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08-12-2014, 02:24 AM
Since nobody care about Vinyl Records, the ultimate form of musical doucheries. I guess somebody gotta do it.


You can checkout lists of previous vinyl released here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_game_soundtracks_released_on_vinyl)

The list is still 50% missing out on some Japanese release, limited remixed stuffs from Europe and bootlegs/tribute by fans

I'll try update from time to time

Here's the recently / upcoming release

Official Release


Assassin's Creed Black Flag IV OST by Brian Tyler
Record Store Day Exclusive
Pretty pricey for the Vinyl but Ass Creed Fan probably wouldn't mind.

Link (http://www.vinylrecords.ca/assassins-creed-black-flag-brian-tyler-video-game-soundtrack-special-p-17091.html)


Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon O.S.T. by Power Glove
This is the 2nd release ver. probably on black vinyl not the limited (1,000) neon pink ver. that release on records store day.

Link (http://www.amazon.com/Far-Cry-Blood-Dragon-O-S-T/dp/B00LMFHPR8/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1407608581&sr=1-1)


Watch Dogs O.S.T. by Brian Reitzell
The import version will be available soon thanks to amazon.

Link (http://www.amazon.com/Watch-Dogs-O-S-T-Brian-Reitzell/dp/B00L9CSFZK/ref=sr_1_3?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1407608688&sr=1-3)


The Call: 8?-?Bit Anniversary Edition by Megaran
Limited to 250 in red LP.
Re-release of debut no one heard of, remix in 8 bit.
Not my kind of rap album tbh.

Link (http://megaranmusic.com/album/the-call-8-bit-anniversary-edition-2)

Hopefully Duane & BrandO would release vinyl someday.


MEGA MAN 2 vinyl record (Bootleg Ver.)
Limited to 250 in random marble colors
The jacket inspired by David Bowie's heroes vinyl cover.
8 Bit track with bonus sfx sound from game
Currently sold out but still open seat for 2nd chance.

Link (http://nintendoage.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=6&threadid=126336)

08-12-2014, 09:14 AM
Hahaha I'm glad to see some other video game vinyl collectors out there!!

I preordered one of those Watch_Dogs Blue/Black Splatter vinyls, hopefully it should be shipping soon :) I've also got (that you've listed):

- The original Neon Pink release for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

I've also got a couple of other vinyl releases not listed on that wiki page:

1. Halo 4 Limited Edition OST Set (The Halo Waypoint Store)

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c202/Ibanez101/Collectors%20Edition/etc-halo-soundtrack-open.jpg (http://s28.photobucket.com/user/Ibanez101/media/Collectors%20Edition/etc-halo-soundtrack-open.jpg.html)

2. Wolfenstein Neumond Classics: Superhits of the 1960's LP

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c202/Ibanez101/Collectors%20Edition/media-wolf-neumondsuperhitslp-full.jpg (http://s28.photobucket.com/user/Ibanez101/media/Collectors%20Edition/media-wolf-neumondsuperhitslp-full.jpg.html)

08-12-2014, 10:32 PM
I'm glad that they're like 5 of us still around haha
For Halo vinyl it'd be cheaper to purchase from amazon

$24.99+3.99 shipping

Link (http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00A2XEQFA/ref=tmm_dva_new_olp_sr?ie=UTF8&condition=new&sr=&qid=)

For Wolfenstein they also release 3 of 10" single randomly handout at PAX community events.

08-12-2014, 11:06 PM
man I want those wolfenstein records

Texas Fire
08-12-2014, 11:40 PM
This is awesome!

08-13-2014, 08:31 AM
I'm glad that they're like 5 of us still around haha

For Wolfenstein they also release 3 of 10" single randomly handout at PAX community events.

Well hopefully now that more and more game soundtracks are coming out on vinyl, we can convert some more people :P

Oh wow, I never knew about those 7" wolfenstein vinyls :O You wouldn't happen to know anybody selling them would you? I've gotta track those down now :D

Next week I'm also gonna grab one of these Halo: CE Anniversary vinyls, absolutely love the neon green vinyl:

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c202/Ibanez101/Collectors%20Edition/61z5biac5pL.jpg (http://s28.photobucket.com/user/Ibanez101/media/Collectors%20Edition/61z5biac5pL.jpg.html)

StayFree( ' 3')
08-13-2014, 08:44 AM
Since nobody care about Vinyl Records, the ultimate form of musical doucheries.

As someone who once had a collection of 2,000+ records I take great offense to this sir...It's Mr.Musical Douche to you. :2cool:

Among my favorite videogame related records includes the Parappa the Rapper 2 45", Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon RSD first print, and Space Channel 5 ReadyMade Remixes (Wiki is missing the Planet Dance 12").


Brutal Legend didn't only release a 12" of the soundtrack they also had a promotion with Best Buy where if you preordered the game through them you would also get this gatefold LP sleeve that was designed to store the game.


But easily the coolest thing ever has to be the Parappa the Rapper Vinyl Killer promo.


Now if anyone here ever gets their hands on the Ghost in the Shell Playstation Soundtrack (Picture Disc Edition) I'll throw my wallet at you. :D

08-13-2014, 09:00 PM
As someone who once had a collection of 2,000+ records I take great offense to this sir..

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/5e/5eff1c377f48790ca75a9a9878660481eeb4fde0172a2ad495 05dc15890486c8.jpg

Now if anyone here ever gets their hands on the Ghost in the Shell Playstation Soundtrack (Picture Disc Edition) I'll throw my wallet at you.



Thanks but no thanks :-P

Space Channel 5 also have 2 more vinyls
Jap Ver.
US Ver.

For the Wolfenstein I'll let you know if I see one.

08-19-2014, 09:53 PM
I think that Driver San Francisco had vinyl too.

StayFree( ' 3')
08-19-2014, 10:50 PM


Thanks but no thanks :-P

Would you take two wallets for it? :P

08-23-2014, 09:41 PM
I think that Driver San Francisco had vinyl too.

Indeed, it is named "Sounds of San Fransisco"

It also includes a DLC code for some multiplayer cars.


08-24-2014, 01:29 PM
Haha I had a mate who had that Parappa the Rapper vinyl with the bus driving round and round. He also had the Parappa the Rapper alarm clock from Japan. That was really cool!

08-25-2014, 01:54 PM
Haha I had a mate who had that Parappa the Rapper vinyl with the bus driving round and round. He also had the Parappa the Rapper alarm clock from Japan. That was really cool!

I loved that game! It was so much fun and a very unique game at the time it came out too! There wasn't really anything stateside to even compare it to. My favorite line was "I wanna see if you wanna see, what it means to be the man with the master plan, are you the master now?" (darn you, now its stuck in my head!!)

08-25-2014, 03:35 PM
Here's a 7 inch that was released earlier this year Super Mario Bros - Overworld BGM - The Handy Dandy Boys (http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%82%B9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%91%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%8 3%AA%E3%82%AA%E3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%82%B6%E3%83%BC% E3%82%BA-%E5%9C%B0%E4%B8%8A-BGM-%E9%99%90%E5%AE%9A%E3%82%A2%E3%83%8A%E3%83%AD%E3%8 2%B0%E3%82%B7%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AB%E7%9B%A4-Analog/dp/B00KQ97LWU/)


Do any members here collect video game related vinyl records specifically? I've discovered a lot.

08-25-2014, 05:24 PM
I loved that game! It was so much fun and a very unique game at the time it came out too! There wasn't really anything stateside to even compare it to. My favorite line was "I wanna see if you wanna see, what it means to be the man with the master plan, are you the master now?" (darn you, now its stuck in my head!!)

Haha, my favourite was the first song "Kick, Punch, it's all in the mind..."

Sooooo good!!


08-28-2014, 07:08 AM
Do any members here collect video game related vinyl records specifically? I've discovered a lot.

Thanks for records tips from japan

I tend to buy all videogames vinyl whether it's good or bad and some of oldie country music and cheesy 80 music.

Please do share if you know records that release overseas

08-28-2014, 10:05 AM
Hahaha I'm glad to see some other video game vinyl collectors out there!!

I preordered one of those Watch_Dogs Blue/Black Splatter vinyls, hopefully it should be shipping soon :) I've also got (that you've listed):

- The original Neon Pink release for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

I've also got a couple of other vinyl releases not listed on that wiki page:

1. Halo 4 Limited Edition OST Set (The Halo Waypoint Store)

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c202/Ibanez101/Collectors%20Edition/etc-halo-soundtrack-open.jpg (http://s28.photobucket.com/user/Ibanez101/media/Collectors%20Edition/etc-halo-soundtrack-open.jpg.html)

2. Wolfenstein Neumond Classics: Superhits of the 1960's LP

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c202/Ibanez101/Collectors%20Edition/media-wolf-neumondsuperhitslp-full.jpg (http://s28.photobucket.com/user/Ibanez101/media/Collectors%20Edition/media-wolf-neumondsuperhitslp-full.jpg.html)

i hate you kept putting off buying the vynl for the best game ever


as it was 40 pound on bay, was not bothered

22 with shipping had to

and i no collect no more but that damm music

10-14-2014, 01:57 PM
It’s great to see fellow game vinyl owners on the forum :)
Here is a couple of 12" vinyl’s from my collection!
You can copy pictures link and past into browser for bigger version.

Machinarium & Botanicula
FC3 - Blood Dragon & Scott Pilgrim
Revolution Overdrive & WATCH_DOGS
http://s25.postimg.org/o7rw9frfj/SC2_Watch_Dogs_Vinyl.jpg In case you were wondering, that’s the rare StarCraft 2 vinyl from the Blizzcon 2010 event in USA :D
Back (http://s25.postimg.org/8yxbudvvj/Revolution_Overdrive_Vinyl_Pic1.jpg) - Vinyl Front (http://s25.postimg.org/thj2vi7j3/4139_157260.jpg) - Vinyl Back (http://s25.postimg.org/t61miqr33/4139_736171.jpg)

10-14-2014, 02:44 PM
I have the Halo 4 Limited Edition OST Set and Wolfenstein Neumond Classics: Superhits of the 1960's LP. I really, really want that pink Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon vinyl.

10-14-2014, 08:48 PM
I am pushing hard to release some more official ones in 2015. So far, they're still in the plans. Wish me luck.

10-14-2014, 10:31 PM
Mass effect OST collection please Ryan!

Oh and that ghost in the shell vinyl is a thing of beauty. Want.

10-14-2014, 10:34 PM
Mass effect OST collection please Ryan!

Duh. :P

10-14-2014, 10:38 PM
How come they never released any CDs? Except for the first game? Seems strange to me. There could be an epic collection with all the OSTs and audiobooks bundled together in a nice premium boxset.

10-15-2014, 01:45 AM
Theres a couple of metal gear vinyls I'm aware of:



10-15-2014, 01:48 AM
The first one (snake eater) is just a cardboard with CD inside, If I recall correctly.

10-15-2014, 01:51 AM
Yeah I think it's a promo cd or something in a lp sized case. As close to a vinyl that mgs3 comes though.

Rising is a vocal tracks collection, still available at the konami store I believe. Or if not cheap as chips on eBay.

StayFree( ' 3')
10-15-2014, 06:53 AM
Got this recently...


10-15-2014, 01:46 PM
Chaos Theory Remixed (Splinter Cell 3D) & Splinter Cell 3: Chaos Theory
I tend to buy all videogames vinyl whether it's good or bad You probably have a nice collection around just waiting to be shown! :shades:
Got this recently...http://i.imgur.com/Er9V6WM.jpgGreat catch StayFree! I'm looking for that one myself :thumb:

10-15-2014, 02:58 PM
Does anyone have any photos of the AC:BF vinyl? Does it have awesome full size artwork like some or the other game vinyls?

10-15-2014, 03:29 PM
Assassins Creed IV Vinyl
http://s25.postimg.org/w7lpc8g4f/Assassins_Creed_IV_Vinyl_front.jpgBack (http://s25.postimg.org/ipeszy3z3/Assassins_Creed_IV_Vinyl_backt.jpg) - Folded Out (http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn159/TheBoss2/Game%20Soundtracks/ACGameMusic3.jpg) - Sleeves (http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn159/TheBoss2/Game%20Soundtracks/ACGameMusic.jpg)
Does anyone have any photos of the AC:BF vinyl? Does it have awesome full size artwork like some or the other game vinyls? We have a nice group here so just ask if you have more game vinyl’s that interests you :)

10-15-2014, 05:41 PM
Assassins Creed IV Vinyl
http://s25.postimg.org/w7lpc8g4f/Assassins_Creed_IV_Vinyl_front.jpgBack (http://s25.postimg.org/ipeszy3z3/Assassins_Creed_IV_Vinyl_backt.jpg) - Folded Out (http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn159/TheBoss2/Game%20Soundtracks/ACGameMusic3.jpg) - Sleeves (http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn159/TheBoss2/Game%20Soundtracks/ACGameMusic.jpg)
We have a nice group here so just ask if you have more game vinyl’s that interests you :)

Thank you so much! I never knew this existed. I kind of want to buy it now, and it seems to be a CDN exclusive. I only found it on amazon.ca. Would you be able to suggest anywhere else to pick it up?

10-15-2014, 06:34 PM
Thank you so much! I never knew this existed. I kind of want to buy it now, and it seems to be a CDN exclusive. I only found it on amazon.ca. Would you be able to suggest anywhere else to pick it up?Sticker on AC Vinyl
http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn159/TheBoss2/Game%20Soundtracks/AssassinsCreedIV_Vinyl_Label.jpg This was a Record Store Day (April 2014) release in Canada only, so I had no idea about this myself.
Back on RSD, I was eagerly getting the Blood Dragon and Scott Pilgrim vinyl’s released in Europe.

When I stumbled onto this, I ordered it off ebay from Canada since it was the cheapest I could find.

10-15-2014, 08:24 PM
Thank you Ninja! Do you recall what the MSRP was back then or could you give an estimate for a fair price today? I don't own a record player so this is something I would be collecting and likely not even open.

10-15-2014, 09:27 PM
I found mine a few months back for $28 (US) for the vinyl itself but i'm not sure what the MSRP actually is.
It's probably cheapest getting this directly from Canada since you are in USA.

If you plan to display this, remember vinyls do not like heat, so keep it away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

10-15-2014, 09:50 PM
i want first party nintendo vinyls and rayman legends and sega sonic the hedgehog soundtracks..make it happen treehouse!!! :)

10-16-2014, 02:23 AM
On my list of stuff to pick up someday...


and also


StayFree( ' 3')
10-16-2014, 02:27 AM
Great catch StayFree! I'm looking for that one myself :thumb:

Thank you for sharing the Scott Pilgrim vinyl. I had no idea one was released. Had to buy one right after I saw your post. lol

was seriously an awesome soundtrack to and awesome game. :thumb:

10-16-2014, 04:20 AM
Here is a couple of 12" vinyl’s from my collection!

Machinarium & Botanicula

Never heard of those games. Found the demos online and thoroughly enjoyed them. :thumb: Music is pretty minimalist and ambient (at least in the demos), are the soundtracks the same? Are they a good listen?

10-16-2014, 10:56 AM
Thank you for sharing the Scott Pilgrim vinyl. I had no idea one was released. Had to buy one right after I saw your post. lol
was seriously an awesome soundtrack to and awesome game. :thumb: I'm glad to be of help ;) This album is rather unique because of the upbeat blend of heavy rock and chip tune music.
A Soundtrack of the movie with different artwork on vinyl is also out.

Scott Pilgrim Game Vinyl back
Never heard of those games. Found the demos online and thoroughly enjoyed them. :thumb: Music is pretty minimalist and ambient (at least in the demos), are the soundtracks the same? Are they a good listen? I like both games too. They are made by Amanita Design (http://amanita-design.net/), a small game company from the Czech Republic in EU that started up in 2003.
Their earliest games was Samorost 1 (2003) and 2 (2005), released as free flash games. You can play both of them here (http://amanita-design.net/samorost-1/).

As for the two vinyl’s, I prefer Machinarium since despite about half are heavily ambient, it still has some great atmospheric tracks on it.
You can check out both Machinarium (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHPjpflNssY&list=PL20AC5083D7711C33) and Botanicula (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZGJ-_zfMtY&list=PLEDAA54AFAC6DBE9A) music on Youtube.

Machinarium Backside
Botanicula Front Sticker (Game Audio Award)

StayFree( ' 3')
10-17-2014, 05:48 PM
A Soundtrack of the movie with different artwork on vinyl is also out.

I am familiar with this soundtrack you speak of. :D


10-18-2014, 01:42 PM
Let's post some more game vinyl pictures and make bbki proud! :P
I am familiar with this soundtrack you speak of. :D http://i.imgur.com/DwpYs5j.jpgA signed Scott Pilgrim movie vinyl!!!! :cpatch:
I am pushing hard to release some more official ones in 2015. So far, they're still in the plans. Wish me luck.
Mass Effect, Borderlands, Age of Wonders, Endless Legend/Space and Kings Bounty games screams for a vinyl release ;)

10-20-2014, 08:33 PM
Thank you NinjaCool :')

Let me added some of the vinyl that I have and manage to find and nobody has been posted yet.

Order are clockwise


King of Fighter Remix
Castlevania (Dracular X) Remix by DJ Fei long
Legend Of Zelda 12"
Sonic R

Parasite Eve Remix
Resident Evil 2 (BioHazard Remix)
Lumines (MondoGrosso) Remix
REZ Gamer Guide to analog Vol 1&2

Driver Parallel Line
Guitar Hero Metallica (May not be a vinyl I didn't check inside, I'm an idiot)
Mtv Star Factor
Jak X

Final Fantasy Orchestra
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy 25th Collection
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy XIII Gentle reveries
Final Fantasy XIII

Myth Xenogears Orchestra
Parappa the rapper
Parappa the rapper limited
SQ Trax Remix

Mirror's edge Remix
LA Noire Remix
Call Of Duty BO
Beatles Rock band remix

Dreamcast collection
MegaDrive Collection
Sega Classic Collection

10-20-2014, 10:20 PM
Wouldn't mind that mirrors edge vinyl.

StayFree( ' 3')
10-20-2014, 10:47 PM
Thank you for sharing these dude. It blows my mind that they released afterburner and outrun on vinyl.

10-20-2014, 10:55 PM
Awesome collection bbki!

Any chance you could post a pic of the reverse side of the Zelda record? Do you remember about how long ago you got that and about how much it cost?

10-20-2014, 11:52 PM
man didnt know about the parasite eve remix....need to get my hands on one now hehe

10-21-2014, 01:57 PM
I see bbki went berserk but I'm not done yet! :D

Grand Theft Auto III & True Crime
http://s25.postimg.org/lppd1t7of/GTA3_True_Crime_Vinyl.jpg GTA3 Front (http://postimg.org/image/azbsgvi57/) - GTA3 Back (http://s25.postimg.org/6rlllv63j/GTA3_Vinyl1.jpg) - TC Front (http://postimg.org/image/ww5auxme3/)- TC Back (http://s25.postimg.org/4ltorb4bj/Streets_Of_LA_Pic1.jpg) - TC Vinyl (http://s25.postimg.org/fmtvtg2vz/Streets_Of_LA_Pic3.jpg)
This GTA3 vinyl was a limited preorder bonus from USA back in 2002.
Remember the cool GTA3 theme music? (not on the vinyl) Check it out (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUy_cc7386k).

Driver & Red Faction Armageddon
http://s25.postimg.org/r4y32rz8f/Driver_Red_Faction_Vinyl.jpgDriver Back (http://s25.postimg.org/g26hr036n/Driver_Vinyl2.jpg) - Driver Car (from CE game box) (http://s25.postimg.org/x5dv0999b/Driver_Car1.jpg) - RFA Front (http://s25.postimg.org/taagxoq3j/Red_Faction_Vinyl.jpg)

Persona 4 Arena & Bioshock 2
http://s25.postimg.org/son0aen8f/Persona4_Bioshock2_Small.jpgP4 Back (http://s25.postimg.org/ax6si7ifz/Persona4_Back.jpg) - P4 Vinyl (http://s25.postimg.org/b7eb1jx27/Persona4_Record.jpg) - B2 Back (http://s25.postimg.org/k7nhzhijj/Bioshock2_Back.jpg) - B2 Vinyl (http://s25.postimg.org/nnb0vaqe7/Bioshock2_Record_Mid.jpg)
P4 was a limited preorder bonus in EU while Bioshock 2 vinyl is from the Special Edition.

Sega Game Music Vol.1 (Out Run) & 2 (Fantasy Zone)
Vol1 also has music from Space Harrier, Alex Kidd in Miracle World / Vol2, Hang On, Enduro Racer, Quartet.

Let me added some of the vinyl that I have and manage to find and nobody has been posted yet.

Wow, that is so great :notworthy: and I see several rarities and releases I'm looking for myself! :D
Nice Legend Of Zelda and FF vinyl’s, and that Parappa LE is just awesome!

10-21-2014, 02:42 PM
Some more:
Wipeout 2097: The Soundtrack

StayFree( ' 3')
10-24-2014, 09:35 PM
I see ninjacool and bbki are having a vinyl collection battle. :D

11-04-2014, 03:46 AM
Grand theft Auto V Soundtrack this December, limited to 5000, includes 6 records, looks like it will burn the wallet but will it really sell out?


11-04-2014, 03:57 AM
I want that GTA V vinyl. I hope they announce the online retailers before the day it goes on sale.

11-04-2014, 04:11 AM
The video game vinyl boom has exploded. Super Mario Bros EP reprint (probably a bootleg). First press is sold out (yellow) reprint coming in January (black).


Also, in case any Commodore 64 fans are interested:



11-04-2014, 01:47 PM
The GTA V records looks great

StayFree( ' 3')
11-04-2014, 09:38 PM
kinda wish the GTAV lp set was released earlier...-_-

12-03-2014, 06:43 PM
Here's a very hard to find game vinyl I found on eBay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281516867154

12-03-2014, 07:31 PM
kinda wish the GTAV lp set was released earlier...-_-

So you can get it signed? ;)

StayFree( ' 3')
12-03-2014, 07:36 PM
So you can get it signed? ;)

lmao....I may have bumped into the composer a few months back. ( ' 3')

12-05-2014, 01:48 AM
New additional on Vinyl available at amazon.com

Halo 2 Anniversary Vinyl
The only problem is that only 13 tracks selection from 35 track on CD version.

Link (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OKF3L66)

Hohokum Soundtrack (Limited Edition Rainbow Splatter Vinyl)
Wacky ps4 game soundtrack


Link (http://www.amazon.com/Hohokum-Soundtrack-Limited-Edition-Splatter/dp/B00NMZW52G/ref=pd_sim_m_7?ie=UTF8&refRID=1BN04VN19W1H6ZYSBVH3)

Not vinyl related.

Please consider buying "D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die" Soundtrack.



The game sales like crap but it's oh so good.

Only digital release which I consider a sin against humanity, hopefully there will be available in vinyl in the future.

12-13-2014, 02:18 PM
Chris Huelsbeck - The Piano Collection
Famous C64/Amiga musican who did music for games like Turrican 1-3, Great Giana Sisters, R-Type and Apidya.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/003/001/928/f35c7a9aa9ab952348754524b9b24d17_large.jpg?1417600 48012" Double Vinyl Mock-Up
Available in a Kickstarter project in two versions. 1/500 numbered + signed and regular blank edition.
It's expensive compared to other KS game vinyl’s but a cheaper CD version is there too.
KS Site: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/chris-huelsbeck/chris-huelsbeck-the-piano-collection-and-limited-s

Some of his music on Youtube:
The Great Giana Sisters (Orchestra playing it!)

Remake of his Amiga Turrican Soundtrack.

Gem X - Megamix

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams OST - Main Theme (Chris & Fabian)

StayFree( ' 3')
12-15-2014, 07:20 AM
Not vinyl related.

Please consider buying "D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die" Soundtrack.



The game sales like crap but it's oh so good.

Only digital release which I consider a sin against humanity, hopefully there will be available in vinyl in the future.

This game was one of the reasons I even picked up an Xbox One, so an easy buy for me. Thanks for the heads up.

Hopefully one day it gets a physical release.

12-18-2014, 09:43 PM
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - Collector's Edition (Vinyl + Game)


No indication of how many will be for the vinyl but HM fan should be jump on it.

Link (http://store.iam8bit.com/collections/hotline-miami/products/hlm2)

The site also sell the art print limited to 300 each.

12-19-2014, 12:36 AM
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - Collector's Edition (Vinyl + Game)


No indication of how many will be for the vinyl but HM fan should be jump on it.

Link (http://store.iam8bit.com/collections/hotline-miami/products/hlm2)

The site also sell the art print limited to 300 each.

thanks man for heads up :beer:

01-29-2015, 10:05 PM
Another vinyl release
Destiny theme "Hope For The Future" from Fake Paul McCartney


Link (http://www.amazon.com/Hope-Future-12%2522-vinyl-McCartney/dp/B00QK6S4QU/ref=sr_1_2?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1422568331&sr=1-2&keywords=paul+mccartney)

I kinda hope they release a Marty O's piece on this format but this probably the closest thing to that.

01-31-2015, 04:17 PM
I did some awesome trades recently so here is the result ;)

Little Busters! Analog Collector's Edition & Turrican Soundtrack Anthology 12" Vinyl!
Little Busters CE (Game) Vinyl from 2008 has 6 tracks with a production run of just 500 in Japan.
The Turrican Vinyl is from a 2012 Kickstarter for backers of tier $250 and above with around 150 made.

Space Odyssey Gradius II & SUITE GRADIUS Fantasia
Both of these were released in Japan back in 1988.
I don't know the productions numbers but they are very rare. :cpatch:

Sega Game Music Vol.3 After Burner 12" Vinyl from 1987
I put it in a frame to see how it looks

Super Street Fighter II Turbo Battle Vinyl 12” from 2009
This is a limited release with only 350 made worldwide pressed on red vinyl with a transparent plastic sleeve.

Super Mario Original Video Soundtrack 7” Orange Vinyl from 2014
This reprint is a copy of the original release from Japan back in 1986.
It includes the original and a seldom heard Orchestral Version, plus sticker sheet and fold out poster.

SPACE DANDY Original Song Selection Analog Album 12" Vinyl
Released in 2014 in Japan with 8 songs from the Anime Space Dandy.

Here are a few songs on Youtube.
Turrican II Yuzo Koshiro Vinyl Retro Remix (first preview) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cRzSSsDcGY)
SUITE GRADIUS Fantasia (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUIc8-EvUB0&index=1&list=PLCA195D0DE3761E8A)
Sega Game Music Vol.3 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFpmovzFr88&index=10&list=PLweZwuMw_QZK45cns3Bj3AYJ_sXlWnPH0)
Super Mario Orchestral (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKe_CJ2XSMQ) - Super Mario Standard (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7rbjsnvMas)
Space Dandy 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp-ESfuGbss&list=PL1GLgCm-FEsvGkfPCXCOTnJ19V1v6i32I&index=3) - Space Dandy 2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjaELKsl2eU&list=PLVDuAU_VQbOJxlWfSHrLlFRhFb2H5OIP9&index=15)

Click for large picture gallery (http://postimg.org/gallery/1boc3ph7w/) :)

02-01-2015, 02:59 PM
Those are some awesome pick-ups NinjaCool!! (Nice photos too!)

02-01-2015, 08:14 PM

02-01-2015, 08:16 PM
damn it. This is just another thing i must collect

03-11-2015, 05:44 AM
may interest some of you guys :poke:

03-13-2015, 12:45 AM

THE ORDER: 1886 by Jason Graves. Single LP. On 180 gram GOLD MARBLED COLORED vinyl. A limited edition with only 500 numbered copies. Including Gatefold sleeve and 4-page Booklet.

US buyer have to paid like 10 euro for shipping with no tracking and 20 euro with tracking

Link (http://www.newonvinyl.com/en/soundtrack-ost-the-order-1886-jason-graves-ltd.html)

04-07-2015, 08:06 AM
MOTHER: The Original Arranged Soundtrack Album 12" Vinyl
http://s25.postimg.org/j9fk8czrz/Mother_Standard_Black_Edition.jpg (Cover not finalized)

This is a Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/972481375/mother-the-original-arranged-soundtrack-album) release from USA that ends in a few days so get it fast if you are interested.
Double LP in Gatefold packaging with OBI strip, Liner Note Booklet with artwork, behind the scenes, artists info and backer names.

Black = 1000 copies.
Translucent Red = 500 copies.
White = 500 copies.

04-15-2015, 05:42 PM
I saw the info posted last week, though Sony officially listed the Hotline Miami 2 vinyl with full details today:


Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number for PS4, PS3, and PS Vita
You get a download code for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number with 3-way Cross Buy!

3-Disc, 180 gram vinyl featuring 28 tracks from the game
All three discs are 180 grams, making them less prone to warping over time.

For audiophiles, this means premium quality, through and through.

Beautiful tri-fold jacket with art by Niklas Åkerblad
This giant work of art is simply stunning in person. Pictures just don’t do it justice.

FULL digital soundtrack download with 49 music tracks
You get a code to download the entire Hotline Miami 2 soundtrack.
Replica Hotline Miami phone card
Straight out of the 80’s, this phone card is authentically made out of thick plastic, and to reveal your code you need to scratch it off like a lotto ticket. The best part is that everyone’s a winner!

**We should mention that while the records are completely region free, the game code will only work with North American PSN accounts**

04-22-2015, 09:25 AM

Journey Vinyl

05-01-2015, 09:31 AM
Project Sidologie Vinyl
The Kickstarter Project Sidologie (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/c64audio/project-sidologie-jarre-style-commodore-64-music-r) has added a Gatefold Vinyl to their Digital/CD project filled with Commodore 64 game music remakes.

05-22-2015, 04:21 PM


05-30-2015, 12:11 AM
Uh oh.



05-30-2015, 12:12 AM
Uh oh.


Bet StayFree is drooling all over now..

05-30-2015, 12:18 AM
Goddamnit where is my Mass Effect vinyl?!?!?

Loving that streets of rage one, tempting :D

StayFree( ' 3')
05-30-2015, 01:22 AM


05-30-2015, 02:05 PM
Ubisoft was giving away the Vinyl for Watchdogs yesterday during their Hack-iversary. Sorry I don't have any pics atm though. They said they'd be sending some out to people who commented and asked questions too, so hopefully I'll snag one!

They also had the audio director there Oliviere (forget his last name), i asked if he could sign it (which they usually respond and say "sure"), but they didn't say anything about it, so here's to DOUBLE-hoping!

06-03-2015, 06:18 PM
Uh oh.



man how did I miss this post...streets of rage!!!!

StayFree( ' 3')
07-09-2015, 06:52 AM
What a thing of beauty...


The Last of Us Soundtrack Vinyl Box Set (4x) featuring artwork by Jay Shaw and Olly Moss @ SDCC 2015 (Mondo)

Online preorders open up July 15th!


07-12-2015, 01:57 PM
Here are two game cover band releases that look unheard of, good music but small numbers:

The Pink Album - Kirby's Dream Band (Double LP Limited to 300)

Warp Zone - missingNo.

07-15-2015, 08:58 AM
Street Fighter II soundtrack to receive deluxe vinyl release

07-16-2015, 02:28 AM
Can't see TLOU vinyl at Mondo? You sure it was the 15th or is it sold out already?

StayFree( ' 3')
07-16-2015, 02:36 AM
Can't see TLOU vinyl at Mondo? You sure it was the 15th or is it sold out already?

It was delayed til sometime at the end of this month. Don't worry, it won't be ultra limited like their prints. Their vinyl release "come in great numbers"...That's what the guy at the mondo booth said. I wouldn't trust it. *camps out on laptop*

07-16-2015, 03:18 AM
It was delayed. Don't worry though, it won't be ultra limited like their prints. Their vinyl release come in great numbers.

StayDelayed. Even his collection thread, been waiting since 2013. :poke:

StayFree( ' 3')
07-16-2015, 07:57 AM
StayDelayed. Even his collection thread, been waiting since 2013. :poke:

Just you wait, I'm about to lay something huge on all of youuu!!

...I have no collection.

Infamous Lunchbox
07-17-2015, 05:54 AM
Yeah, the Mondo release will still be limited. I have the Guardians of the Galaxy release from Mondo Records, and it sold out very, very quick. So I'd camp out on that one. Also This is my first post here, so glad to have found this!

Infamous Lunchbox
07-17-2015, 08:25 AM
Oh, and for those of you looking for something a bit more indie, the Super Motherload OST is cheap, and pretty darn good, IMO.


07-17-2015, 04:53 PM
Battle Toads Vinyl SDCC Edition Limited to 300
The only different from the regular ver. (that available later) is the limited edition coming with exclusive “Dark Queen” gatefold variant and “Sound Chip” jacket




Sold at SDCC for $25 and now on eBay around $150-$180
Great Day for Scalper D:

Toasty the Baker
07-20-2015, 07:35 PM
The Last of Us Vinyl Soundtrack will be available for pre-order this Wednesday July 22nd at "a random time".


07-20-2015, 11:26 PM
Thanks for the heads up Toasty :D

Toasty the Baker
07-22-2015, 12:14 AM
I have heard from a few that Mondo records tend to go up early in the morning. They are stationed in Austin, Texas, so check frequently on their site during whatever time their early morning would be for you.

Toasty the Baker
07-22-2015, 04:58 PM
It's up!


07-22-2015, 04:59 PM
It's up!


got my order thanks mate

07-22-2015, 05:01 PM
I wondering if I should order two of them. I just did one.

They haven't mentioned how many are being released either.

Toasty the Baker
07-22-2015, 05:03 PM
Watch it not be limited whatsoever and takes 10 months to sell out :)

07-22-2015, 05:08 PM
Hehe for this Mondo never announces how Limited will it be. Maybe they are taking all the pre-orders they can and produce as many as they can? Who knows.. Im just happy to grab one :) Olly Moss and Gustavo Santaolalla?? Take my money please..

07-22-2015, 05:08 PM
Watch it not be limited whatsoever and takes 10 months to sell out :)
Maybe they'll give us updates as to how many are left next January. You know, of the 10,000 they printed.

I wonder if they will tell us how many are out there.

07-22-2015, 05:09 PM
Hehe for this Mondo never announces how Limited will it be. Maybe they are taking all the pre-orders they can and produce as many as they can? Who knows.. Im just happy to grab one :) Olly Moss and Gustavo Santaolalla?? Take my money please..

According to some Reddit posts, they are already printed and ready to ship. Apparently this is not a preorder.

Toasty the Baker
07-22-2015, 05:11 PM
According to some Reddit posts, they are already printed and ready to ship. Apparently this is not a preorder.

Mondo has stated that on their twitter. Is that a good or bad thing?

07-22-2015, 05:11 PM
According to some Reddit posts, they are already printed and ready to ship. Apparently this is not a preorder.

Yeah, they're shipping this week.


07-22-2015, 05:12 PM
The last of us vinyl mentioned previously is now up on the mondo site if any of you were planning to buy it. $75 + shipping. (Not sure if it was available before or not)


Edit: Just read, well, looks like I'm WAY behind the curve! :)

07-22-2015, 05:17 PM
The last of us vinyl mentioned previously is now up on the mondo site if any of you were planning to buy it. $75 + shipping. (Not sure if it was available before or not)


Edit: Just read, well, looks like I'm WAY behind the curve! :)

Dont blame yourself Knight. U know many here are hitting the refresh buttons since morning. And many 'silent ones' too probably hoping the number would be 300 limited or lesser. *you know what I mean..*

07-22-2015, 05:18 PM
According to some Reddit posts, they are already printed and ready to ship. Apparently this is not a preorder.

:bananayes: Really cant wait to get this beauty. Good to know that we will be getting it soon!

07-22-2015, 05:39 PM
Speculation is 3,000 but that is just speculation as Mondo has done 3,000 in the past. :shrug:

And, it's only $82 total for USA. Someone said it was like $60 for shipping to England.

07-22-2015, 05:46 PM
This was just tweeted about by a few of the big gaming media outlets as well so I imagine if it truly is limited you all want to jump on your order NOW.

07-22-2015, 05:48 PM
Speculation is 3,000 but that is just speculation as Mondo has done 3,000 in the past. :shrug:

And, it's only $82 total for USA. Someone said it was like $60 for shipping to England.

Yea.. it is worth it for us US members here.. using Media Mail shipping its really cheap. Suicidal shipping for overseas collectors tho.. :suicide:

This was just tweeted about by a few of the big gaming media outlets as well so I imagine if it truly is limited you all want to jump on your order NOW.

I saw it on Kotaku and IGN.. funny as I read the comments on both websites people are complaining that it is too pricey.. -_- maybe it will not sell out that fast.

07-22-2015, 05:50 PM
Who is buying two? If it is 3,000... is buying two worth the effort in using as trade later or something?

07-22-2015, 05:52 PM
Who is buying two? If it is 3,000... is buying two worth the effort in using as trade later or something?

If it was really 3,000 made, I doubt it would sell out that fast.

07-22-2015, 05:54 PM
So I added 1000 to my cart and tried checking out, and it brought the number down to 166. No idea if that's the correct number but I know people were using this method yesterday with the Skybound box sets.

07-22-2015, 05:58 PM
So I added 1000 to my cart and tried checking out, and it brought the number down to 166. No idea if that's the correct number but I know people were using this method yesterday with the Skybound box sets.

Nifty trick you did there.

Is 3,000 really a lot? I'll do the trick. I got 165.

Went down by 10 albums in a minute.

128 - 12:03

114 -

07-22-2015, 06:07 PM
It let me add 4090 to the cart!

StayFree( ' 3')
07-22-2015, 06:14 PM
Who is buying two? If it is 3,000... is buying two worth the effort in using as trade later or something?

I bought two, but only because as a DJ it's always good to have an extra copy around for mixing purposes.

...that said, if the value of the Battletoads SDCC Vinyl Variant goes any higher I might break. :drool:

07-22-2015, 06:17 PM
I bought two, but only because as a DJ it's always good to have an extra copy around for mixing purposes.

Someone on Reddit mentioned that Mondo has a "1-print per account" policy. Does that hold true for vinyl?

07-22-2015, 06:18 PM
I bought two, but only because as a DJ it's always good to have an extra copy around for mixing purposes.

So... you finally decided to show up.. all my Evo texts are for naught. T_T

07-22-2015, 06:21 PM
Doing the item trick it says its sold out. I only bought one.

StayFree( ' 3')
07-22-2015, 06:26 PM
Doing the item trick it says its sold out. I only bought one.

I just bought the 4090 copies you mentioned earlier.

07-22-2015, 06:27 PM
I just bought the 4090 copies you mentioned earlier.

Freaking scalper.. :poke:

Nope dont say anything. Continue to ignore me.

Infamous Lunchbox
07-22-2015, 06:28 PM
I think for how popularity TLoU is, if it is only 3k copies there will still be demand. I only ordered one, but am considering a second.

Friend texted me while writing this: Sold out.

07-22-2015, 06:30 PM
Their twitter says pre-orders are opening up.

They're making more.

StayFree( ' 3')
07-22-2015, 06:32 PM
So... you finally decided to show up.. all my Evo texts are for naught. T_T

I'll read them eventually. Lol

Freaking scalper.. :poke:

That's raciest...


07-22-2015, 06:34 PM
I'll read them eventually. Lol

That's raciest...


:suicide: sometimes I really cannot 'brain' you..

StayFree( ' 3')
07-22-2015, 06:39 PM
Unless there's an announced first print variant on vinyls (Mad Max/Special Selects), there usually are plenty to go around. Take the recent Aliens and Superman soundtracks that were only available at sdcc, they're both getting reprinted.

Someone on Reddit mentioned that Mondo has a "1-print per account" policy. Does that hold true for vinyl?

I would assume there is a limit, it just isn't two.

StayFree( ' 3')
07-22-2015, 06:48 PM
if anyone is wondering where all the copies went...

http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=the+last+of+us+sountrack+mondo&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.XThe+Last+ of+Us+soundtrack+mondo.TRS0&_nkw=The+Last+of+Us+soundtrack+mondo&_sacat=0

just...wow, it has literally been minutes. :facepalm:

07-22-2015, 06:50 PM
if anyone is wondering where all the copies went...

http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=the+last+of+us+sountrack+mondo&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.XThe+Last+ of+Us+soundtrack+mondo.TRS0&_nkw=The+Last+of+Us+soundtrack+mondo&_sacat=0

just...wow, it has literally been minutes. :facepalm:

No.. worst part is this


People actually do pay extra!! :suicide: the desperation..

07-22-2015, 06:56 PM
Sad because of this... if people would actually look...


07-22-2015, 07:06 PM
So.. for us that managed to order before the sold out, we should get them by next week right? And the Pre-Orders will be shipped in December?

07-22-2015, 07:06 PM
So.. for us that managed to order before the sold out, we should get them by next week right? And the Pre-Orders will be shipped in December?

I'd say next week. Just saw on the page... December... holy cow.

Toasty the Baker
07-22-2015, 10:06 PM
So is there any difference between what we bought this morning and what they have up for preorder? We get ours sooner, that's for sure. Was excited when it sold out. Bummed that they're making more...

07-22-2015, 10:08 PM
So is there any difference between what we bought this morning and what they have up for preorder? We get ours sooner, that's for sure. Was excited when it sold out. Bummed that they're making more...

Will the Pre-Order version be different from the one sold on the site today?

The Pre-Order version will technically be a second pressing, but will be exactly the same as the first one.

It will be the same.

Toasty the Baker
07-22-2015, 10:16 PM
Will there be any mark or something on the one we bought proving it to be part of the first pressing? Feel pretty bummed... thought I snagged something limited and rare.... :c

07-22-2015, 10:20 PM
You can read it all here (http://mondotees.com/blogs/news/51096515-the-last-of-us-4xlp-now-is-available-for-pre-order).

Doubt there will be any different marking.. unless the ones that bought the first batch started to make some noise. Dont think they will make it limited either, especially that they mentioned 'they dont want anyone to miss out..'

Toasty the Baker
07-22-2015, 10:24 PM
ugghhhhhh :c

07-23-2015, 10:24 PM
Looks like there's an update on The Last of Us

07-23-2015, 10:29 PM
Yeah I'm not getting this, they want 65 dollars for shipping.

07-23-2015, 10:45 PM
Looks like there's an update on The Last of Us

Thanks for sharing this article.

We are completely open to a dialogue about this. We understand that some folks were put off by the misplaced urgency, or requested we differentiate the versions (“Add a sticker that says Second Pressing”) to which we are not inherently opposed. We love our fans and we hear your concerns. We also couldn’t be happier to welcome so many new fans to what we do. We can’t wait to show all of you why this release is so special. - Mondo

I sent them a message :)

For those who ordered it before the Pre-Order phase, please do share your thoughts with Mondo about this.

07-23-2015, 10:46 PM
Looks like there's an update on The Last of Us

I'll admit to you all that I am a newbie to this genre. I fell back in love with this game this summer after not playing it for two years. I went a little overboard but I'm okay with the amount I have spent so far. By a couple of my other posts, I'll most likely be done if I can get my hands on the two prints I posted about in the Wanted Items section.

This news doesn't bother me, about 4,000 units being out there. I know I'm not going to open it any time soon if ever. Why? No reason really. I got it for the artistic value and I say value in that it is a cool piece not due to the $$$$ value.

I guess I like art more than normal this summer. If I can get those prints and framed how I want, I'll post pictures here to show just how "overboard" I have gone but 4,000 is nothing to worry about. The only fear I have is if this group brings out a Mario Galaxy soundtrack edition or a Zelda one... I'll stay up all night for those too.

07-23-2015, 10:48 PM
Thanks for sharing this article.

We are completely open to a dialogue about this. We understand that some folks were put off by the misplaced urgency, or requested we differentiate the versions (“Add a sticker that says Second Pressing”) to which we are not inherently opposed. We love our fans and we hear your concerns. We also couldn’t be happier to welcome so many new fans to what we do. We can’t wait to show all of you why this release is so special. - Mondo

I sent them a message :)

For those who ordered it before the Pre-Order phase, please do share your thoughts with Mondo about this.

Are you put off or just happy to get one? I could see overseas people being more upset than us but I'm not sure how serious collectors can be. I've read plenty of threads here to just see how serious some are but I don't know if collectors take as much pride in having something versus having something truly limited.

There are only 4,000 so I'd think it is still rare.

07-23-2015, 10:55 PM
Are you put off or just happy to get one? I could see overseas people being more upset than us but I'm not sure how serious collectors can be. I've read plenty of threads here to just see how serious some are but I don't know if collectors take as much pride in having something versus having something truly limited.

There are only 4,000 so I'd think it is still rare.

To be honest, I am happy to secure one. I just love Olly Moss' work, and also Gustavo Santaolalla's soundtracks for TLOU is one of the best.

I would consider 4,000 Units with a price of $75 is actually a lot. As you can see, they are still taking pre-orders. Not many people can spend $75, and don't even mention those who stay overseas.

I do like the idea to have a label or sticker to differentiate the first press edition and the later ones. That is a bonus for us collectors, and those who wait patiently for it as it was first launched.

07-23-2015, 11:01 PM
If shipping was half the price I might bite. But 65 for something that cost 75 is too much for me.

07-23-2015, 11:03 PM
To be honest, I am happy to secure one. I just love Olly Moss' work, and also Gustavo Santaolalla's soundtracks for TLOU is one of the best.

I would consider 4,000 Units with a price of $75 is actually a lot. As you can see, they are still taking pre-orders. Not many people can spend $75, and don't even mention those who stay overseas.

I do like the idea to have a label or sticker to differentiate the first press edition and the later ones. That is a bonus for us collectors, and those who wait patiently for it as it was first launched.

I can see your points. $75 is high but the thing does have four LP's, no? In my mind, with that in mind, it's not overly excessive. If they had done two versions, one with two LP's only or separated out The Last of Us and Left Behind, that would have added to the uniqueness but they decided to put all four together. I can see it both ways but I, like you, can say that because I got one of the early ones.

07-23-2015, 11:03 PM
If shipping was half the price I might bite. But 65 for something that cost 75 is too much for me.

Check with Redmagster see if she wants to get one. Maybe you both can share shipping. I can help you guys to forward the items.

Its a win-win situation for you both at least :beer:

07-23-2015, 11:03 PM
If shipping was half the price I might bite. But 65 for something that cost 75 is too much for me.

Just curious, but if someone in the states bought one and shipped it... how much would shipping be for person to person? I have no idea.

07-23-2015, 11:07 PM
What they are charging might well be the actual cost i don't know.

07-23-2015, 11:11 PM
Looks like someone on GAF already received theirs


07-23-2015, 11:14 PM
If shipping was half the price I might bite. But 65 for something that cost 75 is too much for me.

I just pre-ordered mine, it was more of an impulse buy but I get what you mean though. 65 is kinda steep for shipping not to mention import fees. Most international buyers wouldn't be willing to pay that much, but The Last of Us is one of my favourite games of all time and Naughty Dog is by far my favourite developer of all time so it was worth it for me.

07-23-2015, 11:24 PM
What they are charging might well be the actual cost i don't know.

If you and Redmagster each bought one, the total for two including shipping to a US address would be $157 USD

Then I will help you find out the shipping to UK. :)

07-23-2015, 11:45 PM
I can see your points. $75 is high but the thing does have four LP's, no? In my mind, with that in mind, it's not overly excessive. If they had done two versions, one with two LP's only or separated out The Last of Us and Left Behind, that would have added to the uniqueness but they decided to put all four together. I can see it both ways but I, like you, can say that because I got one of the early ones.

To me $75 for 4 LPs are not expensive. I was just putting myself in their shoes that said $75 is too much. Sorry I was confusing. :D

Cant wait to get mine tho.. seeing those who live in Texas already got theirs!

07-24-2015, 12:02 AM
I just pre-ordered mine, it was more of an impulse buy but I get what you mean though. 65 is kinda steep for shipping not to mention import fees. Most international buyers wouldn't be willing to pay that much, but The Last of Us is one of my favourite games of all time and Naughty Dog is by far my favourite developer of all time so it was worth it for me.

Yeah shipping and import fees would be over 100 dollars, probably more.

If you and Redmagster each bought one, the total for two including shipping to a US address would be $157 USD

Then I will help you find out the shipping to UK. :)

Huh, so shipping for 2 to the US is 7 dollars?

Something to think about mate I might take you up on it. I've kinda been spending a lot lately though with PC upgrades and MGS5 coming out soon. I'll let you know.

To me $75 for 4 LPs are not expensive. I was just putting myself in their shoes that said $75 is too much. Sorry I was confusing. :D

Cant wait to get mine tho.. seeing those who live in Texas already got theirs!

I think the price is fine, just the shipping will kill it to here :( UK charge VAT/import charges on the price of the product AND the shipping, god damned rip off :(

I was speaking to a reviewer who lives in japan, he said he can mark the stuff he gets as 'review samples' and not get charged. Wonder if that would work over here?

07-24-2015, 12:13 AM
Huh, so shipping for 2 to the US is 7 dollars?

I think the price is fine, just the shipping will kill it to here :( UK charge VAT/import charges on the price of the product AND the shipping, god damned rip off :(

Yup, I placed 2 orders in the cart and it charged me $7 to ship to my address.

Bout UK import duty.. I helped Redmagster last time by declaring a lower value, so she could totally avoid the duty :) so i guess it works.

07-24-2015, 02:10 AM
To me $75 for 4 LPs are not expensive. I was just putting myself in their shoes that said $75 is too much. Sorry I was confusing. :D

Cant wait to get mine tho.. seeing those who live in Texas already got theirs!

As someone that is in Texas, I still haven't got my shipment notification yet :(

07-24-2015, 02:16 AM

Sadly, no this is not me.

He gave me a great idea. Get the box signed by the two, the artist and composer, and then shadow box frame it. Would be sweet.

Toasty the Baker
07-24-2015, 11:33 PM
Has anyone's LoU order shipped yet?

07-24-2015, 11:37 PM
Nope been waiting whole day today.. nothing. And it is 5.36pm in Texas. Most likely wont hear anything until Monday.

07-25-2015, 01:05 AM
Nope been waiting whole day today.. nothing. And it is 5.36pm in Texas. Most likely wont hear anything until Monday.

Mondo tend to take time to prepare their shipments in my experience. It may annoy some but I have gotten lots of stuff from them and they have a perfect record so far (no damage, even to the most perceptive eye) so I am ok waiting a little longer than expected.

Infamous Lunchbox
07-25-2015, 09:44 AM
Yup, I placed 2 orders in the cart and it charged me $7 to ship to my address.

Bout UK import duty.. I helped Redmagster last time by declaring a lower value, so she could totally avoid the duty :) so i guess it works.

I'd also be willing to help those looking to order this one. I know I'm new here, but once I get mine I could box it up and calculate shipping to the UK (and other places) for you at least (I'm in Utah, so I may get mine sooner than others).

As for the pre-order thing, I'm not upset about it, but I am familiar with Mondo's runs, which don't tend to be "ultra-limited". In fact, in a way I'm glad others can enjoy this, because if I want to listen to this I won't have to worry too much about ruining the discs, and having to replace them. I always worry about housefires, etc, and having to replace what I own.

StayFree( ' 3')
07-25-2015, 01:19 PM

Sadly, no this is not me.

He gave me a great idea. Get the box signed by the two, the artist and composer, and then shadow box frame it. Would be sweet.
hmm, interesting. I think I like this idea :D

07-25-2015, 01:21 PM
hmm, interesting. I think I like this idea :D

Just let me know when either of the three, two artists or composer make their way up near Chicago. I'll go for this purpose.

07-25-2015, 02:58 PM
Bloody hell, I'm late to the party with this one :(

Like Gaz said, the shipping is a killer so will mull it over a bit :think:

Great soundtrack though, and I think the price is pretty good for 4 LP's.

07-25-2015, 04:51 PM
shippings not the biggest issue here

i dont have a record player and im not gonna keep going over mags to play this

07-28-2015, 03:53 AM
No email for me yet. Anyone get them yet?

07-28-2015, 06:12 AM
Mines not shipped yet either...

07-28-2015, 06:37 AM
shippings not the biggest issue here

i dont have a record player and im not gonna keep going over mags to play this


Infamous Lunchbox
07-28-2015, 08:29 PM
Last time I ordered from Mondo I actually got my record the same day as the shipping notification email. That was a glitch, but it's possible it's happened again.

07-29-2015, 11:57 PM
No word yet.

07-30-2015, 04:33 PM
No word yet.

Got my tracking on the 28th July. Now its on the way :bananayes:

I think you should get yours soon :beer:

StayFree( ' 3')
07-31-2015, 01:14 AM
Got my tracking on the 28th July. Now its on the way :bananayes:

I think you should get yours soon :beer:

aye, same here. definitely looking forward to this one. :drool:

07-31-2015, 06:55 AM
Still no shipping confirmation for my order... Ordered it 2 minutes after the tweet... Was I too late?

08-01-2015, 06:39 PM
Still no shipping confirmation for my order... Ordered it 2 minutes after the tweet... Was I too late?

Nothing on my end either. I can't say I'm upset however the talk was that they were in hand and ready to ship. So... what amount of that was hogwash?

08-01-2015, 06:40 PM
Nothing on my end either. I can't say I'm upset however the talk was that they were in hand and ready to ship. So... what amount of that was hogwash?

Mines still not shipped yet either... And I'm right here in Texas, where they locate at...

08-03-2015, 10:33 PM
Looks like mine finally shipped....well, a label was created at least.

08-04-2015, 01:16 AM
got my shipping confirmation today for the last of us record :clap:

08-04-2015, 01:20 AM
http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0580/0965/files/RARE_Store_Banner_2048x2048.jpg?888553570908107806 8

pre-orders start tomorrow at 10am pdt


Infamous Lunchbox
08-04-2015, 01:42 AM
http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0580/0965/files/RARE_Store_Banner_2048x2048.jpg?888553570908107806 8

pre-orders start tomorrow at 10am pdt


I just came to post this, thanks Hauser!

Also my TLoU just shipped also, so they're probably just catching up now. :)

08-04-2015, 02:24 AM
Mines still not shipped :(

08-04-2015, 04:38 PM
Finally received the shipping confirmation....

08-04-2015, 06:23 PM
Btw anyone truly believe that TLoU vinyl is limited to 4000? The first 2500 were sold out in the first a few hours, and they are still taking pre orders... I don't think 1500 can last this long

08-04-2015, 06:47 PM
Where does it say limited to 4000? x

08-05-2015, 12:04 AM
Where does it say limited to 4000? x

"On the day of the drop we truly believed our initial run of 2,500 was enough to satisfy the demand for such a boutique item. We were clearly mistaken. We sold all 2,500 in about an hour. ............

This title will still be a limited release at the end of the day (ultimately there will still be less than 4000 units pressed of TLOU). Once we close this pre-order, it will be the end of THE LAST OF US, and it will still be a collectible, limited edition release. We decided to keep the door open for the additional 1,500 fans who may have been left out of something we feel they should be a part of. "


08-05-2015, 04:47 AM
I can't say I'm upset because I know it will get here... eventually, but when it has been two weeks with just a shipping confirmation, that is pretty bad. Especially since they said they had them ready to go AND when others have received theirs AND are making YouTube videos about them.

If this sale was on Amazon or eBay, I could see some anal people giving some pretty bad reviews to them.

08-05-2015, 04:41 PM
"On the day of the drop we truly believed our initial run of 2,500 was enough to satisfy the demand for such a boutique item. We were clearly mistaken. We sold all 2,500 in about an hour. ............

This title will still be a limited release at the end of the day (ultimately there will still be less than 4000 units pressed of TLOU). Once we close this pre-order, it will be the end of THE LAST OF US, and it will still be a collectible, limited edition release. We decided to keep the door open for the additional 1,500 fans who may have been left out of something we feel they should be a part of. "


Thanks :) no matter how many times I read it, I couldn't see that part :haha: obviously I'm blind x

08-05-2015, 04:45 PM
You can add 1500 to cart and checkout, and it doesn't seem to stop you. Maybe they've surpassed 1500 and just haven't either realised or figure "Yay more sales" ? x

08-05-2015, 04:46 PM
You can add 1500 to cart and checkout, and it doesn't seem to stop you. Maybe they've surpassed 1500 and just haven't either realised or figure "Yay more sales" ? x

Damn... There might be a massive order cancellation coming...

08-06-2015, 03:27 AM
You can add 1500 to cart and checkout, and it doesn't seem to stop you. Maybe they've surpassed 1500 and just haven't either realised or figure "Yay more sales" ? x

Mondo isn't the kind of company to screw you over. One of the best relationships you'll make in any industry today.

08-06-2015, 05:38 AM
You can add 1500 to cart and checkout, and it doesn't seem to stop you. Maybe they've surpassed 1500 and just haven't either realised or figure "Yay more sales" ? x

Not all checkout software has the ability to track availability of stock, I'm guessing you can add a million to the cart and it wouldn't reject it.

I wish more checkouts would have that feature though, a good trick to see how many are left in stock.

08-06-2015, 05:46 AM
93 left in stock x

08-06-2015, 05:50 AM
And for the rare LPs:

Battle toads - 1991
Banjo Kazooie - 1669
Perfect Dark - 2402

Must say, not surprised that Banjo is selling best, kinda shocked at how few Perfect Dark have sold in comparison though, as that artwork is gorgeous x

08-06-2015, 11:13 AM
And for the rare LPs:

Battle toads - 1991
Banjo Kazooie - 1669
Perfect Dark - 2402

Must say, not surprised that Banjo is selling best, kinda shocked at how few Perfect Dark have sold in comparison though, as that artwork is gorgeous x

So all three are still available?

08-06-2015, 05:13 PM
Yes, updated stock counts are:

The Last of Us: 73
Battletoads: 1963
Banjo Kazooie: 1632
Perfect Dark: 2387

:bunny: x

08-06-2015, 05:15 PM

How do you know that TLOU stock count? From mondo website?

08-06-2015, 05:21 PM
Yeah, I'm magic ;) x

08-06-2015, 05:22 PM
Yeah, I'm magic ;) x

Give me some of your magic!

08-07-2015, 04:02 AM
I don't know where they got the info, but according to Naughty Dog pre-orders end August 7th:


08-07-2015, 02:54 PM
I'm guessing since they have so few stock left, it's to get the final push of sales to get rid of them. And if they don't, they'll just end the sales anyway, that way there's less than 4000 in total (like they said) x

08-07-2015, 05:46 PM
I'm guessing since they have so few stock left, it's to get the final push of sales to get rid of them. And if they don't, they'll just end the sales anyway, that way there's less than 4000 in total (like they said) x

Not quite. Naughty Dog Tweeted that July 28th when the pre-order window opened.


Mondo confirms the cut-off date:


08-08-2015, 02:32 AM
Yeah but what I mean is, they always said only an extra 1500 pre orders would be allocated (max), so the cut off date would be if all 1500 hadn't yet sold out, otherwise the pre order will close off earlier if they hit allocation :) x

08-08-2015, 02:38 AM
Yes, updated stock counts are:

The Last of Us: 73
Battletoads: 1963
Banjo Kazooie: 1632
Perfect Dark: 2387

:bunny: x

New stock levels:

Battletoads: 1888
Banjo Kazooie: 1547
Perfect Dark: 2345

Surprised by how poorly Perfect Dark is doing tbh x

08-08-2015, 02:50 AM
Yeah but what I mean is, they always said only an extra 1500 pre orders would be allocated (max), so the cut off date would be if all 1500 hadn't yet sold out, otherwise the pre order will close off earlier if they hit allocation :) x

I got that. I was just confused that it was Naughty Dog that initially announced the cutoff date with Mondo not saying anything until 24 hours left before pre-orders close. Hope that cleared things up.

I'm guessing it's because despite the huge sales and superstar treatment in its extremely short time, Perfect Dark developed into a cult classic rather than a "true" classic like the others.

Infamous Lunchbox
08-10-2015, 01:38 AM
I think the increased interest in Banjo Kazooie due to Yuka Laylee has also driven sales of that one up. Battletoads has been very popular for years, so I'm not surprised it's out selling Perfect Dark. Regardless I have all three coming.

Also if any of you are interested, Chime 2's Kickstarter campaign is offering a soundtrack on vinyl.

Got my TLoU vinyl set in yesterday, btw, five days ahead of promised delivery time.

08-10-2015, 08:21 PM
Disappointed! The delivery box looked fine yet when I opened it up, the plastic wrap is opened. The thing is not sealed. How could someone put the merchandise into the box knowing it was open? I don't get it.

The mailing was crazy as well. It sat in Texas until Friday then it was shipped Friday night and got here today. Makes no sense.

08-10-2015, 09:12 PM
Disappointed! The delivery box looked fine yet when I opened it up, the plastic wrap is opened. The thing is not sealed. How could someone put the merchandise into the box knowing it was open? I don't get it.

The mailing was crazy as well. It sat in Texas until Friday then it was shipped Friday night and got here today. Makes no sense.

Sorry to hear that...

08-12-2015, 01:04 AM
I am 8bit LP quantities remaining:

Battletoads: 1807
Banjo-Kazooie: 1466
Perfect Dark: 2307

Quantities are still going down the same way as they did to begin with. They are a beautiful set though, better to get all three in my opinion and display them together :) x

08-12-2015, 01:10 AM
I am 8bit LP quantities remaining:

Battletoads: 1807
Banjo-Kazooie: 1466
Perfect Dark: 2307

Quantities are still going down the same way as they did to begin with. They are a beautiful set though, better to get all three in my opinion and display them together :) x

I think I might grab them after this paycheck depending on how much I get. They are an awesome set (and clearly not set to sell out in the next couple days).

08-12-2015, 01:30 AM
Do we know if they're numbered? Or just simply "limited to 3000"? x

08-12-2015, 01:34 AM
Do we know if they're numbered? Or just simply "limited to 3000"? x

I have no idea. It'd be nice if they were numbered, but my luck of getting good numbers is never worth it. I always end up with like 2937/5000 or something

08-12-2015, 04:08 AM
Do we know if they're numbered? Or just simply "limited to 3000"? x

They're not. Vinyl pressings, by their nature, are in themselves limited (short run) so 3000 is already considered a relatively big number. Then there's also a chance of succeeding pressings (as we all know, The Last of Us vinyl had a second pressing).

That being said, that doesn't mean vinyl can't be numbered, though numbered vinyl are usually part of deluxe edition releases limited to three digits.

Infamous Lunchbox
08-20-2015, 04:39 AM
Does anybody here know where I could find a Persona4D vinyl? Released at C88 apparently. I'd pay top dollar.

08-23-2015, 05:04 PM
Battletoads: 1718
Banjo-Kazooie: 1390
Perfect Dark: 2272

Total quantities left as of now x

08-23-2015, 05:41 PM
Battletoads: 1718
Banjo-Kazooie: 1390
Perfect Dark: 2272

Total quantities left as of now x

I think it's safe to say we'll see a price drop or sale within the next 2 years, the demand just isn't there and I'm happy to wait :) 3000 isn't limited!

What about the stock for Super Hexagon, where are you getting these numbers?

08-23-2015, 06:18 PM
Yep, and 793 for Super Hexagon - no way of telling how much of each colour though since you can't change the options x

Toasty the Baker
08-25-2015, 08:57 AM
Bit Trip sountrack vinyl record with all 7 games. Limited to 1500. Available 8/26 at 10am pacific.


08-25-2015, 06:15 PM
The Music Of Grand Theft Auto

The soundtrack features 59 songs including original music from A$AP Rocky, Tyler The Creator, Twin Shadow, Wavves, Flying Lotus, Yeasayer and more. The original sore was composed by Tangerine Dream, Woody Jackson, The Aclhemist and Oh No mixed by DJ Shadow. The three colored limited edition Vinyl collection features a high end collectible box that houses a color booklet and lithograph poster

Track Listings

Disc: 1
1. Welcome to Los Santos - Oh No
2. Smokin' and Ridin' (Feat. Freddie Gibbs & Problem) - BJ the Chicago Kid
3. Old Love/New Love - Twin Shadow
4. Change of Coast - Neon Indian
5. Nine Is God - Wavves
6. Bassheads - Gangrene
See all 18 tracks on this disc
Disc: 2
1. We Were Set Up - Various Performers
2. A Legitimate Business Man - Various Performers
3. A Haze of Patriotic Fervor - Various Performers
4. Los Santos at Night - Various Performers
5. North Yankton Memories - Various Performers
6. The Grip - Various Performers
See all 22 tracks on this disc
Disc: 3
1. The Kill (Feat. Niki Randa) - Flying Lotus
2. I Am a Madman - Lee 'Scratch' Perry
3. Jasmine - Jai Paul
4. I Get Lifted - George McCrae
5. What You Wanna Do - Kausion
6. Can't Hardly Stand It - Charlie Feathers

Amazon UK

King Peter
08-26-2015, 05:23 AM
Earthbound Vinyl looks tempting, maybe the ugly pink color :P

StayFree( ' 3')
08-27-2015, 12:37 AM
Earthbound Vinyl looks tempting, maybe the ugly pink color :P

Why did they pick pink as one of the color options?...srry, never played the series.

King Peter
08-27-2015, 01:27 AM
Why did they pick pink as one of the color options?...srry, never played the series.

Hard to say, I don't remember seeing any pink in the game, people have awful taste. Look at the rest of the ugly color (except the black/red one)


08-27-2015, 07:23 AM
Both Mother 1 CD + Vinyl (from Kickstarter) and the newly announced Mother 2 (EarthBound) Vinyl are up for preorder.
The store page was overloaded when this first went online so there is probably low quantities left now of both soundtracks.

Infamous Lunchbox
09-15-2015, 01:50 AM
Anybody else have problems with the Ghostly Store's Minecraft album? Sleeve was split, disc scratched, it's like somebody manhandled it before shipping it. I am super disappointed in this.

Edit; Ghostly's customer service rules. They're taking care of it already. :)

09-15-2015, 03:11 PM
Read the other day that Bungie has made an official OST for Destiny as well. Hope they do some vinyl treatment for it!

10-03-2015, 12:27 PM
Looks like it’s time for an update on what's out there! :)

Shinobi III
(Super Hang-On comes around December while Out Run and Streets Of Rage 2 is planned for 2016)

Angry Birds Go!

Halo 5: Guardians

FTL: Faster Than Light

Oddworld: New n’ Tasty

10-04-2015, 11:56 AM
Halo 5: Guardians
Amazon UK
Amazon DE

10-09-2015, 08:02 PM
Uncharted Vinyl from iam8bit.


Infamous Lunchbox
10-09-2015, 08:13 PM
Oddworld New 'N' Tasty is now live, for those interested.

Infamous Lunchbox
10-15-2015, 08:16 AM
Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross Arrange Album just went live in Japan on SquareEnix's site, can anybody help me pick up a copy of this and the Persona 4 Dancing All Night albums?


10-15-2015, 09:49 AM
God !!
Amazon UK
Amazon DE
Shenmue (Ltd.Blue Vinyl/Remastered/180g) (http://Shenmue (Ltd.Blue Vinyl/Remastered/180g))[Vinyl LP]
Amazon ES

Amazon UK
Amazon DE
Amazon ES

Infamous Lunchbox
10-15-2015, 09:53 AM
God !!
Amazon UK
Amazon DE
Shenmue (Ltd.Blue Vinyl/Remastered/180g) [Vinyl LP]
Amazon ES

Amazon UK
Amazon DE
Amazon ES
Laura, you know their Shinobi III's are now shipping as well?

10-15-2015, 10:19 AM
Shinobi III' is sold out, no?

10-15-2015, 10:22 AM
The limited edition is sold out but the two other versions are still up on the official site.

Infamous Lunchbox
10-15-2015, 10:23 AM
Mondo will be carrying their non-limited stuff as well.

10-15-2015, 10:26 AM
order now

Toasty the Baker
10-15-2015, 09:12 PM
Fallout 3 Special Edition Vinyl Soundtrack is available for pre-order.


Infamous Lunchbox
10-16-2015, 09:20 AM
Thank you!

10-19-2015, 10:47 AM
FINAL FANTASY VIII Vinyl - Limited Edition
*This is a limited edition and only 2,000 copies with a serial number will be up for grabs in the EMEA territories.

10-24-2015, 11:33 AM
FINAL FANTASY VIII Vinyl - Limited Edition
*This is a limited edition and only 2,000 copies with a serial number will be up for grabs in the EMEA territories.

Dammit, would anybody be able to forward this to Australia for me? Even with a VPN it can tell I'm outside the EU so it won't let me checkout :suicide:

10-24-2015, 11:53 AM
Dammit, would anybody be able to forward this to Australia for me? Even with a VPN it can tell I'm outside the EU so it won't let me checkout :suicide:
"Delivery is currently not available in the following countries: Australia, New Zealand, Iceland"
Best to ask help from UK member - postage is 3,99GBP (to Estonia it was 25eur and as it is pre-order you must make separated order :( )

10-24-2015, 11:21 PM
I can't even find it on the store, that link just sends me to the front page.

EDIT: Never mind just ordered one :)

King Peter
11-03-2015, 07:53 PM
Uncharted Collection coming to vinyl


11-03-2015, 07:54 PM
Uncharted Collection coming to vinyl


I posted it a few weeks back :)

Here's the link for pre order (along with a limited print)


11-03-2015, 09:00 PM
I will buy them for the art on each album :)

11-03-2015, 10:43 PM
I posted it a few weeks back :)

Here's the link for pre order (along with a limited print)

I forgot about this...
Do you know if they charge upfront or upon shipping using credit card?

Nvm. Found the answer.

11-05-2015, 04:47 PM


11-05-2015, 06:54 PM


Any idea where this can be purchased online?

If not, can someone grab one for me?

11-05-2015, 06:57 PM
Norman Records (https://www.normanrecords.com/records/156387-various-everybodys-gone-to-the-rapture) and New On Vinyl (http://www.newonvinyl.com/en/soundtrack-ost-everybodys-gone-to-the-rapture-ltd.html) (EU) has them listed :)
I don't know any stores in USA who has this yet.

11-05-2015, 07:03 PM
Norman Records (https://www.normanrecords.com/records/156387-various-everybodys-gone-to-the-rapture) and New On Vinyl (http://www.newonvinyl.com/en/soundtrack-ost-everybodys-gone-to-the-rapture-ltd.html) (EU) has them listed :)
I don't know any stores in USA who has this yet.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Ordered on Norman Records and chose the sturdier shipping option. Hopefully that helps it arrive in good shape. I also love the option to either pay now or pay at shipment. Very cool.

11-05-2015, 07:18 PM
I'm happy to be of help :)
I preordered mine from New on Vinyl and they also pack things nicely.

11-05-2015, 08:05 PM
Damn I bought this magnificient OST on CD, will have to contemplate buying a LP player someday.

11-05-2015, 08:06 PM
I posted it a few weeks back :)

Here's the link for pre order (along with a limited print)


I will buy them for the art on each album :)

There's also an limited Giclé (which I bough btw :) )

11-05-2015, 10:28 PM
iam8bit's Rare Vinyls are now shipping x

11-11-2015, 08:20 AM
Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross - Arranged Album VINYL EDITION
EXCLUSIVE VINYL EDITION! Only 150 pieces available!



Infamous Lunchbox
11-11-2015, 08:51 AM
Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross - Arranged Album VINYL EDITION
EXCLUSIVE VINYL EDITION! Only 150 pieces available!



I don't suppose you'd be willing to pick a second up for a fellow collector who lives in the US? We're not being offered these. I would of course forward the funds immediately.