View Full Version : AC Unity - "Templar Ring?" from EB Games managers-conference

09-30-2014, 01:24 AM
Went to preorder my Xbox One today, when an employee at my local EB Games said he remembered me from the AC4 Black Flag midnight launch (I dressed as Edward), and he said he had something for me! I had no idea what he could have saved just for me, but I graciously awaited possibly the best shwag I've ever received from a store!



What he told was this was given out by Ubisoft at a "managers' conference", which I'm assuming his manager attended. He got this, remembered me (I assume as the bigger AC fan he's met), and waited to give it to me. I am truly flattered...this is the closest thing to a proposal I'll probably ever be on the receiving end of! lol

What I'm not sure of is if this is EB Games-exclusive, or if Gamestop (United States) had a similar thing. I imagine only the manager of each store got it, and that these are going to be damn hard to find...

09-30-2014, 04:17 AM
Very cool and the reason why he gave it to you was even cooler! Would love to own one of this rings

09-30-2014, 04:20 AM
Very cool and the reason why he gave it to you was even cooler! Would love to own one of this rings

I hope most people on here get to snag one eventually, but I'm truly curious to see what this thing gets sold for (as in its ebay/online worth). This is the first time I've obtained anything before knowing if its existence (or seeing any pics of it, yet) on the internet.

09-30-2014, 04:58 AM
I hope most people on here get to snag one eventually, but I'm truly curious to see what this thing gets sold for (as in its ebay/online worth). This is the first time I've obtained anything before knowing if its existence (or seeing any pics of it, yet) on the internet.

Honestly why would you even care of its worth? If you're truly a fan and collector, it's 'online worth' would never matter. I would never sell anything in my collection and do not care to know any arbitrary value.

09-30-2014, 05:32 AM
Honestly why would you even care of its worth? If you're truly a fan and collector, it's 'online worth' would never matter. I would never sell anything in my collection and do not care to know any arbitrary value.

From one collector to another....I have never sold anything I have collected. But to say you're not curious about the worth of something you have added to your collection would be a lie. Half the fun of collecting is knowing you found something worth a great deal...it makes your collection grander than it is, knowing you have things sought-after by others. I do care about its worth...it makes it all the more valuable, and makes it all the more collectible~

09-30-2014, 06:20 AM
From one collector to another....I have never sold anything I have collected. But to say you're not curious about the worth of something you have added to your collection would be a lie. Half the fun of collecting is knowing you found something worth a great deal...it makes your collection grander than it is, knowing you have things sought-after by others. I do care about its worth...it makes it all the more valuable, and makes it all the more collectible~

True that some may want to know the value. The way your post reads though makes it seems your intent is to sell the gift your friend gave you, particularly "curious what this thing gets sold for".

09-30-2014, 06:41 AM
True that some may want to know the value. The way your post reads though makes it seems your intent is to sell the gift your friend gave you, particularly "curious what this thing gets sold for".

Hahaha.....no, never. I'm not strapped for cash. I have no intention of selling a gift which was given to me by someone who, A: I'm surprised even remembers me, and B: came across it so randomly and unlikely as to have been given it by his manager, from some left-field conference for managers, by Ubisoft.

This thing is a treasure for me. Truly, I doubt I will ever sell it. I am a true collector. Behold:

That is not the den of a man who needs to sell his stuff. That is the den of a man who needs to find a worthy place for a grand gift.

09-30-2014, 07:58 AM
That is not the den of a man who needs to sell his stuff. That is the den of a man who needs to find a worthy place for a grand gift.

I would love to see this quote in a movie. Hahaha! Fantastic collection mate!

09-30-2014, 10:07 PM
I'm with the Dr on your quote! :thumb:

I LOVE that story and have always said that some of the favourites in my collection are down to their back stories rather than value. That said, like you, I still like to know the value.... ;) :yes:

09-30-2014, 10:13 PM
seriously you got this?
only enough made for ubisoft executives and Higher tear management and special VIPs
im begining to think that was a lie now

09-30-2014, 11:58 PM
seriously you got this?
only enough made for ubisoft executives and Higher tear management and special VIPs
im begining to think that was a lie now

What was a lie?

10-01-2014, 12:31 AM
Oh fuck.....

Here comes another winter 20 page chasing tinny shit threads

Thanks ubi

10-01-2014, 03:04 AM
Hahaha.....no, never. I'm not strapped for cash. I have no intention of selling a gift which was given to me by someone who, A: I'm surprised even remembers me, and B: came across it so randomly and unlikely as to have been given it by his manager, from some left-field conference for managers, by Ubisoft.

This thing is a treasure for me. Truly, I doubt I will ever sell it. I am a true collector. Behold:

That is not the den of a man who needs to sell his stuff. That is the den of a man who needs to find a worthy place for a grand gift.

Damn fine collection you have there. I must say I even thought I had a lot... I'm impressed with yours! You have things I don't even have. :bunny:

10-01-2014, 05:04 AM
What was a lie?

The thing about it being very rare and only enough for higher tear ubi management and special vips

10-01-2014, 05:10 AM
The thing about it being very rare and only enough for higher tear ubi management and special vips

Yet to see any other pics of it online....still seems quite rare, despite whom it was released to.

Maybe they consider game store managers to be special VIPs?....I dunno which stores were all involved (Maybe only EBGames, given its Canadian), or how many people showed up to the conference, but I don't imagine it was thousands, or even several-hundred people. Still seems awfully limited.

StayFree( ' 3')
10-01-2014, 05:13 AM
No one I know got it at the gamestop managers conference. Might be a Canadian only thing ay?

I sure miss EBGames, back when it was in the US. It was like Gamestop...but good.

10-01-2014, 05:18 AM
No one I know got it at the gamestop managers conference. Might be a Canadian only thing ay?

It's looking that way... Appropriate, since Ubisoft Montreal makes the meat and potatoes of these games. I'm always crestfallen when Canada gets shafted for special editions or bonus swag, but there can be a few hidden gems.

10-01-2014, 12:31 PM
And how many ebgames are there in Canada?
As I see it the numbers of this product just shot from 30-50 up to about 300

10-01-2014, 05:05 PM
Hey all, just a small bit of info I was given this morning. It's a Canadian exclusive as of right now, I may be able to get my hands on one soon. If I do and can get more definitive info I'll let ya know.

10-01-2014, 05:47 PM
i just need this ring in my life!

If anyone can get one, please pm

04-28-2016, 04:27 PM
This is on eBay right now!

04-28-2016, 04:53 PM
Link? I'd like to follow it to see what it's worth.

04-29-2016, 12:01 AM
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Assassins-creed-unity-ring-rare-limited-promo-dev-/252366313207?hash=item3ac23456f7:g:CgcAAOSw1DtXE56 Z

04-29-2016, 12:41 AM

This ring is NOT worth that much. These artificial values make me really wonder about people. ....I sincerely hope no one drops that kind of money for this...

04-29-2016, 12:46 AM
Time will show, people really love rare items

12-21-2018, 12:31 AM
So I have 2 of these rings, i will be selling one.