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View Full Version : NYCC (New York Comic Con) 2014 Pick-ups, Goodies, & Hauls!

10-10-2014, 11:21 PM
Hey all, creating a new thread here specific to NYCC '14. The other "comic con" thread wasn't active and too varied, I'd love to see what some of your hauls, goodies, and swag look like!

To start off on my end, I was only able to attend for one day, yesterday. Since it was my first time, I had a list and stuck to it, thankfully doing everything I planned on plus a little extra. I didn't pick up a tremendous amount overall, though I must say it was SO hard to walk away from Cook & Becker's booth without buying any and everything there...

My #1 goal was to meet up with Karl Kerschl & Brendan Fletcher. Karl is the artist for all of the Assassin's Creed comics from the Fall up to Brahman, and Brendan is the writer for Brahman. I contacted them a few days before the show and was able to meet up with them last night to chat for about an hour. They signed all of my comics, and Karl drew a custom one off piece for me as well!





Something unplanned was bumping into the artist of the Tomb Raider comics, Nicolas Daniel Selma. We also were able to chat very early in the expo for a good amount of time, and unbeknownst to me right next to his booth was the writer of the series Gail Simone. I ended up purchasing a copy of one of their issues and a limited/numbered copy of the script for volume 4.



I'd say those were my biggest hauls, some small trinkets and giveaways of course, wristbands, bags, posters, and the usual. So let's see your hauls!

10-11-2014, 12:34 AM
Wow! The drawing is awesome!

10-11-2014, 04:05 AM
NOooooooooO!!!! I was wondering if Gail was going to be there or not! Darn! Had I know I would've had you pick me up one! I've been trying to get all her signed exclusive covers for the TR comics for quite some time! Totally jealous my friend! Nice pick ups!

At least I guess that means there'll be a few on eBay now! ;)

10-11-2014, 04:47 AM
Wow! The drawing is awesome!

Thank you!

NOooooooooO!!!! I was wondering if Gail was going to be there or not! Darn! Had I know I would've had you pick me up one! I've been trying to get all her signed exclusive covers for the TR comics for quite some time! Totally jealous my friend! Nice pick ups!

At least I guess that means there'll be a few on eBay now! ;)

Funny story with Gail... I didn't even know she had a limited copy of her script. I was chatting with Nicolas for a while when someone came up next to me to meet him, and I noticed they had a script by Gail that said "Limited Edition 24 of 20". I mention it to the guy with a puzzled tone.

After I finished talking to Nicolas I went to Gail sitting just a few feet from him and mentioned it to her, and she had a big laugh! She told me she will do a run of 30 copies from a script and somehow had a typo with Tomb Raider # 4 where the only copy she had left said "# 24 of 20". She didn't even know of the error after selling nearly all of the copies, and I was the first to tell her! That's why she wrote on my copy "I don't know what numbers are or how they work. =("

10-11-2014, 04:55 AM
i've bought off of ebay "convention exclusive" comic books that are supposedly rare, for a very high price,..only for a year later the website of that company to say "oh, we found these rare convention exclusive books in our "vault" and then price them at a huge liquidation markdown, where they cost less then 1/10th of what i paid for them on ebay...after they put out a press release for SDCC/NYCC as saying "only 500 copies" and "never to be sold outside of Comic-Con" etc..so i took the bait,..paying massive premiums on ebay..only to be the sucker left holding the bag some months later..by the way, i am referring to some of those MEGA MAN/SONIC ARCHIE COMIC BOOK VARAINTS.

10-11-2014, 05:23 PM
Could someone pick up a Drake pin from ESC TOY booth (#515) for me if anyone's going?

10-11-2014, 10:46 PM
If anyone else is at NYCC and could get me a signed comic of Tomb Raider by Gail (and Nicholas if he's still around) I'd be super appreciative! Not sure if she's still got older issues too, but definitely looking for #4 at least!! I can pay you right away if so - thanks in advance! :beg:

10-12-2014, 01:54 AM
Anybody can tell me if there will be any TLOU stand? For example for the comics...pins...etc

10-12-2014, 02:56 AM
Anybody can tell me if there will be any TLOU stand? For example for the comics...pins...etc

yes and tomorrow is last day

dark horse booth is selling Art of ND limited editions

Esc-toy booth is selling 2 sets of TLOU pins (joel/ellie & clicker/bloater) + Drake pin

10-12-2014, 03:00 AM
Esc-toy booth is selling 2 sets of TLOU pins (joel/ellie & clicker/bloater) + Drake pin

I'd love this...if it's not too expensive(I'd pay shipment if someone could get that for me)

10-12-2014, 03:01 AM
each TLOU set is $20. Drake is $25.

10-12-2014, 03:12 AM
Interesting. Well...if anybody attending is able to get me one TLOU pin set, I'd really apreciate it. We would talk about the shipment and the total cost later

StayFree( ' 3')
10-12-2014, 10:36 AM
Someone pick this up for me...


10-12-2014, 11:48 AM
It's available on Project Triforce's website as well. Pretty amazing stuff!

10-12-2014, 12:37 PM
A special version of the statute, the Savage Goliath (at left), will also be available for $800. Only 150 of these will be made, and they will only be sold at New York Comic-Con next week.

I guess he meant this one.
I agree with you, the statue looks amazing!

10-12-2014, 12:55 PM
I guess he meant this one.
I agree with you, the statue looks amazing!

Yea they have that one too. Only 50 were made available on their website too!

10-12-2014, 01:25 PM
Yea they have that one too. Only 50 were made available on their website too!

Oh, didn't see that. Sorry :D

10-13-2014, 08:41 PM
First TTG The Walking Dead figure!:1::bday:

Based on Clementine from S2...


But looks pretty cool!
There is not many TTG TWD merch around, will buy in a heartbeat)
I hope we see more figure's.... I so want Lee... and also that angry-beard hero figure)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10687158_923581554322678_7412753273274201115_n.jpg ?oh=86410029becf4e023d5b6021c683374a&oe=54F0F668&__gda__=1422221008_19633b71d5b9395a338e3d904b1feaa 3
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Announced moments ago today at New York Comic-Con onstage with Telltale Games and Robert Kirkman, A Clementine action figure developed by Skybound, Telltale Games, and McFarlane Toys will be coming very soon!
Clementine, or just “Clem,” is the heart and soul of Telltale’s The Walking Dead franchise over two seasons and she is probably the figure Skybound is asked to make the most often. Well, they’ve heard you, and we’re super excited to show it off RIGHT NOW!
Here’s Telltale’s Clementine in bloody and clean versions!

Exclusively from Skybound, the Clem figure will be available in both Full Color and in Blood Splattered Color versions and comes with backpack, pistol, and hammer! Stay tuned for full release details!