View Full Version : Guess I'll The First Desperate One..WTB: 20th Anniversary Playstation

Texas Fire
12-07-2014, 02:15 PM
Want To Buy
Title: 20th Anniversary Playstation
Platform: PS4?
Region: Doesn't Even Matter
Condition: New/Sealed

Guess I'll be the first. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to land one of those 20th Anniversary Playstations. Not one to really go out and collect consoles, but if anyone has one and they're not wanting their confirmation anymore, I'd be glad to buy it from you. Sure you'd be better off on eBay if you're looking to make a killing.
I'll pay up to $1000 for it (Not sure if price posting is against the rules). Anywho, I'm sure this is stretching a bit, but meh...