View Full Version : Smash Bros Wii-U Collector's Coin - Best Buy Select Stores (US)
05-27-2014, 09:36 PM
Well darn, looks like none of the Best Buys near me are "host stores" - at least an hour+ drive anywhere I go. But for those of you in the US who like to collect these gold coins from Nintendo releases, Best Buy will be giving them away to the first 70 people who attend their In-Store Demos (again, only at Select Stores)
To pre-order/demo, visit a participating store:
• Wednesday, June 11 from 4 p.m.–9 p.m.
• Saturday, June 14 from Noon–5 p.m.
Be one of the first 70 attendees at each event to pre-order Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS or Wii U and receive a rare collectible Super Smash Bros. gold coin (one per customer, while supplies last).
Choose your state and see the "host stores" near you:
Best Buy - Smash Bros. Wii-U Give-a-Way (
05-27-2014, 09:38 PM
Bloody hell :rant:
I want one :(
05-27-2014, 09:43 PM
Bloody hell :rant:
I want one :(
You and me both - but there's absolutely NO way I could get there for a Wednesday...though it does say "at each event", so maybe there's hope for the Saturday? ...there's always ridiculous eBay prices, right? :(
05-27-2014, 10:08 PM
Wow thanks for the heads up!
I'm going to sign up for the Gamers Club unlocked today for $60 since it's half I will definitely be pre-ordering my copy there since I get 20% off lol.
I'm going to try and make it on wednesday! Fingers crossed
05-27-2014, 10:35 PM
Yeah, GCU works on CEs too, so if you got Titanfall for instance you saved $50 right there! If you somehow can get to one on Saturday too (for the coin) please keep me in mind ;)
05-27-2014, 10:48 PM
Yeah, GCU works on CEs too, so if you got Titanfall for instance you saved $50 right there! If you somehow can get to one on Saturday too (for the coin) please keep me in mind ;)
I'll try bud, although I highly doubt it.
I'm sneaking out of work for hopefully no more than an hour on wednesday. I know Saturday I won't be able to :(
05-27-2014, 11:43 PM
Nearest store is over an hour away and $30 in gas/tolls.
05-28-2014, 12:46 AM
Nearest store is over an hour away and $30 in gas/tolls.
Ouch! That's worse than mine. I imagine eBay will be cheaper than that! Especially if each host store is getting 140 coins, they're bound to flood the bay.
05-28-2014, 03:48 AM
Looks like mine's about 30 minutes away, no tolls or anything but it'll cost me about 8 bucks in gas round trip. ;)
Might try for both days, but you have to pre-order to get a coin right? So pre-order the Wii U version on Wednesday and the 3DS version on Saturday, I guess?
For those that plan to go specifically to get one of these coins, how early do you plan on getting there prior to the start of the event?
05-28-2014, 04:10 AM
If I can get over there, I'll probably only try to get there about 15 minutes before the start of the event - I don't think these typically have 100 people that would show up hours early - but I could be wrong. I suppose it also matters on your location and the volume that store typically sees though. I do best that most BBs would be willing to give you a coin if you showed up early anyway as I've seen them do it for things like Steelbooks and such before, but obviously YMMV.
05-28-2014, 04:51 AM
i wonder what these coins look like..i have 7 best buy stores within 25 miles of where i live but ZERO are having the event :(
05-28-2014, 04:59 AM
Best Buy hq is a mile away from my house...and theres only 2 stores hosting this in the state....wat.
05-28-2014, 05:54 AM
i wonder what these coins look like..i have 7 best buy stores within 25 miles of where i live but ZERO are having the event :(
Haven't seen one yet but when I read about them this came to mind:
05-28-2014, 12:57 PM
I'm sure it'll be like the other gold coins that have been released - like the Year of Luigi coin or the commemorative Mario Galaxy coin.
05-29-2014, 10:53 PM
I'm gonna try to snag a coin, assuming I don't forget all about this event,lol.
05-29-2014, 11:00 PM
I was wondering where the image of the coin was as I couldn't see it on the website lol.
Looks like it hasn't been confirmed yet. :/
No chance of me trying to get this or collect any of the other Nintendo coins out there, doubt I should start as I'll go poor easily trying.
05-30-2014, 04:51 AM
I'm gonna try to snag a coin, assuming I don't forget all about this event,lol.
That's what I'm afraid lol
06-11-2014, 09:58 PM
Decided to get there right after work about 2 hours before the event and already a line circling the building. Never thought it would be that big of a deal. Decided it's not worth sitting in the heat if I'm likely not going to get one anyways. :(
06-11-2014, 10:03 PM
Damn, I haven't even headed out yet. I was gonna go over there in an hour, which is an hour after the event starts. Probably not worth it at this point though.
06-11-2014, 10:06 PM
Damn, I haven't even headed out yet. I was gonna go over there in an hour, which is an hour after the event starts. Probably not worth it at this point though.
You never know... Yours could be empty? lol
06-11-2014, 10:18 PM
Well I actually got there 15 mins before 4PM EST.
There was a huge line. BB worker told me it was about a 3 hour wait from my point.
Since I was during lunch break, I was going to leave but asked what if I just want to pre-order & what about the coin.
He mentioned the line was there to actually play the game.
The coin was actually going to be given out during product pick-up instead of pre-order. There was going to be more than 70. He said the memo was sent out earlier in the morning.
Not sure if that was 100% true but I decided to pre-order anyway. I couldn't wait 3 hours. I did ask if there was any Swag like posters, he only mentioned they had pins (which he was wearing) that had the SMB logo and said WiiU/3DS on it.
Oh well, will try to find out if the coin thing is true, otherwise I'll probably try to go on Saturday.
06-12-2014, 12:40 AM
Damn so you can't just preorder 70 copies and cancel them later? There goes my plan.
06-12-2014, 12:44 AM
I just got back. There were hundreds of people in line, literally; and this was 2 hours after the event started. Needless to say, I did not get a coin. Supposedly, they did hand out 70 coins today; but then some Nintendo rep told me that if I preordered the game anyway, I would still get a coin later when the game comes out. I preordered the 3ds version, so we'll see what happens. No one could tell me if they'll have more coins on Saturday.
StayFree( ' 3')
06-12-2014, 05:48 AM
Haven't seen one yet but when I read about them this came to mind:
This is the same design as the medals they're giving out at the LA smash tournaments. I wonder if the Best Buy medals are the same.
06-12-2014, 06:24 AM
Found some pics on Twitter of two styles of pins being given out and a preorder card. No coin though. Rumor is Nintendo had the coins minted, didn't like how they turned out, and is having them redone, hence now they have to be given out at preorder pickup. Not sure I quite believe that, but whatever. A lot of people saying too that there is no 70 coin limit per store per day anymore (maybe because of the whole re-minting thing; my guess is they didn't want people beating each other up over these things), so everyone who preordered today will get one (or two if you preordered both Wii U and 3DS versions). ( ( (
06-12-2014, 06:45 AM
Thanks for the pics Iwata!
I might try to go Saturday and see if I can get the pins and pre order a second copy for my friend. I know the line today was stupid long but only to play the demo.
And yeah I was told that everyone who pre-ordered one today would get a coin as well during pick up. Who knows what really happened.
StayFree( ' 3')
06-12-2014, 07:32 AM
Found the medal I was talking about.
Would love to win this...but I suck at smash. :(
06-12-2014, 01:13 PM
Found the medal I was talking about.
Would love to win this...but I suck at smash. :(
Wow, that's pretty sweet!
I'm pretty awesome at it but had no way to get in the door... maybe next time we can combine our powers? ;)
06-14-2014, 05:19 AM
Okay - so planning on heading out tomorrow to try for one though its a bit out of the way - has anyone heard anything CONFIRMED regarding these before I trek out tomorrow? Sounds like there's 15 different stories? I'm assuming no one got one yet though as I haven't seen any for sale on eBay yet.
06-14-2014, 05:48 AM
The other day when I went, one of the Nintendo reps told me that the coins will only be handed out when the game is reserved and paid for in full. But then again, one of the Best Buy managers told me that they had already handed out 70 coins on that day; and that h wasn't sure if they would get more for tomorrow's event.
So basically, there are questions still remaining regarding if they'll have coins for Saturday's event.
Buddy, I'm telling you, there were literally hundreds of people waiting in line to play the game when I arrived; and I arrived hours after the event had already started. Supposedly, there were people waiting in line on that day, as early as 8 AM.
If I were you, I'd plan on arriving waaaay early. Unfortunately, I'm not gonna make it tomorrow. I'm helping a friend move into a new place.
06-14-2014, 07:56 AM
FWIW my plan is to get there maybe 15 minutes early. I'm going to head in there and preorder both versions/reserve some coins, demo the 3DS version which you don't have to wait in line for apparently if you bring your own 3DS, pick up some streetpasses, and see what the line looks like for the Wii U demo. It will probably be hours long. To me it won't be worth the wait; I already saw a lot gameplay from the Smash Bros. Invitational. On the off-chance the line is short because everybody already demo'd it on Wednesday I could be bothered to wait maybe 20 minutes or so.
06-14-2014, 08:01 PM
Walked in 15 minutes before the event, despite the huge line for the Wii U demo. My gf and I got 4 preorders between the two of us. We were instructed to purchase each preorder SEPARATELY in order to get 2 coins each, which we get on release date. I asked about the 70 coin limit, the guy said he wasn't totally sure but he didn't think there was a limit at least for this store. I got pics of the swag table and the coin. I'll post em when I get back home to my laptop.
06-14-2014, 08:47 PM
So they did have the coins there then? Did they hand them out?
06-14-2014, 08:57 PM
No, like I said the coins are being handed out upon release. And since they didn't give me a XX/70 receipt or anything I'm convinced the 70 limit is out. They're still limited to these particular Smashfest stores though AFAIK.
The only coin they had there was one to show customers what they would eventually be getting. I asked if I could take a pic and he had to clear it with the Nintendo rep first! Hahaha
06-14-2014, 10:09 PM ( ( ( ( (
06-15-2014, 12:07 AM
is the coin promo just for DAY ONE only..meaning day of this smash brothers event?..or can anyone pre order at any given day and get these coins?
06-15-2014, 12:12 AM
Hey Twisted :wave:
Supposedly yes the coin is only for those who reserve on the day of the event. Day One as you put it is confusing because there were 2 days of this event, today and last Wednesday, making today actually day 2. :P
My thought is this, when we go to pick up our pre-orders, how are they going to know who ordered during smashfest and who didn't? Are they going to check the time and date on everyone's receipt and only give it out to people based on that? I have a hunch that will be too much work and they'll just give them out to whoever show up on release day with a pre-order receipt.
But I don't think every Best Buy store will get these as bonuses. Just the ones that hosted Smashfests.
This is all pretty much speculation by the way.
06-15-2014, 05:35 AM
Yeah, I ended up pre-ordering mine as well from one of the target stores. Got the same spiel, that everyone who pre-ordered it from one of those stores on one of these days will get one. I had them confirm it with their manager(s) who said, "yes". Also, I didn't see any of those cool swag items (pins etc.), but I was in a rush to get elsewhere and didn't look TOO much.
06-15-2014, 06:06 AM
Target was part of this event as well?
06-15-2014, 06:07 AM
I am also wondering if it matters which version of the game we preordered. I preordered the 3DS version.
06-15-2014, 06:58 AM
Target was part of this event as well?
No, "target" was not capitalized. It was simply one of "THE target" stores with which they focused on doing this promotion - most likely due to sales volume/population density/size or some such metric.
I am also wondering if it matters which version of the game we preordered. I preordered the 3DS version.
No, I was told either one would net you a coin (or 2 if you ordered both separately).
10-02-2014, 05:54 PM
So called to confirm, sounds like the coins are still on. My particular Best Buy said that they will be keeping the coins with the pre-orders and if you didn't pre-order there's no chance of getting one. They also said that I could come in any time within the next week, so its not like they're going to give them out if you don't pick it up right away (at least that's what he said).
Also, no midnight launch at all -- that's kinda sad as I was hoping to pick up some of the swag that I completely neglected during the big pre-order event.
10-02-2014, 11:28 PM
They also said that I could come in any time within the next week, so its not like they're going to give them out if you don't pick it up right away (at least that's what he said).
That seems to confirm that they did away with the 70 coin per store per day limit.
Also this. (
Too bad Best Buy isn't doing a midnight launch. Looks like GameStop is, but they have no Smash Fest coin...
Man, I can't believe the first release date is tomorrow already! :yahoo:
10-03-2014, 04:52 AM
Crap, forgot about this coin. Wanted to go to my local best buy today and didn't have a chance to. I'll stop by tomorrow to check it out.
10-03-2014, 07:09 PM
So, anybody get a coin? I got a couple but they have foam inside the plastic case and I can't get the case open. Anybody else have this problem or is it just me? lol
I'll post pics when I get home.
10-03-2014, 08:16 PM
So, anybody get a coin? I got a couple but they have foam inside the plastic case and I can't get the case open. Anybody else have this problem or is it just me? lol
I'll post pics when I get home.
Didn't go to my local BB yet. Will soon.
10-03-2014, 09:32 PM
OK I was wrong, you can definitely open these. Just use your fingernail on the side of the case. lol :D
10-03-2014, 10:15 PM
I wish I could've gotten ahold of one of those coins. They look awesome.
I asked my local Best Buy if they had the promo gold coin for the Super Smash Bros game. The reply given was "is that a game?" Anyways, they didnt have them.
10-03-2014, 11:55 PM
My two closest stores didn't get the coins. I believe at this point that only the stores who did the special early preview promo back in June are getting the coins.
10-04-2014, 12:14 AM
I believe at this point that only the stores who did the special early preview promo back in June are getting the coins.
Bingo. And I'm still not sure if there was a limit to the number of coins issued per store, but somehow they did at least keep track of who preordered at the Smash-Fest event, or at least on the day of the event. I got there 15 minutes before store opening today and there were about 10 people in front of me in line for Smash. Someone asked an employee walking in about the coin, and they said only people who preordered at Smash-Fest would be getting coins. Inside, we had to show them our preorder receipt and photo ID. They had a shelf full of copies of Smash behind the pick up counter, each one with a sticker on it with the name of each person who would be receiving a coin. So if your name didn't match the name on one of those sticker-ed copies of Smash they had, you weren't on their list and you didn't get a coin. They were also definitely enforcing the one coin per customer rule.
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