View Full Version : First4Figures Statues - Latest Announcement: "Link on Loftwing"

10-25-2014, 03:54 AM
So we have a "GamingHeads" statue thread and about 10 F4F Statue threads scattered about so I figured I'd create one thread to rule them all for F4F Statues. Can't say how often I'll update the first post here, but at the very least we can all post new statue announcements, coupon codes, deals, etc. and discuss these here!

***Links & Stuff***

First4Figures.com (http://www.first4figures.com/)

F4F Series:

Legend of Zelda

Fire Sage Darunia
Fire Sage Darunia - Exclusive
Dark Link
Dark Link - Exclusive
Ocarina of Time Link (Green Tunic)
Zora Tunic Link
Goron Tunic Link
Fierce Deity Link
Skull Kid
Link on Epona
Link on Epona - Exclusive
Wolf Link & Midna
Wolf Link & Midna - Exclusive
Ganondorf - Exclusive
Zant - Exclusive
Princess Zelda
Link on Loftwing


Running Megaman
Running Megaman - Exclusive

Sonic the Hedgehog

Pending - Exclusive


Samus Gravity Suit
Zero Suit Samus
Zero Suit Samus - Exclusive
Samus Varia Suit
Samus Light Suit
Samus Light Suit - Exclusive
Samus Phazon Suit
Metroid Prime Gunship
Metroid Prime 2 Echoes Gunship


Pending - Exclusive


Sword Kirby
Sword Kirby - Exclusive

10-25-2014, 03:55 AM
Reserved #1

10-25-2014, 03:58 AM
So they announced it on their Facebook page and Twitter earlier today and since I didn't see anything here yet, here's the info we've got:

The latest F4F statue in the Zelda series is:

Link on Loftwing

Pre-order date starts 10/28/14

There's been no word yet about a run size, but F4F did say that it was their "largest statue yet". So say so long to your Ganondorf statue being the largest Zelda F4F statue and say hello to "OMG this thing is HUGE" ;)

Personally I'm hoping that the Link will be to the same scale as Link on Epona, otherwise it'll just mess up all us OCD collectors!

10-25-2014, 05:41 AM
this is a cool thread!!! I wonder why we didn't see an official Luigi Anniversary F4F statue during the Year of Luigi..i think it would of sold well..Luigi has a cult following, and i'm surprised F4F didn't take advantage of that during the Nintendo Year of Luigi run.

10-26-2014, 09:45 PM
I love these statues but they are way too rich for my blood. I had to make an exception for the Princess though. In fact I got an e-mail this morning about the Zelda statue:
I am pleased to tell you that the Zelda production is well underway.

Yay! :D

10-28-2014, 04:55 PM
Just a heads up, but F4F has confirmed that Link On Loftwing will be the same/similar size as the Link on Epona statue -- also, pre-orders for this is TECHNICALLY a "new line" (Skyward Sword) so its first-come first-serve basis in terms of lower #'s. Also, the pre-orders will go live in less than 30 minutes for those interested :)

Dimensions are as follows: 66cm(l) x 56cm(w) x 62.5cm(h)

https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/1932334_10152459901371732_8821827047616187626_n.jp g?oh=c5cb439f79dbca73f3b4e1179f549372&oe=54AF18E6

10-28-2014, 08:22 PM
So how do we feel about the 2,500 edition size on this?

10-28-2014, 09:04 PM
So how do we feel about the 2,500 edition size on this?

I was hyped for this and pre-ordered the minute it was up. I saw the 2500 edition size after ordering and I am not that excited anymore...

10-28-2014, 09:06 PM
So how do we feel about the 2,500 edition size on this?

We hate it.

We also hate that there's no "exclusive".

We also hate Link's face as seen on the email they sent out (don't have the ability to upload the pic just yet).

I pre-ordered it early to get a low #, but I'm pretty disappointed in this. I really hope this new 2,500 unit size run w/no exclusive thing isn't their new norm for the Zelda series. Its nice that there's more available, but these things typically don't sell out for a year or two when they're over the $250+ mark.

10-28-2014, 09:08 PM
I was hyped for this and pre-ordered the minute it was up. I saw the 2500 edition size after ordering and I am not that excited anymore...

Yeah, the edition size coupled with the price was a turn off for me too. :( I haven't pre-ordered mine yet. Will be doing so on Friday. I feel like I'm just buying this out of necessity now. :( I also don't know how I feel about Link's face on this stature either... :S

10-28-2014, 09:12 PM
Yeah, the edition size coupled with the price was a turn off for me too. :( I haven't pre-ordered mine yet. Will be doing so on Friday. I feel like I'm just buying this out of necessity now. :( I also don't know how I feel about Link's face on this stature either... :S

Well, if we "blast" them (in a friendly sort of way of course) on social media about his face they may change it like they did with the Megaman Running statue -- that thing was horrible looking before they responded to the outcry. Maybe there's a chance here too! :)

10-28-2014, 09:12 PM
Yeah, the edition size coupled with the price was a turn off for me too. :( I haven't pre-ordered mine yet. Will be doing so on Friday. I feel like I'm just buying this out of necessity now. :( I also don't know how I feel about Link's face on this stature either... :S

I love Zelda but I am not a hardcore Zelda fan like you guys. This is my first Link statue, I was think "It's big, so it must be great". I was ready to pay $400+ because of the size of the statue, but I really didn't expect the edition size to be 2500...

I purchased some statues from Gaming Heads and Sideshow before and none of them has a edition size of 2000+... F4F also charged me $20 non-refundable deposit :banghead:

10-28-2014, 10:35 PM
Well, if we "blast" them (in a friendly sort of way of course) on social media about his face they may change it like they did with the Megaman Running statue -- that thing was horrible looking before they responded to the outcry. Maybe there's a chance here too! :)

Yeah, I know. There was an issue like that before with regards to C3P0 link not having any eyes on the Link on Epona statue so they made another head for him. Does anybody else feel the same way about his face? I know he's supposed to be enjoying flying on his loftwing, but I don't think it looks right. >.< There's too much of a happy emotion on his face instead of a serious looking face. It looks a little creepy, but I don't know how else he could look... :S


Am I the only one who is unsure about this. Unfortunately I can't complain on social media as I don't use it. I might use my mum's account to complain later, but I don't want to be the only one. XD

Something more like this...


10-29-2014, 05:53 AM
Nope, you guys are right. That face is damn weird. I laughed pretty hard when I got that e-mail today. :haha:

Won't be getting this one. :nono:

i and i
10-29-2014, 01:13 PM
almost have them all :D :p the new one is off course pre-ordered.

10-29-2014, 01:49 PM
Nope, you guys are right. That face is damn weird. I laughed pretty hard when I got that e-mail today. :haha:

Won't be getting this one. :nono:

You should reach out however you can to see if they'll change the face. They've done it twice before and I think they're doing themselves a disservice having this one look so goofy/weird/creepy.

10-29-2014, 10:59 PM
You should reach out however you can to see if they'll change the face. They've done it twice before and I think they're doing themselves a disservice having this one look so goofy/weird/creepy.
Done. :)

Link to contact form for other activists: http://www.first4figures.com/component/option,com_contact/task,view/contact_id,1/Itemid,38/

10-31-2014, 10:02 AM
I might use my mum's account to complain later, but I don't want to be the only one. XD

Off topic (sorry): Do you have to get permission from your mum to buy stuff too?

On Topic: That face is creepy...

10-31-2014, 09:08 PM
I'm torn on this one as well, was ready to pre order straight away but I'm just not blown away by it. Eveyone's right, the face sucks so I'm on the fence at the minute :think:

10-31-2014, 09:52 PM
I'm seeing a lot of people in comment sections around the internet complaining about the face. Surely F4F has noticed by now, right? Have they commented on FB or Twitter or anything?

10-31-2014, 11:25 PM
Off topic (sorry): Do you have to get permission from your mum to buy stuff too?

Lol yeah right!!! XD I just don't use social networking. Can't be getting myself caught up in that crap and it's the only person who would let me use their Facebook or whatever account to complain about something. Lol

11-04-2014, 07:43 PM
I got a response from F4F about the face. Sounds like they're getting the message, lol
Please change Link's face on the new Link on Loftwing. You guys can do a lot better!

Thank you for your email. I will pass your comment to our creative team.

Kind regards

12-29-2014, 09:04 PM
F4F has been "teasing" pictures of their newest figures, and they just showed this one:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/524167_10152582223016732_4287017555628945456_n.jpg ?oh=caf58efe2308b63c346dd486684b2fb4&oe=55346C07&__gda__=1428777407_53a0c42907900929bb9f9c50729a80d 6
WIND WAKER GANNON!!!!!!??!?!?!?!

They also showed THIS one the other day...
https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10885181_10152577465491732_389856760902771147_n.jp g?oh=9cc3dcc7d456a6b21b4b5afa1e05cb36&oe=54FD04D7
It appears to be an Arwing!

The other 3 they showed were: Zero (from MegaManX), Phoenix Wright, and a fighter I did not yet identify or recognize...

Yup, my wallet just died... :swoon:

12-30-2014, 02:09 AM
whoa Wind Waker Ganondorf makes a badass statue for sure :nosleep:

good thing for my wallet I don't generally collect statues :whew:

12-30-2014, 03:24 PM
F4F has been "teasing" pictures of their newest figures, and they just showed this one:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/524167_10152582223016732_4287017555628945456_n.jpg ?oh=caf58efe2308b63c346dd486684b2fb4&oe=55346C07&__gda__=1428777407_53a0c42907900929bb9f9c50729a80d 6
WIND WAKER GANNON!!!!!!??!?!?!?!

They also showed THIS one the other day...
https://scontent-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10885181_10152577465491732_389856760902771147_n.jp g?oh=9cc3dcc7d456a6b21b4b5afa1e05cb36&oe=54FD04D7
It appears to be an Arwing!

The other 3 they showed were: Zero (from MegaManX), Phoenix Wright, and a fighter I did not yet identify or recognize...

Yup, my wallet just died... :swoon:

Wind waker Ganon will be awesome, but I can see him being in the same pose as the figure that came with the CE. Also, I haven't ore-ordered Loftwing Link yet... :S Have they sorted his face out yet!? >.<

12-30-2014, 05:53 PM

New statues from First4figures !!

Castlevania from Castlevania lords of shadow

2 figures : Standard & Exclusive

Dracula Exclusive : 299$


Dracula Standard : 284$





01-07-2015, 02:46 PM
For all you Skies fans out there F4F is taking a fan-survey to see if they should make an Aika statue to go along with the Vyse. Hit them up on FB or Twitter and let them know you want one! (Assuming you do?)

01-07-2015, 03:56 PM
Anybody else order the Princess Zelda statue? Wasn't the final payment supposed to be charged last month? They still haven't charged me yet, and I haven't heard anything from them.

01-07-2015, 10:05 PM
Wind waker Ganon will be awesome, but I can see him being in the same pose as the figure that came with the CE. Also, I haven't ore-ordered Loftwing Link yet... :S Have they sorted his face out yet!? >.<

I'm in the same boat, can't seem to pull the trigger on it with that shitty face.

Anybody else order the Princess Zelda statue? Wasn't the final payment supposed to be charged last month? They still haven't charged me yet, and I haven't heard anything from them.

Yeah I noticed that. I seem to recall this happening on a statue once before, the release was probably delayed and they're holding off on the final payment until release.

01-07-2015, 10:59 PM
Anybody else order the Princess Zelda statue? Wasn't the final payment supposed to be charged last month? They still haven't charged me yet, and I haven't heard anything from them.

Fingers crossed it is delayed until next month as I'm skint! >.<

01-07-2015, 11:40 PM
Yeah I noticed that. I seem to recall this happening on a statue once before, the release was probably delayed and they're holding off on the final payment until release.
OK, I suspected as much, thanks. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one and there was something wrong with my card or whatnot.

Really looking forward to this one!

01-20-2015, 03:12 PM
Just an FYI that Pre-orders go LIVE in under an hour (about 50 minutes) for the new line of WW Ganondorf figures -- since its a new line, lowest #'s are available on first-come first-serve basis and will allow you to get the same # in future releases if you register them.

01-20-2015, 07:43 PM
I've finally taken the plunge and ordered it, no point putting off the inevitable any more.

01-20-2015, 07:44 PM
I've finally taken the plunge and ordered it, no point putting off the inevitable any more.

Congrats! Welcome to the madness.

Yeah, I'm just a little peeved that they won't/haven't announced a run size yet - this TBD is ridiculous for an "exclusive edition". I'm a little upset I didn't notice til after I pre-ordered it. I might've held off if it was going to be like 2500 units or something like Zelda! :rant:

01-20-2015, 08:53 PM
Congrats! Welcome to the madness.

Yeah, I'm just a little peeved that they won't/haven't announced a run size yet - this TBD is ridiculous for an "exclusive edition". I'm a little upset I didn't notice til after I pre-ordered it. I might've held off if it was going to be like 2500 units or something like Zelda! :rant:

I still haven't bit the bullet on Link On Loftwing Yet. >.< Really don't like his face... :( Really want the statue though as I know I'll regret it if I don't pick it up... -_- Ordering Ganon now though. :D

Atleast the Ganon Statue is a nice price. :D Hopefully the Wind Waker series stays nicely priced like that for future releases. ^o^

01-21-2015, 03:39 AM
For all you Skies fans out there F4F is taking a fan-survey to see if they should make an Aika statue to go along with the Vyse. Hit them up on FB or Twitter and let them know you want one! (Assuming you do?)

Now this I haven't heard about it. Thank you!

02-11-2015, 08:55 PM
Anybody heard anything about the Zelda statue? My account still shows: 23 Nov 2014 | Imminent Payment | $186.99

Have not gotten an update about this in months and still have not had the final payment go through. For all the new statues they're announcing they sure seem to be dragging their asses on this one, I ordered nearly a year ago. Is that typical for F4F?

02-11-2015, 10:25 PM
Anybody heard anything about the Zelda statue? My account still shows: 23 Nov 2014 | Imminent Payment | $186.99

Have not gotten an update about this in months and still have not had the final payment go through. For all the new statues they're announcing they sure seem to be dragging their asses on this one, I ordered nearly a year ago. Is that typical for F4F?

I received an email yesterday saying the final payment will be taken on 16/02. It's common that they take ages to ship, I've encounted it a few times.

02-11-2015, 10:30 PM
I received an email yesterday saying the final payment will be taken on 16/02. It's common that they take ages to ship, I've encounted it a few times.
Awesome, thanks for that. :D

Too bad the payment has to come out right in the middle of all the New 3DS, Majora's Mask, and amiibo releases. :(

02-11-2015, 10:36 PM
Awesome, thanks for that. :D

Too bad the payment has to come out right in the middle of all the New 3DS, Majora's Mask, and amiibo releases. :(

Was thinking the same, but at least it's finally almost here.

02-11-2015, 10:44 PM
I was also thinking the same. Have had to hold out on getting myself a N3DS. :( Wanted a Black one to use, but gotta buy Zelda first. :( Have mixed feelings about the whole thing! XD Wish I had gone for flexpay now! >.<

02-11-2015, 10:51 PM
I was also thinking the same. Have had to hold out on getting myself a N3DS. :(
lol, you got 2 already bud! :haha:

02-11-2015, 11:08 PM
lol, you got 2 already bud! :haha:

Lol Yeah but one is white and one is glossy! >.< Dirt and muck magnets... :S First world problems! XD The Majora's Mask XL is a gorgeous console though! ^^ Looking forward to getting a black console and my MM Faceplates! :v:

02-24-2015, 09:41 AM
The Princess is en route :):):)

02-24-2015, 10:06 AM
Should I buy the Kirby from F4F? :)

Just the normal edition.. Been thinking about it.. Would be my first bigger/expensive statue.. Would just the normal edition not exclusive.. :)

02-24-2015, 10:46 AM
The Princess is en route :):):)

Lucky! ^^ Mine has been delayed slightly, but hopefully will be here in good time still. :D

02-24-2015, 11:12 AM
Lucky! ^^ Mine has been delayed slightly, but hopefully will be here in good time still. :D

That's a bugger, why the delay? :(

02-24-2015, 11:23 AM
That's a bugger, why the delay? :(

Payment issue with the bank. Because my Amazon.com orders and my F4F order was all being charged on the same day, Halifax fraud prevention declined the payments. They keep doing it with my GAME orders too which is why I make all my orders in store now. Lol

02-24-2015, 12:02 PM
Payment issue with the bank. Because my Amazon.com orders and my F4F order was all being charged on the same day, Halifax fraud prevention declined the payments. They keep doing it with my GAME orders too which is why I make all my orders in store now. Lol

Ah, I've had that before, banks don't like you spending money. It would be a nightmare with Game though as they cancel orders in those situations, I've had a rant at them in the past for it :rant: As you say, instore ordering is the best way to avoid it with them.

02-24-2015, 12:20 PM
Ah, I've had that before, banks don't like you spending money. It would be a nightmare with Game though as they cancel orders in those situations, I've had a rant at them in the past for it :rant: As you say, instore ordering is the best way to avoid it with them.

Yeah I nearly missed out on the Ni No Kuni CE from GAME because of that. I went ballistic!! >.< Have told them to NEVER decline payments to GAME UK, but they go ahead and do it anyway... -_- Such a headache.

I've had a moan at GAME about it before too. Why do they just straight up cancel the orders where every other site puts it on hold for a couple of days and gives you chance to sort it out. Pisses me off! :rant:

02-24-2015, 01:13 PM
Oh wow, hadn't even seen the final payment for Zelda come out yet -- did it clear on everyone else's bank? It probably did mine, I just didn't notice it yet. Super excited to get her though -- will have to check tracking and all that! :D

02-24-2015, 11:16 PM
Oh wow, hadn't even seen the final payment for Zelda come out yet -- did it clear on everyone else's bank? It probably did mine, I just didn't notice it yet. Super excited to get her though -- will have to check tracking and all that! :D

Nope, still haven't been charged the final payment here nor have I received a shipping confirmation.

I received an email yesterday saying the final payment will be taken on 16/02. It's common that they take ages to ship, I've encounted it a few times.

After Matt16's post I waited until the 18th and sent F4F an email.

What is the status of the Zelda figures? I thought final payment was supposed to be taken last November?


Thank you for your email. The Zelda's shipment has been delayed so we postpone the payment. Now the figure is on the way to our warehouse so we will soon inform our customers about the payment.
Thank you for your patience.

For comparison, my order was placed on April 9, 2014

02-25-2015, 12:01 AM
I paid for mine via PayPal after the declined payment to avoid it being declined again. They have posted it out today with a delivery ETA of Thursdsy! ^^ Can't wait. :D

Hopefully this one comes Undamaged. I'm still waiting for resolution on my damaged Wolf Link and Midna and my Ganondorf. Will be contacting Kanako again once I receive my Zelda.

02-25-2015, 02:13 AM
I've got no pending or declined transactions on my credit card and there's plenty of room for the charge. Just hasn't happened yet. :(

Found this on F4F's website (http://www.first4figures.com/content/view/11/25/):


At this time we have warehouses based in the United States and UK. Our UK warehouse strictly ships to customers located in the European Union. All other international customer orders will be fulfilled from our US warehouse."

So you UK blokes must get yours sooner from the UK warehouse?

02-25-2015, 02:23 PM
Yeah, just double-checked and nothing yet here in the US. Guess they're taking a little longer than in the UK.

02-26-2015, 05:44 AM
guys one question:

What do you think about the Zelda Statue (Hyrule warriors)

sth. is bothering me ... he face somehow ... looks kind of strange to me .. am i the only one? :shrug:

02-26-2015, 09:54 AM
surprised no one is talking about the ww ganondorf

02-26-2015, 10:25 AM
surprised no one is talking about the ww ganondorf

I think everybody is looking forward to Zelda getting here atm, so Ganondorf is forgotten about until then!! XD Mine should be here in the next few hours! ^^

02-26-2015, 11:47 AM
She's here! ^^ The pictures aren't as good as I'd hoped. Lighting isn't very good in here when it's dull outside! >.<

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Misc/EC1EB253-6468-4778-92DF-6002A1945948_zpsi4j7wkmf.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Misc/EC1EB253-6468-4778-92DF-6002A1945948_zpsi4j7wkmf.jpg.html)

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Misc/AE2B751B-E615-4FCD-B974-B96C3E920751_zpsedif4rm6.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Misc/AE2B751B-E615-4FCD-B974-B96C3E920751_zpsedif4rm6.jpg.html)

With Flash.

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Misc/B0751AF5-6498-478D-B456-A850FC9F891B_zpslriufott.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Misc/B0751AF5-6498-478D-B456-A850FC9F891B_zpslriufott.jpg.html)

Without flash

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Misc/3C4AD374-1E74-4326-A3D6-9D83D3DE96F4_zps5vbrqa9c.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Misc/3C4AD374-1E74-4326-A3D6-9D83D3DE96F4_zps5vbrqa9c.jpg.html)

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Misc/3433BB93-D7FC-49EB-9AA1-E7393A3A0D5A_zpsjxbwjr99.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Misc/3433BB93-D7FC-49EB-9AA1-E7393A3A0D5A_zpsjxbwjr99.jpg.html)

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Misc/7F18FEA4-83BF-4554-B572-E9D2606FC506_zpsf6vtkvvi.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Misc/7F18FEA4-83BF-4554-B572-E9D2606FC506_zpsf6vtkvvi.jpg.html)

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Misc/D7E22475-0F9E-48BE-BB63-60447D3233C4_zpslvlh1ffb.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Misc/D7E22475-0F9E-48BE-BB63-60447D3233C4_zpslvlh1ffb.jpg.html)

It's a very nice statue! ^^ The same quality as I have come to expect from the F4F line. ^^ My only gripe is, she doesn't attach to the base. :( She's obviously got a large enough base around her dress for her to stand freely with no issues, but I personally would have preferred she had a peg into the base. Anyway... Money well spent! ^^

02-26-2015, 12:39 PM
Thanks for sharing Cosmic! That IS a bit upsetting that she doesn't attach, makes it very dangerous if you leave the statue somewhere displayed and have cats/kids/etc. that like to rub up against things.

Also, why is her face so long? I never realized it looking at the pictures before but her face looks kinda alien-like and a bit too elongated. Its just enough off to bother me... but since she's the only Zelda statue in existence pretty much, I'm looking forward to getting mine!

02-26-2015, 12:58 PM
Thanks for sharing Cosmic! That IS a bit upsetting that she doesn't attach, makes it very dangerous if you leave the statue somewhere displayed and have cats/kids/etc. that like to rub up against things.

Also, why is her face so long? I never realized it looking at the pictures before but her face looks kinda alien-like and a bit too elongated. Its just enough off to bother me... but since she's the only Zelda statue in existence pretty much, I'm looking forward to getting mine!

That was my point exactly. I would assume that most people buying these would have a display cabinet or something for them, but unfortunately I dont. Lol I don't have kids or a cat that will be anywhere near my stuff anyway, so it's kinda irrelevant, but still. Lol

Tbh, I didn't notice until you pointed it out. Maybe you will change your view when you have it in hand! ^^ I think it's a gorgeous statue and I'm glad they finally did a Zelda and the TP Zelda was definitely a solid choice. :D Here's hoping for a Wind Waker Zelda, Link, Ganon Diorama. :D

02-26-2015, 01:46 PM
:D Here's hoping for a Wind Waker Zelda, Link, Ganon Diorama. :D

Yeah, could just be the angle perhaps. I agree, would love to have a scale of Tetra, Link, and the Ganon from WW, buuuuuuuuuuuutttttt they BETTER have a King of Red Lions there too! :beg:

02-26-2015, 06:02 PM
Thanks for sharing Cosmic! That IS a bit upsetting that she doesn't attach, makes it very dangerous if you leave the statue somewhere displayed and have cats/kids/etc. that like to rub up against things.

Also, why is her face so long? I never realized it looking at the pictures before but her face looks kinda alien-like and a bit too elongated. Its just enough off to bother me... but since she's the only Zelda statue in existence pretty much, I'm looking forward to getting mine!

thats exactly why i really don't know if i should buy it ... >_<

03-03-2015, 05:10 PM
F4F is about to announce a NEW line (first orders get lowest #'s). Announcement will be live in about 5 minutes for those interested. I'm hoping for a Fire Emblem series -- or one that I don't want so I don't have to spend any more $$ with them! ;)

03-03-2015, 05:13 PM
Looks like its under "Capcom Allstars" and its "VIewtiful Joe" - Ha! I announced it before they did! ;)


Here's a picture

03-03-2015, 05:14 PM
It's Viewtiful Joe. My my

03-03-2015, 05:26 PM
Well that was disappointing

03-03-2015, 05:55 PM
Looks like its under "Capcom Allstars" and its "VIewtiful Joe" - Ha! I announced it before they did! ;)


Here's a picture

That's great news, something I don't give a crap about. Money saved :1:

03-03-2015, 05:55 PM
That's great news, something I don't give a crap about. Money saved :1:

My thoughts exactly! ;)

03-03-2015, 06:37 PM
Thank heavens! ^^ Would have been incredibly annoyed if they had announced a Fire Emblem line! Lol

03-03-2015, 10:48 PM
I probably would have been interested in literally anything else lol

03-10-2015, 12:58 AM
Still no word on Zelda for US orders or just me?

03-13-2015, 09:38 PM
Still no word on Zelda for US orders or just me?

I saw either on their Twitter or FB (don't recall where) but there was some hang-up (either due to the port issue or something else) and they JUST got the items in the warehouse or were expecting them shortly -- they said we'd be getting them "soon" though. :shrug:

04-03-2015, 02:55 AM
My name is Kanako Davis from First4Figures.com. We will be charging your credit card for this order on the 8th of April 2015.
Thank you so much for your patience.

*****Payment Update*****

Please make sure that your credit card information and your shipping / billing address are up to date and ready to be processed. If you have to update any of your details, please go to your account on the First 4 Figures.com web site, and update your information.

Here are the instructions on how to update your information.

1) Go to www.first4figures.com
2) Open your “my account” at the top right.
3) Click “View Order History”
4) Select Order
5) Update your shipping / billing address and credit card information

Please note - if you need to change your shipping address, it needs to be changed in the ORDER and not in the general information (which you see as soon as you login as they are not linked. Please make sure you double check your order information to ensure that we have the correct shipping details.

We have changed our payment system and currently only accept Visa, Visa Electron card and Master card. If you don’t have either of those cards, we can also accept PayPal. If you would like to pay via PayPal, please get in contact with me directly.

*****Order Cancel*****
If you would like to cancel your order, please go to your order in your account and cancel your order.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask by email to kanako@first4figures.com.

Kind regards,

Kanako Davis
First 4 Figures.com

I'll believe it when I see it.

04-03-2015, 11:38 AM
I'll believe it when I see it.

Got the same notice. Looking forward to getting the Princess!

04-03-2015, 04:41 PM
Got the same notice. Looking forward to getting the Princess!

Yours still hasn't arrived? :swoon:

04-03-2015, 06:06 PM
Have had mine for over a month now! ^^ Also finally got my replacement Midna the other week too. ^^ Unfortunately my Wolf Link and Midna statue arrived with a broken Midna. This was way back in 2011. Have had an ongoing customer services issue open with them. Lol Unfortunately the first replacement I received arrived broken too. >.< I now finally have an Undamaged Wolf Libk and Midna statue. :D Just waiting on the Seord for my Ganondorf now, which is allegedly ready to ship! :v:

04-14-2015, 08:00 PM
Anyone in the US receive their shipping notice or contact F4F to find out when these are being shipped? They seem quite horrible at actually planning out dates for taking payments and shipping and such -- can never seem to get it right. I haven't gotten any notice yet on shipping, but just want to make sure someone will be around for it. :scratch:

04-15-2015, 11:20 PM
Anyone in the US receive their shipping notice or contact F4F to find out when these are being shipped? They seem quite horrible at actually planning out dates for taking payments and shipping and such -- can never seem to get it right. I haven't gotten any notice yet on shipping, but just want to make sure someone will be around for it. :scratch:

Mine should be arriving this week.

Ganadorf came two weeks ago.

04-18-2015, 02:54 AM
Anyone in the US receive their shipping notice or contact F4F to find out when these are being shipped? They seem quite horrible at actually planning out dates for taking payments and shipping and such -- can never seem to get it right. I haven't gotten any notice yet on shipping, but just want to make sure someone will be around for it. :scratch:
If you're talking about Zelda, they charged my CC on April 9, sent me a shipping confirmation e-mail April 14 at 8:30am, and I received the package via FedEx at 1:00pm the same day, lol. They packaged it super well and even the outer box is in really nice shape. :thumb:

Got #575

04-18-2015, 11:04 AM
Mine should be arriving this week.

Ganadorf came two weeks ago.

Ganondorf? The new one? Or did you order one of the ones they still had in stock from the TP version?

I got my email notice a day after making that post, still haven't seen the statue yet though. :think:

04-18-2015, 11:12 AM
If you're talking about Zelda, they charged my CC on April 9, sent me a shipping confirmation e-mail April 14 at 8:30am, and I received the package via FedEx at 1:00pm the same day, lol. They packaged it super well and even the outer box is in really nice shape. :thumb:

Got #575

Don't you have previous statues from the series? Don't you get the same number each time? All of my TP line Statues are number 190. :D

04-18-2015, 03:33 PM
Don't you have previous statues from the series? Don't you get the same number each time? All of my TP line Statues are number 190. :D
Nah bro, this is my first and only statue period. :) I know there was some discussion about the shape of her face being a little off, but I really really like this statue. :D Having this beauty does make me want to buy more statues (like Ganondorf), but for now I haven't the funds nor the space for more.

Couldn't pass up the chance to have one of TP Zelda though, the series' namesake and my favorite version of her to boot (well Hyrule Warriors version is pretty great too). She'll make a wonderful centerpiece for my display...once I eventually get one set up, lol. :P

06-25-2015, 10:00 AM
Have just been emailed for first flexpay payment for Link on Loftwing. Does anybody remember how much the flexipay payments were for this one...? 0.o

06-25-2015, 12:50 PM
Have just been emailed for first flexpay payment for Link on Loftwing. Does anybody remember how much the flexipay payments were for this one...? 0.o

If its 4 payments I'm thinking it was around $138 or so, but don't recall exactly.

06-25-2015, 02:44 PM
If its 4 payments I'm thinking it was around $138 or so, but don't recall exactly.

An email to Kanako it is then... Lol

06-25-2015, 02:58 PM
An email to Kanako it is then... Lol

Post back here when you're done because I got the same email, but am not worried about it at the moment, unless of course BB decides to pre-auth hold hundreds of dollars again for some reason! :facepalm:

06-25-2015, 03:16 PM
Post back here when you're done because I got the same email, but am not worried about it at the moment, unless of course BB decides to pre-auth hold hundreds of dollars again for some reason! :facepalm:

Ah... It actually says on the order details page on your account. ^^ It's 4 payments. 3 $100 payments and my final payment will be $181. I can stomach $100 this month! XD Was a little concerned before, but I'm fine now! ^^

10-27-2015, 06:13 PM
Got my Link on Loftwing statue today. I seriously underestimated how big this statue was going to be!! >.< it's a very nice statue, despite Link looking a little goofy. >.< iIf they keep making the statues bigger I'm going to have to stop buying them as I seriously don't have the room... :S

I am also concerned about the mount for the Loftwing. I seriously don't like the ball and socket they decided to mount him on... :S During assembly, it shifted and I thought I broke it! >.< As a whole that joint doesn't feel sturdy enough to me, but I am sure the F4F quality control had rigorously tested it before manufacturing...? :S I'll try and get some pics up later for those who haven't seen it yet. Lol

10-27-2015, 08:05 PM
I am also concerned about the mount for the Loftwing. I seriously don't like the ball and socket they decided to mount him on... :S During assembly, it shifted and I thought I broke it! >.< As a whole that joint doesn't feel sturdy enough to me, but I am sure the F4F quality control had rigorously tested it before manufacturing...? :S I'll try and get some pics up later for those who haven't seen it yet. Lol

I'd be interested to see that. Also a size comparison between the statue and a DVD case or something like that.

10-27-2015, 08:30 PM
I'd be interested to see that. Also a size comparison between the statue and a DVD case or something like that.

Yeah, unfortunately I forgot to do a standard steelbook size comparison and I'm not getting it out again anytime soon! >.< Here are some pics I did take though. :v:

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/DE28E0C7-8269-4797-AF42-87D2C234142B_zpsmfkpzp6t.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/DE28E0C7-8269-4797-AF42-87D2C234142B_zpsmfkpzp6t.jpg.html)

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/56AEB169-2D92-4908-9060-B70907CAC6A3_zpsazz0bpzv.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/56AEB169-2D92-4908-9060-B70907CAC6A3_zpsazz0bpzv.jpg.html)

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/8388FC28-9433-4E88-8512-85C7BF1C52AD_zpswmcvkdhv.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/8388FC28-9433-4E88-8512-85C7BF1C52AD_zpswmcvkdhv.jpg.html)

The box polystyrene packaging comes apart as 2 trays and a lid. Some assembly required. :P

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/3211C207-86BA-4BEE-A739-723FD4C6F734_zpsfjwbk1hr.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/3211C207-86BA-4BEE-A739-723FD4C6F734_zpsfjwbk1hr.jpg.html)

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/210FA071-6BD0-4B0C-846F-72887CA28521_zpsr1biqde5.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/210FA071-6BD0-4B0C-846F-72887CA28521_zpsr1biqde5.jpg.html)

Assembled images.

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/F87E8D92-5ADB-4892-B4D3-1851215F8890_zps875xkals.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/F87E8D92-5ADB-4892-B4D3-1851215F8890_zps875xkals.jpg.html)

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/51231840-D09C-45F1-840E-C97C41E2F33D_zpshzc9efxf.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/51231840-D09C-45F1-840E-C97C41E2F33D_zpshzc9efxf.jpg.html)

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/7BDED6A7-4CAE-48BD-9DC7-654171C1EE50_zpsjqbd7tib.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/7BDED6A7-4CAE-48BD-9DC7-654171C1EE50_zpsjqbd7tib.jpg.html)

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/9057DF3B-0247-4D53-9C58-E19E40C11EFF_zps00e1hzn0.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/9057DF3B-0247-4D53-9C58-E19E40C11EFF_zps00e1hzn0.jpg.html)

This is the ball and socket they went with...

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/1393A176-F7D8-4201-87EF-1E0E51E88D95_zpsp09urgfh.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/1393A176-F7D8-4201-87EF-1E0E51E88D95_zpsp09urgfh.jpg.html)

Here was a pic that Knight took of the shipping box with a steelbook. The statue is not much smaller than the entire size of the box, so that will give you a good idea.


10-27-2015, 08:34 PM
Yeah, hope they stress-tested that joint! :facepalm:

Ever going to display it?

10-27-2015, 08:36 PM
Yeah, hope they stress-tested that joint! :facepalm:

Ever going to display it?

Yeah I will when I get my own place. Until then it will be in storage. Lol

10-27-2015, 08:44 PM
Great pics Cosmic! What # did you end up getting?

10-27-2015, 09:00 PM
Great pics Cosmic! What # did you end up getting?

I got this number: :thumb:

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/8388FC28-9433-4E88-8512-85C7BF1C52AD_zpswmcvkdhv.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/8388FC28-9433-4E88-8512-85C7BF1C52AD_zpswmcvkdhv.jpg.html)

I ordered it quite late, so I'm not surprised. Lol How about you? What was your number?

10-27-2015, 09:06 PM
I got this number: :thumb:

http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i339/Cosmic_Link/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/8388FC28-9433-4E88-8512-85C7BF1C52AD_zpswmcvkdhv.jpg (http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/Cosmic_Link/media/Games%20and%20Stuffs/First4Figures%20Zelda%20Statues/8388FC28-9433-4E88-8512-85C7BF1C52AD_zpswmcvkdhv.jpg.html)

I ordered it quite late, so I'm not surprised. Lol How about you? What was your number?

Oh, I just took it out real quick and didn't even look at the back of the box. I also didn't remove the bottom layer of the steirofoam so I just went with what was written on the outer box (you already linked my pic) which was #051. I'm assuming that means I got #51 -- does your shipping box# match what was on your base and/or box?

10-27-2015, 09:13 PM
Oh, I just took it out real quick and didn't even look at the back of the box. I also didn't remove the bottom layer of the steirofoam so I just went with what was written on the outer box (you already linked my pic) which was #051. I'm assuming that means I got #51 -- does your shipping box# match what was on your base and/or box?

Yeah, what's on the shipping container will correspond with the statue number and the printed number on the box. I didn't even think to look at your pic though for the number. Lol

I would advise you checking the number on the bottom of your statue too though, just incase. I think I remember there being a minor incident some time ago on the F4F forums were somebody got the wrong base with their figure from what was on the box. F4F customer services sorted it out in the end, but still best to check, just incase. XD All my statues get a thorough going over when I receive them. :poke:

12-15-2015, 06:14 PM
New Zelda (Twilight Princess) statue - "Ganon's Puppet Zelda" available for pre-order now from F4F (http://www.first4figures.com). As with all of their new statues, F4F will only be determining a run size by those who preorder this within the first 2 weeks. After that, the run size will be cut-off (presumably with extras above and beyond the pre-order quantity).

Get yours now though - $349.99 (couldn't find a free shipping coupon though!) :(


12-15-2015, 06:15 PM
hate it

12-15-2015, 06:19 PM
Would have preferred a Puppet Ganon or King of Red Lions Diorama for the WW line instead of them using the same mould from a previous statue to make something almost exactly the same.

Will be pre-ordering it still... -_- Need to keep my same numbers for TP...

12-15-2015, 06:26 PM
Yeah, I actually don't own many of the TP statues yet, and the ones I do I've never actually authenticated them, so don't have the same #'s. Probably should at least authenticate my Zelda one so I get the same Puppet Zelda I guess (? Not even sure that can still happen if you've already ordered it -- thank God for the flexpay options too haha!)

I agree though - it seems like a REALLY lazy statue to put together, though I know from watching their social media accounts it was highly requested and sought after. Still, I think a lot of people will complain, but honestly, what else could they have done since in-game she's got practically the same character image/portrait/sprite/whatever as the regular Zelda? :shrug:

I suppose they could've made a cooler pose with her dress flowing backwards like she was casting a spell or something, I'd be all for that, but still, wasn't expecting much more for this.

Also, I think what would've been MUCH better now that I think about it, is if they just made her puppet head the "exclusive" for the original Zelda - that would've solved all my complaints about these two I think (and been $350 cheaper!)

12-15-2015, 06:33 PM
It's not too late to request the same number Knight. Just Authenticate the Zelda statue that you have and send an email to their Customer Services and Kanako will be more than happy to oblige. ^^

One other complaint I have is, they don't send discount codes with their newsletters anymore... -_-

12-15-2015, 06:41 PM
It's not too late to request the same number Knight. Just Authenticate the Zelda statue that you have and send an email to their Customer Services and Kanako will be more than happy to oblige. ^^

One other complaint I have is, they don't send discount codes with their newsletters anymore... -_-

Yeah, I figured they'd help out if I sent an email - they're usually pretty great about it! I never ended up getting that Link on Epona before they sold out, but there were still some available in AUS and I emailed them and they said they'd work it out so I could order one from Australia and have it shipped to me in the US, was pretty nice of them!

And yeah, most of my purchases have been through eBay, so I still haven't even qualified for the "bronze" discount (though I'll be there once I authenticate puppet Zelda I think), so those discount codes are sorely missed. :(

12-15-2015, 06:50 PM
That's pretty cool. ^^ Wish I had thought to ask them when they had some international stock of the Exclusive Link on Epona. I ultimately didn't get it in the end. Lol I got the standard one, but I didn't like the exclusive one enough to bite the bullet on it.

After this Zelda purchase I will qualify for Silver discount! ^^

12-15-2015, 07:02 PM
Nice! 10% makes these a little bit easier to chew (especially if they still gave codes for free shipping).

Since you mentioned KoRL and Puppet Ganon, what's your most-desired piece that they could make for any of their existing Zelda lines? Curious what Iwatasan's is too?

I thought long and hard on it and there were quite a few I'd like to see - any of the great fairies (just because they haven't made one yet), Saria from OoT, or Malon (they can toss a cow in there, I'd be okay with that I guess?), a really gorgeous illuminated triforce statue, but I think my #1 is the King of Red Lions (boat form) to be next in their WindWaker series. I've been waiting years for a decent diorama with him in it!

12-15-2015, 07:22 PM
Since you mentioned KoRL and Puppet Ganon, what's your most-desired piece that they could make for any of their existing Zelda lines? Curious what Iwatasan's is too?

:drool: :drool: :drool:

12-15-2015, 07:29 PM

:drool: :drool: :drool:

Totally forgot about HW -- yeah, I could see that one being a big seller. Not sure how I'd explain it to my wife though. She seems a bit out of place compared to the modestly clad (and then some) Zelda.

Also, I just remembered, I'd LOVE to see the Twili form of Midna too! That's actually probably more desired than KoRL!

Edit: And how could I forget Princess Ruto?!? They already made Darunia... just can't fathom why they didn't make her and Saria etc. Though, they haven't really been strong on the female cast yet (or for any of their statue series really!?), so maybe they were dealing with issues related to that?

12-15-2015, 09:25 PM
I also agree with KoRL, the Great Fairy, and Twili Midna. If you ever got all the figurines in TWW you know you unlock a figurine of Link riding KoRL in boat form which I've always thought would be an awesome figurine in real life. Great Fairy would have to be either from TP or HW:
http://zeldawiki.org/images/8/87/Link_and_the_King_of_Red_Lions_Figurine_TWW.pnghtt p://zeldawiki.org/images/0/0e/Great_Fairy.pnghttp://img05.deviantart.net/ae25/i/2015/022/a/9/great_fairy_victory_pose_by_isaac77598-d8exzy2.png

Runners up, all from Majora's Mask:

12-16-2015, 02:47 PM
Since you mentioned KoRL and Puppet Ganon, what's your most-desired piece that they could make for any of their existing Zelda lines? Curious what Iwatasan's is too?

There are loads of statues that I would like them to make, but my wallet couldn't handle it! >.< Twilight Midna as you said, KORL, Link's forms in MM, the sages in OoT and that would pretty much cover the more desirable ones for me. Lol