View Full Version : Final Fantasy Boxed Guide Set (VII, VIII, IX)

08-07-2014, 03:06 PM
So, in a strange listing, it looks like Prima is releasing a VERY expensive Boxed Set of Guides for Final Fantasy VII, VIII, & IX. MSRP is $129.99 and the release date is November 4, 2014

Gamestop and Amazon currently have pre-orders available.

Picture (credit to GameTrigger):

Actual Picture (credit to Barran):

Gamestop (http://www.gamestop.com/strategy-guides/final-fantasy-box-set-ffvii-ffviii-ffix/116349?utm_source=linkshare&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=deeplink&cid=afl_10000087&affID=77777&sourceID=FKSJxY2VJAk-7tAsjgnQvkhKptEl_BHl4A#productDetails) - ($129.99)
Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/FINAL-FANTASY-FFVII-FFVIII-FFIX/dp/1101898046) - (price at time of posting = ~$85)

Here's what's included:
*The Final Fantasy Box Set is a must have for fans of this beloved series.
*The set includes hardcover versions of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX, each comes with a ribbon bookmark and deluxe cover treatment.
*Each guide has been redesigned from scratch and updated with new high resolution screen shots. In addition, the set comes with three iconic game images printed for first time as holographic lithographs.
*The three holographic prints are secured in a beautiful slipcase with magnetic closure.

It seems odd to re-release some hardcover guides for 15+ year old games, so I wonder if this is some precursor to some HD remakes of these games and was an "oops" by Prima??

08-07-2014, 03:16 PM
i think this must be this one:


that looks nice, i love that kind of stuff!


08-07-2014, 08:29 PM
Not sure on the HD remake side of it all. I'm sure someone high up at Square Enix said the cost and time it would take just to make a FF7 was quite a lot, and is the main reason they haven't done it already.

Maybe it has something to do with releasing them on PS4 or something? Sony patented some sort of retro achievement thing which also allowed them to set scenarios on old games or something like that.

Or maybe they just thought it'd be nice for fans :D

08-07-2014, 11:15 PM
Nice looking set, but who needs a guide for those games? Yeah I know it's more of a collectors thing, but why guides? Pricey too.

08-08-2014, 03:45 AM
!, FF7, FF8, FF9 HD CONFIRMED. Na jk I wish.

08-08-2014, 04:44 AM
Yesterday , I saw the game stop page , but now after seeing
This pic .. I'm hayped .. I placed a pre-order :D

Is it Because of steam relase for the PC players ?!
I'm kinda happy to get them as a FF lover
And a collector .
But yes the price is really high !! I hope they will change it
Later .

08-08-2014, 07:16 AM
I wish it were limited with a number like the Zelda ones.

08-08-2014, 09:45 AM
Absurdly expensive :(

08-08-2014, 09:48 AM
It is actually not that expensive. One ce guide usually is around 30-40 plus this is fitted into a special slip cover for all 3 books so pretty decent. Best price from amazon.ca

08-08-2014, 09:53 AM
It's discounted to $85 in the Amazon link in the OP, seems like a pretty good price for three CE guides! Always loved FF7 and 8 so this is a must have for me :P

08-08-2014, 10:08 AM
It's discounted to $85 in the Amazon
Much better price :)
But I think there will be fast price drop like was with The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy slipcased edition...

08-08-2014, 12:06 PM
I canceled my first pre-order since the price didn't change
And pre-order it again .
I would love to wait for the price to drop down but i'm afraid it will sold
Out .

08-08-2014, 01:42 PM
I canceled my first pre-order since the price didn't change
And pre-order it again .
I would love to wait for the price to drop down but i'm afraid it will sold
Out .

Yeah, that's what I'm wondering. I mean, the Slipcase edition of Sky plummeted in price (which I benefited from), but the original edition sold out right away and skyrocketed in price. Obviously that was a bit more of a collector's item than this, but it still makes me wonder.

I imagine there'll be a few left at Gamestops around the country from cancelled pre-orders and such, but with something like this I'm not sure if I'd want to take the chance that it'll be gone and have to someday get it of eBay? (especially now that I've got some extra Amazon credit!) :spiteful:

08-08-2014, 02:03 PM
Much better price :)

Haha yeah that's what I thought too, I was pretty hesitant at the original price! Been think about going back and replaying 7 and 8, so couldn't have been more perfect timing for these to come out :P

It is a bit of strange time to release these unless they're doing HD remasters, but the original guides have been out of print so long that they're pretty hard to find, so I'm really glad they're printing these!!

I don't think its really worth waiting to see if they drop the price further, $85 seems like a really good deal for 3 CE guides.

08-08-2014, 02:06 PM
Yeah, I wondered that, but the prototype in the case picture that Barran gave doesn't say anything about "HD Remasters"? My thoughts were that it could just be Prima realizing that they can make a killing in the Hardcover Collector Edition guide market and decided rather than waiting for new game releases to come out, that they'd go back and make some for some older fan-favorites and cash-in all year long? I mean, they're the company that's releasing the $120 Limited LIMITED edition guides for AC:Unity and Dragon Age:Inquisition this year as well... maybe somebody at the helm just wanted to go CE-guide crazy and see its effects on annual revenue?

08-09-2014, 09:48 AM
Yeah, I wondered that, but the prototype in the case picture that Barran gave doesn't say anything about "HD Remasters"? My thoughts were that it could just be Prima realizing that they can make a killing in the Hardcover Collector Edition guide market and decided rather than waiting for new game releases to come out, that they'd go back and make some for some older fan-favorites and cash-in all year long? I mean, they're the company that's releasing the $120 Limited LIMITED edition guides for AC:Unity and Dragon Age:Inquisition this year as well... maybe somebody at the helm just wanted to go CE-guide crazy and see its effects on annual revenue?

Oh yeah I totally agree, there are zero markings on the books to indicate any HD remasters and I doubt they'll remake those games anytime soon! They're definitely cashing in on some nostalgia, but I think $80-90 is a really good price considering what's included, and I'd be in if they did more stuff like this :)

Wait what..... $120?? I hadn't seen those yet, that sounds sickening :S

Oh by the way guys the price has dropped again on amazon, its down to $78 now! Cancelled my previous order and bought it again at the lower price :P

08-09-2014, 06:35 PM
Yes thats why it's better to get it now .. I don't wana miss it as the
First limited ver of the sky :(

Oh yeah I totally agree, there are zero markings on the books to indicate any HD remasters and I doubt they'll remake those games anytime soon! They're definitely cashing in on some nostalgia, but I think $80-90 is a really good price considering what's included, and I'd be in if they did more stuff like this :)

Wait what..... $120?? I hadn't seen those yet, that sounds sickening :S

Oh by the way guys the price has dropped again on amazon, its down to $78 now! Cancelled my previous order and bought it again at the lower price :P

Thanks for telling us .. "Lol , This is my 2nd cancel :D"
For me since i'm not in the USA
They will charge me 50$ for shipping .
So every time they drop the price , it will be good for me <3
For now the price is good .
I can't resist anything FF related . I really love FF8
It have a special place in my heart for a lot of
Reasons . And i wish they make more stuff for it.

08-09-2014, 06:49 PM
They will charge me 50$ for shipping .
With what shipping?
I pre-ordered and cheapest (and longest) post was only 8USD :)

08-09-2014, 07:58 PM
Thanks for telling us .. "Lol , This is my 2nd cancel :D"
For me since i'm not in the USA
They will charge me 50$ for shipping .
So every time they drop the price , it will be good for me <3

I know how you feel mate, collecting is VERY expensive for us living in Australia, as everything has to be shipping in from overseas :) It is really $50 for you though? They only charged me $10 to get it to Australia.

Cheers to Knight for telling us about it too :D

I really love FF8
It have a special place in my heart for a lot of reasons

Same for me too, FF8 was my first Final Fantasy and still my favorite :D

08-09-2014, 08:34 PM
Why do you have to cancel and re-order? They will automatically adjust the price of your order to the lowest price while you had it pre-ordered...

08-09-2014, 10:42 PM
With what shipping?
I pre-ordered and cheapest (and longest) post was only 8USD :)
You know what , i think they did the same mistake as before .
For this one the delivery time from 3-7 days .
Nothing else ... They should add the other option but they didn't !!
I need to talk with them ><"

I know how you feel mate, collecting is VERY expensive for us living in Australia, as everything has to be shipping in from overseas :) It is really $50 for you though? They only charged me $10 to get it to Australia.

Cheers to Knight for telling us about it too :D
Same for me too, FF8 was my first Final Fantasy and still my favorite :D
10$ is a good price . I wish it was the same for me :(
They charged me for 1item , lets say 1game
It's always the same price >_>
How can i check the price for my country for each item
Or weight ?

Thats cool !! FF8 is one of the titles in the series that have no much love
I only know like 3 of my friends who love it . The other mostly love FF7.
For me i love everything FF .
But i did face some ppl in my life who always make the hype or talk badly
About FF8 or even the others .
Make me sometimes gets sensitive when they mention FF7 because it's
Always in the pic and they made mostly anything for it first .
I just wish SE try to be fair for the other title in the series . They need
More love just like 7 .

Why do you have to cancel and re-order? They will automatically adjust the price of your order to the lowest price while you had it pre-ordered...
They didn't !
I'm not sure whats wrong or they need time to update it .
But i remember before they didn't update one of my orders .
And sometimes when time pass , they return like 5$ or something
I even pay for tax and my country don't charge for that .

I think i need to talk to amazon , lately they are making a lots
Of mistakes.
They charged me more before , they only change it when i told them
About my friend .

It's not fair .. Because sometimes i get busy and i can't check
my orders with Them .
Like if they drop the price or the shipping price should be lower
Than what they list .

Thanks every one ..I really need to talk with them .

08-10-2014, 12:25 AM
Alright i talked to an agent from amazon
and he told me that because it's a pre order item even in the states ! they are forced for 1 shipping speed option and that is priority !

he also told me another thing , in my case since my country still outdated and we only using PO.BOX not a a physical address ..
that's why in my other order i'm forced to use Expedited Shipping !! thats why they charged me to much T_T

all this time , all these feedback .. they are still ignoring their customers in the middle east ... i told him that ..
he told me he is not sure if something will happen it depends on how many customers will complain .. things will change.
i told him i'm pissed off because they forced me to pay for another book box set
$49.51 !!! they didn't allow me to choose the shipping speed .

i told him i don't know how many time i complained to amazon "USA/EU"
about a lots of things .. one of them is that how we are forced to use amazon because they are mostly the only site that allow us to pre-order EXCLUSIVE items.
but now amazon is becoming just as the other site ..

I'm sorry for saying this .. but i'm sure some of you having it hard just as me to
order or get some stuff for a reasonable price .

if i want to order or pre-order 1 game that is around 400g weight
i have to pay 20$ for shipping ..
sometimes i'm forced to do that if they don't have it here in any local store ..
and that's usually if the game is old or sold out ..etc
or i want LE/CE ..etc

anyway , i'm very sad at the moment .. i think after this i will cancel all my pre-order with amazon .. because they are not honest ..

even though they have this Shipping Rates (http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=596204) page
they are forcing us to use : Expedited/Priority .

As I remember , They forced me to use this since December 2, 2013 !
for : Metal Gear Rising Revengeance Limited Edition
i payed 21$ for Priority Shipping ... and the same for ,
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: Collector's Edition - PlayStation 3

it was ok for me since it's worth it .

but i paid 44$ for The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy Slipcased Edition
when it was only for $6.04
but i said it's ok , it's worth it .. because i did saw it in a different place and it was
more than amazon price with or without shipping .

but honestly now , it's to much ..
since they are forcing me to use always/only : Expedited Shipping
with Final Fantasy Boxed Guide Set (VII, VIII, IX) 0.0

what should i do ???

08-10-2014, 09:46 AM
Queeny, it's your call but I understand you - I import most of my stuff and postage can be killer :(

08-10-2014, 12:14 PM
Queeny, it's your call but I understand you - I import most of my stuff and postage can be killer :(

I did shipped 2 heavy books from them before and it was standard .
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch: Prima Official Game Guide
the shipping cost me = 21$

Do you see the difference ?!! why amazon didn't tell us about it ?
I mean the shipping speed option .

does anyone around the world also have a one option now ?
or you can choose ?


08-11-2014, 04:06 AM
These final fantasy's were the first 3 I played. Queeny, i'm like you I like all final fantasy's with a burning passion(considering I have them all) and some. I can't wait to get these and who knows TGS is almost here we might have a surprise. hehehe

08-11-2014, 05:36 AM
These final fantasy's were the first 3 I played. Queeny, i'm like you I like all final fantasy's with a burning passion(considering I have them all) and some. I can't wait to get these and who knows TGS is almost here we might have a surprise. hehehe
Yes Same here :hug:
I played 8 "The Main reason That got me into the series "
After that ,I read a lots about 7 and managed to play it !!
then 9 << when it was out .
These 3 titles was my first ! then I waited for FF10 while looking for the other FF titles ..
FF Made me Love RPG games <3 :v:

I also Love Final Fantasy Tactics . Awesome Game <3 :1:

08-11-2014, 01:07 PM
Jeeezes, I just pre-orderd it on Amazon.com, and I am extremely pleased to see that they will charge me only 8 dollars for delivery to Ireland...though it may take up to 32 days LoL!!!! Still a bargain.
QQ: Anyone knows if it is a limited release? And has anyone seen it advertised on any of the EU sites?


08-11-2014, 01:38 PM
Strange that there isn't any info on Prima Games web?

08-11-2014, 02:13 PM
Yes Same here :hug:

I also Love Final Fantasy Tactics . Awesome Game <3 :1:

Indeed, FFT is probably the top game in terms of "total hours played" for all my games ever. One of my absolute favorites. Its a completionists dream-come-true as well with all the little secrets and poaching items and spells etc. to get. Have a savegame somewhere where I mastered every job on every character in the game INCLUDING Summoner! So many hundreds of hours spent in that one. I started with the FF on the NES though (also tons of time spent on that one) and played every one (including handhelds) up through X and then stopped when they went MMO.

I'd LOVE a Final Fantasy Tactics CE strategy guide! The original guide was pretty good (only a few mistakes iirc), but the pages all came unbound so easily.

08-12-2014, 11:08 PM
its at $77 right now, may have to flip a coin on this one hehe

08-13-2014, 03:32 AM
its at $77 right now, may have to flip a coin on this one hehe

Heads you buy it, tails you don't not buy it. :D

08-18-2014, 09:15 AM
Now you can pre-order from Amazon worldwide.
UK Amazon price + post is same as US Amazon + post + custom tax; I don't know, if I must cancel my US pre-order or not?

08-18-2014, 10:55 AM
Preordered. Thank god for no import tax on books :D

08-25-2014, 02:10 AM
Now you can pre-order from Amazon worldwide.
UK Amazon price + post is same as US Amazon + post + custom tax; I don't know, if I must cancel my US pre-order or not?

Can you please post a link ?!

Edit :
never mind ,I found it :D
Just in case , i pre-order this one .. it's cheaper for me than the us ver .
shipping will only cost me £8.48
but for the amazon us it's will cost me 50$

thanks GameTrigger for sharing ~

09-17-2014, 09:54 AM

09-17-2014, 09:59 AM
Wait platform ps2 ps3 and ps4? HD remaster coming?

09-17-2014, 10:23 AM
Wait platform ps2 ps3 and ps4? HD remaster coming?
I think that you can play PS1 Classic (PSN games) via PS Now (now only beta) on PS4...
...or it's just a mistake ;)

09-17-2014, 01:55 PM

Awesome, thanks for the pic! I'll upload the OP with it! I'm pretty excited for this actually. Will be neat to re-live the game just by reading the books (and take me a lot less time too!) ;)

09-17-2014, 02:47 PM

damn that is gorgeous

10-13-2014, 02:46 PM
Amazon.com: This title will be released on February 17, 2015
Amazon.co.uk still has 4 Nov 2014 as release date

10-31-2014, 06:44 PM
Game.co.uk has cancelled my pre order without assigning any reason. I think may be due to weight..............
Anyone else has same problem.........

10-31-2014, 07:37 PM
Game.co.uk has cancelled my pre order without assigning any reason. I think may be due to weight..............
Anyone else has same problem.........

The release date was changed from November 4, 2014 to February 2015 so maybe that had something to do with it?

11-03-2014, 03:28 PM
The release date was changed from November 4, 2014 to February 2014 so maybe that had something to do with it?

I would love to go back in time, Knight. :lmao:

I know you prob meant that as a typo.

11-03-2014, 04:30 PM
I would love to go back in time, Knight. :lmao:

I know you prob meant that as a typo.

A typo you say? By me?!? I have no idea what you mean, everything looks good to me -- also in a completely unrelated topic, pay no attention to that "last edited by" note, it means nothing and is just there for aesthetics to enhance the glory of my impeccable post.

11-03-2014, 05:44 PM
they cancel because of weight..they NEVER ship anything overseas that's bigger than a standard game case.

05-04-2015, 12:09 PM
This guide set once again got an update to 07/07/15. Gamestop apparently has changed their date to this now as well. Since that'll just be a couple of weeks out from E3 I wonder if Sony might not have an announcement to make what with all their crazy HD remakes over and over again.

A FF7/8/9 HD Remake CE might make me buy my first PS4 CE that's for sure!

05-05-2015, 03:48 PM
I would literally shit my pants if they brought FF 7-9 on to ps4. Even if it's just a port with trophy support...it would be amazing

05-06-2015, 08:02 AM
is E3 in June or July? and does anyone expect any kind of Nintendo bombshell new game reveal news?...because I think I read Nintendo already came out and said, there E3 will focus on "current and upcoming games being released in 2015"..which means we pretty much know 99% of Nintendo's IP for 2015..although the 1% part could be a blockbuster announcement.

05-06-2015, 08:03 AM
i also expect Nintnedo to announce some sort of 30th anniversary Mario special edition new 3DS console..the LOL end to 2DS and a Mario Maker Wii u Bundle with some sort of 30th anniversary logo tacked on the gamepad...

05-12-2015, 04:26 PM
Seems to official now:

05-12-2015, 05:50 PM
Seems to official now:

Ouch, yeah, I think I'll stick with my sub-$70 order with Amazon right now thank you very much.

05-12-2015, 06:21 PM
Ouch, yeah, I think I'll stick with my sub-$70 order with Amazon right now thank you very much.
I made my pre-order with 79usd - how does that best price things works with Amazon?

05-12-2015, 06:26 PM
I made my pre-order with 79usd - how does that best price things works with Amazon?

They'll automatically adjust it. Mine is sub $70 because I got the best price, and also applied a coupon last year as well :)

05-24-2015, 01:38 PM
Amazon UK - 46,99 GBP

05-24-2015, 01:42 PM
Amazon UK - 46,99 GBP

http://www.speedyhen.com/StoreFront/Product/Final-Fantasy-Boxed-Set--Prima-Official-Game-Guides/16259826 £43.20

05-24-2015, 02:23 PM
http://www.speedyhen.com/StoreFront/Product/Final-Fantasy-Boxed-Set--Prima-Official-Game-Guides/16259826 £43.20

"We are currently unable to deliver to countries outside of the UK."

05-24-2015, 02:37 PM
"We are currently unable to deliver to countries outside of the UK."

yeh but it should be cheaper option if someone live in uk

05-27-2015, 12:04 PM
Wasn´t aware there was a thread for this, I think I´m sticking with my order. I kind of pre-ordered it on a whim, but it is taking so long to be released that I was considering canceling it, seemed like the kinda item that would go down in price.

But I guess that if the msrp is 130 bucks, getting mine for 77 bucks is not so bad, I guess.

07-03-2015, 09:45 PM
Look Inside: Final Fantasy VII-VIII-IX Box Set

07-03-2015, 10:07 PM
Seems they use same cheap paper as for FF Type-0 guide?

07-06-2015, 04:16 PM
Mine was shipped yesterday. Excited to get this, but sad they didn't add more color or art to... well... anything. The box and books just seem too bland in my opinion, but maybe its to stick with the motif they've been doing lately (which I guess I do appreciate). I don't know - there's just a LOT of white there.

07-06-2015, 06:46 PM
Mine was shipped yesterday. Excited to get this, but sad they didn't add more color or art to... well... anything. The box and books just seem too bland in my opinion, but maybe its to stick with the motif they've been doing lately (which I guess I do appreciate). I don't know - there's just a LOT of white there.
Actually I like book covers - matchs with game covers (I know that NA covers are colorfull, but I don't like those) ;)
But I hoped that final box come more "luxury"...

07-07-2015, 10:44 AM
Amazon US shipped my copy yesterday - estimate delivery time is 07.08.2015 (cheapest shipping) lol

07-08-2015, 04:49 PM
After reading first reviews, text/info is copy-paste from original guides (with old errors) :(

07-09-2015, 08:11 AM
Looks like they've also got another "Box Set #2" that will have X, X2, and XII in it. Same MSRP, but with how fast the price on the first set appears to be dropping, I can't see Amazon NOT having it much cheaper, especially with the lesser popularity of these 3 over 7-9.


07-10-2015, 03:09 PM
Dang, I had to cancel mine, some other stuff popped up that I just couldn´t pass. Maybe I can still get one next month, but I probably shouldn´t, thinking about it, it won´t be long before I run out of space to store my collection and it´s gonna be a long while before I can move to a house (currently living at an apartment building).

King Peter
07-11-2015, 04:52 AM
Got mine Wednesday, pages looks like cheap printing paper than high quality paper

At least, FFIX is now better than ever compared to their ugly 1rst print

Weird, I have 2 FFVII postcard instead of 1 each, missing the FFIX Vivi one

Luckily I only paid 80$ Cad for that crap :P