View Full Version : Fifa 15 steelbook search
09-27-2014, 09:41 AM
I'm looking to come out of all steelbook or come for FIFA 15
for now I have these two, og%2Fimages%2Fimg_1805%2Fsteelbox-ufficiale-serie-a-tim-fifa-15-gift-1009576.jpg& hi%2Fxbox-one%2Ffifa-15-ultimate-team-edition.html&h=786&w=786&tbnid=AM8Hqgn3-gX1lM%3A&zoom=1&docid=r9JYksMaiuG_uM&ei=wHYmVJK6FsqVatqugZAE&tbm=isch&client=opera&ved=0CCoQMygKMAo&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=689&page=1&start=0&ndsp=38
and ale.jpg& t%2F%3Ft%3D56723545&h=786&w=786&tbnid=eFD0Zv9fx-S1jM%3A&zoom=1&docid=ZQWc6yWQVnaLCM&ei=wHYmVJK6FsqVatqugZAE&tbm=isch&client=opera&ved=0CCsQMygLMAs&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=484&page=1&start=0&ndsp=38
* if anyone knows maybe for some editions clubs in 14
and as to the size of? from what I saw These two are only in the size of G2, and Whether there are in G1
09-27-2014, 09:52 AM
thats all fifa 15 steelbooks
09-27-2014, 10:45 AM
09-27-2014, 01:28 PM
only 2? last year there were 14 club, and now only as impossible, it can still come out any
09-27-2014, 01:58 PM
no only 2 this year :D
09-27-2014, 02:01 PM
Did the Club Steelbooks come at release or later?
09-27-2014, 02:28 PM
I'm not sure if you Guys interested but ..
They did release a LE for the Middle east :D
it's for 4 Team here in Saudi Arabia .. I will post some Pic :
09-27-2014, 02:32 PM
Wow nice can you get me all 4?
09-27-2014, 03:27 PM
and me, really nice steel, i wanna buy this steel
mayby europa club added steel later
look at inter , milan allways add steelbook
09-27-2014, 04:11 PM
and me, really nice steel, i wanna buy this steel
mayby europa club added steel later
look at inter , milan allways add steelbook
hmm , sometimes i get confused between Steelbook and Metalpak
I will post a video , sorry no Eng Sub :(
I think it's Metalpak right ?
09-27-2014, 04:30 PM
No, they are beautifull steelbooks;)
Please PM me if you can get all four for me:D
09-27-2014, 04:37 PM
damn those are expensive i think :D
09-27-2014, 04:54 PM
As it's said in the Pic :
this is a LE .. so it's come with :
- the game
- 15 Gold packs
- Steelbook
this LE cost Around 80$ each " it's cost 299 Saudi Riyal " as it's said in the Video.
and it's official price here ..
they don't sell it separately unless someone will do later :(
I will call some local shop i know here and check for you ..
I hope they will sell these steelbook only without the game .
I'll do my best to check for you ~
09-27-2014, 04:57 PM
Thanks a lot!
I appriciate your will to help us;)
Edit: By the way, they have only arabian dubbing/subtitles? Other language is possible?
09-27-2014, 05:01 PM
Thanks Queeny! It would be so awesome if you could get 4 for collectorgamer and 4 for me!
09-27-2014, 05:09 PM
Thanks a lot!
I appriciate your will to help us;)
Edit: By the way, they have only arabian dubbing/subtitles? Other language is possible?
No problem .. You are welcome .
as I know yes it's have ENG no worries ..
I will also double check for you .
" I mean for this LE , Just to make sure"
Thanks Queeny! It would be so awesome if you could get 4 for collectorgamer and 4 for me!
You are welcome .. I will do my best .
Indeed , they look Cool .. I hope they don't sold out ..
here , they are so crazy about Football XD
I hope I can manage .
09-27-2014, 05:59 PM
these are they all 4 come in one edition?..or is each separately sold with game?
09-27-2014, 06:01 PM
they are sold with game
09-27-2014, 06:19 PM
look amazing
and bath buy this but it is meant nothing from this site, I use a translator and does not help HELP!
and for me, its my topic ;p
09-27-2014, 06:35 PM
you dont get any steelbooks stachu :D
09-27-2014, 06:43 PM
I want and I'll get ;p
can anyone know if steelbook from the first post are the size G1 or G2 only?
and maybe someone else knows of some
09-27-2014, 06:53 PM
Those are definately G1
09-27-2014, 09:17 PM
I'm trying to contact each popular local store here .. etc
I mange to call one !!
he told me even the standard one isn't available yet
they are having some problems :(
and not to mention some players did go to buy the LE from the Stores that
should sell it .. but they couldn't get it yet ..
I did ask him if they can sell only the steelbook but he said: i don't think
so .. it's a LE .. you need to buy it .
" I mean get everything that come with it XD "
I will call tomorrow another Store .. this one I trust the most !
so ,if he manga to help me get some .. without the game it will be great .
if not , my only hope some gamers will sell this LE for a low price later .
because a lots of ppl these days sell their Copy when they are done from it ..
I will do my best ! and i will post an Update for all of you for sure .
09-27-2014, 09:26 PM
Thanks Queeny!
09-27-2014, 09:30 PM
Thanks Queeny!
It's My pleasure ~
09-27-2014, 09:35 PM
I Love you ;)
09-27-2014, 09:36 PM
me too :D
09-27-2014, 09:39 PM
No way:P
BTW, why you didn't evolve into Gengar??:rotf:
09-27-2014, 09:40 PM
because Gengars fingers are too small to show the middle finger :D
09-27-2014, 09:42 PM
So use Tentacruel's or Ambipom's:barsong:
09-28-2014, 10:41 AM
09-28-2014, 03:36 PM
I call The Store I always Buy from ..
He told me they don't sell the Steelbook alone ..
I asked him if he can help me get it.. etc
He told me : I'm sure the players later will come
and put it on my store for sale .. and if that happened I will call you ..
"he might sell it to me with or without the game
depending on the price .
I just hope it will be in a great shape .
To be honest , he was shocked when i asked him to get
everything from this steelbook ..
i told him , it's not for me ... for a friend .
he was shocked anyway .. :taunt: :haha:
Anyway you guys .. I will check from time to time with the store .
I might get it for a good price As new or used ..
09-28-2014, 03:43 PM
thanks again for your help, and I will eagerly wait :)
09-28-2014, 03:53 PM
Yeah, sounds good;)
Please keep us updated:D
09-28-2014, 04:15 PM
Thanks Queeny, hope youll get them :D
09-29-2014, 03:10 PM
More pics for anyone interested thanks to my friend sheikh abu dhabi flying them to me on a magic carpet :rotf:
09-29-2014, 03:16 PM
More pics for anyone interested thanks to my friend sheikh abu dhabi flying them to me on a magic carpet :rotf:
Nice .
Congrats .. Did you only get the steelbook?
Or everything else ? I mean the game .. Etc
09-29-2014, 03:26 PM
Nice .
Congrats .. Did you only get the steelbook?
Or everything else ? I mean the game .. Etc
Apparently the magic carpet got attacked by hijackers en route and Abu the monkey managed to fight them off. Sadly the games didn't survive so only the steels made it to me safely :whew:
09-29-2014, 03:29 PM
Do you have more? I want each steel. How much for them + shipment to PL'
09-29-2014, 03:45 PM
I only have 1 of each. Queeny would be the best bet to get them I think :barsong:
09-29-2014, 03:49 PM
Queeny help us plsssss :D
09-29-2014, 07:04 PM
oh yeah really beutiful
i wanna buy this so much
09-30-2014, 04:34 AM
Hey Queeny, could you tell us what the teams are on those 4 steelbooks (for football illiterates like me)?
09-30-2014, 01:09 PM
Queeny help us plsssss :D
oh yeah really beutiful
i wanna buy this so much
I'm doing my best .. the problem here is that they have to sell it
with the game .. I will try to check some of my friends ..
Hey Queeny, could you tell us what the teams are on those 4 steelbooks (for football illiterates like me)?
Yes they are all Saudi's Football teams , I will tell you their Names :
This one Called : Al-Hilal
"it's The Most popular & Fav Team here :P " << but I don't like them :rotf:
and This is : Al Nassr
This is : Ittihad
the last one it's : Al-Ahli
09-30-2014, 01:58 PM
Actually the Saudi National team is pretty good!
10-01-2014, 08:53 AM
Salam Queeny,
Do you know if saudi shops export to other middle eastern shops?
Most of the games in the gcc come from dubai, so im not sure if the rest of the gulf will get those saudi club steels
10-01-2014, 12:59 PM
Salam Queeny,
Do you know if saudi shops export to other middle eastern shops?
Most of the games in the gcc come from dubai, so im not sure if the rest of the gulf will get those saudi club steels
Wa Alaikum Assalam DESOUL ,
I did checked about this .. as they said it was available for pre-order through this online store : E-MALL (
Not sure if they did sell it , because i can't see it anymore ..
also , each Football Club will sell their edition through their Store .
but , as I said I can't get only the steelbook .. I need to buy this LE
for 80$ :(
anyway , I asked one of my friend in Dubai to check about it .
10-01-2014, 08:25 PM
I'm doing my best .. the problem here is that they have to sell it
with the game .. I will try to check some of my friends ..
Yes they are all Saudi's Football teams , I will tell you their Names :
This one Called : Al-Hilal
"it's The Most popular & Fav Team here :P " << but I don't like them :rotf:
and This is : Al Nassr
This is : Ittihad
the last one it's : Al-Ahli
Thanks for the info. So as far as I know, there are 6 variations of FIFA 15:
4 Saudi Arabian
1 European
1 Italian exclusive
If every country gets their own variations, I wonder how many we're missing...
10-01-2014, 08:47 PM
Any photos of those from Finland and Sweden???
Edit: Nice SPAM, tossin :P
10-01-2014, 08:47 PM
wtf are you talking about there are no finland and sweden football steels, only Ice hockey, i got those on my way :D
10-01-2014, 08:56 PM
Any photos of those from Finland and Sweden???
Edit: Nice SPAM, tossin :P
wtf are you talking about there are no finland and sweden football steels, only Ice hockey, i got those on my way :D
Yeah sorry, I confused NHL 15 with FIFA 15.
10-01-2014, 09:02 PM
Also, the ones in the video and images are G2, correct? Are there any G1?
10-01-2014, 09:04 PM
They are G1
10-01-2014, 09:09 PM
no they are G2
10-01-2014, 09:11 PM
Lol, so I gave up on them.
10-01-2014, 09:16 PM
really, you dont collect G2?
10-01-2014, 09:18 PM
If they are really cheap, I can buy it.
But G2 isn't my priority.
10-07-2014, 05:03 PM
This is a new Update from me :
The only way now to get all the 4 steelbook .
is to buy the LE for around 80$ !!
"not sure if it's as they say in the poster, I mean the price "
or we need to wait till 2 month pass and someone resell them in any local store here
" I already asked someone to inform me if they gets any of them "
so ,
if anyone still want it and can pay for each one ..
I can help you by asking any local store here to get all 4 for me ..
if they can't "Sold Out"...
I can get 2 of them since they sell it in their
Football FC "Store" ..
I can get Both Al-Hilal and Al-Nassr Steelbook .
since both of them in my city .
Best of Luck ~
10-07-2014, 07:50 PM
I want only steelbooks and no need to hurry. Can wait those 2 months if somebody wants to sell it. All 4 of course;)
10-08-2014, 05:34 PM
and can you shop like eBay, or amazona?
10-10-2014, 11:09 AM
New Update :
Just Now , I got a Call from the local store i always get my Games from .
He told me .. Finally he was able to find them .. I asked him to get for me 12
Piece from these 4 steelbook . 3 from each one ..
BTW , it's the PS4 Edition .
The Price Still 80$ for each "New Sealed" .
I should get all of the them by tomorrow .
and If I gotta ship it to the members who asked me too .
I need to wait till Sunday/Monday to Ship it .
Till now no used one .. but i will ask him to till me if someone did sell their
copy .
Have a Nice Day ~
10-10-2014, 01:09 PM
hah great news, I am still interested
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