View Full Version : Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Collector's Edition
09-20-2013, 01:38 PM
...view this game on the homepage (http://collectorsedition.org/game-db/call-of-duty-advanced-warfare-atlas-pro-edition-xb1-americas)

09-20-2014, 02:33 PM
**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Atlas Limited Edition (PS4) [Americas] added to database**
**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Atlas Limited Edition (XB1) [Americas] added to database**

**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Atlas Pro Edition (PS4) [Americas] added to database**
**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Atlas Pro Edition (XB1) [Americas] added to database**

**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition (PS4) [Americas] added to database**
**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition (XB1) [Americas] added to database**

**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Atlas Limited Edition (PS4) [Europe] added to database**
**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Atlas Limited Edition (XB1) [Europe] added to database**

**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Atlas Pro Edition (PS4) [Europe] added to database**
**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Atlas Pro Edition (XB1) [Europe] added to database**

**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition (PS4) [Europe] added to database**
**Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition (XB1) [Europe] added to database**

09-20-2014, 04:04 PM
To expensive.. Will wait for price drop.

10-16-2015, 11:29 PM
I did a slight edit
i just bought COD AW Day Zero and it comes bundled with dog tags.
it seems it comes standard with every edition of day zero so i edited and added it.

10-16-2015, 11:35 PM
Call Of Duty Endowment Limited Edition Dog Tags (All profits used to place veterans in jobs)

Didnt add any pictures because the only pictures i could find didnt look nice to put up.

10-17-2015, 04:42 AM
I can confirm that all copies of Day Zero did not come with dog tags.

12-20-2015, 07:26 PM
I can confirm that all copies of Day Zero did not come with dog tags.

I made the edit since i can not confirm it is part of the edition i will remove it and just assume some include it has a bonus and some dont.