transfer your characters (it is actually a copy of your characters, not a transfer). For the month of April (I think), they let anyone who bought the PC/Mac version buy the digital console version for $20.
My bad.. not transfer.. but buying the game for another platform for $20.. To me.. it feels like a transfer.
06-04-2015, 11:33 PM
My bad.. not transfer.. but buying the game for another platform for $20.. To me.. it feels like a transfer.
It isn't a transfer because you still retain all your characters and information on the PC/Mac version, too. Your account is basically copied and imported to the console version of your choice. After the copy, they are no longer tied together and this can't be done again.
06-04-2015, 11:35 PM
It isn't a transfer because you still retain all your characters and information on the PC/Mac version, too. Your account is basically copied and imported to the console version of your choice. After the copy, they are no longer tied together and this can't be done again.
I get what you're saying, but again why would I want to have a copy of the game on PC and on Console? Unless I plan to continue on the game with my console, only I would get the game again for console. There are others who might want to play on PC and Console and progress separately, but its just down to personal preferences.
06-04-2015, 11:36 PM
Yeah I know it took a nosedive in PC and inevitably became F2P like most expected. I had lost interest last year and cancelled my instore pre-order, but forgot I made an online one and have now been charged for it. I'm still in the fence about it. Not sure whether to return the CE or not. I heard there were issues with the statues due to the shoddy packaging design which is worrying! >.< Also, I don't have enough friends that I play online with or that are interested in the game to play with, so I can imagine the experience to be a little lacking for me. I enjoyed Skyrim, but am prepared for a let down with this... :S
06-04-2015, 11:42 PM
Well, the offer expired about a month ago, so you can't take advantage of it. :shrug:
No no I mean give TESO a go....
06-04-2015, 11:49 PM
There was a really good and in-depth review of this on IGN (I think) yesterday or the day before. It really addressed a lot of the issues people had and if you've followed any of the ESO streams they are ALWAYS open to criticism from the community and work to make it better. I don't own the PC version, but have enjoyed following along with their twitch episodes and communique' via social media, hoping it does well on consoles, but with no monthly fee I've got nothing to lose really!
Also, if anyone has an x1 and wants to play, let me know! I'm gonna push my backlog further back and give this a whirl next week! :thumb:
06-04-2015, 11:57 PM
There was a really good and in-depth review of this on IGN (I think) yesterday or the day before. It really addressed a lot of the issues people had and if you've followed any of the ESO streams they are ALWAYS open to criticism from the community and work to make it better. I don't own the PC version, but have enjoyed following along with their twitch episodes and communique' via social media, hoping it does well on consoles, but with no monthly fee I've got nothing to lose really!
Also, if anyone has an x1 and wants to play, let me know! I'm gonna push my backlog further back and give this a whirl next week! :thumb:
I may or may not play it. Haven't decided yet.
06-07-2015, 12:20 PM
Been waiting what feels like a lifetime for ESO. Preordered the imperial edition on XboxOne when it was announced, and what's it been...a year and a half, now I finally get to play it!
Should be here tomorrow, can't wait.
First post here so go easy!
I played eso from day 1 release on PC having run countless mmo's into the ground. A group of us joined up, the mega server appeared to get going after a dodgy start, but the gameplay was good, crafting was deep and meaningful, quests were well thought out, our first dungeon was a great laugh.....
By the third/fourth night we began to have problems. The game design of instances across the world (not only dungeons) meant as we sometimes levelled separately, as some had more time than others.....Or at least no kids!!????
We began not to be able to play at all together, in fact you couldn't even see them!
"I'm standing outside the burned out church"
"What burned out church?? I'm stood outside a perfectly normal church? Wtf?"
And so went the world if instances....
An MMO where, yes you can play with others, but not your mates, well least not till your capped!
But, yup, I still transferred to ps4 (my mainstay gaming machine) because it was a bargain, and fun to play and I want to see how this will work on the ps4...maybe if supported allow developers to push the mmo concept into consoles to a greater degree. so what the hell :D
I'll pick up the statue or that nice steelbook in the future (having burned my cash on the Witcher 3 and upcoming batman CE this month) but I must say if the statue quality is nice may wish I'd just gone for the whole CE.
Time will tell! And for those who bought it, See you server side....or maybe not :nea:
06-09-2015, 02:26 PM
First post here so go easy!
I played eso from day 1 release on PC having run countless mmo's into the ground. A group of us joined up, the mega server appeared to get going after a dodgy start, but the gameplay was good, crafting was deep and meaningful, quests were well thought out, our first dungeon was a great laugh.....
By the third/fourth night we began to have problems. The game design of instances across the world (not only dungeons) meant as we sometimes levelled separately, as some had more time than others.....Or at least no kids!!????
We began not to be able to play at all together, in fact you couldn't even see them!
"I'm standing outside the burned out church"
"What burned out church?? I'm stood outside a perfectly normal church? Wtf?"
And so went the world if instances....
An MMO where, yes you can play with others, but not your mates, well least not till your capped!
But, yup, I still transferred to ps4 (my mainstay gaming machine) because it was a bargain, and fun to play and I want to see how this will work on the ps4...maybe if supported allow developers to push the mmo concept into consoles to a greater degree. so what the hell :D
I'll pick up the statue or that nice steelbook in the future (having burned my cash on the Witcher 3 and upcoming batman CE this month) but I must say if the statue quality is nice may wish I'd just gone for the whole CE.
Time will tell! And for those who bought it, See you server side....or maybe not :nea:
Welcome officially to the forum Edge! (As an aside that's one of my all-time favorite names for ninja-like characters in RPGs) I heard similar woes about situations with the PC version but it sounds like Zenimax and the ESO team have really been trying to respond at a fairly fast pace to its community complaints, so hopefully we'll see the same care (if not better) with ESO:TU. Sadly I'm on X1 so won't be able to join up with ya, but I look forward to seeing/hearing from you around the forums for sure! :thumb:
06-09-2015, 04:06 PM
Right, I got my Imperial Edition today. Thankfully the statue isn't broken, but the plastic insert which holds it has split from the corner above the statue and into the mould. No damage to the box though. The holder for the Artbook has torn. I assume it's been moving around in transit and smashed it up. I'm not sure what to make of this CE. After getting The Witcher CE just the other week, this one feels really underwhelming! :( Trying to find a good reason to keep it... :S Convince me?
06-09-2015, 04:16 PM
Right, I got my Imperial Edition today. Thankfully the statue isn't broken, but the plastic insert which holds it has split from the corner above the statue and into the mould. No damage to the box though. The holder for the Artbook has torn. I assume it's been moving around in transit and smashed it up. I'm not sure what to make of this CE. After getting The Witcher CE just the other week, this one feels really underwhelming! :( Trying to find a good reason to keep it... :S Convince me?
Sounds like they def haven't solved the problems with the PC release... :suicide:
The box insert quality is as poor as the Dragon Age Inquisiton and about as much use as a chocolate teapot in terms of holding things in place....
The artbook is with it in its own right - beautiful!! And Molag Bal is pretty neat as long a s he has both hands...
What colour is the steelbook Cosmic and is it sealed?? And what colour is the outer box of the CE??
06-09-2015, 04:28 PM
It's the same Steelbook as the PC by the looks of it. Sealed and G1. >.<
Outer box of the CE is white with a clear plastics slip sleeve. The CE isn't sealed.
I have XB1 copy. I'll upload some pics. Give me 5. ( ( ( (
06-09-2015, 04:40 PM
It's the same Steelbook as the PC by the looks of it. Sealed and G1. >.<
Outer box of the CE is white with a clear plastics slip sleeve. The CE isn't sealed.
I have XB1 copy. I'll upload some pics. Give me 5. ( ( ( (
Damn... G1... They just swapped the disc withX1/PS4 version and put them in a different box... Guess I'll return mine.
06-09-2015, 04:40 PM
Damn... G1... They just swapped the disc withX1/PS4 version and put them in a different box... Guess I'll return mine.
Yup, pretty much. There's some guy sat in a warehouse reboxing the unsold PC copies! XD
06-09-2015, 04:58 PM
Wise man speaks truth.... I think you may be onto something Cosmic! Thanks for the pics....
Trying to find a good reason to keep it... :S Convince me?
Best first, I got the PC one way back and if it's the same then I absolutely love the artbook, it's beautiful imo, love the way they made it, it's a bit different to others in the way it's bound which is lovely.
I really like the statue too, not the best quality-wise but the bronzed paint job is nice, makes it stand out from a lot of others, decent size and the posing is nice.
I really liked the steelbook too, although it's more personal taste, nice understated ones like it are the ones I like best, so it was right up my alley.
I quite liked the big outer box too, since cutting back my outer boxes as I was literally running out of space for them, it's one of the ones that made the cut and stuck around.
You don't get much in it, but I did think it was well composed, but then again, I got it on sale, so that that may be a factor for me.
As for the actual game, I've got it downloaded just now on my PS4, got the account transfer because I'd registered my PC copy, so it was too good a bargain at £12 (IIRC) to turn down.
The only thing I'm iffy about is the "Emperor!" trophy. I don't have anything against difficult achievements/trophies or ones that take a lot of grinding, I suppose the collecting bug spread to achievements/trophies and so I've done a fair amount in my time before, I suppose you could call it 'semi-retiring' from them after getting to 200000 on Xbox and switching my main console to PS4 where unfortunately platinums are a nice feature that might have me a little (heh, only have 23 so far and am in the mid-teens level wise, but I foresee chasing more :P), but this one is taking the piss.
I'm never even gonna attempt it, it's that ridiculous, leaderboard achievements should've buggered off after 2007/08 when people got the hang of achievements in games.
And I strongly disagree with the people that automatically retort that, "Oh, but they're called achievements, you're supposed to achieve things, entitled gamers want everything handed to them!" That's true to an extent, Mile High Club was an achievement, finishing WaW on veteran through the infinite enemies and unbearable grenade-spam was an achievement, grinding to level 100 in Gears 2 was an achievement (or level 188 after my game glitched and reset me to 0, heh, cheers for that Epic), but having to put in enough work equivalent to having a full-time job and no life outside of that, with no realistic way to grind to the "achievement" or to even boost it is addiction-level stuff, not an achievement.
06-09-2015, 06:40 PM
Whaaaa!?!?!??!?! G1??!?!?!?! :banghead: :suicide: :( :otheremotesthatmeanbadthings:
06-09-2015, 06:47 PM
Just realized although it's still G1, it holds only one disc. The PC version of the steelbook holds 4 discs.
06-09-2015, 07:06 PM
I had the same problem with the XB1 box. Plastic mould is split on the back, but the statue itself is fine. Only issue is the soldier (In Molag Bal's hand) has a really bent sword! Nothing a bit of heat and remoulding cant fix though.
Currently waiting a lifetime for the game to install
06-09-2015, 11:29 PM
Looks like the Imperial Edition is back in stock at GAME UK for XB1 and PS4...
06-10-2015, 01:31 AM
Looks like absolutely NOTHING has changed with this edition since its release for PC/Mac. Shoddy as hell.
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