View Full Version : Rare CE's For-Sale
07-12-2014, 11:15 PM
Hey again :)
I want to sell or trade those steelbooks:
Here's the list of them:
- Titanfall G1 german ( forgot to add it to photos... ) - 150 PLN
- FarCry 3 german steel with Xbox cover, no game - 120 PLN
- Crysis 2 Nano - 200 PLN
VERY GOOD ( minor scratches ):
- Alone in the Dark german with PC game - 40 PLN
- Frontlines Fuel of War PC with game UK - 30 PLN
- Warhammer Dawn of War II ( game disc inside ) UK - 80 PLN
- FEAR 3 G2 from Pre-order - 60 PLN
- 3 of Call of Duty Black Ops dutch - 120 PLN/each
- Drakensang ( game inside ) german - 40 PLN
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky ( game inside ) french - 100 PLN
- Killzone 3 Belgian exclusive - 200 PLN
- 3 Black Ops dutch - 100 PLN/each
Other steels:
Dead Island Riptide - 600 PLN
Homefront metalpak - 600 PLN
Call of Duty Collection Gamestop Norway - 600 PLN
Battlefield 3 Gamestop Norway - 200 PLN
Battlefield 4 metalpak - 150 PLN
Other items and CE's:
Fallout 3 Pre-order t-shirt, new and sealed - 300 PLN
Fallout 3 Pre-order T-shirt in tin can - 700 PLN
Heroes of Might&Magic V polish CE in chest - 300 PLN
Prince of Persia Collection polish CE - 300 PLN
Splinter Cell Collection polish CE - 300 PLN
Command and Conquer 3 Nod Brotherhood Edition CE - 300 PLN
Medieval II: Total War polish CE in leather cover - 300 PLN
Sacred 3 steelbook - 80 PLN
Divinity: Original Sin ( all except keys/DLC's ) - 150 PLN
Watch Dogs Aussie steelbook ( has dent on back from inside the case ) - 100 PLN
Mass Effect polish Premium/Day One Edition ( Brand new and sealed, contains DVD's with game, bonus disc, few postcards, manual, game guide, registration card ) - 350 PLN
Silent Hunter 5: Battle for Pacific Jumbo Steelbook Collectors Edition, complete - 200 PLN
All photos:
TOCA Race Driver 3 steelbook edition - 150 PLN
King's Bounty Polish Collector's Edition ( complete ) - 250 PLN
Jade Empire PL CE, limited to 600 pieces - 300 PLN
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood PL CE ( no poster inside, everything else are present ) - 350 PLN 2&page=1
Mass Effect PL CE, complete - 1000 PLN
King Arthur II PC CE - 300 PLN
Pre-order pack of Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - 100 PLN
Risen 3 Day1 box set, no key included - 40 PLN
Risen 2 Figurine of Gnome Jaffar - 50 PLN
Looking for:
- steelbooks: Resident Evil 6 Thai, any PC sealed editions
- limited editions: Dishonored australian CE in tin, ARMA 3 australian limited edition in tin, Company of Heroes australian in tin
- collectors edition: australian ( Empire and Napoleon Total War, Rage, Tomb Raider Underworld, Rise of the Argonauts ), Titanfall for PC... and any other rare PC editions.
Shipping CE's depend on your location.
07-13-2014, 03:15 PM
Photos added.
07-19-2014, 11:09 PM
Updated first post
07-23-2014, 06:12 PM
Make me an offer, I really need money!!!
07-31-2014, 03:05 PM
08-10-2014, 12:41 AM
Complete Mass Effect reserved:thumb:
08-18-2014, 09:41 PM
Have some Risen 3 First Edition boxes.
They include soundtrack, 2x DVD's with game, manual ( without last page with steam code ) and two-sided map/poster.
17 euro shipped.
08-19-2014, 06:53 AM
That !!! Wolfenstein Panzerhund Edition
I have a watchdogs interested ?
08-19-2014, 11:50 AM
Have some Risen 3 First Edition boxes.
They include soundtrack, 2x DVD's with game, manual ( without last page with steam code ) and two-sided map/poster.
17 euro shipped.
I'll take one of those.
I also have ARMA 3 australian limited edition in tin
How do you usually trade? Let me know, thanks.
08-19-2014, 01:05 PM
Also have figurine of Gnome Jaffar from Risen 2:
Include "exclusive" in Poland feather which fits in Gnome's hat hole.
25 euro shipped in Europe, 2 euro more for other regions.
08-19-2014, 03:36 PM
Pre-order pack of Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor:
Include T-shirt ( size L ), DLC's: Dark Ranger + Captain of Black Gate. In polish: Zabójczy ?ucznik + Kapitan Czarnej Bramy
35 euro shipped in Europe, + 2 euro anywhere else.
08-20-2014, 03:00 AM
That !!! Wolfenstein Panzerhund Edition
I have a watchdogs interested ?
08-20-2014, 08:55 AM
I don't know how I missed your message XD
From that WD Edition I need only G1 steelbook, I'm not interested in other items.
08-25-2014, 08:45 PM
09-06-2014, 09:34 PM
Have for sale God of War Omega Collection statue only with box for 60$ + shipping.
All prices are negotiable, send me offers!!!
09-07-2014, 01:44 PM
Hey, I'm up for Bioshock Inf, Need for speed most wanted and Fear 3 from the CE.( that's the one with the number 3 on it correct?)
You can pm me with the total.Cool?
09-07-2014, 01:53 PM
09-07-2014, 05:23 PM
First post updated with new CE's for sale ( AC Brotherhood, Revelations, Medieval 2 and more )
09-09-2014, 04:57 PM
Bump with Battlefield 4 Press Chest, check first post.
09-09-2014, 05:23 PM
Bump with Battlefield 4 Press Chest, check first post.
:drool: Wow, never seen that before! That looks pretty awesome! I'm sure someone here would love to pick that up. Thanks for sharing!
Edit: Just to confirm - your prices are in USD not Polish Zloty right?
09-09-2014, 07:58 PM
:drool: Wow, never seen that before! That looks pretty awesome! I'm sure someone here would love to pick that up. Thanks for sharing!
I hope so ;)
Edit: Just to confirm - your prices are in USD not Polish Zloty right?
Prices are in $$$$
09-13-2014, 11:45 PM
Mass Effect, Divinity and Watch Dogs added;)
09-14-2014, 05:21 AM
yes i wil take the cnc4
09-21-2014, 04:12 PM
Shipping free on almost all items.
10-03-2014, 10:15 PM
Gears of War polish CE and Silent Hunter 5 in jumbo steelbook CE added.
Check first post.
10-10-2014, 11:23 PM
10-17-2014, 03:10 PM
Happy bump :)
10-17-2014, 08:38 PM
Hi, I'm interested in your Oblivion Steelbook. :-)
It's the Xbox 360 Version (G1) with Slipcase, right? Condition is Mint ?
10-17-2014, 08:42 PM
Yes. Mint condition, everything except game disc.
Slight update with polish Mass Effect fully complete CE with T-shirt still sealed :)
10-17-2014, 09:42 PM
Yes. Mint condition, everything except game disc.
PM'ed. :-)
10-20-2014, 04:47 AM
hey mate, please check your pm inbox, thanks
10-24-2014, 06:01 PM
Updated first post with complete polish Mass Effect CE ( sealed T-shirt and lanyard included ) and TOCA Race Driver 3 steelbook ( prequel of Race Driver: GRiD game )
10-26-2014, 10:37 PM
Happy to trade for PC games with steelbooks as Civilization: Beyond Earth, Alien Isolation or Resident Evil 6 and another.
Make me offers!
11-03-2014, 12:07 AM
11-06-2014, 09:22 PM
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl Polish Collector's Edition in metal can added.
Limited to 999 copies. That one for sale has 906 number.
11-07-2014, 08:42 PM
Witcher / Wiedzmin Polish Collectors Edition ( fully complete ) and King's Bounty CE in chest added.
11-08-2014, 08:06 PM
Prices for some editions reduced.
Good offers accepted!
11-21-2014, 09:08 PM
Happy to trade for Dragon Age Inquisitors Edition;)
12-12-2014, 04:25 PM
Bump :)
12-15-2014, 09:42 PM
Brand new and sealed Mass Effect PL CE added.
01-24-2015, 07:31 PM
Re opened
01-24-2015, 07:58 PM
Thanks ;)
Jade Empire PL CE, limited to 600 pieces. Price is 100$ + shipping:
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood PL CE ( no poster inside, everything else are present ). Price is 120$ + shipping:
King's Bounty PL CE. Has some damage on corners of chest. Price is 100$ + shipping:
Mass Effect PL CE, complete. Price is 350$ + shipping:
01-24-2015, 08:45 PM
Interested in the mass effect and jade empire, can you let me know how much shipping would be to the UK? Just got to make sure the Mrs won't shoot me if I spend the money
01-24-2015, 08:55 PM
About 80 PLN/25$ for economy shipping with tracking or 92 PLN/30$ for package up to 32kg with priority using DPD company.
01-27-2015, 06:16 PM
First post updated. Deleted some positions I didn't have now.
Some prices reduced.
Jade Empire sold and sent today.
Mass Effect still available.
King Arthur II PC CE, 100$ + shipping:
01-31-2015, 08:34 PM
Gotta another Jade Empire CE for sale.
Price the same: 100$ + shipping.
02-08-2015, 10:11 AM
Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl PL CE on trade.
Little bump ;)
02-08-2015, 12:54 PM
price on the bioshock infinite steel ?
02-08-2015, 03:27 PM
It's sold. For sale are items in description only.
02-10-2015, 08:44 PM
Mega rare messenger bag with coolest pendrive I ever seen from Fallout.
Bag is made from real leather. Pendrive is made from copper and brass and has 16 GB of space. It lights up when plugged into PC!
CE not included.
800$ + shipping.
02-20-2015, 05:41 AM
What is actually inside the battlefield press chest?
02-23-2015, 02:41 PM
What is actually inside the battlefield press chest?
Actually, there are only bullets, material cover and some kind of dossier in PL language.
EDIT: First post updated :thumb:
02-23-2015, 08:36 PM
Can u drop the price a little of the bf press chest then i might buy iy
03-08-2015, 11:09 PM
03-26-2015, 04:01 PM
04-08-2015, 04:49 PM
Bump, prices for negotiations!
05-07-2015, 04:28 PM
06-21-2015, 02:39 PM
06-21-2015, 02:40 PM
Thank you :)
All steels are for sale:
Check them out and let me know what you need ;)
06-21-2015, 07:48 PM
Sprzedajesz swoje zbiory? Kolekcjonerki te??
Ile za steele z Dead Space?
06-21-2015, 07:55 PM
Same steelbooki, kolekcjonerek na razie nie ruszam. DS-y 75$ sztuka, jedynke zatrzymam.
Gears of War CE reserved.
06-21-2015, 08:00 PM
A kolekcjonerk? Wolfensteina za ile by? sprzedal?
06-21-2015, 08:03 PM
Który wolfenstein? Metalowy big box za 250 z?.
06-21-2015, 08:10 PM
06-21-2015, 08:14 PM
Tego ju? dawno nie mam.
06-22-2015, 06:35 PM
Is that a Dead Space 1 steelbook !? :o
Never saw that before. Where's it from ?
06-22-2015, 09:45 PM
It's a concept steel, never goes to mass production
06-26-2015, 12:07 AM
Bump, all my steelbook collection on sale ;)
06-26-2015, 12:25 AM
Why are you selling your collection?
07-01-2015, 12:25 PM
Bumping :thumb:
07-05-2015, 11:30 AM
Dead Island Riptide metal case - 200$:
Homefront metalpak - 200$:
Call of Duty Collection - 200$:
Battlefield 3 Scandinavian - 80$:
Call of Duty MW PC steelbook - 100$:
Battlefield 4 metalpak - 60$:
Black Ops steelbook, has scratches and tears - 50$:
I have also G2 Dead Space 3 mexican steels, all 3 versions. 150$ each.
07-05-2015, 11:36 AM
Dead Island Riptide metal case - 200$:
Homefront metalpak - 200$:
Call of Duty Collection - 200$:
Battlefield 3 Scandinavian - 80$:
Call of Duty MW PC steelbook - 100$:
Battlefield 4 metalpak - 60$:
Black Ops steelbook, has scratches and tears - 50$:
I have also G2 Dead Space 3 mexican steels, all 3 versions. 150$ each.
Hey mate, your last 3 URLs don't work :)
07-05-2015, 11:41 AM
Thank you :)
07-21-2015, 02:18 PM
08-12-2015, 03:50 PM
08-12-2015, 06:00 PM
Is available the steelcase of Bioshock infinite?
08-13-2015, 01:51 PM
Yes, both BI steels are available
08-13-2015, 05:35 PM
I can see only one (sky one)in your pictures, is there any other available?
Anyway: How much both including delivery costs to Spain?
08-20-2015, 07:55 PM
Fallout 3 Pre-order T-shirt Brand New - 150$
Fallout 3 Pre-order pack in tin can with T-shirt - 300$
Splinter Cell Collection - 120$
08-31-2015, 03:45 PM
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Italian Steelbook - 60$
Saints Row: The Third Spanish Stickerbook - 150$
Medal of Honor Spanish Metalpak - 120$
Mass Effect Russian Steelbook - 200$
Dead Island Spanish Stickerbook - 120$
Borderlands 2 Canadian Steelbook - 120$
09-28-2015, 07:37 PM
11-11-2015, 09:33 PM
First post small update, prices lowered. Now in PLN currency.
11-29-2015, 03:59 PM
01-04-2016, 12:41 AM
Crysis 2 Concept steelbook - 2500 PLN
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Dutch Stickerbook - 1500 PLN ( pics soon )
Mirror's Edge Spanish G2 Steelbook ( contains bonus disc ) - 1200 PLN ( pics soon )
God of War Omega Collection G2 Mexico CE Steelbook ( contains all 3 games, like new ) - 1000 PLN ( pics soon )
01-05-2016, 03:07 PM
I'm selling my whole steelbook collection.
Shipping price depends on your location.
Here are pics:
List with prices in PLN currency:
G2 steels:
Assassin's Creed Liberation PS Vita ( used ) - 100
Assassin's Creed Unity ( like new ) - 150
Assassin's Creed Unity ( new ) - 120
Battlefield 4 ( like new ) - 100
Call of Duty World at War ( like new ) - 100
Crysis 2 ( like new, game included ) - 200
Crysis 3 ( like new ) - 250
Crysis 3 ( like new ) - 250
Dark Souls ( like new, game included ) - sold
Dead Space 3 ( like new ) - 300
Dead Space 3 ( like new ) - 300
Dead Space 3 ( like new ) - 300
Deus Ex Human Revolution ( like new ) - 200
DMC Devil May Cry ( like new ) - 120
Dragon Age Inquisition ( new ) - 120 - SOLD!
Driveclub ( like new ) - 120
Far Cry 4 ( new ) - 120
Far Cry 4 ( metalpak, like new ) - 100
FEAR 3 ( used ) - 60
FIFA 15 ( like new ) - 80
Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn ( like new ) - 150
God of War Omega Collection ( like new, games included ) - 1000
Homefront ( very good ) - sold
Killzone 3 ( very good, game included ) - 200
Killzone 3 ( used ) - 150
Little Big Planet 3 ( like new ) - 150
Medal of Honor Warfighter ( like new ) - 100
Mirror's Edge ( like new, bonus disc included ) - 1200
Need for Speed Undercover ( like new ) - 600
Need for Speed Most Wanted ( like new ) - 100
Need for Speed Rivals ( new ) - 150
One Piece Pirate Warriors ( used ) - 70
Winning Eleven 2013 ( like new ) - 150
PES 2013 ( like new ) - 150
PES 2013 ( like new ) - 150
PES 2014 World Cup ( like new ) - 150
PES 2014 World Cup ( new, game included ) - 200
Project Cars ( like new, guide included ) - 70
Psycho Break ( like new ) - 200
Resident Evil 6 ( like new ) - 100
Saint Seiya ( framecase, like new ) - 80
Super Smash Bros ( new ) - 120
The Last of Us ( like new ) - 400
The Last of Us Remastered ( like new ) - 300
Uncharted 3 ( like new ) - 200
Watch Dogs ( like new ) - 200
Witcher ( metalpak, like new ) - 100
Wolfenstein The New Order ( like new ) - 250
G1 steels:
AION ( very good ) - 80
Aliens vs Predator ( very good ) - 80
Alone in the Dark ( very good ) - 50
Alone in the Dark ( very good ) - 50
ARMA italian ( like new ) - 100
Assassin's Creed ( very good ) - 120
Assassin's Creed 2 spanish ( very good ) - 800
Assassin's Creed Pre-order to Codex Edition ( like new ) - 250
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood dutch ( very good ) - 1500
Assassin's Creed Revelations french ( like new ) - 120
Assassin's Creed 3 German ( like new ) - 70
Assassin's Creed 3 US ( like new ) - 70
Assassin's Creed 3 from Freedoom Edition ( like new ) - 100
Assassins Creed 3 Futureshop ( new ) - 100
Assassin's Creed Black Flag from US CE ( like new ) - 120
Assassin's Creed Black Flag german ( like new ) - 120
Assassin's Creed Unity from Guillotine ( like new ) - 120
Assassin's Creed Collection ( like new ) - 150
Batman Arkham City Catwoman ( like new ) - 80
Batman Arkham City Joker PC cover ( like new ) - 100
Batman Arkham City Armoured ( like new ) - 80
Batman Arkham Origins metalpak ( like new ) - 70
Batman Arkham Origins from CE metalpak ( like new ) - 100
Battlefield 3 EU ( very good ) - 100
Battlefield 3 Scandinavian ( very good ) - 300
Battlefield 3 Futureshop ( like new ) - 120
Battlefield 4 Futureshop ( new ) - 120
Battlefield 4 EU ( like new ) - 50
Battlefield 4 Metalpak ( like new ) - 200
Bioshock ( like enw ) - 80
Bioshock Infinite EU ( like new ) - 100
Bioshock Infinite Futureshop ( like new ) - 250
Batman Arkham Origins ( new, with X360 game ) - 120
Borderlands 2 Futureshop ( like new ) - 250
Borderlands 2 from Lootchest ( like new ) - 200
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel ( very good ) - 400
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare ( like new ) - 350
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 ( very good ) - 80
Call of Duty Black Ops ( used ) - 80
Call of Duty Black Ops dutch ( all three are used ) - 200
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 ( like new ) - 80
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 EU ( like new ) - 80
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Futureshop ( like new ) - 80
Call of Duty Ghosts ( like new ) - 50
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Collection french ( very good ) - 150
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Collection australian ( like new ) - 200
Call of Duty Collection Scandinavian ( like new, can keep 6 discs ) - 600
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Collection Futureshop ( like new ) - 15
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Collection jumbocase ( like new ) - 70
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare ( like new ) - 100
Cars 2 ( very good ) - 150 - SOLD!
Castlevania 2 preorder ( new ) - 100
Castlevania 2 from Draculas Tomb ( new, has X360 game inside ) - 150
Dirt ( very good ) - 60
Command & Conquer 4 Tiberium Twillight ( very good ) - 300
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 UK ( like new ) - 100
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 US ( very good ) - 120
Company of Heroes US ( like new ) - 100
Company of Heroes 2 german ( like new ) - 120
Crysis german ( like new ) - 80
Crysis 2 concept steel ( like new ) - 2500
Crysis 2 dutch ( like new ) - 400
Crysis 2 french ( like new ) - 200
Crysis 2 Nano ( like new ) - 250
Crysis 3 EU ( like new ) - 80
Crysis 3 Futureshop ( like new ) - 100
Darksider 2 french ( like new ) - 150
Dark Souls 2 Black Armour UK metalpak ( like new ) - 100
Dead Island ( very good ) - 400
Dead Island Riptide US ( like new ) - 120
Dead Island Riptide UK ( like new ) - 100
Dead Island Riptide czech metal case ( like new ) - 300
Dead Rising from Zombrex UK ( like new ) - 70
Dead Space 3 Futureshop ( like new ) - 120
Dead Space 3 EU ( like new ) - 100
Destiny ( like new ) - 80
Deus Ex Human Revolution ( like new ) - 250
Devil May Cry 4 UK ( very good ) - 80
Devil May Cry 4 US ( very good ) - 100
Diablo 3 EU ( like new ) - 70
Diablo 3 Futureshop ( like new ) - 300
Dishonored german ( like new ) - 80
Dishonored polish ( like new ) - 120
Dishonored Futureshop ( like new ) - 120
Dragon Age Origins US metalpak ( like new ) - 250
Drakensang The Dark Eye german ( like new ) - 100
Driver Parallel Lines ( very good ) - 50
DTM Race Driver 3 german ( like new ) - 50
Duke Nukem Forever ( like new ) - 100
Dungeon Lords ( very good ) - 50
F1 2015 metalpak ( new ) - 30
Far Cry 2 UK ( like new ) - 100
Far Cry 3 Futureshop ( like new ) - 120
Far Cry 3 australian ( like new ) - 200
Far Cry 3 german ( like new ) - 150
FEAR 2 ( like new ) - 150
FEAR 3 from CE ( like new ) - 120
FIFA 11 steelbook ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 11 metalpak ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 12 EU ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 12 australian ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 12 Olympique Lyon ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 12 Bordeaux ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 12 PSG ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 12 Olympique Marseille ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 12 Inter Mediolan ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 12 AC Milan ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 13 EU ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 spanish metalpak ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 US metalpak ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 Valencia metalpak ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 Real Madrid metalpak ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 Juventus ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 Inter Mediolan ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 AC Milan ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 14 EU ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 14 Futureshop ( new ) - 100
FIFA 14 Olympique Lyon ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 Olympique Marseille ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 PSG ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 Inter Mediolan ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 AC Milan ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 Juventus ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 AS Roma ( like new ) - 120
FIFA 14 Napoli ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 Real Madrid ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 14 Sevilla ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 14 Betis ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 14 Valencia ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 14 Atletico Madrid ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 14 FC Barcelona ( like new ) - 150
FIFA Street german ( new ) - 100
Final Fantasy Lightning Returns ( new, no game ) - 120
Fist to Fight Ken's Rage ( like new ) - 200
Galactic Civilizations II ( like new ) - 50
Gran Turismo 5 dutch ( used ) - sold
Gothic 3 Enhanced Edition german ( like new ) - 120
Gears of War Judgement australian ( like new ) - 120
GTA 5 ( like new ) - 100
Halo 4 Futureshop ( like new ) - 100
Hitman Absolution french ( very good ) - 150
Hitman Absolution Futureshop ( like new ) - 100
Homefront ( like new ) - 100
Homefront metalpak ( like new ) - 300
Injustice Gods Among Us from CE ( like new ) - 120
Injustice Gods Among US from special edition ( like new ) - 120
Jade Empire ( like new ) - 70
Les Chevaliers Da Baphomet - Broken Sword french ( like new ) - 100
Loki US ( very good ) - 60
Lost Planet ( very good ) - 60
Maelstrom ( like new ) - 60
Mario Kart 8 ( like new ) - 150 - ON HOLD
Mass Effect 3 metalpak US CE ( like new ) - 120
Mass Effect 3 steelbook EU CE ( like new ) - 100
Mass Effect 3 french ( like new ) - 120
Mass Effect Collection ( like new ) - 200
London 2012 ( like new ) - 100
Medal of Honor 2010 metalpak ( like new ) - 300
Medal of Honor Warfighter US ( like new ) - 120
Medal of Honor Warfighter EU ( like new ) - 80
Metal Gear Solid Revengeance ( like new ) - 100
Metal Gear Solid Revengeance ( like new ) - 100
Might & Magic: Heroes VI ( like new ) - 100
Need for Speed: Shift 2 french ( like new ) - 150
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit ( all 3 very good/like new ) - 150
NHL 14 ( new ) - 100
Overlord ( like new ) - 250
Peter Jacksons King Kong ( very good ) - 50
Price of persia 2008 ( like new ) - 60
Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands polish ( like new ) - 100
PES 2013 Manchester United ( like new ) - 100
PES 2013 ( like new ) - 80
PES 2013 ( new ) - 100
Prototype 2 US 9 like new ) - 100
Prototype 2 french ( like new ) - 100
Quantum of Solace ( very good ) - 60
QUBE german metalpak ( like new ) - 100
Rage ( very good ) - 150
Rayman Legends ( like new ) - 150
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City ( like new ) - 150
Resident Evil 6 ( like new ) - 100
Rome II: Total War ( like new ) - 100
Sacred 3 ( all 4 very good/like new ) - 100
Saints Row The Third ( like new ) - 300
SBK 2011 ( like new ) - 150
Scarface ( very good ) - 50 - SOLD!
Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth ( like new ) - 100 - SOLD!
SimCity Futureshop ( new ) - 100
SimCity CE ( like new ) - 50
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion ( like new ) - 200
Sleeping Dogs ( very good ) - 120
Sniper 2 Ghost Warrior ( like new ) - 40
Sonic Generations ( like new ) - 150
Stalker Clear Sky french ( used ) - 100
Stalker Clear Sky UK ( very good ) - 150
Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm ( new ) - 120
Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 ( like new ) - 80
Star Wars The Old Republic ( like new ) - 120
Supreme Commander ( very good ) - 200
Test Drive unlimited ( like new ) - 100
The Darkness 2 preorder ( like new ) - 40
The Darkness 2 asian ( new, with game ) - 100
The Elder Scrolls Online EU preoder ( like new ) - 80
The Elder Scrolls Online from CE ( new ) - 150
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Futureshop ( like new ) - 250
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim EU ( like new ) - 150
The Evil Within ( like new ) - 80
The Godfather ( very good ) - 50
The Lord of the Rings Online ( like new ) - 50
The Lord of the Rings War in the North ( like new ) - 100
The Witcher ( like new ) - 250
Thief EU ( like new ) - 60
Thief Futureshop ( new ) - 100
Titanfall ( like new ) - 100
Titan Quest ( like new ) - 50
TOCA Race Driver 3 polish ( both very good ) - 40
Tomb Raider EU ( like new ) - 50
Tomb Raider Futureshop ( new ) - 100
Tom Clancys EndWar ( like new ) - 60
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier Futureshop ( new ) - 100
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier australian ( like new ) - 120
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas 2 ( like new ) - 60
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Chaos Theory US special ediito ( like new ) - 100
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Conviction from EU CE ( like new ) - 60
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Conviction from US CE ( very good ) - 80
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Blacklist Futureshop ( like new ) - 100
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Blacklist from CE ( like new ) - 60
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Blacklist from UK ( like new ) - 60
Turning Point Fall of Liberty ( like new ) - 150
Vanquish ( new with game ) - 150
Warhammer Dawn of War 2 ( very good ) - 60
Warhammer Space Marine metalpak ( like new ) - 250
Warhammer Online ( like new ) - 250
Watch Dogs from Dedsec ( like new ) - 60
Watch Dogs australian ( like new ) - 150
Watch Dogs Futureshop ( new ) - 120
Watch Dogs from US CE ( like new ) - 120
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria ( like new ) - 100
Wolfenstein The New Order ( both like new ) - 40
Watch Dogs argos ( like new ) - 80
Watch Dogs different than argos, different artwork inside, never saw another one ( like new ) - 800
01-05-2016, 03:56 PM
Definitely interested in the Mario Kart 8 one (I think, let me just make sure I don't already have one).
I'll go through your list and see if there are any others as well. Thanks! :thumb:
Edit: Also is that BF4 G2 a steel or a metal pak? If its a steel, I'm interested in that too. I'll PM you details!
01-05-2016, 03:57 PM
Definitely interested in the Mario Kart 8 one (I think, let me just make sure I don't already have one).
I'll go through your list and see if there are any others as well. Thanks! :thumb:
No problem, reserved for you ;)
01-07-2016, 07:55 AM
Very nice steelbook collection :) I'm very interested in scarface and cars 2, could you let me know the conditions and price with shipping to germany please? Thanks
01-07-2016, 11:40 AM
01-08-2016, 10:19 AM
Scarface and Cars 2 sold!
Knight, that BF4 is an US metalpak.
01-08-2016, 03:05 PM
Knight, that BF4 is an US metalpak.
Gotchya! Okay, then I guess just the MK8 one for right now as I've already got the metalpak. Quite a few others I'm tempted by, but just can't swing it at the moment. Also, we're relocating currently, so I'm not going to be having anyone ship things here until I get the new shipping address squared away -- so if you can hold it for me I should have that all done within the next week or so. Thanks!
(inbox is getting full again so thus the post instead of the PM)
01-08-2016, 03:14 PM
No problem mate, I'll keep it for you ;)
01-10-2016, 09:15 PM
Bump with list updated.
Here are pics:
List with prices in PLN currency:
G2 steels:
Assassin's Creed Liberation PS Vita ( used ) - 100
Assassin's Creed Unity ( like new ) - 150
Assassin's Creed Unity ( new ) - 120
Battlefield 4 ( like new ) - 100
Call of Duty World at War ( like new ) - 100
Crysis 2 ( like new, game included ) - 200
Crysis 3 ( like new ) - 250
Crysis 3 ( like new ) - 250
Dark Souls ( like new, game included ) - SOLD!
Dead Space 3 ( like new ) - 300
Dead Space 3 ( like new ) - 300
Dead Space 3 ( like new ) - 300
Deus Ex Human Revolution ( like new ) - 200
DMC Devil May Cry ( like new ) - 120
Dragon Age Inquisition ( new ) - 120 - SOLD!
Driveclub ( like new ) - 120
Far Cry 4 ( new ) - 120
Far Cry 4 ( metalpak, like new ) - 100
FEAR 3 ( used ) - 60
FIFA 15 ( like new ) - 80
Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn ( like new ) - 150
God of War Omega Collection ( like new, games included ) - 1000
Homefront ( very good ) - SOLD!
Killzone 3 ( very good, game included ) - 200
Killzone 3 ( used ) - 150
Little Big Planet 3 ( like new ) - 150
Medal of Honor Warfighter ( like new ) - 100
Mirror's Edge ( like new, bonus disc included ) - 1200
Need for Speed Undercover ( like new ) - 600
Need for Speed Most Wanted ( like new ) - 100
Need for Speed Rivals ( new ) - 150
One Piece Pirate Warriors ( used ) - 70
Winning Eleven 2013 ( like new ) - 150
PES 2013 ( like new ) - 150
PES 2013 ( like new ) - 150
PES 2014 World Cup ( like new ) - 150
PES 2014 World Cup ( new, game included ) - 200
Project Cars ( like new, guide included ) - 70
Psycho Break ( like new ) - 200
Resident Evil 6 ( like new ) - 100
Saint Seiya ( framecase, like new ) - 80
Super Smash Bros ( new ) - 120
The Last of Us ( like new ) - 400
The Last of Us Remastered ( like new ) - 300
Uncharted 3 ( like new ) - 200
Watch Dogs ( like new ) - 200
Witcher ( metalpak, like new ) - 100
Wolfenstein The New Order ( like new ) - 250
G1 steels:
AION ( very good ) - 80
Aliens vs Predator ( very good ) - 80
Alone in the Dark ( very good ) - 50
Alone in the Dark ( very good ) - 50
ARMA italian ( like new ) - 100
Assassin's Creed ( very good ) - 120
Assassin's Creed 2 spanish ( very good ) - 800
Assassin's Creed Pre-order to Codex Edition ( like new ) - 250
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood dutch ( very good ) - 1500
Assassin's Creed Revelations french ( like new ) - 120
Assassin's Creed 3 German ( like new ) - 70
Assassin's Creed 3 US ( like new ) - 70
Assassin's Creed 3 from Freedoom Edition ( like new ) - 100
Assassins Creed 3 Futureshop ( new ) - 100
Assassin's Creed Black Flag from US CE ( like new ) - 120
Assassin's Creed Black Flag german ( like new ) - 120
Assassin's Creed Unity from Guillotine ( like new ) - 120
Assassin's Creed Collection ( like new ) - 150
Batman Arkham City Catwoman ( like new ) - 80
Batman Arkham City Joker PC cover ( like new ) - 100
Batman Arkham City Armoured ( like new ) - 80
Batman Arkham Origins metalpak ( like new ) - 70
Batman Arkham Origins from CE metalpak ( like new ) - 100
Battlefield 3 EU ( very good ) - 100
Battlefield 3 Scandinavian ( very good ) - 300
Battlefield 3 Futureshop ( like new ) - 120
Battlefield 4 Futureshop ( new ) - 120
Battlefield 4 EU ( like new ) - 50
Battlefield 4 Metalpak ( like new ) - 200
Bioshock ( like enw ) - 80
Bioshock Infinite EU ( like new ) - 100
Bioshock Infinite Futureshop ( like new ) - 250
Batman Arkham Origins ( new, with X360 game ) - 120
Borderlands 2 Futureshop ( like new ) - 250
Borderlands 2 from Lootchest ( like new ) - 200
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel ( very good ) - 400
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare ( like new ) - 350
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 ( very good ) - 80
Call of Duty Black Ops ( used ) - 80
Call of Duty Black Ops dutch ( all three are used ) - 200
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 ( like new ) - 80
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 EU ( like new ) - 80
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Futureshop ( like new ) - 80
Call of Duty Ghosts ( like new ) - 50
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Collection french ( very good ) - 150
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Collection australian ( like new ) - 200
Call of Duty Collection Scandinavian ( like new, can keep 6 discs ) - 600
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Collection Futureshop ( like new ) - 150
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Collection jumbocase ( like new ) - 70
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare ( like new ) - 100
Cars 2 ( very good ) - 150 - SOLD!
Castlevania 2 preorder ( new ) - 100
Castlevania 2 from Draculas Tomb ( new, has X360 game inside ) - 150
Dirt ( very good ) - 60
Command & Conquer 4 Tiberium Twillight ( very good ) - 300
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 UK ( like new ) - 100
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 US ( very good ) - 120
Company of Heroes US ( like new ) - 100
Company of Heroes 2 german ( like new ) - 120
Crysis german ( like new ) - 80
Crysis 2 concept steel ( like new ) - 2500
Crysis 2 dutch ( like new ) - 400
Crysis 2 french ( like new ) - 200
Crysis 2 Nano ( like new ) - 250
Crysis 3 EU ( like new ) - 80
Crysis 3 Futureshop ( like new ) - 100
Darksider 2 french ( like new ) - 150
Dark Souls 2 Black Armour UK metalpak ( like new ) - 100
Dead Island ( very good ) - 400
Dead Island Riptide US ( like new ) - 120
Dead Island Riptide UK ( like new ) - 100
Dead Island Riptide czech metal case ( like new ) - 300
Dead Rising from Zombrex UK ( like new ) - 70
Dead Space 3 Futureshop ( like new ) - 120
Dead Space 3 EU ( like new ) - 100
Destiny ( like new ) - 80
Deus Ex Human Revolution ( like new ) - 250
Devil May Cry 4 UK ( very good ) - 80
Devil May Cry 4 US ( very good ) - 100
Diablo 3 EU ( like new ) - 70
Diablo 3 Futureshop ( like new ) - 300
Dishonored german ( like new ) - 80
Dishonored polish ( like new ) - 120
Dishonored Futureshop ( like new ) - 120
Dragon Age Origins US metalpak ( like new ) - 250
Drakensang The Dark Eye german ( like new ) - 100
Driver Parallel Lines ( very good ) - 50
DTM Race Driver 3 german ( like new ) - 50
Duke Nukem Forever ( like new ) - 100 - ON HOLD
Dungeon Lords ( very good ) - 50
F1 2015 metalpak ( new ) - 30 - ON HOLD
Far Cry 2 UK ( like new ) - 100
Far Cry 3 Futureshop ( like new ) - 120
Far Cry 3 australian ( like new ) - 200
Far Cry 3 german ( like new ) - 150
FEAR 2 ( like new ) - 150
FEAR 3 from CE ( like new ) - 120
FIFA 11 steelbook ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 11 metalpak ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 12 EU ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 12 australian ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 12 Olympique Lyon ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 12 Bordeaux ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 12 PSG ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 12 Olympique Marseille ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 12 Inter Mediolan ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 12 AC Milan ( very good ) - 100
FIFA 13 EU ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 spanish metalpak ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 US metalpak ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 Valencia metalpak ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 Real Madrid metalpak ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 Juventus ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 Inter Mediolan ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 13 AC Milan ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 14 EU ( like new ) - 100
FIFA 14 Futureshop ( new ) - 100
FIFA 14 Olympique Lyon ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 Olympique Marseille ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 PSG ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 Inter Mediolan ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 AC Milan ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 Juventus ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 AS Roma ( like new ) - 120
FIFA 14 Napoli ( new ) - 120
FIFA 14 Real Madrid ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 14 Sevilla ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 14 Betis ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 14 Valencia ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 14 Atletico Madrid ( like new ) - 150
FIFA 14 FC Barcelona ( like new ) - 150
FIFA Street german ( new ) - 100
Final Fantasy Lightning Returns ( new, no game ) - 120
Fist to Fight Ken's Rage ( like new ) - 200
Galactic Civilizations II ( like new ) - 50
Gran Turismo 5 dutch ( used ) - SOLD!
Gothic 3 Enhanced Edition german ( like new ) - 120
Gears of War Judgement australian ( like new ) - 120
GTA 5 ( like new ) - 100
Halo 4 Futureshop ( like new ) - 100
Hitman Absolution french ( very good ) - 150
Hitman Absolution Futureshop ( like new ) - 100
Homefront ( like new ) - 100
Homefront metalpak ( like new ) - 300
Injustice Gods Among Us from CE ( like new ) - 120
Injustice Gods Among US from special edition ( like new ) - 120
Jade Empire ( like new ) - 70
Les Chevaliers Da Baphomet - Broken Sword french ( like new ) - 100
Loki US ( very good ) - 60
Lost Planet ( very good ) - 60
Maelstrom ( like new ) - 60
Mario Kart 8 ( like new ) - 150 - ON HOLD
Mass Effect 3 metalpak US CE ( like new ) - 120
Mass Effect 3 steelbook EU CE ( like new ) - 100
Mass Effect 3 french ( like new ) - 120
Mass Effect Collection ( like new ) - 200
London 2012 ( like new ) - 100
Medal of Honor 2010 metalpak ( like new ) - 300
Medal of Honor Warfighter US ( like new ) - 120
Medal of Honor Warfighter EU ( like new ) - 80
Metal Gear Solid Revengeance ( like new ) - 100
Metal Gear Solid Revengeance ( like new ) - 100
Might & Magic: Heroes VI ( like new ) - 100
Need for Speed: Shift 2 french ( like new ) - 150
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit ( all 3 very good/like new ) - 150
NHL 14 ( new ) - 100
Overlord ( like new ) - 250
Peter Jacksons King Kong ( very good ) - 50
Price of persia 2008 ( like new ) - 60
Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands polish ( like new ) - 100
PES 2013 Manchester United ( like new ) - 100
PES 2013 ( like new ) - 80
PES 2013 ( new ) - 100
Prototype 2 US 9 like new ) - 100
Prototype 2 french ( like new ) - 100
Quantum of Solace ( very good ) - 60
QUBE german metalpak ( like new ) - 100
Rage ( very good ) - 150
Rayman Legends ( like new ) - 150
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City ( like new ) - 150
Resident Evil 6 ( like new ) - 100
Rome II: Total War ( like new ) - 100
Sacred 3 ( all 4 very good/like new ) - 100
Saints Row The Third ( like new ) - 300
SBK 2011 ( like new ) - 150
Scarface ( very good ) - 50 - SOLD!
Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth ( like new ) - 100 - SOLD!
SimCity Futureshop ( new ) - 100
SimCity CE ( like new ) - 50
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion ( like new ) - 200
Sleeping Dogs ( very good ) - 120
Sniper 2 Ghost Warrior ( like new ) - 40
Sonic Generations ( like new ) - 150
Stalker Clear Sky french ( used ) - 100
Stalker Clear Sky UK ( very good ) - 150
Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm ( new ) - 120
Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 ( like new ) - 80
Star Wars The Old Republic ( like new ) - 120
Supreme Commander ( very good ) - 200
Test Drive unlimited ( like new ) - 100
The Darkness 2 preorder ( like new ) - 40
The Darkness 2 asian ( new, with game ) - 100 - ON HOLD
The Elder Scrolls Online EU preoder ( like new ) - 80
The Elder Scrolls Online from CE ( new ) - 150
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Futureshop ( like new ) - 250
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim EU ( like new ) - 150
The Evil Within ( like new ) - 80
The Godfather ( very good ) - 50
The Lord of the Rings Online ( like new ) - 50
The Lord of the Rings War in the North ( like new ) - 100
The Witcher ( like new ) - 250
Thief EU ( like new ) - 60 - ON HOLD
Thief Futureshop ( new ) - 100
Titanfall ( like new ) - 100
Titan Quest ( like new ) - 50
TOCA Race Driver 3 polish ( both very good ) - 40 - SOLD!
Tomb Raider EU ( like new ) - 50
Tomb Raider Futureshop ( new ) - 100
Tom Clancys EndWar ( like new ) - 60
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier Futureshop ( new ) - 100
Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Future Soldier australian ( like new ) - 120
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas 2 ( like new ) - 60
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Chaos Theory US special ediito ( like new ) - 100
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Conviction from EU CE ( like new ) - 60
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Conviction from US CE ( very good ) - 80
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Blacklist Futureshop ( like new ) - 100
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Blacklist from CE ( like new ) - 60
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Blacklist from UK ( like new ) - 60
Turning Point Fall of Liberty ( like new ) - 150
Vanquish ( new with game ) - 150 - ON HOLD
Warhammer Dawn of War 2 ( very good ) - 60
Warhammer Space Marine metalpak ( like new ) - 250
Warhammer Online ( like new ) - 250
Watch Dogs from Dedsec ( like new ) - 60
Watch Dogs australian ( like new ) - 150
Watch Dogs Futureshop ( new ) - 120
Watch Dogs from US CE ( like new ) - 120
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria ( like new ) - 100
Wolfenstein The New Order ( both like new ) - 40
Watch Dogs argos ( like new ) - 80
Watch Dogs different than argos, different artwork inside, never saw another one ( like new ) - 800
01-12-2016, 12:15 PM
Hi mate,
can you reserve a few steels for me until the weekend/beginning of next week ? I'll should get some money at the weekend which I can spend on new steelbooks. ^^
I'm interested in:
all G1
Duke Nukem Forever ( like new ) - 100
F1 2015 metalpak ( new ) - 30
The Darkness 2 asian ( new, with game ) - 100
Thief EU ( like new ) - 60
Vanquish ( new with game ) - 150
And I guess there is a typo for this steel:
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Collection Futureshop ( like new ) - 15
I think you wanted to write 150 ? If it's really only 15 PLN you're asking for it I'm also interested. :D
Pls let me know if you can hold the named steels, thx!!
01-12-2016, 04:04 PM
I can hold them, no pro bro ;)
Yeah, wanna write 150, but can let it go for 100 if U are really interested ;)
01-12-2016, 05:13 PM
Thx mate!
I'll message you once I got the money.
What would be your total incl. shipping to Germany for those 5 steelbooks ?
Regarding the CoD steel I'm not THAT interested that I would take it for 100 PLN but thanks for the offer anyway. Haven't started to collect all the CoD steels yet ^^
01-18-2016, 07:39 PM
I have also artbook from The Last of Us Survival Edition ( along with comic book and box from that edition ) for 150 PLN and Bestiary book from polish Witcher CE for 200 PLN (pics are here: )
01-19-2016, 11:50 AM
Battlefield 4 PS3 promo disc in metal case from polish Press Kit - 300 PLN:
02-25-2016, 08:09 PM
I have AC Brotherhood stickerbook dented for 700 PLN and NFS: Hot Pursuit Stickerbook with a lot of scratches but no dents - 900 PLN
Someone interested?
04-04-2016, 01:30 PM
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