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View Full Version : What kinds of PlayStation Collectibles would you like to see?

12-22-2014, 03:32 AM
Hey All,

What collectibles would you most like to see based on SCEA games? I don't mean just new games but classic stuff as well. In addition to character statues and busts, what other collectibles would you be interested in seeing? Vehicles? Prop replicas? Jewelry? One of the fun things about my job is making cool collectibles like the Delsin statue, and you never know when I might make something that I can get approved for Tradeshows like PAX and PSX. Let me hear your ideas.

Gary Barth
Fabrication Arts & Design

12-22-2014, 05:00 AM
That sweepstake ouroboros wooden box from the order 1886 would be a great start :D

12-22-2014, 05:16 AM
i would love to see limited edition STEELBOOK editions with slip covers, or games in digipaks, with like a shiny glossy finish, or something with a hologram cover or GRAN TURISMO official car models or GRAN TURISMO STEELBOOK VARIANTS.

12-22-2014, 06:12 AM
Lol! Glad you liked them. My group made those.


12-22-2014, 06:17 AM
Hi Twisted,

I'll pass that along to the game's Project manager. I don't do much in the way of Steel book editions or PS4 covers. I'm more of the statue, bust, props guy. I like the idea of doing car models but most cars represented in the game are already available in die cast or plastic model form.

Just out of curiosity, is your name because your a Twisted Metal fan?


12-22-2014, 08:39 AM
Definitely Statues and Busts!

I love prop replicas as well, it's really cool to have replicas of in-game items. Brings back memories of the games that you have played and enjoyed.

That sweepstake ouroboros wooden box from the order 1886 would be a great start

Anyone has pics of that? What was inside?

12-22-2014, 02:20 PM
Journey and The Order 1886 statues!

12-22-2014, 05:14 PM

I'm sure I have other ideas but I would love to see some Shadow of the Colossus statues or be able to find a way to complete the Colossi collection that I have that Kotobukiya started.

12-22-2014, 06:09 PM

I have to do a little research. What characters has Kotobukiya made and what new ones would you like to see?


12-22-2014, 06:46 PM

I have to do a little research. What characters has Kotobukiya made and what new ones would you like to see?


From what I could tell Kotobukiya has made the following:

Cold-cast resin statue of the first Colossi at 8 2/3 inches tall and sculpted by Shinsuke Kataoka.

And followed up with their One Coin Grande Figures made from PVC/ABS standing between 2-5 inches depending on the figure. Characters are as follows: 1st colossus, 5th colossus, 12th colossus, 14th colossus, 16th colossus, Wanda and Aguro

And a "secret" figure of "Mono" (sleeping princess)

Honestly, it would be great to see a complete set but I know it may not be viable in the cold-cast format but doable in the One Coin Grande format. I know rehashing what's already made would anger most collectors. If you would like a further idea of how they look, please don't hesitate to look at my introduction page.

Thank you for your time.

12-22-2014, 07:02 PM
I feel like I remember seeing a sly cane replica in one of your pics. Would love if that or something like it got a limited release.

I think it looked something like this


Also, I think a helghast bust would be epic. Ultra high quality, lifesize, lightup, etc.

12-22-2014, 07:30 PM
I feel like I remember seeing a sly cane replica in one of your pics. Would love if that or something like it got a limited release.

I think it looked something like this


Also, I think a helghast bust would be epic. Ultra high quality, lifesize, lightup, etc.

He made that but I think it's made only for developer team or much more limited, but it looks cool!

I also saw Journey statue in his pictures but he said it's limited to 2, man I want that Journey statue so bad, I can come to US just for that thing and steal it from him :ghey:

12-23-2014, 02:44 PM
How about a Light Jak statue from Jak 3? Haven't seen one of those before nor do I think they exist.

12-23-2014, 04:30 PM
I would love some items that could be used for cosplay. For instance full outfit of drake incl. leahter gun holster etc.

StayFree( ' 3')
12-25-2014, 12:10 PM
damn, I had to meditate on this for a bit...

Would love to see merch from cult favorites like Parappa the Rapper, Bust a Groove, Syphon Filter, Legend of Dragoon, Yakuza 5, and Gravity Rush.

Would also like to see stuff from future first party games like Until Dawn.

12-26-2014, 01:09 PM
What about a replica of the Agamemnon from The Order 1886? I'm not sure how integral it is to the story but will be nice to have something like the Bioshock Infinite blimp that they had..

12-27-2014, 06:52 PM
Thanks for the reference pics. I appreciate your help. Let me take a look into this. You never know what can come of it. ;-)


12-27-2014, 06:54 PM
Cool idea about the blimp. I'll ask RAD.


12-27-2014, 07:02 PM
Thanks, yes, my team made that. How much do you think a higher end collectible like that could sell for. Keep in mind that this is a walnut cane with solid brass parts, so it wouldn't be cheap.


I feel like I remember seeing a sly cane replica in one of your pics. Would love if that or something like it got a limited release.

I think it looked something like this


Also, I think a helghast bust would be epic. Ultra high quality, lifesize, lightup, etc.

12-27-2014, 07:29 PM
Probably $199 for sly cane.

But my decision still depend on how many were produce.

Here's something I would love to see you do it.


I heard there's 20 of these were made but hopefully more from you and ball park to pay would be $350-$400

Also here


500 edition would be nice for this drake.


for collector I think selling price doesn't matter but the number of units produced.

I still think 1500 is a bit too much for clicker bust.

12-27-2014, 07:37 PM
Thanks, yes, my team made that. How much do you think a higher end collectible like that could sell for. Keep in mind that this is a walnut cane with solid brass parts, so it wouldn't be cheap.


I suppose it depends on how limited it is. Maybe $200-300? Again if it's really limited you can charge a lot more, which I'd prefer.

12-28-2014, 03:41 PM
Cool idea about the blimp. I'll ask RAD.


That's great!

01-14-2015, 05:20 AM
Fetch from inFamous First Light! Similar to the Delsin Rowe one will be perfect.

With basically every PS Plus subscriber having access to the game, there might be enough interest to do a small run of Fetch statues.

02-24-2015, 02:51 AM
What would you think about a Festival of Blood Cole statue in the same size as Delsin?

02-24-2015, 02:53 AM
What would you think about a Festival of Blood Cole statue in the same size as Delsin?

It sounds great to me!

02-24-2015, 02:46 PM
I think it would be awesome if a statue somehow incorporated a steelbook into it's overall design. And the steelbook can hold a certificate and/or bonus stuff :)

Or maybe a prop like a gun with a slot on it for a steelbook.

02-26-2015, 12:24 AM
What would you think about a Festival of Blood Cole statue in the same size as Delsin?

Sounds good but I'm all about consistency.. So I was hoping for a Festival of Blood Cole in this size.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10945487_1515425248678177_5064002564875056263_n.jp g?oh=4ce0ba9c6fba8d382cb7fe7e4cbe69d6&oe=5580297D&__gda__=1434160407_3081ba69881a03a29ab17a54b266c7d b

At least then they will all go together.

Still hoping for a Fetch statue to pair up with Delsin though.

I think it would be awesome if a statue somehow incorporated a steelbook into it's overall design. And the steelbook can hold a certificate and/or bonus stuff :)

Only you can come up with an idea like that..

Or maybe a prop like a gun with a slot on it for a steelbook.

02-26-2015, 12:30 AM
The problem with those are small scale PVC statuette that was made for a collectors edition. They were made that small for cost and packaging size purposes. Do you think people would rather have a smaller version than one in the same scale as Delsin? I'm interested in getting a few opinions on this.


02-26-2015, 01:40 AM
The problem with those are small scale PVC statuette that was made for a collectors edition. They were made that small for cost and packaging size purposes. Do you think people would rather have a smaller version than one in the same scale as Delsin? I'm interested in getting a few opinions on this.


Yea agree. Big is always better though.

The Delsin one was at a good price. $150 for a statue that size was very reasonable in my opinion.

A Festival of Blood statue will be awesome considering a lot of gamers liked it. I will definitely get it, if it's made. But a one-off statue based on a DLC 'character' may not sell as well as Delsin. However, if you are considering a line of inFamous statues, it will definitely bring more awareness for the statues and more support for the game.

02-26-2015, 12:59 PM
It's not really the scale but there has to be some consistency in the size of statues for collection. Personally I don't like to have different sizes of statues for a certain title cos it looks messy and weird. :stop:

I'm ok with statues being the size of Delsin but would like to see more Infamous statues being released in the same scale. So basically all the statues in the range would be the same scale :beer:

Most importantly is not to overproduce them and forum members should get dibs :D

02-26-2015, 02:01 PM
Yea, if the new statue/s are not going to follow the smaller scale, stick to the Delsin's scale for all statues (in this line) going forward.

At least, we will have 1 consistent line for the serious collectors and CE collectors can still can get their fix from the smaller scale. :beer:

02-26-2015, 05:25 PM
What bout Statues for The Order 1886 Fad?

02-26-2015, 05:29 PM
What bout Statues for The Order 1886 Fad?

I think they are doing statues for inFamous because there is no other company making statue for this game (besides the figure comes within the CE).

There are 2 large statues for the Order 1886 already :clap:

02-26-2015, 05:31 PM
2 large statues for The Order 1886? You mean the 2 from Premium and Collectors edition?

02-26-2015, 05:32 PM
2 large statues for The Order 1886? You mean the 2 from Premium and Collectors edition?

The one from premium edition and the silver one

02-26-2015, 07:18 PM
The problem with those are small scale PVC statuette that was made for a collectors edition. They were made that small for cost and packaging size purposes. Do you think people would rather have a smaller version than one in the same scale as Delsin? I'm interested in getting a few opinions on this.


I'd prefer one in the same scale as Delsin. Any smaller would be too small imo.

02-26-2015, 11:02 PM
Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, The Order already has two statues coming out with their CEs (Galahad crouching by the wall, and Galahad fighting the Lycan). I may do a bust of him one of these days.

Back to Infamous 2...for my statues in polystone, I prefer to go slightly larger as I think makes for a better likeness and you can see the detail better. Let me ask you this...what would you think about a resin statue of Cole that has interchangeable heads and amps, so you can have regular Cole or Vampire Cole?


02-26-2015, 11:21 PM
Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, The Order already has two statues coming out with their CEs (Galahad crouching by the wall, and Galahad fighting the Lycan). I may do a bust of him one of these days.

Back to Infamous 2...for my statues in polystone, I prefer to go slightly larger as I think makes for a better likeness and you can see the detail better. Let me ask you this...what would you think about a resin statue of Cole that has interchangeable heads and amps, so you can have regular Cole or Vampire Cole?


I'd buy it right now if it's available!

The order bust sounds great too!

02-27-2015, 01:06 AM
Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, The Order already has two statues coming out with their CEs (Galahad crouching by the wall, and Galahad fighting the Lycan). I may do a bust of him one of these days.

Back to Infamous 2...for my statues in polystone, I prefer to go slightly larger as I think makes for a better likeness and you can see the detail better. Let me ask you this...what would you think about a resin statue of Cole that has interchangeable heads and amps, so you can have regular Cole or Vampire Cole?


The Order bust will be a great addition to the collection!

Why not make a regular Cole and another Vampire Cole as a variant/EX?

I can't remember for sure but I think his outfit had some blood and arms had different tattoos as Vampire Cole? Make a variant instead to add all the extra details while using the same mould (of course a different pose will be better, but maybe not financially feasible).

I'll definitely buy both variants!

When you say bigger, is it in the same scale as Delsin or even bigger?

03-09-2015, 11:23 AM
i would like 2 statues in different poses for regular Cole and vampire Cole in the same size as the Delsin figure ... pretty please :notworthy:

03-22-2015, 02:34 AM
1. Edition Sizes.

2. More polystone statues included (made by decent companies).

3. Less emphasis on digital extras. There's nothing collectible about digital assets.

05-07-2015, 03:20 AM
What would you think about a Festival of Blood Cole statue in the same size as Delsin?

Back to Infamous 2...for my statues in polystone, I prefer to go slightly larger as I think makes for a better likeness and you can see the detail better. Let me ask you this...what would you think about a resin statue of Cole that has interchangeable heads and amps, so you can have regular Cole or Vampire Cole?

These questions.. Any link to the Project Triforce teaser teaser on their FB page?


05-07-2015, 03:21 AM
What would you think about a Festival of Blood Cole statue in the same size as Delsin?

Back to Infamous 2...for my statues in polystone, I prefer to go slightly larger as I think makes for a better likeness and you can see the detail better. Let me ask you this...what would you think about a resin statue of Cole that has interchangeable heads and amps, so you can have regular Cole or Vampire Cole?

These questions.. Any link to the Project Triforce teaser teaser on their FB page?


05-10-2015, 05:41 AM
Nope...need to follow up and see what they have planned.

05-11-2015, 03:25 AM
Nope...need to follow up and see what they have planned.

Thanks Gary, that means we are getting more collectibles from different companies? Cool!

05-11-2015, 03:02 PM
Would be awesome to see some "retro" collectibles spring back up like Wild Arms character figure sets or plush dolls or something. Guess it wouldn't make much promotional sense though except to push PSN sales.

05-12-2015, 06:26 PM
More Sony lithographs have been added:


05-12-2015, 07:18 PM
I don't get why they choose that one for GoW though...not iconic at all imho.

Also, personally I don't like the playstation logo and name of the litho on it etc.

Rather just have clean art, number and signature.

05-12-2015, 07:22 PM
I don't get why they choose that one for GoW though...not iconic at all imho.

Also, personally I don't like the playstation logo and name of the litho on it etc.

Rather just have clean art, number and signature.

Personally I don't mind. The PS Logo and the title of the art piece do add to the authenticity of the art piece.

If the art piece comes with a Cert of Authenticity, then yea I would agree to take off the logo as well as the name of the art piece.

07-21-2015, 08:26 PM

I just ordered the journey statue from the playstation gear store. Is there anyone on here that could get it signed for my by the artist/sculptor/team? PM me please.

07-26-2015, 05:00 PM
Hi Knight,

I don't really handle plushies, but I'd love to do some statues and displays based on older cool franchises like Wipeout and Shadow of the Colossus. We'll see what we can come up with...


Would be awesome to see some "retro" collectibles spring back up like Wild Arms character figure sets or plush dolls or something. Guess it wouldn't make much promotional sense though except to push PSN sales.

07-26-2015, 05:04 PM
Unfortunately, it would be logistically difficult to get us all to sign it (if we did it for you, we'd have to do it for everyone who wanted it and then I'd spend my days shipping statues ;-) ). However, Tim Miller, the sculptor does a lot of comic cons, so you could always bring your base to one of those to get it signed.



I just ordered the journey statue from the playstation gear store. Is there anyone on here that could get it signed for my by the artist/sculptor/team? PM me please.

07-26-2015, 05:48 PM
Unfortunately, it would be logistically difficult to get us all to sign it (if we did it for you, we'd have to do it for everyone who wanted it and then I'd spend my days shipping statues ;-) ). However, Tim Miller, the sculptor does a lot of comic cons, so you could always bring your base to one of those to get it signed.


That makes sense XD here's hoping he'll be in the dubai comic con next year! :thumb:

07-28-2015, 09:51 PM
Hi Knight,

I don't really handle plushies, but I'd love to do some statues and displays based on older cool franchises like Wipeout and Shadow of the Colossus. We'll see what we can come up with...


You just got me a tad bit excited when I saw this title. You may not remember me suggesting this and I hope I'm not the only one interested around here. Please, please, please let me know if there is going to be something based on this. Thank you very much!

07-29-2015, 01:16 AM
Any updates on the inFamous statues, Gary?

Dr. Jengo, great minds think alike. I'm already working on something TM related with The same sculptor that did our Journey statue. Stay tuned!


Oh and after hearing this.. I whipped out my Sweet Tooth action figure for some pics for my blog.

http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o563/JVeron004/Twisted%20Metal/Sweet%20Tooth%20Figure/Twisted_Metal_Sweet_Tooth_Figure_03_zps1dd0malp.jp g

http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o563/JVeron004/Twisted%20Metal/Sweet%20Tooth%20Figure/Twisted_Metal_Sweet_Tooth_Figure_07_zpsyqbznawy.jp g

http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o563/JVeron004/Twisted%20Metal/Sweet%20Tooth%20Figure/Twisted_Metal_Sweet_Tooth_Figure_01_zpshdc4tt6s.jp g

08-10-2015, 05:26 AM
Still trying to lock a cool pose and diorama environment for Cole. Don't want to replicate the standing on the edge of a rooftop from the Collectors Edition. How about gliding along electrical wires, or using electricity to propel him into he air? Thoughts?


Any updates on the inFamous statues, Gary?

Oh and after hearing this.. I whipped out my Sweet Tooth action figure for some pics for my blog.

http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o563/JVeron004/Twisted%20Metal/Sweet%20Tooth%20Figure/Twisted_Metal_Sweet_Tooth_Figure_03_zps1dd0malp.jp g

http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o563/JVeron004/Twisted%20Metal/Sweet%20Tooth%20Figure/Twisted_Metal_Sweet_Tooth_Figure_07_zpsyqbznawy.jp g

http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o563/JVeron004/Twisted%20Metal/Sweet%20Tooth%20Figure/Twisted_Metal_Sweet_Tooth_Figure_01_zpshdc4tt6s.jp g

08-10-2015, 02:22 PM
Still trying to lock a cool pose and diorama environment for Cole. Don't want to replicate the standing on the edge of a rooftop from the Collectors Edition. How about gliding along electrical wires, or using electricity to propel him into he air? Thoughts?


I really like the idea of using electricity to propel him into the air but I dunno how it's going to turn out.
So I will definitely say gliding through electrical wires. Also going to be tough to pull out but it's so much iconic. I remember the first time I tried gliding in the Infamous demo and it was just the coolest thing I have seen in a game. That will be perfect for me!

08-10-2015, 02:27 PM
Yeah, definitely agree with Jengo. Both options sound amazing, but wires sound easiest to pull off without it causing issues. Maybe have him on the train tracks (since they'd be sturdier for the statue than a thinner "wire" would be)? x

08-10-2015, 02:53 PM
Yup train base will be safer than "electrical wires".

08-11-2015, 05:25 AM
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. It would be hard to replicate the "height" of the wires. Tracks would be easier. I'd have to figure out how to create the look of the light coming off his feet without it looking cheesy.



Yeah, definitely agree with Jengo. Both options sound amazing, but wires sound easiest to pull off without it causing issues. Maybe have him on the train tracks (since they'd be sturdier for the statue than a thinner "wire" would be)? x

08-11-2015, 05:29 AM
So, you all like an "action" pose vs a static pose like this?


This was an earlier consideration. The red and blue balls of light with the electricity would be relatively easy to do.


08-11-2015, 02:47 PM
So, you all like an "action" pose vs a static pose like this?


This was an earlier consideration. The red and blue balls of light with the electricity would be relatively easy to do.


I actually like the static pose with the balls of light. Action poses tend to look out of place on the shelf as the background/base details aren't so obvious.

08-11-2015, 06:51 PM
I actually like the static pose with the balls of light. Action poses tend to look out of place on the shelf as the background/base details aren't so obvious.

Seconding this. I prefer static.

08-12-2015, 02:26 AM
Sorry guys.. "action" for me.. Cole isn't that visually interesting as a character (I mean he's just a normal human with normal clothes)

So static pose can be a bit plain. So my vote goes for "action" pose

08-12-2015, 05:43 AM
Sorry guys.. "action" for me.. Cole isn't that visually interesting as a character (I mean he's just a normal human with normal clothes)

So static pose can be a bit plain. So my vote goes for "action" pose

We could always hope for 2 statues like the bloodborne diorama and hunter so that would please both static and action fans. Of course the hardcore fans would then have to get both :)

08-12-2015, 06:51 AM
Wow! I'm glad to see my question has sparked some discussion. This is as good as it gets, gang. This is where you get heard. ;-)

I'm on the fence here because I like both poses. I agree that Cole isn't as dynamic looking as, say, Batman, but I think the static pose could look cool if we can get the flickering LEDs to look cool. However, action poses are pretty awesome too. The other option is we do a static cover pose for one statue, an later on down the line we do the Festival of Blood Cole jumping over a crypt or something. Lets let a few more people weigh in.

BTW, I appreciate the kind words in your posts. I'm glad you are all enjoying my Collectibles. There are a lot of cool licensed collectible companies out there making PS Collectibles, so I'm honored that you like my stuff as much as theirs. Someone mentioned the other Bloodborne statue. I got a chance to see it at Comic-Con and it is amazing! I'm just happy to be playing in this sand box.

One of the cool things about my job is I can drop teasers on projects that I'm working on (I posted some partial pics of some busts I've been working on in the "naughty dog store" thread...check 'em out before our Marketing Dept makes me pull them). Here's another tease of something I've been working on:


It's not a bust, and its really big!


08-12-2015, 08:31 AM
Ah yes the Festival of Cole is still in the plans. Yup one static and one action works for me. I can choose or I can choose both :lmao:

You are right about many licenses companies doing collectibles. Loving the attention gaming characters are getting in terms of collectibles. When I first started collecting, I was disappointed to see so few games getting collectibles and it was all about Marvel/DC/Star Wars.

Now with so many options, I'm struggling to keep up!

Kratos! Was just wondering the other day how come God of War hasn't been touched in this thread.. You got some competition though with Gaming Heads doing 2 Kratos statues as well!

08-12-2015, 04:55 PM
I saw the one with him on the throne, very impressive. I wasn't aware they were making another.

Mine is a very limited edition and I worked with the development team using the game model, so its about as accurate as you can get. I'm only making 250 of them. I guess he'd be considered 1/4 scale since he's a big dude (26" tall with base) and I made him with mixed media (leather and cloth shirt thingy, metal chains). I'm really proud of him. I started him a couple years ago before the game came out but I didn't have a way to sell him until now.


Ah yes the Festival of Cole is still in the plans. Yup one static and one action works for me. I can choose or I can choose both :lmao:

You are right about many licenses companies doing collectibles. Loving the attention gaming characters are getting in terms of collectibles. When I first started collecting, I was disappointed to see so few games getting collectibles and it was all about Marvel/DC/Star Wars.

Now with so many options, I'm struggling to keep up!

Kratos! Was just wondering the other day how come God of War hasn't been touched in this thread.. You got some competition though with Gaming Heads doing 2 Kratos statues as well!

08-12-2015, 05:20 PM
I saw the one with him on the throne, very impressive. I wasn't aware they were making another.

Mine is a very limited edition and I worked with the development team using the game model, so its about as accurate as you can get. I'm only making 250 of them. I guess he'd be considered 1/4 scale since he's a big dude (26" tall with base) and I made him with mixed media (leather and cloth shirt thingy, metal chains). I'm really proud of him. I started him a couple years ago before the game came out but I didn't have a way to sell him until now.


:nosleep: cant wait to see the final statue Gary!

08-13-2015, 01:12 AM
I saw the one with him on the throne, very impressive. I wasn't aware they were making another.

Mine is a very limited edition and I worked with the development team using the game model, so its about as accurate as you can get. I'm only making 250 of them. I guess he'd be considered 1/4 scale since he's a big dude (26" tall with base) and I made him with mixed media (leather and cloth shirt thingy, metal chains). I'm really proud of him. I started him a couple years ago before the game came out but I didn't have a way to sell him until now.


That's going to look amazing! 249 left for the rest then!

Life Is Prime
08-13-2015, 04:58 AM
Gary Barth,

Your work is utterly remarkable! I confess that I am not a massive PlayStation fan, but the detail in the craftsmanship both you and your team put into these pieces is one worth applauding. It is an honor to have you on these forums and for me to have the opportunity of offering input.

Of what I'd like to see, well, I'd really appreciate more God of War. To support what Dr Jengo has said, in the beginning there wasn't much gaming collectibles to choose from. Sure, I saw Sonic the Hedgehog here and Pokemon there, but it wasn't until NECA's Player Select series that more mature characters were introduced as action figures. The line consisted of either single entries to a franchise (Dante from Dante's Inferno) to multiple entries (COG and Locust from Gears of War). Over the years, DC Direct stepped up with Mass Effect, Resistance, and God of War, and now you can find figures and statues from anywhere (Sideshow Collectibles, Ubicollectibles, etc).

Some of these companies capitalize on the wealth of characters and creatures the licenses have. Others... not so much. For God of War all I've seen is Kratos, repaint Kratos, Hades, Poseidon, and Hercules. With the wealth of Greek mythology at hand, I'm disappointed.

Now... here's my thinking. You mentioned earlier in the thread that you were interested in making busts for the characters in The Order: 1886, and that you would like to tackle each SCEA property, with Uncharted coming first by the looks of it. With God of War, how awesome would it be to have the Olympians reminiscent of Ancient Greek busts, clad in all white? If not all white, then maybe white with gold accents. You could add lights (like the glowing energy of the statues in the multiplayer section of God of War: Ascension), although this would probably compromise the quality of the busts. I just want to create my own Pantheon of the Gods housing Ares, Zeus, Athena, Apollo, and the like. Kratos would also fit in, because fans could display the original God of War or the successor.

Other than the busts, statues of Kratos facing off against the Hydra, a Titan, or the chimera would be neat too. The bust idea in my mind would be a perfect way to condense the series into collectible form, and by making them fair in scale, affordable and not breaking the bank.


Can't wait for the full reveal of your Kratos!

08-13-2015, 07:07 AM
Wow! I am humbled by your kind words. I am lucky enough to have an amazi g team of folks that I work with, so I will accept your kudos on their behalf.

I am really excited to get my version of Kratos out there. I reallyike your idea of doing more of the secondary characters as busts because to do even 1:6 scale versions of full statutes, these would be massive because they are so bulky...and I'd know as I made Medusa, Elephantaur and Cyclops already for an internal display.


Let me see what I can do to incorporate some of your ideas into the new mini-bust line.

Thanks for the input!


Gary Barth,

Your work is utterly remarkable! I confess that I am not a massive PlayStation fan, but the detail in the craftsmanship both you and your team put into these pieces is one worth applauding. It is an honor to have you on these forums and for me to have the opportunity of offering input.

Of what I'd like to see, well, I'd really appreciate more God of War. To support what Dr Jengo has said, in the beginning there wasn't much gaming collectibles to choose from. Sure, I saw Sonic the Hedgehog here and Pokemon there, but it wasn't until NECA's Player Select series that more mature characters were introduced as action figures. The line consisted of either single entries to a franchise (Dante from Dante's Inferno) to multiple entries (COG and Locust from Gears of War). Over the years, DC Direct stepped up with Mass Effect, Resistance, and God of War, and now you can find figures and statues from anywhere (Sideshow Collectibles, Ubicollectibles, etc).

Some of these companies capitalize on the wealth of characters and creatures the licenses have. Others... not so much. For God of War all I've seen is Kratos, repaint Kratos, Hades, Poseidon, and Hercules. With the wealth of Greek mythology at hand, I'm disappointed.

Now... here's my thinking. You mentioned earlier in the thread that you were interested in making busts for the characters in The Order: 1886, and that you would like to tackle each SCEA property, with Uncharted coming first by the looks of it. With God of War, how awesome would it be to have the Olympians reminiscent of Ancient Greek busts, clad in all white? If not all white, then maybe white with gold accents. You could add lights (like the glowing energy of the statues in the multiplayer section of God of War: Ascension), although this would probably compromise the quality of the busts. I just want to create my own Pantheon of the Gods housing Ares, Zeus, Athena, Apollo, and the like. Kratos would also fit in, because fans could display the original God of War or the successor.

Other than the busts, statues of Kratos facing off against the Hydra, a Titan, or the chimera would be neat too. The bust idea in my mind would be a perfect way to condense the series into collectible form, and by making them fair in scale, affordable and not breaking the bank.


Can't wait for the full reveal of your Kratos!

08-14-2015, 04:49 PM

Another addition I would like to add to the discussion would be something from Ni No Kuni. I don't know if there is just not much of an interest or maybe the game has ran its course but I figured it would appeal to more than just one crowd. You have your Playstation fans, Studio Ghibli fans, Ni No Kuni fans and/with a combination of collector fans.

The only collectible I know of other than what was included with the CE are the plushes. Maybe add a diorama, more plushes or statues of a collection (series) of the characters i.e. Keepers of the Stones or the Four Great Sages.

I don't know if a game like this is your style but I would at least like to throw the idea out there even if it does get rejected, lol.

Toasty the Baker
08-14-2015, 09:16 PM
I would like to see lithographs from The Order: 1886. Also will there be any No Man's Sky merch?

Life Is Prime
08-14-2015, 11:29 PM
Wow! I am humbled by your kind words. I am lucky enough to have an amazi g team of folks that I work with, so I will accept your kudos on their behalf.

I am really excited to get my version of Kratos out there. I reallyike your idea of doing more of the secondary characters as busts because to do even 1:6 scale versions of full statutes, these would be massive because they are so bulky...and I'd know as I made Medusa, Elephantaur and Cyclops already for an internal display.


Let me see what I can do to incorporate some of your ideas into the new mini-bust line.

Thanks for the input!



The Elephantaur and the Cyclops are astronomically magnificent! I believe the latter is shielding my eyes from the Medusa in the back, and if I'm wrong, whatever it is, I'm sure it is glorious. How long did it take you to make each? The internal display has to be, without disagreement, astounding!

With so much respect you place into your passion, I am counting the days for Kratos to be unleashed upon the world. A labor of love is meant to be shared with others, so thank you once more, to you and your team, for your contribution to the frenzy that can be the collector world. And thank you again for being so accepting of everyone's ideas including my own. You, sir, have made my day! ^_^

Keep doing what you're doing! It's time I set up a separate savings account!

Life Is Prime
08-14-2015, 11:57 PM
I would like to see lithographs from The Order: 1886. Also will there be any No Man's Sky merch?

Is No Man's Sky exclusive only to PS4 and PC? I ask because there has been much confusion of late whenever a new title is labeled as exclusive. To give a quick rundown:

Rise of the Tomb Raider is timed, with Phil Spencer having mentioned last year after the news at Gamescom that the deal with Square Enix did in fact have a duration. Even the Microsoft presentation at this year's E3, before the news officially broke of a PC and PS4 release, began with "Xbox Exclusive l Holiday 2015."

Firewatch is similar. I have been following the development of the game since the beginning as I am a fan of artist Olly Moss. It was originally arriving to PC, with Sony's later E3 presentation announcing a PS4 release. When I contacted Campo Santo about a future Xbox One release, I was told that the PS4 launch is a console debut.

The head of Xbox has made comment that he wants No Man's Sky, which would require a workaround of the launch parity clause. So, is Hello Games committed to only PS4 and PC? It's not the same situation as with Street Fighter V, which got full funding by Sony. Is it? If it's not, I don't think No Man's Sky merchandise would hit the PlayStation Gear store unless it was promotional items limited only to shows like posters, wristbands, etc.

Exclusive or not, I think with No Man's Sky there could be miniature ship replicas a la Mass Effect's by Dark Horse, or miniature planet dioramas.

08-15-2015, 04:37 AM
The only problem with doing anything on Ni No Kuni is that it's a Namco game, and right now, I am only authorized to make Collectibles based on first party games. However, we are looking at the possibility of expanding the line to include 3rd party games in the future...but lots of discussions have to happen first. ;-)




Another addition I would like to add to the discussion would be something from Ni No Kuni. I don't know if there is just not much of an interest or maybe the game has ran its course but I figured it would appeal to more than just one crowd. You have your Playstation fans, Studio Ghibli fans, Ni No Kuni fans and/with a combination of collector fans.

The only collectible I know of other than what was included with the CE are the plushes. Maybe add a diorama, more plushes or statues of a collection (series) of the characters i.e. Keepers of the Stones or the Four Great Sages.

I don't know if a game like this is your style but I would at least like to throw the idea out there even if it does get rejected, lol.

08-15-2015, 04:46 AM
Thanks! Glad you like them. They now stand in the foyer of our Santa Monica Studios offices. I had custom made cold rolled steel pedastels made for them.





I'm glad you're digging all the pics and behind the scenes tidbits. I work with some great artists and I'm really proud of our little Collectibles line. Lets work together to make some more cool stuff!



The Elephantaur and the Cyclops are astronomically magnificent! I believe the latter is shielding my eyes from the Medusa in the back, and if I'm wrong, whatever it is, I'm sure it is glorious. How long did it take you to make each? The internal display has to be, without disagreement, astounding!

With so much respect you place into your passion, I am counting the days for Kratos to be unleashed upon the world. A labor of love is meant to be shared with others, so thank you once more, to you and your team, for your contribution to the frenzy that can be the collector world. And thank you again for being so accepting of everyone's ideas including my own. You, sir, have made my day! ^_^

Keep doing what you're doing! It's time I set up a separate savings account!

08-15-2015, 04:49 AM
I actually don't have anything to do with the Lithos, but Ryan from Thinkgeek Solutions comes on here from time to time and he can probably answer that.

I would like to see lithographs from The Order: 1886. Also will there be any No Man's Sky merch?

Life Is Prime
08-16-2015, 08:01 PM
Thanks! Glad you like them. They now stand in the foyer of our Santa Monica Studios offices. I had custom made cold rolled steel pedastels made for them.





I'm glad you're digging all the pics and behind the scenes tidbits. I work with some great artists and I'm really proud of our little Collectibles line. Lets work together to make some more cool stuff!


The Gorgon and Cerebus... the displays... SO, SO, BEAUTIFUL!!! Nothing else to say except many, many heartfelt thanks for everything. GREATNESS AWAITS in this line of collectibles! :thumb:

04-20-2016, 06:39 AM
Where's Gary?!

Just saw this.. Shadow of the Beast game being released sometime in May. It's being published by Sony so I think Gary's team are allowed to do this..




Might not be a huge seller but fans of the classic game might be interested. Maybe a smaller-sized statue?

05-19-2016, 06:05 AM
Where's Gary?!

Just saw this.. Shadow of the Beast game being released sometime in May. It's being published by Sony so I think Gary's team are allowed to do this..




Might not be a huge seller but fans of the classic game might be interested. Maybe a smaller-sized statue?
I'm here! Sorry I've been radio silent for awhile. I learned a lot last year and I'm doing a little re-structuring of the business model, re-designing some other projects that I had on the drawing board and hopefully setting up some new distibution channels so other regions can buy our stuff. We're going to try to show early designs to guage interest on products and do a lot more advertising (not enough social media support last year). Basically, we're re-vamping.

Unfortunately, we pushed "pause" on statue development during this little hiatus, so we didn't get a chance to develop anything for Shadow of the Beast, but let me know if you would be interested in a collectible for that or any other SIE title. If there's enough demand, we'll look into making it.


05-19-2016, 11:46 AM
I would really like some more Ratchet & Clank merch, like faceplates, mugs, POP! figures, keychains, notebook, etc...

05-20-2016, 12:25 AM
I'm here! Sorry I've been radio silent for awhile. I learned a lot last year and I'm doing a little re-structuring of the business model, re-designing some other projects that I had on the drawing board and hopefully setting up some new distibution channels so other regions can buy our stuff. We're going to try to show early designs to guage interest on products and do a lot more advertising (not enough social media support last year). Basically, we're re-vamping.

Unfortunately, we pushed "pause" on statue development during this little hiatus, so we didn't get a chance to develop anything for Shadow of the Beast, but let me know if you would be interested in a collectible for that or any other SIE title. If there's enough demand, we'll look into making it.


Great to hear from you once again Gary! Excited to see what's in store for the future.

Yes I would like to see a Shadow of the Beast statue. Maybe even a smaller 10-inch one.