View Full Version : Where have all the steelbooks gone??
08-06-2014, 10:12 AM
Yes I know that seems a crazy question in the light of the number of steelbook releases that hit us every month but I'm wondering whether Scanovo are getting greedy or game stores are squeezing every last penny but the number of 'tin cases' 'metal boxes' and 'future paks' currently gracing the game case scene is starting to worry me..
Me - I'll collect anything made of metal but the quality of steelbook is so superior to other metal cases that it's a trend that saddens me
And, even on the profit note, I can't believe the demand for games in metal pak cases is as high as the demand for the branded steelbooks - so many 'steelbook' only collectors out there
Is this the end for steelbook (as in the branded product) domination??? :nosleep:
08-06-2014, 10:53 AM
I understand your concern, I prefer proper steelbooks but lately cheap inferior cases seem to be sneaking in here and there.
Hopefully the trend will reverse soon. There are a heap of cool steelbooks getting released with games over the next few months, namely Far Cry 4, Alien: Isolation, Destiny, Assassin's Creed Unity (possible futurepak) and COD: AWF to name a few. :)
08-06-2014, 12:24 PM
I googled futurepak when I saw the AC Unity comes with one. They say futurepak has better quality than metalpak and steelbook.
08-06-2014, 01:48 PM
I googled futurepak when I saw the AC Unity comes with one. They say futurepak has better quality than metalpak and steelbook.
Hmmmmm.... Bet it doesn't have a nice spine to it but I'll hold my cynicism.... And hope for the best! :)
08-06-2014, 02:15 PM
Things change
Maybe the people in production just shop around every year for the best deal
08-06-2014, 02:29 PM
Not sure about a "futurepak" but it is a tad annoying that so many other cheap-o packs are being included in CEs. I'm with ya Maggie - we need to demand better quality in these CEs, its just unfortunate that the only way to do so (besides bombarding them with mail/posts/etc.) is to not buy the thing in the 1st place. But I'm usually of the persuasion that a not-so-great-CE is still > than no-CE-at-all,... but that just enables them to keep doing this type of thing I guess :(
08-06-2014, 05:41 PM
I missed alot of the scene news cause of my schoolwork, what happened ?
08-06-2014, 11:04 PM
Hey Kian - been a while.... :)
Nothing major but seems some of the more 'significant' releases are switching away from the steelbook brand - which I can only imagine is cost driven as lowly suggests....
08-06-2014, 11:13 PM
Haha yeah Mags a little while :D
Wow just bad news, after America Canceled G1 Steels, now Steels get completely canceled :D But Europe is life haha
EU>NA, especially Germany ( get alot of Releases
08-06-2014, 11:23 PM
Haha yeah Mags a little while :D
Wow just bad news, after America Canceled G1 Steels, now Steels get completely canceled :D But Europe is life haha
EU>NA, especially Germany ( get alot of Releases
Yeah liking some of these more limited releases ;)
It's good to still find limited runs going strong :yes:
08-07-2014, 12:21 PM
I also saw a video on youtube comparing steelbook vs. futurepak..and the futurepark was of superior the spine design on steelbook is more appealing, but the overall contruction futurepak came in first.
08-07-2014, 03:48 PM
LOL futurepak is just the new name for metalpaks. And yes they still suck whatever the name. They are just cheaper and lower MOQ so the cheapskate publishers use them :haha:
The video comparing steelbooks with futurepaks was made by the futurepak company so I doubt they would have shown why steelbooks are better :banana:
08-07-2014, 05:43 PM
Derp derp derp
Where have all the steels gone
Mags storage room
Derp derp
08-07-2014, 06:35 PM
I like future pack
They use 2.5 tin and scanovo only use 2.1
And my god can you tell the difference, see if you apply pressure the scanovo Ines bend but if you handle the future packs with extreme care then nothing happens at all,
Like literally you touch a scanovo and it just crumbles at your touch and not a big ball of mess but the futurepak you can use that as a bomb shelter, heck Gaza has started ordering these to protect its citizens from air born missiles, they are like concrete bunker,
You've heard the saying, if their was a nuclear wat only the cockroaches would survive
Well not anymore, the futurepaks would survive and seeing as they are inanimate objects they would outlive the cockroach's and go on to take over the world,
08-07-2014, 06:58 PM
I like future pack
They use 2.5 tin and scanovo only use 2.1
And my god can you tell the difference, see if you apply pressure the scanovo Ines bend but if you handle the future packs with extreme care then nothing happens at all,
Like literally you touch a scanovo and it just crumbles at your touch and not a big ball of mess but the futurepak you can use that as a bomb shelter, heck Gaza has started ordering these to protect its citizens from air born missiles, they are like concrete bunker,
You've heard the saying, if their was a nuclear wat only the cockroaches would survive
Well not anymore, the futurepaks would survive and seeing as they are inanimate objects they would outlive the cockroach's and go on to take over the world,
SOMEBODY has stock in "futurepaks"
08-07-2014, 07:04 PM
SOMEBODY has stock in "futurepaks"
No *shifty eyes* I just watched the futurepak video explaining why they are better then scanovo
08-07-2014, 11:27 PM
To be absolutely honest it's the artwork that most interests me, not if the gauge of metal they use is 0.0001mm thicker lol.
Oh and every time I see the name if this thread I get that awful 'where have all the cowboys gone' song stuck in my head. Thanks for that :P
08-08-2014, 12:10 AM
To be absolutely honest it's the artwork that most interests me, not if the gauge of metal they use is 0.0001mm thicker lol.
Oh and every time I see the name if this thread I get that awful 'where have all the cowboys gone' song stuck in my head. Thanks for that :P
That was the plan.... :twisted:
Oh but it is actually 'where have all the soldiers gone....' just in case you wanted it accurate while it was going round in your head....
And, whatever the futurepak video says and Lowly you have been well sold up the river.... there is no way a futurepak would withstand more than a steelbook... :nosleep:
Metalpaks are made of tin foil - I've imprinted my own face on a metalpak simply by headbutting it....
King Peter
08-08-2014, 03:06 AM
Seems futureshop has stopped doing steelbook, don't see any upcoming game in their website for it. One of my futureshop got rid of all of the steelbook they had for sale.
08-08-2014, 05:11 AM
That was the plan.... :twisted:
Oh but it is actually 'where have all the soldiers gone....' just in case you wanted it accurate while it was going round in your head....
And, whatever the futurepak video says and Lowly you have been well sold up the river.... there is no way a futurepak would withstand more than a steelbook... :nosleep:
Metalpaks are made of tin foil - I've imprinted my own face on a metalpak simply by headbutting it....
That's not because metal packs are cheap, that's because your from up the north and your proper weather hardened
But the man in the video said they where better, so they must be, why would he lie about it?
08-08-2014, 06:24 AM
does futurepak have a official website?
08-08-2014, 11:45 AM
does futurepak have a official website?
08-08-2014, 01:56 PM
Metalpaks are made of tin foil - I've imprinted my own face on a metalpak simply by headbutting it....
:lmao: Hahaha! That's the funniest thing I've read in quite awhile... I can totally picture that now, hahahaha!!! It's WAAAAAY better than an autographed/signed Steelbook, it's got the actual face-indent of a famous person on there now! :lmao:
08-08-2014, 01:58 PM
:lmao: Hahaha! That's the funniest thing I've read in quite awhile... I can totally picture that now, hahahaha!!! It's WAAAAAY better than an autographed/signed Steelbook, it's got the actual face-indent of a famous person on there now! :lmao:
:lmao: yeah you'll be like 'here you go Nolan mind if I just push your head down hard on my Uncharted steelbook?' :lmao:
08-08-2014, 01:59 PM
Wow just knew there are "4D Futurepak"...
08-08-2014, 02:15 PM
I would like 5D pls with good smells!
08-08-2014, 02:16 PM
I would like 5D pls with good smells!
Wouldn't be long before you can purchase it!
08-08-2014, 04:13 PM
:lmao: yeah you'll be like 'here you go Nolan mind if I just push your head down hard on my Uncharted steelbook?' :lmao:
Hermes been doing this with boot for years
Sorry you late too party
New SIG sucks, I liked hula cow
08-08-2014, 05:13 PM
Hermes been doing this with boot for years
Sorry you late too party
New SIG is superb! I can't wait to play COL - it looks so charming
Fixed :thumb:
09-22-2014, 09:50 AM
With the AC Unity Futureshop steelbook having the steelbook logo emblazoned on the spine in the placeholder art is this a fight back by Steelbook to reinforce their brand and hold or gain market share after the recent losses to steelpacks??
Is there any steelbook collector out there who can convince me metalpaks are better??? And, yes, I am way down on the side of steelbooks for quality so I'm going to take a lot of convincing...
09-22-2014, 10:32 AM
Someone told me all the steelbooks and pre order bonuses are gone because the publishers weren't making the money they required in order the keep supplying pre order bonuses,
That's probably down to collectors picking up pre order bonuses then either not picking up the game or trading it straight back in as soon as they pick up the pre order bonus
So it would seem, of this is at all true, then it is collectors faults their is nothing to collect... Yayyyy :yay:
I put some of the blame on buying digital copies over buying physical copies but I have no proof for this at all
09-22-2014, 11:47 AM
Metalpaks = meh, Steelbooks = yeah
You can even showoff metalpaks with their ugly ass spine haha
10-02-2014, 10:39 PM
looks like steelbooks are back in season LOL
10-02-2014, 10:42 PM
looks like steelbooks are back in season LOL
You see the vid trying to pretend metalpaks are better?!?! :nosleep:
How can anyone even begin to suggest the quality is better???
10-02-2014, 10:43 PM
but lights and sound metalpaks are cool :D
10-02-2014, 10:48 PM
but lights and sound metalpaks are cool :D
:nosleep: :swoon: :nosleep: :swoon: :nosleep:
10-07-2014, 11:37 AM
Metal Pak's are better,
Sending you all my steel books mags
Sorry I sat on all of them :(
10-07-2014, 11:39 AM
Metal Pak's are better,
Sending you all my steel books mags
Sorry I sat on all of them :(
Yay!! Bum prints! :thumb:
10-07-2014, 11:42 AM
Yay!! Bum prints! :thumb:
:rant:my bum prints, so yea you wants
Also I have a jumbo steelie that won't close, guess I should take out the T-shirt :(
10-07-2014, 11:44 AM
my bum prints, so yea you wants
Also I have a jumbo steelie that won't close, guess I should take out the T-shirt :(
That might help.... if it really annoys you just send it over :yes:
I like to help relieve annoyances :thumb:
10-07-2014, 11:46 AM
That might help.... if it really annoys you just send it over :yes:
I like to help relieve annoyances :thumb:
OK I'm.going to need your address and joykillmegs address
10-07-2014, 11:47 AM
OK I'm.going to need your address and joykillmegs address
Don't worry - was only kidding ;) :poke: though i do have Meggie's address.... :secret:
10-07-2014, 11:55 AM
Don't worry - was only kidding ;) :poke: though i do have Meggie's address.... :secret:
How do I get your secret Santa pressie to you?
10-07-2014, 12:55 PM
I Would take that Jumbo Steel :D
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