View Full Version : The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Collector's Edition
06-07-2013, 04:44 PM
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** The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition (PS4) [Americas] added to database **
** The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition (XB1) [Americas] added to database **
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** The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition (PS4) [Europe] added to database **
** The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition (XB1) [Europe] added to database **
** The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition (XB1) [Oceania] added to database **
** The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition (PS4) [Oceania] added to database **
09-30-2014, 04:45 PM
Since this is the "discussion" page, should we not move all the discussion from the "news" thread to this one? Just wondering?
And on topic -- I got a chance to see the statue for this thing in person the other day, it is WONDERFUL! It's not cheap like the Batman:AO statue, it looks and feels pretty high-quality. I'm glad to be getting this for sure! :D
10-01-2014, 12:06 AM
Knight of Truth, that is nice nice to know. Now I feel even better about getting it.
StayFree( ' 3')
10-01-2014, 12:39 AM
Since this is the "discussion" page, should we not move all the discussion from the "news" thread to this one? Just wondering?
And on topic -- I got a chance to see the statue for this thing in person the other day, it is WONDERFUL! It's not cheap like the Batman:AO statue, it looks and feels pretty high-quality. I'm glad to be getting this for sure! :D
The AO statue was ass? Looked good in the photos.
10-01-2014, 01:24 AM
Yeah, the AO statue (even though made by triforce) was cheap plastic pretty much. The paint job was bad, there were pieces of stringy plastic all over it (from everyone that I've talked to, so not just mine). The LEDs were a nice effect but were pretty faded and no where as bright as the promos made them out to be. I was disappointed to say the least.
The Witcher Statue looked completely different though - sharp colors, quality painting (from my quick once over) and decent heft to it too.
10-01-2014, 01:52 AM
So it looks like the display pieces for stores are out? I saw one for sale on ebay but didn't pay much attention to it.
Will be getting this one, it's one of the best editions I've purchased so far.
Some people in my town are getting really mad because they didn't arrive in time...and they're offering a lot of money for the reservations. Sadly for them...nothing to do with me ^^
I know this will be considered spam...but I have to share this with you, as it's related to this topic...I'm very very disappointed...
As you may know, Gamestop is closing all their shops here in Spain. They say that it wasn't worthy anymore trying to remain in the spanish market and blah blah blah...
So...this is my HUGE problem. I had(well, I still have) my "The Witcher 3" collector's edition preordered with them. They told me not to worry, because Game would be taking care of all the preorders from Gamestop...the only thing I had to do was keeping my ticket.
Today, a friend phoned me. He said he went to his Gamestop habitual store this morning, and they told him that the preorders weren't assured, so he'd better go to Game, preorder again his games there (if possible), and cancel his preorder in GS.
I've phoned my Game store...and they've told me that they haven't received any order about preorders from Gamestop.
I cannot talk now with my GS store because nobody answers the phone, and the customer service doesn't answer either.
So...what's my situation now? I "have" two important preorders (AC Unity and TW3), that I don't even know if I still have them kept, if I'll ever know what's going case of TW3, if I'll be able to do something with that preorder...I mean, if it's still awaiting for me somewhere.
I'm sorry for the long text guys...but I've got many bad feelings right now.
TW3 collector's was my biggest preorder since I'm playing videogames, it's sold out practically everywhere, and nobody is able to tell me if I will receive it or not when the day comes. What should I do?
10-03-2014, 08:28 PM
Can't advise too much other than call GS Corporate and see if they can advise and then see if any GAME stores are still taking pre-orders, but what platform do you need it and does it have to be PAL?
It's for PS4. If possible...PAL as I think is the only way I can play it in Spain
Well, to tell you the truth I haven't tried to play a game bought in the USA, but I don't think it would work :/
Gamestop Spain I don't think will give me any they're they don't really care about complaints (said by one of the guys at my GS store)
10-03-2014, 08:53 PM
Darn - I may have an extra pre-order for an Xbox 1 version, but sounds like that won't help you at all. Well, Corporate GS might be more willing to help you out than your local store, but then again I'm not familiar with any of their overseas policies. You should at least be able to get your money back right? I mean if you put down some $$ on it, they can't just take it and run, right?
I should be able to take my money back...tomorrow I'll try to talk to them at the shop, but I don't know if their answer will be definitive
In any case...if I finally don't get my CE edition, maybe I talk to you for that extra pre-order...
10-06-2014, 01:50 PM
Wait wtf? Why is the xbox one version getting more items? Additional cloth map and 2 card decks. This is so stupid. :banghead:
10-06-2014, 02:13 PM
Wait wtf? Why is the xbox one version getting more items? Additional cloth map and 2 card decks. This is so stupid. :banghead:
Cuz xbox is better!!11!1!!
:taunt: :ghey:
10-06-2014, 02:56 PM
enjoy your 720p/30fps you console peasants :haha:
10-06-2014, 03:18 PM
enjoy your 720p/30fps you console peasants :haha:
And while I'm waiting for my slower processor to load I'll be playing a game of Gwent or two, shuffling my cards with glee! :taunt:
(by the way, just teasing you - I totally see how it stinks for Playstation collectors, but you can pick up the deck afterwards I'm sure for a price)
10-06-2014, 03:44 PM
Haha no worries it's all good fun.
If I buy this edition in the Gamestop US Store, will I be able to play the game in Spain? Just to be aware...I don't wanna waste my money for nothing :(
10-13-2014, 03:24 PM
If I buy this edition in the Gamestop US Store, will I be able to play the game in Spain? Just to be aware...I don't wanna waste my money for nothing :(
For Xbox One? You should. There is no region locking on the Xbox One.
I'm afraid it's for PS4 :(
10-13-2014, 03:28 PM
I'm afraid it's for PS4 :(
Oh, I don't have a PS4, so I can't be certain, but I think it is the same way.
10-13-2014, 05:45 PM
I want to make sure .
Is the PS4 CE EU ver the same as the US ?
or it's only the xbox one is having more items ?
I want to make sure about the PS4 because the EU cheaper for me especially
for shipping .
thanks ~
Let's see if somebody can solve our questions :/
10-13-2014, 08:06 PM
If I buy this edition in the Gamestop US Store, will I be able to play the game in Spain? Just to be aware...I don't wanna waste my money for nothing :(
Why would you want to buy from outside of EU?
Easy. Because I want the collector's edition. Gamestop is closing here and they don't think my reservation will be valid when the game comes. In Game, by the moment, is sold out, and I don't want to lose it
10-13-2014, 08:18 PM
Amazon? :shrug:
In is sold out. In amazon fr is not, but I don't understand much french, I wanted it in English for that reason
10-13-2014, 10:07 PM
I want to make sure .
Is the PS4 CE EU ver the same as the US ?
or it's only the xbox one is having more items ?
I want to make sure about the PS4 because the EU cheaper for me especially
for shipping .
thanks ~
I get 95% of my PS3/PS4 games from Amazon USA even my day one ps4 and I live in Australia you should have no issues with the disc playing, you will need to set up a US PSN for the DLC as the codes will only work for that account.
StayFree( ' 3')
10-14-2014, 02:59 AM
Anyone else hear about this?
10-14-2014, 03:01 AM
Anyone else hear about this?
Looks like the same one in the CE.
10-14-2014, 06:50 PM
I get 95% of my PS3/PS4 games from Amazon USA even my day one ps4 and I live in Australia you should have no issues with the disc playing, you will need to set up a US PSN for the DLC as the codes will only work for that account.
I know That !
I'm just asking this because charge me more for shipping than uk .
I know that PlayStation free region .. and from ps3 i already have 4 psn accounts .. us/eu/hk/jap .
My problem is with the content of the CE .. i want to know if it's the
same ..etc
so i can decide what is the best ..
if USA ver is better then i will get it even if i pay more .
because they change their system and they charge me more
for shipping <_< i hate them .
but amazon uk is better when it's come for shipping .
hope it's clear now .
10-14-2014, 07:07 PM
In is sold out. In amazon fr is not, but I don't understand much french, I wanted it in English for that reason :scratch:
Although the price is kinda retarded and I don't know why but the german edition is currently much cheaper than the rest.
StayFree( ' 3')
10-15-2014, 08:32 AM
Is there a difference between each country's CE? :scratch:
Although the price is kinda retarded and I don't know why but the german edition is currently much cheaper than the rest.
Available!. But I think it's a more expensive than the other countries...need to check that and think. Thanks for the advice :)
StayFree( ' 3')
10-16-2014, 02:15 AM
I had no idea all versions of the CE were still available at Gamestop. I'm guessing only international retailers are having shortage issues?
I have been looking around for the PC version online but cant find one with a decent shipping charges... sigh...
10-16-2014, 06:22 AM
I have been looking around for the PC version online but cant find one with a decent shipping charges... sigh...
Gamestop? I think they charge something like flat $30-35 for item this size.
Gamestop? I think they charge something like flat $30-35 for item this size.
I dont think they ship to Malaysia. Did they change their policy? :beg:
10-22-2014, 01:50 PM
new special gift for pre-orders
10-22-2014, 01:53 PM
Exclusive to Looks cool.
10-29-2014, 08:01 AM
First the Dragon Age Mug now this cool book looking box. I'm jealous of all the cool exclusives has and can't get.
10-29-2014, 12:31 PM
Until you realize they give it out only to normal edition preorders, which makes it not worth it.
After a long waiting, I can confirm that I'll finally get my collector's edition from Game. They're taking the pre-orders from Gamestop and I just confirmed mine (glad I didn't cancel it and decided to wait a bit more...)
My little nightmare has ended, now I can breathe until February. I can trust again in Game, the guys from the store in my city have helped me a lot with this.
12-09-2014, 04:32 PM
Glad it worked out for you bud!
Also, they announced yesterday(?) that we'll all have to wait until May 2015 now as it required some more "polish" (that's polish as in shine, not Polish as in kielbasa). This is sad, but I'd rather them take their time than pull an Ubi on us.
12-09-2014, 09:52 PM
Glad it worked out for you bud!
Also, they announced yesterday(?) that we'll all have to wait until May 2015 now as it required some more "polish" (that's polish as in shine, not Polish as in kielbasa). This is sad, but I'd rather them take their time than pull an Ubi on us.
Cdpr has been great in their releases. I believe the delay will help them polish it tremendously. More time for me to save to upgrade my PC too :p
StayFree( ' 3')
12-09-2014, 09:58 PM
I don' know if any media outlet has directly quoted them yet but here is what they sent out:
Dear Gamers,
Ever since we started working on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, we knew it would be an ambitious game. We wanted, and still aim, to give you an incredible experience, an epic adventure in a vast, completely open fantasy universe.
The sheer size and complexity of The Witcher, key features of the title, have had a decisive impact on production. Now, nearing the end of our work, we see many details that need to be corrected. When we release the most important game in our studio’s history, we must be absolutely sure that we did everything we could to limit any bugs to a level that will allow you to enjoy the game thoroughly.
With this in mind, we took another look at current workloads and what they mean for the team. Even though everyone is working at full speed, we concluded that we need another 12 weeks, so we are shifting the release date of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to May 19th, 2015.
We owe you an apology. We set the release date too hastily. It’s a hard lesson, one to take to heart for the future. We know what we want to do to make Wild Hunt one of the best RPGs you will ever play. And we continue to work hard to achieve just that. So, we apologize and ask for your trust.
Thank you for the all support you show us on a daily basis. We truly do appreciate it. It has fueled us in our passion since the start and will continue to do so.
The Board of CD PROJEKT SA
What a class act. :thumb: if they only gave the ps4 owners that physical card game with their CE we'd all be happy...
12-09-2014, 10:12 PM
I don' know if any media outlet has directly quoted them yet but here is what they sent out:
What a class act. :thumb: if they only gave the ps4 owners that physical card game with their CE we'd all be happy...
This CE, and the Order CE, their statues are amazing. :D
12-14-2014, 11:36 AM
We owe you an apology. We set the release date too hastily.
You don't owe us ANY apology...
12-14-2014, 06:23 PM
Dear Gamers,
We wanted to rush this out as quick as possible to ensure its a yearly franchise
You will notice the install is only 23GB but required space is 46GB, this will ensure our helper monkeys can send the rest of the game out in monthly installments
Rest assured getting this out in time will ensure we can polish the next assassins creed
This will happen from next august
In the meantime we will be fucking your sister and kicking your dog
Thank you for the all money
The Board of ubisoft
12-14-2014, 11:09 PM
This CE, and the Order CE, their statues are amazing. :D
Indeed luv. They really are!!:beer:
12-23-2014, 06:37 PM
Haven't heard much talk about it around here, but apparently there's at least 3 (possibly more) Steelbooks for the new Witcher 3?
BestBuy also mentioned that they have an "exclusive" steelbook for pre-orders here in NA, so not sure if its an extra one (separate from the CE) or not? I'll check with BB forums and find out though.
Edit: found out elsewhere that it seems BestBuy had shown a picture of the middle one being their "exclusive" (before they took it down from the site). Not sure if that means the 3rd one will be a FS-exclusive or something, but just tossing that bit of news out there.
12-24-2014, 06:15 AM
Haven't heard much talk about it around here, but apparently there's at least 3 (possibly more) Steelbooks for the new Witcher 3?
That makes it sound like each CE will have a random steel of one of those 3 in it...
Is that true?
12-24-2014, 01:17 PM
That makes it sound like each CE will have a random steel of one of those 3 in it...
Is that true?
No, I do not believe so. I think (at least from the photos that have been shown) (and so this pertains only to the US as far as I know right now, though may be for others as well):
- the left most steelbook is the one shown as the one included in the CE for all platforms,
- the middle one is the one that BestBuy HAD shown in their website as an "Exclusive Steelbook" only for pre-ordering (before they changed the picture to a video thing),
- the right most one is the one that I have not heard/seen anything about so I imagine it'll be a FS exclusive or something like that... but that's just a guess so I'll keep digging til I find out some actionable intel for y'all. ;)
12-29-2014, 04:05 PM
Hi there,
Anyone know how limited is this CE? I have preorder but can't find it. Im sure its numbered.
Heard 1500 is the limit but sounds fishy to me
12-29-2014, 04:40 PM
Hi there,
Anyone know how limited is this CE? I have preorder but can't find it. Im sure its numbered.
Heard 1500 is the limit but sounds fishy to me
Where did you hear it was numbered? I've been visiting their forums regularly and did not see that yet? Also, its probably closer to 15,000 if I had to guess. They were available for pre-orders through nearly every retailer world-wide for an extended period of time.
12-29-2014, 04:55 PM
I can't find source now but im pretty sure it's limited. Im not sure if edition is numbered or only figure. In Poland CE was sold out after 24h.
12-29-2014, 04:59 PM
I can't find source now but im pretty sure it's limited. Im not sure if edition is numbered or only figure. In Poland CE was sold out after 24h.
Yeah, I remember trying to pre-order one from there (Poland site), was crazy. But at least in the US they were available for a week or so IIRC and have gone up a few times since again (Amazon and currently Walmart). I don't think they could have that kind of world-wide distribution net if they only limited it to sub-2000 units. The figure that I was able to play around with recently did not have any numbering on it, but it could've just been a "demo" unit if what you're saying is correct. :shrug:
I hope it IS numbered though! That'd be great!
12-29-2014, 05:02 PM
Now im confused. When they announced CE and also when i pre-ordered im sure there was info about it being numbered. Now I can't find it.
Anyway I mailed CD Project representative and we'll see.
12-29-2014, 05:05 PM
Now im confused. When they announced CE and also when i pre-ordered im sure there was info about it being numbered. Now I can't find it.
Anyway I mailed CD Project representative and we'll see.
Sweet, definitely let us know! :D
12-29-2014, 05:17 PM
Also, related to my post earlier about the 3 different steelbooks, here's the confirmation regarding BestBuy's "exclusive" steelbook (the middle one of the 3 I showed before)
BestBuy Witcher 3 (
01-03-2015, 01:19 PM
Sadly no numbered CE for Witcher 3.
01-09-2015, 04:44 AM
Witcher 3 Wild Hunt has been, as you are well aware, put back to release three months after it's original February 25 release as the studio did not want to release a bug-ridden mess of a possibly broken game. Now given that many devs will and have released broken-arsed, bug-ridden games last year, and given that gamers after three generations of NWO social engineering, fluoridated water, canola'd "butter and aspartame diet soda along with mandatory vaccines that are designed to push the NWO depopulation agenda, gamers are more than willing to roll over and play fuck-socket to these unscrupulous devs whom seem to believe that they can out-manoeuvre and dis-place publisher-driven/ "holiday" infested deadlines(like Tolkien, I loath the americanisation[sic] of our festive Yule by the nomenclature of "holidays", (anything holy about any celebration and rites of these "days" went the way of the ghost after the english reformation), along with the disneyfornication of Father Christmas over their dubious lap-dance receiving cash-cow "Santa Clause"[resic]) above their moral and legal obligations to actually release us a finished, properly Q.A.ed, playable product which we pay full price for, as well as which we collectors here at pay even higher dollar for our beloved CEs, as well as us occidentals here in New Zealand (and the poor sunblasted mooncalves stranded over on that tiny redddish island to the westron of Tas-mania :P )all of us pauvres victimes whom are charged another 30-40% on top of what americans pay for their product(they even maintain this blatant online rip-offery charade onto digital releases that are single player only games).
Now I really want to applaud polish developer CD Projekt RED for taking the initiative of The Witcher Three's release and telling us honestly why. Sure they are not under the deadline of a Q4 Yuletide release window (which has been the bane of Assassin's Creed Unity, for example I waited YEARS, posting in Ubi's forums and elsewhere demanding and cajoling Ubisoft that they deserved the utter honour of making an AC game in the City of Light during the french revolution and after years of us demanding and hoping they do this, our voeux were granted. Hélas sadly the project was fêted to sink itself under the weight of the anti-climatics of a lacklustered release come ship-day, yet a whole humanity of gamer's jaunted expectations bien foutu(yes Ubi, YOU are the guilty one of laying this broken half-baked turdlette, cette crotte, which even a celebrated parisian gripeshitrider ( ) would not deign to even bother making it's verdant motorbiked self to even stop to bath and mini-turd-wash the holy parisian pavés of a wasted and barely living turdlette of a broken and mis-aligned côterie of mini-games, gambits, apps, add-ons, all so brilliant to Ubisofts usual sense of french style, ergonomics and d'Être (of Being), yet sadly steam-turd-crotte-rolled by the Utter Reality of Father Time It's very judgemental self. So the whole Assassin's Creed Unity apexeal peak of the AC canon out-done by Time Himself. «Le Jour décroît, la Nuit augmente: SOUVIENS-TOI!».
The same sad story repeated by the much larger global géant SONY. Drive Club, pushed for months by Sony as being free to purchase and play with the company's Playstation Plus subscription never even made it to half mast, but floundered flaccidly with beyond broken online features, added to this with the news that PS+ version was just an extended demo dressed up to look like it had a mast and could piss out of the top of it's single mast (with added friends Rogering themselves along for a bumpered ride for a price) mast pissing above and over The Crew's U.S. map (a Ubisoft game, The Crew that looked and plays like a dream). Driveclub is still unavailable for PS+ subbers and still remains onlinedly underlined, still remaining with issues for the poor sods whom all bought into Sony's bull-rhetoric. Perhaps in regards to Driveclub the name given bt prostitutes to
Next with littlebigplanet3. An over-worked under-performer that SERIOUSLY is missing it's Parent and sub parents. whatever mm are going instead better be worth the fux-ups Sumo made of my game.
I could go on and thank you for sticking with me throughout this, my view-puttings, if you are still here with me. What I stated was my approval of Witcher Three's dev delaying release for three months. The thing about people in this dumbed down materialistic society we count ourselves a part of is how malleable people have been engineered to be. Edward Snowden blew a very loud whistle in your northern summer of 2013 on how the NWO is using the NSA to routinely usurp the systems with and without collusion so that we can be watched, listened to, supposedly for a threat (sure the real threats are the patsies the NWO plant to perpetrate the 9/11's and the J'suis Charlies of this still very fucked up and still primitive humanity that are tenants on this world. It's up to us to catch up to The truth that always continues marching forward so we can fesse up, get honest with HOW we are as a humanity and start developing our REASONing over our EMOTIONS. This is the secret and the key to becoming less primitive as well as dumping the use of god/s to use as a crutch to blame our self made woes on and a focus to praise when we should be praising our OWN positive milestones.
What I'm trying to get to is that for all of our outrage, if any, we expressed at these revelations that WoW, XBox live and many other services were being monitored with the collusion of other Five eyes countries against us and our privacy, NOW we have accepted it as if it is normal and OK.
Is there not something wrong here? Are we going to continue accepting the fact that our games we pay top dollar for are at times unplayable upon release day? It's up to all of us to wake ourselves and each other up to the fact that we are being lulled into controlled sleep and acceptation of nefarious agendae. it is our DTY to shake ourselves out of this stupor.
nuff said...
01-09-2015, 08:23 AM
Im from Poland and i don't quite understand hype about CD Project Red studio.
I wouldn't approve this 3-month delay till i see the real game. They say they need more time to repair bugs but how we can be sure this game won't truly be without bugs and glitches? We can't.
CD Project Red is dev like everyone else and need's money. That's why they first keep telling us that they want to give equal experience on every platform and that's why they can't use better functions on PS4 because this would make xbox one players sad. Then after some time they announced extra content for xbox one collector's edition.
At this point its all marketing for me.
I'v got CE pre-ordered for PS4 but we'll see how Witcher 3 will be when we play it.
01-10-2015, 07:53 AM
Hi Cross Sleet
Being yourself polish, are you not proud that CD Project makes games in Poland as well as featuring slavic and more in-depth sorbian mythological canon from Wied?min by Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski?
I have seen the gameplay footage, which no doubt you have as well here: . It all looks so sweet, but playing the game will be the test for bugs.
addendum: hmm, this font does not recognise the aigu you have in polish over the zed the way it does on these é á as in the polish original nomenclature for Witcher, Wiedzmin (the zed in Wiedzmin has the aigu accent over it). How west european-centric of windows.
01-10-2015, 08:13 AM
Am i proud? I don't think so. It would be like being proud for polish producer of milk.
Every company is about profit. They want my money and i want their product. This is the way i feel.
I think Witcher franchise is great. Love books (but i also think Sapkowski wrote better stories than Witcher itself) and games of course.
Anyway im kind of sad about CDP downgrading Witcher 3 on PS4, just because Xbox one can't handle some of the features. Then im sad about PS4 CE being cut, when xbox one got more elements.
More - im not the person to be hyped about game that wasn't realeased yet. Liked Witcher 2 so pre-ordered Witcher 3. Just hope i won't be down on this one.
01-11-2015, 11:41 PM
That's a pragmatic attitude to have. maybe you are like me being antidisestablishmentarian. Anyhow if you want help getting a CE I can help you I dont expect extra for doing it just the postage.
01-12-2015, 06:47 AM
As i wrote - i already have pre-order of CE :)
I don't know about pragmatic im just practical man ;) I'll wait till game releases to say im proud or not.
01-12-2015, 01:46 PM
Hey guys, atm I have a pre-order for The Witcher 3 CE at; PS4 version
Well, I'm no longer interested but before I'll cancel it I wanted to ask if any other member is interested. ;)
Price is 150€ + shipping to you.
01-12-2015, 07:38 PM
Hi there Sees, I´m still looking for one of those sweeties but I was unable to find any on my country. May I ask you two questions?
One, is it for pc? And, is it everything on german or in english? I mean, booklets, the words on surface of the box, the artbook and so on.
01-12-2015, 07:57 PM
Hi there Sees, I´m still looking for one of those sweeties but I was unable to find any on my country. May I ask you two questions?
One, is it for pc? And, is it everything on german or in english? I mean, booklets, the words on surface of the box, the artbook and so on.
Hi, sorry totally forgot to mention that it's the PS4 version, sorry :/
And I'm not sure if it's English or German. Sometimes there is a specific German release and sometimes it's a overall Europe release.
01-15-2015, 11:21 AM
Hi, sorry totally forgot to mention that it's the PS4 version, sorry :/
And I'm not sure if it's English or German. Sometimes there is a specific German release and sometimes it's a overall Europe release.
I'm interested, can you check your inbox please?
01-15-2015, 01:04 PM
I'm interested, can you check your inbox please?
Answered your PM. ;)
01-15-2015, 11:38 PM
Dont talk with anyone from poland about Witcher 3 delay. You will only read hate on CD Red about it. No one is thinking why they delay, they just want game no matter if its bugged like hell...
01-16-2015, 07:05 AM
I don't know where you got this opinion. I think most people from Poland have high hopes for Witcher. Also never seen that delay was the problem.
The only problem people have and should have is the issue that CDP won't use some ps4 functions only because they don't want this game look better on ps4. Then they give more elements (cards) to xbox one CE. First they want to give exact experience in every platform then they give more ''content'' to xbox one users. But it's more of a problem for PS4 players. It's not fair but let it be.
People just think (and they could be right) that CDP got financed from microsoft for more exclusive content and so game wouldnt look better on ps4.
Anyway i don't think it's really bad issue because it happens all the time in game industry. I really didn't found much hate on CDP from ''my'' people ;)
Of course there are hateful trolls but they happen on reddit and other sites too. Nobody likes kids like this.
01-16-2015, 03:12 PM
Dont talk with anyone from poland about Witcher 3 delay. You will only read hate on CD Red about it. No one is thinking why they delay, they just want game no matter if its bugged like hell...
Sales for unity must have been through the roof in Poland then in that case
01-17-2015, 09:30 PM
i found a video from the collectors edition, looks pretty awesome the whole stuff!
and here is a unboxing video from the statue, neeeeedd !
01-17-2015, 09:31 PM
double post -_-
btw. im wondering how big the box from the collectors edition will be? oO
01-18-2015, 03:49 PM
Is that the artbook thats coming with the CE?! Or is that the artbook you buy in book stores?
01-18-2015, 04:43 PM
Is that the artbook thats coming with the CE?! Or is that the artbook you buy in book stores?
yeah that book from the video is the artbook from the CE.
photo source:
i think the book you mean is "The World of Witcher" which is a compendium, that will coming soon:
01-24-2015, 03:03 PM
I finally got my pc CE from (Portugal). There was no stock left after that so, I was really lucky! :D
01-24-2015, 06:18 PM
So saw something on twitter about the signed sleeve! Does anyone know more about that - is there a GB for it, any idea on quantity? Any chance to pre order it and return the game sans bonus sleeve?
01-24-2015, 07:32 PM
i found a video from the collectors edition, looks pretty awesome the whole stuff!
and here is a unboxing video from the statue, neeeeedd !
I laughed at the unboxing of the statue....
A dragon :rotf:
Fugliest dragon i ever saw............
01-25-2015, 06:46 PM
I laughed at the unboxing of the statue....
A dragon :rotf:
Fugliest dragon i ever saw............
:pooryou: That guy probably not even a Witcher fan. Dragon?? Seriously? :facepalm:
02-24-2015, 04:38 PM
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Collector's Edition Geralt Battling Griffin Statue Unboxing
02-26-2015, 06:45 AM
the release is May 19, right?
02-26-2015, 12:44 PM
So saw something on twitter about the signed sleeve! Does anyone know more about that - is there a GB for it, any idea on quantity? Any chance to pre order it and return the game sans bonus sleeve?
Still never got a response about this -- anyone got anything?
02-26-2015, 01:25 PM
the release is May 19, right?
Yes, luv that is correct.
03-07-2015, 05:41 PM
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition unboxing by Major Nelson with exclusive content only on xbox one!
03-07-2015, 06:10 PM
Yeah still not worth the rrp
03-07-2015, 08:21 PM
How much is/was the CE in EU and US? Was it $150 in the US? If so that is a really good price for what you get... but I know EU usually gets screwed on conversion.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition unboxing by Major Nelson with exclusive content only on xbox one!
I do not like these or Sony's unboxings... they are not really unboxings. They are just a quick overview of the items as opposed to a nice in depth one and they are obviously not honest either. For example if something is below decent quality they will talk it up as nice and cool regardless. But they do serve a purpose, to be able to quicly see the final versions of the items.
03-08-2015, 03:09 PM
How much is/was the CE in EU and US? Was it $150 in the US? If so that is a really good price for what you get... but I know EU usually gets screwed on conversion.
Yeah we got had on currency conversion again. I think my pre-order is for £140, but pretty sure the RRP is £150. There were some Amazon early pre-order prices for about £80~ if I remember rightly, but I missed those. :(
03-08-2015, 05:13 PM
Yeah we got had on currency conversion again. I think my pre-order is for £140, but pretty sure the RRP is £150. There were some Amazon early pre-order prices for about £80~ if I remember rightly, but I missed those. :(
I am really getting out of the whole center thing
The only ones I have on order are bat man amazon preorder and mgs v amazon France both come in at under 80 but nearer time may cancel
Ac victory might have a gander but that's it
Will most prob only keep bat man ce as i will put a lot of time into and keep the game
An extra 30 for art book, steel, statue, comic and doc seems just about fair, the switcher 140 seems absurd
03-08-2015, 05:22 PM
So statue steel art book comic batman/ compendium witcher
Witcher 3 has map, stickers, soundtrack, medallion and the cards cloth map x1 only
The standard witcher game has the map, stickers, soundtrack, compendium I got that on pre order for 39.95
So really you compare the three batman ce, witcher ce and witcher standard your paying 60 GBP extra for medallion and cards cloth map if you going x1
I don't think the witcher ce is great value
03-08-2015, 06:07 PM
Hmmm the batman one does look badass. Is it still available to preorder?
I have the witcher preordered for £120 but not sure if it's worth it.
03-08-2015, 07:34 PM
The big differences in those are the full size art book and the amazing (for a CE) quality statue. Most likely the Batman statue will be pretty cheap and it is very plain. But if that is of no concern then the Batman one is a much better value. But for someone who really like collecting quality statues the Witcher CE is an amazing value as that statue alone could sell for well over $150.
Its all personal preference and what you like collecting most.
Yeah we got had on currency conversion again. I think my pre-order is for £140, but pretty sure the RRP is £150. There were some Amazon early pre-order prices for about £80~ if I remember rightly, but I missed those. :(
Yeah it sucks for you guys sometimes. Sorry to hear that.
03-08-2015, 07:53 PM
And I just got reminded that the non-xbox collectors are shafted with the extra physical items - cloth map and gwent cards =/
As a physical collector I am still not too happy about this, obviously restricted on my platform of choice. Considering the price as well (charged the same with less items) and with the effect of devaluing my CE.
FU M$!
Bust besides that agree with flatout, I do remember something on the official forums in regards to the quality of the CE between the fanbase and developers so I imagine the quality of the CE will be better this time around
03-08-2015, 08:01 PM
And I just got reminded that the non-xbox collectors are shafted with the extra physical items - cloth map and gwent cards =/
As a physical collector I am still not too happy about this, obviously restricted on my platform of choice. Considering the price as well (charged the same with less items) and with the effect of devaluing my CE.
FU M$!
Bust besides that agree with flatout, I do remember something on the official forums in regards to the quality of the CE between the fanbase and developers so I imagine the quality of the CE will be better this time around
Yeah that is a bit of bullsheit right there. Not really fair. Its one thing with digital bonuses but now they are doing it with items in CEs. The deck of cards are not important IMO but the cloth map is something I would want as a collector.
Hey Raven did you see that I had unboxed the statue from the CE (vids a page back if you missed it)?
03-08-2015, 08:03 PM
I think it would be hard to determine statue quality without being up close, really depends who makes both also
As for the witcher art book they have made a bit of extra b effort but I wonder if it is the top tier as if there is another more limited version it voids the extra effort
Even though I own x1 I also think it's quite a raw deal to give item exclusivity to one platforn
03-09-2015, 02:25 AM
I think it would be hard to determine statue quality without being up close, really depends who makes both also
As for the witcher art book they have made a bit of extra b effort but I wonder if it is the top tier as if there is another more limited version it voids the extra effort
Even though I own x1 I also think it's quite a raw deal to give item exclusivity to one platforn
What's the size and how many pages is this book in the CE? Looks like Watch Dogs HB game guide thickness in the pic but something tells me this is not the case.
03-09-2015, 10:19 PM
Yeah that is a bit of bullsheit right there. Not really fair. Its one thing with digital bonuses but now they are doing it with items in CEs. The deck of cards are not important IMO but the cloth map is something I would want as a collector.
Hey Raven did you see that I had unboxed the statue from the CE (vids a page back if you missed it)?
Yeah I saw a it when it was posted, detail was very good! Hopefully the one in the CE is packaged well too, I really that the witcher logo engraved on the that protection foam.
03-09-2015, 10:57 PM
Yeah I saw a it when it was posted, detail was very good! Hopefully the one in the CE is packaged well too, I really that the witcher logo engraved on the that protection foam.
Me too. Funny how little things like that mean a lot to us. I remember talking about the marking on the foam of the Kingdoms of Amalur Prismere Troll Statue and how I really like it when they do that.
But I am really not a package/box person, so it doe snot bother me either way but it is always nice to know they went out of their way to put the markings on there. Usually means they put a lot of effort into what is inside.
03-17-2015, 02:35 PM
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Collector's Edition Guide Book
The book has another 96 page book with it pic on EBGames Australia.
Deluxe foil stamped hardcover strategy guide featuring exclusive art specifically created by the artists at CD Projekt Red.
100% complete walkthrough for all the quests in the game!
Comprehensive Witcher Training including lengthy tutorials for combat, skills and abilities, crafting, the game of Gwent, and more!
A full atlas of locations and detailed information devoted to the areas within the world of The Witcher.
Complete bestiary covering all types of foes and monsters in the world of The Witcher 3—discover the best strategies for dispatching every enemy you face!
Free Mobile-Friendly eGuide — Unlock the enhanced eGuide for access to updated content, all optimized for a second-screen experience.
Bundled with the Collector's Edition:
The Witcher Grimoire —This 96-page book of lore is brimming with rare knowledge about the lands, monsters, people and pastimes of the world of The Witcher. Created by David S. Hodgson, this book can only be found in the Collectible Hardcover Guide.
Art Section featuring more than 30 pages devoted to the beautiful world of The Witcher 3.
This limited edition guide will only be printed once, when it is sold they will be gone forever!
03-17-2015, 08:58 PM
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Collector's Edition Guide Book
The book has another 96 page book with it pic on EBGames Australia.
Deluxe foil stamped hardcover strategy guide featuring exclusive art specifically created by the artists at CD Projekt Red.
100% complete walkthrough for all the quests in the game!
Comprehensive Witcher Training including lengthy tutorials for combat, skills and abilities, crafting, the game of Gwent, and more!
A full atlas of locations and detailed information devoted to the areas within the world of The Witcher.
Complete bestiary covering all types of foes and monsters in the world of The Witcher 3—discover the best strategies for dispatching every enemy you face!
Free Mobile-Friendly eGuide — Unlock the enhanced eGuide for access to updated content, all optimized for a second-screen experience.
Bundled with the Collector's Edition:
The Witcher Grimoire —This 96-page book of lore is brimming with rare knowledge about the lands, monsters, people and pastimes of the world of The Witcher. Created by David S. Hodgson, this book can only be found in the Collectible Hardcover Guide.
Art Section featuring more than 30 pages devoted to the beautiful world of The Witcher 3.
This limited edition guide will only be printed once, when it is sold they will be gone forever!
Pre-ordered! Mine is quite cheap compared to other CE guides thanks to amazon uk's pre-order price promise. Love these guide personally especially for the art and hardcover treatment. Best cover treatment though that pops to mine is the FFXIII-2 Piggieback guide.
Pic for those that are interested
03-17-2015, 09:20 PM
Pre-ordered! Mine is quite cheap compared to other CE guides thanks to amazon uk's pre-order price promise. Love these guide personally especially for the art and hardcover treatment. Best cover treatment though that pops to mine is the FFXIII-2 Piggieback guide.
Pic for those that are interested
SO you will get the Grimoire as long as we pre order the withcer 3 ce guide from
03-17-2015, 09:25 PM
I believe it the same with - the pic above is hotlinked from
the same pic is on -
Think I have it for £15.66. it's like 28USD at the momnet I think and £19.99 in the UK while £17.86 on the bookdepository. But for £15, a bargain with 586 pages plus the bonuses and e-guide!
and mine = mind in my other post, long day for me =/
03-17-2015, 09:35 PM
I believe it the same with - the pic above is hotlinked from
the same pic is on -
Think I have it for £15.66. it's like 28USD at the momnet I think and £19.99 in the UK while £17.86 on the bookdepository. But for £15, a bargain with 586 pages plus the bonuses and e-guide!
and mine = mind in my other post, long day for me =/
Thanks buddy! Yea I just ordered mine from :D
03-17-2015, 11:28 PM
What the duck is a grimoire
And I just got reminded that the non-xbox collectors are shafted with the extra physical items - cloth map and gwent cards =/
As a physical collector I am still not too happy about this, obviously restricted on my platform of choice. Considering the price as well (charged the same with less items) and with the effect of devaluing my CE.
FU M$!
I hadn't spotted that until now, and that is some proper bullshit right there.
I don't know what to do tbh, I've had the PS4 version preordered since it was announced and so it's at £120 for me but for the extra £20 I could get a couple of extras that I think I'd quite want but for a platform that I plain don't like so far.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to start anything with any fanboys, I have both consoles, I just happen to personally dislike the Xbone for quite a few reasons in my experience with both so far compared to one another and so I've been buying all the multi-plats on PS4.
Their pathetic excuse is here ( I spotted after searching it.
You're damned fucking right it betrays your values, or are they too quick to forget all the utter horseshit MS tried to force on the Xbone about DRM whilst CDProjekt go on all the bloody time about GOG and DRM-free.
It's a disgrace and whatever person decided to go with MS should be fucking ashamed, as should all of CDProjekt for so easily forgetting all that they claim to hold dear when the smell of extra cash hits them.
This has properly pissed me off actually after seeing their response; what makes it all the worse is when you see the responses from others in other places and they make out that you're in the wrong because you actually give a shit and can see that this is a bad thing on a larger scale. The thing is, it's like these people have no foresight or are too willfully ignorant or apparently just plain stupid whenever things like this happens in that they're so happy to defend a company dropping its values for some extra cash and treat it as one tiny, little incident that obviously you're over-reacting to or you're 'butthurt' about, yet seemingly unlike them, you are viewing it as a bigger picture, seeing hypocrisy or a company hiding behind, bluntly, bullshit technicalities (like CDProjekt here saying about the digital items being not restricted whilst thinking that absolves them for fundamentally compromising their principals in another way) or anything like that and being disgusted and cringing to your core because in the end, it doesn't matter what you play on, little shitty things build and end up screwing everybody.
And just to be crystal clear, even if this was the other way about where the PS4 was getting extra content, or even PC, my reaction would still have been the exact same.
03-21-2015, 01:49 PM
Both Collectors Editions are up for grab on
04-01-2015, 11:50 AM
Just a update with the guide on amazon is now cheaper than the paperback @ £13.59
Those that haven't purchased it should get it now! Other that do have it with Amazon will get it with the pre-order price promise.
just used flubit too (UK only) and got another 10% off ** only till 12 midday if others using flubit!**, did the same with the FFX/X2 PS4 remaster - result!
I hadn't spotted that until now, and that is some proper bullshit right there.
I don't know what to do tbh, I've had the PS4 version preordered since it was announced and so it's at £120 for me but for the extra £20 I could get a couple of extras that I think I'd quite want but for a platform that I plain don't like so far.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to start anything with any fanboys, I have both consoles, I just happen to personally dislike the Xbone for quite a few reasons in my experience with both so far compared to one another and so I've been buying all the multi-plats on PS4.
Their pathetic excuse is here ( I spotted after searching it.
You're damned fucking right it betrays your values, or are they too quick to forget all the utter horseshit MS tried to force on the Xbone about DRM whilst CDProjekt go on all the bloody time about GOG and DRM-free.
It's a disgrace and whatever person decided to go with MS should be fucking ashamed, as should all of CDProjekt for so easily forgetting all that they claim to hold dear when the smell of extra cash hits them.
This has properly pissed me off actually after seeing their response; what makes it all the worse is when you see the responses from others in other places and they make out that you're in the wrong because you actually give a shit and can see that this is a bad thing on a larger scale. The thing is, it's like these people have no foresight or are too willfully ignorant or apparently just plain stupid whenever things like this happens in that they're so happy to defend a company dropping its values for some extra cash and treat it as one tiny, little incident that obviously you're over-reacting to or you're 'butthurt' about, yet seemingly unlike them, you are viewing it as a bigger picture, seeing hypocrisy or a company hiding behind, bluntly, bullshit technicalities (like CDProjekt here saying about the digital items being not restricted whilst thinking that absolves them for fundamentally compromising their principals in another way) or anything like that and being disgusted and cringing to your core because in the end, it doesn't matter what you play on, little shitty things build and end up screwing everybody.
And just to be crystal clear, even if this was the other way about where the PS4 was getting extra content, or even PC, my reaction would still have been the exact same.
Was debating to get the XB1 edition and sell off the game but like you too I got it for a low price (PC Version). Plus I would be supporting M$ and this sort of practices :pooryou: Will get the extras off ebay when it pops.
But I do understand from the developers point of view M$ has marketed the hell out of it (not like the games needs it) so CDR needs to give something back and to do that they had to shaft one area which unfortunately is us collectors. People complained on the forums in regards to this point that there will be no disparity between versions per CDR but most people defending this are just getting the game (no DLC disparity) but I would love to see the $h!tstorm if something happened to the standard edition (which more people are getting) compared to the CE which is all priced the same.
04-01-2015, 02:36 PM
Just a update with the guide on amazon is now cheaper than the paperback @ £13.59
Those that haven't purchased it should get it now! Other that do have it with Amazon will get it with the pre-order price promise.
Thanks a lot mate. That's an unbelievable price. The only problem is that the cost of shipping to my country is too expensive and just not worth it anymore. :(
04-01-2015, 11:17 PM
I get a free copy of this game because I bought a Nvidia GPU recently :) :)
04-01-2015, 11:21 PM
I get a free copy of this game because I bought a Nvidia GPU recently :) :)
I should have as I just bought a new Alienware, I wonder if I contact Nvidia if I could still get one as I was not offered one.
04-03-2015, 05:32 AM
Can you still get the Wild Hunt Collectors Edition in the US?
I think I can get it in the UK....
PS4 is region free right?
04-03-2015, 07:46 AM
Can you still get the Wild Hunt Collectors Edition in the US?
I think I can get it in the UK....
PS4 is region free right?
Yeah, the game itself will be region free. Not sure if the codes for dlc will be region specific though that is if they includle them in the box of course.
04-04-2015, 03:30 AM
Yeah, the game itself will be region free. Not sure if the codes for dlc will be region specific though that is if they includle them in the box of course.
Thanks for the info.
But this is definitely sold out in the US right?
I live in the US and would rather get it here but can't find it available.
04-04-2015, 03:18 PM
I get a free copy of this game because I bought a Nvidia GPU recently :) :)
Well I found out Amazon does participate in the promotion but they did not register my laptop for it even though it has the right GPU. So Amazon is giving me a free copy :D Amazon is just the best when it comes to its customers.
On a side note I originally contacted Nvidia about this and got terrible service and the person was actually quite rude. Tired telling me it was only for Razer notebooks because he saw at the bottom of the promotion page that was the only brand listed.... what he failed to see was it was showing stores and not brands (so basically it was saying the Razer store participated, not just their brand).
04-05-2015, 02:09 PM
Just a update with the guide on amazon is now cheaper than the paperback @ £13.59
Those that haven't purchased it should get it now! Other that do have it with Amazon will get it with the pre-order price promise.
just used flubit too (UK only) and got another 10% off ** only till 12 midday if others using flubit!**, did the same with the FFX/X2 PS4 remaster - result!
Pre-ordering from Gamstop will net you an exclusive map
Looks like US only, correct me if I'm wrong =/
04-07-2015, 03:24 PM
Still if anyone looking for Collector's Edition for XBOX One can grab it from here
Else, cant see anymore places to secure an order apart from E-Bay.
04-07-2015, 03:30 PM
I got it here:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
04-07-2015, 04:40 PM has both the PS4 and XB1 version. Has always been available since it became up for pre-order (PC has sold out)
But at premium price =/ (was cheaper when first announced)
I got it here:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wager it will be over the weight limit for international consumers, so there is a chance your order will be canceled. If this is the case you will also miss out on that GAME exclusive content (silver inlay?) =p
1kg I believe -|Delivery&catalogId=10201
Amazon UK estimates this CE to be 6kg I will do backup order just in case to avoid disappointment at launch
04-07-2015, 04:58 PM
Thats available on and they wont ship internationally due to over weight. Also, they have a habit of making surprise order cancellation at 11th hour or so.......
04-07-2015, 07:23 PM
Well that sucks. Luckily I have family over there.
How about as the other guy said?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
04-07-2015, 07:37 PM
I got it here:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well that sucks. Luckily I have family over there.
How about as the other guy said?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
same price but you will miss out on the pre-order bonus from game (£139.99), I believe if you have it sent to you (US - outside the EU) Amazon should not charge you VAT and in effect will zero rate the transaction (you will pay net excluding VAT) and delivery charges are usually cheaper.
Only reason I am saying this is that I am aware amazon does it but some retailers doesn't comply with these regulations because they are either incompetent, want to save costs on admin, or simply will just zero rate the gross giving themselves a higher profit on foreign transactions so will just charge you the full whack (not passing VAT saving to customer).
Whatever works out cheaper for you really bearing in mind any customs fees in the US if you take this route and also the exchange rates
Edit: Just did it usually cousins California address
Items: £116.66 ($171.96 using today's exchange rate)
Postage & Packing (Std): £4.95 ($7.35 as above)
Price should not be too off for New York, this does not include any potential import fees. If you want you can keep an eye out for the exchange rates taking a risk; price may either increase from your price above, reduce, or item won't be available anymore (sold out due to waiting =p).
Related note: CDR announced DLC/expansion
Think this is digital only
04-07-2015, 08:46 PM
The Witcher 3 CE with regular shipping to the US comes to 121 GBP for me (that $180 shipped which is not terrible):
04-11-2015, 06:34 AM
The EBGames Aus Steelbook Preorder Bonus exclusive to non-CE versions (, do you guys think they'll only give you the same artwork as the CE version? Instead of giving you a choice of one of the three?
04-21-2015, 01:36 PM
It's back up at Gamestop
04-21-2015, 05:55 PM
it's back up at gamestop
thank you!
04-21-2015, 06:25 PM
thank you!
You are very welcome. It's still up though for any that has not got it. :bunny:
Toasty the Baker
04-21-2015, 09:42 PM
Got mine. :) Thanks! Even though these will probably fall in value, it's nice getting a CE at launch every once in a while. :)
04-22-2015, 09:36 PM
Gamestop in the US are offering a keychain as an pre-order exclusive
Only shown on the normal editions of the game by the way, the XBone CE page doesn't show this (PS4 and PC CE sold out). Assuming only for pre-orders of the normal edition?
04-22-2015, 09:43 PM
Gamestop in the US are offering a keychain as an pre-order exclusive
Only shown on the normal editions of the game by the way, the XBone CE page doesn't show this (PS4 and PC CE sold out). Assuming only for pre-orders of the normal edition?
Just to let people know you will get the keychain if you preordered the CE the first time they came up. The preorders for the CE now as Raven has stated will not have the bonus item.
04-22-2015, 09:48 PM
^ my bad was it mentioned before - too lazy to check :bunny:
Just had a email from gamestop telling me about the bonus
04-22-2015, 09:57 PM
^ my bad was it mentioned before - too lazy to check :bunny:
Just had a email from gamestop telling me about the bonus
Yeah, it was mentioned before but I did not know the new pre-orders did not get the bonus keychain.
Texas Fire
04-22-2015, 10:16 PM
What does this game play like? I've never played The Witcher or The Witcher II. Is it like Diablo meets Far Cry or something?
It's like Dragon Age Inquisition/skyrim.
combat, cutscene, dialog option type of game. Choices matter and effect the ending.
04-23-2015, 02:26 AM
It's like Dragon Age Inquisition/skyrim.
combat, cutscene, dialog option type of game. Choices matter and effect the ending.
Plus Triss Merigold
Anyone has access do the PC version of this edition? I am seriously willing to buy this for a good price. Send me a message, i would greatly appreciate it.
04-25-2015, 01:31 AM
Anyone has access do the PC version of this edition? I am seriously willing to buy this for a good price. Send me a message, i would greatly appreciate it.
Australia still has it.
04-29-2015, 06:10 PM
Anyone has access do the PC version of this edition? I am seriously willing to buy this for a good price. Send me a message, i would greatly appreciate it.
Just become available on amazon uk again
PS4 version just came available at walmart. Not sure for how long.
Dark Sol
05-03-2015, 10:21 PM
Anyone knows where to get PC collectors edition in the US??
Dark Sol
05-03-2015, 10:23 PM
Australia still has it.
05-04-2015, 03:49 AM
Oh yeah, meant to mention, if anyone was looking for an X1 version in the US and wasn't able to get one, let me know. I've still got it preordered at Amazon (and BB) and can ship my Amazon one to you directly if you pay and let me know in advance. Just shoot me a PM and we can talk!
05-04-2015, 09:08 AM
Haven't seen this pre-order bonus from GAME UK mentioned before. (
Apparently is only for PC pre-orders of the game. Be aware that GAME UK won't ship pre-order bonuses internationally, so for those who are interested, just drop me a PM. :thumb:
Also, GAME UK still have the X1 and PS4 CEs for pre-order for those who are interested.
05-04-2015, 09:21 AM
I have the PC version pre ordered from Amazon but also have the ps4 version pre ordered at game because i thought I would be getting the signed inlay... I really need to start reading things properly. I'm not sure which one to keep, I'm leaning towards the ps4 one so if anyone in UK is interested in PC CE give me a pm.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
05-04-2015, 11:01 AM
Haven't seen this pre-order bonus from GAME UK mentioned before. (
That's funny. Definitely been mentioned and I asked probably 4 or 5 different times about it but never got an answer. Don't recall exactly, but I think I was asking if this might not be able to be purchased and then return the game for some sort of credit back (like how BB will let you keep preorder bonus sometimes but charge you a %). :scratch:
05-04-2015, 03:09 PM
Woah,that's HUGE box,even bigger then Nano Edition of Crysis 3 i think.
05-04-2015, 03:25 PM
Woah,that's HUGE box,even bigger then Nano Edition of Crysis 3 i think.
That is store display box - CE box is smaller ;)
05-04-2015, 03:27 PM
That is store display box - CE box is smaller ;)
That's a relief,was kinda worried where i would be able to fit it.
05-04-2015, 03:31 PM
That is store display box - CE box is smaller ;)
Was going to say this had to be the case. Someone on the official forums said the box dimensions etc were:
41.6 x 36.5 x 31.2 cm ; 6 Kg
Haven't validated it yet, but after seeing the size of the statue (relatively small), it seems about right.
05-04-2015, 04:08 PM
That's funny. Definitely been mentioned and I asked probably 4 or 5 different times about it but never got an answer. Don't recall exactly, but I think I was asking if this might not be able to be purchased and then return the game for some sort of credit back (like how BB will let you keep preorder bonus sometimes but charge you a %). :scratch:
I don't recall you asking! XD If I'm honest, I'm not entirely sure how it works when trading in PC games in store... 0.o So not sure whether I could do anything with the games... >.< Also, I see there are a couple of listings for these inserts already. They come in a black Envelope and the ones I can see say PS4 on the Envelope. I take it there are appropriately sized inserts for XB1 and PS4 then? Does anybody know where I couod acquire one? If not, I'll make do with a PC one assuming I get one. Lol
That is store display box - CE box is smaller ;)
I hope to god you're right! :beg:
05-04-2015, 08:39 PM
I don't know if an unboxing was posted about this but here's the Xbox one version:
05-04-2015, 08:52 PM
I think someone posted it earlier. Amazingly my statue unboxing has more views:
05-04-2015, 08:53 PM
I think someone posted it earlier. Amazingly my statue unboxing has more views:
You do good unboxings luv. :thumb:
05-04-2015, 08:56 PM
You do good unboxings luv. :thumb:
Thanks :D
Those corporate unboxings are never good, they are just a super quick "Look at this, now this, and this... done.".
05-04-2015, 09:00 PM
I don't know if an unboxing was posted about this but here's the Xbox one version:
I love the fact that he said you could draw on the map and plan your strategies --- cuz yeah, that's what collector's like to do with their physical goods in CEs, draw all over them!
Also, what was that black box-looking thing on the left side of the Gwent cards? He didn't point that out or mention it at all? Maybe the box for the medallion or something??
05-04-2015, 09:11 PM
I love the fact that he said you could draw on the map and plan your strategies --- cuz yeah, that's what collector's like to do with their physical goods in CEs, draw all over them!
Also, what was that black box-looking thing on the left side of the Gwent cards? He didn't point that out or mention it at all? Maybe the box for the medallion or something??
Yeah I laughed a that too when I first heard that.
Yeah I would guess that it was a box for the medallion. You can see he shows the cards and card packs separately too.
05-05-2015, 12:48 AM
Yeah I laughed a that too when I first heard that.
Yeah I would guess that it was a box for the medallion. You can see he shows the cards and card packs separately too.
Damnit. I got the PS4 version. I had no idea they were different. Cloth map and cards sound pretty sweet.
I would definitely pay to have Major Nelson's signature removed.
05-05-2015, 05:32 AM
Damnit. I got the PS4 version. I had no idea they were different. Cloth map and cards sound pretty sweet.
I would definitely pay to have Major Nelson's signature removed.
Yeah there's those 2 extra items in the X1 version -- I don't mean to be rude at all, but you must be a busy person to not have heard the internet-rage about the CE exclusivity differences, it was madness for awhile ;)
05-05-2015, 07:16 AM
Yeah there's those 2 extra items in the X1 version -- I don't mean to be rude at all, but you must be a busy person to not have heard the internet-rage about the CE exclusivity differences, it was madness for awhile ;)
Not at all rude.
I'm a statue guy.
Here is my channel:
TLOU CE Statue was a my gateway drug into the fascinating world of CE, and I stumbled into this cool forum.
I got TLOU statue, aftermarket, at a reasonable price from your awesome forum regular Ken.
Then Bloodborne Nightmare Edition CE kept me here because I'm English (living in NYC) and was able to get it from Game delivered to my parents house.
Hence, I've only just begun my CE addiction.
Now I'm looking for the Batmobile CE.
But I have a question.
Do you think it's worth trying to get The Witcher III: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition on Xbox One from the UK?
I might be able to get my family to help me.
But it's wildly (no pun intended) more expensive.
Do you think it's worth it?
I think Xbox One is region locked right...? :(
It's just annoying having a CE with what amounts to "missing parts", although the statue sounds great.
I can't help but feel like I'm being duped with the PS4 version.
P.S. If you are secretly Major Nelson. Don't take it personally.....about the signature.
05-05-2015, 07:21 AM
Not at all rude.
I'm a statue guy.
Here is my channel:
TLOU CE Statue was a my gateway drug into the fascinating world of CE, and I stumbled into this cool forum.
I got it TLOU statue, aftermarket, at a reasonable price from your awesome forum regular Ken.
Then Bloodborne Nightmare Edition CE kept me here because I'm English (living in NYC) and was able to get it from Game delivered to my parents house.
Hence, I've only just begun my CE addiction.
Now I'm looking for the Batmobile CE.
But I have a question.
Do you think it's worth trying to get The Witcher III: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition on Xbox One from the UK?
I might be able to get my family to help me.
But it's wildly (no pun intended) more expensive.
Do you think it's worth it?
I think Xbox One is region locked right...? :(
It's just annoying having a CE with what amounts to "missing parts", although the statue sounds great.
I can't help but feel like I'm being duped with the PS4 version.
P.S. If you are secretly Major Nelson. Don't take it personally.....about the signature.
If you're a statue guy, then I don't think it's necessary to get the Xbox One version. I really don't think two decks of cards and a map can make it more valuable than the PS4 version. I believe most member here would agree that the blue on the PS4 version is more awesome than the green on the Xbox version lol.
I believe the batmobile edition will be available again before release.
05-05-2015, 01:30 PM
If you're a statue guy, then I don't think it's necessary to get the Xbox One version. I really don't think two decks of cards and a map can make it more valuable than the PS4 version. I believe most member here would agree that the blue on the PS4 version is more awesome than the green on the Xbox version lol.
I believe the batmobile edition will be available again before release.
I must agree. It's just a slight difference in the two and like he said it most likely might pop up back in stock.
05-05-2015, 02:10 PM
Not at all rude.
I'm a statue guy.
Here is my channel:
TLOU CE Statue was a my gateway drug into the fascinating world of CE, and I stumbled into this cool forum.
I got TLOU statue, aftermarket, at a reasonable price from your awesome forum regular Ken.
Then Bloodborne Nightmare Edition CE kept me here because I'm English (living in NYC) and was able to get it from Game delivered to my parents house.
Hence, I've only just begun my CE addiction.
Now I'm looking for the Batmobile CE.
But I have a question.
Do you think it's worth trying to get The Witcher III: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition on Xbox One from the UK?
I might be able to get my family to help me.
But it's wildly (no pun intended) more expensive.
Do you think it's worth it?
I think Xbox One is region locked right...? :(
It's just annoying having a CE with what amounts to "missing parts", although the statue sounds great.
I can't help but feel like I'm being duped with the PS4 version.
P.S. If you are secretly Major Nelson. Don't take it personally.....about the signature.
Welll, if I haven't said it already, welcome! We're glad you're here to join in with the CE madness! :barsong:
Yeah, Ken rocks!
Since I don't collect for PS3/4 I'm a little biased and like the X1 version, but its really up to you what you want. Also, not entirely sure if its region locked or not? I may have a spare X1 preorder that hasn't been claimed yet (assuming BB doesn't cancel mine there). It'd be MUCH easier for me to ship it to a US person vs. elsewhere due to costs, so not sure if you're collecting things over here in the States or if you collect them back across the pond? (would be tough to bring this back as a carry on haha) But I could have it shipped to you here in NY for free (w/Amazon) if you wanted it for my cost?
Also, the batmobile edition will likely resurface as a lot of people cancel preorders (especially that costly) closer to launch, so you should be able to find that one somewhere.
P.s. I am not Major Nelson....
or am I? :taunt:
Yeah.... Don't want/need a giant CE box. The Titanfall one is ridiculously large (don't have one, just from watching the unboxings). Unless it came with a F4F/PCS size/quality statue... I'd straight pass on it, if it were that large.
We all have our favs, but really... I've not been overly impressed with figure quality in most CE's. The licensed purveyors of figures tend to be of better quality and value for the price. (This doesn't override getting a ltd CE for your favorite game/collection).
I actually prefer my CE's with physical renditions of in-game knick-knacks, over figurines of the protagonist. It is easier on the wallet and space... And I can grab a HQ figure from a pro studio, if I so desire. As "cool" as some may be... They'd be that much better if sourced to a specialty boutique.
The FFXIV "dragon" is a perfect example of jacking up a CE because of a "figure".. That would have been better off made by a licensed retailer.
The Witcher 3 box isn't going to be a monster of a box. It is about the same size as every other CE w/ a figure. (Titanfall notwithstanding.)
05-05-2015, 06:16 PM
If you're a statue guy, then I don't think it's necessary to get the Xbox One version. I really don't think two decks of cards and a map can make it more valuable than the PS4 version. I believe most member here would agree that the blue on the PS4 version is more awesome than the green on the Xbox version lol.
I believe the batmobile edition will be available again before release.
Thanks Ken.
To clarify. Statue's are part of my collecting background. And it was TLOU statue from Triforce that brought me to this forum and hence I started to take note of the community and the CEs.
But statues are not the singular reason I buy CEs. I like the little nick nacks too. I like the Bloodborne Nightmare Edition CE. There's no statue but I like the beckoning bell and quill.
Overall I was just trying to explain why I wasn't aware of differences in The Witcher III Wild Hunt CEs. It wasn't that I was busy. It's just that I'm new to CEs.
In this case I would have liked the cloth map (and I think Major Nelson was taking a side swipe at Sony by saying you can scribble all over the paper map).
But I've also become a PS4 fanboy ever since E3 2013 and when Sony snagged Street Fighter V. So I'll probably stick with the PS4 CE as you suggest.
I must agree. It's just a slight difference in the two and like he said it most likely might pop up back in stock.
Thanks for the info!
Welll, if I haven't said it already, welcome! We're glad you're here to join in with the CE madness! :barsong:
Yeah, Ken rocks!
Since I don't collect for PS3/4 I'm a little biased and like the X1 version, but its really up to you what you want. Also, not entirely sure if its region locked or not? I may have a spare X1 preorder that hasn't been claimed yet (assuming BB doesn't cancel mine there). It'd be MUCH easier for me to ship it to a US person vs. elsewhere due to costs, so not sure if you're collecting things over here in the States or if you collect them back across the pond? (would be tough to bring this back as a carry on haha) But I could have it shipped to you here in NY for free (w/Amazon) if you wanted it for my cost?
Also, the batmobile edition will likely resurface as a lot of people cancel preorders (especially that costly) closer to launch, so you should be able to find that one somewhere.
P.s. I am not Major Nelson....
or am I? :taunt:
Thank you for the warm welcome. And the offer to help me out on the X1 CE.
I think I may stick with the PS4 version but I'll contact you if I change my mind...which I could very easily. When you say "your cost". Do you mean at cost or an inflated cost?
Fingers crossed on the Batmobile CE. I prefer it to the Batman statue tbh.
Lol, sorry about the Major Nelson comment.
I just think it's silly getting his signature.
Yeah.... Don't want/need a giant CE box. The Titanfall one is ridiculously large (don't have one, just from watching the unboxings). Unless it came with a F4F/PCS size/quality statue... I'd straight pass on it, if it were that large.
We all have our favs, but really... I've not been overly impressed with figure quality in most CE's. The licensed purveyors of figures tend to be of better quality and value for the price. (This doesn't override getting a ltd CE for your favorite game/collection).
I actually prefer my CE's with physical renditions of in-game knick-knacks, over figurines of the protagonist. It is easier on the wallet and space... And I can grab a HQ figure from a pro studio, if I so desire. As "cool" as some may be... They'd be that much better if sourced to a specialty boutique.
The FFXIV "dragon" is a perfect example of jacking up a CE because of a "figure".. That would have been better off made by a licensed retailer.
The Witcher 3 box isn't going to be a monster of a box. It is about the same size as every other CE w/ a figure. (Titanfall notwithstanding.)
I agree with you on the whole. That's why I wanted to clarify that, although my background is in statues, I am interested in all the other bits 'n' pieces / collectibles in the CEs.
Having said that, TLOU statue was a must have for me.
There isn't a high quality statue out there of any note for TLOU.
I wish there was.
Overall, as far as CE statues go, this one is pretty damn good.
I'm not even a big fan of Triforce. I have no other TriForce statues.
But I have a LOT of love for the game and the characters.
I'm very happy with it.
I'd love to see PCS or even Sideshow have a crack at TLOU - but I know it won't happen at PCS (because I've asked).
When I was at NYCC last year the reps at TriForce said they were working on a new TLOU statue...I suspect it's another Joel and Ellie dio but I've no idea when it's coming out.
05-05-2015, 11:49 PM
Thanks Ken.
To clarify. Statue's are part of my collecting background. And it was TLOU statue from Triforce that brought me to this forum and hence I started to take note of the community and the CEs.
But statues are not the singular reason I buy CEs. I like the little nick nacks too. I like the Bloodborne Nightmare Edition CE. There's no statue but I like the beckoning bell and quill.
Overall I was just trying to explain why I wasn't aware of differences in The Witcher III Wild Hunt CEs. It wasn't that I was busy. It's just that I'm new to CEs.
In this case I would have liked the cloth map (and I think Major Nelson was taking a side swipe at Sony by saying you can scribble all over the paper map).
But I've also become a PS4 fanboy ever since E3 2013 and when Sony snagged Street Fighter V. So I'll probably stick with the PS4 CE as you suggest.
Thanks for the info!
Thank you for the warm welcome. And the offer to help me out on the X1 CE.
I think I may stick with the PS4 version but I'll contact you if I change my mind...which I could very easily. When you say "your cost". Do you mean at cost or an inflated cost?
Fingers crossed on the Batmobile CE. I prefer it to the Batman statue tbh.
Lol, sorry about the Major Nelson comment.
I just think it's silly getting his signature.
I agree with you on the whole. That's why I wanted to clarify that, although my background is in statues, I am interested in all the other bits 'n' pieces / collectibles in the CEs.
Having said that, TLOU statue was a must have for me.
There isn't a high quality statue out there of any note for TLOU.
I wish there was.
Overall, as far as CE statues go, this one is pretty damn good.
I'm not even a big fan of Triforce. I have no other TriForce statues.
But I have a LOT of love for the game and the characters.
I'm very happy with it.
I'd love to see PCS or even Sideshow have a crack at TLOU - but I know it won't happen at PCS (because I've asked).
When I was at NYCC last year the reps at TriForce said they were working on a new TLOU statue...I suspect it's another Joel and Ellie dio but I've no idea when it's coming out.
Oh hey! So you found your way over to this forum huh? Welcome. :wave:
05-06-2015, 06:52 AM
Oh hey! So you found your way over to this forum huh? Welcome. :wave:
Haha, hello back! :wave:
This forum has much better emoticons.
05-07-2015, 06:29 PM
Never played The Witcher before, curious what it'll be like! Had doubts to order it yet, but the Collectors Edition made me get it :)
05-08-2015, 01:48 AM
Never played The Witcher before, curious what it'll be like! Had doubts to order it yet, but the Collectors Edition made me get it :)
The newer ones are similar to skyrim gameplay.... similar.
05-08-2015, 04:04 AM
The newer ones are similar to skyrim gameplay.... similar.
Sweet. I enjoyed Skyrim for what it was, so shouldn't be too hard to enjoy this then :)
05-08-2015, 04:26 AM
Anyone find an unboxing video yet? Not just of the statue but the actual CE?
05-08-2015, 04:44 AM
Anyone find an unboxing video yet? Not just of the statue but the actual CE?
Not sure anyone has gotten the actual CE this early yet.
News outlets like IGN and the like usually get them a week ahead of time. That is usually how early the people with retail connections can get them too (the youtubers who post vids early). But we are still too early for even that.
05-08-2015, 06:36 AM
personally, i feel statues are too commonplace recently, i just want the game steel and sountrack, which i feel are more valuable to me
(does anyone want the statue? lol)
05-08-2015, 10:12 AM
clueless gamer witcher 3 lol
05-08-2015, 01:41 PM
Anyone find an unboxing video yet? Not just of the statue but the actual CE?
This is the only I know of luv. Other than that I believe no one has posted anything yet besides the statue.
05-08-2015, 02:34 PM
clueless gamer witcher 3 lol
Haha, got to love Conan. Watch his show every night
05-08-2015, 03:30 PM
Very nice. I just wanted to get an idea of actually big the box is. I have to make room on my shelves....if it'll fit
05-09-2015, 03:52 PM
Hello there! Don't know if it's been already discussed or not (it's probably been :P ) but there are some promo steelbooks here in Greece that you get pre-ordering the game.
Do you guys know if they are both G1 or not?
In the Clueless Gamer video from Conan, it looks like they are using a Witcher 3 controller. I don't know if it's a skin, or a promo or something, but it looks AWESOME. Anyone have info?
05-10-2015, 04:28 AM
In the Clueless Gamer video from Conan, it looks like they are using a Witcher 3 controller. I don't know if it's a skin, or a promo or something, but it looks AWESOME. Anyone have info?
Should be a gift from the studio for advertising for the game.
Should be a gift from the studio for advertising for the game.
It looked wired though. You'd think a promo/gift would at least be a default wireless xbone controller, no?
05-10-2015, 04:47 AM
Haha, got to love Conan. Watch his show every night
I love his Clueless Gamer videos. The Watch_Dogs one was very funny.
05-10-2015, 04:59 AM
finally found it, from Pax east. Maybe we'll get lucky and they will be for sale one day.
05-10-2015, 10:14 AM
Pictures of CE's ready to be shipped from official polish shop-the only place you could buy CE's here and some stand's started to show up in shops.
Only 9 more days:thumb:
05-10-2015, 06:09 PM
All CE including PC are now available on including overseas shipment at extra cost.
05-11-2015, 12:44 AM
It looked wired though. You'd think a promo/gift would at least be a default wireless xbone controller, no?
They were using a PC build of the game not the XBONE that's probably why it was wired? Kinda sneaky.
05-11-2015, 12:53 AM
Microsoft loves to show PC gameplay and say that it's xones
05-11-2015, 08:01 AM
All CE including PC are now available on including overseas shipment at extra cost.
Link to that news?
05-11-2015, 01:19 PM new photo of CE box,this time for xbox one.
05-11-2015, 08:24 PM new photo of CE box,this time for xbox one.
05-12-2015, 09:00 PM
Unboxing for the CE:
05-12-2015, 09:04 PM
Nice find. That vid is going to get some views :D
05-12-2015, 09:08 PM
Nice find. That vid is going to get some views :D
Indeed. Beautiful!
05-13-2015, 04:29 PM
Link to that news?
Here grab it
05-13-2015, 04:46 PM
Here grab it
That's interesting -- didn't realize they had an "international shipping only" listing. Wonder if they'll start doing that with more CEs based on demand so they don't have to keep cancelling everyone's orders :)
05-13-2015, 04:50 PM
Here grab it
What a joke - International Shipping: for delivery outside of Europe.
05-13-2015, 05:17 PM
Witcher 3 collectors back in stock for consoles & PC at Gamestop:
05-13-2015, 07:17 PM
Seems like CE are flooding again everywhere.............
05-13-2015, 07:24 PM
it's all back up on
Game international shipping edition is such a rip-off, excuse to charge at a premium price
05-13-2015, 07:31 PM
it's all back up on
Game international shipping edition is such a rip-off, excuse to charge at a premium price
Didn't notice the difference -- was the international shipping INCLUDED in the price or did they just charge more because they said its "internationally available"?
05-13-2015, 07:34 PM
Didn't notice the difference -- was the international shipping INCLUDED in the price or did they just charge more because they said its "internationally available"?
Yeah they charged more for the base price. They hiked the price from £140 to £200. Shouldn't cost anywhere near £60 for international shipping. >.< Robbing bastards!!
05-13-2015, 08:01 PM
Yeah they charged more for the base price. They hiked the price from £140 to £200. Shouldn't cost anywhere near £60 for international shipping. >.< Robbing bastards!!
WOAH! :swoon: That IS ridiculous! I wonder if they'll then charge shipping on top of that?? Craziness. Especially given that GAME does not have a reputation for securely packaging their CEs when shipping them out, so hopefully they're using the 60gbp to put it in a padded, styrofoam haven or something?
05-17-2015, 04:09 AM
Question the "World of the Witcher" HC releasing in comic shops this week isn't the same as the book in the Witcher CE is it? I understand that the covers may be different.
05-17-2015, 05:09 AM
Question the "World of the Witcher" HC releasing in comic shops this week isn't the same as the book in the Witcher CE is it? I understand that the covers may be different.
They are two totally different books. The one in the CE is just an art book but the other one is more than that. If you're a collector, it's a must have.
05-17-2015, 02:01 PM
+1 to Kittybang
Would like to add to the post in regards to the special edition of that so said book
Weighs 6.75lbs.
6 enamel pins.
Portfolio with special print.
Clamshell case with secret compartment.
99.99 USD which is like 3x the normal price. I don't think it is worth it with the content involved but each to its' own =p
05-18-2015, 12:50 AM
Will be arriving for me tomorrow. I'll update this post when it does since I'll be unboxing on camera.
Want to answer questions. Like box size, statue quality and size, exact contents including the steelbook, trinket etc.
Keep eyes out
05-18-2015, 01:00 PM
Bought the xbox1 version for 150 euro from back in October. About 155 euro with shipping. Which is what - 110 GBP? Now I see some ridiculously high prices for this. Game wants 200 and they are actually sold out. Is this real life? If I hadn't preordered, I would probably hold out for a likely price drop. I don't think this is worth it and it makes me mad that fans are being milked this way. Collecting has now become an even more expensive hobby.....
Anyway, are you hyped for tomorrow guys? :bananayes: The finale for Geralt's story who for me is the most badass videogame character. Can't wait.
05-18-2015, 01:02 PM
Looking forward to it! But I'm a bad fan and I never actually finished 2 (played 1 WAY back before they had mods and such but it was kinda broken so I just LP'd the rest). Definitely looking forward to it and the CE is pretty sweet too!
Just couldn't bring myself to get the $100 guide though, wonder if that price will go down at all?
05-18-2015, 01:08 PM
how much was the original price of the PC version (pre-order) in amazon uk the past year? and now
05-18-2015, 02:45 PM
If anybody wants an XB1 CE, drop me a PM. Will be RRP at £140 plus postage to you. I'm expecting it from Amazon on Wednesday. Accidentally ordered 2 from different places and they've both been dispatched now! >.< If I don't hear from anybody before I have it in hand, I'm returning it.
05-18-2015, 02:47 PM
how much was the original price of the PC version (pre-order) in amazon uk the past year? and now
cheapest I got it for was £94.99
My World of witcher book just arrived and don't know if this is the same for everyone but it came unsealed. Will post pics in the Last purchased thread laters
If anybody wants an XB1 CE, drop me a PM. Will be RRP at £140 plus postage to you. I'm expecting it from Amazon on Wednesday. Accidentally ordered 2 from different places and they've both been dispatched now! >.< If I don't hear from anybody before I have it in hand, I'm returning it.
Speaking of the X1 - currently looking for the gwent cards and cloth map on the bay and it's being sold that stupid prices (thanks Mircoshaft) - £18 + high postage for cloth and £44 + high postage for cards!
05-18-2015, 02:59 PM
For those who were PM'ing me about the "extra NA X1 version" I had, its already been sold at cost to another member on here! Thanks for asking though!
05-18-2015, 06:51 PM
Found CE of Hard Cover strategy guide for just under 25 dollars with international shipping.
05-18-2015, 08:24 PM
So many ppl here in poland already have their CE's and some of them made pictures like this:
Looks like some figurines can look like that....
05-18-2015, 08:30 PM
So many ppl here in poland already have their CE's and some of them made pictures like this:
Looks like some figurines can look like that....
That looks horrible. I guess they were trying to portray Geralt being beaten to pulp.
05-18-2015, 10:02 PM
So many ppl here in poland already have their CE's and some of them made pictures like this:
Looks like some figurines can look like that....
Ugh... Had a feeling this would be the case with these statues... >.<
05-18-2015, 10:04 PM
I take that back. Just went and looked at it really close with the statue upside down and it does look like that (well not as bad as that one but still... similar). The truth is I did not really notice/care because the face is pointed down and not the main feature of the statue. Everywhere else (especially the body) looks really great.
Toasty the Baker
05-18-2015, 11:02 PM
That face doesn't look that good at all. o.o Oh well, like Flatout said, the face really isn't the focal point of the statue.
05-19-2015, 03:50 PM
Hope my statue's face doesn't look like it went through a meat grinder. :/
The face looks fine on the retailer images. Strange.
05-19-2015, 04:12 PM
Got my CE shipment notification from play-asia :)
05-19-2015, 04:35 PM
Got mine today along with the bonus steelbook. I had to search through the 6 steelbooks they had though because every one of them was dented to heck or scratched. Luckily the last one didn't have any dents and only a small paint scratch.
Unfortunately the box was a little beat up. They had 2 and one was ontop of the other crushing a corner (not balanced). Amazingly enough the one on the bottom was in better condition as the top one was ripped. Guess I'll take the minor bent corner and dented outer wrap over the torn one! Might swap it at my local GS because they've got an extra one there if the condition is any better.
05-19-2015, 04:47 PM
Got mine today along with the bonus steelbook. I had to search through the 6 steelbooks they had though because every one of them was dented to heck or scratched. Luckily the last one didn't have any dents and only a small paint scratch.
Unfortunately the box was a little beat up. They had 2 and one was ontop of the other crushing a corner (not balanced). Amazingly enough the one on the bottom was in better condition as the top one was ripped. Guess I'll take the minor bent corner and dented outer wrap over the torn one! Might swap it at my local GS because they've got an extra one there if the condition is any better.
Keep us updated on your statue's face!
05-19-2015, 04:50 PM
The face is sort of....derp if that makes sense. It doesn't really take away from it tho in my opinion
05-19-2015, 05:01 PM
Thankfully I haven't had any issues with my CE. ^^ However due to the incompetence GAME UK Online distribution, they have ruined the metallic sleeve that came with my PC pre-order... -_- Have returned the GAME to store after going mad about the sleeve which they done have any replacements for... -_-
The sleeve was stuffed in a Jiffybag along with game and needless to say it's in a pretty sorry state. Not impressed. Especially since I only bought the PC version for this sleeve... Glad I didn't do a GB for this as I would have been well fucked off!!! :rant: ( ( (
05-19-2015, 05:14 PM
Won't get to open mine til later, but will keep you aprised.
Also, Cosmic, that stinks! I guess I'm glad I didn't preorder one (though I'm still very tempted since they are #'d!!).
05-19-2015, 06:26 PM
just opened my CE . for me gerald's face looks ok . everything looks great .
btw. did not know the ps4 CE box will be autographed.
05-19-2015, 06:27 PM
Last one guys
£5 for cloth map
Thankfully I haven't had any issues with my CE. ^^ However due to the incompetence GAME UK Online distribution, they have ruined the metallic sleeve that came with my PC pre-order... -_- Have returned the GAME to store after going mad about the sleeve which they done have any replacements for... -_-
The sleeve was stuffed in a Jiffybag along with game and needless to say it's in a pretty sorry state. Not impressed. Especially since I only bought the PC version for this sleeve... Glad I didn't do a GB for this as I would have been well fucked off!!! :rant: ( ( (
Ouch, GAME strikes again. Still trying sort out myself how they miraculously docked my reward points from £10 to 30p
05-19-2015, 06:31 PM
just opened my CE . for me gerald's face looks ok . everything looks great .
btw. did not know the ps4 CE box will be autographed.
I believe all the boxes are signed (well, printed with the signatures).
05-19-2015, 06:36 PM
better picture
05-19-2015, 07:00 PM
That's the stuff of nightmares right there! :nosleep:
05-19-2015, 08:04 PM
I knew The Witcher 3 CE was going to be a big box, but jeez, not this big! And heavy too - far heavier than I had expected it to have been! How mine arrived intact in such a flimsy box I will never know!
05-19-2015, 08:11 PM
Okay... WOW. Just wow. The comic bundle comes with a hard cover comic and a tone of other stuff. Not sure the regular ones do too but if they did then it is amazing. Comes with an actual game booklet, re-cap lore booklet, physical soundtrack CD, paper map, thank you letter, and even stickers!
This shows most of the main things (is the thumbnail image of the unboxing I will post tonight/tomorrow):
05-19-2015, 08:23 PM
So, where exactly is the 3rd iteration of the G2 steelbook available?
I've got this one from BestBuy
and then this one from the CE
So who has this one?
05-19-2015, 08:28 PM
So who has this one?
polish steelbook edition
this image is on the back of the steelbook
05-19-2015, 08:36 PM
Okay... WOW. Just wow. The comic bundle comes with a hard cover comic and a tone of other stuff. Not sure the regular ones do too but if they did then it is amazing. Comes with an actual game booklet, re-cap lore booklet, physical soundtrack CD, paper map, thank you letter, and even stickers!
This shows most of the main things (is the thumbnail image of the unboxing I will post tonight/tomorrow):
Where'd you get that stuff? it looks pretty sweet and its all in English! :)
polish steelbook edition
this image is on the back of the steelbook
It wasn't available anywhere else?
05-19-2015, 08:39 PM
So who has this one?
I've seen that one in G1, but not G2. >.<
I need the first one in G2. I only have it in G2 Metalpak and G1 Steelbook... :(
05-19-2015, 08:43 PM
Where'd you get that stuff? it looks pretty sweet and its all in English! :)
It was in the "Comic Bundle" from Amazon:
So can I assume regular version did not have all that stuff in the case? I still have a new and sealed PC version of this bundle (real bundle, actually sealed) so I want to know how to price it.
I uploaded everything it came with here in these two pictures:
05-19-2015, 09:09 PM
I've seen that one in G1, but not G2. >.<
I need the first one in G2. I only have it in G2 Metalpak and G1 Steelbook... :(
it's definitely G2 steelbook ,
05-19-2015, 09:31 PM
it's definitely G2 steelbook ,
Knight you have a groupbuy for this?
05-19-2015, 09:34 PM
It was in the "Comic Bundle" from Amazon:
So can I assume regular version did not have all that stuff in the case? I still have a new and sealed PC version of this bundle (real bundle, actually sealed) so I want to know how to price it.
I think I read on Kotaku or IGN saying that the thank you letter / manual is included with the standard edition. Not sure tho.. I havent got mine yet.
05-19-2015, 09:37 PM
My statue arrived broken :(
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05-19-2015, 09:37 PM
It was in the "Comic Bundle" from Amazon:
So can I assume regular version did not have all that stuff in the case?
Least in Europe regular version has all that stuff but no comic book (only download code).
05-19-2015, 09:39 PM
So all the variant in bundles and steelbooks, feels like we are in a Wild Hunt here.
05-19-2015, 09:42 PM
My statue arrived broken :(
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mine too, just a bit of Griffin hair - place i got it from sold out so probably can take it back but can't offer a replacement. Managed to super glue it back and not really noticeable. Although can't shake the feeling it's defective =(
Think you guys are looking at the Novigrad steelbook - rarest out of the 3 imo
If you guys can't tell where I glued it, means i did a good job =/
05-19-2015, 09:57 PM
My statue arrived broken :(
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mine too, just a bit of Griffin hair - place i got it from sold out so probably will take it back but can't offer a replacement. Managed to super glue it back and not really noticeable. Although can't shake the feeling it's defective =(
Think you guys are looking at the Novigrad steelbook - rarest out of the 3 imo
If you guys can't tell where I glued it, means i did a good job =/
No such thing as a perfect statue tbh.
I think you're OK.
I was lucky actually. It just came apart at an assembly point - it's where Geralt meets the Griffin. I'll just re-glue it. It's not a visible place.
I'm more annoyed that Gamestop jammed their exclusive key ring onto the top of the art box - between the art box and the shipper and left a big rip/dent in the top of the art box. Stuff like that annoys me.
But overall I'm happy :)
Sadly I can't play the game today. Tomorrow is Witcher day.
05-19-2015, 09:57 PM
So all the variant in bundles and steelbooks, feels like we are in a Wild Hunt here.
I disapprove of above pun
05-19-2015, 10:02 PM
Sorry to hear that Raven... but I cannot even see where you fixed it so it looks really good.
05-19-2015, 10:08 PM
I got my vanilla copy of witcher
More games should come with free stuff CD projekt always set the benchmark
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