View Full Version : Club Nintendo - Mario Kart 8 Badges

11-26-2014, 03:56 PM
According to the official Twitter account, looks like Europe/UK & Australia has available to them a special badge collection for Mario Kart 8. Available through Club Nintendo for 4000 "Stars" now. Also available in Australia for 2500 Stars. And once again NA is left with meaningless dribble and sad eShop games unless otherwise announced...

Club Nintendo Europe (http://stars.nintendo-europe.com/?utm_medium=Nintendo+of+Europe&utm_campaign=2014-11-26-stars-catalogue-item-update&utm_source=twitter&locale=en_GB)
Club Nintendo Australia (http://stars.nintendo-europe.com/products/enaumario-kart-8-badge-set-273)



Shift into first-gear fashion with this stylish badge set!

Show off your favourite Mario Kart item wherever you go! This set contains three different item badges: pin the Boomerang Flower, Piranha Plant or Super Horn to your lapel and leave your racemates wanting! Box dimensions approximately 13.7cm x 7cm x 3.4cm. Badges do not contain precious metals.

11-26-2014, 05:43 PM
If anyone has enough stars, I'd love to buy it!

11-26-2014, 07:34 PM
Good ol' Nintendo of America... Always screwing us over.

11-27-2014, 03:06 AM

Description:Shift into first-gear fashion with this stylish badge set!

Show off your favourite Mario Kart item wherever you go! This set contains three different item badges: pin the Boomerang Flower, Piranha Plant or Super Horn to your lapel and leave your racemates wanting! Box dimensions approximately 13.7cm x 7cm x 3.4cm. Badges do not contain precious metals.
Decent. Hell of a lot better than what we've got. Smash Bros. Poster set for 700 coins? 700 COINS?!

11-27-2014, 03:38 AM
I would love to get one of these if anyone can help out.

11-27-2014, 04:59 AM
YES!!!! I want to have this as well!!! and to add insult to injury..the EURO Nintendo Press releases in regards to club Nintendo says additional items and surprises are in store for the PAL Club Nintendo..that this pin set is just 1 of additional items on the horizon..while in the US we get greeting cards from 2007

i and i
12-01-2014, 01:38 PM
I had enough points... ordered ... Happy I finally ordered something decent. I hate it that there is an expire date on the points, that is so not fair :(

12-01-2014, 03:00 PM
I had enough points... ordered ... Happy I finally ordered something decent. I hate it that there is an expire date on the points, that is so not fair :(

Yeah, agree with you on that. Especially since they don't offer you anything decent sometimes and then offer some thing for like a TON of coins/stars randomly. We haven't really had to worry in NA though since we don't get anything worth buying hardly. Kind of tired of 3x poster sets honestly.

Congrats on getting this though! Very jealous! If you ever decide to sell it, let me know! :)

12-01-2014, 05:52 PM
http://www.quickmeme.com/img/9c/9c512532495d63348c609f1e73bdf76c1c9040c8ced119afb4 48984c4c1f4902.jpg

12-20-2014, 11:20 PM
I got my badges today! :)
Can't take a photo because I forgot my cable to connect my mobil to the notebook ...

Anyway the box the badges come in is sealed in wrap. Maybe that's interesting for our 'sealed' collectors. I kept my box sealed for the moment. ;)

And now I have to try to grab those golf balls ... ^^